The value of serum procalcitonin level for differentiation of infectious from noninfectious causes of fever after orthopaedic surgery
The Value of Serum Procalcitonin Level for
Differentiation of Infectious from Noninfectious
Causes of Fever After Orthopaedic Surgery
By Sabina Hunziker, MD, Thomas H¨ugle, MD, Katrin Schuchardt, MD, Isabelle Groeschl, MD, Philipp Schuetz, MD,
Beat Mueller, MD, Walter Dick, MD, Urs Eriksson, MD, and Andrej Trampuz, MD
Investigation performed at the Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Background: Early diagnosis of postoperative orthopaedic infections is important in order to rapidly initiate adequateantimicrobial therapy. There are currently no reliable diagnostic markers to differentiate infectious from noninfectiouscauses of postoperative fever. We investigated the value of the serum procalcitonin level in febrile patients afterorthopaedic surgery.
Methods: We prospectively evaluated 103 consecutive patients with new onset of fever within ten days after ortho-paedic surgery. Fever episodes were classified by two independent investigators who were blinded to procalcitoninresults as infectious or noninfectious origin. White blood-cell count, C-reactive protein level, and procalcitonin level wereassessed on days 0, 1, and 3 of the postoperative fever.
Results: Infection was diagnosed in forty-five (44%) of 103 patients and involved the respiratory tract (eighteen pa-tients), urinary tract (eighteen), joints (four), surgical site (two), bloodstream (two), and soft tissues (one). UnlikeC-reactive protein levels and white blood-cell counts, procalcitonin values were significantly higher in patients with infectioncompared with patients without infection on the day of fever onset (p = 0.04), day 1 (p = 0.07), and day 3 (p = 0.003).
Receiver-operating characteristics demonstrated that procalcitonin had the highest diagnostic accuracy, with a value of0.62, 0.62, and 0.71 on days 0, 1, and 3, respectively. In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, procalcitonin was asignificant predictor for postoperative infection on days 0, 1, and 3 of fever with an odds ratio of 2.3 (95% confidenceinterval, 1.1 to 4.4), 2.3 (95% confidence interval, 1.1 to 5.2), and 3.3 (95% confidence interval, 1.2 to 9.0), respectively.
Conclusions: Serum procalcitonin is a helpful diagnostic marker supporting clinical and microbiological findings formore reliable differentiation of infectious from noninfectious causes of fever after orthopaedic surgery.
Level of Evidence: Diagnostic Level II. See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
trauma surgery and can be caused by infections or
not helpful in differentiating infectious from noninfectious
noninfectious conditions1-3. Damaged tissue due to
causes of postoperative fever.
trauma and surgical intervention and the postoperative healing
For the diagnosis of bacterial infections, elevated serum
process can lead to the production of proinflammatory cyto-
procalcitonin has been demonstrated to have higher diagnostic
kines and can induce a nonspecific systemic inflammatory
accuracy than clinical findings or standard laboratory pa-
response syndrome4 without true infection. In addition, other
rameters, such as the white blood-cell count and serum C-
factors such as hematoma in the surgical site, transfusion of
reactive protein levels, in various clinical settings5-17. The value
blood or blood products, lung atelectasis, deep venous
of elevated serum procalcitonin in the diagnosis of infections
thrombosis, and adverse drug reactions also may provoke
has been demonstrated for specific surgical settings, such as
postoperative fever. Conventional laboratory parameters are
cardiac surgery after cardiopulmonary bypass, lung decorti-
Disclosure: In support of their research for or preparation of this work, one or more of the authors received, in any one year, outside funding or grants inexcess of $10,000 from the Swiss National Science Foundation (3200B0-112547/1), Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation, and Gebert R¨
uf Stiftung.
