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REVIEW ARTICLE Current topical and systemic approaches to treatment of rosacea HC Korting,* C Schöllmann Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany *Correspondence: HC Korting. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Rosacea is a common, often overlooked, chronic facial dermatosis characterized by intermittent periods of exacerbation and remission. Clinical subtypes and grading of the disease have been defined in the literature. On the basis of a genetic predisposition, there are several intrinsic and extrinsic factors possibly correlating with the phenotypic expression of the disease. Although rosacea cannot be cured, there are several recommended treatment strategies appropriate to control the corresponding symptoms/signs. In addition to adequate skin care, these include topical and systemic medications particularly suitable for the papulopustular subtype of rosacea with moderate to severe intensity. The most commonly used and most established therapeutic regimens are topical metronidazole and topical azelaic acid as well as oral doxycycline. Conventionally, 100–200 mg per day have been used. Today also a controlled release formulation is available, delivering 40 mg per day using non-antibiotic, anti-inflammatory activities of the drug. Anti-inflammatory dose doxycycline in particular allows for a safe and effective short- and long-term therapy of rosacea. Topical metronidazole and topical azelaic acid also appear to be safe and effective for short-term use. There are indications that a combined therapy of anti-inflammatory dose doxycycline and topical metronidazole could possibly have synergy effects. Further interesting therapy options for the short- and long-term therapy of rosacea could be low-dose minocycline and isotretinoin; however, too little data are available with regard to the effectiveness, safety, optimal dosage and appropriate length of treatment for these medications to draw final conclusions. Received: 21 December 2007; Accepted 9 December 2008


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An interactive system for finding complementary literatures: a stimulus to scientific discovery Don R. Swanson* & Neil R. Smalheiser† *Division of the Humanities, The University of Chicago 1010 E. 59th St., Chicago, IL 60637 †Department of Pediatrics, MC 5058, The University of Chicago 5841 S. Maryland Ave., Chicago, IL 60637 An unintended consequence of specialization in science is poor communication across

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LEBENSLAUF Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Koehler, MA Akademische Qualifikation APL-Professur an der Universität zu Lübeck 18.02.2013 Verleihung der Bezeichnung „Außerplanmäßiger Professor" der Universität zu Lübeck Lehrauftrag an der Hochschule Fresenius München im Studiengang „Health Economics" 14.03.2011


BY DAVID COIL "I'm going to raid the pharmacy, treat you with tetracycline, and then give you a fungal infection." "Oh yeah, I'm going to give you botulism!" "That's fine because I'm going to give myself a fecal transplant." SHORT VERSION OF THE RULES (FOR PEOPLE WHO DON'T LIKE TO READ) 1. You can only play one Microbe per turn, otherwise play as many cards per turn as you'd like.

Documento descargado de el 10/03/2013. Copia para uso personal, se prohíbe la transmisión de este documento por cualquier medio o formato. Otras patologías esofágicas E. Pérez-Cuadrado y R. Gómez EspínUnidad Asistencial del Aparato Digestivo. Hospital Universitario Morales Meseguer. Murcia. España. - Anillos esofágicos

MIT JUGENDLICHEN (AB SEKUNDARSTUFE)ÜBER DIGITALE MEDIEN REDEN! Internet, Smartphone und Computerspiele: Was Eltern wissen sollten. Herausgeber: Amt für Soziale Dienste (ASD), Kinder- und JugendschutzPostplatz 2, Postfach 63, 9494 SchaanTelefon +423 236 72 Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Karlheinz Sturn, Hansjörg FrickAutorInnen: Cornelia Müller, Christian Rettenberger, Johannes RindererGestaltung: Johannes RindererDruck: Reinold Ospelt AG, VaduzFotos: FotoliaQuellen:,,,,,,,,, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissen-schaften, ESPAD-Studie


