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Chai lights mar06 .x

PURIM 5776
MARCH 2016

There is a Jewish expression that says- "With the arrival of the comes to replace another one, until the other one comes back Jewish month of Adar, our happiness is greatly increased!" to replace the new one. And so on, and so on! The reference to "greatly increased happiness" is a reference to The story is told of a new rabbi officiating at his first religiousthe holiday of Purim celebrated on the 14th of Adar. service. When the time comes to recite the Shema, half thecongregation stands up and half the congregation remains We are amidst a leap year on the Jewish calendar. Instead of seated. As the prayer begins, the congregants standing starttwelve months in the year, we add a 13th month to the calendar. taking issue with those seated, while those seated send forthThe extra month is called Adar 1. In a leap year, Purim is cele- their own verbal volley toward those standing. Bewildered bybrated on the 14th day of Adar 2 (corresponding this year to this behavior, the new rabbi decides to confer with his emeritus.
Wednesday evening-Thursday evening, March 23-24). Purimhumor and the month of Adar go "hand-in-hand".
The rabbi asks his senior colleague, "What is the tradition inthis congregation for the recitation of the Shema? Should the Jewish humor is another form of Jewish learning. Instead of congregants be seated?" The elder rabbi replied, "No." "Thenteaching with a "kvetch", we learn with a laugh. Let's do a little the tradition is to stand?" Again the elder rabbi replied, "No."of both.
"I'm confused," said the new rabbi. "Some stand and some sit.
Those who stand argue with those who sit, and those who sit The most exercised statement in Jewish religious life is, "Rabbi, argue with those who stand." "Ah," replied the senior colleague,this is our tradition!" It doesn't take thousands of years to create "that's the tradition!"a tradition. It's not uncommon in Jewish life for thousands oftraditions to be created in the space of one year! Each tradition In the spirit of Purim, it's only a joke! I hope.
If you could manage to attend one Tuesday a month it would we need your
be greatly appreciated so that those saying Kaddish would be assured of being able to. CAN YOU SPARE
Please call the office, 604-271-6262, to let us know which 30 MINUTES
Tuesday you will be able to attend each month. Service begins ONCE A MONTH? sharply at 7:30 am. Breakfast follows the service.
Call the synagogue office at 604-271-6262. In respect of Shabbat and on Holy Days, kindly refrain from using After business hours contact Rabbi Siegel at 778-323-6455 or cellular phones, cameras, or any other electronic equipment,
Francie Steen at 604-272-7871. On Shabbat or Yom Tov contact applauding, or chewing gum in the synagogue.

Hofit Indyk
How YOU Can Fulfill the Four Mitzvot of Purim:
flavours!). For the adults, a light Persian-themed dinner option There are four things we are obligated to do on Purim. Using will be available! Please prepay ahead of time (cost $10/pp)these four Mitzvot as a guide, here are some suggestions for by calling the Beth Tikvh office to place your order.
making this year's Purim celebrations both fun and meaningful.
Mitzvah #3: Send Mishloach Manot
Mitzvah #1: Hear the Megillah
Back by popular demand, this year you can order more of Join us at Beth Tikvah on Wednesday, March 23, at 5:30pm, for a USY's Mishloach Manot baskets for your family and friends!fun Purim celebration starting with a performance by Shay the Proceeds help support Jewish youth programming in Richmond,Funny Clown and followed by balloon twisting, face painting and you can either pick up the Mishloach Manot at Beth Tikvahand a professional improv show with Tickle Me Pickle! You can or have them delivered!  also enjoy our crafts booth and make finger puppets to helptell the story of Purim.
Mitzvah #4: Matanot L'Evyonim
Perfect timing! Did you know that Beth Tikvah is co-sponsoring
Then stay for our Megillah reading at 7:00pm, which will be a Kurdish refugee family with Beth Israel? Any donation wouldled by Rabbi Siegel – but with a twist! We have a surprise for help make a difference, and for more information on our effortsyou…Wait and see, it will sure keep you on your feet! to support Kurdish refugees please contact Rabbi HowardSiegal or our Tikkun Olam Chair, David Numerow.
Mitzvah #2: Have a Purim Seudah
The story of Purim took place in Persia. Have a Persian- Just as importantly, we will gladly accept any non-perishable
themed meal this year, with a menu that fits the setting of the items for the Jewish Family Service's food bank, and encourage
you to consider any other charities of your choice! During our event, we will be serving a kids Pizza dinner from5:30-6:30pm, along with delicious Hamentaschens (in different NEW…BETH TIKVAH KIDDUSH FUND…NEW
Our Board of Directors has created a new fund for Beth Tikvah…THE KIDDUSH FUND!
