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Title of the contribution prepared for the xxviii icpig
31st ICPIG, July 14-19, 2013, Granada, Spain
Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry in Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas
Y. Aranda Gonzalvo and P. Hatton
Plasma & Surface Analysis Division, Hiden Analytical Ltd., 420 Europa Boulevard, Warrington, WA5 7UN, UK
There exist many plasma diagnostics for atmospheric plasma discharges but the most direct technique to measure fluxes of ions and neutral species is molecular beam mass spectrometry. It can be used to measure both negative and positive ions including short lived radicals species formed in the atmospheric pressure plasmas. An overview of different source configurations plasma discharges studied with a molecular beam mass spectrometer (MBMS) is presented.
1. Introduction
Atmospheric plasmas are becoming an important
The studies presented by means of MBMS
research filed for its interest in different kind of
includes time- resolved measurements of the ionic
applications from material processing up to
species in the plasma plume ("bullet" formation) of
biomedical treatment. Non-thermal plasmas can
an atmospheric pressure helium microplasma jet [2],
have additional benefits compared to conventional
investigation of a capacitively coupled atmospheric
methods for many applications inclining purification
pressure RF excited glow discharge in He-water
of water, the sterilization of surgical instruments,
mixtures [3], reaction kinetics studies in a gas
surface activation of plastics and polymers including
composition corresponding to Titan's atmosphere in
woven and unwoven textiles, removal of pollutant
a corona discharge [4] and plasma-assisted
desorption/ionization method (PADI) based in non-
enhancement and treatment of biological samples.
thermal plasma discharge (DBD) interacting with
There exist many plasma diagnostics applied to
the surface of the analyte to investigate the surface
atmospheric plasmas but the most direct technique
composition under ambient conditions [5-6].
to measure fluxes of ions and neutral species is
molecular beam mass spectrometer. The main
characteristic is that sampled species preserve their
identity from being created at atmosphere pressure
to vacuum monitoring by the rapid expansion of the
formed molecular beam that "freezes out" any
chemical reactions occurring. This is crucial
especially for highly reactive species such as
radicals and ions. It can be used to measure both
negative and positive ions including short lived
radical species formed in the atmospheric pressure
An overview of different atmospheric pressure
plasma sources studied with a molecular beam mass
spectrometer (MBMS) will be presented.
Fig. 1: Schematics of the MBMS Analyser.
2. Experimental setup
2.1. Microplasma jet
The MBMS used was a quadrupole-based
Atmospheric pressure plasma jets normally are
mass/energy resolved spectrometer (EQP) system, operated at an excitation frequency of several tens the HPR-60 MBMS (from Hiden Analytical Ltd)[1]
of kilohertz (ac or pulsed mode) or in
having a three stage differentially pumped inlet
radiofrequency (rf) range. Detailed measurements
system separated by aligned skimmer cones and
obtained with ICCD images revealed that these jets
turbomolecular pumps as shown in figure 1. The
are not continuous plasmas but consist of "plasma
sampling orifices/skimmer cones are carefully
bullets". Studies performed with emission
aligned to produce a molecular beam which
spectroscopy showed the evolution of the species
minimises the collisions of the sampled particles
along the trajectory of the bullets but it is the first
with each other and with surfaces.
time that measurements of positive and negative
31st ICPIG, July 14-19, 2013, Granada, Spain
ions generated in the plasma jet is presented by
for positive ions. At higher frequency the signal of
negative ions tends to be constant in the active part
spectrometry (MBMS) [2].
of the applied voltage. That could be an indication
The plasma jet used in this study was produced
of the origin of negative ions and it shows clearly
by a bipolar high voltage ac with a variable
that the dynamics and chemistry associated with
repetition rate of 5, 10 and 25 kHz. The recorded
positive and negative ions are different.
peak to peak voltage is generally 8kV and it is
independent on the frequency applied. The plasma
2.2. Capacitively coupled atmospheric RF
generated is produced in a quartz glass tube of 1mm
Atmospheric pressure glow discharges (APGDs)
diameter with an electrode around the glass tube.
