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Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Advance Access published May 20, 2009
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapydoi:10.1093/jac/dkp184
Comparison of three methods for susceptibility testing
of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis
to 11 antimicrobial drugs
Manju Y. Krishnan, Elizabeth J. B. Manning and Michael T. Collins*
Department of Pathobiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin – Madison,
2015 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706-110, USA
Received 28 January 2009; returned 3 March 2009; revised 24 March 2009; accepted 27 April 2009
Objectives: To evaluate the BACTECTM MGITTM 960/MGIT Para TB (MGIT) system for drug susceptibilitytesting of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP), a pathogen implicated in some formsof Crohn's disease.
Methods: MICs of 11 drugs for 10 MAP strains were determined using the MGIT system, theBACTECTM460TB system (BACTEC) and conventional agar dilution methods.
Results: MICs determined by MGIT methods showed 80% – 100% agreement (+1 log2 dilution) withthose determined by the BACTEC and agar dilution methods for ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, azithromy-cin and clofazimine. The MGIT and BACTEC methods showed 70%, 80% and 90% agreement (+1 log2dilution) for MICs of ethambutol, rifabutin and rifampicin; agreement for all drugs increased to 100% at2 log2 dilution differences. For clarithromycin, the MGIT method had greater agreement with the agardilution method (70% at the same dilution) than the BACTEC method (60% at +1 log2 dilution); agree-ment increased to 100% at +2 log2 dilutions in both cases. The MGIT and agar dilution methods agreed60% and 100% for amikacin MICs at +1 log2 dilution and +2 log2 dilutions, respectively. By all methodsMICs were higher than achievable serum concentrations for isoniazid and dapsone. There was 100%agreement between all three methods for azithromycin, clarithromycin and ciprofloxacin, and 80%agreement for rifampicin using published MIC thresholds available for M. avium complex strains.
Conclusions: This study shows that the MGIT system can be used for rapid and reliable drug suscepti-bility testing of MAP.
Keywords: agar dilution, BACTEC, MGIT, MIC
More recent clinical trials have treated CD patients with
combinations of macrolides, rifabutin and clofazimine based on
Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) causes
limited MAP antibiotic susceptibility data and on the assumption
Johne's disease ( paratuberculosis), a chronic inflammatory
that MAP should be similar in susceptibility to other members
bowel disease in ruminants. In recent years there have been
of the M. avium complex (MAC).8 – 14 Clinical outcomes of
several reports suggesting an association between MAP and
Crohn's disease (CD), a chronic granulomatous inflammatory
bowel disease in humans.1 – 5
In vitro drug susceptibility data specific for human clinical
The idea that MAP may contribute to some cases of CD is
isolates of MAP are needed to better guide clinical trials target-
not new. Previous attempts (1982 – 94) to test this theory
ing MAP in CD patients. However, at present there are no stan-
involved the treatment of CD patients with anti-tubercular drugs
dard methods available for drug susceptibility testing of MAP.
assumed to be efficacious against MAP.6 Failure to observe sig-
The few such studies available used a radiometric [BACTECTM
nificant clinical improvement dampened enthusiasm for the
460 TB (BACTEC); Becton Dickinson, Sparks, MD, USA]
mycobacterial aetiology theory. Only later was it recognized that
broth dilution method,17 – 20 which is an accurate and reliable
MAP is resistant to most first-line tuberculosis (TB) drugs.7
macrodilution method for susceptibility testing of MAC.21
*Corresponding author. Tel: þ1-608-262-8457; Fax: þ1-608-265-6463; E-mail:
[email protected]
# The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
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Krishnan et al.
In clinical laboratories the radiometric system has largely been
2 – 3 days. The turbidity of the culture was adjusted with Middlebrook
replaced with the new fully automated BACTECTM MGIT
7H9 broth to be equivalent to that of a No. 1 McFarland standard (for
(mycobacterial growth indicator tube) 960 system (MGIT)
agar dilution method) or a 0.5 McFarland standard (for MGIT and
(Becton Dickinson) for the isolation22,23 and susceptibility
radiometric methods) using a spectrophotometer (Biomate 3; Thermo
testing of pathogenic mycobacteria.24,25 The MGIT system was
Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). Cultures (8 – 10 days old) of
optimized for detection of MAP with a MAP-specific culture
M. avium 101 and 104 strains were adjusted to a turbidity equivalent
medium, MGITTM ParaTB medium, and has been successfully
to that of a 0.5 McFarland standard.
used for faster and sensitive isolation of MAP from clinicalsamples and also for quantification of MAP.26 We previously
described drug stability in the MGITTM ParaTB medium27 andin vitro susceptibility of MAP to thiopurine drugs.28 In the
Ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, azithromycin, clarithromycin, amikacin,
present study, the MGIT 960 system – MGITTM ParaTB medium
ethambutol, clofazimine, isoniazid and dapsone were purchased
was evaluated for susceptibility testing of MAP strains to differ-
from Sigma-Aldrich (St Louis, MO, USA). Rifampicin and rifabutin
ent classes of drugs and the results were compared with those of
were purchased from USP (Rockville, MD, USA).
radiometric (BACTEC) and agar dilution methods.
