Ogni antibiotico è efficace in relazione a un determinato gruppo di microrganismi comprare biaxin online in italiain caso di infezioni oculari vengono scelte gocce ed unguenti.

"S" - No Medical Care:


NOTICE OF MEETING The Forty Third Annual General Meeting Of Members Will Be Held On Monday, 12 December 2011 At 5.15 pm at Deloitte, Level 13, Otago House, 481 Moray Place, Dunedin Members, and all interested in the work and objects of the Foundation, are invited to attend. All current grant recipients have been invited to attend the meeting.


UV Wide-Format Printing: How quality, turnaround time and versatility create uniquely profitable opportunities White Paper Series Table of Contents Digital wide-format graphics printing–inkjet imaging on When companies become more proactive about expanding printers above 24 inches wide–is not a new development their offerings, they often find the value wide-format printing


J Med Humanit (2014) 35:257–271DOI 10.1007/s10912-014-9293-5 The Icarus Project: A Counter Narrative for PsychicDiversity Sascha Altman DuBrul Published online: 17 July 2014# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014 Abstract Over the past 12 years, I've had the good fortune of collaborating with others tocreate a project which challenges and complicates the dominant biopsychiatric model ofmental illness. The Icarus Project, founded in 2002, not only critiqued the terms and practicescentral to the biopsychiatric model, it also inspired a new language and a new community forpeople struggling with mental health issues in the 21st century. The Icarus Project believes thathumans are meaning makers, that meaning is created through developing intrapersonal andinterpersonal narratives, and that these narratives are important sites of creativity, struggle, andgrowth. The Icarus counter narrative and the community it fostered has been invaluable forpeople around the world dealing with psychic diversity—particularly for people alienated bymainstream approaches. But, despite the numbers of people who have been inspired by thisapproach, the historical background of the Icarus Project is hard to find. It exists primarily inoral history, newspaper articles, unpublished or self-published Icarus documents, and ininternet discussion forums. As the co-founder of the Icarus Project, I use this article to makemy understanding of that history and its key documents more widely available.

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Das tuberkuline Miasma - die Tuberkulinie Themen, Symptome und Symbole der Tuberkulinie • Abwechslung, V.n. Die Tuberkulinie muss immer etwas Neues haben und machen. • Armut. Tuberkuline Menschen haben in ihrem Leben oft eine Zeit grosser Armut kennengelernt. (DD. Psora) • Ausdauer, mangelnde. 90 % der Wegstrecke schafft der tuberkuline Mensch wie von selbst, aber auf den letzten 10 % verlässt ihn die Kraft und er benötigt Unterstützung von anderen. • Avantgarde. Die Avantgarde in den Künsten ist ohne die Hilfestellungen der Tuberkulinie nicht denkbar. • Berge, alpiner Raum. Der Aufenthalt im alpinen Raum bessert die Beschwerden der Tuberkulinie. (DD. Syph.) • „Born to be wild". Die Tuberkulinie widersetzt sich den gesellschaftlichen Normen, Regeln und Zwängen. • Drogen: - Amphetamine, »Speed«. - Coffein (Guarana, Kaffee) - Kokain • Emigration, Migration, Exil, Fremd-Sein. Die Tuberkulinie ist das Miasma des Exils, sie ist eine Begleiterin der Fremden. Wer sich dauerhaft fremd fühlt; - auf der Erde, in seiner Gegend, in der Gesellschaft, in seiner Familie, entwickelt Symptome der Tuberkulinie. Historiker vermuten, dass die Besiedlung des amerikanischen Westens in direktem Zusammenhang mit der Tuberkulose steht. Man schätzt, dass um 1900 ein Viertel der Emigranten in Kalifornien, auf der Suche nach Heilung von der TBC (und anderen Krankheiten) in den »Sunshine-State« (oder »den heißen Ofen« = »California« = aus dem spanischen La Caliente Fornella) gekommen waren.Vermeulen Modalität: Wärme > • Exkarnation. • Euphorisch, optimistisch • Farben: - Blau. Die Farbe der Tuberkulinie ist Blau. Diese Farbzugehörigkeit findet Bestätigung in der Farbskala von Hugbald Müller, der jahrelang die Farbvorlieben seiner Patienten studierte und dabei entdeckte, dass Patienten, welche dasselbe Mittel benötigten, interessanterweise auch dieselben Farben auswählten. Bei der Berührung der Tuberkulinie mit dem Gelb der Sykose entsteht Grün als Mischfarbe. - Rosa. Das Sputum der Tuberkulosekranken erhält durch die blutigen Beimengungen eine rosa Färbung. • „Fieberhaftes" Arbeiten und Leben. • Flucht, fliehen. Das bevorzugte Mittel zur Lösung von Konflikten ist in der Tuberkulinie die Flucht. Dabei ist es wichtig zu verstehen, dass der Flucht als Mittel der Konfliktlösung hier nichts Negatives anhaftet, wie das von psychologisierenden Kreisen oft behauptet wird. Das Gegenteil von dem, was sich der Psychologe am Kopfende der Couch ausgedacht hat ist richtig: Es ist ausgesprochen vernünftig zu fliehen, bevor einem eine Situation umbringt. • Flüchtlinge. Flüchtlinge und Vertriebene sind besonders durch TBC gefährdet.WHO: Stop TB Initiative nach Vermeulen • Furcht - Armut (aber auch völlige Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber materiellen Dingen) - Tiere: Hunde, Katzen, Pferde (aber auch tierliebend) • Furchtlosigkeit. Eine beeindruckende Unbekümmertheit gegenüber bedrohlichen Situationen. • Gefangenschaft <, fühlt sich schnell gefangen. Die Rate der Erkrankungen an TBC ist in Gefängnissen überdurchschnittlich hoch. • Hilfe, Hilfestellung für andere Menschen. Der Homöopath Boocock träumte während der Prüfung von Bacillinum, dass er während einer Diphtherie-Epidemie eine grosse Zahl von Patienten versorgen musste. Er erwachte verschiedene Male und träumte, nachdem er wieder eingeschlafen war, immer denselben Traum weiter. Ein zentrales Thema in der Prüfung von Sankaran war: Menschen in Gefahr Hilfe zu leisten. • Hoffnung vs. Hoffnungslosigkeit • Höhle, Hohlorgane, Kavernen. Der tuberkuline Patient neigt dazu, sich in Höhlen einzurichten. Die Kavernenbildung, der im Inneren der befallenen Organe entstehende Hohlraum, ist typisch für die Tuberkulinie. Die Tuberkulinie hat eine große Affinität zu den Hohlraum-Organsystemen des menschlichen Körpers, weil sie den Gestaltungskräften der Tuberkulinie am ähnlichsten sind: Die Lunge, das Mittelohr, der Darm, die Gallenblase, die Niere, die porösen Anteile der Knochen, das Gefäßsystem, das Herz, die Gehirnventrikel. Alles, was Hohlraum-Organsystem ist, ist von grosser Anziehungskraft für die Tuberkulinie. Das bevorzugte Habitat der Tuberkulinie ist jedoch die Lunge. • Intensität. Die Kerze des Lebens wird an beiden Enden angezündet. „Live fast, love hard, die young". • Kachexie, „Auszehrung", „Schwindsucht". In der Tuberkulinie verliert der Mensch seinen Körper. Der tuberkuline Patient ist oft sehr abgemagert. (DD. Parasitose.) • Kälte, Frösteligkeit • Kreativität. Die Tuberkulose geht mit Schüben von ungewöhnlicher Kreativität und Schaffenskraft einher.




