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spring summer 2015
Distributed to CEU Donorsand Friends Message froM the rector easily integrate new media into their there is much more to come. I hope you Next year, central european University lectures and invite guest speakers to join will join us in supporting and celebrating will celebrate its 25th anniversary, and remotely from anywhere on the globe this extraordinary university, its revolu- we are preparing now for the dramatic —the new campus will be technologically tionary history, and its very bright future changes that the next quarter-century will modern, highly flexible, and designed ahead. thank you.
above all for the purpose of teaching and learning. (see details on page1-2.) as we build, we are also continuing to planfor future growth. While the demand john shattuck President and Rector
for a ceU education is growing rapidly (we have seen a 30% rise in applications so far this year), we have sustained theaffordability of our tuition, while Latest News from
continuing to offer scholarships to 80%– 90% of our students. We do this because President Shattuck speaks at a ceremony at we understand that in a free and open, CEU to mark the laying of the foundation of the University's new campus. CEU/Daniel Vegel democratic society, access to an out- standing education is paramount, and as central european University appro- our current campus was never intended should be available to every student, aches its 25th year with outstanding world to be a university. one of our buildings regardless of their ability to pay. With rankings and record-setting research was a palatial family residence, another the generous support of our alumni and grants, we have launched a campus was a hotel. While we will preserve the friends around the world, we can con- redevelopment project that will transform beauty and historical significance of our tinue to strike this important balance. In the University's six contiguous properties facilities, the reconstruction and coming months, we will begin to celebrate into one lively, cohesive campus. ceU has development of our current quarters our founding and honor the mission of changed dramatically since its founding will result in an immensely improved the University through various campus —from a small, regional institution to a learning environment for our students. events and appointments, including: the global university with an international from the expanded library and media awarding of the ceU open society Prize to reputation. our renewed campus will center, where students can collaborate the International renaissance foundation reflect the University's growth and ambi- on projects, learn how to edit films, (see page 4) and the appointment of the tions over the last 25 years and provide and sit in on poetry readings; to "smart first George Soros Visiting Chair to our community with world-class facilities classrooms" where professors can Yasmin sooka (see insert).
and resources to lead us boldly into future.
New and forthcoming books from ceU Press include: Antimodernism. Radical Revisions of Collective Identity, eds. Diana
mishkova, marius TurDa,
and Balázs

