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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2013; 2 (3): 55-60
ISSN 2278-4136
Natural Bioenhancers: An overview
ISSN 2349-8234
JPP 2013; 2 (3): 55-60
Deepthi V. Tatiraju,* Varsha B. Bagade, Priya J. Karambelkar, Varsha M. Jadhav,
2013 AkiNik Publications
Vilasrao Kadam
Received: 19-7-2013
Accepted: 09-8-2013
Bioenhancers are chemical entities which promote and augment the bioavailability of the drugs
which are mixed with them and do not exhibit synergistic effect with the drug. The need for
bioenhancers arises due to drugs which are poorly available, administered for long periods, toxic and
expensive. Bioenhancers can be classified based on their natural origin as well as based on the
various mechanisms elicited by them when in combination with drugs to improve their
bioavailability. The various bioenhancers available are piperine, garlic, Carum carvi, Cuminum
cyminum, lysergol, naringin, quercetin, niaziridin, glycyrrhizin, stevia, cow urine distillate ginger.
Deepthi V.Tatiraju
Out of these, Cuminum cyminum and niaziridin are the potential bioenhancers of future. Therefore,
Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of
the need of the hour is to carry out extensive research on these bioenhancers so that they could be
Pharmacy, C.B.D Belapur, Navi
utilised in the drug formulations.
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Keywords: Bioenhancers, Classification, Piperine, Cuminum cyminum.
Varsha B. Bagade
Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of
1. Introduction
Pharmacy, C.B.D Belapur, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Plant based medicines are used by a majority of the world's population. Our Ayurvedic texts
have a mention of thousands of herbal drugs for various diseases including the rare ones.
Priya J.Karambelkar
Almost 25% of modern pharmacopoeias too contain drugs of plant origin [1].
Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of
Many synthetic and herbal drugs suffer from the problem of low bioavailability. Bioavailability
Pharmacy, C.B.D Belapur, Navi
is the rate and extent to which a substance enters systemic circulation and becomes available at
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
the required site of action [2].
Varsha M.Jadhav
Maximum bioavailability is attained by drugs administered via intravenous route, whereas
Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of
drugs administered orally are poorly bioavailable as they readily undergo first pass metabolism
Pharmacy, C.B.D Belapur, Navi
and incomplete absorption. Such unutilized drug in the body may lead to adverse effects and
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
also drug resistance. Thus, there is need of molecules which themselves have no same
Vilasrao Kadam
therapeutic activity but when combined with other drugs/molecules enhance their
Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of
bioavailability. Many natural compounds from medicinal plants have capacity to augment the
Pharmacy, C.B.D Belapur, Navi
bioavailability when co-administered with another drug. Thus bioenhancers are chemical
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
entities which promote and augment the bioavailability of the drugs which are mixed with them
and do not exhibit synergistic effect with the drug [3.4].
Bioenhancers should have novel properties such as:
Nontoxic to humans or animals,
Should be effective at a very low concentration in a combination,
Should be easy to formulate, and
Most importantly, enhance uptake/absorption and activity of the drug molecules [5].
Following the use of bioenhancers, the dose of the drug is reduced and risk of drug resistance is
minimized. It also reduces the dose-dependent toxicity of the drug, especially of anticancer
1.1 Drug Absorption Barriers
The drug must cross the epithelial barrier of the intestinal mucosa for its transportation from
Deepthi V.Tatiraju
the lumen of the gut into the systemic circulation and exert its biological actions. There are
Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of
many anatomical and biological barriers for the oral drug delivery system to penetrate the
Pharmacy, C.B.D Belapur, Navi
epithelial membrane [6, 7]. There are many structures in the intestinal epithelium which act as
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
barriers to the transfer of drugs from the gastrointestinal track to the systemic circulation. The
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membranes around cells are lipid bilayers containing proteins such as receptors and carrier
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Drugs cross the lipid membrane by passive diffusion or carrier-
and intestinal motility,
mediated transport which involves the spending of energy. For the
Modifications in GIT epithelial cell membrane
passage of small water-soluble molecules such as ethanol there are
aqueous channels within the proteins. The drug molecules larger
Cholagogoue effect,
than about 0.4 nm face difficulty in passing through these aqueous
Bioenergetics and thermogenic properties
channels [6].
