Member of a medical scheme? Know your guaranteed benefits
When children cannot breathe
If your child suffers from asthma or pneumonia,
What are the signs and symptoms of asthma?
know that your medical scheme is obliged to help
The signs and symptoms include:
them breathe.
This edition of CMScript aims to clarify your
at night, or while laughing (where coughing
child's entitlements under the prescribed
may be the only symptom of asthma
minimum benefits (PMBs) for the following
conditions listed in the Medical Schemes Act:
• less energy during play
• an acute (sudden) asthmatic attack;
• complaints of chest tightness or chest
• pneumonia due to the respiratory syncytial
virus (RSV) in persons under the age of
• whistling sound (wheezing) when breathing
• see-saw motions in the chest caused by
• asthma (as a chronic, life-long condition), as
difficult breathing
included in the Chronic Diseases List (CDL)
under the PMBs.
• tightened neck and chest muscles
Although asthma and pneumonia affect both adults
and children, this CMScript focuses on children
younger than three.
What is asthma?
Symptoms can change from one asthma episode to the
Asthma is a condition caused by the next in the same child. But not all wheezing or coughing
inflammation of air passages in the lungs. is caused by asthma. In children younger than five,
the most common cause of asthma-like symptoms
The condition is characterised by repeated attacks is upper respiratory viral infections such as the
of breathlessness and wheezing. The severity and or the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
frequency of attacks varies from one person to the next. What triggers an asthma attack?
"Coughing may be Common triggers of asthma attacks include:
the only symptom of
• viral infections such as flu or RSV
• bacterial infections such as sinus infections
asthma present."
• allergic rhinitis, commonly called "hay fever"
(symptoms which affect mostly the nose
and eyes and which occur when you inhale
something you are allergic to, like dust or
An asthma attack is frequently triggered by
an external factor, including dust and pollen.
• irritants such as pollution, cigarette smoke,
Asthmatic attacks are sudden and unexpected, and
perfume, dust or other chemicals
can be life-threatening in instances where quick-
• allergies such as food and preservatives
relief medicine (inhaled drugs called bronchodilators)
• sudden changes in temperature or humidity
are insufficient to treat the attack. Asthma attacks
• exposure to cold air
which do not respond to treatment with an inhaler
• emotional stress or trauma
are emergencies and must be treated as such.
• exercise (in children this includes playing)
• heartburn (gastro-oesophageal reflux
Asthma can be acute or chronic.
• medication, specifically aspirin or other non-
inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen
Any one of the above can trigger an asthma attack.
How is asthma diagnosed in children?
Children suffering from asthma (and other
Diagnosing asthma in small children is not easy as respiratory infections) may need to see additional
they may not be able to "perform" some of the tests healthcare providers such as a physiotherapist
that may be required. Their persistent coughing and/or and dietician. Physiotherapists assist in the
wheezing may also be the only symptom they exhibit. treatment of the condition and help with the
development of a respiratory exercise plan.
Your doctor may request one or more of the
Dietary advice is required when a food allergy
• lung function test (to see how well your child proves to be one of the triggers of asthma. Certain
food types, such as milk products, may worsen the
• peak flow measurement (the fastest speed at symptoms of a respiratory infection. Correct eating
which your child can exhale)
plans should be developed and reviewed regularly to
ensure that the child gets all the required nutrients.
• skin or blood test for allergies
• arterial blood gas (to determine the pH of the What is pneumonia?
blood, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs (a lower
and oxygen, and the bicarbonate level)
respiratory tract infection) that can be caused
• eosinophil count (a type of white blood cell)
by nearly any class of organism known to cause
infections in humans, including viruses and bacteria.
How is asthma treated?
The prescribed algorithm for asthma may not What are the signs and symptoms on
necessarily always be clinically appropriate for children. pneumonia?
Alternative paediatric management is included in this The signs and symptoms of pneumonia include:
benefit if it is supported by evidence-based medicine,
taking into account cost-effectiveness and affordability.
• the symptoms and signs which are also
The treating provider should create an asthma action
sneezing, sore throat, cough
plan with you. The plan must include advice on how to:
• avoid asthma triggers
• monitor symptoms
• cough with sputum
• use the medicines
• shortness of breath
• handle emergency situations
Two classes of medicine are used to treat asthma:
• long-term control medicine, which prevents
How is pneumonia diagnosed in children?