SATISFACCION Y PERDIDAS INTERMENSTRUALES CON EL USO CONSECUTIVO DE DISPOSITIVOS INTRAUTERINOS LIBERADORES DE LEVONORGESTREL Helsinki, Finlandia El uso consecutivo de dispositivos intrauterinos liberadores de levonorgestrel se asocia con una reducción de los días de sangrado y pérdidas intermenstruales, y con altos niveles de satisfacción respecto del tratamiento. Human Reproduction 25(6):1423-1427 Jun, 2010 Autores: Heikinheimo O, Inki P, Kunz M, Gemzell-Danielsson G Institución/es participante/s en la investigación: Helsinki University Central Hospital Título original: Predictors of Bleeding and User Satisfaction During Consecutive Use of the Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine System Título en castellano: Predictores de Hemorragia y Satisfacción de las Usuarias Durante el Uso Consecutivo de Dispositivos Intrauterinos Liberadores de Levonorgestrel Extensión del Resumen-SIIC en castellano: 2.64 páginas impresas en papel A4 Introducción El dispositivo intrauterino (DIU) liberador de levonorgestrel (LNG-DIU) se emplea en Finlandia desde 1990, actualmente se comercializa en más de 120 países y es uno de los dispositivos más usados, junto con el DIU con cobre, entre las mujeres europeas. La duración aprobada de uso es de 5 años. Entre aquellas mujeres que usan LNG-DIU, aproximadamente el 25% se encuentra utilizando su segundo dispositivo consecutivo. El uso del LNG-DIU se asocia con una alta tasa de amenorrea, que alcanza el 60%; en un ensayo clínico, este dispositivo mostró una alta tasa de continuidad, y reducción del sangrado o mantenimiento de la amenorrea durante el primer año de uso del dispositivo por segunda vez consecutiva. El uso de LNG-DIU se caracteriza por un patrón de sangrado irregular y pérdidas intermenstruales durante los primeros meses, que posteriormente disminuyen, a la vez que aumenta la tasa de amenorrea. Sin embargo, no se conocen con certeza los factores predictivos de este tipo de patrón de sangrado asociado al LNG-DIU; en un estudio, se determinó que existía una relación entre la presencia de oligomenorrea al cabo de un año de uso de LNG-DIU y factores tales como la duración basal de la menstruación inferior a los cinco días, el uso del dispositivo como método anticonceptivo y no como tratamiento de la menorragia, y la ausencia de menorragia previa. Sin embargo, no se han estudiado los factores que influyen en el patrón de sangrado durante el uso consecutivo de LNG-DIU. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo analizar los factores predictivos del patrón de sangrado durante el primer año de uso de un segundo LNG-DIU, en mujeres que habían empleado el primer LNG-DIU como anticonceptivo o como tratamiento de la menorragia.


ATTRACTING MINING INVESTMENT n Parivodić WHY IS NATIONAL MINING ESSENTIAL Minerals are essential to every industry and every aspect of life In Europe, we need over 3 billion tons of mineral raw materials every year and demand is likely to increase to a least 4 billion tons in the medium term About 70% of EU manufacturing depends on minerals


SK is happy to present the Annual Report for the year 2010. The report endeavors to communicate to the readers the tasks accomplished by the organization over the defined period, the challenges met and Aalso the emerging issues it had to deal with. Needless to say it would not have been possible to achieve many of the goals without the assistance provided by different sections of people. Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation unit of ASK prepared the report by collecting and compiling information from different programmes. All the staff including the Executive Director and members went through the draft and commented upon it. ASK

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DAEU- Cours Sciences de la Nature & de la Vie- Marc Cantaloube pitre 2 : régulation des cycles sexuels chez la femme I – l'aspect de certains organes varie avec le temps 1- Observations directes 2- Observations microscopiques 3- Interactions entre ces organes II – Mise en évidence de l'activité d'hormones ovariennes

Society for Menstrual Cycle Research, 2011 Embodied Consciousness, Informed Choices: Critical Perspectives On the Menstrual Cycle June 2-4, 2011 Chatham University, Pittsburgh, PA Thank you to the following organizations for supporting this conference: Chatham University UPMC – Magee Women's Hospital of UPMC