Neither they nor a member of their immediate families received payments or other benefits or a commitment or agreement to provide such benefits froma commercial entity.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2010;92:138-48 d doi:10.2106/JBJS.H.01600
cation, major neurosurgery, and abdominal surgery5,18-24. In
culture), and collection of two pairs of aerobic and anaerobic
addition, elevated procalcitonin values correlate with the ad-
blood cultures (each pair of blood samples was harvested thirty
verse prognosis of patients after thoracic surgery and ventilator-
to sixty minutes apart). Blood cultures were collected as early
associated pneumonia25,26. However, the diagnostic accuracy of
as possible after fever onset as part of the routine procedure. To
procalcitonin levels to distinguish infectious from noninfec-
study the kinetics of laboratory parameters, blood was col-
tious causes of fever in patients after orthopaedic surgery is not
lected for laboratory investigations at the onset of fever (day 0)
and at one day (day 1) and three days (day 3) thereafter. In
Given the high prevalence of postoperative infection and
patients with a suspected respiratory tract infection, the results
its impact on mortality and morbidity in patients undergoing
of sputum or tracheal secretion cultures or antigen testing for
orthopaedic and nonorthopaedic procedures26, a reliable
Legionella pneumophila and Streptococcus pneumoniae in the
marker for the diagnosis of infection would be of great im-
urine were collected. In patients with a suspected wound in-
portance. It would allow the initiation of empirical antimi-
fection, a wound swab sample was obtained for microbiolog-
crobial therapy rapidly in patients with an infection and avoid
ical testing. Patient records were prospectively abstracted with
unnecessary antimicrobial usage in patients without an infec-
use of a standardized data-collection case report form to re-
tion, thereby saving health-care costs and preventing the
trieve demographic, clinical, microbiological, radiographic,
development of antimicrobial resistance. For serum pro-
and laboratory data. All patients were followed until hospital
calcitonin, this approach has been successfully validated for
discharge by one of the study physicians and were monitored
respiratory tract infections6-10,27.
for the occurrence of any complications including a recurrent
We therefore prospectively evaluated consecutive patients
or new infection.
with fever after orthopaedic procedures and trauma, using astandardized diagnostic procedure to diagnose or exclude in-
fection. We then assessed the diagnostic accuracy of standard
Laboratory analyses included the determination of the white
(white blood-cell count and C-reactive protein level) and
blood-cell count, C-reactive protein level, and procalcitonin
investigational (procalcitonin) laboratory parameters to distin-
level from the routinely collected blood samples. C-reactive
guish fever episodes of infectious causes from those with non-
protein concentrations were determined by an enzyme immu-
infectious causes in a blinded manner. Repeated determinations
noassay (EMIT; Merck Diagnostica, Zurich, Switzerland) having
of blood values were performed during the postoperative period
a detection limit of <5 mg/dL. Procalcitonin was determined
to determine the kinetics of the inflammatory parameters.
with use of a rapid ultrasensitive immunoluminometric assaywith an assay turnaround time of less than twenty minutes
Materials and Methods
and a functional detection limit of 0.06 ng/mL (KRYPTOR;
B.R.A.H.M.S., Hennigsdorf, Germany). Blood cultures were pro-
The study was conducted in the Departments of Ortho- cessed with use of an automated colorimetric detection system
paedic Surgery and Traumatology at the University Hos-
(BacT/ALERT; bioM´erieux, Durham, North Carolina)28.