Liechtensteiner Vaterland Mittwoch, 3. September 2014 21 FUSSBALLFRAUEN 2. LIGA, GRUPPE 1 Vaduzer U23-Team trifft Münsterlingen – Linth 04 auswärts auf Diepoldsau Ebnat-Kappel – Triesen-Balzers Wittenbach – Thusis-Cazis FUSSBALL. Heute Abend, um 20 Eschenbach – Weinfelden-B. Uhr, trifft das Vaduzer U23-Team

Microsoft word - sds -slay dry spray insecticide.docx

SAFETY DATA SHEET SLAY DRY SPRAY INSECTICIDE Public Health Insecticide for Flying & Crawling Insects 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE MATERIAL AND THE MANUFACTURER SLAY DRY SPRAY (LOW IRRITANT) INSECTICIDE Product Name Automatic Dispenser Refill Aerosols 300 ml & 500 mlMulti Shot Aerosol 550 ml Arandee Industries Ltd

Manual for interconnection of rooftop pv-systems in the philippines

MANUAL FOR INTERCONNECTION Report for supporting the interconnection of rooftop-PV systems in the Philippines MANUAL FOR INTERCONNECTION Moeller & Poeller Engineering (M.P.E.) GmbH Europaplatz 5 72072 Tübingen, Germany Web: www.moellerpoeller.de Version: 12 August 2013 Publisher Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH On behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi)

Pone.0010914 1.9

Design of Group IIA Secreted/Synovial Phospholipase A2Inhibitors: An Oxadiazolone Derivative SuppressesChondrocyte Prostaglandin E2 Secretion Jean-Edouard Ombetta1., Natacha Thelier2., Chang Zhi Dong3, Ste´phanie Plocki3, Lydia Tsagris2, Franc¸ois Rannou2,4, France Massicot5, Atime´ Djimde´3, Elissar El-Hayek2, Yiming Shi3, Franc¸oise Heymans3, Nohad Gresh6, Caroline Chauvet2*

Microsoft word - extranet unverbindliche empfehlungen der fkh 2008 französisch.doc

Schweizerischer Versicherungsverband Association Suisse d'Assurances Associazione Svizzera d'Assicurazioni Recommandation non obligatoire de la Assurance responsabilité civile d'entreprise: extension de la couverture aux produits exportés aux Etats-Unis/Canada Les compagnies sont libres de s'écarter de ces recommandations. Schweizerischer Versicherungsverband SVV C. F. Meyer-Strasse 14 Postfach 4288 CH-8022 Zürich Zentrale +41 (44) 208 28 28 Fax +41 (44) 208 28 00 www.svv.ch http://extranet.svv.ch


19 May 2014 - 25 May 2014 Published by the STCE - this issue : 28 May 2014. Availableonline at http://www.stce.be/newsletter/ . The Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence (STCE) is acollaborative network of the Belgian Institute for SpaceAeronomy, the Royal Observatory of Belgium and the RoyalMeteorological Institute of Belgium. 1. 2014 STCE update - June 12


DIGITAL MICROFLAT "N" SERIES APPLICATION The microcontroller-based controllers of the DIGITAL MICROFLAT D(M/E)N. DT(M/E)N. "N" series are specifically designed to control gas atmospheric burners (with or without fan in the combustion circuit) or oil D(M/E)NO. DT(M/E)NO. atmospheric burners in non-permanent operation applications. These systems are provided with non-volatile or volatile lockout, in

Persistent port-a-cath&reg;-related fistula and fibrosis in a breast cancer patient successfully treated with local ozone application

Vol. 43 No. 2 February 2012 Polly E. Kintzel, PharmD Department of PharmacySpectrum Health Fistula and Fibrosis in a Breast Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA Cancer Patient Successfully Treated John A. Mulder, MD With Local Ozone Application Medical AffairsFaith HospiceGrand Rapids, Michigan, USA Persistent and delayed healing of fistulae and local infection in previously irradiatedareas can increase the risk of systemic compli-cations and complicated clinical management.

Mental illness

SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION OF INSTITUTIONAL DENTISTS — Self-Study Course Module 9 CLINICAL CONCERNS IN DENTAL CARE FOR PERSONS WITH MENTAL ILLNESS Purpose of this Module The information presented in this module is intended to provide the institutional dental staff with a compre- hensive discussion of oral health care for persons with mental illness in institutional settings as well as thechallenges faced by the dental profession treating these persons in outpatient settings.


Clinical Review & Education 2014 Evidence-Based Guideline for the Managementof High Blood Pressure in AdultsReport From the Panel Members Appointedto the Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8) Paul A. James, MD; Suzanne Oparil, MD; Barry L. Carter, PharmD; William C. Cushman, MD;Cheryl Dennison-Himmelfarb, RN, ANP, PhD; Joel Handler, MD; Daniel T. Lackland, DrPH;Michael L. LeFevre, MD, MSPH; Thomas D. MacKenzie, MD, MSPH; Olugbenga Ogedegbe, MD, MPH, MS;Sidney C. Smith Jr, MD; Laura P. Svetkey, MD, MHS; Sandra J. Taler, MD; Raymond R. Townsend, MD;Jackson T. Wright Jr, MD, PhD; Andrew S. Narva, MD; Eduardo Ortiz, MD, MPH

Oms: protocolo de tratamiento de la hta 1999

OMS: Protocolo de tratamiento de la HTA 1999 Protocolo de Tratamiento de la Hipertensión de la Organización Mundialde la Salud-Sociedad Internacional de Hipertensión 1999 Título reducido: Protocolo de Tratamiento de la Hipertensión 1999 Cita bibliográfica: Chalmers J et al. WHO-ISH Hypertension Guidelines Committee. 1999 World Health Organization-International Society of HypertensionGuidelines for the Management of Hypertension. J Hypertens, 1999, 17:151-185.

