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Newsletter Issue #18, March 2015
INA-RESPOND Secretariat. Badan Litbangkes, Kemenkes RI, Building 4, Level 5,
Jl. Percetakan Negara No. 29, Jakarta, 10560. Phone: +62 21 42879189.
by dr. Retna Mustika Indah.
Before knowing streptomycin, isoniazid, and other famous anti-tuberculosis
(TB) drugs, weapons against TB were blunt at best. For over 50 years, doctors treated TB patients at sanatoriums with a regimen of strict rest and fresh air. When long-term results failed to produce, physicians added collapse therapy to the treatment. That invasive procedure, however, resulted in a variety of
World TB Day is celebrated every year
complications. Past article from early 2000 mentioned pleural calcification
by the health organizations, NGOs,
with pyogenic empyema and pleural calcification with non-resolvable
pneumothorax as the complications of this procedure.
organizations including other health agencies to raise the awareness among
Anti-Tuberculosis drugs are cornerstones of tuberculosis treatment. But,
common public all across the world
treating TB is not a cakewalk. Since the era of chemotherapy began,
about the epidemic disease by
resistance to anti-tuberculosis drugs has been a problem. Streptomycin
organizing various campaigns and
resistance was shortly recognized in 1947 after the introduction of effective
related activities such as debates on TB
anti-TB chemotherapy, but the emergence of Multidrug-resistant
prevention and cure, etc. This month,
tuberculosis (MDR-TB) became widely acknowledged as a global problem
our newsletter features potential TB
after a dramatic outbreak in the early 1990s. After that, resistance to anti-TB
drugs. What are they? Find the
drugs is considered as a potentially catastrophic challenge to global public
information here!
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci in one of his articles wrote that the most critical need for
patients with drug-resistant TB is access to new drugs. For many years,
scientists have tried to build a better mousetrap on tuberculosis treatment.
Ultimately after decades of quiescence in the development of anti-TB
medications, we finally have potential multiple new anti-TB drugs, which
have novel and unique mechanism of action. Bedaquiline and Delamanid
have been conditionally approved for drug-resistant TB treatment, while
other novel compounds such as PA-284 and TBA 354 have been evaluated.
These newly developed drugs are mainly intended for Drug Resistant TB
Do you know what a biorepository is and how to establish one? This month's
Bedaquiline. For the first time in over 40 years, a new TB drug with a novel newsletter covers brief overview on
mechanism of action is available, and was granted accelerated approval by some of the essential issues in
the United States Food and Drug Administration in December 2012 and by establishing biorepository such as the
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) in March 2014. This drug actively infrastructure, environment, and
acts on both actively replicating and dormant mycobacteria by inhibiting the approval from study subjects. Moreover,
mycobacterial ATP synthase. The clinical evidence showed that adding this where does our network stand on this
diaryquinolines class to a standard background MDR-TB treatment regimen issue? And how can we contribute? Read
significantly decreased the time to sputum culture conversion and the article and find out for yourself.
nonsignificantly prevented the acquisition of additional resistance to other
companying drugs.
[Continue to page 4]
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Newsletter Issue #18, March 2015
Studies' Progress
and Update
by dr. Anandika Pawitri,
dr. Herman Kosasih,
dr. Nugroho Harry Susanto,
dr. Retna Mustika.
Picture 1 INA-RESPOND Office Warming, NIHRD, Jakarta
Entering the first week of March in 2015, 2864 patients had been screened. 859 subjects had been enrolled (499
adults and 360 children). Description of screening and enrollment progress can be seen in the chart below:
Detailed screening and enrollment progress is available in portal folder: Studies INA101 Screening progress.pd f
or go to the following link
*510– RSUP dr Hasan Sadikin, Bandung
550 – RSUP dr Wahidin, Makassar
520 – RSUP Sanglah, Denpasar
560 – RSUP dr Kariadi, Semarang
530 – RSUPN dr Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta
570 – RSUD dr Soetomo, Surabaya
540 – RSPI Prof Dr Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta
580 – RSUP dr Sardjito, Yogyakarta
For further information on this study,go to
Sepsis Study has officially started in
While waiting for the Implementation
Makassar site, RSUP dr. Wahidin
Arrangement to be set, the Secretariat continues
Sudirohusodo, started the enrollment on February 26.