Suppression of first pass metabolism and inhibition of
drug metabolizing enzymes and stimulation of gamma
Drug efflux pumps like Pgp have been proven to have a very
glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) activity which enhances
important role in inhibiting efficient drug entry into the systemic
uptake of amino acids [11].
circulation [8]. P-gp is a type of ATPase and an energy dependent
transmembrane drug efflux pump it belongs to members of ABC
3. Hurdles with Bioenhancers
transporters. It has a molecular weight of -170 kDa and has 1280
Although bio-enhancers in drug delivery have been successful, not
amino acid residues [9]. A lot of bioenhancers work by inhibiting
all approaches have met with the same success.
this efflux pump.
New bio-enhancers being developed come with challenges which
have to be surmounted. One of the challenges is to improve on
2. Mechanism of Action of Bioenhancers
properties of drug formulations such as long circulation in the
The following are the chief mechanisms via which the various
blood, increased functional surface area, protection of incorporated
bioenhancers exert their bioavailability enhancing properties on the
drug from degradation, crossing of biological barriers and site-
specific targeting.
1. By enhancing the absorption of orally administered drugs
Another challenge of research and development of herbal
from gastrointestinal tract by increase in blood supply.
bioenhancers is large scale production. There is always a need to
2. By modulating the active transporters located in various
scale up laboratory or pilot technologies for eventual
locations eg. P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is an efflux pump
commercialization. The challenges of scaling up include low
which pumps out drugs and prevent it from reaching the
concentration of nanomaterials, agglomeration and the chemistry
target site. Bioenhancers in such case act by inhibiting the
process; it is easier to modify nanomaterials at laboratory scale for
improved performance than at large scale.
3. Decreasing the elimination process thereby extending the
Advances in herbal bio-enhancers also provide new challenges for
sojourn of drug in the body.
regulatory control. There is an increasing need to have regulations
a.) Inhibiting the drug metabolizing enzymes like CYP 3A4,
that would account for physicochemical and pharmacokinetic
CYP1A1, CYP1B2, CYP2E1, in the liver, gut, lungs, and various
properties of nano drug products, which are different from
other locations. This will in addition help to overcome the first pass
conventional drug products [11].
effect administered drugs.
b.) Inhibiting the renal clearance by preventing glomerular
Classification of Bioenhancers
filtration, active tubular secretion by inhibiting P-gp and facilitating
The use of bioenhancers is familiar concept in Ayurveda as
passive tubular reabsorption. Sometimes biliary clearance is also
‘Yogavahi' which was used to enhance bioavailability, tissue
affected by inhibiting the UDP glucuronyl transferase enzyme
distribution and efficacy of drugs especially those with poor
which conjugates and inactivates the drug [10].
availability. One such example is ‘trikatu' which is a mixture of
Piper longum (long pepper), Piper nigrum (black pepper) and
In addition to the above mentioned mechanisms, few other
Zingiber officinale (ginger).
postulated theories for herbal bioenhancers are:
Bose, in 1929, first reported the application of bioenhancer long
Reduction in hydrochloric acid secretion and increase in
pepper to increase the antiasthmatic effect of vasaka [12,13].
gastrointestinal blood supply,
Bioenhancers can be classified based on origin and mechanism of
Inhibition of gastrointestinal transit, gastric emptying time
action (Table 1 and 2).
Table 1: Classification of Bioenhancers Based on Origin
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Table 2: Classification of Bioenhancers Based on Mechanism of Action
A detailed description of some of the bioenhancers based on the
fumigatus and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Amphotericin B
above classification system is as follows:
when given along with Allicin exhibited enhanced antifungal
activity against S. cerevisiae [11].