Microsoft word - spanyol_nyelv_emelt_irasbeli_0621h.doc

SPANYOL NYELV EMELT SZINTŰ ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGA 2006. november 2. 8:00 2006. november 2. I. Olvasott szöveg értése Időtartam: 70 perc Pótlapok száma Tisztázati Piszkozati OKTATÁSI ÉS KULTURÁLIS ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA emelt szint — írásbeli vizsga 0621 I. Olvasott szöveg értése


Måndag 21/9 kl 14:00–15:30 Abdominal perfusion assessment using Diffusion Weighted Imaging Magnetic Resonance. Moderatorer: Karin Björnström, Ulrik Sartipy Silvia Marchesi MD, Aki Hata MD, Francisco Ortiz-Nieto MS, Anders Larsson PhD, Göran Hedenstierna PhD Hemodynamic, metabolic and end-organ effects


R E G L A M E N T O REGLAMENTO DE CONTROL DE DOPAJE II. Violaciones del reglamento contra el dopaje III. Prueba de dopaje 1. Carga y medios probatorios 2. Métodos para establecer hechos y presunciones IV. Organización de los controles de dopaje 1. Disposiciones administrativas 2. Obligaciones de Clubes y de los jugadores 3. Procedimiento del control de dopaje para las muestras de orina

(28805 225 einleger vitalizer_3.ai - sissel_vitalyzor.pdf)

of one foot and floor. Apply pressure down into the SSISSEL® Fascia of t he back. Vitalyzor and roll through the foot's arch to hit the full length of Place the SISSEL® Vitalyzor between wall the plantar fascia. or door frame and back of shoulder. Elbow is bent and arm is moved throughout range of motion.Variation: Slowly roll down, by bending knees and then roll


Fragile X Syndrome First described Martin & Bell (1943): families with sex-linked inheritance for learning difficulties & characteristic physical features. Lubs (1969) identified the chromosome fragile site just above the tip of the X chromosome's long arm. Sutherland (1977) confirmed the importance of a folate-deficient culture in revealing the site. Verkerk et al. (1991) described the multiple CGG repeat sequence at Xq27.3 producing local hyper-methylation and impaired protein synthesis of FMRP. This protein is an RNA binding protein that transports mRNAs to the synapse and typically inhibits translation. The lack or deficiency of FMRP in fragile X syndrome causes enhanced transcription of many proteins important for synaptic plasticity. FMRP regulates the translation of hundreds of proteins many of which are important for synaptic plasticity and are associated with autism. Fragile X syndrome is the most common inherited cause of intellectual disability and the most common single gene cause of autism. Therefore all individuals with intellectual disability or autism should have fragile X DNA testing if the etiology is unknown. In fragile X syndrome there is enhanced metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) activity leading to enhanced long term depression (LTD). There is also down-regulation of the GABA system and dysregulation of the dopamine system. Targeted treatments have been developed to reverse the neurobiological abnormalities of fragile X syndrome and are currently being studied in patients with fragile X syndrome.


PRESCRIBING GUIDELINES FOR SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT IN THE DYING PATIENT This guidance has been developed as a tool to support safe and effective prescribing of medication that al eviates the common symptoms that occur in the dying patient. 2. Nausea and Vomiting 4. Respiratory Tract Secretions Most patients who are dying will experience one or more of these symptoms and will require


De la Sociedad de Reumatológía de la comunidad de Madrid Eficacia clínica y seguridad a largo plazo (hasta 7 años)(1) Remisión clínica (DAS28 < 2,6) a los 2 años en aproximadamente el 50% de los pacientes(2) Eficacia clínica en fracaso previo a FAME convencionales y/o antagonistas del TNF-a(3,4,5)

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5'-tetramethyl-benzidine and buffered organic peroxide. The resulting colors range from orange to yellow-green and dark green. Very high blood concentration may cause the color development to continue to dark blue. pH: This test is based on the well known double pH indicator method, where bromothymol blue and methyl red give distinguishable colors over the pH range of 5-9. The colors range

Management of menorrhagia

Management of Menorrhagia CLINICAL PRACTICE Management of Menorrhagia MINISTRY OF HEALTH MALAYSIA ACADEMY OF MEDICINE MALAYSIA GUIDELINES DEVELOPMENT AND OBJECTIVES Guidelines Development The work group for the development of these guidelines comprised Obstetricians and Gynaecologists from various Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education facilities. These guidelines were adapted from other international guidelines on management of menorrhagia or heavy menstrual bleeding and modified to suit the local situation. These include guidelines from New Zealand, Canada and the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists, UK. A systematic review of current evidence was carried out. Ranking of evidence are based on a modified version of those used by the Catalonia Agency for Health Technology Assessment (CAHTA) Spain; the classification of recommendation was emulated from those used by the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN). The ranking of evidence is based on a modified version of that suggested by the Catalonia Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Research (CAHTAR) Spain, while the grading of recommendations in these guidelines emulates those used by the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN).The draft guidelines were posted on both the Ministry of Health Malaysia and Academy of Medicine, Malaysia websites for comment and feedback. These guidelines have also been presented to the Technical Advisory Committee for Clinical Practice Guidelines and Health Technology Assessment and Clinical Practice Guidelines Council, Ministry of Health Malaysia for review and approval. Objectives The aim of this guideline is to aid doctors in general practice and gynaecologists in clinical decision making, by providing well-balanced information on the management of patients with menorrhagia. Clinical Questions The clinical questions for these guidelines are: i.

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a-se- feks DESCRIPTIONThe active ingredient in ACIPHEX® Delayed-Release Tablets is rabeprazole sodium, a substituted benzimidazole thatinhibits gastric acid secretion. Rabeprazole sodium is known chemically as 2-[[[4-(3-methoxypropoxy)-3-methyl-2-pyridinyl]-methyl]sulfinyl]-1H–benzimidazole sodium salt. It has an empirical formula of C18H20N3NaO3S and a molecularweight of 381.43. Rabeprazole sodium is a white to slightly yellowish-white solid. It is very soluble in water andmethanol, freely soluble in ethanol, chloroform and ethyl acetate and insoluble in ether and n-hexane. The stability ofrabeprazole sodium is a function of pH; it is rapidly degraded in acid media, and is more stable under alkalineconditions. The structural formula is:

Microsoft word - fidka bio true web version august 2009.doc

Felix I D Konotey-Ahulu FGA Dr Kwegyir Aggrey Distinguished Professor of Human Genetics, University of Cape Coast, Ghana and Consultant Physician Genetic Counsellor in Sickle Cell and Other Haemoglobinopathies, 10 Harley Street, London W1G 9PF, England. Name: Felix Israel Domeno Konotey-Ahulu Place of Birth: Odumase-Krobo, Ghana


l'affaire de tous Centraliens no632 [mars/avril 2014] Le secteur de la santé, qui est la première source d'emploi en France, est en train de faire face à une mutation quantique que nous vivons en temps réel sans en sentir encore tous les effets. Ce dossier a pour objectif de vous ac- d'invalidité dans le monde (OMS, 2 002). compagner dans un voyage où vous L'industrie pharmaceutique a contribué découvrirez les éléments de cette signifi cativement à la lutte contre les mala-


Weekly Newsletter for Batteries, Fuel Cells, SC & EV Industries August 10, 2014 - Newsletter No. 240 - Serving the industry since 1/2010 More than 110,000 industry members receive our newsletter Zinc-air batteries Li-Ion Battery Anodes Li-Ion High voltage Cells (4.3-5v) Lithium Air Batteries


Talk Letter Vol.2 February 2009 Shimadzu Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers Reaching even greater heights Unprecedented sensitivity, thanks to a newly developed 3D optical system Advanced safety technology System configuration evolving to suit the needs of the user The newly developed 3D optical system is capable of flame: Pb 0.015 ppm detection, and furnace: Pb 0.00005 ppm detection.