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Signal Transduction Minocycline Targets the NF-kB Nexus through Suppressionof TGF-b1-TAK1-IkB Signaling in Ovarian Cancer Parvin Ataie-Kachoie1, Samina Badar1,2, David L. Morris1,2, and Mohammad H. Pourgholami2 Substantial evidence supports the critical role of NF-kB in ovarian cancer. Minocycline, a tetracycline, has been shown to exhibit beneficial effects in this malignancy through regulation of a cohort of genes thatoverlap significantly with the NF-kB transcriptome. Here, it was examined whether or not the molecularmechanism could be attributed to modulation of NF-kB signaling using a combination of in vitro and in vivomodels. Minocycline suppressed constitutive NF-kB activation in OVCAR-3 and SKOV-3 ovarian carci-noma cells and was correlated with attenuation of IkBa kinase (IKK) activation, IkBa phosphorylation anddegradation, and p65 phosphorylation and nuclear translocation. The inhibition of IKK was found to beassociated with suppression of TGF-b-activated-kinase-1 (TAK1) activation and its dissociation from TAK1-binding-protein-1 (TAB1), an indispensable functional mediator between TGF-b and TAK1. Further studiesdemonstrated that minocycline downregulated TGF-b1 expression. Enforced TGF-b1 expression inducedNF-kB activity, and minocycline rescued this effect. Consistent with this finding, TGF-b1 knockdownsuppressed NF-kB activation and abrogated the inhibitory effect of minocycline on this transcription factor.These results suggest that the minocycline-induced suppression of NF-kB activity is mediated, in part,through inhibition of TGF-b1. Furthermore, the influence of minocycline on NF-kB pathway activation wasexamined in female nude mice harboring intraperitoneal OVCAR-3 tumors. Both acute and chronicadministration of minocycline led to suppression of p65 phosphorylation and nuclear translocationaccompanied by downregulation of NF-kB activity and endogenous protein levels of its target gene products.These data reveal the therapeutic potential of minocycline as an agent targeting the pro-oncogenic TGF-b–NF-kB axis in ovarian cancer.

SINEMET® & SINEMET® CR PRESCRIBING INFORMATION Refer to Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) before prescribing Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at . Adverse events should also be reported to MSD (tel: 01992 467272). PRESENTATION

Pii: s0140673684918166

Saturday 16 June 1984 UNIDENTIFIED CURVED Patients and Methods All patients referred for gastroscopy on clinical grounds were BARRY J. MARSHALL eligible for the study which continued until there were 100participants who gave informed consent and in whom biopsy was Departments of Gastroenterology and Pathology, considered to be safe. The study was approved by our hospital's

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The Open Clinical Chemistry Journal, 2009, 2, 7-11 7 Open Access Improvement of Phencyclidine-Induced Cognitive Deficits in Mice by Subsequent Subchronic Administration of Fluvoxamine, but not Sertraline Tamaki Ishima1, Yuko Fujita1, Mami Kohno1, Shinsui Kunitachi1, Mao Horio1, Yuto Takatsu1, Takahiko Minase1, Yuko Tanibuchi1,2, Hiroko Hagiwara1,2, Masaomi Iyo2 and Kenji Hashimoto1,*

EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM A Healthy 240-314-1040 • FAX 24 1049 • ww Outlook! • Vol.5 No.3 How to Create a Positive Work EnvironmentWe have all worked in places where we Skill #2: Show Interest in Your

Investment chapter

CUSTOMS REGULATIONS AND BORDER MEASURES IMPACT ON ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE GENERIC MEDICINES Briefing document, April 2011 The establishment of a precedent on border measures for IP enforcement: The EC Customs Regulations1 that allow European customs officials to detain generic medicines at transit points (ports and airports) were already in place in 2003.

For our members Preventive Care MedicationsTraditional Prescription Drug List (PDL)1,2,3 $0 Cost-share Medications & ProductsU.S. Preventive Services Task Force A & B Recommendation Medications and SupplementsThese medications and supplements will be covered at $0 cost-share when:  Prescribed by a health care professional  Age and/or gender appropriate  Filled at a network pharmacy Most medications are available over-the-counter (OTC) except for prescription fluoride. All brands are

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First Edition 2007 CROHN'S DISEASE & ULCERATIVE COLITIS INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE (IBD) If you have recently been told you have What causes ulcerative colitis and inflamatory bowel disease (IBD) there are probably many questions running through your Despite a great deal of research, the precise mind. We hope this leaflet will help you

RIASSUNTO DELLE CARATTERISTICHE DEL PRODOTTO aumentata dopo l'espansione della volemia. In alcuni pazienti affetti da insufficienza cardiaca con pressione arteriosa normale o ridotta, la 1. DENOMINAZIONE DEL MEDICINALE Zanipril 20 mg/20 mg compresse somministrazione di enalapril può provocare un'ulteriore riduzione della rivestite con film.

Edition 1 Monash College magazine C A window into student life at Monash College Celebrating diversity Developing future leaders Weekend fun in Melbourne Explore how students from more than 100 Monash College has a range of leadership Students nominate their favourite things to do in Melbourne on countries embrace diversity and learn from


Conférence de consensus sur l'hypertension portale Les Conférences de Consensus © SNFGE, 2004 COMPLICATIONS DE L'HYPERTENSION PORTALE CHEZ L'ADULTE TEXTE LONG - Paris, 4 et 5 décembre 2003 QUESTIONS POSEES AU JURY Question 1 : Comment traiter une hémorragie aiguë par rupture de varices oesophagiennes ? Question 2 : Que doit-on faire pour prévenir les hémorragies par rupture de varices oesophagiennes ?

