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Contact Details
85 Canning Street
Launceston, TAS 7250
PH: (03) 6334-5721
FAX: (03) 6331-9769
Monday to Friday: 8:30am—5:00pm
Volume: 2 Issue: 2

Flinders Island Aboriginal
Association INC.
Healthy Lifestyle Program
The Healthy Lifestyle Program
Chronic disease such as
raise awareness of the
diabetes, kidney disease
benefits of quitting
and heart disease are a lot smoking, or most
Healthy Lifestyle & Tobacco Action workers:
importantly not taking it
Aboriginal and Torres
up, and to promote healthy Tania Wheatley
Strait Islander people than lifestyle choices. Some non- indigenous
healthy lifestyle choices
Australians. These chronic
include increased physical [email protected]
diseases are the core
activity, and improving
reason why adult
nutrition. We think the
indigenous people die
best way to promote
younger and have poorer
positive changes is to
health than other
collaborate with both
Australian adults.
Aboriginal and mainstream
Smoking, not enough
physical activity, poor
The Healthy Lifestyle Team [email protected]
nutrition and heavy
is a Tasmania-wide
consumption of alcohol
initiative. We hope to be
can lead to these chronic
working with you soon to
diseases. By minimizing
deliver programs that will
these risk factors you can
improve the lives of
reduce your chance of
individuals within the
these diseases evolving.
Marama Rangataua
The Healthy Lifestyle
team's job is twofold: to
For more information please visit the Flinders Island Aboriginal Association Incorporated Website.
Happy Healthy Tasty: A guide to feeding Tassie kids aged 0-5 LAUNCH
On the 5th and 12th of February the FIAAI Healthy Lifestyle team officially launched their new resource Happy Healthy Tasty which is an information booklet about food nutrition for kids aged 0-5 years old. The focus of the project has been to take existing information and resources and rework them to be more reflective of the Tasmanian Aboriginal community. Many consultation meetings with various members of the TAHRG and meetings with many of the TAHRG " Mums and Bubs" groups to get feedback from community members about what they'd like to see in a nutrition guide. Professional photos for the booklet were taken at SETAC and include photos of many happy babies eating yummy healthy food. The booklet covers everything from breastfeed-ing to introducing first foods, the nutritional needs of toddlers, how to deal with fussy eaters, allergy advice and much more.
SETAC Sport and Boxing Program
The Healthy Lifestyle Program in conjunction with SETAC organized a boxing and sport program to be run at Primary Health Care & Well-being Centre at Cygnet, the program consisted of two groups going for 3 days each.
The first group went from Tuesday 21st to Thursday 23rd of January and the second group on the following week going from 27th to 29th.
Each day 2 hours was spent with each group, spending 1 hour teaching boxing and the other hour playing games such as cricket, dodge ball, volley ball, soccer, capture the flag and more. Also spent time talking to the kids about how important it is to keep an active lifestyle.
On the final day of the program both groups from the first and second week met at Randal's Bay just south of Cygnet for a beach day and a BBQ.
Garden to Plate FIAAI healthy lifestyle team will work in partnership with Ravenswood Community Centre and Second Bite to offer the "Garden to plate" program which would have 2 main components, the first is a community vegetable and bush tucker garden and the second is using fresh seasonal local produce from the gardens and Second Bite to cook healthy, nutritious meals on a budget. Food insecurity has been identified as a major contributor to Aboriginal and Torres Strait peo-ple's health, these programs will help to give the students the tools, skills and food to make wis-er food choices. There would be 2 different classes which would cater to different parts of the community. During the year photos/recipes and stories will be collated together to create a booklet documenting this learning journey.
At the completion of the project, the Healthy Lifestyle Program should have developed a solid partnership with Ravenswood Community Centre/ Second Bite, and be better recognized in Ravenswood Aboriginal community as well as the wider Launceston Aboriginal community.
FIAAI Healthy Lifestyle Program
Evening Walking Group
When: Wednesday 8th January 2014
Where: Meet @ Royal Park and walk along the
River Edge Trail
Time: 5:30pm, this walking group will run for 8
When: Mondays @ 11am
Where: 85 Canning Street
Come along and join us for a light walk and a
yarn. Open to all ages, friends and family mem-
What: The Quit Café is a free, informal
ber support welcome.
and supportive group environment in
For more information please phone Carly on
which to share with others the journey
and experiences you are going through
Swap it, don't stop it!
Cannellini beans with prawns
Ingredient Details 600g can cannellini beans, well-rinsed and drained 1-2 lemons, freshly squeezed 2 tsp olive oil, plus 2 tsp extra 1 small garlic clove, finely chopped ¼ cup of flat-leaf parsley 375g green prawns, peeled, de-veined and tails left intact ¼ tsp chilli flakes
1. Preheat a stove-top griller or barbeque. 2. Place the beans in a bowl, squeeze over the lem-on juice and add 2 teaspoons of olive oil, garlic and parsley. Toss well. Season with freshly ground pep-per. 3. Toss the prawns in a bowl with the extra 2 teaspoons of olive and the chilli flakes. Grill until they change colour, for about 2 minutes. 4. Place the beans on plate, add the prawns and serve immediately.