Guía de práctica clínica no ges para el tratamiento de adolescentes de 10 a 14 años, 2013

Guía de Práctica Clínica No GES para el Tratamiento de Adolescentes de 10 a 14 años, 2013 Ministerio de Salud. Guía Clínica para el Tratamiento de Adolescentes de 10 a 14 años con Depresión. Santiago: MINSAL, 2013. Todos los derechos reservados. Este material puede ser reproducido total o parcialmente para fines de diseminación y capacitación. Prohibida su venta.


LEPETIC , RODRIGUEZ , FERNÁNDEZ CECCCARELLI MAR CAMPOVERDE ESPINOZA CARBALLO , , GOLDBERG Indice de trabajos libres COQUELUCHE: Descripción de casos estudiados en el último trienio. Aplasia medular e Infecciones oportunistas: a propósito de un caso? Manifestaciones cutáneas por Mycoplasma pneumoniae Infección por Chlamydia pneumoniae asociada a encefalitis de tronco


Collège Médical Les principales ordonnances en Parasitologie et Mycologie Médicale mycologie médicale Facultés de Médecine de Lyon Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 François PEYRON & Stéphane PICOT Collège médical de Parasitologie et Mycologie Médicale Laboratoire de Parasitologie, Mycologie Médicale et


Mineralium Deposita (2003) 38: 953–967DOI 10.1007/s00126-002-0342-z Klaus Germann Æ Volker Lu¨ders Æ David A. BanksKlaus Simon Æ Jochen Hoefs Late Hercynian polymetallic vein-type base-metal mineralizationin the Iberian Pyrite Belt: fluid-inclusion and stable-isotopegeochemistry (S–O–H–Cl) Received: 16 January 2002 / Accepted: 16 November 2002 / Published online: 6 February 2003 Springer-Verlag 2003

Issue 22-

September 2005Volume 23 Sunday Eucharist8am & 10amSaturday Vigil 5pmMonday 7.15am Cluny ConventTuesday 7amWednesday 9amThursday 7amFriday 12.05pmSaturday 8am Adoration ofBlessed SacramentFriday 11amBenedictionFriday 12 noonReconciliationFriday 11.30amSaturday 9.30am


Der Preis der Virtuosität Neurologische Erkrankungen bei MusikernEckart Altenmüller & Hans-Christian Jabusch, Hannover Um auf hohem Niveau musizieren zu können, müssen komplexe Bewegungsprogramme mit hoher Präzision und Geschwindigkeit unter ständiger Kontrolle durch das Gehör abgerufen wer-den. Diese Konstellation scheint die Entstehung von neurologischen Erkrankungen zu begünsti-gen. Nervenkompressionssyndrome werden gelegentlich durch spezifische Instrumentaltech-niken mit verursacht oder unterhalten. Seltene Kompressionssyndrome entstehen durch mus-kuläre Kompression bei besonderen Belastungen oder durch ungünstige Ergonomie von Instrumenten. Die Musikerdystonie ist durch den Verlust der feinmotorischen Kontrolle lang geübter Bewegungsabläufe gekennzeichnet und schwer zu behandeln. Durch lokale Injektion von Botulinumtoxin, Anticholinergika und Retraining kann einem Teil der Patienten geholfen werden, aber künftig sind Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung dieser Krankheit vordringlich.


N° 256 du jeudi 1er au samedi 31 août 2013 TOUS LES 15 JOURS, l'essentiel… Un été dans le parc Juil et a tenu ses promesses de chaleur. Les activités organisées dans le parc de Ladoucette, mais aussi les sorties à la mer et activités sur les bases de loisirs n'en ont été que plus appréciées. Prenez le temps d'en profiter en août !


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BIOSTAT® CultiBag RM Culturing Convenience batch, serum free cultivation of CHOXM 111 suspension cells in the BIOSTATCultiBag RM 20 turning science into solutions Dipl. Ing. Irina Bauer*, Prof. Dr. Regine Eibl*, Generally, the inoculum for the bioreactor Dr. Thorsten Adams** In this application note, we describe a is prepared by pooling T-flasks. The pre- protocol for the propagation of the model

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Guidelines Ayahuasca Regarding the safety related to drinking Ayahuasca I have compiled guidelines. It is important to follow these guidelines when you attend a ceremony. In one of the forms I send you after subscribing for a ceremony you declare for instance not to use certain medication or suffering from a mental illness (which could give complications while using Ayahuasca) and that you participate in the ceremony at your own risk. When in doubt I suggest you consult your doctor or specialist. Naturally follow your doctors or specialists advice while reducing your medication. When in doubt of course you can contact us. Psychological People suffering from or have been diagnosed with borderline or bipolar disorder, psychosis or schizophrenia should not be participating in a ceremony. In general it has been shown that Ayahuasca has positive effects. I oversee your psychological state during the ceremony. If for example you suffer from depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) you can report this on the registration form along with your possible medication. Medication On the registration form you can also specify the medication that you have used in the past six months. And of course the medication you are still using. It can seriously effect your health or well-being when you fail to do this. In general you do not use any medication or herbal medicines while drinking Ayahausca so that the energy of the plant medicine can be as effective as possible. The use of medication, supplements or drugs should be reduced to none several days to several weeks prior to the ceremony. However, there are exceptions. For example you can continue to use synthetic hormones with hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). Some medications such as antihistamines take only three days of non-use before the ceremony. Still I recommend to reduce these to none a few weeks in advance. Specific medication such as SSRIs cause health problems when it is used in conjunction with Ayahuasca and therefore require a longer time to be reduced to none. Consult the list below for a more detailed description of the medication. And always remember to consult your

20 informe 5224 (143-153)

20 Informe 5224 (143-153) 27/2/06 16:07 Página 143 Documento descargado de http://www.doyma.es el 30/03/2006. Copia para uso personal, se prohíbe la transmisión de este documento por cualquier medio o formato. PARTE III. RECURSOS ASISTENCIALES Y UTILIZACIÓN Luces y sombras de la prestación farmacéutica en España: a propósito de los antidepresivos y antipsicóticos