Political Justice in Budapest after WWII, by ilDikó Barna and AndreA Pető
Free Speech and Censorship around the Globe, ed. PéTer molnár
ceU IN the NeWsceU's roma access Programs as a model for combating racism.
Artist rendering of nador 15's glass and steel facade (above) and CEU's new landscaped roof the University as a school of human garden (pg 1). CEU taining Putin.
ContInUED FRom P1. the new campus will be open ed by Professor of higher education and interconnected, feature cutting-edge technology, flexible classrooms and Policy marvin lazerson weighs in on
collaborative student spaces, and beautifully reflect CEU's open society mission, the future of the Bologna Process.
while also maintaining our architectural and historical importance in the heart of a UNesco World heritage site. Key components of the new campus include: a article co-written by
school of Public Policy Professor ausTin
With its modern glass and steel façade, the newly-constructed Nador 15 choi-FiTzPaTrick, examines the relation-
building will become the University's new "front door"—bringing the vib- ship between poverty, modern-day rancy of ceU to street level by sharing the openness and dynamism of the slavery, and family planning.
campus with the city of Budapest. an expanded Library, spanning five floors and equipped with multimedia technology will enhance ceU's ability to support the creation of new knowledge.
interview with sPP dean WolFgang
a street-facing 360-seat auditorium and International conference center reinicke considers the hungarian
will bring expanded facilities and advanced presentation technology to ceU government's balancing act between lectures and conferences.
east and West.
two sky-lit atriums inspired by Budapest's traditional courtyards will serve as hubs for student services and community events.
, an influential architecture a landscaped roof garden with views of the Budapest skyline, Parliament, and design magazine, features ceU's and the danube will be used for both study and social gatherings. an estimated €1 million in annual savings from energy efficiency gains.
see these articles and more at: f. We invite everyone in the ceU community to play a part in this defining moment in the University's history.
In January, the ceU center for Media, data and society (cMds) hosted science froNtiers of
fiction author and blogger-activist corY DocToroW in a public lecture on the topic
of regulating and mandating evolving technology. doctorow led the audience through nightmarish scenarios of governments and corporations capturing ourdata and activities and controlling our cars, heat, and even artificial limbs. Thisvulnerability comes with important policy challenges that have less to do withtechnology and network security, than about what technology enables or disables.
"the real problems we have today.corruption, poverty, climate change—all these fights will be fought or won on the Internet," Doctorow noted. "All other policy questions depend on how we answer Internet policy questions." Michael Ignatieff, Professor of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, spoke at CEU in march. CEU/Daniel Vegel mel horWiTch, dean and university professor at ceU Business school, gave one of
the keynote lectures, at the first #Hunnovators Conference in Si
this academic year, ceU held 26 events as part of the frontiers of democracy the conference was organized by initiative. Upcoming conferences will the neumann Society, a nonprofit dedicated to creating opportunities for Central and Eastern Europeans in Silicon Valley, which was founded after a CEU event in san francisco for young hungarian tech leaders, hosted by former U.s. Democracy Shunned: ambassador to hungary eleni kounalakis. ambassador Kounalakis also gave
Debates and Prospects, co-hosted with remarks to the audience of more than 150 hungarians and hungarophiles. the school of Public Policy. University and the transfor-mations of Democracy will examine the role of higher education in a worldwhere the meaning and role of democ-racy are in flux. OctObeR 9–10 Democracy and Its Dis-contents, co-organized in partnership with stanford University and the Institute for human sciences (IWM). nyC EVEnT HIGHlIGHTS rESEArCH In CoGnITIVE SCIEnCE
Best-selling author and journalist kaTi marTon hosted a reception for fellow
ceU trustees and friends on saturday, March 7th. guests, including amBassaDor
DonalD Blinken
, henrY arnholD, and alan and arlene alDa, gathered in Marton's
beautiful home for dinner and a conversation with naTalie seBanz, head of ceU's
cognitive science department. dr. sebanz's discussion focused on the social mind
of humans and new research on how to foster empathy and reduce negative
bias. Her talk illustrated how CEU's faculty use their research to find solutions
Professor nina Belyaeva, national Research to intractable global challenges. a few days later, Kati Marton joined ceU again University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, discussed Putin's approval ratings in march. in Budapest, where she held a fellowship at ceU's Institute for advanced study.
CEU/Daniel Vegel ceU NaMes 2015 oPeN an institution of higher education. this is the plans for the redeveloped campus socIety PrIze WINNer one of several strategic steps the Univer- into the foundation of Nador 15. every year, ceU honors leaders who sity is taking on the technology front, have made a commitment to the crucial including an institutional review of how elements of a functioning and healthy new educational technologies can be democracy—from fighting to end discri- deployed to enhance teaching and mination to broadening freedom of the learning at ceU.
press to defending human rights—with
the ceU open society Prize. Past awar-
dees include vaclav havel, carla Del
PonTe, koFi annan
, and richarD c.
holBrooke. this year, ceU has chosen
John Shattuck and the CEU community lay a time the inTernaTional renaissance
capsule in the foundation of CEU's new campus. CEU/Daniel Vegel FounDaTion (irF) as winner of the 2015
ceU open society Prize in recognition of its contribution to efforts toward the on Saturday, may 9th, CEU capped off its creation of an open society in Ukraine. alumni reunion with a gala held at the foundation's mission is to foster Budapest's Kempinski hotel corvinus. an open, participatory, pluralist society MacarthUr sUPPorts taLKs based on democratic values in Ukraine. oN rUssIa's gLoBaL roLe The John D. anD caTherine T. macarThur
FounDaTion has awarded ceU a two-
June 18 Book Launch with amB. eleni
year $100,000 grant to bring a diverse TsakoPoulos kounalakis madam Ambas-
set of scholars from universities and sador: three Years of Diplomacy, Dinner think tanks across russia, together with Parties, and Democracy in Budapest their international peers, for a series of June 21 graduation and awarding of ceU debates about the current crisis in Alumni celebrate at the Reunion Gala. open society Prize relations between russia and the West. CEU/Daniel Vegel opening ceremony and led by CEU Visiting Professor alexei
awarding of the diener Prize miller, the talks will culminate in a set
More than 260 ceU alumni and friends, OctObeR 2 the 2nd annual Lemkin of policy recommendations and from more than 40 countries, gathered reunion will commemorate the signing of ultimately aim to offer a new model for for the reunion, including dinner and an the dayton Peace accords interaction between russian academics awards ceremony followed by dancing and global interlocutors, which have and live-band karaoke. alumni also been constrained since restrictions on ceU sWItches to .edU helped to mark an historic moment at foreign funding and contacts were put ceU has adopted ceu.edu as our web and ceU—laying the foundations of the Uni- in place in 2012.
email domain. ceU's website and all email versity's renewed campus. earlier in the addresses now reflect the change day, alumni joined faculty, students, (although the older .hu emails will and friends of the University to continue to be recognized), giving the celebrate the start of construction by University the globally recognized UrL of placing a symbolic capsule containing yoUr sUPPort MaKes a dIffereNce With a gift to ceU, you are helping to build and sustain a new model for international education; a center for study of contemporary economic, social, and political challenges; and a source of support for building open and democratic societies that respect human rights. please consider making a fully tax-
deductible contribution today.
Contact Tara Stone, CEU Development officer, at [email protected] or visit www.ceu.edu/giving for more information.
all donors and friends of the University who have valid addresses in the ceU development database receive the octagon. Please send any queries regarding your subscription to nora Erdei, Development operations officer, at [email protected].