preparing site 590 (Persahabatan hospital). The
The enrollment period is until the end of 2015. As for
subcontract agreement is expected to be signed by
Yogyakarta site, RSUP dr. Sardjito, the Secretariat
The Director of Persahabatan Hospital on the 4th
completed the first Site Preparation (SPV) on March
week of March. Upon approval, the secretariat will
3-4, and on March 19 – 20 the second SPV will be
conduct SPV. The INA102 CRF Completion Guideline
conducted to cover mostly practical issues in
version 1.0 and annotated CRF version 1.0 have been
laboratory and how to complete CRF. As the data
approved, and the OpenClinica screen for INA102 is
completion in Sepsis Study is quite different than that
being developed. Data Manager will do the User
in AFIRE study, RA for Sepsis Study has to master not
Acceptance Test after the INA102 OpenClinica
only paper CRF but also electronic CRF.
screen is ready.
Moreover, site is also preparing the room that will be
Jakarta site, RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, is still
used for the INA-RESPOND office at site.
in the middle of IRB process for protocol submission.
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Newsletter Issue #18, March 2015
ReDefine STUDY
Under this study, INA-RESPOND is
involved in the study initiation visit, study monitoring, and DSMB.
The site started screening in December 2014 and as of February
27 a total of 13 subjects was enrolled and 3 SAEs occurred.
The 3 SAEs cases were reported to the local EC and the DSMB
Chair and members immediately upon occurrences. The first SAE
case was reported to the Indonesia FDA (BPOM) on February 16; the second and third SAE cases will be reported to BPOM on
11 March – Ms. Eni Yuarni
March 9.The DSMB members are planning their discussion via
teleconference on March 11.
Research and Development / Badan Litbangkes)
The 2nd Site Monitoring Visit (SMV) is scheduled for April 15-17.
20 March – Mr. Antonius Pradana,
S.Kom (INA-RESPOND Secretariat)
26 March – dr. Fritzie Cheria
Save The Date
(INA101 Research Assistant at site
World TB Day, falling on March 24 each year, is
designed to build public awareness that
27 March – Andi Arahmaniar, Amd,
tuberculosis today remains an epidemic in much
AK (SEA050 Lab Technician at site
of the world, causing the deaths of nearly one-
42 – Makassar)
and-a-half million people each year, mostly in
28 March – dr. Tri Wibawa Ph.D
developing countries.
(INA101 Site PI at Site 580)
The main sub-theme and message for this year is "Reach, Treat, Cure
Everyone". World TB Day theme encourages local and state TB
programs to reach out to their communities to raise awareness about
On this occasion, we would like to
TB. We don't have to fight TB alone; we should partner with others who
express our sincere gratitude for dr.
are also caring for those most at risk for TB such as people with HIV
infection or diabetes, and the homeless. Everyone has a role in ensuring
Assistant at site 510) who has left
that one day TB will be eliminated.
her post. Thank you for your time
and dedication to the INA-RESPOND
In light of this, the National Institute of Health Research and
Development is holding a TB day event on March 11 – 12 in Ars Longa
Auditorium, Building 3 floor 3, NIHRD.
Network Steering
Committee Meeting and
Please contact Mr. Dedy
Network Annual Meeting
Hidayat or Ms. Yayu
The next NSC Meeting will be held
Nuzulurrahmah at +62 21
on 29-30 April 2015 in Jakarta at
42879189 ext. 102 or 112
Hotel JS Luwansa, Jl. HR. Rasuna
during office hours (08.00
– 16.00)
Said Kav. C-22, Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12940, Indonesia.
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Newsletter Issue #18, March 2015
Delamanid. A nitroimidazo-oxazole was granted
generation antituberculosis nitroimidazole following
conditional approval by EMA in April 2014.
an extensive medicinal chemistry effort. TBA-354 has
Information about this new drug, however, remains
narrow spectrum and bactericidal in vitro against
limited since it has only been through Phase IIb trial
and studies for safety and efficacy. Sputum culture
tuberculosis, with potency similar to that of
conversion rates in MDR-TB patients improve when
Delamanid and greater than that of PA-824. Having
Delamanid is added to existing regimen. However,
demonstrated advantages over the first-generation
the optimum duration, dose, and schedule for
compounds, TBA-354 entered clinical testing in 2015.
administering Delamanid still remain a question. Furthermore, Delamanid's ability to protect against emergence of resistance to other co-administered anti-TB drugs regimens demand to be studied. It is unclear which agents would be the most effective and
least toxic when paired with Delamanid to treat drug-resistant TB.