Schizophrenia is a serious and complex mental disorder that changes how a person thinks, feels and behaves. It also changes how they perceive the world, themselves and other people. About 1% of the population of most countries has schizophrenia although symptoms may differ from culture to culture. Symptoms vary widely between people with schizophrenia. They may be mild or severe. Some people experience one episode of the illness and having received treatment do not relapse. Others have more frequent episodes but remain well for a lot of the time. Still others remain unwell and require a high level of ongoing support and treatment. Medication is usually a central part of the treatment. This can be very effective although side effects can be problematic. Counselling, social support, and assistance with employment, accommodation, finances and education are also important in assisting a person and their family to cope with the illness. Symptoms of Schizophrenia


Hindawi Publishing CorporationJournal of ObesityVolume 2015, Article ID 291209, 8 pages Clinical StudyTissue Factor Expression in Obese Type 2 Diabetic Subjects andIts Regulation by Antidiabetic Agents Jing Wang,1,2 Theodore P. Ciaraldi,3,4 and Fahumiya Samad1,2 1 Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies, San Diego, CA 92121, USA2San Diego Biomedical Research Institute, San Diego, CA 92121, USA3VA San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, CA, USA4Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA


Knoblauch et al. Skeletal Muscle 2013, 3:22http://www.skeletalmusclejournal.com/content/3/1/22 Mice with RyR1 mutation (Y524S) undergohypermetabolic response to simvastatin Mark Knoblauch†, Adan Dagnino-Acosta† and Susan L Hamilton* Background: Statins are widely used drugs for the treatment of hyperlipidemia. Though relatively safe, someindividuals taking statins experience rhabdymyolysis, muscle pain, and cramping, a condition termed statin-inducedmyopathy (SIM). To determine if mutations in the skeletal muscle calcium (Ca2+) release channel, ryanodinereceptor type 1 (RyR1), enhance the sensitivity to SIM we tested the effects of simvastatin, the statin that producesthe highest incidence of SIM in humans, in mice with a mutation (Y524S, ‘YS') in RyR1. This mutation is associatedwith malignant hyperthermia in humans. Exposure of mice with the YS mutation to mild elevations inenvironmental temperature produces a life-threatening hypermetabolic response (HMR) that is characterized byincreased oxygen consumption (VO2), sustained muscle contractures, rhabdymyolysis, and elevated core bodytemperature.


Resolution™ ClipGlobal Technique Spotlight Naveen Arya, M.D.Halton Healthcare Services, Oakville, Ontario, Canada Marco Carniel, M.D.Landesklinikum Wiener Neustadt, Wiener Neustadt, Austria Nestor Chopita, M.D., Bárbara Agustina Amendolara, M.D., Francisco Tufare, M.D. and Nelson Condado, M.D.Hospital San Martín de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Highlights of prescribing information

HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION  Serum potassium <4 meq/L (4) These highlights do not include all the information needed to use  Bronchial asthma or related bronchospastic conditions (4) SOTYLIZE® safely and effectively. See full prescribing information for  Hypersensitivity to sotalol (4) SOTYLIZE.


Generalized Linear Models, Estimating Functions Multivariate Extensions Department of Biostatistics School of Hygiene & Public Health Johns Hopkins University July 12–14, 1999 Regression analysis has been developed for many years and remains one of the most commonly used statistical tools to help scientists address their scientific inquiries. Inthe year of 1972, thanks to the seminal work by Nelder and Wedderburn, many usefulregression models are unified under the framework of generalized linear models (GLMs).These include as special cases ANCOVA, multiple regression for continuous responses, lo-gistic regression for binary responses and log-linear models for contingency tables. Theyasserted that each model under consideration can be cast through two components. Oneis the systematic component which relates the mean response to the covariates by spec-ifying a link function. The other is the random component which is needed to accountfor uncertainty in the response variable. Through this common framework, issues thatare commonly faced in regression such as estimating procedure, regression diagnostics,measurement errors in covariates, goodness-of-fit, etc. can be addressed in a unified fash-ion. While there is no doubt that this approach will be in its existence for many yearsto come, it faces two, among others, challenges that has drawn a good deal of attentionamong statistical researchers in the past few decades. One is to deal with the situationwhere the scientists may not have sufficient knowledge about the subject matters to beincorporated by their statistical colleagues to characterize the random mechanism forwhich the data are generated. The work by Wedderburn in 1974, known as the quasilikelihood method, provides a means to cope with this complication. It relaxes the ran-dom component assumption required by GLMs, rather a much weaker assumption on thevariance expression for the response variables is installed. Several questions remain tobe answered regarding the use of this alternative method. First, can the work by Wed-derburn be extended to accommodate more general and realistic variance specifications?Second, does the quasi score method by Wedderburn possess any desirable statisticaloptimality properties? Third, is there any evidence that this method perform well inpractice?


Benutzerinformation 3. KurzbeschreibungDas DE04 und das DE10 sind absolute, elektronische Positionsanzeigen. Die werkseitig vorprogram-mierten Anzeigen in Hohlwellenbauform dienen DE04; DE10 zur direkten Ablesung von Positionswerten an Ver- stellspindeln.Durch höhere Auflösung und Genauigkeit, ein güns-tigeres Drehzahlverhalten, sowie weitere Funkti-

Microsoft word - gutachten.doc

Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH aufgrund des Prüfsiegels „Geprüft und Empfohlen vom IBR" für die Produkte Schöck ComBAR® Antragsteller: Schöck Bauteile GmbH Vimbucher www.schoeck.de Proben: am 02.03.2011 beim Auftraggeber durch das IBR entnommen. Mitarbeiter des IBR Dieses Gutachten darf nur ungekürzt und unverändert vervielfältigt und veröffentlicht werden.

A pilot-study of a minimally invasive technique to elevate the sinus floor membrane and place graft for augmentation using high hydraulic pressure: 18-month follow-up of 20 cases

Vol. 116 No. 3 September 2013 A pilot-study of a minimally invasive technique to elevate the sinus floor membrane and place graft for augmentation using highhydraulic pressure: 18-month follow-up of 20 cases Philip Jesch, DMD,Emanuel Bruckmoser, MD, DMD,Andreas Bayerle, MSc, MBA,Klaus Eder, Michaela Bayerle-Eder, MD, Phand Franz Watzinger, MD, DMD, Dental Clinic Wienerberg City, Vienna, Austria; Morriston Hospital, Wales, UK; Jeder GmbH, Dental Technology, Vienna, Austria; PrivatePractice for General Dentistry and Implantology, Vienna, Austria; Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; and St. Poelten General Hospital,Austria

Microsoft word - guidelines - english version.doc

COSMETICS EUROPE: GUIDELINES ON THE MANAGEMENT OF UNDESIRABLE Table of Contents: Section I – Introduction 1. Introduction 2. Definition of terms Section II – Undesirable events 1. Management 1.1. 1.2. Registration - Opening a case file 1.3. Case information and documentation