The purpose is to enable people to donate as much as they would like into the fund, without having to fund the entire $250 each time. The minimum donation for the Kiddush Fund is $36.

Today I came to work to finish up my work to submit for the survival. The Jewish People has survived for approximately Chai Lights. That's all I had on my schedule. The time is just 4,000 years. And so, we too, at Beth Tikvah keep on going… 3:15 pm and I've now started to finish the job. Why? Because celebrating, mourning, and sharing in each others' joys andwe have been so busy!! sorrows. And we are doing all this as part of our Beth Tikvah"family". We discussed this past event, Dirty Apron with a visit from theVancouver Aquarium. We put the finishing details on the Come to Beth Tikvah to celebrate Purim! You have the chanceupcoming Religious School Shabbat Service & Dinner. We had to "shout out" Haman with the children and without them!a meeting about Purim, the carnival, the menu and helping Watch Shay the Clown…enjoy some pizza and hamentashen…USY do the Mishloah Manot as a fundraiser. We had a brief watch the improve show…wear your costume…indulge in ameeting about having the second Seder of Pesach at Beth drink or two or three. Come for a night of uncontrollableTikvah. And, of course, in between we had the regular day of laughter, Purim hysteria and gragger madness! Check the Chaianswering the phone, helping people and doing the regular Lights for all the details.
chores of the day. Life is busy at Beth Tikvah…it's a happenin'place!! The plan is to have our tax receipts in the mail the last week ofFebruary. If you haven't receive your receipt, please contact As Purim is quickly approaching, Esther made her "people" Inna at 604-271-6262.
proud. What would have been the consequences if she hadnot risked talking to the king? Would Haman have succeeded Chag Sameachin annihilating the Jewish people? Purim celebrates Jewish Shabbat Candle Lighting
Friday, March 11 5:54 pm Friday, March 18 7:05 pm Friday, March 25 7:16 pm Saturday, April 2 8:25 pm Saturday, April 9 8:37 pm Saturday, April 16 8:48 pm Saturday, April 23 9:00 pm Saturday, April 30 9:12 pm Baruch atah adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav, v'tzivanu l'hadlik ner shel Shabbat. Praised are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe whose mitzvot add holiness to our lives and who gave us the mitzvah to kindle Shabbat light.
with Claire Hammer This past February, 15 women gathered around the kitchen tables at Beth Tikvah to hear Claire Hammer share her traditional Sephardic recipe for burekas.
The workshop was hands-on, with participants receiving one-on-one direction,and then kneading, stuffing, baking – and eating! – the burekas. We made somany, extras were taken home! The workshop was a great opportunity to meet other members of the community,and a special change to bepart of Claire's tradition andhome – if even just for anhour or two.
Our next Cooking Series,w h i c h w i l l b e l e d b yDebbie Kafka, will focuson Rosh Hashana, andteach participants theancient ar t of Challahbraiding to take homejust in time for the holi-day! BETH TIKVAH CONGREGATION
The Vancouver Aquarium brought a highly interactive program to Beth Tikvah on Sunday, February 21. Over 50 children and their parents enjoyed a high touch andfun presentation about the land and sea  animalsof  Canada's north. This was a unique opportunity tosee,  touch and feel the aquarium  artifacts includingintertidal animals living inthe Arctic. The cooking partof the program included"sushi" tortil a rol up wrapswith veggies and creamcheese as well as under thesea themed graham wafersdecorated with blue icingand goldfish crackers. Thisprogram was inspired bythe astral sign for theHebrew month, Adar, whichis Pisces.  Our family cooking seriescontinues in the months tocome, so stay tuned! This program would nothave been possible withoutthe generous commitmentof time and energy from our fantasticcrew of parent volunteers! A big thankyou to Jeanna Gavsie, Laura Feldman,Elana Berger, and Hofit Indyk. Behindthe scenes guidance from Ryan Berger,Dina Medicoff, and Tova Wolinsky wasalso greatly appreciated! BETH TIKVAH CONGREGATION
This past January, 18 individuals came together to explore the concepts of Tu B'shvat through an intuitive paintingworkshop.
Together, we used paint and a blankcanvas to illustrate ideas and feelingsrelated to growth, roots, seasons, andhow it connected back to situations inour lives, such as: uprooting from a homeand moving to another; personal growth; what elements, or The event was held in partnership with the Jewish Federationnutrients, we need to grow, and how does life relate to the of Greater Vancouver and the Richmond JHUB.
different seasons.
