The Third Annual UAE Epilepsy Congress and First
Joint Emirati Saudi Meeting, April, 4th-5th, 2014,
Grand Hyatt Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Guest Editor: Taoufik Alsadi1
1Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Abstract of Presentations
thereby permitting individually targeted preventive
therapies; to predict the type of treatment most
Presidential Lecture. Pharmacogenetics in
appropriate for the individual's epilepsy; to allow
early identification of drug resistance; and to discover
new targets for the development of innovative and
Emilio Perucca, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
more effective AEDs. Pharmacogenetic information is
already usefully applied in the routine clinical
In recent years, there have been impressive advances
management of epilepsy in some situations, the best
in the elucidation of the genetics of epilepsy
example being HLA-B*1502 genotyping to minimize
syndromes. Most of these studies have focused on the
the risk of serious cutaneous reactions induced by
identification of genetic defects which may cause
carbamazepine and some other AEDs in patients from
epilepsy, and correlations between the identified
certain Asian ethnic groups
genetic defects and the phenotypic expression of the
Plenary Lectures
disorder. Significant efforts, however, have also been placed into investigation of genetic factors which may
PL1.1. The Role of EEG in the World of Epilepsy
influence response to antiepileptic drugs (AEDs).
Ateeq Haseeb, Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center,
Available evidence suggests that genetic factors can
Ohio, United States of America
affect AED response in at least four ways (i) through
modulation of individual susceptibility to certain adverse
Electroencephalography (EEG) is the recording of
idiosyncratic AED reactions; (ii) through genetically
cerebral electrical activity by placing multiple
controlled variation in drug metabolism, particularly
electrodes on the scalp. The source of the electrical
with respect to polymorphically expressed cytochrome
activity is the neurons where there is a constant
P450 enzymes such as CYP2C9 and CYP2C19; (iii)
exchange of ions resulting in excitatory and inhibitory
through regulation of the expression of drug
action potentials. EEG activity is summation of these
transporters, such as p-glycoprotein, which influence
action potentials produced from the thousands and
the access of AEDs to their site of action in the brain,
millions of neurons in the cerebral cortex.
and may play an role in the resistance to a variety of
EEG is very helpful in diagnosing and treating several
AEDs; (iv) through genetically determined alterations
neurological conditions. This includes diagnosing
of AED targets, which can result in altered sensitivity
patients with new seizure disorders, non convulsive
to the therapeutic action of specific AEDs.
status epilepticus, structural lesions, differentiating
Elucidation of these factors is likely to have
epileptic from non epileptic spells, and assessment of
increasingly important practical implications for the
cerebral activity during brain death evaluation. EEG
management of epilepsy in the future, for example to
also aids a Neurologist to make the right choice of a
minimize the risk of serious adverse effects; to identify
antiepileptic medication for particular epileptic
individuals at high risk of developing epilepsy,
syndromes, as well aids Neurologist to make decisions
risk, and optimal patient care requires careful
to discontinue antepileptic medications.
balancing of these risks and potential benefits.
EEG also has surgical applications. When used as a
Assessment of risk requires not only establishing the
prolonged or continuous video EEG over a period of 3
statistical risk of a seizure recurrence or of an adverse
to 5 days combined with other neuroimaging
event, but also the consequences of such an event. In
techniques, it helps in getting information on seizure
most patients, treatment should be deferred until a
semiology and localization of the epileptogenic focus.
second seizure has occurred. However in some
This will lead to a higher chance of successful focal
patients the decision could be different. The choice at
resection of the epileptogenic cortex and a greater
the end should be made jointly by the medical
chance of seizure free outcome. EEG is also used
providers as well as the patient and family after careful
intraoperatively during carotid endarterectomies when
assessment of risk and impact of seizure recurrence.
making decisions for shunt placement during these
PL1.3. Epilepsy Mimickers
Sonia Khan, Prince Sultan Military Medical City,
This objectives of the presentation will be as follows:
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
a) Educate participants on the details of EEG,
b) Outline clinical and surgical applications of
Paroxysmal events in children & adults can mimic
epileptic seizures, and many of them have only been
c) Elucidate the role of EEG in the world of
recently described, or are only now being increasingly
recognized. An awareness of the different mimickers
PL1.2. First Seizure: What a Neurologist Should
of epilepsy and the art of history-taking will help
pediatricians ,physicians and neurologists differentiate
epileptic from nonepileptic events. Nonepileptic
Khaled Zamel, Mafraq Hospital, Abu Dhabi,
paroxysms can present with drop attacks, limb or eye
United Arab Emirates
jerks, and abnormal postures.One of the most
common reasons for a misdiagnosis of epilepsy is a
Unprovoked seizures are a common occurrence,
psychogenic nonepileptic seizure (PNES), also termed
affecting approximately 4% of the population by age
pseudoseizure. Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures
80. The treatment of a first unprovoked epileptic
(PNES), are defined as paroxysmal changes in
seizure has been and continues to be one of the most
behavior that resemble epileptic seizures but are
often debated issues in epilepsy.
