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American Journal of Transplantation 2006; 6: 1639–1645
2006 The Authors
Journal compilation C
2006 The American Society of
Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons
Urine NGAL and IL-18 are Predictive Biomarkers for
Delayed Graft Function Following Kidney
C. R. Parikha, A. Janib, J. Mishrac, Q. Mac,
C. Kellyc, J. Baraschd, C. L. Edelsteinb
and P. Devarajanc,∗
Acute renal failure (ARF) represents a common and poten-tially devastating problem in clinical medicine, with a persis-
Nephrology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut,
tently high mortality and morbidity (1–3). Renal ischemia-
reperfusion injury is the leading cause of ARF in the na-
Nephrology, University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado,
tive as well as the transplanted kidney. Although advances
in basic research have identified successful interventions
Nephrology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical
in animal models, the lack of early markers for human
Center, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
ARF has precluded initiation of therapy in a timely manner
Nephrology, Columbia University, New York, USA
(1–4). In current clinical practice, ARF is typically diagnosed
Corresponding author: P. Devarajan,
by measuring serum creatinine. Unfortunately, creatinine is
an unreliable indicator during acute kidney injury, and doesnot reflect the degree of damage until a steady state has
Delayed graft function (DGF) due to tubule cell
been reached, which may require several days (5).
injury frequently complicates deceased donor kid-
ney transplants. We tested whether urinary neu-
Acute kidney injury due to ischemia-reperfusion occurs
trophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) and
to some extent almost invariably in deceased donor re-
interleukin-18 (IL-18) represent early biomarkers for
nal allografts, and even in some live donor transplants, of-
DGF (defined as dialysis requirement within the first
week after transplantation). Urine samples collected
ten resulting in varying degrees of early renal dysfunction
on day 0 from recipients of living donor kidneys (n =
(6). ARF due to delayed graft function (DGF) complicates
23), deceased donor kidneys with prompt graft func-
4–10% of live donor and 5–50% of deceased donor kidney
tion (n = 20) and deceased donor kidneys with DGF
transplants (7–9). In addition to the well-known complica-
(n = 10) were analyzed in a double blind fashion by
tions of ARF and dialysis, DGF predisposes the graft to both
ELISA for NGAL and IL-18. In patients with DGF, peak
acute and chronic rejection (10–12), is an independent risk
postoperative serum creatinine requiring dialysis typi-
factor for suboptimal graft function at one year post trans-
cally occurred 2–4 days after transplant. Urine NGAL
plant, and increases the risk of chronic allograft nephropa-
and IL-18 values were significantly different in the
thy and graft loss (13–20). A variety of clinical algorithms
three groups on day 0, with maximally elevated levels
have been proposed for prediction of DGF based on pre-
noted in the DGF group (p < 0.0001). The receiver–
operating characteristic curve for prediction of DGF
operative risk factors (21,22), but no objective and validated
based on urine NGAL or IL-18 at day 0 showed an area
tools are currently available for the early diagnosis of lesser
under the curve of 0.9 for both biomarkers. By mul-
degrees of acute kidney injury following kidney transplan-
tivariate analysis, both urine NGAL and IL-18 on day
tation. Several clinical definitions of DGF that employ urine
0 predicted the trend in serum creatinine in the post-
output, creatinine reduction ratios, or dialysis requirement
transplant period after adjusting for effects of age, gen-
have been reported in the literature (7–22). However, these
der, race, urine output and cold ischemia time (p <
clinical variables typically identify DGF only several days af-
0.01). Our results indicate that urine NGAL and IL-18
ter kidney transplantation. Consequently, early therapeutic
represent early, predictive biomarkers of DGF.
interventions that have ameliorated DGF in animal modelshave been ineffective in human studies (6), at least in part
Key words: Acute kidney injury, biomarkers, delayed
due to the paucity of early biomarkers for kidney injury.
graft function, interleukin-18
Received 4 November 2005, revised 16 February 2006
We recently utilized a genome-wide interrogation strategy
and accepted for publication 6 March 2006
to identify kidney genes that are induced very early afterischemia in animal models, whose protein products mightserve as novel biomarkers for the initiation phase of ARF.
We identified neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin
Parikh et al.