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Estás de corazón Red Hispanoportuguesa de Espiritualidad Apostólica Marista A la memoria de Servando, Julio, Miguel Angel y Fernando que con su gesto de entrega total a los más pobres, hasta llegar al martirio, nos enseñaron cómo se unifica la vida en el amor, cómo se adora y sirve a Dios en la vida cotidiana y cómo ésta se hace presente

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Reviews and Overviews Psychobiological Mechanisms of Resilience and Vulnerability: Implications for Successful Adaptation to Extreme Stress Dennis S. Charney, M.D. Objective: Most research on the effects ience or vulnerability. The neural mecha- of severe psychological stress has focused nisms of reward and motivation (hedonia,


1ASSAY TECHNOLOGIES Anuradha RoyDel Shankel Structural Biology Center, High Throughput Screening Laboratory, Lawrence, Kansas Gerald H. LushingtonMolecular Graphics and Modeling Laboratory, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas; LiS Consulting, Lawrence, Kansas James McGee Quantitative Biology, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana

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Pediatric Pain and Symptom Management Guidelines Dana Farber Cancer Institute/Boston Children's Hospital Pediatric Advanced Care Team Julie Hauer, MD, Janet Duncan, PNP, Bridget Fowler Scullion, Pharm D Prepared by Julie Hauer, MD Revised 2014 Copyright  2014, Julie Hauer. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.

Practice Problems for Test II Penicillin study. A biomedical research firm developed a new penicillin manufacturing process, and offered our company an exclusive right to use their method. The research firm provided us with their report. The penicillin yield (unit/mg) were measured for seven types of base blend (B1 to B7) to produce penicillin (see the box plots below). Method I and II refer respectively to the current method and the new method developed by the research firm.


Addition of Rituximabto Fludarabine andCyclophosphamide in Patientswith CLL: A Randomized,Open-Label, Phase III Trial Hallek M et al. > In patients with CLL, the low expression of CD20 antigen on the leukemic cells (Blood 2001;98:3383) and poor responserates have raised concern regarding the clinical benefits of Rin this particular setting (Blood 2001;98:1326).

2010 Announcement Issue Volume 11, Issue 1, April 2010 Awards Gala Announcement! Hold The Date: September 17th, 2010, Ottawa The Ernest C. Manning Awards Foundation is excited to announce that the 2010 National Awards Gala will take place on Friday, September 17th at the Westin Ottawa, with Foundation Trustee Preston Manning and the Honourable Pamela Wallin as Honourary Co-Chairs. Please join us for an evening of celebration and recognition of our country's best innovators.

Impotencia y viagras naturales

Impotencia, libido y viagras naturales Antolin de la torre Artículo publicado en la revista Verdemente y en Diario Liberal Impotencia, libido y viagras naturales. Antolin de la Torre El problema que abordamos hoy, delicado por ese falso "ego" que poseemos especialmente el sexo mas-culino, no por ser tomado muchas veces en su aspecto frívolo y a veces jocoso, deja de ser muy impor-

Sistema de Composición Corporal Fit Fit Reset Clnsng Bev Tropical Shrnk Slv 95% de todas las dietas fallan. A quí está tu oportunidad de ser parte de un 5 por ciento cool gray 7 pms 1505 pms 173 .white Fit es un enfoque inteligente y saludable para la perdida de grasa al combinar poderosos bioactivos a base de productos con una nutrición balanceada y con ejercicio. Esta científicamente diseñado y probado para ayudar a optimizar tu composición corporal mediante la limpieza de tu cuerpo mientras

Drug Therapies There are many prescription drugs available to treat MS. There are disease modifying drugs that affect the long-term course of MS and other medications to treat a particular symptom. Disease Modifying Treatments (DMTs) There are number of disease-modifying treatments (DMTs) which can reduce the frequency and severity of clinical relapses. The National Institution for Care Excellence (NICE) published guidelines in October 2014 for the management of multiple sclerosis. In these guidelines a relapse can be diagnosed by a GP or neurologist if: The person with MS has developed new symptoms or has a worsening of existing symptoms, and these symptoms have lasted for more than 24 hours in the absence of infection of any other cause after a stable period of a least 1 month. The following DMTs are available for treatment of relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis, CIS andwho are still experiencing relapses, and where these relapses are the predominant cause of their increasing disability :- Avonex - a weekly injection into the muscle.