without organic cause and are not accompanied by the ictal, peri-ictal, and interictal changes that characterize
In this presentation, treatment issues following a first
epilepsy. PNES is often suspected in patients with a
unprovoked seizure are discussed, using an approach
that emphasizes weighing the relative risks and
comorbidity, and when spells are characterized by
benefits of the therapeutic decisions. Well-designed
unusual features, such as emotional triggers,
prospective studies of the recurrence risk after a first
prolonged duration, stop/start quality, or pelvic
unprovoked seizure in children and adults show
thrusting. However, the diagnosis of PNES can be
recurrence risks in the 40 to 50% range leading to a
difficult to make based on clinical criteria alone. The
diagnosis of epilepsy. Risk factors for seizure
standard of care for diagnosing PNES remains the
recurrence include a history of remote neurologic
recording of a patient's typical event with video-EEG
to confirm the absence of electrographic changes on
electroencephalogram, focal structural lesion on
the ictal EEG recording during the spell, while
neuroimaging, and family history of epilepsy.
simultaneously evaluating semiology for either PNES behaviors or a lack of ictal characteristics.The
Treatment trails clearly demonstrated that antiepileptic
incidence of PNES is reported to be 1.5 per 100,000
drugs reduces recurrence risk but does not alter long-
per year that is approximately 4% of the incidence of
term prognosis. The therapies available carry some
all epilepsy. Yet, PNES accounts for between 25% and
patients that have altered mental status in intensive
45% of all video-EEG admissions to epilepsy
care units (ICUs). Many studies have shown that about
monitoring units Another common cause of
20% of patients undergoing ICU EEG monitoring
misdiagnosis is syncope. When people black out, they
frequently have a few jerking movements that may
seizures or NCSE. It is not clear when intermittent
seem like a seizure. However, these jerking episodes
electrographic seizures become NCSE. Nor is it clear
do not last as long as an actual seizure, and the patient
what impact these electrographic seizures have on
usually recovers more quickly. While syncope can be
outcomes and how aggressively they should be
caused by benign etiologies such as dehydration, it
may also be caused by serious cardiac disorders, so it
This lecture will explore these issues, outlining current
is crucial to determine the etiology of syncope with
knowledge and uncertain areras. We will discuss the
confidence. Migraines are usually associated with
definition and EEG characteristics of different forms
headache, but can also cause unusual symptoms that
of NCSE and the utility of EEG monitoring as well as
mimic seizure activity. For example, migraine with
the frequency with which electrographic seizures and
aura is preceded by visual symptoms .Complicated
NCSE are detected in critically ill patients. Finally, we
migraine can be followed with numbness and
will discuss new treatment paradigms for critically ill
hemiplegia even without the headache. Other seizure
patients with electrographic seizures and NCSE and
mimickers include transient ischemic attacks or
how that may differ from the treatment of convulsive
hypoglycemia. In short, not every seizure like event is
status epilepticus.
a seizure . Because the diagnosis of epilepsy is sometimes unclear & can have serious consequences,
PL2.2. Status Epilepticus: An Update
it's important to rule out other potential mimickers before starting anti epileptic medications. It's best to
Iyad Khoudeir, Noor Hospital, Abu Dhabi, United
Arab Emirates
have a thorough evaluation by a neurologist and
perhaps in the epilepsy monitoring unit to exclude mimickers of epilepsy. This review describes the
Status epilepticus is a severe neurologic condition with
different mimickers of epilepsy and focuses on their
significant morbidity and mortality. It requires urgent
medical evaluation and an early and aggressive
pathophysiology, and other manifestations that help
treatment before irreversible neuronal damage occurs.
distinguish them from epilepsy.
The definition of the timing to begin a protocol
PL2.1. Non Convulsive Status Epilepticus
treatment of a status epilepticus and classification of status epilepticus need to be clear in the minds. In
Eugen Trinka, Paracelsus Medical University,
addition to recognizing the underlying etiology, a
Frankfurt, Germany
prompt and specific treatment is a must to ensure
successful treatment.
Nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) is the
The management of status epilepticus remains a
persistence of a seizure with little or no clinical
challenge. A rapid treatment and avoiding medical
activity or the occurrence of two seizures without
systemic complications are keys.
return of normal mentation between the seizures. Previously NCSE was diagnosed when the seizure had
An agreement exists about first line treatment as well
lasted at least 30 minutes or the time between two
as about second line therapies with phenytoin or
seizures was at least 30 minutes. More recently some
valproic acid. Pre-hospital treatment with an IM
investigators have proposed that the 30-minute time be
Midazolam is being encouraged more so if an IV line
reduced to 5 minutes as neuronal injury can occur in
for Lorazepam is difficult to obtain and has shown to
this time frame in some SE forms.
improve the results of the treatment in the emergency room as well as the outcome and to reduce the
Over the last decade, continuous EEG (cEEG)
incidence of refractory status epilepticus. Newer
monitoring has been increasingly used to evaluate
the flattening of the electroencephalogram before any
Lacosamide are being used; this is far to be based on
fatal cardiac or respiratory arrest.
It has been hypothesized that a primary cause could be
Although there is an agreement on using a general
an alteration of cerebral blood flow auto regulation,
anesthesia in case of refractory status epilepticus; the
which could lead to a sudden drop in cerebral
choice of which anesthetic to use remains a "personal
perfusion and subsequent cessation of electrical
choice". A super-refractory status epilepticus is now
accepted as the one persisting or recurring beyond 24
PL3.1. Continuous Spike Wave during Sleep
hours of use of an anesthetic.