The phase 1 randomized trial aims to evaluate the safety and tolerability of single oral doses of TBA‐354
PA-824. Another synthesized nitroimidazole that
when it is administered to healthy adult subjects. The
potentially contributes to novel regimens for TB is
first human trial of TBA-354 is expected to be
PA-824 (Pretomanid). The novel mechanism of action
completed by the end of 2015, by enrolling 48 healthy
of PA-824 involves inhibition of the synthesis of
adult volunteers at one study center in the United
mycobacterial proteins and lipids, but not nucleic
States. The Phase 1 program includes two clinical
acids. A triad of PA-824, Moxifloxacin, and
studies, a single ascending dose study and a multiple
Pyrazinamide (PaMZ) is potentially suitable for
ascending dose study. Six cohorts of 8 subjects each
treating drug-sensitive and drug-resistant TB in 4
(6 active and 2 placebo), with one cohort crossing
months, drastically improving treatment. This can be
over to assess food effect, are planned for evaluation.
considered as a first step towards developing a single
Safety will be assessed throughout the study; serial
treatment regimen for both TB. PaMZ was the first
ECGs and serial blood samples will be collected for
novel multi-drug TB treatment to undergo clinical
the safety and PK assessment of TBA‐354. Dose
testing in the new regimen development paradigm.
escalation to the next cohort will not take place until
This multiple agents are expected to contribute in
the Sponsor, in conjunction with the Principal
reducing the time needed to develop new
Investigator, has determined that adequate safety,
antituberculosis regimens. This regimen is projected
tolerability, and PK from the previous cohort have
to be able to be effectively administered alongside
been demonstrated to permit proceeding to the next
common ARV treatments, therefore improving
treatment options for patients co-infected by TB and HIV. Additionally, PaMZ regimen can be administered
All of these new contrivances bring a glimmer of hope
in a fixed dose for all patients, and will therefore be
for tuberculosis treatment all over the world. In the
simpler for health systems to deliver and for patients
coming decade, there are likely some newly
developed drugs resulted from many high quality trials. As one of the leading clinical research networks
TBA-354. The Global Alliance for TB Drug
on infectious disease in Indonesia, INA-RESPOND is
Development has pursued the synthesis and
prepared to conduct high quality clinical research.
evaluation of over one thousand nitroimidazole
Let's just say, we are ready to take up the challenge
analogs. To maximize the potential of nitroimidazole
and toss our hat into the ring.
class, TBA-354 was selected as a potential next-
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Newsletter Issue #18, March 2015
Establishment of a Biorepository:
Brief Overview of Some Essential Issues
by Agus Dwi Harso, Dona Arlinda, M. Karyana
The terminology of "biorepository" maybe not be
and contingency plans are necessary. Biorepository is
known so well in Indonesia. However, the concept of
a controlled environment. Secure funding, quality
storing biological specimens for future researches has
assurance, quality control, SOPs, internal and
been grasped by institutions such as the National
external audits as well as documentation and
Institute of Health Research and Development
reporting need to be put in place. As part of cold-
(NIHRD) in conjunction to its large-scale studies.
chain of custody, the specimen collector (or
According to guideline of the International Society for
investigator), handler and transporter must comply
Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) in
with Good Clinical and Laboratory Practice (GCLP)
2012, biorepository is an actual or virtual entity that
principles, in order for biorepository to have good
may receive, process, store or distribute biological
quality specimens to begin with. Biorepository will
specimens, and their associated data as appropriate,
provide active specimen-tracking system for storage
in support of a study or multiple studies. As the idea
and distribution purposes. Various softwares for
of biorepository is already familiar to its research
specimen management system are available, such as
practices, it is only natural that the NIHRD should
FreezerworksTM, Laboratory Data Management
proceed to set up an actual facility for biorepository
to anticipate genetic and biomolecular era of
Management System (LIMS), etc.
research in Indonesia.
