Ogni antibiotico è efficace in relazione a un determinato gruppo di microrganismi
comprare biaxin online in italiain caso di infezioni oculari vengono scelte gocce ed unguenti.
ISSN 10274510, Journal of Surface Investigation. Xray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques, 2014, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 360–363. Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2014.
Original Russian Text N.V. Dalakova, K.M. Elekoeva, A.Z. Kashezhev, A.R. Manukyants, A.D. Prokhorenko, M.Kh. Ponezhev, V.A. Sozaev, 2014, published in Poverkhnost'.
Rentgenovskie, Sinkhrotronnye i Neitronnye Issledovaniya, 2014, No. 4, pp. 60–63.
Polytherms of Angles of Aluminum and Aluminum–Lithium
Alloy Wetting by TinBased Melts
N. V. Dalakovaa, K. M. Elekoevab, A. Z. Kashezhevc, A. R. Manukyantsb, A. D. Prokhorenkob,
M. Kh. Ponezhevc, and V. A. Sozaevb, c
aVerkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Kharkiv, 61077 Ukraine
bNorth Caucasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Vladikavkaz, North OssetiaAlania, 362021 Russia
cKabardinoBalkarian State University, Nalchik, KabardinoBalkaria, 360004 Russia
Received April 18, 2013
Abstract—The results of an experimental study of the surface properties of the eutectic tin–aluminum alloy
are presented in this work. The temperature dependences of the wetting angles for plates of aluminum and
aluminum–lithium alloy wetted by tin and tin–aluminum eutectics are studied. Wetting thresholds at tem
peratures above 765 K are found.
changes its sign from positive in the region of 873–1473 K to negative in the region of 1473–1673 K. In
Solders based on the Sn–Al eutectic with additions
alloys that are richer in tin, one can observe linear ST
of nickel [1] and Sn–Al–Zn peritectic [2] are success
polytherms with positive or negative values of the ST
fully applied for the fluxfree bonding of aluminum
and its alloys with ceramic plates of integrated circuits.
In [7], based on measurements of the speed of
In contrast to known solders, they do not contain pre
ultrasound within the context of freevolume theory,
cious metals and toxic components. Finding new ways
surfacetension isotherms were calculated for eight
for the lowtemperature bonding of aluminum
liquidmetal aluminum systems. According to calcu
requires reliable data on the surface tension in Al–
lations, the Al–Sn system has a surfacetension iso
lowmeltingpoint metal systems. One of the first
therm with a zero deviation from additivity at 973 K.
works on experimental determination of the surface
In [8], the experimental isotherms of aluminum
tension (ST) of Sn–Al alloys is [3] where it was shown
nitride wetting by Ge–Al and Sn–Al melts were pre
that the surface tension of Al decreases with an
sented, as well as the density and surface tension of the
increase in the Sn content (the measurements were
aforesaid alloys in the entire concentration range.
carried out in a bounded region up to 7% of tin in
Thorough consideration of the capillary characteris
aluminum). The ST polytherm of the Sn–Al system at
tics of a melt in the study was carried out by taking into
Т = 1273 K was presented in [4]. There is a large gap
account available data on the thermodynamic activity
in experimental data, and no data are available for a
of melt components. Tin more strongly decreases the
rather wide range of compositions (especially in the
surface tension of aluminum than germanium. This is
region of small tin concentrations).
caused not only by the lower ST value of pure tin as
In [5], the Auger spectra of Al–Sn alloys with 0.14,
compared to germanium but also by the higher ther
0.2, 0.3, 0.58, 2.1, and 2.6% concentration of tin in
modynamic activity of tin in the aluminum melt.
aluminum at 973 K were studied. Strong segregation
Thus, most studies of ST in the Sn–Al system were
of tin was pronounced on the surface due to the size
performed in a region that is rich in aluminum because
effect and the repulsion of atoms of different types.
such alloys are often used as babbits for the car indus
In [6], the large drop method was used to study the
try. In this work, in connection with the lack of exper
ST of the Al–Sn double system in the region of small
imental data on the ST in the aluminumrich region,
tin concentrations at temperatures up to 1673 K. The
the polytherms of density ρ and surface tension σ of
ST polytherm of the Al alloy with a Sn content of
the melted Sn–Al eutectics are measured by the
0.4 at % appeared to have a zero temperature coeffi
sessiledrop method and polytherms of wetting
cient; the ST polytherms of alloys with a Sn content of
angles θ of Al and Al + 4 at % Li alloy wetted by Sn
1.2 and 2.5 at % pass through a maximum near 1473 K,
melts are studied in a wide range of
i.e., the ST temperature coefficient of these alloys
Fig. 1. Polytherms of (a) surface tension and (b) density for the eutectic melt (
1) Sn99.5–Al0.5 wt % and (
2) pure tin [11].
Such investigations are also necessary in connec
tively. The wetting was studied using 15 × 15 mm2 sub
tion with the development of technologies for tin–alu
strates preliminarily polished and washed in alcohol
minum resistancereaction soldering [9] and for
and distilled water. Measurements of θ were carried
revealing the general regularities of the relationship
out in a vacuum chamber with a residual pressure of
between the surface properties and parameters of con
0.01 Pa. The wetting angle was determined using
tact melting [10].
IMAGEJ free software [12] by averaging values of θ
over the "left" and "right" halves of the drop with anerror of about 1%.