(CSWS) and the LKS
Guidelines are available and a written protocol for
therapy to be followed by ER physicians, neurologists
Ahmad Beydoun, American University of Beirut,
and intensivists is recommended to enhance the
Beirut, Lebanon
chances of success in treating this urgent and challenging neurological condition.
Encephalopathy with continuous spike-waves during slow sleep (CSWS) and the Landau-Kleffner
PL2.3. SUDEP: Where We Stand?
syndrome (LKS) represent the extremes of the
Salah Baz, Royal Commission Hospital, Jubail,
spectrum of maturational epilepsies. They are both
Saudi Arabia
age-related epileptic encephalopathies characterized
by the development of psychomotor regression
Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is a
temporally associated with the appearance of specific
significant cause of death among patients with
types of epileptiform discharges that are highly
epilepsy. Recent research suggests that multiple
activated by sleep.
factors may contribute to SUDEP and that both cardiac
The LKS is a functional disorder of childhood
and respiratory mechanisms are involved.
characterized by seizures that are relatively easy to
Both cardiac and respiratory abnormalities are highly
treat and self-limited, an acquired aphasia, an EEG
likely to occur with generalized tonic–clonic seizures.
showing epileptiform discharges over one or both
Uncontrolled epilepsy appears to be the most highly
temporal regions and lack of discernible brain
associated modifiable risk factor for SUDEP. In most
pathology that can explain the symptoms. The
witnessed or recorded events, sudden death is
disorder typically presents with speech disturbance
immediately preceded by a seizure. The risk for
between the ages of 3 and 8 years in a child who has
SUDEP appears to be closely related to seizure
control, and patients with refractory epilepsy are at the
production. The onset initially consists of a loss of
highest risk for SUDEP; 30–50% of the patients are
understanding of spoken language following which
found dead in bed, and often, they are found in the
the speech output is disrupted and paraphasias and
phonologic errors begin to appear. In severe instances, the child becomes entirely mute and does not respond
We present the case of a 22-year-old woman wherein
to nonverbal sounds as well. The most common
seizures include nocturnal hemiclonic seizures,
electroencephalogram monitor during admission at the
atypical absences, or secondary generalized seizures.
epilepsy monitoring unit of our centre for the
They have a variable relation to the language deficit,
classification and management of nocturnal refractory
and 20% to 30% do not exhibit behavioral seizures at
all. Characteristically, the seizures have a benign
All the patient's seizures were nocturnal and the last
course, respond well to treatment with anticonvulsants and usually resolve on their own by the midteen years.
seizure lasted for 90 seconds, followed by immediate isocerebral inactivity and death. Only three cases of
CSWS is a functional disorder of childhood
SUDEP have been reported thus far with recording of
characterized by spike waves occupying 85% of the
sleep recording, self-limited clinical seizures,
IS typically exhibit the electroencephalographic
behavioral and cognitive deterioration with or without
pattern known as hypsarhythmia. The combination of
premorbid developmental disturbances, and no brain
IS with hypsarhythmia is referred to as West
pathology sufficient enough to explain the behavioral
syndrome. IS has been used to refer to either a seizure
deterioration . The onset is usually in the first decade,
type or an epilepsy syndrome. Patients with the
with a mean age at onset of 4 to 5 years. All children
syndrome of IS may have other seizure types; also,
have cognitive decline during the period of
seizures similar to IS may occur in other epileptic
paroxysmal EEG manifested as reduced attention
span, hyperactivity, abnormal behavior, aphasias, and
While relatively rare, IS is a significant disorder
apraxias. The seizures are commonly nocturnal and
because of its strong association with developmental
manifest as focal motor, complex partial, absence, and
delay or regression (75 to 93 percent of affected
secondary generalized tonic-clonic. Diurnal atonic
children), high mortality rate, refractoriness to
seizures and drop attacks can occur. Tonic seizures do
conventional antiepileptic drugs, and responsiveness
not occur. Compared with LKS, the seizures are more
to hormonal therapy.
frequent in CSWS, but, like LKS, they tend to respond to anticonvulsant therapy.
The epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, and pathology of IS are reviewed here. In addition, the
The diagnostic evaluation of children with a suspected
clinical features and diagnosis, and management and
diagnosis of LKS or CSWS consist of long-term of
prognosis will be discussed.
video-EEG monitoring, an epilepsy protocol brain MRI and sometimes functional neuroimaging (PET,
PL3.3. Genetics in Epilepsy
SPECT). The treatment of those conditions vary
Riadh Gouider, Razi Hospital, Tunis, Tunisia
across institution due to the paucity of controlled
clinical trials. Valproate with or without a BZD appear to be the AEDs of choice. It is important to try
Genetic factors contribute to etiology in up to 40% of
to avoid CBZ, PHT, OXC, and PB since they can
patients with epilepsy. Most of the epilepsies are
worsen those conditions. Other treatments include
believed to be polygenic with an evidence of complex
steroids, IVIg, and multiple subpial transections for
inheritance due to multiple susceptibility genes.
children diagnosed with the LKS. The long-term
Nearly 1 to 2% of epilepsies are monogenic or
prognosis for seizure disorder in both conditions is
Mendelian. They include symptomatic epilepsies,
good, with 20% having persistent, usually rare,
where there is associated diffuse brain dysfunction,
seizures. However, the long-term neuropsychologic
and idiopathic ones.