Due to popular demand, Beth Tikvah is planning to host Participants came from all walks of life, including: Israeli new- another Intuitive Painting Workshop for the upcoming Lagcomers, retired seniors, empty-nesters, as well as young, new B'Omer holiday. For more information, please contact Hofitmothers. It was a fascinating – and rewarding – experience to Indyk ([email protected]), Program Coordinator, Beth Tikvah.
see how each individual related to the concepts of Tu B'shvatand embraced this journey of reflection and discovery. THE JEWISH FOOD BANK is looking for strong men or women who are able to help us unload and load our food
supplies twice a month on Thursday mornings. The times would be either 7:00am-8:00am or 11:00am-11:30am. If you are
able to come please email Shelley Ail at [email protected]. Thank you.
We would like to remind our members and guests to be mindful during our Shabbat Services of:
* please refrain from wearing any fragrances (many people are allergic to them). We are a scent-free zone.
* turn off ALL cell phones and any other electrical devices
* as we would like to celebrate Shabbat as a community we ask that you wait to have the Kiddush and Hamotze

recited before partaking of the Kiddush lunch
* always wear a kippah and tallit when participating in our Shabbat service
* no applauding during Shabbat services

This helps us in our aim to make Shabbat a pleasant and memorable experience for all.
Isha L'Isha –Woman to Woman: Linda Stein, C oordinator; Lois Powell, Board Representative Vicki Northy (Gift shop); Stacey Szeplabi (Treasurer) is no commitment or charge but we do ask that you RSVP for Beth Tikvah's has a Women's Group??? You can't believe how many times recently I have been asked this question! planning and that you source your own copies to read. The Therefore, let me answer this quite clearly… meetings are informal but we look forward to lively and inter-active discussions. Yes, most affirmatively yes. Almost since the inception of BethTikvah, there has been a women's group. First it was known as Also in February, we held our annual Spa night. Ruth Singer, aSisterhood which morphed in to Women's League and for the veteran organizer of wellness programs, brought back massage,last seven years or so we have been known as Isha L'Isha, or body talk, facials, pedicures, manicures and reflexology toWoman to Woman. We are extremely active, organizing Beth Tikvah for Isha L'Isha. Under candlelight and soft music,programs for our women as well as supporting Beth Tikvah's our classrooms were transformed to places of relaxation andgeneral programming and doing outreach in the communit y healing. Snacks and schmoozing in the library were enjoyedat large. between treatments. A special thank you to all the therapistsas well as Ruth's friend Maureen for helping Ruth.
Since Hanukkah we have been very busy. At theend of December, we attended Chanting andChocolate at Or Shalom. ( Proceeds from this monthlyevent helps five local Jewish Ugandan orphangirls attend school. This chanting event is heldon the last Sunday evening of every month at Or Shalom in Vancouver. Anyone interested informing a carpool from Beth Tikvah to attendplease feel free to contact [email protected].
In January, Beth Tikvah's program director Hofit, organized an Isha L'Isha is also supporting the Beth Tikvah refugee programintuitive painting evening in collaboration with Isha L'Isha with a modest financial contribution now and with volunteersand JHub.This evening was extremely well received and sold when it is needed. This is being organized by Rabbi Siegel inout. This is a must the next time it is offered.
collaboration with Beth Israel and David Numerow, BethTikvah's Board Representative for Outreach. We will be calling Lois Powell also started our new book club. In January, Boston on volunteers to help once the program is underway. However,Girl by Anita Diamant was discussed, followed by Henna presently, Beth Tikvah needs your help to raise $10,000 dollarsHouse by Nomi Eve in February. In May, we will be talking towards this endeavour to sponsor a Kurdish family. Rabbiabout Danish Girl by David Ebershoff and in July, The Harem Siegel in his D'var Torah this past Shabbat urged us all to reachMidwife by Roberta Rich. Tentative dates are May 12 and July deep, in keeping with being Jewish, and help us reach this7. Anyone is welcome to attend the book club meetings. There goal soon. I sincerely hope we all find it in our hearts and souls BETH TIKVAH CONGREGATION
to step up to the plate and help alleviate this global crisis from selection of new items!! Your purchase will be a gift thatone family to one family at a time.
keeps on giving, as all proceeds support our programmingand tikkun olam initiatives.