Your child's doctor may suspect pneumonia if they
• quick-relief medicine, which is also used
examine your child and hear coarse breathing and
cracking noises in the chest, and wheezing. A chest
x-ray may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis.
Long-term control medications must be used on
a regular basis to prevent both symptoms and Sputum samples can be tested for traces of
attacks even when you do not have symptoms. the organisms that cause pneumonia. The
This class of medicine is not used for treatment severity of the condition can be determined
during an attack; quick-relief medicines are using a white blood cell count test.
used to relieve symptoms during an attack.
"Not all wheezing or How is RSV pneumonia treated?
The treatment for pneumonia caused by the
coughing is caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in children under
three is medical management as prescribed by the
PMB Regulations. Medical management includes
medicines, oxygen and ventilation if needed.
What are your child's PMB entitlements?
The same medicines are used to treat adults and Both asthma and pneumonia are included in the PMB
children, but the method of administration may Regulations in the Medical Schemes Act 131 of 1998.
differ. Children may use a nebulizer rather than
an inhaler because they can find it difficult to use Minimum treatment for both is prescribed in the
an inhaler correctly. Children who use an inhaler Diagnosis and Treatment Pairs (DTPs) section of the
should also use a spacer device which helps Act: it is "medical management". Medical management
them to get the medicine into the lungs properly. includes oxygen therapy and ventilation if needed.
In addition to the treatment described in DTPs,
The Communications Unit would like to thank
asthma is also included in the PMB Regulations
Ronelle Smit, Dr Selaelo Mametja, Dr Boshoff
as a chronic disease with a specific medicine
Steenekamp and Annemari van Vuuren for
algorithm. The algorithm only specifies the medicine
making this edition of CMScript possible.
to be used, but the Regulation extends to the
diagnosis, treatment and care of the condition.
Prescribed minimum benefits
Hotline: 0861 123 267
(PMBs) are defined by law.
Fax: 012 430 7644
They are the minimum level of
diagnosis, treatment and care
The clinical information furnished in this article
is intended for information purposes only and
that your medical scheme must
professional medical advice must be sought
cover – and it must pay for your
in all instances where you believe that you
PMB condition/s from its risk pool
may be suffering from a medical condition.
and in full. There are medical
The Council for Medical Schemes is not liable
interventions available over and
for any prejudice in the event of any person
above those prescribed for PMB
choosing to act or rely solely on any information
published in CMScript without having sought
conditions but your scheme may
the necessary professional medical advice.
choose not to pay for them.
A designated service provider
(DSP) is a healthcare provider
(e.g. doctor, pharmacist, hospital)
World Health Organisation (
that is your medical scheme's first
choice when you need treatment
or care for a PMB condition. You
can use a non-DSP voluntarily
or involuntarily but be aware
that when you choose to use
a non-DSP, you may have to
pay a portion of the bill as a co- (
PMBs include 270 serious
health conditions, any emergency
condition and 25 chronic
To access other editions of CMScript please click
diseases; they can be found on
our website by accessing the link
Obtain the medicine list (formulary) of your medical
scheme so that your doctor can prescribe medicine
from this list. This will prevent the scheme from
charging you a co-payment on your asthma medicine.
RICHARD G.M. MORRIS MA, D.Phil, FRSE, FMedSci, CBE, FRS Centre for Cognitive and Neural Systems, School of Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, The University of Edinburgh, 1 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9JZ, United Kingdom. Tel: +44(0) 131 650 3518; Fax: +44(0) 131 651 1835; Mobile: +44 (0) 773 647 7190 27 June 1948; Worthing, England.
Int. J. Cancer: 120, 776–780 (2006)' 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 5a-Reductase type 2 gene variant associations with prostate cancerrisk, circulating hormone levels and androgenetic alopecia Vanessa M. Hayes1,2*#, Gianluca Severi3,4*, Emma J.D. Padilla1, Howard A. Morris5, Wayne D. Tilley5,6,Melissa C. Southey7,8, Dallas R. English3,4, Robert L. Sutherland1,2, John L. Hopper4, Peter Boyle8 and Graham G. Giles3,41Cancer Research Program, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, Australia