consequences are not benign. The majority of patients
The genetic architecture of the idiopathic epilepsies
who have either disorder have some permanent
(IE) is unknown. Genes responsible for a small
sequelae that limit their activities. Those with the
number of rare Mendelian IE have recently been
earliest onset of spike and- wave discharges and longer
identified and shown to encode ion channels involved
persistence of epileptiform discharges have the worse
in neuronal excitability. They are in majority
neuropsychological sequel. Aggressive early
responsible of autosomal dominant (AD) epilepsies.
treatment might prevent or halt the psychomotor
However, IE with autosomal recessive (AR)
inheritance were rarely reported worldwide and few
PL3.2. Epileptic Spasms: Current View
genes have been identified such as for benign rolandic
epilepsy. These AR IEs seemingly occur as sporadic
Raida Al Baradei, KFSH-D & Dammam
conditions and are underestimated because of the
University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
lower clustering of familial cases in studied
populations compared to AD ones. AR inheritance
Infantile spasms (IS) is an age-specific (most patients
was proposed for few focal and generalized IEs, and
have onset between 3 and 8 months of age) epileptic
while some loci were described, no genes responsible
disorder of infancy and early childhood. Children with
for AR IEs have been identified, and the pathogenesis
of these disorders remains unknown.
Childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) is a common form
considerations related to the effect of reproductive
of idiopathic generalized epilepsies (IGEs) for which
hormones to seizures, pregnancy, lactation, special
causative genes are unknown. Several AD genes
side effects of antiepileptic drugs (AED) and several
cause absence seizures in families with heterogeneous
social restrictions resulted from epilepsy. Fertility
IGEs, and several genes encoding subunits of voltage-
rates are reduced, one third of them may suffer from
gated calcium channel or c-aminobutyric acid
abnormal ovarian function, including anovulatory
(GABA)A receptors are potential susceptibility factors
menstrual cycles and polycystic ovaries. These
for CAE in humans. No genes are known for AR
complications may be more common in patients given
CAE. However, four genes, encoding α1, β4, α2δ2,
sodium valproate.
and γ2 subunits of voltage-gated calcium channels
Enzyme inducing AEDs such as carbamazepine,
cause absence seizures in the spontaneous AR mouse
phenytoin, phenobarbital, primidone, topiramate, and
models Cacna1a in tottering (tg); Cacnb4 in lethargic
oxcarbazepine can induce the hepatic pathways
(lh); Cacna2d2 in ducky (du); Cacng2 in stargazer
responsible for catabolism of female sex hormones,
(stg). In a previous study, we excluded these genes in
which leads to alterations in the menstrual cycle and
five Tunisian families with an AR CAE.
increase the turnover of oral contraceptive pills and
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) is another
steroid hormones which can increase the risk of
common specific familial IGE trait that has been
unexpected pregnancy.
subject to extensive linkage analysis. It is clinically
Long term AED treatment with especially inducer
and genetically heterogeneous and its mode of
drugs can produce osteomalacia and osteoporosis.
inheritance is still debated as there have been reports
This is, in part, due to induction of vitamin D
of AD, AR inheritance, and multifactorial models.
metabolism but reduction in bone density may also
Few AR loci were suggested for JME. An association
happen with non-inducing AEDs. Vitamin D and
with HLA was suspected in 32 unrelated Arab patients
calcium supplementation are important in this
with JME. Recently a locus was identified in Tunisian
In some women seizures aggravate during their
Progress in identifying the causative genetic defects is
menstrual cycle, which is known as catamenial
near complete in a subset of symptomatic epilepsies
epilepsy. The use of intermittent clobazam just before
caused by chromosomal abnormalities, amino-
and shortly after the onset of menstruation may be
acidopathies and lysosomal disorders. Molecular
helpful in these conditions.
analysis can be crucial for their diagnosis and prognosis: for example diagnosis in the progressive
There is a higher risk of major congenital
myoclonus epilepsies (PME) is largely based on
malformations (MCMs) with valproate (VPA),
molecular findings. Unverrich-lundborg disease
compared to carbamazepine (CBZ), and possibly
(ULD), the most common form of PME worldwide, is
compared to phenytoin (PHT) or lamotrigine (LTG).
frequent in Tunisia. Through our experience,
AED polytherapy probably contributes to the
phenotypic particularities were noticed in some
development of MCMs and reduced cognitive
geneticay proven UD families suggesting that
outcomes compared to monotherapy. Intrauterine
modifying factors may exist, either genetic or
exposure to VPA, PHT or phenobarbital (PB) may
environmental, that influence the effect of the major
reduce the cognitive outcomes. Neonates of WWE
taking AEDs probably have an increased risk of being small for gestational age and possibly have an
PL4.1. Women and Epilepsy
increased risk of a 1-minute Apgar score. However
Cigdem Ozkara, University of Istanbul, Istanbul,
these effects are mainly dose related especially for
VPA when it is higher than 1000mg. If possible,
avoidance of high doses of AEDs and polytherapy
Taoufik Alsaadi, SKMC, Abu Dhabi, United Arab
throughout pregnancy should be considered.
