The Intolerance Testing Group
Please find attached your intolerance test results. You will find two headings within this report, the first section which lists all the food intolerances and the second section which lists all the non-food intolerances. Some of the items will have a further explanation next to them to further detail the intolerances. Everything on here has an intolerance level of over 85% as you will see from the percentage levels on the right hand side. This means they are all high intolerances. We only report these as they are the ones likely to be causing you the most symptoms. However, your hair sample has been tested against all 600 items in our system and this is why there may be items on there you don't recognise or haven't eaten. This is because you have been tested against them regardless.
At the back of the results you will find information about the next steps to take. In the meantime if you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at the following email address:
The Intolerance Testing Group
We have established that you have an intolerance for the following Food Items
A pear shaped fruit, with rough skin and oily edible flesh. Often eaten in salads, dips and cooking.
Milk protein.
Bread - Rye
Bread made with flour from the rye grain.
Cashew Nut
Edible kidney shaped nut. Rich in oil and protein.
Edible variety of cabbage. Has a large white head and green leaves.
Roasted coffee beans made into a common hot drink.
Corn Meal
A flour made of ground corn, used in food as a binder.
Curry Spices
(Coriander, Turmeric, Fenugreek, Cayenne, Fennel, Cumin and Black pepper)
Also known as linseed – used in oils and baking.
Pungent bulb used in cooking and medicines.
Fruit with edible flesh, often eaten and used in cooking.
Egg white protein
Cephalopod mollusc often eaten.
Red Kidney Bean
Small bean, deep red in colour.
Sallow Thorn
A species of willow, the yellow berries are used for making jelly.
Celhalopod mollusc. Tentacles often eaten.
Edible, sweet fruit with red, seed studded skin.
North American plant with large yellow petals.
Very common and popular fish to eat.
Substance from vanilla pods, often used as flavouring.
Type of fungus used in making alcohol and baking.
We have established that you have an intolerance for the following Non Food Items
Used in penicillin based drugs.
Bamboo Shoot
A young shoot of bamboo. Can be eaten as a vegetable.
A form of antibiotic.
Fungus found in soil and plant debris.
A plant of the amaranth family.
Grey Alder
Honey Bee
Subset of bees which produce honey.
London Plane (Sycamore)
A tree frequently found in towns.
Meadow Grass
A common grass used in the UK.
Mixed Grass and Weed Pollen - Group 2
Bermuda grass, Rye grass, Bahia grass, Common ragweed, Plantain, Goosefoot
Mixed Grass Pollens - Group 2
Sweet vernal, Rye grass, Common Reed, Cultivated Rye, Velvet grass
Mixed Grass Pollens - Group 4
Cocksfoot, Meadow fescue, Rye grass, Timothy, Meadow grass
Mixed Tree Pollens - Group 7
Grey alder, Hazel, Elm, Willow, Cottonwood
Mixed Weed Pollens - Group 3
Common ragweed, Mugwort, Plantain, Ribwort, Goosefoot, Lamb's quarter, Saltwort
Flyign insect which bites humans and animals.
Aromatic plant. Occasionally used in food and beer.
Large tree. Often used in buildings or for furniture.
White Ash
Type of tree.
White Pine
Tall growing pine tree.
What do I do now…?
Don't Panic:
The list you have just read through may seem daunting but don't panic. There may be some items on there that you have never eaten or come into contact with but this is quite normal. On the other hand there are probably quite a few items on the list that you eat or come into contact with on a regular basis. These are the ones you are going to need to focus on removing from your diet and environment.
What do my test results mean?
All results shown have an intolerance level of 85% or over and so will give you reactions in some way whether small or large. Intolerances can change depending on your diet and environment which means that an item that you have never had problems with before may suddenly be causing you symptoms. This is because when you eat something or come into contact with it, your body tries to assimilate it. If your immune system is low or if you have had too much of it, then your body will struggle to do this and you will then suffer with various symptoms. This is now an intolerance.
What should I do now?