Stock solutions of drugs were prepared using the most appropri-
ate solvent: water (amikacin, ethambutol and isoniazid), 0.1 Nsodium hydroxide (ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin), methanol (rifam-picin and rifabutin), ethanol (azithromycin and clarithromycin) or
Materials and methods
methanol acidified by trace amounts of glacial acetic acid (clofazi-mine). The stock solutions were filter-sterilized, if required, and
stored at 2808C for up to 2 months.
Ten clinical isolates of MAP (nine of human origin and one of
Prior to testing, each drug was freshly diluted in sterile deionized
bovine origin) were used (Table 1). The strains were verified as MAP
water. Each drug was tested at a suitable concentration range based
by detecting IS900 by PCR. All strains were grown in Middlebrook
on reported Cmax values. Broadly, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, azi-
7H9 broth containing 10% oleic acid – albumin – dextrose – catalase
thromycin, clarithromycin, rifabutin and isoniazid were tested at
(OADC) supplement (Becton Dickinson) and 2 mg/mL mycobactin J
doubling dilutions in the range 32 – 0.125 mg/L. Amikacin was
(Allied Monitor, Fayette, MO, USA). Cultures (6 – 8 weeks old) were
tested in the range 25 – 0.78 mg/L. Rifampicin was tested in the
harvested, resuspended in fresh Middlebrook 7H9 medium – glycerol
range 12 – 0.094 mg/L. Ethambutol, clofazimine and dapsone were
(20% final concentration) and transferred to screw-capped test
tested in the range 20 – 0.156 mg/L.
tubes containing 8 – 10 glass beads (3 mm). Tubes were vigorouslyvortexed, and allowed to stand for 30 min. The supernatant wasstored as aliquots at 2808C until used.
Susceptibility testing by the MGIT method
The method was adapted from those for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
M. avium controls
and M. avium and described earlier for MAP.28 Briefly, the finalMGITTM ParaTB medium was prepared according to manufacturer's
Strains 101 and 104 were gifts from Dr Venkata Reddy (Sequella Inc.,
instructions by adding 0.8 mL MGITTM ParaTB supplement and
Rockville, MD, USA). Colonies from Middlebrook 7H10 agar plates
0.5 mL 50% egg yolk (Becton Dickinson) to 7 mL of MGITTM
were inoculated into Middlebrook 7H9 broth containing 10% OADC.
ParaTB medium. Clofazimine and amikacin were tested in theabsence of egg yolk since the MICs were found to be affected byegg yolk. Each tube received 0.1 mL of inoculum (bacterial suspen-
Preparation of inocula
sion with a turbidity equivalent to that of a 0.5 McFarland standard)
Prior to susceptibility testing, the frozen MAP were inoculated into
and 0.1 mL of drug. This inoculum resulted in cfu between 5104
4 mL of fresh Middlebrook 7H9 medium and incubated at 378C for
and 5105/mL, as shown by plate counts. Growth control tubes
Table 1. MAP strains used in the study
ATCC 43015 (Linda)
human, Crohn's disease patient—ileum
human, Crohn's disease patient—intestinal tissue
ATCC 43545 (Dominic)
human, Crohn's disease patient—intestinal tissue
ATCC 49164 (Holland)
human, Crohn's disease patient—intestinal tissue
human, Crohn's disease patient—ileum, UCFa
human, Crohn's disease patient—ileum, UCFa
human, Crohn's disease patient—ileum, UCFa
human, Crohn's disease patient—ileum, UCFa
human, Crohn's disease patient—ileum, UCFa
bovine, clinical case of paratuberculosis, JTCb
aGift from Saleh Naser, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA.
bIsolated at the Johne's Testing Centre, Madison, WI, USA.