4.1 Piperine
Piperine (1-piperoyl piperidine) is an amide alkaloid found in
4.4 Naringin [5, 10, 21]
plants of Piperaceae family like Piper longum (long pepper), Piper
Naringin is the major flavonoid glycoside found in grapefruit,
nigrum (blackpepper). The bioenhancing property of piperine was
apples, onions and tea.
first utilized in the treatment of tuberculosis in human. Piperine was
found to increase the bioavailability of rifampicin by about 60%
and hence reduce the dose from 450 to 200mg [14]. In human
medicine piperine is approved to be combined with antitubercular
drugs. Piperine also showed enhanced bioavailability when
combined with Nevirapine, a potent non-nucleoside inhibitor of
HIV-1 reverse transcriptase which is used in combination with
other antiretroviral agents for the treatment of HIV-1 infection.15
Piperine also increases the bioavailability of curcumin, the active
principle of Curcuma longa (turmeric). A 20 mg dose of piperine
can increase the bioavailability of curcumin by 20 fold in
humans.16Several animal studies on piperine have shown promising
results in bioenhancing capacity of piperine for various drugs [13, 17,
4.4.1 Naringin
It exhibits pharmacological actions like anti-oxidant, anti-ulcer,
4.2 Turmeric
anti-allergic and blood lipid lowering. Naringin is capable of
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a common household item used as
inhibiting intestinal CYP3A4, CYP3A1, CYP3A2, P-gp and thus
remedy for various ailments. Curcumin, a flavonoid from turmeric
acts as a bioenhancer. Pretreatment with oral ingestion of naringin
suppresses drug metabolizing enzymes like CYP3A4 in liver and is
@ 3.3 and 10mg/kg improves the AUC for intravenous paclitaxel
also capable of inducing change in drug transporter P-gp and thus
(3 mg/kg) in a dose dependent manner [21]. Naringin at 3.3-10
increased the bioavailability of celiprolol and midazolam in rats [19].
mg/kg body weight dose enhances the bioavailability of paclitaxel.
The bioenhancer nature of curcumin is similar to piperine [13].
Other drugs bioenhanced are diltiazem, verapamil, saquinavir and
Curcumin suppresses UDP-glucuronyl transferase level in intestine
and hepatic tissues [20]. It also modifies the physiological activity in
the gastrointestinal tract leading to better absorption of drugs.
4.5 Quercetin [5, 10, 21]
Quercetin is a flavonoid; an aglycone form of a number of other
4.3 Allicin
flavonoid glycosides found in citrus fruits. It exhibits anti-oxidant,
It is an allyl sulphur compound obtained from garlic (Allium
sativum).Allicin enhances the fungicidal activity of Amphotericin
activities. It works by inhibiting CYP3A4 and P-gp efflux pump.
B against pathogenic fungi such as Candida albicans, Aspergillus
Quercetin has been shown to increase bioavailability, blood levels

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
and efficacy of a number of drugs including diltiazem, digoxin,
verapamil, etoposide, and paclitaxel.
Sachin et al. studied the enhancement of rifampicin levels in rat
plasma by 3', 5-dihydroxyflavone-7-O- -D-galactouronide-4'- -
4.6 Genistein [5, 10, 21]
O-D-glucopyranoside. The results obtained revealed that the Cmax
Genistein is a phytoestrogen belongs to the isoflavone class of
of rifampicin was enhanced by 35% and the AUC was enhanced by
flavonoids found in a number of dietary plants like soyabean
(Glycine max) and kudzu (Pueraria lobata). It is a P-gp and BCRP
Apart from the above bioenhancing effects, black cumin also
efflux pump inhibitor. The presence of genistein (10 mg/kg) causes
enhances the bioavailability of anti-biotics (Cefadroxil – 90% and
an increase in AUC by 54.7% and a decrease in total plasma
Cloxacillin – 94%), anti-fungal (Fluconazole – 170%), anti-viral
clearance by 35.2% after oral administration of paclitaxel at dose of
(Zidovudine – 330%) and anti-cancer (5-fluorouracil – 335%)
4.7 Caraway [22]
4.9 Drumstick pods26
It contains niaziridin, a nitrile glycoside which is a powerful
bioenhancer. It regulates GIT functions to facilitate better
absorption. It enhances the bioavailability of rifampicin by 38.8
folds at 1.0
g/ml. It also enhances the bioavailability of
Clotrimazole by 5-6 folds.