SPP is a unique global institution of teaching, research, and practice. We off er a two-year
Master of Public Administration degree that has been designed to train a worldwide
community committed to "purpose beyond power." Our goal is to empower students
by giving them the knowledge and skills they will need to eff ect positive change for the
common good in the public, nonprofi t, and private sectors.
Central European University, 2015 With a seed grant from SPP's Founding Dean Wolfgang H. Reinicke, the School established
the Passion Project Fund to provide critical resources for this important component of the
MPA program. The Passion Project Fund enables students to conduct fi eldwork, interact
with partners and stakeholders, analyze new data, and approach their projects with a high
degree of initiative and professionalism. SPP seeks partners who will enable us to continue
providing this transformative experience for our students. We invite you to make a gift to
the Passion Project Fund.
For More Information
For more information, go to http://spp.ceu.edu/content/passion-project
or contact Jenny Choi-Fitzpatrick, SPP Program Director for the Passion Project,
at choifi [email protected] or +36.1.327.3000/ext. 2329.
School of Public Policy
miLestoNes at the schooL of PUbLic PoLicy
explains reinicke, "is to provide students challenged us to always question the with the range of skills they will need to status quo." she also speaks with great sPP graDUates its
effect positive change for the public good.
emotion about her Passion Project to first mPa cLass
We are constantly experimenting, and develop policy recommendations for trying new things to adjust to a fast the reconstruction of aleppo, syria. the the school of Public Policy (sPP) at ceU changing and ever more demanding Passion Project is a client-driven and will graduate its first cohort of students world of public policy. these students student-run, policy-oriented capstone in June 2015. "this is truly a milestone have been true pioneers." one of the designed to address challenges, identify event in the short history of our highlights of Juskauskas' sPP experience opportunities, or conduct research on a school," commented founding dean was his involvement with the sPP good pressing social question. It is an integral WolFgang h. reinicke.
drone Lab, which was conceived in a part of the MPa curriculum.
course taught by assistant Professor
ausTin choi-FiTzPaTrick in spring 2014.
"What attracted me to that course,"
remarked Juskauskas, "was the combi-
nation of theoretical policy knowledge
and the practical development of a drone
for civil society use." Juskauskas has
continued to pursue his interest in
tamila magarian ‘15 (far right) has accepted a tautvydas Juskauskas ‘15 speaks during the Falling Walls Lab. CEU/Austin Choi- position with the US mission to Afghanistan. CEU/Daniel Vegel. "We're pretty excited too," said TauTvYDas
When asked what she will remember magarian has accepted a job offer from Juskauskas (Lithuania). Juskauskas is one
most about her two years at sPP, Tamila
the Us Mission to afghanistan to work at of the 26 students from 21 countries who magarian (Kazakhstan) mentions first
the agency for International Narcotics has spent the last two years enrolled in her classmates, and then the professors and Law enforcement. she says that it sPP's unique public policy master's pro- who "inspired us to go beyond our was taking classes on conflict and post- gram that integrates knowledge, skills, comfort zones, encouraged us to conflict societies, development, and also and practice. "the goal of this program," expand our intellectual horizons, and working with syrian refugees as part of ABOUT THE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY
SPP is a unique global institution of teaching, research, and practice. We off er a two-year
Master of Public Administration degree that has been designed to train a worldwide
community committed to "purpose beyond power." Our goal is to empower students
by giving them the knowledge and skills they will need to eff ect positive change for the
common good in the public, nonprofi t, and private sectors.
Central European University, 2015 With a seed grant from SPP's Founding Dean Wolfgang H. Reinicke, the School established
the Passion Project Fund to provide critical resources for this important component of the
MPA program. The Passion Project Fund enables students to conduct fi eldwork, interact
with partners and stakeholders, analyze new data, and approach their projects with a high
degree of initiative and professionalism. SPP seeks partners who will enable us to continue
providing this transformative experience for our students. We invite you to make a gift to
the Passion Project Fund.
