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Vol 38, No 3, September 2013
Effect of Medium pH on Antibiotic Activity
against Syrian Brucella spp. Isolates
Ayman Al-Mariri, PhD; Mazen Safi, PhD
Background: Brucellosis is an endemic zoonosis in Syria,
affecting large numbers of animals. There are an increasing
number of cases in humans.
Brucella is a facultative intracellular
pathogen, a small, non-motile, Gram-negative coccobacillus,
which causes abortion in domestic animals and a febrile illness
Methods: One hundred isolates collected from different Syrian
regions were confirmed to be
Brucella melitensis by biochemical
tests. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 6
antibiotics, alone and in combination, was determined at pH 7.0
Results: Ciprofloxacin and sparfloxacin were the most effective
antibiotics tested at either pH value. In contrast, rifampicin had
low activity and streptomycin was ineffective at either pH value.
A combination of rifampicin-doxycycline revealed the highest
synergistic activity at both test pH values (against 19/24 and
17/24 isolates, respectively) in vitro. Antagonistic activities were
observed using a ciprofloxacin-streptomycin combination (against
9/24 and 13/24 isolates, respectively) as well as a ciprofloxacin-
tetracycline combination (against 6/24 and 9/24 isolates,
respectively). No differences were observed at both test pH values,
when combining a Quinolone with rifampicin or doxycycline.
Conclusion: Combination of a Quinolone with doxycycline
demonstrated good
in vitro activity against
B. melitensis. Further
in vivo studies are necessary to support this suggestion.
Please cite this article as: Al-Mariri A, Safi M. Effect of Medium pH on Antibiotic
Activity against Syrian
Brucella spp. Isolates. Iran J Med Sci. 2013;38(3):248-254.
Keywords Antibacterial
Brucella Zoonotic
Department of Molecular Biology
Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease with worldwide distribution, but it
and Biotechnology, Atomic Energy
is most frequent in the Mediterranean basin and South America.1
Commission, Damascus, Syria
Because the bacteria are intracellular, successful treatment requires
antibiotics with good cellular penetration. Different regimens have
Ayman Al-Mariri, PhD;
been universally applied in clinical practice.2 The most recent
Department of Molecular Biology and
recommendation by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the
treatment of acute brucellosis in adults suggested a dose of 600
Atomic Energy Commission,
P.O. Box 6091, Damascus, Syria
to 900 mg rifampicin and 200 mg doxycycline daily for a minimum
Tel: +963 11 213580
of 6 weeks.3 Empirically, it has been suggested that a previous
Fax: +963 11 6112289
regimen of streptomycin in combination with oral tetracycline results
in fewer relapses than a rifampicin-doxycycline combination.4,5 In
Received: 1 March 2012
Revised: 10 July 2012
addition, rifampicin monotherapy is the main recommended option
Accepted: 15 July 2012
for treatment during pregnancy, and a combination of rifampicin with
Iran J Med Sci September 2013; Vol 38 No 3
Medium pH effect on antibiotic activity
Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole is the suggested
safety cabinet was used. During the work, the
regimen for children.6,7 Triple-antibiotic combinations
laboratory workers were wearing impermeable
have been found to be of value in some cases of
protective clothes, gloves, and a face mask.
brucel a endocarditis, meningitis, and spondylitis.8-10
Quinolone treatment has been shown to be a
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration Determination
therapeutic alternative, and various combinations
at Different pH Values
that incorporate ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin have
In order to estimate the antibiotics susceptibility,
been tried clinically, yielding similar efficacy to that
the well broth microdilution method was utilized
of the classic regimens.11 Only in vitro observations
with 96-well plates (TPP, Switzerland). The
exist for Moxifloxacin and Levofloxacin.12
antibiotics (i.e. doxycycline [Sigma, St. Louis, MO,
Fluoroquinolones and newer Macrolides have good
USA], rifampicin [Sigma], tetracycline [Sigma],
anti-brucel osis activity in vitro13-15 and reach high
streptomycin [Sigma], ciprofloxacin [Bayer,
intracellular concentrations, but their
in vitro activity
Istanbul, Turkey], and sparfloxacin [Sigma] were
may predict efficacy poorly because
diluted twofold in
Brucella broth® (Acumedia,
survive in compartments that are inaccessible or
Michigan, USA) and adjusted to pH 7.0 and pH
hostile to antimicrobial activity. These include the
5.0. The wells were inoculated with 106 CFU of the
phagolysosomes of macrophages, where the pH
bacteria (in a 0.2-ml final volume). The incubation
may be as low as 5. In consequence, specialized
period was 48 h at 37°C. The lowest concentration
agents that are able to penetrate the macrophages
that completely inhibited visual growth was
and function within their cytoplasm are required for
recorded and interpreted as the minimum
the treatment of brucellosis.16 Acidity impairs the
inhibitory concentration (MIC). MIC testing was
activity of Quinolones and Macrolides.
performed according to the recommendations of
The aim of this study was to evaluate, in vitro,
the Clinical Laboratory Standards (CLSI).18 The
the effect of medium acidity on the activities of
range of the concentrations assayed for each
some antibiotics, alone and in combination, against
antibiotic was 0.125 to 128 μg/ml.