An in-vitro study of active fraction of M. oleifera pods against
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Ra) exhibited no anti-
tuberculosis activity at the concentration at which it enhanced the
anti-tubercular activity of rifampicin [27].
Khanuja et al. performed a pre-clinical study to evaluate the
influence of M. oleifera (MoAF) on pharmacokinetic disposition of
rifampicin using HPLC-PDA method.26 They orally administered
to Swiss albino mice a dose of 20 mg/kg body weight of rifampicin
Caraway/cumin which is a P-gp efflux pump inhibitor consists of
alongwith a dose of 0.1 mg/kg body weight of the active fraction of
the dried ripe fruits of Carum carvi of family Umbelliferae. It
M. oleifera (viz. Niaziridin). They observed the bioavailability
shows anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, diuretic and carminative. The
pattern shown in the following figure thereby proving the success
main constituents are carvone and limonene. The effective dose of
of Niaziridin as an effective bioenhancer for rifampicin [27].
the bioenhancer extract is in the range of 5-100 mg/kg body weight.
Percentage enhancement of bioavailability for rifampicin is 110%,
4.10 Morning glory plant [10]
for cycloserine is 75%, for ethionamide is 68%.
Apart from the above bioenhancing effects, caraway also enhances
the bioavailability of anti-biotics (Cefdinir – 89% and Cloxacillin –
100%), anti-fungal (Amphotericin B – 78%), anti-viral (Zidovudine
– 92%) and anti-cancer (5-fluorouracil – 90%) drugs at the dose of
1-55 mg/kg body weight.
4.8 Black cumin [23, 24]
Black cumin (Cuminum cyminum) is a carminative, estrogenic,
anti-nociceptive, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-
microbial. The Bioenhancer chemical constituent present in cumin
is 3', 5-dihydroxyflavone-7-O- -D-galactouronide-4'- -O-D-
It is a source of lysergol that enhances the bioavailability of
rifampicin by 4.5-6 folds at 0.2 g/ml concentration. It also
enhances the bioavailability of antibiotics in the range of 2-12
folds. It's mechanism of bioenhancer action is not yet clearly
4.11 Liquorice [28]
Liquorice consists of dried, peeled or unpeeled, root and stolon of
Glycyrrhiza glabra and exhibits anti-hepatotoxic, anti-fertility,
anti-inflammatory, expectorant and anti-oxidant activity. It
The effective dose of the bioenhancer extract is in the range of 0.5-
contains glycyrrhizin which enhances the bioavailability of
25 mg/kg body weight. Percentage enhancement of bioavailability
rifampicin by 6.5 fold at the concentration of 1 g/ml. It also
for rifampicin is 250%, for cycloserine is 89%, for ethionamide is
enhances the bioavailability of taxol by 5 fold at the concentration
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
4.20 Ammoniac multiflora
4.12 Ginger [29]
The methanolic extract of Ammannia multiflora (Lythraceae)
It contains Gingerol which facilitates better absorption by
showed significant bioenhancing activity with the antibiotic
regulating GI tract function.
nalidixic acid. A. multiflora contains a novel compound ammonia
The effective dose of the bioenhancer extract is in the range of 10-
along with other compounds. The methanolic extract of Ammannia
30 mg/kg body weight.