(NGAL) as one of the most dramatically up-regulated genes
ELISA for IL-18 quantitation
in the kidney after ischemia (23–25). NGAL protein was
The urine IL-18 ELISA was performed as previously described (27), using a
also markedly induced in kidney tubule cells early after is-
human IL-18 ELISA kit (Medical and Biological Laboratories, Nagoya, Japan)
chemia in mouse models (24). Importantly, NGAL protein
that specifically detects the mature form of IL-18. All measurements were
was easily detected in the urine very early after ischemic
made in a blinded fashion. The inter- and intra-assay coefficient variations
injury in animals, and was found to be a highly predictive
were 5–10%, corresponding to that reported by the kit manufacturer. Theresults were expressed in ng/mg creatinine to standardize for changes in
biomarker of acute kidney injury in patients undergoing car-
diac surgery (26). We therefore tested the hypothesis thaturine NGAL represents a novel early biomarker of renal in-jury in another representative human population, namelypatients undergoing kidney transplantation. Since our pre-
vious studies have shown that urine interleukin-18 (IL-18)
The results are expressed as means ± SD or medians with ranges. TheSAS 8.2 statistical software (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) was utilized for the
levels are also increased in patients with established DGF
analysis. NGAL and IL-18 values were noted to have a skewed distribution,
(27), a secondary objective of this study was to compare
and nonparametric tests were therefore employed. The relationships be-
the utility of NGAL and IL-18 measurements for the pre-
tween urine NGAL or IL-18 at day 0 and clinical variables were assessed
diction of DGF.
by chi-square test (for categorical variables) and analysis of variance (forcontinuous variables). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare livingrelated, deceased donor with prompt graft function, and deceased donor
Materials and Methods
DGF. A conventional receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was gen-erated for urine NGAL and IL-18 at day 0 post transplant in deceased donor
patients with DGF. The area under the curve was calculated to determine
This investigation was approved by the Institutional Review Boards of par-
the quality of NGAL and IL-18 as predictive biomarkers of DGF. An area
ticipating centers. Written informed consent was obtained from each pa-
of 0.5 is no better than expected by chance, whereas a value of 1.0 sig-
tient or legal guardian before enrollment. Consecutive patients undergo-
nifies a perfect biomarker. Univariate and multivariate stepwise multiple
ing living related or deceased donor kidney transplantation at our centers
logistic regression analyses were performed to assess predictors of DGF.
were prospectively enrolled. The immunosuppressive regimen was similar
For some logistic regression models, there was a complete separation of
in all patients, consisting of tacrolimus with prednisone and mycopheno-
points and the maximum likelihood estimates did not exist.
Ad hoc ad-
late mofetil. Spot urine samples were collected within the first 24 hours
justments were therefore used to fit the final logistic models. Potential
(day 0) following transplantation. In the majority of patients, the urine sam-
independent predictor variables included age, gender, race, donor source,
ple was obtained soon after admission to the hospital unit, prior to admin-
urine NGAL on day 0 post transplant, urine IL-18 on day 0 post transplant,
istration of tacrolimus, and no patient received more than a single dose of
creatinine reduction ratio (defined as a percentage decrease in serum cre-
tacrolimus prior to urine collection. Urine samples were centrifuged at 2000
atinine in the first 2 days post transplant) and cold ischemia time. Rather
g for 5 min, and the supernatants stored in aliquots at −80◦C. Serum creati-
than analyzing as continuous variables, we categorized urine output (as ≥
nine was measured at baseline, just before the kidney transplantation, and
< 1 L/day) and creatinine reduction ratio (as ≥ or
< 30%), as previ-
routinely monitored at least daily in the postoperative period. The primary
ously described in studies of DGF 28. Univariate and multivariate analysis
outcome variable was the development of DGF, defined as the need for
for predicting trends in serum creatinine were calculated using general-
dialysis within the first week after transplantation. The decision to initiate
ized linear regression with repeated measures analysis, with Greenhouse-
dialysis originated from the primary transplant nephrologists and transplant
Geisser correlation for p-values. A p-value of
<0.05 was considered
surgeons, without any involvement from the study investigators. Other vari-
ables collected included age, gender, race, original kidney disease, cold is-chemic time, urine output, serial serum creatinines and urine creatinine.