have been extensively studied over the last decade
The main gas used was He with a constant flow rate
by means of electrical and optical measurements or
of 1.34 slm. This produces a plasma plume of
modeling. Mass spectrometry measurements of
typically 12mm length.
ionic species in capacitively coupled discharges are
well known at low pressures up to a few Torr. Only
few mass spectrometric studies have been performed
in atmospheric pressure plasmas, mainly focusing
on afterglows (plasma jets) and corona discharges
(low thermal ion energies) as a consequence
sampling did not occur in the sheath region of
ionizing plasma.
An RF excited APGD between two parallel bare
metal plate electrodes in He-H2O mixtures has been
investigated by molecular beam mass spectrometry
[3]. The ion sample is made in the sheath formed at
the mass spectrometer plate with sampling orifice
which acts as grounded electrode in the parallel
plate electrode geometry, and not in the afterglow of
jets (and corona) where the ions measured are
typically thermalized with the neutrals due to the
large amount of collisions before reaching the
sampling orifice.
The mean ion energies measured in these
atmospheric pressure sheaths are also close to
thermal which is expected as the mean free path at
atmospheric pressure is less than 1 μm.
Nonetheless, it is expected that there are different
ionic species from the active/ionizing plasma zone
compared with the ones produced in the afterglow
Fig. 2: Time-resolved of positive and negative ion
that are completely determined by charge exchange
fluxes for selected species measured at a fix distance
of 7 mm at 5kHz.
The RF APGD (13.56MHz) is excited in parallel
plate geometry between two bare metal electrodes.
The time-resolved measurements by MBMS
The electrode system consist of a water cooled
reveal the evolution of the main species, positive
circular copper electrode with a diameter of 20.5
and negatives, during the applied ac for the different
mm interfaced to the inlet plate of the HPR-60
repetition rate applied. The main positive species
molecular beam mass spectrometer (MBMS) with a
2 , O+, N2 , N+ and He+. These
fixed inter-electrode distance of 0.5 mm. The power
positive ions were found to follow the applied
was kept constant at 20W for experiments
voltage as shown in figure 2 and for higher
conducted with different water concentrations. Two
frequency or repetition rate we observe a decrease in
mass flow controllers for introducing the helium-
the number of species present in the plasma. For
water mixture in the reactor were used. One flow is
negative ions there is a strong presence of O
−, OH
going through a bubbling vessel to introduce water
−, H
−, OH
− (H2O) and the behavior of these ions
in the helium flow, whereas the other flow contains
with respect to the repetition rate is different than
pure helium. The concentration of water in the
31st ICPIG, July 14-19, 2013, Granada, Spain
reactor is adjusted by changing the ratio of helium
most likely pathway for the formation of such
flow through the water compared to the total helium
molecular anions is H-loss dissociative electron
flow and measured by residual gas analysis.
attachment to HCN, H3CN and H5CN formed in the
The dependence of the water concentration at
discharge. These same anions have been detected in
constant power of the ionic species for both positive
Titan's atmosphere and the present experiments may
and negative ions is investigated. For all the
provide some novel insights into the chemical and
investigated concentrations of He-H2O mixtures the
dominant positive ions are H
2O+, OH+, O+, He2 ,
atmosphere and hence assist in the interpretation of
3 and H3 . Hydration of the ions increases
results from the Cassini Huygens space mission.
with increasing water vapour concentration and
decreases with increasing discharge power. For
concentrations of 900 ppm water in He and above
negative ions can be detected as shown in figure 3.
It was observed that the detected negative ion flux
increases with increasing water concentration. The
dominant ion is OH
− and its clusters. With the
emergence of the negative ions, there is a drop in
positive ion flux to the mass spectrometer together
with a significant increase in applied voltage
indicating increasing electron loss by attachment
and ion loss by mutual positive and negative ion
recombination. Positive and negative ion cluster
formation increases with decreasing discharge
Fig. 4: Relative abundances of the most dominant
power and increasing concentration of water.
anions formed in negative corona discharge.