multiflora bioenhancing activity in combination with nalidixic acid
It enhances the bioavailability of rifampicin by 65% and
against the two strains, CA8000 and DH5a of Escherichia coli [39].
ethionamide by 56%. It also enhances the bioavailability of
antibiotics (Azithromycin – 78%), anti-fungal (Ketoconazole –
4.21 Cow urine distillate: (Kamdhenu ark) [40]
125%), anti-viral (Zidovudine – 105%) and anti-cancer (5-
Cow urine distillate is more effective as a bioenhancer than cow
fluorouracil – 110%) drugs.
urine. It enhances the transport of antibiotics like rifampicin,
tetracycline and ampicillin across the gut wall by 2-7 folds [40]. It
4.13 Stevia (Honey leaf) [30]
also enhances the potency of taxol against MCF-7 cell lines [41]. It
Stevia is anti-hypertensive agent and also promotes insulin
enhances the bioavailability of rifampicin by 80 fold in 0.05 g/ml
secretion. The bioenhancing chemical constituent present in Stevia
concentration, ampicillin by 11.6 fold in 0.05 g/ml concentration
and clotrimazole by 5 fold in 0.88 g/ml concentration. Cow urine
Though the mechanism of action is not known, it enhances the
also has antitoxic activity against the cadmium chloride toxicity
bioavailability of anti-tubercular, anti-leprotic, anti-cancer, anti-
and it can be used as a bioenhancer of zinc [12]. The bioenhancing
fungal and anti-viral drugs.
ability is by facilitating absorption of drugs across the cell
The effective dose of the bioenhancer extract is in the range of
0.01-50 mg/kg body weight.
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Attenuation of beryllium induced hepatorenal dysfunction and oxidative stress in rodents by combined effect of gallic acid and
The American Journal of Sports Positive Effect of an Autologous Platelet Concentrate in Lateral Epicondylitis in a Double-Blind Joost C. Peerbooms, Jordi Sluimer, Daniël J. Bruijn and Taco Gosens Am J Sports Med The online version of this article can be found at: can be found at: The American Journal of Sports Medicine
Das tuberkuline Miasma - die Tuberkulinie Themen, Symptome und Symbole der Tuberkulinie • Abwechslung, V.n. Die Tuberkulinie muss immer etwas Neues haben und machen. • Armut. Tuberkuline Menschen haben in ihrem Leben oft eine Zeit grosser Armut kennengelernt. (DD. Psora) • Ausdauer, mangelnde. 90 % der Wegstrecke schafft der tuberkuline Mensch wie von selbst, aber auf den letzten 10 % verlässt ihn die Kraft und er benötigt Unterstützung von anderen. • Avantgarde. Die Avantgarde in den Künsten ist ohne die Hilfestellungen der Tuberkulinie nicht denkbar. • Berge, alpiner Raum. Der Aufenthalt im alpinen Raum bessert die Beschwerden der Tuberkulinie. (DD. Syph.) • „Born to be wild". Die Tuberkulinie widersetzt sich den gesellschaftlichen Normen, Regeln und Zwängen. • Drogen: - Amphetamine, »Speed«. - Coffein (Guarana, Kaffee) - Kokain • Emigration, Migration, Exil, Fremd-Sein. Die Tuberkulinie ist das Miasma des Exils, sie ist eine Begleiterin der Fremden. Wer sich dauerhaft fremd fühlt; - auf der Erde, in seiner Gegend, in der Gesellschaft, in seiner Familie, entwickelt Symptome der Tuberkulinie. Historiker vermuten, dass die Besiedlung des amerikanischen Westens in direktem Zusammenhang mit der Tuberkulose steht. Man schätzt, dass um 1900 ein Viertel der