Escherichia coli
some Syrian
Brucella melitensis isolates collected
ATCC 25922 and
Staphylococcus aureus ATCC
from different provinces. The single antibiotics
25923 served as controls.
were doxycycline, rifampicin, tetracycline,
streptomycin, ciprofloxacin, and sparfloxacin,
Antibiotic Combination Studies
whereas the antibiotic combinations were
Twenty-four of the 100
Brucella isolates (six
rifampicin-tetracycline, rifampicin-doxycycline,
isolates from each region) were randomly chosen
to evaluate the antibiotic combination effects.
Checkerboard titrations were used at pH 5.0
and pH 7.0 in the same conditions to assess
streptomycin, and ciprofloxacin-sparfloxacin.
the MICs and to evaluate the activities of the 9
above-mentioned antibiotic combinations. Strains
Materials and Methods
showing synergy, a marked additive effect,
or antagonism were retested using the broth
Microorganisms and Growth Conditions
dilution method, with each well containing the
One hundred
B. melitensis isolates were
final antibiotic concentration used in the plates.
collected prospectively between 2004 and 2007
In this checkerboard test, the sum of the fractional
from bovine and ovine milk from different Syrian
inhibitory concentration (∑ FIC) was calculated as
provinces. These provinces were divided into
described previously.19,20 The ∑ FIC was classified
four regions, as fol ows: Northern (including
as follows: synergistic≤0.75; additive from 0.75
Al-Hasakah, Deer-Alzour, Al-Rakah, and Aleppo
to 1; indifferent from 1 to 2; and antagonistic≥2.
Provinces); Central (including Edleb, Hamaa,
and Homs Provinces); Coastal (including
Tartous and Lattakia Provinces); and Southern
All the analyses were conducted with version 4.0
(including Al-Quonaitra, Daraa, Al-Souaida,
of GraphPad Prism. Fisher's exact test was used to
Damascus, and Damascus rural Provinces).
make a comparison between the susceptible and
Bacteria were isolated from the milk cultures at
non-susceptible isolates toward each antibiotic at
the Immunology/Microbiology Laboratory, Atomic
pH 5.0 and pH 7.0. A P value≤0.05 was considered
Energy Commission of Syria (AECS).17 They were
statistically significant.
identified to the species level via conventional
methods (the requirement for CO for growth,
production of H S, urease production, sensitivity
to thionine and basic fuchsin, and agglutination
Table 1 demonstrates that, under the conditions
with specific antiserum). A class II biological
of our study, ciprofloxacin and sparfloxacin were
Iran J Med Sci September 2013; Vol 38 No 3
Al-Mariri A, Safi M
Table 1: Effect of medium pH levels on MIC
and MIC and the susceptibility percentage (Susc.%) of some antibiotics against
B. melitensis isolates collected
from different Syrian regions
(number of
(µg/ml) 0.125-1
50% (15) 54% (16) 7% (2)
90% (18) 95% (19) 90% (18) 90% (18)
55% (11) 55% (11) 10% (2)
57% (17) 90% (27) 90% (27) 90% (27)
MIC: Minimum inhibitory concentration; Susc.%: Percentage of susceptible isolates in each region; (N): Number of susceptible isolates in each region
the most effective individual antibiotics against
and 99% at pH 7.0, respectively. Fifty-one isolates
B. melitensis from any Syrian region (Northern,
were resistant to rifampicin at both pH conditions
Central, Coastal, and Southern), with the MICs
(particularly the isolates from the Northern (n=28)
ranging from 0.125 μg/ml to 8 μg/ml. Doxycycline and
and Coastal (n=18) regions), whereas 39 and 27
tetracycline were less effective than ciprofloxacin or
isolates were resistant to tetracycline at pH 5.0
sparfloxacin, with the MICs ranging from 0.5 μg/
and pH 7.0, respectively. No significant differences
ml to 16 μg/ml for the former and from 0.25 μg/
were observed regarding each individual antibiotic
ml to 16 μg/ml for the latter; however, they were
between pH 5.0 and pH 7.0, with the exception of
less effective against the
Brucella isolates from
the effect of tetracycline against the Southern region
the Coastal region. Rifampicin had the lowest
isolates, where the susceptibility was decreased
activity against
Brucella from the Northern and the
at pH 5.0 compared with that at pH 7.0 (17 vs. 27
Coastal regions; the MICs ranged from 32 μg/ml to
isolates; P<0.0007). Finally, 100% of the isolates
64 μg/ml at both pH values. Table 1 also reveals
were resistant to streptomycin.