ELISA for NGAL quantitation
The urine NGAL ELISA was performed as previously described (26). Briefly,microtiter plates pre-coated with a mouse monoclonal antibody raised
against human NGAL (HYB211–05, AntibodyShop, Gentofte, Denmark)
A total of 53 patients were included in the study, whose
were blocked with buffer containing 1% BSA, coated with 100 lL of sam-
demographic characteristics, diagnoses and outcome vari-
ples (urine or serum) or standards (NGAL concentrations ranging from 1–1000 ng/mL), and incubated with a biotinylated monoclonal antibody against
ables are shown in Tables 1–3. Urine samples obtained
human NGAL (HYB211–01B, AntibodyShop) followed by avidin-conjugated
within the first 24 hours after transplantation were avail-
HRP (Dako, Carpinteria, CA, USA). TMB substrate (BD Biosciences, San
able from 23 patients with living related donor (LRD,
Jose, CA, USA) was added for color development, which was read after 30
Table 1), 20 subjects with deceased donor and prompt graft
min at 450 nm with a microplate reader (Benchmark Plus, BioRad, Hercules,
function (CAD, Table 2) and 10 individuals with deceased
CA, USA). All measurements were made in triplicate. Pre-coated plates can
donor and delayed graft function (CAD DGF, Table 3). There
be refrigerated and used for several days, and the entire ELISA procedure
were no differences between these three groups in gen-
is typically completed in 4 h. The inter- and intra-assay coefficient varia-
der, race, original kidney disease or serum creatinine on
tions were 5–10% for batched samples analyzed on the same day. The
day 0. The LRD group tended to be slightly younger in age,
laboratory investigators were blinded to the sample sources and clinical
but the ages of the CAD group with prompt graft function
outcomes until the end of the study. Urine creatinine was measured usinga quantitative colorimetric assay kit (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA), and urine
and DGF were similar. In patients with DGF, peak postoper-
NGAL was expressed in ng/mg creatinine to standardize for changes in urine
ative serum creatinine requiring dialysis typically occurred
2–4 days after transplant.
American Journal of Transplantation 2006; 6: 1639–1645
NGAL and IL-18 in DGF
Table 1: Clinical characteristics of patients with living related donor (LRD) kidney transplantation and prompt graft function
Pt ID = patient identification; Orig dis = original disease; FSGS = focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; GN = glomerulonephritis; HTN =hypertension; AA = African-American.
Table 2: Clinical characteristics of patients with deceased donor (CAD) kidney transplantation and prompt graft function
Pt ID = patient identification; Orig dis = original disease; FSGS = focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; GN = glomerulonephritis; DM =diabetes mellitus; HTN = hypertension; AA = African-American.
Urine NGAL and IL-18 measurements—ELISA
0.05 ng/mg creatinine, n = 71). Median urinary NGAL val-
Urine NGAL levels were consistently low in healthy volun-
ues were significantly different in the three groups on day
teers (0.2 ± 0.05 ng/mg creatinine, n = 10) and in hospital-
0 (p
< 0.0001, Figure 1). Similar results were noted for uri-
ized control subjects with normal kidney function (0.16 ±
nary IL-18 values, as previously published (27). Both urine
American Journal of Transplantation 2006; 6: 1639–1645
Parikh et al.
Table 3: Clinical characteristics of patients with deceased donor (CAD) kidney transplantation and delayed graft function (DGF)
Pt ID = patient identification; Orig dis = original disease; FSGS = focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; GN = glomerulonephritis; DM =diabetes mellitus; HTN = hypertension; ADPKD = autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease; AA = African-American.
Table 4: Summary of baseline and clinical characteristics in de-
ceased donor transplants
Serum creatinine at
Serum creatinine at
Serum creatinine at
Type and function of the graft
Fractional decrease
in s creat
> 30%,
Figure 1: Urinary NGAL levels in the first 24 h after kidney
transplantation. Box and whisker plots show the 10th, 25th, 50th
Urine output
> 1 L,
(median), 75th and 90th percentile values. Median urinary NGAL
levels (ng/mg creatinine) were greater in patients who received
Cold ischemia time
a deceased donor kidney and subsequently developed delayed
graft function (deceased-DGF; n = 10) compared with patients
756 (12–2500) 0.0017∗
who received a deceased donor kidney with prompt graft function
(deceased-PGF; n = 20) and with patients who received living
donor kidneys and showed prompt graft function (living-PGF, n =
IL-18, day 0, pg/mg,
217 (33.5–1005) 38.75 (0–773)
23; p
< 0.0001).
†Fractional decrease in serum creatinine calculated by serumcreatinine day 0 - serum creatinine day 1/serum creatinine day
NGAL and IL-18 values on day 0 were highest in patients
0∗100 (if serum creatinine on day 1 is greater than serum creatinine
with deceased donor kidney transplants who subsequently
on day 0 then the fractional decrease in serum creatinine will be
developed DGF (Table 4).