Organic Anion Transporter 3 Contributes to theRegulation of Blood Pressure Volker Vallon,*†‡ Satish A. Eraly,* William R. Wikoff,§ Timo Rieg,*‡ Gregory Kaler,*David M. Truong,* Sun-Young Ahn,* Nitish R. Mahapatra,* Sushil K. Mahata,*‡Jon A. Gangoiti,储 Wei Wu,* Bruce A. Barshop,储 Gary Siuzdak,§ and Sanjay K. Nigam*储¶ Departments of *Medicine, †Pharmacology, 储Pediatrics, and ¶Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University ofCalifornia, San Diego, ‡Department of Medicine, San Diego VA Healthcare System, and §Department of MolecularBiology and the Center for Mass Spectrometry, Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California


HPSC3023 - HPPP History & Philosophy of Psychology and Psychiatry Semester 1, 2012 Unit co-ordinator & Lecturer Lecturer A/Prof. Hans Pols Dr Fiona J. Hibberd Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: 9351 3610 Phone: 9351 2867 Office: Carslaw 435 Office: Brennan MacCallum 451

helping families & friends find better ways Psychiatric medications finding the appropriate medication and • possible side effects and what should The experience of mental illness can have dosage, and in talking through concerns be done if they occur; a profound impact upon people's work, about side effects. • how long will it be necessary to take the family and social lives, as well as on

Analysis of carbohydrates and glycoconjugates by matrixassisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry: an update for the period 20052006

ANALYSIS OF CARBOHYDRATES AND GLYCOCONJUGATESBY MATRIX-ASSISTED LASER DESORPTION/IONIZATION MASSSPECTROMETRY: AN UPDATE FOR THE PERIOD 2005–2006 David J. Harvey*Department of Biochemistry, Oxford Glycobiology Institute,University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3QU, UK Received 01 December 2008; received (revised) 26 June 2009; accepted 13 July 2009 Published online 10 March 2010 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/mas.20265

Exigimos Igual Respeto a los Tratados Mapuche Celebrados con el Estado de Chile. EL RESPETO A LOS TRATADOS INTERNACIONALES Y EL FALLO DE LA HAYA. Por Aucan Huilcaman Paillama. Egresado en Derecho. Encargado Relaciones Internacionales-Consejo de Todas las Tierras. Resultan muy destacables las declaraciones del presidente Sebastián Piñera Echeñique, en cuanto al pleno respeto a los Tratados celebrados con la comunidad Internacional y en especial con los acuerdos celebrados con el Perú y del mismo modo su decisión del respeto y cumplimiento del Fallo que emitirá la Corte Internacional de Justicia CIJ de la Haya. Bajo el mismo principio de la igualdad los Mapuche exigimos el respeto por los Tratados/Parlamentos celebrados con el Estado Chileno y muy especialmente aquel que la historia lo identifica como Tratado de Tapihue celebrado en el mes de enero 1825 y que últimamente ha sido reconocido por parte del derecho internacional.


Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference August 15-18, 2010, Montreal, Quebec, Canada SYMBOLIC MATH-BASED BATTERY MODELING FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLE SIMULATION Aden N. Seaman John McPhee Department of Systems Design Engineering


SUORE MINIME DELL'ADDOLORATAVia C. Tambroni, 13 - 40137 Bologna - Tel. 051 341755-342624 POSTE ITALIANE S.P.A. - SPED. ABB. POST. D.L. 353/2003 (CONV. IN L. 27/02/2004 N. 46)ART. 1, COMMA 2, DCB - BO - ANNO XLVII - PUBB. INF. 50% - STAMPA: DIGI GRAF - BOLOGNA Giornata mondiale della pace Nel Messaggio per la XLVII Giornata Mondiale della pace,

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I QUADERNI DEL MASTER Ex OSP2 e Farmacia di Comunità I necessari approfondimenti per dispensare consapevolmente medicinali innovativi Università degli Studi Ordine dei Farmacisti di Torino della Provincia di Torino Con il patrocinio di: FEDERFARMA I QUADERNI DEL MASTER Ex OSP2 e Farmacia di Comunità