Informed consent is another critical topic in
Originally, biorepository service is not intended for
biorepository service. The Declaration of Helsinky
short term run. The US Department of Defense
and ISBER Guideline (2012) require that the
Serum Repository in Silver Spring, Maryland has
collection, storage, and use of human specimens and
samples stored from the HIV screening program back
associated data should be conducted in a way that
in 1985. John Hopkins Biological Repository (JHBR),
respects the individual and maintains privacy and
which was established in 1984, currently consists of
confidentiality. Biorepositories should also adhere to
1,500 square feet of biosafety level 2 laboratories on
and be kept up-to-date on relevant national human
the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
subjects regulations, privacy regulations, and other
(JHSPH) with additional 6,000 square feet in facility
relevant national, state, and local laws. Subjects
located 3 miles away from JHSPH, capable of holding
should have an informed choice about whether to
60 liquid nitrogen vapor phase cryogenic units. Nevertheless, a prototype model of biorepository service can still be started with as many as one freezer available in the existing laboratory for short-term storage. Such case may apply to a simple population-based collection model, i.e. biorepository that stores specimens obtained for defined study purposes. Further development should foresee future needs, allowing it to expand its capacity in line with the growing number of specimens it holds.
Because ensuring specimen quality for future research and managing the specimens are its priority, regular preventive maintenance program, backups,
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Newsletter Issue #18, March 2015
provide specimens and data to the repository and
research, especially researches to discover new drugs,
agree, where applicable, to future research use. The
new vaccines, or new diagnostic tools. Stored
consent may be obtained for a specific research
specimens can be retrieved, with respect to subject's
project, i.e. details of the project specifically
consent, privacy and confidentiality, for testing the
outlined, or for unspecified future research providing
new intervention prior to the actual test on human.
general information about the possible future
Moreover, retrieval of stored specimens will save
much time and resources as the investigator will not repeat specimen collection phase, particularly if the
With all that crucial points in mind, setting up a
subject of interest belongs to vulnerable group or
biorepository may not seem to be an easy task.
subpopulation. The benefit of having a biorepository
However, the NIHRD will stay committed, and the
facility will outshine the vast investment made.
development of a biorepository facility is already listed in its plan. The NIHRD realizes the value of
biorepository as a crucial bridge for many areas of
by dr. Retna Mustika Indah.
commemorate the world TB Day on March 24, we
have trivia questions about TB drugs for you. The
This diaryquinolines, hopefully, can bring a new hope in treating MDR TB. What is the
questions are really easy, and you can definitely answer them if you read our newsletters. So here you
name of the drug?
3. This new drug from nitroimidazole group
inhibits the synthesis of mycobacterial
1. Together with INH, this drug is used as
proteins and lipids but not nucleic acids. The
standard regimen in treatment of drug
cocktail of this drug with moxifloxacin and
sensitive TB patients on continuation phase.
pyrazinamide has potency to cure drug
This drug intensely red solid, and the small
sensitive TB and MDR TB. What is the name
fraction which reaches body fluids is known
for imparting a harmless red-orange color to
Please email your answer to
the urine. What is the name of the drug?
by March 27 for a chance to win a souvenir!
2. Approved by FDA in December 2012, this
drug becomes the first new drug with novel mechanism in over 40 years.
: dr. M. Karyana, dr. Herman Kosasih
: dr. Anandika Pawitri
: Dedy Hidayat S, S.Kom
: Agus Dwi Harso, Dona Arlinda, dr. M. Karyana dr. Retna Mustika
: INA-RESPOND Network and Partners
: All Copyright and trademark are recognized
We would like to hear from you. Go ahead and send us your scientific articles, team profile, or feedback about the newsletter to [email protected]
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Source: http://www.ina-respond.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/18-Newsletter.pdf
21st European Conference on Fracture, ECF21, 20-24 June 2016, Catania, Italy Fatigue microstructural evolution in pseudo elastic NiTi alloy Vittorio Di Coccoa*, Francesco Iacovielloa, Stefano Natalib aDICeM – University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino (FR) 03043, Italy bD.I.C.M.A - "La Sapienza" University, Rome 0018, Italy Abstract
Inhaltsverzeichnis Das Wichtigste in Kürze . 3 Informationsveranstaltung / Elternabend . 3 Leitungsteam . 4 Ablauf Cliquen-Jahr . 5 Trommeln bei den Schnooggekerzli . 6 Pfeifen bei den Schnooggekerzli . 7 Ablauf Fasnacht . 8 Bummel und weitere Anlässe . 9 Die Geschichte der Schnooggekerzli . 10 Das Wichtigste in Kürze Für wen