The eutectic Sn–Al alloy was prepared from tin
and aluminum (99.9995 and 99.995 wt % purity,
respectively) in glass ampoules in a helium atmo
Experimental data testify that the density and sur
sphere. During the process of melting, the melt was
face tension of the eutectic alloy of the tin–aluminum
intensively mixed and then crystallized. The obtained
system decrease with an increase in temperature. The
ingot was then used to prepare the samples. Measure
results are well described by linear equations (Fig. 1):
ments of ρ and σ were carried out using a graphite cup
ρ = 7240.56–0.58
Т for the density and σ = 579.9–
to which a drop of the studied substance was delivered
Т for the surface tension. Approximating coeffi
via a quartz funnel with an extended capillary tube.
cients for these equations are also presented in the
Before the beginning of the experiments, helium was
table where the corresponding coefficients for pure tin
introduced into the working chamber of a hightem
[11] are presented for comparison. The data on pure
perature installation with a watercooled casing; then,
tin [11] well agree with recommended values. It is seen
the chamber was evacuated to a pressure of 0.01 Pa.
from Fig. 1 that a small addition of aluminum to tin
The drop was kept at the given temperature for 5 min;
increases its surface tension by 30 mN/m.
the interval between successive images was 1–2 min.
The digital image of the drop profile obtained in the
Figure 2 presents polytherms of wetting angles for
experiment was processed using a PC via a highspeed
substrates of aluminum and Al + 4 at % Li alloy (which
software package [11] which permitted one to process
is widely used in the aviation industry) wetted by tin
and perform the optimization procedure for deter
and Sn–Al eutectic melt. A pure aluminum substrate
mining the surface tension of the liquid by different
is not wetted by liquid tin (θ = 147°) up to a tempera
methods. The measuring procedure lies in the imple
ture of
T = 855 K above which the wetting angle
mentation of three blocks in the form of an applicationfor the Windows operating system. The imageprocessing unit reads out graphic files containing images
B and
B * of linear approximations of den
of the equatorial cross section of the drop and sepa
sity ρ=
A –
BT and surface tension σ =
A* –
B *
T in the tin–
rates the drop profile. In the computational unit, thethermophysical properties of the liquid are calculated
using linear models. The output unit forms a report file
of the experimental data processing.
Applying this technique allows simultaneous deter
mination of ρ and σ with errors of 1% and 2%, respec
3). Drop melting is accompanied by intense
interaction with the substrate (reaction wetting) withthe formation of craters. At higher temperatures, the
drop of the studied substance completely spreads overthe substrate, θ → 0 (Fig. 2).
When etching the crystallized solder in a hydro
chloricacid solution, acicular structures were
revealed (Fig. 3); their formation probably suppressedthe wetting of the studied substrates during the initialstage. In addition, the wetting of Al and Al + 4 at % Li
plates was suppressed by oxide films on the surface ofthe drops and substrates. It is the destruction of these
films in vacuum that is followed by a sharp decrease in
the wetting angle. Fragments of a partially destroyed
oxide film on the surface of the aluminum plate in thecase of wetting by pure tin that were found in one of the
Fig. 2. Temperature dependence of the wetting angles for
parts of the substrate when studying using a PHENOM
1) pure aluminum and (
2) aluminum Al + 4 at % Li alloy
scanning microscope are presented in Fig. 4.
wetted by tin. (
3) Wetting of the substrate of the Al + 4 at %Li alloy by the (Sn–Al)EUT melt.
To reveal the cause of the appearance of the wetting
threshold, aluminum substrates with a solidified dropwere studied by electron microscopy. Preliminary
sharply decreases almost to zero (curve
1). Introduc
(before threshold) wetting along trenches formed by
ing 4 at % Li into the Al substrate results in a decrease
grain boundaries was found on the substrate. Atoms
in the angle of wetting by tin by 7° (θ = 140°) up to
located at these boundaries possess excess energy;
temperatures of
T = 810–820 K, which is followed by
therefore, intergrain melt boundaries along which the
a drop in the wetting angle to zero (curve
2). When the
tin melt preliminarily spreads can be dissolved more
Al + 4 at % Li alloy is wetted by the Sn–Al eutectic
intensively at high temperatures.
melt, the wetting angles appeared to be even smaller
Thus, before the wetting threshold, the wetting of
(θ = 125°); however, at
T = 765 K, as in the two previ
trenches along grain boundaries antecedes the
ous cases, the wetting threshold is observed again
destruction of oxide films on the substrate and on the
Fig. 3. Electronmicroscopy images of a film of the melt
crystallized on Al + 4 at % Li plate, after etching. The
Fig. 4. Fragment of a partially destroyed oxide film in the
image was taken using a PHENOM microscope with
process of wetting of aluminum by tin after etching (begin
ning of spread at 855 K).
drop, which makes an additional contribution to the
moving force of spreading.
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Translated by A. Nikol'skii
Source: http://www.ilt.kharkov.ua/bvi/structure/depart_e/d06/pub_e/2014_e/ran_2014_4_512_dal.pdf
Guidelines Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV In Ethiopia Federal HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Office Federal Ministry of Health July 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVATIONS ……………………………………………………………. vi
Twenty-Second Annual Department of Surgery SURGEONS' DAY 2004 I would like to welcome you all to the 22nd Annual Department of SurgeryResearch Symposium. This event serves to highlight the research activities ofthe department. This year it has continued to expand in scope, showcasing aneven larger number of resident research proposals, as well as a record numberof fellowship poster presentations and presentations from medical students.