On a lighter note, to help us celebrate our own freedoms withour friends and families, Beth Tikvah gift shop is fully stocked For more information on Isha L'Isha or how to get involved,for Pesach. Stop by Beth Tikvah and check it out. We will be please feel free to email Linda Stein, [email protected] or Loisopen some select hours on Sunday mornings before Pesach Powell, [email protected].
for last minute shopping. Thank you Vicki for the beautiful JUDAICA GIFT SHOP NEWS
The gift shop will be open from 11am to 12:15 pm on Sundays in April from 11:00 am-12:15 pm
as well as during normal office hours. With Passover just around thecorner, it will be a good time to come in and take a look. The gift shophas just received two large new shipments with some really lovely,new items that will make wonderful presents for all occasions. We are really excited about the new pieces for sale by Yair Emanuellike the multi-colored aluminum Seder plate, the wooden matzahholder painted with a Jerusalem design, and wooden painted Miriamand Eliyahu cups. Also, we have kiddush cups, menorahs and colorfulcoasters by this designer. Don't forget to come look at the gift shop when you need to senda card or give a present! THE SHOP IS OPEN MONDAY TO THURSDAY
Contact Vicki at 604-272-1582 if you need to make special arrangements outside of normal hours.
Got News? Got Views? Want to voice your opinion about any An optional delicious lunch is prepared by Stacey Kettleman topic? Then come join us every second Tuesday from 11:30 for only $10 per person.
am to 1:00 pm to share your views and join in the discussionwith our lively and insightful group. SHABBAT DINNERS AT BETH TIKVAH
In January and February, the shul hosted two Friday Night enjoying a Shabbat meal together. We prayed together, sang dinners bringing  families from across our community songs, chatted, and played together, bringing in the Shabbat together. In January, Beth Tikvah co-hosted with RJDS and the in a meaningful way. We also enjoyed learning new songsJHUB to bring together families from these different segments from our Shinshinia Tomer. These dinners are such a meaning-of Richmond, and in February, the Beth Tikvah Hebrew School ful way to spend time with your family, meet new families,sponsored a dinner for its families and other BT families. Both and leave the cooking to Stacey, whose chicken soup can't bedinners  attracted over 70 people, with children and parents beat.
Hebrew School is better than ever. The students and teachers Time to begin thinking about registration for next year. Please are al having a blast.
cal the office (604-271-6262) for information and to register.
Our Board of Directors has created a new fund for Beth Tikvah…THE KIDDUSH FUND!
The purpose is to enable people to donate as much as they would like into the fund, without having to fund the entire $250 each time. The minimum donation for the Kiddush Fund is $36.
This year at USY we have been cooking up a storm of new As you can see we have been busy having fun and working events! We have had a movie night complete with popcorn together, playing together and bonding together. Our board is and pizza and all who attended had a blast! Our plans for the proving to be determined to make this year one for the best innext few months include helping out with making and selling Richmond Or Chadash history. We hope those of you in grademishloach manot, preparing for Regional Convention all while 8-12 can come out and join us! planning our amazingShabbaton that will behappening at UBC Hillelhouse on May 14 and will If anyone has any inquiries include a variety of events please contact us at: and activities such as Karoke and Krav MagaLessons!! This doesn'tinclude our plans for alaser tag extravaganza USY Pizza and Movie Night (March 5) and Playland trip. YAHRZEITS Light candles the night before
10 Rebecca Conway 11 Leslie Gafinowitz 11 Robert Krikler 26 Ercilia Ocampo Gracia 14 Elinore Charles 29 Pola Nutkiewicz 15 Shari Hartmann 17 Barney Benjamin 13 Dina Ben-Moshe 13 Esther Berenbaum 29 Evelyn Jackson 30 Myrtle Greenberg Julian Belchamber 19 Moishe Posternack 20 Esther Wolinsky 21 Henry Nutkiewicz BETH TIKVAH CONGREGATION
Shauna Osten, Kadima Youth Advisor
Richmond Kadima is having a fantastic year so far! It has chapters to get together. Last weekend we went to cosmic been important for me to create a program where Jewish bowling and pizza, where the kids got to show off their youth can come and meet others they may not know from bowling skills. their own community. I try to plan activities for the kids tointeract with each other and simply enjoy themselves. Our next event is in the planning and if you're interested inhaving your children come, or want to know more about our Recently, we teamed up with the Vancouver Kadima and went programming, please contact Shauna Osten at:up to Cypress mountain to go snow tubing. Everyone had a [email protected].
great time and it was fantastic for the Richmond and Vancouver BETH TIKVAH CONGREGATION
Purim (Hebrew: םירופ, Purim "lots", from the word pur, the Jews of Persia from destruction. The reading of therelated to Akkadian puru) is a Jewish holiday that commemo- megillah typically is a rowdy affair, punctuated by booing andrates the deliverance of the Jewish people in the ancient noise-making when Haman's name is read aloud.
