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The Alzheimer's & Dementia
For more information
Side effects
Alliance of Wisconsin is a nonprofit
organization that is specifically designed
to provide a link to resources for
These medications are generally well-
people with Alzheimer's disease and
tolerated; however, some people may have
related dementias. We are also deeply
adverse reactions to the drugs. It is important
concerned with providing support to those
that the prescribing doctor be aware of the
who care for persons with dementia.
person's medical history, current medications,
Exelon® Patch (rivastigmine
Our mission is to help caregivers take
and any existing health conditions.
care of themselves as well as provide a
Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Some possible side effects of cholinesterase
quality life for the person with Alzheimer's
inhibitors include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
disease or related dementia.
fatigue, cramps, weight loss, decreased
If you have questions or would like
appetite, and insomnia.
assistance, please contact us.
Some possible side effects of Namenda®
Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
include headache, constipation, confusion,
Alzheimer's & Dementia Alliance of
dizziness and diarrhea. Side effects typically
increase with dosage, but decline over time
Namenda® and Namenda XR®
517 North Segoe Road Suite 301
with continued use. Speak to your doctor if
Madison WI 53705
you have any concerns.
A guide to medications
Forest Laboratories, Inc.
608.232.3400 or 888.308.6251
Since Namzaric™ is a combination of
[email protected]
Namenda® extended-release and donepezil,
there may be side effects from both drugs.
Namzaric™ (memantine and
Which drug is
Pfizer Inc. and Allergan plc
The cholinesterase inhibitors are similar in
many respects. However, each type has slight
Patient Assistance
How they work, how they
differences in composition and mechanisms
that may make one more suitable for an
are administered, common
individual than another.
For information on programs to help pay for
Because Namenda® works very differently
some medication costs, contact:
side-effects, and more
from cholinesterase inhibitors, the two types of
drugs can be prescribed in combination.
Partnership for Prescription
Namzaric™ may be beneficial as a once-a-
day medication for people who are already
Updated February 2016
tolerant of both drugs.
Namenda® works differently than the
How do these
How are they
lzheimer's disease (AD)
cholinesterase inhibitors and is known as
damages nerve cells in the
an NMDA receptor antagonist. It is FDA-
brain, causing a progressive
approved to treat moderate to severe
Aricept® (donepezil) is a tablet
decline in cognitive functioning. This
Alzheimer's disease symptoms.
administered once daily. Generally, the initial
decline is characterized by problems
Aricept®, Exelon®, and Razadyne®
It appears to work by regulating the activity of
dose is 5 mg a day. If well tolerated, the
of memory and reasoning as well as
are drugs known as cholinesterase inhibitors
glutamate. Excess glutamate leads to death of
dose is usually increased to 10 mg a day.
personality and behavioral changes.
and are approved to treat mild to moderate
brain cells.
It is available as a dissolving tablet. After at
There is currently no cure for the
symptoms of AD. Aricept® has also been
least three months on the 10 mg tablet, a
disease, but there are drugs available
approved to treat severe AD.
Namenda® has been approved to
23 mg time-release tablet is available.
to help control the symptoms of mild to
Each acts in a different way to delay the
be prescribed in conjunction with a
cholinesterase inhibitor.
breakdown of acetylcholine, a chemical
as a capsule, liquid or skin patch. The oral
In some people, these drug treatments
neurotransmitter in the brain that facilitates
Namzaric™ is a combination of extended-
communication among nerve cells and
medication is typically started at 1.5 mg
may enhance memory and cognitive
release memantine and donepezil.
is important for memory, judgment and
twice daily with food. The therapeutic goal
ability or slow down the rate of
other thought processes. AD is associated
is to increase the dosage gradually to reach
Generic equivalents of many of these
cognitive decline. This can help the
with inadequate levels of this important
6 to 12 mg a day. The skin patch is a small
medications are available. Consult with your
person function at a higher level for
neurotransmitter. Maintaining levels of
adhesive patch applied to the back, chest
physician or pharmacist to learn more.
a longer time—potentially improving
acetylcholine may help to compensate for the
or upper arm. Because it delivers a small,
quality of life and reducing the amount
loss of functioning brain cells associated with
steady dose through the skin, it may produce
of assistance needed from others.
the disease.
fewer side effects. It is replaced once a day.
Five prescription medications
Acetylcholine levels are also reduced in
approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
persons with some other types of dementia.
or liquid administered twice daily with food.
Administration (FDA) for treatment of
Cholinesterase inhibitors may be prescribed
Some medications may help control mood
The initial dose is usually 4 mg twice a day.
AD are commonly prescribed:
for these diseases as well.
and behavioral symptoms of AD such
If well tolerated, it is slowly increased up to
as sleeplessness, agitation, anxiety and
24 mg a day. It is also available as a once-a-
• Aricept® (donepezil)
depression, and should be discussed with the
day, extended-release capsule.
• Exelon® (rivastigmine)
person's doctor if these symptoms cannot be
Namenda® (memantine) is a tablet or
managed sufficiently in other ways.
• Razadyne® (galantamine)
liquid. The initial dose is 5 mg per day, and
• Namenda® (memantine)
The prescribing physician should be kept
may be slowly increased to 10 mg twice a
aware of all medications a person is taking,
day if kidney functions are good. It is also
• Namzaric™ (memantine
including herbal and over-the-counter
available as a once-a-day, extended-release
extended-release and
medications, as well as alcohol and caffeine.
Exelon® has also been approved by
This brochure is provided as a guide
release and donepezil) is available as a
the FDA for the treatment of mild to
only and not intented to be used for
once-a-day capsule in two dosage strengths,
moderate Parkinson's disease dementia
treatment purposes. It is important
14/10 mg (memantine extended release/
to work closely with an experienced
donepezil) and 28/10 mg for people
physician in determining the best
already stable on these doses.
13. Safety instructions for CR2032 lithium batteries1. Lithium batteries are lithium manganese cells. If you do not use the monitor over a longer period, you should take out the batteries of the device. 2. Never open the lithium battery, do not put into fire, or expose to shocks because Glass Body Fat Monitor with Scale an explosion risk lasts or discharge of poisonous exposure to fumes might possible.
A BRAZILIAN NEGLECTED DISEASE Jansen Fernandes Medeiros1, Felipe Arley Costa Pessoa2 and Luis Marcelo Aranha Mansonelliasis is a filariasis whose etiological agents are Mansonella ozzardi, Mansonella perstans and Mansonella streptocerca. Only the first two cited species occur in Brazil. M. ozzardi is widely distributed in Amazonas state and it is found along the rivers Solimões, Purus, Negro and their