Tip: Be sure to rinse the canned beans several times to avoid any unpleasant metallic taste.
Recipe from
• If you crave sugar, eat more whole
Beat those cravings! grains and less salt and dairy.
Food cravings
• If you crave coffee, eat more vegetables and salads, cut down on meat and sugar.
Chocolate, chips and coke - we all have
Try chicory or dandelion coffee instead.
those mid-afternoon cravings for sugar and salt, unfortunately they only make us • If you crave dairy, eat leafy greens, feel good for a short time before we're
brown rice and fish, avoid sugar and fruit.
tired and hungry again. Here are some
• If you crave alcohol, eat more healthy
suggestions on how to make healthier
carbohydrates and bitter greens and eat
food choices before we reach for another less fat, salt and animal protein. coffee –
HEALTH ISSUE OF THE MONTH Lets talk about it!
National Children's Dental Health Month
National Children's Dental Health Month is to raise awareness about the need for good oral health for our children.
Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease in children. The good news is that it is preventable by preforming safe and effective preventive measures that can protect teeth. Good oral hygiene practices such as thoroughly brushing with a good fluoride toothpaste can help keep children from getting nasty cavities.
Brushing Kids teeth
Tips to get your kids to brush their teeth
1) Place a pea-sized amount of
low-fluoride toothpaste onto a
Play copycat: Capitalize on toddlers urge
soft children's toothbrush.
to mimic fun activities. While your brush-
2) Sit the child in your lap, facing
ing your teeth exaggerate on your excite-
away from you, or stand be-
hind taller children. Tilt the
Make toothbrush a toy: Show toddler
child's head back against your body so you can see all
how to brush his teddy bears " teeth"
the surfaces of the teeth.
Create impression that toothbrushes are
3) Angle the bristles of the
toothbrush towards the
Make a tooth brushing chart: Each time
gum. Move the brush in gen-
toddler brushes their teeth they receive
tle circles to clean the outer sides of the teeth and gums.
a sticker which is placed on the chart
4) Brush in gentle circles on the
inside of the teeth as well as the gums.
5) Brush back and forward on
the chewing surface of the teeth.
6) After brushing all the surfaces,
encourage your child to spit out the toothpaste and rinse if possible.
How Important is Diet to My Child's Oral Health? A balanced diet is necessary for your child to develop strong, decay-resistant teeth. In addition to a full range of vitamins and minerals, a child's diet should include plenty of calcium, phosphorous, and proper levels of fluoride.
TIPS AND HINTS Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another!
Exercise of the month: Bent Over Row: Stand over the center of the bend with feet shoulder-width apart. Bend slightly at the knees and hinge at the waist, keeping your hips back. Grasp each handle with hands facing the outside of your keens. With elbows bend, pull the band up towards your hips, squeezing shoulder blades together until your elbows form a 90– degree angle. Lower and row for 10-12 reps.
* You can pick up a resistance band for about $30 at your local sports shop
What to plant in Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Nicotine replacement therapy is safe
and is an effective treatment for
nicotine addiction
Plant: Seedlings of broccoli, Brus-
Nicotine Patches
sels sprouts, winter cabbage, kale,
Nicotine Gum
cauliflower, celery, leek, lettuce, sil-
Nicotine Lozenge
verbeet and spring onions
Nicotine Inhalator
Nicotine month Spray–
Sow: Broccoli, carrot, cabbage, cau-
liflower, late Brussels sprouts, leek,
Combination Therapy
turnip, beetroot, parsnip
Varenicline (Champix)
Bupropion (Zyban)
Volume: 2 Issue: 2 February 2014
SERVICIO DE SALUD DEL PRINCIPADO DE ASTURIAS Síndrome Confusional Agudo (Delirium)"Guía práctica de diagnóstico y tratamiento" Depósito Legal:????? "Guía prácticade diagnósticoy tratamiento" Mª Isabel Ruiz, Unidad de Psiquiatría de Enlace Valentín Mateos, Servicio de Neurología Héctor Suárez, Servicio de Medicina Interna II
GUÍA DE PROCEDIMIENTOS LABORALES: PROCEDIMIENTOS ADMINISTRATIVOS, JUDICIALES E INTERNACIONALES DE PROTECCIÓN DE LOS DERECHOS LABORALES Dr. Max PuigMinistro de Trabajo Equipo de coordinación Sandra Dueñas-PaschalGerente RegionalPact Andrés Valentín Herrera GonzálezDirector general de TrabajoMinisterio de Trabajo Rafael Arturo Mariano OviedoDirector de Asistencia JudicialMinisterio de Trabajo