Atherosclerosis Supplements 16 (2015) 12–16 Alterations of intestinal lipoprotein metabolism in diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome Dipartimento di Medicina Interna e Specialità Mediche, UOS Centro Arteriosclerosi Università di Roma La Sapienza, Rome, Italy Diabetes and metabolic syndrome are associated with abnormal postprandial lipoprotein metabolism, with a significant delay in the

Pone.0110358 1.14

Modeling the Dynamics of Disease States in Depression Selver Demic1,2,3, Sen Cheng1,2,3* 1 International Graduate School of Neuroscience, Bochum, Germany, 2 Mercator Research Group ‘‘Structure of Memory'', Bochum, Germany, 3 Faculty of Psychology, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a common and costly disorder associated with considerable morbidity, disability, andrisk for suicide. The disorder is clinically and etiologically heterogeneous. Despite intense research efforts, the response ratesof antidepressant treatments are relatively low and the etiology and progression of MDD remain poorly understood. Herewe use computational modeling to advance our understanding of MDD. First, we propose a systematic and comprehensivedefinition of disease states, which is based on a type of mathematical model called a finite-state machine. Second, wepropose a dynamical systems model for the progression, or dynamics, of MDD. The model is abstract and combines severalmajor factors (mechanisms) that influence the dynamics of MDD. We study under what conditions the model can accountfor the occurrence and recurrence of depressive episodes and how we can model the effects of antidepressant treatmentsand cognitive behavioral therapy within the same dynamical systems model through changing a small subset ofparameters. Our computational modeling suggests several predictions about MDD. Patients who suffer from depression canbe divided into two sub-populations: a high-risk sub-population that has a high risk of developing chronic depression and alow-risk sub-population, in which patients develop depression stochastically with low probability. The success ofantidepressant treatment is stochastic, leading to widely different times-to-remission in otherwise identical patients. Whilethe specific details of our model might be subjected to criticism and revisions, our approach shows the potential power ofcomputationally modeling depression and the need for different type of quantitative data for understanding depression.


SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 2006, 32 (3), 72-78SA Tydskrif vir Bedryfsielkunde, 2006, 32 (3), 72-78 OCCUPATIONAL STRESS IN THE SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE WorkWell: Research Unit for People, Policy and Performance North-West University Policing has been described as a stressful occupation. The objectives of this study were to develop and validate ameasure that could be used by the South African Police Service (SAPS) to identify the frequency and intensity ofoccupational stressors and to assess the differences between the stressors for race, rank and gender groups. A cross-sectional survey design was used. Stratified random samples (N = 2145) were taken of police members of nineprovinces in South Africa. The Police Stress Inventory was developed as a measuring instrument. Three internallyconsistent factors were extracted through principal component analysis with a direct oblimin rotation. These factorswere labelled Job Demands, Lack of Support and Crime-related Stressors. The most important stressors identifiedwere other officers not doing their job, inadequate or poor quality equipment, inadequate salaries, and seeingcriminals go free. Analysis of variance showed differences in stressors for rank, race and gender groups.

Microsoft word - january journal 2011 2.doc

Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology ACUTE EPIGLOTTITIS COMPLICATED WITH PHARYNGEAL ABSCESS AND RECURRENT ACUTE AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION IN AN ADULT *Mahesha Dabare *Senior Registrar in anaesthesia and critical care, Base Hospital, Kanthale *Corresponding author: [email protected] Key words: Acute epiglottitis, Acute airway obstruction, Deep neck abscess


D-level Essay in Statistics 2009 How to Analyze Change from Baseline: Absolute or Percentage Change? Högskolan Dalarna Lars Rönnegård 781 88 Borlänge Tel vx 023-778000 Richard Stridbeck How to Analyze Change from Baseline: Absolute or Percentage Change? In medical studies, it is common to have measurements before and after some medical interventions. How to measure


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION: 1.1 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Melt & Pour Soap Base Suspending Product Use: CAS #: n/a Country of Origin: SECTION: 1.2 COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Company Name: Saffire Blue Inc. Address: 1444 Bell Mill Road, Tillsonburg, ON N4G4G9 Canada


SAOJ Autumn 2010 2/18/10 2:58 PM Page 37 SA ORTHOPAEDIC JOURNAL Autumn 2010 / Page 37 The medical management of spinal R Dunn MBChB(UCT), MMed(UCT), FCS(SA)Orth Consultant Orthopaedic and Spine Surgeon, Associate Professor University of Cape Town, Head Orthopaedic Spine Services: Groote Schuur Hospital Prof Robert DunnTel: (021) 404-5387


JUEVES 15 DE FEBRERO CURSO PRECONGRESUAL (patrocinado por Sanofi -Aventis) (0,8 créditos) Sala Plenaria (Hotel Luz) Dirigido a: Médicos de Atención Primaria, Residentes, y a todas las especialidades interesadas en TITULO: La Hipertensión Arterial y sus complicaciones. Dr.Vicente Pallarés Carratalá. Médico de Familia. Unidad de Vigilancia de la Salud. Unión de Mutuas. Castellón.

Salivary testosterone, cortisol, and progesterone: two-week stability, interhormone correlations, and effects of time of day, menstrual cycle, and oral contraceptive use on steroid hormone levels

Physiology & Behavior 99 (2010) 8–16 Contents lists available at Physiology & Behavior Salivary testosterone, cortisol, and progesterone: Two-week stability, interhormonecorrelations, and effects of time of day, menstrual cycle, and oral contraceptive useon steroid hormone Scott H. Liening ,Steven J. Stanton Ekjyot K. Saini Oliver C. Schultheiss a Department of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station A8000, Austin, TX 78705, USAb Duke University, USAc University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USAd Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, Germany


United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit DAIICHI SANKYO COMPANY, LTD., AND DAIICHI SANKYO, INC., MATRIX LABORATORIES, LTD., MYLAN INC., MYLAN LABORATORIES, INC., AND MYLAN PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey in Case No. 06-CV-03462, Judge


What to do in case of a flu pandemic Only for discussion / distribution in connection with pandemic planning Please note that the following is intended solely to supplement information available from health officials. It is important that you observe the instructions issued by advisors from state and national health departments (such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — CDC) during a pandemic situation.