Almost 70 % of the pregnancies remained seizure-free
Once a patient has initiated an antiepileptic drug
throughout pregnancy. Women with idiopathic
(AED) and achieved a sustained period of seizure
generalized epilepsies were more likely to remain
freedom, the decision to discontinue AED should be
seizure-free than with localization-related epilepsy.
balanced against continuation of AED therapy
Seizures were more likely to occur in the first trimester
indefinitely. Studies show that the rate of seizure
of pregnancies and pregnancies exposed to
recurrence after AED withdrawal is about two to three
lamotrigine were more likely to have seizures and
times the rate in patients who continue AEDs.
more GTCS. Monitoring of drug levels especially for
However, there are many benefits to AED withdrawal
LTG is considered as it causes an increase in the
that should be evaluated on an individualized basis.
clearance and a decrease in the concentrations.
AED discontinuation may be considered in patients
Supplementing WWE with at least 0.4 mg of folic acid
whose seizures have been completely controlled for a
before pregnancy is rcommended. The AED that
prolonged period. There are several factors that would
provides the best seizure control in monotherapy at the
increase risk of recurrences which will be reviewed
lowest effective dose should be chosen. Breastfeeding
and discussed. As a consequence, the decision to
should be encouraged for all the usual reasons
withdraw or withhold treatment must be still
however caution should be taken as Primidone and
individualized. In any patient, the decision to
levetiracetam probably transfer into breast milk in
discontinue treatment should also take into effect the
clinically important amounts.
social aspects like driving license, job and leisure activities as well as emotional and personal factors and
PL4.2. Epilepsy in the Elderly
patients with adverse effects or drug interactions.
Patients will ultimately have to decide themselves
Hassan Hosny, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
whether they wish to discontinue drug treatment.
Debate 2.1. Benign Childhood Epilepsy with
Epilepsy has increasingly been recognized as very
Centro-temporal Spikes: Treat or Not with AED
common in the elderly. Reasons for the rising
incidence of epilepsy in the elderly are largely
Ahmed Al Rumayan, Prince Sultan Military
unknown, but may include longer survival of people
Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
with underlying medical conditions such as stroke.
Sonia Khan, Prince Sultan Military Medical City,
Stroke and other vascular catastrophes are the most
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
common risk factors for epilepsy in the elderly in
addition to cerebral brain tumors and traumatic brain
Benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BECTS)
injuries. A diagnosis of neurodegenerative disease are
is a common disorder in childhood. In regards to
associated with at least six fold risk for epilepsy.
Factors complicating the treatment of seizures in old
qualifications, for example, treating those with early
age groups include concurrent medical diseases,
onset, multiple seizures at onset, and large numbers of
polytherapy, changes in pharmacokinetics and altered
seizures. After a brief overview of BECTS, a review
pharmacodynamics. Many AEDs pose problems in the
of the data in favor of treatment with anticonvulsant
aged due to limited tolerability.
medications is followed by the data indicating that
treatment is not indicated, challenging against the judgment regarding treatment. Antiepileptic drug
Debate 1.1. All Patients with Seizure Freedom for
(AED) treatment is often not recommended,
2 Years Should Discontinue AEDs
particularly if only simple partial seizures occur and if
the child and family are comfortable with this
Ahmad Beydoun, American University of Beirut,
approach . The goal of this debate is to assess the value
Beirut, Lebanon
of treating versus not treating benign epilepsy (of
OC2. Did We Know the Epilepsy Burden in Arab
childhood) with centrotemporal spikes (BECTS).
Oral Communications
OC1. Clinical Experience with AEDs
Hani Benamer, London, United Kingdom
Bernhard Steinhoff, Christoph Kurth, Kork,
Munich, Germany
The association between epilepsy and migraine has
long been discussed. Epidemiological studies from
Western and Asian populations showed that
perampanel, three new antiepileptic drugs were
individuals with epilepsy are (2-4) times more likely
launched in Germany for add-on treatment of patients
to develop migraine than their relatives without
with partial-onset seizures. These new AEDs offer
seizures. Studies showed that risk of migraine is
unique modes of action. We collected their efficiency
elevated in patients with both generalized and partial
in difficult-to-treat patients at our tertiary referral
Design and Methods
The study is an observational, retrospective hospital-
After the introduction of each drug (2008, 2011 and
based study aimed to detect the type of epilepsy which
2012) patients were followed for at least six months on
is more linked to migraine in Emirati patients whom
add-on lacosamide, retigabine and perampanel. We
are genetically different from Western or Asian
assessed efficacy, tolerability and retention rate.
We recruited 107 patients with lacosamide, 40 with
Fifty Emirati patients diagnosed with epilepsy and
retigabine and 74 with perampanel. 50% responder
migraine were followed up in Neurology clinic at
rates were 35%, 15% and 46%, respectively. Freedom
AlQassami Hospital between October 2012 and
of seizures for at least three months was achieved in
October 2013. Data including age, sex, type and
5%, 2.5% and 14% of our patients. Adverse events
duration of epilepsy, type and duration of migraine and
were observed in 36% of patients under lacosamide,
family history of both epilepsy and migraine were
40% of patients under retigabine and 54% of patients
collected from each patient. The results were
with perampanel. Six-month retention rates were 73%,
expressed in percentages.
50% and 70%, respectively.
There were thirty female patients and twenty male
With all new AEDs we did see seizure freedom in
patients. Their ages range between (15-35) years. The
some of our very difficult-to-treat patients. It is
epilepsy duration vary between (8-10) years while the
tempting to speculate that the new mode of action of
duration of migraine ranges between (4-8) years.
each drug may have been an explaining condition. The
Thirty-five patients (70%) have generalized epilepsy
highest rate of seizure freedom but also most adverse
and fifteen patients (30%) have partial epilepsy.
events were seen with add-on perampanel. Retention
Thirty-two patients (64%) have migraine without aura
rates were similar for lacosamide and perampanel and
while eighteen patients (36%) have migraine with
lower for retigabine.
aura. Juvenile myclonic epilepsy represents Twenty-five patients (60%) in the generalized epilepsy group.