Emigranten in Kalifornien, auf der Suche nach Heilung von der TBC (und anderen Krankheiten) in den »Sunshine-State« (oder »den heißen Ofen« = »California« = aus dem spanischen La Caliente Fornella) gekommen waren.Vermeulen Modalität: Wärme > • Exkarnation. • Euphorisch, optimistisch • Farben: - Blau. Die Farbe der Tuberkulinie ist Blau. Diese Farbzugehörigkeit findet Bestätigung in der Farbskala von Hugbald Müller, der jahrelang die Farbvorlieben seiner Patienten studierte und dabei entdeckte, dass Patienten, welche dasselbe Mittel benötigten, interessanterweise auch dieselben Farben auswählten. Bei der Berührung der Tuberkulinie mit dem Gelb der Sykose entsteht Grün als Mischfarbe. - Rosa. Das Sputum der Tuberkulosekranken erhält durch die blutigen Beimengungen eine rosa Färbung. • „Fieberhaftes" Arbeiten und Leben. • Flucht, fliehen. Das bevorzugte Mittel zur Lösung von Konflikten ist in der Tuberkulinie die Flucht. Dabei ist es wichtig zu verstehen, dass der Flucht als Mittel der Konfliktlösung hier nichts Negatives anhaftet, wie das von psychologisierenden Kreisen oft behauptet wird. Das Gegenteil von dem, was sich der Psychologe am Kopfende der Couch ausgedacht hat ist richtig: Es ist ausgesprochen vernünftig zu fliehen, bevor einem eine Situation umbringt. • Flüchtlinge. Flüchtlinge und Vertriebene sind besonders durch TBC gefährdet.WHO: Stop TB Initiative nach Vermeulen • Furcht - Armut (aber auch völlige Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber materiellen Dingen) - Tiere: Hunde, Katzen, Pferde (aber auch tierliebend) • Furchtlosigkeit. Eine beeindruckende Unbekümmertheit gegenüber bedrohlichen Situationen. • Gefangenschaft <, fühlt sich schnell gefangen. Die Rate der Erkrankungen an TBC ist in Gefängnissen überdurchschnittlich hoch. • Hilfe, Hilfestellung für andere Menschen. Der Homöopath Boocock träumte während der Prüfung von Bacillinum, dass er während einer Diphtherie-Epidemie eine grosse Zahl von Patienten versorgen musste. Er erwachte verschiedene Male und träumte, nachdem er wieder eingeschlafen war, immer denselben Traum weiter. Ein zentrales Thema in der Prüfung von Sankaran war: Menschen in Gefahr Hilfe zu leisten. • Hoffnung vs. Hoffnungslosigkeit • Höhle, Hohlorgane, Kavernen. Der tuberkuline Patient neigt dazu, sich in Höhlen einzurichten. Die Kavernenbildung, der im Inneren der befallenen Organe entstehende Hohlraum, ist typisch für die Tuberkulinie. Die Tuberkulinie hat eine große Affinität zu den Hohlraum-Organsystemen des menschlichen Körpers, weil sie den Gestaltungskräften der Tuberkulinie am ähnlichsten sind: Die Lunge, das Mittelohr, der Darm, die Gallenblase, die Niere, die porösen Anteile der Knochen, das Gefäßsystem, das Herz, die Gehirnventrikel. Alles, was Hohlraum-Organsystem ist, ist von grosser Anziehungskraft für die Tuberkulinie. Das bevorzugte Habitat der Tuberkulinie ist jedoch die Lunge. • Intensität. Die Kerze des Lebens wird an beiden Enden angezündet. „Live fast, love hard, die young". • Kachexie, „Auszehrung", „Schwindsucht". In der Tuberkulinie verliert der Mensch seinen Körper. Der tuberkuline Patient ist oft sehr abgemagert. (DD. Parasitose.) • Kälte, Frösteligkeit • Kreativität. Die Tuberkulose geht mit Schüben von ungewöhnlicher Kreativität und Schaffenskraft einher.