The foods and items that have shown as intolerances need to be taken out of your diet. We recommend that you eliminate them for at least two weeks, but preferably four to get the most benefit from your report. You should try to eliminate them all at the same time and although we understand that this can be difficult when it is something you eat on a regular basis, the sooner you eliminate them, the sooner you will see results. After the elimination period has finished then you need to try and add the items back into your diet. It is important that you do this one item at a time, because intolerances don't show up immediately so it may be a few hours before you see any symptoms. The best way to do this is to keep a diary, so you know when you have eaten the items. If you do suffer some symptoms then this means that you have a strong intolerance to this item and so will need to avoid it for a further two weeks. We realise that this may seem tedious but can assure you it is the best way of understanding what items you are still intolerant to. Most of the time an intolerance will disappear but there are occasions when your body simply won't want to accept something back into the body and so this will become a lifetime intolerance. Although this may seem difficult to deal with, it is something that you will get used to fairly quickly, especially if you aren't suffering the associated symptoms anymore.
What about my pets?
If you have pets and have shown an intolerance to dog or cat hair then don't despair. This simply means that you need to be more aware of where your pet goes in your home. Try and limit their access to bedrooms and keep them well groomed to avoid excess hair and dander on your floors and soft furnishings.
Help, I have a query!
If you have any other questions or would like to tell us about your results through a testimonial then please don't hesitate to contact us at the following email address:
The information provided in this report should not be used a diagnostic tool, it is a guidance to your intolerances and lacking nutrients from the hair sample you produced on the given date. Any major changes to your diet should be supervised by your G.P.
Women's Health West Policy and Law Reform Scan This scan is provided to inform the WHW strategic planning process. It outlines key policy documents, legislative reforms and the external policy environment that relate to women's health, safety and wellbeing. © Women's Health West International Context International Gender Equality In November 2015, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) held a 16-day international conference in Istanbul to end men's violence against women. Official representatives from more than 40 countries vowed to take a zero tolerance approach and immediate action to end the global epidemic of violence against women. They agreed to greater investment in gender equality, to share data on violence against women and to strengthen existing laws to protect women. The conference was held 20 years after the landmark Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which was adopted by 189 countries in 1995 and set the most progressive agenda for advancing women's rights. Since the conference, the Executive Directors of UN Women and UNFPA launched the Essential Services Package, a toolkit of guidelines, services and best practice to support women and girls subjected to violence. This resource can be found here: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau selects a 50-50 cabinet (2015) In November newly elected Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his cabinet which for the first time in Canadian history is made up of 15 men and 15 women. When asked at a press conference why he chose a gender balanced cabinet, the self-declared feminist's answer was brief: "Because it's 2015". The new gender division comes on top of existing cabinet-making criteria for regional, linguistic and ethnic representation, including the practice of selecting at least one minister from each of the country's 10 provinces. Trudeau's cabinet also includes a former Afghanistan refugee as the minister of democratic institutions, a para-Olympic swimmer from Vancouver in the sports ministry and an Aboriginal lawyer as minister of justice and attorney general. More details about Trudeau's cabinet can be found her Nepal's first female Prime Minister (2015) Nepal has elected a long-time women's rights campaigner as the country's first female president, as the Himalayan nation pushes for more gender equity in politics and civic life. Bidhya Devi Bhandari, the 54-year-old deputy leader of Nepal's Communist Party of Nepal Unified Marxist-Leninist, had lobbied actively for the new constitution to require that either the president or vice-president be a woman. Bidhya Devi Bhandari said her election by the Parliament marked a first step towards assuring these constitutional guarantees of equality are fulfilled. The constitution now requires that one-third of the country's legislators be women, and that women be included in all government committees. Bidhya Devi Bhandari has also promised to actively champion the rights of minority groups and women in Nepal. Global Ambassador for Women and Girls Former Democrats leader Natasha Stott Despoja has been appointed to this position by Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop. This follows her appointment as founding chair of the Foundation to prevent Violence against Women and their Children. The minister sees ‘one of the best ways to achieve peace and security and…achieve stronger communities and societies is to empower the women and the girls in your populations'. Further information can be found at: Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations (2013) Australia is currently participating in the final stages of negotiations for the Trans Pacific Partnership; an agreement to regulate free trade in the Asia-Pacific region. While the details of the agreement are yet to be released, a draft of the intellectual property chapter was leaked in November 2013. United States draft proposals for expanded patent protection have led many academics and public health professions to question what the agreement might mean for timely access to affordable medicines. In response, a motion was passed in the senate calling for early release of the draft text and greater public scrutiny of the agreement. The following areas of concern were raised in the letter presented to the federal Minister for Health by 44 prominent academics in public health and health sciences:
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