Other types are tonic clonic epilepsy (14%) and tonic
epilepsy (14%). In the generalized epilepsy group, 20 patients (80%) have migraine without aura and 10
patients (20%) have migraine with aura. In the partial
regards to when a patient should be allowed to drive
epilepsy group, 10 patients (70%) have partial
after a seizure (6months 46.3% vs 12 months 46.3%.)
epilepsy with secondary generalization and 5 patients
The majority of physician surveyed would allow a
(30%) have complex partial epilepsy. Nine patients
patient to drive if risk of reoccurrence is less than 25%
(60%) out of them, have migraine without aura while
(59.26). Majority of physician surveyed would all a
six patients (40%) have migraine with aura. Twenty-
patient to drive if they were seizure free for 6 months
five patients (50%) with epilepsy have strong family
after medication withdrawal. (53.85%)
history of epilepsy. All these patients have juvenile
myclonic epilepsy.
Majority of physicians surveyed would allow a patient
with only nocturnal seizures to drive.
Juvenile myclonic epilepsy if found to be the
OC4. Public Awareness and Attitude Towards
commonest type of epilepsy associated with migraine.
Epilepsy in Saudi Arabia
Migraine with aura is the type of migraine which is
more linked to epilepsy. Migraine is increased in
Mohammed Jan, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
epileptic patients with family history of epilepsy. This
demonstrates a possible strong genetic basis between epilepsy and migraine. The co-morbidity of migraine
There is a considerable misconception about epilepsy
and epilepsy may be explained by a state of neuronal
in our community. It is frequently linked to evil spirit
hyper-excitability that increases the risk of both
possession. Primary school teacher's knowledge and
attitudes toward epilepsy can have significant impact on the performance and psycho-social development of
OC3. Driving Restrictions of Patients with Seizure
the child with epilepsy. Parents' attitudes toward
Ahmed Shatila, Taoufik Al Saadi, Abu Dhabi,
children with epilepsy are influenced by their
United Arab Emirates
knowledge. Misconceptions should be identified and
corrected for optimal care. We will present three studies that examined the public, teachers, and
parent's knowledge and attitudes towards epilepsy in
There are no driving guidelines in the UAE for patient
Saudi Arabia and identify contributing factors to
with epilepsy. The last study to asses accidents/driving
negative attitudes.
violations for epileptic patients in the UAE was in
Our results included 749 public interviews, 620
primary school teachers, and 117 parents. Most of the
public participants (77%) had prior knowledge about epilepsy which correlated with their educational level
The purpose of this study is to help determine adequate
as those with higher level of education were more
driving guidelines in the UAE.
likely to link epilepsy to organic causes (p= 0.008).
However, 15% also linked epilepsy to evil spirit possession and up to 37% preferred spiritual rituals
Fifty-Four licensed physicians who are currently
and religious healing to medical treatments. Although
practicing in the UAE and have experience treating
most respondents (61%) would accept an epileptic
epileptic patients were surveyed. A link to a 7
patient in a regular job, 71% reported reservations on
question survey was emailed to the physicians
marrying someone with epilepsy, particularly by
males (p=0.001). Regarding the teachers, only 17% felt very well informed about epilepsy. Teachers with
Most physician surveyed (87%) do not feel that they
higher education were more likely to have goody
should report all seizure cases to the DMV. In regards
knowledge (p=0.009). Teachers of Saudi nationality
to patient with epilepsy 50% feel no need to report.
were also more likely to report good knowledge,
The physicians surveyed were equally divided in
independent of their educational level (p=0.013).
Overall, teachers with good knowledge were less
Orientation Of The Electrical Field Within It Rather
likely to have negative attitudes including minding to
Than Proximity To The Generator.
have an epileptic child in their class (p=0.028) or
This will be well explained in systematic review of
thinking that they should be placed in a special
EEG reading based on waveform recognition with
classroom (p=0.029). Regarding the parents, most of
respect to polarity convention and localization of
them (70%) felt informed and recognized various
treatment modalities, many believed that epilepsy is a mental disorder (48%), correlates with evil (44%), or
OC6. Modulation of Epileptic Focus and Network
affects the child's intelligence (38%). Up to 53%
Faisal Al Otaibi, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
admitted to treating their child differently and
avoiding upsetting or punishing him/her. This behavior was less likely if they achieved college
Neuromodulation strategies have been proposed to
education (p=0.01). Some parents (29%) admitted to
treat a variety of neurological disorders, including
using non-medical treatments, usually traditional or
medication-resistant epilepsy. Electrical stimulation
religious practices. Those parents were more likely to
of both central and peripheral nervous systems has
believe that epilepsy is a mental disease (p=0.002) or
emerged as a possible alternative for patients who are
correlates with evil (p=0.015).