that the overal susceptibility rates of ciprofloxacin,
Figures 1 and 2 present the data on the
doxycycline, and sparfloxacin against all the isolates
effects of the antibiotic combinations at pH 7.0
were 97%, 92%, and 98% at pH 5.0; and 98%, 94%,
and pH 5.0, respectively, on 24 selected
Figure 1: This is a representation of the activity of the antibiotic combinations at pH 7.0. R: Rifampicin; T: Tetracycline; D:
Doxycycline; C: Ciprofloxacin; S: Sparfloxacin; ST: Streptomycin; Anta: Antagonism; Ind: Indifference; Add: Additive; Syn: Synergy
Iran J Med Sci September 2013; Vol 38 No 3
Medium pH effect on antibiotic activity
Figure 2: This figures il ustrates the activity of the antibiotic combinations at pH 5.0. R: Rifampicin; T: Tetracycline; D: Doxycycline;
C: Ciprofloxacin; S: Sparfloxacin; ST: Streptomycin; Anta: Antagonism; Ind: Indifference; Add: Additive; Syn: Synergy
isolates. The rifampicin-doxycycline combination
Akova et al.20 studied the combination of
showed a synergistic activity against 19 and
ofloxacin-rifampicin against 20 isolates at pH 7.0
17 isolates at pH 7.0 and pH 5.0, respectively.
and 5.0 and found antagonism in 17 isolates and
The ciprofloxacin-doxycycline, ciprofloxacin-
indifference in 3 isolates at pH 7.0. In contrast, at
sparfloxacin, and rifampicin-sparfloxacin
pH 5.0, this combination exhibited antagonism,
combinations were indifferent against 20, 22, and
indifference, additive effects, and synergy in 7, 8,
17 isolates at pH 7.0, respectively; and against
1, and 4 isolates, respectively. The combination of
20, 22, and 13 isolates at pH 5.0, respectively.
rifampicin-doxycycline was found to be the most
The rifampicin-tetracycline and rifampicin-
streptomycin combinations showed additive
On the hand, and in their efforts to evaluate
activities against 12 and 7 isolates at pH 7.0; and
the susceptibility of
B. melitensis against several
against 12 and 5 isolates at pH 5.0, respectively.
antibiotics, Qadri et al.24 reported cross-resistance
However, the ciprofloxacin-streptomycin
B. melitensis isolates to all Quinolones noted
and ciprofloxacin-tetracycline combinations
after therapy with ciprofloxacin. A good activity
demonstrated antagonistic activity against 9 and
of ciprofloxacin has been reported in many
Brucella isolates at pH 7.0; and against 13 and
vitro studies.25,26 In addition, Baykam et al
.27 in a
9 isolates at pH 5.0, respectively.
study performed in Turkey and Dimitrov et al.28
in a study performed in AL Kuwait28 found that all
their isolates were susceptible to ciprofloxacin,
but 9.6% and 8% of the isolates were resistant
Brucella spp. infect macrophages replicating within
to rifampicin in vitro, respectively.
the phagolysosomes at a pH of 5.0.16 Theoretical y,
In our study, we detected no differences
antibiotics that are able to penetrate the
regarding the individual antibiotic activity when
phagolysosomal compartment and function under
we tested ciprofloxacin (MIC
acidic conditions could be used as monotherapy
ml at both pH levels) or sparfloxacin (MIC
for the treatment of
Brucella. However, in practice,
0.125-4 μg/ml at pH 7.0, and 0.25-4 μg/ml at
neither doxycycline nor rifampicin (both of which
pH 5.0) against the
Brucella isolates from any
meet these criteria) is effective as a monotherapeutic
Syrian region at either pH value. At pH 5.0,
agent.1,14 Garcia-Rodriguez et al
.21 found a two to
the tetracycline activity was reduced in the
fourfold decrease in the activity of Quinolones
Central region isolates and its susceptibility in
Brucella at a pH of 5.0 compared to a pH
the Southern region was decreased at pH 5.0
of 7.0. In their study, all the Quinolones exhibited
compared with that at pH 7.0 (P<0.0007). The
very low bactericidal activities against the 21
rifampicin activity was very low in the Coastal and
tested strains, regardless of the pH, with a MBC
the Northern regions at both pH levels (MIC
(minimal bactericidal concentration) of ≥8 mg/liter. In
32-64 μg/ml). In addition, rifampicin-resistant
addition, Akova et al.20 revealed that only rifampicin
isolates were observed in these two regions (18
and doxycycline retained sufficient activity against
and 28 resistant isolates, respectively). However,
Brucella at a pH of 5.0, in contrast to the other tested
one of the most unexpected results in this study
antibiotics. The authors showed that the rifampicin
was the very poor activity of streptomycin against
activity increased two to eightfold at the acidic pH.