Template datasheets - guidelines of imports for the trade

NOTIFICATION OF PRE-SHIPMENT ACTIVITIES IN ACCORDANCE ACCORDANCE WITH COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 3278/94 GUIDELINES OF IMPORTS FOR THE TRADE BANGLADESH PRE-SHIPMENT INSPECTION This data sheet has been prepared specifically in respect of exports to Bangladesh and supplements our publication


JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC TESTING: Theory and Applications 18, 571–581, 2002  2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands. Structural Fault Based Specification Reduction for Testing Analog Circuits SOON-JYH CHANG AND CHUNG LEN LEE Department of Electronic Engineering & Institute of Electronics, National Chiao Tung University,

Bone-marrow-derived very small embryonic-like stem cells in patients with critical leg ischaemia: evidence of vasculogenic potential

Endothelium and Vascular Development Bone-marrow-derived very small embryonic-like stem cells in patients with critical leg ischaemia: evidence of vasculogenic potentialCoralie L. Guerin1,2,3; Xavier Loyer1,2; José Vilar1,2; Audrey Cras1,3,4; Tristan Mirault1,5; Pascale Gaussem1,3,6; Jean-Sébastien Silvestre1,2; David M. Smadja1,3,61Paris Descartes University, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France; 2Inserm UMR-S970, PARCC, Paris Research Cardiovascular Research Center, Paris, France; 3Inserm UMR-S1140, Paris, France; 4AP-HP, Saint Louis Hospital, Cell therapy Department, Paris, France; 5AP-HP, European Georges Pompidou Hospital, Vascular Medicine Department, Paris, France; 6AP-HP, European Georges Pompidou Hospital, Hematology Department, Paris, France


CLINICAL TRIALS AND OBSERVATIONS Local tumor invasiveness is more predictive of survival than InternationalPrognostic Index in stage IE/IIE extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal typeTae Min Kim, Yeon Hee Park, Sang-Yoon Lee, Ji-Hoon Kim, Dong-Wan Kim, Seock-Ah Im, Tae-You Kim, Chul Woo Kim,Dae Seog Heo, Yung-Jue Bang, Kee-Hyun Chang, and Noe Kyeong Kim This study was launched to determine the


StaMPS (Stanford Method for PS) Manual Nordic Volcanological Centre Institute of Earth Sciences University of Iceland Askja, 101 Reykjavik Version 2.1, June 1st, 2007 This manual provides a guide to running StaMPS, but does not attempt to explain all the process-ing. For some details on the inner workings, see Hooper et al. (2007), Hooper and Zebker (2007)and Hooper, Ph.D Thesis.


Ossifi c Tendonitis of the Achilles with Tendon Fracture: A Case Report and Literature ReviewTODD C. BATTAGLIA, MD; JAMES T. CHANDLER, MD Ossifi c tendonitis has been de- scribed in numerous anatomic sites, occasionally involving the Achilles tendon. Although the fi rst report-ed cases of Achilles tendon ossifi cation appeared in the 1930s,1,2 fracture of an os-sifi ed Achilles tendon is a rare event, hav-ing been reported in the English literature 15 times.3-5 This article reports a patient with massive ossifi cation of his Achilles tendon, presumably related to a trauma from 25 years prior to presentation, who remained asymptomatic until a second

Guideline for the management of nosocomial infections

The Southern African Journal of Epidemiology and Infection 2006; 21 (4):152-160 Guideline for the management of nosocomial infections in South Africa* A Brink, C Feldman, A Duse, D Gopalan, D Grolman, M Mer, S Naicker, G Paget, O Perovic, G Richards Objective: To write a guideline for the management and prevention of nosocomial infections in South Africa in view of the following: i) nosocomial infections are a common and increasing problem globally, including South Africa; ii) widely varying standards of prevention and management of these important infections; iii) increasing and emerging antimicrobial resistance among commonly isolated pathogens, and iv) the significant economic burden of these infections on the healthcare system as well as their impact on patient morbidity and mortality. The main aims of the guideline are to provide recommendations for the initial choice of antimicrobial agents and the appropriate management of these infections encompassing the following conditions: i) nosocomial pneumonia, healthcare-associated pneumonia and ventilator-associated pneumonia; (ii) nosocomial bloodstream infections; (iii) nosocomial intravascular infections; (iv) nosocomial urinary tract infections; (v) nosocomial intra-abdominal infections; and (vi) nosocomial surgical skin and soft-tissue infections. Evidence: Working group of clinicians from relevant disciplines, following detailed literature review. Recommendations: These include details of the likely pathogens, an appropriate diagnostic approach, antibiotic treatment options and appropriate preventive strategies. Endorsement: The guideline document was endorsed by the South African Thoracic Society, the Critical Care Society of Southern Africa and the Federation of Infectious Diseases Societies of Southern Africa. Guideline sponsor: The meeting of the Working Group and the guideline publication were sponsored by an unrestricted educational grant from Sanofi Aventis South Africa.

Hunter prescribing guidelines:

PAIN Medical Practice Guidelines Hunter Integrated Pain Service Updated July 2007 Use of Oral Antineuropathic Agents SUMMARY 1. In acute and sub-acute neuropathic pain (≤6 months duration) there is the potential for intervention to stop progression to a persistent pain state.


Intentos de suicidio en niños y adolescentes en la consulta Lic. Beatriz Villalobos de emergencia del Hospital Miguel Pérez Carreño Junio 2002-Mayo 2003 Dr. Jesús CrespoPsiquiatra Infantil Datos más recientes, según el National Center for Health Stadistic, del año 2002 (citado por 1), la tasa de suicidio juvenil en los INTRODUCCIÓN: Siendo que los factores de riesgo para las conductas

Catalogo farg:layout

CATALOGO GENERALEGENERAL CATALOGUE made in Italy, made in F.A.R.G. Nei primi anni Sessanta ad Invorio, nella provincia di Novara, da sempre distretto di eccellenza nella produzione dell'industriadella rubinetteria, Giampiero Conton inizia la sua attività fondando la Rubinetteria Conton. Inizialmente l'azienda ebbe comescopo principale la commercializzazione di materiale idrosanitario; l'intuito del fondatore e alcuni segnali provenienti dallaclientela fecero capire le aperture del mercato e la possibilità di investire con ottimi risultati nella produzione di rubinetti agalleggiante con relative sfere in materiale plastico e in rame, senza dover fare i conti con una concorrenza troppo numerosa.E' nel 1996 che nasce F.A.R.G., naturale evoluzione di Rubinetteria Conton, che opera oggi su un'area di circa 15.000 mq dicui 5.000 mq coperti dedicati ai processi produttivi. Nel tempo la gamma dei prodotti si è ampliata con l'introduzione dialcuni componenti per impianti idrosanitari mantenendo la garanzia di qualità attestata da una produzione interamente ‘Made in Italy'. La costante attenzione della qualità, l'utilizzo di tecnologie avanzate e una rete di vendita che si avvale dellacollaborazione di agenti presenti sul territorio, hanno portato l'azienda a imporsi sul mercato nazionale e su quello estero.


airie Nic Librairie Nicaise des livres Pierre WalusinskiÉditions originales Illustrés modernes à vendre? Nous sommes ach eteurs de livres modernes, éditions originales et/ou illust rées à l'unité, en lots ou en bibliothèque complète. Contact ez-nouspour tout renseignement 145 bd Saint-Germain75006 [email protected] 01 43 26 62 38F 01 44 07 34 80