Drug susceptibility testing of M. paratuberculosis
received 0.1 mL of sterile water instead of drug. The 1:100 growth
minor modifications.29 Drug dilutions were placed in volumes of
control tubes received 1/100 of the standard inoculum. Tubes were
0.1 mL at the centre of quadrant Petri plates and overlaid by molten,
incubated in the MGITTM 960 instrument (Becton Dickinson) and
cooled, Middlebrook 7H10 agar (supplemented with OADC and
time to detect (TTD) data were recorded. An experiment was con-
mycobactin J). Plates were swirled gently to allow mixing of drug
sidered valid only when the undiluted growth control tube became
with the medium before solidification of agar. An inoculum suspen-
signal-positive between 2.5 and 4.5 days of incubation and the 1:100
sion equivalent in turbidity to that of a No. 1 McFarland standard
inoculum control tube signalled positive between 7 and 10 days.
was diluted to 1022 and 1024. Drug-containing and control quad-
MIC was defined as the lowest concentration of drug resulting in a
rants were inoculated with 0.1 mL of the 1022 dilution while the
TTD value greater than that of the 1:100 growth controls.
1:100 control (1% control) quadrants received 0.1 mL of the 1024dilution. Plates were sealed and incubated at 378C for 4 – 5 weeks.
Susceptibility testing by the BACTEC method
The BACTECTM 12B medium (Becton Dickinson) was modified topermit MAP growth, by adding 1 mL of 50% egg yolk suspension
Graph Pad Prism version 5 (GraphPad software Inc, San Diego, CA,
(Becton Dickinson) and 0.1 mL of mycobactin J (80 mg/mL) to
USA) was used for non-parametric correlation (Spearman) analysis.
each vial. Egg yolk was omitted for testing clofazimine. The
P, 0.05 was interpreted as indicating significant correlation.
medium was alkalized while testing azithromycin by adding 0.3 mLof 3% tri-potassium phosphate.29 Drug dilutions were added involumes of 0.1 mL. Drug-containing and growth control vialsreceived 0.1 mL of MAP suspension equivalent in turbidity to that
of a 0.5 McFarland standard, as recommended by the manufacturer
Table 2 summarizes the agreement between MGIT and the other
for susceptibility testing of M. tuberculosis. The 1:100 growth
two methods in determining MICs of each of the drugs, except
control vials received 0.1 mL of a 100-fold dilution of the sameMAP suspension. All vials were incubated at 378C. Growth index
isoniazid and dapsone, for the 10 MAP isolates. Isoniazid and
(GI) readings were obtained using a BACTECTM 460 TB instrument
dapsone MICs by all methods were greater than the highest con-
(Becton Dickinson). The 1:100 control vials were read on alternate
centration tested. MICs determined by MGIT and BACTEC
days until the GI was 30 (considered positive MAP growth above
methods showed 80 – 100% agreement at +1 log2 dilution (i.e.
background30) at which time all drug-containing vials were read that
one doubling dilution) for ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, azithro-
same day and again the following day. Differences in GI between
mycin, rifampicin, rifabutin and clofazimine. The MICs of azi-
consecutive days (DGI) were calculated for each culture. The MIC
was defined as the lowest concentration of drug showing both a DGI
radiometric medium were .2-fold higher than the MICs deter-
and absolute GI lower than those of the 1:100 growth control.31
mined in MGITTM ParaTB medium (data not shown). MICs ofazithromycin in MGITTM ParaTB medium ( pH 6.8) correlatedbetter with those in alkalized ( pH 7.3) BACTECTM 12B
Susceptibility testing by the agar dilution method
medium. Clarithromycin was tested at pH 6.8 in both broth
Methods recommended by the CLSI (formerly the NCCLS) for
media and showed 60% agreement at +1 log2 dilution and
M. tuberculosis and slow-growing mycobacteria were used with
100% agreement at +2 log2 dilutions. However, for this drug,
Table 2. Agreement in MIC determinations by MGIT in comparison with BACTEC and agar dilution methods for nine antimicrobialsagainst 10 MAP strains
Percentage agreement in MIC determination between methods
MGIT and agar dilution
+2 log2 dilutions
+2 log2 dilutions
CIP, ciprofloxacin; LVX, levofloxacin; AZM, azithromycin; CLR, clarithromycin; AMK, amikacin; RIF, rifampicin; RFB, rifabutin; EMB, ethambutol;CLF, clofazimine; ND, not determined.
aMICs at pH 6.8 in MGITTM ParaTB medium and pH 7.3 in BACTECTM 12B medium.
bMICs at pH 6.8.
cMICs in the absence of egg yolk.