Mn touch screen spec data

MicroNet Touch Screen Display The I/A Series MicroNet Touch Screen Display (Touch Screen) is a graphical LCD display that allows a user to view and configure parameters, and view parameter values, for multiple controllers on a network. There are models designed to work on L Topology, NCP, or ARCNET communications networks, and wall-mount and panel-mount versions are available for each network type. A Touch Screen is cable-connected directly to a compatible network. Controller parameters can

Discovery News for Discovery Health members Discovery's Average Annual Increase for 2013: 10.9% September 2012 This email is written by an Contribution increases range from 11.9% on Executive, Comprehensive, independent commentator and not Priority, and Coastal plans, to 9.8% on Classic and Essential Saver, by Discovery Health. Any Discovery


Journal of the American College of Cardiology Vol. 46, No. 1, 2005 © 2005 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation ISSN 0735-1097/05/$30.00 Published by Elsevier Inc. ACCF COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE EXPERT CONSENSUS DOCUMENT Integrating ComplementaryMedicine Into Cardiovascular Medicine A Report of the American College of Cardiology FoundationTask Force on Clinical Expert Consensus Documents(Writing Committee to Develop an Expert ConsensusDocument on Complementary and Integrative Medicine)

Powerpoint presentation

PREVENCION E INTERVENCION CONTRA EL ACOSO ESCOLAR Capacitación del Empleado de la Corporación Escolar sobre la PrevenciónFuente: Departamento de Educación de Indiana Según la Asociación Nacional de Psicólogos Escolares, 160,000 estudiantes por día faltan a la escuela cada día a causa del acoso escolar (bullying) (Fried & Fried, 2003).

Cervical insulinlike growth factor binding protein1 (igfbp1) to predict spontaneous onset of labor and induction to delivery interval in postterm pregnancy

Cervical insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1(IGFBP-1) to predict spontaneous onset of labor andinduction to delivery interval in post-term pregnancy OGL1,2, EIRIK SKOGVOLL3,4 & RUNA HEIMSTAD2,5 1Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Levanger Hospital, Health Trust Nord-Trøndelag, 2Department of Obstetrics,3Anaesthesiology and Emergency Medicine, St. Olav University Hospital Trondheim, 4Institute of Cancer research andMolecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, and 5Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Children's and Women's Health, NorwegianUniversity of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway

Current Treatment Options for Community-AcquiredMethicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Infection Robert C. Moellering, Jr. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts During the past decade, there has been a marked increase in the prevalence of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection in the United States and elsewhere. The most common such infectionsare those involving the skin and skin structures. Although a number of these lesions (including small furunclesand abscesses) respond well to surgical incision and drainage, oral antimicrobial agents are commonly usedto treat these infections in outpatients. Unfortunately, with the exception of linezolid, none of the agentspresently being used in this fashion has been subjected to rigorous clinical trial. Thus, current therapy isbased largely on anecdotal evidence. For more-serious infections requiring hospitalization, parenteral anti-microbials such as vancomycin, teicoplanin, daptomycin, linezolid, and tigecycline are presently available andhave demonstrated effectiveness in randomized, prospective, double-blind trials.

THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 279, No. 53, Issue of December 31, pp. 55833–55839, 2004 © 2004 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Hyperphosphorylation and Aggregation of Tau in ExperimentalAutoimmune Encephalomyelitis* Received for publication, August 30, 2004, and in revised form, October 6, 2004

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Wrist Watch Blood Pressure MonitorInstruction manual Tensiomètre Automatique PoignetMode d'emploi Tensiómetro de MuñecaManual de instrucciones Monitor de Pressão Arterial de PulsoManual de instruções Wrist Watch Blood Pressure MonitorInstruction manual Table of contents 1.1. Features of the WW 1YB-31.2. Important information about self-measurement Important information on the subject of blood-pressure and its measurement



MIND: Modality Independent Neighbourhood Descriptor for Multi-Modal Deformable Mattias P. Heinricha,b,∗, Mark Jenkinsonb, Manav Bhushana,b, Tahreema Matind, Fergus V. Gleesond, Sir Michael Bradyc, Julia A. Schnabela aInstitute of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK bOxford University Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain, UK

Medical Technology SA Volume 25 No. 1 June 2011 Peer reviewed rEviEW PATHOGENESIS AND FUTURE TREATMENTS OF SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS: THE ROLE OF CYTOKINES AND ANTI-CYTOKINES?W. J. MauleUniversity of Johannesburg, Department of Biomedical Technology, Faculty of Health Sciences, South [email protected] tel: +27 (0)11 559 6265 fax: +27 (0)11 559 6558

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