Persian Empire from destruction in the wake of a plot byHaman, a story recorded in the Biblical Book of Esther Purim is an unusual holiday in many respects. First, Esther is(Megillat Esther).
the only biblical book in which God is not mentioned. Second,Purim, like Hanukkah, traditionally is viewed as a minor festi- val, but elevated to a major holiday as a result of the Jewish Purim is celebrated with a public reading—usually in the historical experience. Over the centuries, Haman became thesynagogue—of the Book of Esther (Megillat Esther), which embodiment of every anti-Semite in every land where Jewstells the story of the holiday. Under the rule of King were oppressed. The significance of Purim lies not so much inAhashverosh, Haman, the king's prime minister, plots to how it began, but in what it has become: a thankful and joy-exterminate all of the Jews of Persia. His plan is foiled by ous affirmation of Jewish survival against all odds.
Queen Esther and her cousin Mordechai, who ultimately save THE GRAGGER
In Judaism, the gragger is used for the holiday of Purim. The gragger is used every time Haman's name is mentioned during
the reading of the Megillah.[6] Because Haman persecuted the Jews, the noise is supposed to symbolically drown out his name
(although every word of the Megillah, including Haman's name, must be heard clearly). The gragger was developed to help
make noise during the reading.
Here's a way to let kids make their own.
the center with one or two of the above toppings. Pinch into a triangular, hamantaschen shape.
- Soft, pliable whole wheat or white bread - Jam, soft butter, cheese spread, or peanut butter Have the children roll the bread flat before cutting out the cir- cle, to mimic how it is done with dough. Take soft, pliable slices of bread and use a large, round cookie You can use chocolate spread in the middle as another alter-cutter to cut out circles. Then, using a spoon or butter knife, fill native filling.
Traditional hamantashen recipes abound but have you ever Give children a biscuit placed on a piece of wax paper or atried a hamantashen that is a meal in itself? paper plate. Help each child flatten out the biscuit, still keeping the circle shape. Place a spoonful of pizza sauce in the center - Refrigerated biscuits - Shredded cheese - Pizza sauce and then sprinkle on the cheese. Pinch the ends into a triangleshape like a hamantashen and bake on a greased cookie sheetfollowing the directions on the biscuit container. Cool and enjoy! BETH TIKVAH CONGREGATION
Purim by Numbers…
0 times that God's name is mentioned in the Book of Esther 54 times that Haman's name appears in the Book of Esther 2 parties Esther asks Achashverosh to throw for her & Haman 54 letters spelling out the names of Haman's ten sons 3 days of fasting by the Jews prior to Esther going to see King 54 words in the "Al HaNisim" (prayer recited on Purim)Achashverosh 127 provinces that Achashverosh ruled 4 mitzvot to fulfill on Purim 127 years that our matriarch, Sarah, lived - Reading the Book of Esther 180 days that Achashverosh's party in Shushan lasted - Matanot L'enyonim (money to the poor) 240 numerical value of the Hebrew words "Amalek" & "doubt" - Mishloach Manot (gifts of food) 502 numerical value for both phrases "cursed be Haman" & 9 years in which the Purim story unfolds "blessed be Mordechai" 13 date in Nisan that Haman cast the lots 2368 years ago that the Purim story took place 13 date in Adar that the decree to kill the Jews fell out BRIDGE NIGHT AT BETH TIKVAH
Monday night is when Beth Tikvah runs its premier bridge Thursday night is when Beth Tikvah runs its casual duplicategame. This is an ACBL sanctioned duplicate bridge game, bridge game. This is not a sanctioned bridge game, there is nowith masterpoints awarded, entry fee $8. Our director is Bryan official director, no masterpoints are awarded, entry fee $2.
Maksymetz, who has helped represent Canada in internationaltournaments, and is currently coach of Canada's Junior Bridge Both games start at 7pm. More information about bridge gamesTeam. If you want to brush up on your bridge skills before play- at Beth Tikvah can be found at:ing in this game, please contact Larry Meyer at 604- 271-8692. www.bethtikvahbridge.wordpress.comIf enough people are interested, Bryan will be happy to offerbridge lessons.
Please remember the Jewish Food Bank when you rice & cereals, dried fruits, cooking oil, peanut butter,
baby food & diapers.