2.4. DBD for plasma assisted desorption
ionisation (PADI)
It has been developed a novel approach to
ambient surface analysis, termed plasma assisted
desorption ionization (PADI) [5-6] that coupled with
atmospheric pressure sampling mass spectrometry
provides a technique capable of rapid surface
analysis without the requirement for sample
preparation. The PADI source is a non-thermal
atmospheric plasma jet which interacts directly with
the surface of the analyte under study. Desorption
and ionisation then occurs at the surface. As the
analyte is positioned close to the entrance of an
atmospheric sampling MBMS, ions (positive and
Fig. 3: Variation of the Voltage discharge and the
negative) from the analyte material are detected in
ion flux in function of the H2O concentration in He.
real time by the mass spectrometer.
The PADI source is a non-thermal dielectric
2.3. Corona discharge
barrier discharge (DBD) 13.56 MHz RF plasma
The formation of negative ions produced in a
‘needle' operating at atmospheric pressure. The
negative point-to-plane corona discharge fed by a
plasma is around 1mm in diameter and may extend
N2(88%)/Ar(8%)/CH4(4%) gas mixture has been
up to 10 mm from the tip. The plasma is generated
studied using mass spectrometry [4].
in flowing helium and operates in open air. It can be
The measurements were carried out in flowing
brought into direct contact with any of the surfaces
regime at ambient temperature, at a current
under study. The action of the plasma at the sample
discharge of 0.8 mA and a reduced pressure of 460
surface produces ions from the surface material
mbar. The CN
− anion has been found to be the most
which enter the gas phase and are readily detected
dominant negative ion in the discharge and is
by the molecular beam mass spectrometer.
believed to be the precursor of heavier negative ions
Typical data obtained for the detection of active
such as C3N
− and C5N
− as shown in figure 4. The
31st ICPIG, July 14-19, 2013, Granada, Spain
interfaced with the MBMS operated in positive ion
[2] Jun-Seok Oh, Yolanda Aranda-Gonzalvo and
mode are shown in figure 5. All the spectra were
James W. Bradley, J .Phys. D: Appl. Phys, Vol.
acquired from approximately 1s of experimental
data. Tablet and gel formulations were examined
[3] P. Bruggeman, F. Iza, D. Lauwers and Y.
including nonsterodial anti-inflamatory drugs such
Gonzalvo Aranda
, J.Phys.D: Appl. Phys.
43 (2010)
as mefenamic acid and Ibugel. For each of the
compounds the expected protonated molecules were
[4] G. Horvath, Y. Aranda-Gonzalvo, N.J.
observed with high signal intensity.
Mason, M. Zahoran and S. Matejcik, Eur. Phys. J.
Appl. Phys.
49 (2010) 13105.
[5] Lucy V.
et al., Anal. Chem. Vol.
79 (16)
[6] Alison J. Beck
et al., Plasma Processes and
6, Issue8 (2009) 521.
Fig. 5: Positive ion mode PADI- MBMS spectra of
(a) a generic mefenamic tablet and (b) Ibugel (5%
3. Conclusions
It has been demonstrated that molecular beam
mass spectrometry (MBMS) is the most direct technique to determine fluxes of ions and neutral species.
atmospheric plasma discharges have been studied
with a molecular beam mass spectrometer and it is a
valuable diagnostic technique for the investigation
of atmospheric pressure plasma processes.
4. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank all the
collaborators, in particular professors, Bradley, Bruggeman, Mason, Matthews and McCoustra for the joint work on the presented results.
5. References
[1] Y. Aranda Gonzalvo et al, J. Vac. Sci.
. A
24 (2006) 550.
Source: http://www.icpig2013.net/papers/489_1.pdf
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