all the
Brucella isolates (MIC
>128 μg/ml),
Antibiotic combination studies have revealed
which has not been published previously.20,22
an absence of synergism between Quinolones
We suggest that this resistance to streptomycin
and other antibiotics against
B. melitensis.22,23
could have been developed as a result of the
Iran J Med Sci September 2013; Vol 38 No 3
Al-Mariri A, Safi M
aggressive administration of this antibiotic in the
opted for, care should be taken because the
treatment for all causes of bovine udder infection
consumption of Quinolone alone can probably
cause the relapse of
Brucella disease. Then,
Moreover, in another study performed in our
when it is used instead of rifampicin, doxycycline
laboratory, we found that the MIC
should be applied simultaneously.
16 μg/ml for ofloxacin and 0.125-8 μg/ml for
Further and more specific studies, in vivo,
Levofloxacin, indicating the good activity of these
are recommended to determine the efficacy of
two antibiotics against Syrian
Brucella isolates
these Quinolones in the treatment of brucellosis
(data not shown).
infections. If rifampicin could be replaced by
No antagonism was seen with the rifampicin-
ciprofloxacin and sparfloxacin, then rifampicin
doxycycline or rifampicin-tetracycline combinations
use could be restricted solely to the treatment of
at both pH conditions, while antagonism was
tuberculosis, which is regarded as a big chal enge
clear when the ciprofloxacin-tetracycline and
ciprofloxacin-streptomycin combinations were
assessed. In addition, antagonism increased
at pH 5.0 compared to pH 7.0 when rifampicin-
ciprofloxacin and particularly rifampicin-sparfloxacin
The authors would like to thank the Director General
combinations were used. No synergic or additive
of the AECS and the Head of the Molecular Biology
effects were observed when we applied the new
and Biotechnology Department for their support.
combinations at both pH conditions, whereas the
rifampicin-doxycycline combination was the most
Conflict of interest: None declared.
synergistic at both pH degrees.
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the use of Quinolone has been mentioned
previously. A prospective study by al Sibai et al.29
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Iran J Med Sci September 2013; Vol 38 No 3
COSMETICS EUROPE: GUIDELINES ON THE MANAGEMENT OF UNDESIRABLE Table of Contents: Section I – Introduction 1. Introduction 2. Definition of terms Section II – Undesirable events 1. Management 1.1. 1.2. Registration - Opening a case file 1.3. Case information and documentation
Determination of Quantal Dose-Response Characteristics in Phenotypic Assays using Supervised Classification Daniel Asarnow1, and Rahul Singh1* 1Department of Computer Science, San Francisco State University *Corresponding author R. Singh, [email protected] Abstract We have designed and implemented a fully automatic, high-throughput screen against the causative parasite of the devastating illness, schistosomiasis, using computer vision and machine learning. The computer vision component segments (individually recognizes and delineates) schistosomula in bright-field micrographs, including touching and partially overlapping parasites. A learning model employing support vector machines to identify schistosomula which differ significantly from controls. Classification is performed in a high-dimensional feature space, the dimensions of which correspond to measurements of appearance, shape and texture. Because variation between different populations of schistosomula unavoidably creates different baselines for different experiments, classification is conducted in two stages: one in which putatively "normal" parasites are identified within each control image and used to derive an estimated control centroid, and one in which all parasites are classified as "normal" or "degenerate" on the basis of tuples composed of a given parasite's feature vector and corresponding control centroid. Finally, a continuous measurement of the phenotypic response to a particular experimental condition (such as the concentration of a certain drug) is produced using the notion of quantal response, or the proportion of individuals which differ from controls in a particular subpopulation. The learning model is demonstrated to be highly effective, and for test data has an accuracy of 0.89. Dose-response curves produced for four compounds (fluvastatin, niclosamide, praziquantel and simvastatin) with the automated method are also tightly correlated to those produced by human experts, with high statistical significance. Correlation values are > 0.97 in all cases with p-values << 10-3.