Canned vegetables, soups, fish & juice, whole grain pasta, No outdated or pre opened products please. BETH TIKVAH CONGREGATION
option available.
Please inform the
office when
you RSVP.
Come to Beth Tikvah for the
Adults: $38
Children 8-12: $15; 6-8: $10; 2-6: $6
For this occasion, we will not be able to
extend the deadline. PLEASE RSVP EARLY!
Alexandre Judkowicz Marilyn Weinstein Valerie DuQuesnay Gabriel & Beatrice Dan & Barbara Cohen Derek & Reva Henriques Mort & Barbara David Marshall & Bonnie Letcher Ed & Linda Gavsie Jeff & Robin Gelfer Rick & Judy Waldman Jorge & Sarina HartmannBrian & Ann Kramer The Board of Directors, together with the Congregation, wish to thank our Kiddush Luncheon Sponsors for December andJanuary. The Kiddush luncheons are an integral part of Beth Tikvah's Jewish life and it truly has made a difference to ourcongregants and guests here at the synagogue.
Dan & Barbara Cohen, in honour of Dan's 85th Birthday Jeff & Linda Rothberg and Charlie & Claire Hammer, in Tammi Belfer, Lonnie & Tami Belfer & Family, Yoni & Mandy memory of their fathers, Jim Moffatt, Moshe Rothberg & Kaiser-Blueth & family, in memory of Irving Belfer David & Shelley Ail, Marshall & Marilyn Berger, StaceyKettleman, David & Linda Malchy, Issy & Francie Steen, Alan Yasin, in honour of Sylvia Yasin's 90th Birthday TO HONOUR THE MEMORY OF A DEAR ONE…If you wish to honour the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified
remembrance is through a Yahrzeit Plaque and Light. Each Yahrzeit Plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the bronze
tablet in the Foyer. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year when Yizkor is recited.
Call Francie, 604-271-6262 to order a plaque.
In Support of One Another…
Shael & Lotti Smith Congratulations on the birth of your Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter, Amelia Janis Ross & Family In memory of your father, grandfather & great grandfather, Harry Rick Arino & Family Wishing you a speedy recovery David & Sandi Cyrstal In memory of your father &grandfather, Eduardo Rabbi Claudio Kaiser-Blueth In memory of your step-grandfather, A hearty Mazel Tov on your 70th Wishing you a speedy recovery Marshall, Marilyn, Ed & Linda Stan & Vivian Garfinkel Congratulations on the birth of your Rabbi Howard Siegel In memory of your Aunt Sela new Granddaughter In memory of your step-father, grand-father & great grandfather, Norman Marshall & Marilyn In memory of your Aunt Sela Wishing you a speedy recovery Mazel Tov on your 90th Birthday In memory of your mother, Congratulations on the birth of your grandmother & great grandmother, Marshall & Marilyn Berger Rachel Kierszenblat Rabbi Howard Siegel Glad to hear you are feeling better Mazel Tov on your 85th Birthday In memory of your step-father, Marshall & Marilyn Berger grandfather & great grandfather, In memory of your aunt, Daisy Israel Mazel Tov on the birth of your RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND
granddaughter, Amelia In memory of your grandfather Rabbi Howard Siegel & Family Marshall & Marilyn Berger & great grandfather, Norman In memory of your step-father, grandfather & great grandfather, Mazel Tov on achieving your Wishing you a speedy recovery Ben, Heather & Robbie Baker milestone Birthday Marshall & Marilyn Berger Wishing you a speedy recovery BETH TIKVAH EDUCATION FUND
Rabbi Howard Siegel & Family Mazel Tov on achieving your Shay Keil & Family In memory of your step-father, grand- milestone Birthday In memory of your grandmother father & great grandfather, Norman Your great nephews, Marshall's & great grandmother, Daisy Colin & Janice Lazarus & Sheila Lazarus sons – Tadd, Ryan, Kyle & Jory BETH TIKVAH CONGREGATION
In Support of One Another…
In memory of your Aunt Sela Mazel Tov on the birth of your grandson, Charlie Wishing you a speedy recovery Charlie & Claire Hammer Tamar Cohen & Michael Gal Toby Eisenberg & Family In memory of your father Anney Soronow & Family & grandfather, Norm Anney Soronow & Family In memory of your mother, grand- Larry & Wendy Kahn In memory of your mother, grand- mother & great grandmother, Daisy mother & great grandmother, Daisy Tamar Cohen & Michael Gal Dena Weisglas & Family Harvey & Dvora Mendelzys In memory of your mother, grand- Si & MaryJane Brown ETTIE LEHRER WISS MEMORIAL
mother & great grandmother, Lotti Jeff & Linda Rothberg LIBRARY FUND
Larry & Wendy Kahn Abe & Doreen Grossman You are an example on its own…with Ellen Cronk & Family In memory of your mother & grandmother, Priscilla Jack & Shirley Hyman Charlie & Claire Hammer Mazel Tov on the birth of your Issy & Francie Steen Charlie & Claire Hammer Best wishes for a speedy recovery Janis Ross & Family Marshall & Bonnie In memory of your father, grandfather Jackie Wright & great grandfather, Harry. We wish you Congratulations on your 70th Birthday! Janis Ross & Family & your family strength & long life Robert, Thea, Alia, Daniel & Alexandra In memory of your father, grandfather Julian & Maureen Collis& great grandfather, Harry Rick & Judy Waldman & Family Dale Fratkin & Alan Hitelman Congratulations on the birth of your Ken & Linda Glasner In memory of yur mother, Priscilla Ralph & Patti Aknin Robert, Thea, Alia, Daniel & Alexandra Shael & Lotti Smith Charlie & Claire Hammer Mazel Tov on the birth of your Mazel Tov on your special Birthday Daniel & Michelle Wishing you a Refuah Shlemah.