Krishnan et al.
there was better agreement between MGIT and agar dilution
The MGIT and agar dilution methods showed significant MIC
(70%, 90% and 100% at the same, +1 and +2 log2 dilutions,
correlation for all drugs (64% – 93%), except ethambutol (52%).
respectively). MICs of ethambutol showed 70% and 100%
MIC range, MIC50 and MIC90 values determined by the
agreement between MGIT and BACTEC methods at +1 and +2
MGIT method were compared with those by the BACTEC and
log2 dilutions, respectively. The MICs of ethambutol were
agar dilution methods (Table 3). MIC ranges of ciprofloxacin,
higher by the BACTEC method for most strains. Non-parametric
levofloxacin, azithromycin, clarithromycin, rifabutin, clofazi-
correlation analysis of MICs obtained by MGIT and BACTEC
mine (by all three methods) and amikacin (tested by two
methods showed significant correlation (P, 0.05) for all 10
methods only) were either the same or differed by only one dou-
drugs compared (between 80% and 98% for 9 drugs and 73%
bling dilution. The presence of egg yolk in broth caused
for ethambutol).
.4-fold higher MICs of clofazimine and amikacin in broth
Amikacin MICs determined in MGIT medium without egg
methods compared with the agar method (data not shown). All
yolk in comparison with those found by the agar dilution
strains tested were resistant to isoniazid and dapsone at the
method showed 60% agreement at +1 log2 dilution and 100%
highest concentrations tested (higher than the respective Cmax
agreement at +2 log2 dilutions; generally, slightly higher MICs
values) by all three methods. The upper limits of the MIC range
were obtained for most strains by the agar dilution method.
of ethambutol and rifampicin were .2 log2 dilutions higher by
MICs found by MGIT and agar dilution methods showed 90% –
agar dilution. There was good agreement between methods with
100% agreement at +1 log2 dilution for ciprofloxacin, levofloxa-
respect to MIC50 and MIC90 values (minimum concentration of
cin, azithromycin, clarithromycin and clofazimine. MICs of
a drug that inhibited at least 50% and 90%, respectively, of the
rifampicin, ethambutol and rifabutin showed 80%, 90% and
strains tested) for all drugs except ethambutol. The MIC90 of
100% agreement between the MGIT and agar dilution methods
ethambutol was four times higher by the agar dilution as com-
at +2 log2 dilutions. The agar dilution method yielded higher
pared with the MGIT method. MGIT-derived MICs of all the
MICs of ethambutol, compared with both broth culture methods.
drugs for M. avium strains 101 and 104 are shown in Table 4.
Table 3. Summary of MICs of 11 drugs for 10 MAP strains determined by three methods
MIC50 and MIC90 by three methods
CIP, ciprofloxacin; LVX, levofloxacin; AZM, azithromycin; CLR, clarithromycin; AMK, amikacin; RIF, rifampicin; RFB, rifabutin; EMB, ethambutol;CLF, clofazimine; DPS, dapsone; INH, isoniazid; ND, not determined.
aMICs at pH 6.8 in MGITTM ParaTB medium and pH 7.3 in BACTECTM 12B medium.
bMICs at pH 6.8.
cMICs in the absence of egg yolk.
Table 4. MICs of various drugs for M. avium strains 101 and 104, as determined by the MGIT method
CIP, ciprofloxacin; LVX, levofloxacin; AZM, azithromycin; CLR, clarithromycin; AMK, amikacin; RIF, rifampicin; RFB, rifabutin; EMB, ethambutol;CLF, clofazimine; DPS, dapsone; INH, isoniazid.
Drug susceptibility testing of M. paratuberculosis
Table 5. Tentative classificationa of MAP strains by the MGIT drug susceptibility method and comparison with that of the BACTEC andagar dilution methods
MGIT and BACTEC methods
MGIT and agar dilution methods
both S both I both R S and I R and I S and R agreement (%) both S both I both R S and I R and I S and R agreement (%)
S, susceptible; I, intermediate; R, resistant; AZM, azithromycin; CLR, clarithromycin; CIP, ciprofloxacin; AMK, amikacin; RIF, rifampicin; RFB, rifabutin;EMB, ethambutol; CLF, clofazimine.
aBased on interpretive criteria for MAC recommended by: bthe CLSI;29 and cHeifets.32
Currently there are no criteria for drug susceptibility
MAP growth rate at the more alkaline pH. MIC determinations
interpretation specific for MAP. However, for MAC organisms,
for MAP by the agar dilution method required 4 – 5 weeks.