not deemed to be good candidates for resective procedures. In addition to well-established treatments
OC5. Polarity Convention and Source Localization
such as vagus nerve stimulation, epilepsy centers
Shireen Qureshi, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
around the world are investigating the safety and
efficacy of neurostimulation at different brain targets, including
The Art and Science of EEG reading is harmonious in
subthalamic nucleus. Also promising are the
way of recognition of waveforms ( spikes, sharp waves
preliminary results of responsive neuromodulation
and slow waves) and principles of neuro generator
studies, which involve the delivery of stimulation to
localization in the brain. EEG signal represent the
the brain in response to detected epileptiform or
summated electrical activity generated by large
preepileptiform activity. In addition to electrical
population of neurons (105 or more), mainly from
stimulation, novel therapeutic methods that may open
cortical neuronal layers.
new horizons in the management of epilepsy include
Neurons are aligned in bundles oriented perpendicular
transcranial magnetic stimulation, focal drug delivery,
to the cortical surface and activated by synapses on
cellular transplantation, and gene therapy. We review
soma-dendritic membranes. Neuron behaves as an
the current strategies and future applications of
extracellular, trans cortical, surface-to-depth, radially
neuromodulation in epilepsy.
oriented "dipoles", a generator with positive and
OC7. Psychogenic Non Epileptic Seizures
negative poles. Pyramidal cells: major source of synaptic potentials, radially oriented. Solid angle
Mashael Al Khateeb, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
theorem provides rational basis for principle of EEG
localization. Solid Angle Theorem Provides A
Epilepsy it's not always what you think - a series of
Rational Basis For Principles Of Localization In EEG.
videos showing different kinds of semiology for one
The Potential (Voltage) Generated By A Neuronal
Source Is Not Necessarily Directly Proportional To The Distance From The Source. Therefore One
"In the field of epilepsy, original observations are
Cannot Infer The Distance Or Depth Of A Source
often the key to diagnosis and successful treatment.
From Its Voltage Currents Are Not Restricted To The
Indeed, the acumen to recognize the unexpected or
Immediate Neighborhood Of The Generator. Potential
unusual semiology distinguishes astute physicians.
Difference Between 2 Electrodes Depends On Their
Orientation With Regard To Configuration And
(NEAD),are events resembling an epileptic seizure
Feb 2008 – Feb 2014. 102 patients had 129
,but without the characteristic electrical discharges
pregnancies. Use of preconception folic acid ,type
seen in epilepsy.
and dose of AED use were studied .Anomaly scans were ordered for early bookers .New-borns were
People with PNES can spend years in treatment for
examined for Congenital malformations at birth .
epilepsy, We believe that semiology of seizure are
Gestation at delivery, mode of delivery & Birth weight
important part in epilepsy classifications and treatment
as well . For this reason I choose cases with different semiology but they share same diagnosis, that taught
the clinician an important lesson and influenced the way they approached the care of their patients."
84% have generalised epilepsy , 11% partial epilepsy
5% others .20% consanguinity, only 62% with
In this session , I will present challenging cases I
confirmed preconception folic acid use . 90 %
believe that many of you will be intrigued by these
pregnancies exposed to AED.
cases and perhaps see clues that we learn from patients
as we try to unravel the mysteries of epilepsy. Despite the advances in technology, oftentimes original
Three babies had major malformations. Multiple
observations hold the key to diagnosis. And we hope
confounding factors identified - lack of folate use,
that these cases inspire clinical scientists to solve
today's unanswered questions in epilepsy.
malformations 80% of the IUGR babies are exposed to valproate.
P2. AED Toxicity
P1. Epilepsy and Pregnancy
Khalid Alquliti, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Fathima.F , Nageena .M ,Bashir.S , Thoufik.A ,
Shahanaz. S ,Meera.A, Mariyam.N, Saira.M, Abu
Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Epilepsy is affecting more than 50 million people
worldwide, antiepileptic drugs (AED) is effective and
Corniche hospital a major maternity hospital in
remains the primary mode of management. Adverse
Abudhabi , UAE with 8,000 -9,000 deliveries per
effects of AED are important factor in treatment
year Epilepsy is the commonest neurological disorder
failure with major impact on health-related quality of
in child bearing age . All major epilepsy and
life in people with epilepsy. AEDs may cause dose-
pregnancy registries confirm that exposure to anti
related adverse or idiosyncratic adverse effects (i.e.
epileptics ( AED ) is associated with 2-3 fold increased
serious cutaneous, hematological and hepatic events).
rate congenital malformations .
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and Drug rash with eosinophilia
syndrome are among the severe cutaneous drug reactions that have been reported after AED,
Our objective is to observe
especially in high risk patients like older age,
1. Congenital malformations in foetuses exposed
malignancy or radiation exposure.
to antiepileptic's in our population along with
other risk factors
2. Mode of delivery, Gestation at birth and birth
To recognize the early clinical features of adverse drug
reactions using a case study, clinical methods and tools that have been developed to recognize early adverse
drug reactions and screen patient at high risk
Prospective observational study of pregnant mothers
attending Obstetric medicine Neurology clinic from
We will present a case of TEN in patient with
changes. They are found in a high percentage of
phenytoin post-cranial radiation for brain metastases
epileptics (42.2%) and are higher in patients with
positive interictal electroencephalogram (46.7%) than
Neuropharmacology of antiepileptic drugs including
in those with negative interictal electroencephalogram
history, Classification of AED, Pharmacokinetic
Considerations, Other Clinical indication of AEDs and
P4. Case Series: Neuro Cutaeneous Syndromes
adverse effect and multi-organ toxicity with special
concern to clinical methods and tools like SCORTEN
Naveen Divakar, Pushpagiri Institute of Medical
score (severity-of-illness Score for Toxic Epidermal
Sciences, Kerala, India
Necrolysis) which calculates the risk for death in both
Neurocutaneous syndromes (NCS) are a heterogenous
AED can cause multiple adverse reactions which can
group of disorders characterised by abnormalities of
be serious and fatal, understanding of theoretical and
both the integument and central nervous system that
clinical aspect of AED Neuropharmacology are
are believed to originate from a defect in
essential for all physician who deal with these drugs to
differentiation of the primitive ectoderm. Cutaneous
implement treatment practice that minimize such
manifestations usually appear early in life and
adverse outcomes.