Thinking of you…lots of love Rick Arino & Family Janis Ross, Ken Rosenberg & Families In memory of your father & In memory of your father, grandfather grandfather, Eduardo & great grandfather, Harry. We know Ian, Elena, Micah & Eli he will be dearly missed. May his Wishing you a Refuah Shlemah…best Jeff & Linda Rothberg memory be for a Blessing.
In Support of One Another…
Rabbi Claudio Kaiser-Blueth David & Linda Malchy We wish you a very hearty Mazel Tov In memory of your grandfather Sincere best wishes on achieving this on your 70th Birthday. May you enjoy & great grandfather, Norman wonderful milestone. May you continue many more healthy & happy birthdays Ben, Heather & Robbie Baker to enjoy many more years togethe with your family and friends.
with health & happiness.
Ian & Elena Felgar Rabbi Howard Siegel & Family Charlie & Claire Hammer Janis Ross & Family In memory of your step-father, grand- Arthur & Janis Ross Thinking of you at this difficult time father & great grandfather, Norman Barry & Karen Corrin Ruth Freedman & Mark Freedman Wishing you a speedy recovery Mort & Barb David & Family Mazel Tov on your 90th Birthday Allan, Mindy & Family Saul & Sandy Youssiem The Lithwick/Jordan Family Saul & Sandy Youssiem Harvey & Dvora Mendelzys Norman & Shirley Chess Sam & Jenny Hyman Abe & Doreen Grossman Robert & Thea Rosenstock Congratulations on the birth Harold & Carol Braverman of your beautiful Daughter Brian & Ann Kramer David & Linda Malchy Robert, Thea, Alia, Daniel & Alexandra David, Susan, Logan & Ben Numerow Ian & Elena Felgar Shay Keil & Family Charlie & Claire Hammer In memory of your grandmother & great grandmother, Daisy Allen & Sandy Wolinsky Ben, Heather & Robbie Baker Alan & Pauline Marchant The Seltzer/Zimmering Family With love…Mazel Tov on your 85th Brian & Ann Kramer Arthur & Janis Ross Mazel Tov on the birth of your granddaughter, Amelia Shayla Feldstein & Marvyn Grodsky Glad to hear you are on the mend Julian & Maureen Collis Ian, Elena, Micah & Eli Shayla Feldstein & Marvyn Grodsky Rachel Kierszenblat Hope you are feeling better Wishing you a speedy recovery Allan, Mindy, Libby, Colin & Noah David & Linda Malchy Mazel Tov on your special Anniversary Abe & Doreen Grossman Mazel Tov on your 85th Birthday BETH TIKVAH CONGREGATION
In Support of One Another…
Stan & Vivian Garfinkel In memory of your step-grandfather, Mazel Tov on the arrival of your new Wishing you a happy Birthday & a granddaughter, Edie Alice healthy 87th year Ben, Heather & Robbie Baker Saul & Sandy Youssiem Ian & Elena Felgar Esther Silon & Family Michael & Sami Wall In memory of your dear husband, In memory of your mother, Sadie Mazel Tov on the birth of your third father & grandfather, Eli The Posternack Family Daughter. Wishing you much mazel Morty & Barbara David & Family Karen Mizrahi & Family In memory of your mother, Sadie Bob Maslan & Family In memory of your dear husband, The Posternack Family In memory of your wife, mother father & grandfather, Moti & grandmother, Carol Morty & Barbara David & Family Charlie, Claire & Family Mazel Tov on the birth of your new Nava Rosenberg & Family In memory of your father & Sorry to hear of the loss of your grandfather, Moti beloved husband & father, Sidney Morty & Barbara David & Family Rhoda Kravetsky, Norma Herstein & Cousins Bonnie & Marshall Letcher In loving memory of your mother,Dorothy Ken, Jeffery & Jeremy Do you want to do a mitzvah—well, here's your chance…We have some elderly congregants who would love to
come to services but can no longer drive. If you would like to offer rides occasionally, please call the office and let us

Privacy regulations prevent hospitals from identifying patients by religion or synagogue affiliation. The only way our rabbi and volunteers will know if a member of your family is in hospital is if you tell us. Call Francie Steen at 604-271-6262 or email: [email protected]
When emailing, please put "illness notification" in the subject line.