the CLSI defines clinically significant resistance to two macro-lides, azithromycin and clarithromycin, as MICs .256 mg/Land .32 mg/L, respectively, using the BACTECTM
medium at pH 6.8.29 For other drugs that are active againstMAC, there are thresholds for MIC interpretation determined in
The fully automated, non-radiometric MGIT 960 system in
7H12 broth.32 To evaluate the ability of the MGIT method to
conjunction with the MGITTM ParaTB medium allows rapid and
designate MAP strain drug susceptibility, the 10 MAP strains
sensitive recovery of MAP from clinical specimens. The present
tested were classified as susceptible, intermediate or resistant to
study shows that the system can also be reliably used for drug
eight drugs based on the two aforementioned criteria. Drug sus-
susceptibility testing of MAP strains. MICs of all drugs com-
ceptibility classification by the MGIT method showed 70% –
pared between MGIT and BACTEC methods showed 60% –
100% agreement with the BACTEC and agar dilution methods
100% agreement at single doubling dilution or 100% agreement
for ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, clarithromycin and rifampicin
at two doubling dilution differences. MICs by MGIT and agar
(Table 5). Except for clofazimine and ethambutol, disagreement
dilution methods agreed 60% – 100% at single doubling dilution
between the MGIT and the other two methods was observed
or 100% at two doubling dilution differences for all drugs
whenever the other methods classified a strain as susceptible
except rifampicin and ethambutol. The higher MICs of rifampi-
versus intermediate or resistant versus intermediate. For etham-
cin determined by agar dilution could be due to decreased stab-
butol, two strains, UCF3 and UCF8, were classified as suscep-
ility of the drug in agar and the extended incubation time
tible by the MGIT method but resistant by agar dilution. One
required to obtain results, as reported in other studies.36 The
strain (Linda) was classified as resistant to clofazimine by the
MICs of ethambutol in Middlebrook 7H12 broth are known to
MGIT method but susceptible by the other two methods. There
be lower than in 7H11 agar plates and the difference is more
are no cut-offs proposed for three drugs tested in this study
pronounced for M. avium than M. tuberculosis.37 The present
against MAC: levofloxacin, isoniazid and dapsone. For three
study shows that the MIC90 of ethambutol for MAP is 2-fold
MAP strains, the MICs of levofloxacin were at or above its
higher by the BACTEC and 4-fold higher by the agar dilution
Cmax,33 while for all 10 strains the MICs were higher than the
method. However, Piersimoni et al.38 showed 2-fold lower
respective Cmax for isoniazid and dapsone34,35 by all three
MICs of ethambutol for MAC in BACTECTM 12B medium
methods. Based on the same criteria, the MGIT-derived MICs
compared with MGIT. This discrepancy could be due to differ-
classified the two MAC strains 101 and 104 as susceptible
ences in media composition as the MGITTM ParaTB medium is
to ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, clarithromycin, rifampicin and
specifically enriched for growth of MAP. Moreover, observations
rifabutin. Strain 101 was found susceptible to amikacin, while
with clofazimine and amikacin indicated that egg yolk in broth
strain 104 showed intermediate amikacin susceptibility. Both
media results in 4-fold higher MICs of these drugs for MAP
strains showed intermediate susceptibility to ethambutol, but
(data not shown). Decreased activity of clofazimine in the pres-
resistance to clofazimine and dapsone.
ence of egg yolk in the medium was observed in a prior drug
For MAP, the time required to determine MICs by the MGIT
stability study as well.27 However, a similar effect of egg yolk
method was 7 – 10 days, while the BACTEC method required
on amikacin was not observed in that study, probably due to the
10 – 12 days, depending upon the MAP strain being tested.
test strain (Escherichia coli) used for amikacin.
However, azithromycin testing in BACTECTM 12B medium at
Since the few published studies on drug susceptibility of
pH 7.2 required slightly longer (12 – 14 days), due to a slower
MAP report data on a limited number of strains, few drugs and a
Krishnan et al.
variety of methods, comparison of studies is difficult. However,
results for ciprofloxacin, ethambutol, rifampicin and dapsone in
paratuberculosis in Crohn's disease. Curr Opin Gastroenterol 2008; 24:
the present study are comparable to those of Zanetti et al.,39
who studied 12 MAP strains, of both human and animal origin,
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other authors: none to declare.
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ocho razones por las que la juventud norteamericana Cómo se ha aplastado la resistencia juvenil en Estados Unidos Cuadernos de reflexión: La juventud y la rebeldía Nota de presentación: Dr. Bruce E. Levine es un psicólogo estadounidense, especializado en psicología clínica, muy crítico de la corriente principal de su profesión. Escribe habitualmente en diversos medios, AlterNet,