progress with time, but neurological features generally
P3. EEG/EKG Correlation
present at a later age.
Mubarak Al Musafir, Royal Hospital, Muscat,
To study the clinical profile of children with
neurocutaneous syndromes and their various
Studying the incidence, types of cardiac arrhythmia's
symptomatology, the seizure types and the response
and there correlation with electroencephalographic
changes and types of epilepsy may lead to a better
Subjects and Methods
understanding of the cause of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epileptics.
A retrospective crosssectional study was conducted in the Department of Paediatrics, Pushpagiri Medical
We recorded simultaneous electroencephalogram and
College Hospital,Tiruvalla, during the period from
electrocardiogram in 102 epileptics with equal number
January 2013 to June 2013. Children between the age
of males and females. Ages ranged from 6 months and
group 0 and 15 years were included in the study on the
basis of standard diagnostic criteria for different NCS.
Forty six percent of patients with abnormal
Investigations done were CT,MRI ,EEG,and skin
biopsy for appropriate cases.
abnormalities. Electrocardiographic abnormalities
included: sinus tachycardia (63.8%), sinus bradycardia (10.6%), respiratory sinus arrhythmia (10.6%),
The study population comprised of 10 children (5
ventricular ectopics (6.4%), atrial ectopics (4.3%) and
boys, 5 girls). The various forms of NCS observed
were Sturge Weber syndrome (SWS) – 4
abnormalities were most commonly found in patients
Neurofibromatosis (NF1)- 2 , Hypomelanosis of Ito
with generalised electroencephalographic discharges
(HOI) – 2, Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) – 1 , and
(57.1%), next in focal (43.8%), and last in focal with
Incontinentia pigmenti (IP) – 1.A total of 8 children
secondary generalisation (37.5%).
(80%) presented with neurological symptoms and the remaining 2 (20%) presented with cutaneous
Electrocardiographic abnormalities in epileptics
symptoms of which 1 was found to have learning
correlated well with the Electroencephalographic
disability on evaluation.The neurological problems
Design and Methods
were,70 % had seizures of which100% were SWS and
Colitis was induced by single intra-colonic application
TSC , 50% were HOI and NF1 .72% had generalised
of 20 mg Trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid in wistar rats.
tonic clonic seizures (GTCS) and 28% had focal
seizures. The child with TSC showed refractory
different groups of animals. Another group of animals
epilepsy. Developmental delay was detected in 50%
was subjected to administration of normal saline in
of cases and maximum delay was seen in HOI. Family
colon without any treatment. After 14 days, seizures
history of the same disease was obtained in 2 cases
were induced by either intraperitoneal injection of
(50% of NF1 and 100 % of IP).
Pentylenetetrazole or by maximal electro shock in two
different sets of experiments. Seizure score, colitis score, oxidative stress and TNFα, IL10 levels in brain
The leading NCS in this study was SWS.70% of
and serum samples was assessed. Histopathological
children with NCS presented with seizures. The
examination of colon was done. Naïve animal were
commonest type of seizure among them is
also taken for comparison.
GTCS.Children with TSC had seizures refractory to anticonvulsants. Careful evaluation of NCS children
can reveal problems like Learning disabilities.
Mean colitis score decreased in thalidomide treated
P5. Evaluation of Seizure Susceptibility in
group but not in Zonisamide treated group as
compared to vehicle treated and naïve group. Seizure
Sulphonic Acid Induced Ulcerative Colitis in Rats
score was decreased in Zonisamide treated group but not in thalidomide group as compared to vehicle
Rakesh K Sewal, Manish Modi, Uma Nahar
treated or naïve groups. Seizure score was
Saikia, Amitava Chakrabarti, Bikash Medhi,
significantly higher in vehicle treated group as
Chandigarh, India
compared to non ulcerative colitis group. Oxidative stress was significantly lower in Zonisamide and
Background and Objective
thalidomide treated groups as compared to vehicle treated group. TNF α, IL10 levels results supported the
Epilepsy is one of the most prevalent chronic
abovesaid findings. There was no significant
neurological disorders. There has always been a
difference in groups of pentylenetetrazole or maximal
substantial need to develop new antiepileptic drugs
electroshock methods of seizure induction.
and to understand the interplay between epilepsy and diverse conditions like inflammatory disorders to
explore other prospective of possible therapeutic interventions. Study was designed to assess the seizure
Seizure susceptibility may increase in experimental
susceptibility in experimental models of ulcerative
models of ulcerative colitis and anti-inflammatory
agent may ameliorate this effect.
Source: http://www.elae.ae/doc/EP2014AbstractsScientific.pdf
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