∗p-value by Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
NGAL and IL-18 for prediction of acute renal injury
Table 4 demonstrates baseline and clinical parameters in
patients with deceased kidney transplantation, with either
urinary NGAL and IL-18 values were significantly different
DGF or prompt graft function. Age, gender, race, cold is-
in the two groups.
chemia time and urine output (
< 1 L/day) were not sig-nificantly different in the two groups. Only 30% (six pa-
A univariate analysis of our data revealed that the follow-
tients) displayed a fractional decrease in serum creatinine
ing outcomes were not predictive of DGF: age, gender,
> 30% in the group with prompt graft function. Median
race and serum creatinine on day 0. By multivariate logistic
American Journal of Transplantation 2006; 6: 1639–1645
NGAL and IL-18 in DGF
Table 5: Multivariate analysis for predicting DGF after deceased
ROC Curve
donor transplantation
Fractional s creat decrease
Urine output
<1 L
Cold ischemia time (h)
Urine NGAL, 100 ng/mg
regression analysis, urine NGAL on day 0 predicted DGF
in the early posttransplant period, after adjusting for ef-
fects of fractional decrease in serum creatinine, urine out-put and cold ischemic time (p = 0.01). Every 100 ng/mgincrease in urine NGAL was associated with an increased
odds of DGF by 20%, after adjusting for other variables(Table 5).
Since dialysis requirement represents a delayed definition
of DGF, we also studied the trends in serum creatinine dur-ing the first three postoperative days. Lower urine NGAL
1 - Specificity
values on day 0 predicted a steeper postoperative declinein serum creatinine on a multivariate generalized linearmodel with repeated measures testing (p
< 0.01), after
adjusting for age, gender, urine output and cold ischemia
time. A similar finding was noted for urine IL-18, as pre-viously reported (27). An ROC curve was constructed to
determine the discriminatory power of urine NGAL mea-
surements on day 0 for the early prediction of DGF. The
area under the curve was 0.9 (CI 0.71–1.0) at day 0 posttransplant and the performance of NGAL with respect to
derived sensitivities, specificities and predictive values at
different cut-off levels are shown in Figure 2. A cut-off
of 1000 ng/mg creatinine yielded the optimal sensitivityand specificity at day 0 post transplant. For urine IL-18,
the area under the curve for predicting DGF was also 0.9(CI 0.81–0.98). The sample size was insufficient to con-
Figure 2: Performance of urine NGAL on day 0 for prediction
duct a multivariate analysis of a combination of the two
of DGF. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve
was 0.90, indicative of an excellent biomarker. The table belowshows the range of sensitivities and specificities for various cut-offs of NGAL. The sensitivity and specificity of NGAL are optimal
at a cut-off of 1000 ng/mg.
Our major findings are that urinary NGAL and IL-18 mea-sured on Day 0 of deceased donor kidney transplantation
25 mL/min on postoperative day 7 (29). The present study
predict DGF earlier than other clinical definitions that are
adds urinary NGAL to the short list of promising biomarkers
currently in use. There has been an active quest for urinary
for allograft dysfunction that can be noninvasively assayed
biomarkers that predict DGF. We have previously demon-
for during the early posttransplant period.
strated that urinary levels of IL-18 increase within 24 hin patients with deceased donor transplants who subse-
The potential clinical utility of our findings lies in the fact
quently developed DGF (27). The present study confirms
that several modalities of therapy have succeeded in ani-
these previous observations in a larger cohort of patients.
mal models of ischemia-reperfusion injury, but have gen-
Similarly, elevated urinary IL-6, IL-8 and actin levels have
erally been ineffective in human studies of delayed graft
been demonstrated on day 0 in nine recipients of a de-
function (6). This may be, at least in part, due to the lack
ceased donor renal allograft who displayed sustained acute
of reliable methodologies to distinguish between initial de-
renal failure (defined as a creatinine clearance of less than
grees of kidney injury. It is likely that the availability of early
American Journal of Transplantation 2006; 6: 1639–1645
Parikh et al.
predictive biomarkers such as urine NGAL will allow for a
Translational Research Initiative Grant from Cincinnati Children's Hospital
more accurate stratification of acute kidney injury and for
Medical Center. The authors would like to thank Heather Thissen-Philbrook
the rational selection of patients who might benefit most
for her assistance with the statistical analysis.
from a variety of interventions. Based on this report, it is en-visioned that urinary NGAL and IL-18 determination may be
relevant to patients receiving deceased donor transplants.
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American Journal of Transplantation 2006; 6: 1639–1645
Source: http://www.eurobio-rein.fr/images/Image/File/Parikh%20CR%202006%20Am%20J%20Transpl%20HYB%20211-01%20-05.pdf
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Reviewing the Drivers and Challenges in RFID Implementation in the Pharmaceutical Supply ChainMazen S. Matalka John K. VisichBryant University Suhong LiBryant University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended CitationMatalka, Mazen S.; Visich, John K.; and Li, Suhong, "Reviewing the Drivers and Challenges in RFIDImplementation in the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain" (2009). Management Department JournalArticles. Paper 43.http://digitalcommons.bryant.edu/manjou/43