For More Information
For more information, go to http://spp.ceu.edu/content/passion-project
or contact Jenny Choi-Fitzpatrick, SPP Program Director for the Passion Project,
at choifi [email protected] or +36.1.327.3000/ext. 2329.
School of Public Policy
Passion Project partners have included
her Passion Project that made her realize share a commitment to each other and or a distinguished record of participa- that she wanted to focus on the role of to the school, and a passion to achieve tion in the academic, professional, women in post-conflict reconstruction "purpose beyond power." "I am sorry to journalistic, political, or civic world of of their communities and countries. see them leave," said reinicke, "but I am public policy. yasmin sooka, who will be also excited for our graduating students.
in residence at ceU during the fall 2015 "I have gotten so much from being at sPP," I am eager to see where they go and what term, is the executive director of the says rumBiDzai masango (zimbabwe).
they do. I have no doubt that many of FounDaTion For human righTs (Fhr) in
"I enjoyed it all: the academic courses, them will be leaders advocating for the skills for Impact modules, and change that benefits the public good in especially the open society Internship the global coalition against corruption the communities where they live and for rights and governance (osIrg) I did work."at the International service for human rights (Ishr) in geneva last summer." she spoke during the general debate about the special procedures' joint communications report, a document acknowledging the "worsening trend of threats and attacks Yasmin Sooka against civil society actors and human "We are delighted to welcome Yasmin
rights defenders." sooka to the ceU school of Public Policy,"
said founding dean WolFgang h.
a widely respected human rights lawyer, reinicke of the school's inaugural george
she is recognized as an expert in the Soros Visiting Chair. "Her international field of transitional justice and gender. reputation as a human rights lawyer, and throughout her career, she has focused her active engagement in public policy, on the legacy of apartheid, as well as make her an ideal choice for this appoint- issues related to poverty, HIV/AIDS, and ment at sPP. she embodies the values gender. "It was in south africa more than that are integral to the school: a commit- 35 years ago that I began my philanthropy, ment to thoughtful and passionate so I am especially pleased with this engagement with public policy." appointment," commented george soros. Rumbidzai masango ‘15 was selected to speak at the UN Human Rights Council in the fall term. The George Soros Visiting Chair was es- SPP is seeking nominations and applications CEU/Daniel Vegel. tablished with generous contributions for the George Soros Visiting Chair and from the friends and family of ceU also the George Soros Visiting Practitioner although sPP students came to Budapest founder george soros. It is awarded
Chair. You can find out more at from many countries and are looking to scholars and practitioners who have http://spp.ceu.edu/gs-chair or email forward to very different futures, they demonstrated outstanding achievement sPP is, in the words of its founder george soros, a "new kind of global institution dealing with global problems." It is committedto the values of public service and the promotion of open societies through interdisciplinary research, innovative teaching, and engagement with policy practice.  SPP's rich portfolio of public policy offerings are tailored for students from around the world seeking careers in the public, private, and voluntary sectors at the local, national, and international levels.

Source: https://www.ceu.edu/sites/default/files/attachment/basic_page/10907/octagon2015summerfinal.pdf


GUÍA DE PROCEDIMIENTOS LABORALES: PROCEDIMIENTOS ADMINISTRATIVOS, JUDICIALES E INTERNACIONALES DE PROTECCIÓN DE LOS DERECHOS LABORALES Dr. Max PuigMinistro de Trabajo Equipo de coordinación Sandra Dueñas-PaschalGerente RegionalPact Andrés Valentín Herrera GonzálezDirector general de TrabajoMinisterio de Trabajo Rafael Arturo Mariano OviedoDirector de Asistencia JudicialMinisterio de Trabajo

A placebo-controlled trial of antimicrobial treatment for acute otitis media

A Placebo-Controlled Trial of Antimicrobial Treatment for Acute Otitis Media Paula A. Tähtinen, M.D., Miia K. Laine, M.D., Pentti Huovinen, M.D., Ph.D., Jari Jalava, Ph.D., Olli Ruuskanen, M.D., Ph.D., and Aino Ruohola, M.D., Ph.D. From the Department of Pediatrics, The efficacy of antimicrobial treatment in children with acute otitis media remains Turku University Hospital (P.A.T., M.K.L., controversial.

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