Please submit all information before deadlines below We would like to remind our members and guests to be mindful during our Shabbat Services of: • fragrances (many people are allergic to them) • turning off ALL cell phones, pagers, and any other electrical devices • as we would like to celebrate Shabbat as a community we ask that you wait to have the Kiddush andHamotze recited before partaking of the Kiddush luncheon • always wearing a kippah and tallit when participating in our Shabbat service • no applauding during Shabbat services This helps us in our aim to make Shabbat a pleasant and memorable experience for all. Do you want to do a mitzvah…We have some elderly congregants who would love to come to services but can no longer drive.
If you would like to offer rides occasionally, please call the office and let us know. Many thanks!
Shael & Lotti Smith, on the birth of their Granddaughter Stan & Vivian Garfinkel, on the birth of their new Stacey Kettleman, on the birth of her granddaughter, Tamar Cohen, on the birth of her new Grandchild REFUAH SHLEMAH (GET WELL)
Rachel Kierszenblat Rick Arino, on the loss of his father, Eduardo Ronit Berger, on the loss of her grandfather, Norman Tammi Belfer, on the loss of her aunt, Sela Shay Keil, on the loss of his grandmother, Daisy Linda Gavsie, on the loss of her aunt, Sela Naomi Ben-Yehuda, on the loss of her step-grandfather, Anney Soronow, on the loss of her mother, Daisy Rabbi Howard Siegel, on the loss of his step-father, Norman Claire Hammer, on the loss of her aunt, Daisy Have we missed any of your important life cycle events. Please call us for the next issue.
The mission of Beth Tikvah Congregation is to cultivate Conservative Judaism and enrich the Jewish identity, unity, continuity and heritage ofour supportive and caring community through Torah study, meaningful worship, acts of loving kindness, support for Israel and celebrationof Shabbat, Jewish Holy Days, Simchas and life cycle ceremonies.
9711 Geal Road, Richmond, BC V7E 1R4
Office: (604) 271-6262 • Fax: (604) 271-6270 • email: [email protected] •
HOURS: Monday – Thursday: 9:00am – 4:30pm; Friday: 9:00am – 3:00pm; SUMMER HOURS: Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 3:00pm Affiliated with United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Melanie Kierszenblat Vice President Finance Vice President Programming Ryan Berger Harvey Mendelzys Chai Lights Editors Social Programming BETH TIKVAH CONGREGATION



Contraceptive Use and Discontinuation Patterns in Nepal: Norplant, IUCD, Pill, and Injectables ©2003 EngenderHealth I. Introduction The main aims of Nepal's family planning program are to assist individuals and couples to space their children, prevent unintended pregnancies, and improve their overall reproductive health.

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A Weekly FAX from the Center for Substance Abuse Research CESAR FAX Buprenorphine Series March 31, 2003 to December 15, 2014 (updated January 9, 2015) Center for Substance Abuse Research University of Maryland 4321 Hartwick Road, Suite 501 College Park, MD 20740 301-405-9770 (phone) 301-403-8342 (fax) CESAR is pleased to provide this compilation of CESAR FAX issues focusing on buprenorphine. While research indicates that buprenorphine is an effective drug for treating opioid dependence, we feel that the potential for its nonmedical use and related unintended consequences may be going unnoticed. The most recent CESAR FAX issues on buprenorphine were designed to highlight indicators of the increased availability, diversion, and misuse of buprenorphine. CESAR will continue to monitor the diversion and abuse of buprenorphine and report on developments as they arise.

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