Inhaltsverzeichnis Das Wichtigste in Kürze . 3 Informationsveranstaltung / Elternabend . 3 Leitungsteam . 4 Ablauf Cliquen-Jahr . 5 Trommeln bei den Schnooggekerzli . 6 Pfeifen bei den Schnooggekerzli . 7 Ablauf Fasnacht . 8 Bummel und weitere Anlässe . 9 Die Geschichte der Schnooggekerzli . 10 Das Wichtigste in Kürze Für wen

Microsoft word - -publication-briefing-cage-the-challenge-of-antimicrobial-resistance-cormac-o-grada-final.docx

The Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance: Lessons from the Past for the Present and the Future Global Perspectives Series: Paper 2 CORMAC Ó GRÁDA The challenge of anti-microbial resistance (AMR) needs to be set in historical context: though real, it is unlikely to mean a return to ‘the dark ages of medicine'. With the virtual eradication of most infectious diseases, life expectancy in the UK and other high-income countries has doubled in the last century (the gains in poor countries have been smaller, but still significant). Most of the increase in life expectancy preceded the antibiotics revolution.

English version text neurofeedback

Neurofeedback – How Attention Takes Flight Pierre Walther and Stephan Ellinger Goethe University Frankfurt, Julius-Maximillians-University Würzburg (GERMANY) Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) alone or in combination with Hyperactivity (ADHD) is one of the most common disorders in childhood and adolescence and even persists into adulthood. Children with ADHD show a higher amount of slow brain waves and a decreased amount of faster brain waves compared to children without ADHD (Barry et al., 2003). The basic idea of neurofeedback is to transfer the unconscious process of brain wave function into a conscious process by reporting it to the patient. The Brainfeeders project aims to evaluate the possibilities for integrating neurofeedback in a school setting. The primary goal of the study is to replicate results found in clinical trials without any additional human resources. We would like to evaluate how well a training programme like this fits in school settings and if results are comparable to clinical studies. We are interested in forming a transnational working group, integrating researchers who are working on similar projects or who are interested in working on Brainfeeders in their countries.


Le Journal du Patient N°18 Juin 2014 Panne sous la couette, comment remonter la pente? En Belgique, un homme sur 3 de plus de 40 ans souffre de troubles de l'érection. Il existe aujourd'hui des solutions efficaces mais les Belges sont encore trop peu nombreux à en profiter. Quelles sont les questions à se poser pour ouvrir le dialogue? Le Journal du Patient N°18 Juin 2014

Risk factors

CHRONIC MEDICINE BENEFIT APPLICATION FORM – 2013 (To be used by Nedgroup Hospital, Traditional, Savings and Platinum members only) Please complete the application in black ink One application form must be completed per patient Please attach a copy of the Dr's prescription to the application form (original not required) Applications will not be processed unless the appropriate sections are completed and relevant documents are attached. The completed and signed application form may be faxed to 086 679 1579, emailed to or posted to Scriptpharm Risk Management, P.O. Box 653590, Benmore, 2010

Bill of materials

The Copyright in this manual vests exclusively with The Titan Trust. All rights are reserved.No part of the manual may be modified, added to, reproduced, transmitted, transcribed,stored in a retrievable system or translated into any language in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, in whole or inpart, without the prior consent of The Titan Trust. Any unauthorised use of this manual, inwhole or in part, will result in legal action being taken against such user.


Released: Mon 28-Jul-2008, 16:55 ET Embargo expired: Fri 01-Aug-2008, 00:05 ET Turned-off Cannabinoid Receptor Turns on Colorectal Tumor CANNABINOID, COLORECTAL CANCER,DUBOIS, CB1, RECEPTOR, DECITABINE, M. D.ANDERSON Contact InformationAvailable for logged-in reporters only DescriptionNew preclinical research shows that cannabinoid cell surface receptor CB1 plays a tumor-suppressing role in humancolorectal cancer, scientists report in the Aug. 1 edition of the journal Cancer Research.


Stärkung der Bienengesundheit über die Beifütterung von Pflanzenextrakten aus Viscum album (Iscador®) und Echinacea Zwischenbericht zum 2. Projektjahr 2012/2013 Dr. Johannes WirzForschungsinstitut am GoetheanumHügelweg 59CH – 4143 Dornach Das Bienenjahr 2012 zählte für viele ImkerInnen zu den schwierigen Jahren. Nach auffäl igwarmen Wochen Ende Februar und Anfang März waren die Völker in guter Verfassung. Siehatten grosse Brutnester und trugen ordentlich Pol en und Nektar ein – eine erfolgreiche Bienensaison schien gesichert.Doch im April und Mai waren die Tage entweder zu kühl oder zu regnerisch für ausgedehnte Bienenflüge. Bald waren die neuen Vorräte aufgebraucht. Die Schwarmstimmung setzte spät, erst Ende Mai oder Anfang Juni ein – und viele Imker meldeten Völkerverluste, weil Jungköniginnen nicht richtig begattet wurden. Ausserdem führte der frühe Bruteinschlag zu einer grossen Vermehrung der Varroa Milbe und entsprechend hohen Milbenzahlen in den Völkern. Die Honigernte blieb bei Wander- ebenso wie bei Standimkern unter dem langjährigen Durchschnitt.Trotz dieser Schwierigkeiten konnten im Projekt Besonderheiten beobachtet werden, die sich 2011 nicht zeigten. Weil 2011 einige ProjektteilnehmerInnen grosse, andere gar keineVölkerverluste hinnehmen mussten, konnten allfällige – positive oder negative – Effekte der beiden Pflanzenextrakte, Mistel und Echinacea, im Futter daher nicht abgeleitet werden. Darüber hinaus gab es auf den ersten Blick keine Korrelation zwischen der Belastung durch Milben und dem Ausfall von Völkern. Die meisten Verluste gab es 2011 v.a. bei Jungvölkern auf den Standorten Fischermühle (FiMü) und Hohengehren. In FiMü lag bei schwacher Volksentwicklung die Milbenbelastung weit unter 500 Varroen und wie inHohengehren blieben die Ursachen für die Ausfälle unklar. Die Ausgangssituation 2012 wargünstiger.

Ejn_6201 2466.2472

European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 27, pp. 2466–2472, 2008 Augmented brain 5-HT crosses the blood–brain barrierthrough the 5-HT transporter in rat Yasushi Nakatani, Ikuko Sato-Suzuki, Naohisa Tsujino, Akane Nakasato, Yoshinari Seki, Masaki Fumotoand Hideho AritaDepartment of Physiology, Toho University School of Medicine, 5-21-16, Omori-nishi, Ota-ku, Tokyo 143–8540, Japan

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