pital Basel in Switzerland, an 800-bed tertiary health-carecenter. Between May 2006 and October 2007, we prospectively
included consecutive hospitalized patients who were eighteen
On the basis of the diagnostic procedures, patients were pro-
years of age or older with a new onset of fever within ten days
spectively assessed and febrile episodes were independently
after surgery, including fracture fixation (upper limb, lower
classified by the physician in charge on the ward and by a
limb, and spine) and orthopaedic procedures (joint arthro-
senior infectious diseases consultant. Classification of feb-
plasty, fracture stabilization, or fracture repair). Patients were
rile episodes was done after collection of all diagnostic in-
screened daily for study eligibility by one of the study coor-
formation and was based on clinical judgment, routine
dinators (S.H., T.H., K.S., and I.G.), who were internal med-
laboratory results including the C-reactive protein level and
icine physicians in charge on the surgical ward. For this study,
white blood-cell count measurements, and definitions of
fever was defined as a core body (tympanic membrane) tem-
nosocomial infections according to the Centers for Disease
perature of ‡38.5C (‡101.3F) at a single measurement or
Control and Prevention29. In brief, pneumonia was defined
‡38.0C (‡100.4F) determined at two consecutive measure-
as the presence of (1) at least one respiratory symptom
ments within one hour. Patients who had, or were incubating,
(cough, sputum production, dyspnea, tachypnea, or pleu-
a preexisting infection before surgery or who had a fever on the
ritic pain) and at least one finding during auscultation (rales
day of surgery were excluded. The local ethical committee
or crepitation), or (2) one sign of infection (a core body
classified this study as a quality control study and waived the
temperature of >38.0C, shivering, or a white blood-cell
need for obtaining patient informed consent.
count of >10 · 109/L or <4 · 109/L) and a new infiltrate on achest radiograph; urinary tract infection was defined as (1)
Standardized Diagnostic Procedure
substantial leukocyturia (>10 white blood cells per visual
Patients included in the study were assessed with a standard-
field on microscopy of sediment per high-power field) or (2)
ized diagnostic procedure, including full clinical examination,
substantial bacteriuria (>105 bacteria per milliliter of
chest radiograph, urine sediment investigation (analysis and
urine). Surgical site infection was defined as microbiologi-
cally proven superficial incisional, deep incisional, or organ
analysis and report odds ratios (i.e., the ratio of the probability
and/or space infection; prosthetic joint infection was defined
that an event will occur compared with the probability that the
as the presence of (1) visible purulence, (2) acute inflam-
event will not occur). Further, we calculated a receiver-operating
mation on histopathological analysis, (3) a sinus track, or
characteristic analysis and report sensitivity (the proportion
(4) microbial growth in synovial fluid or periprosthetic
of actual positives that are correctly identified as such, i.e.,
tissue; and bloodstream infection was defined as growth of
the percentage of patients with infectious fever who are
relevant bacteria in blood cultures. Both investigators were
identified as having an infection) and specificity (the proportion
blinded to each other and blinded to the procalcitonin
of negatives that are correctly identified, i.e., the percentage of
values. Patients were classified as having (1) a fever of in-
patients with a noninfectious fever who are identified as not
fectious origin or (2) a fever of noninfectious origin. In case
having an infection) of procalcitonin at different cutoff points30.
of disagreement between the two specialists, a consensus by
The area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve was
a third independent physician was reached, and the most
the overall performance measure of the accuracy of the labo-
likely (‘‘best guess'') diagnosis was presumed. On the basis
ratory parameter to distinguish patients with infectious fevers
of this classification, empirical or targeted (if the pathogen
from those with noninfectious fevers. A p value of <0.05 (for a
was isolated) antimicrobial therapy was prescribed for pa-
two-sided test) was considered significant.
tients with a fever of infectious origin.
Source of Funding
Statistical Methods
This study was supported by the Swiss National Science Founda-
To evaluate differences between groups, the unpaired Student
tion (#3200B0-112547/1), Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation,
t test or the Mann-Whitney U test for continuous variables and
and Gebert R¨uf Stiftung.
the chi-square or Fisher exact test for categorical variables wasused, as appropriate. If the C-reactive protein or procalcitonin
level was not detectable, a value equal to the detection limit forthe respective assay was assigned. To compare the diagnostic
Atotal of 103 patients who were febrile, with a median age
of seventy-seven years (range, nineteen to ninety-seven
value of individual laboratory markers to diagnose infectious
years; interquartile range, sixty-one to eighty-five years), were
and noninfectious fever, we performed a logistic regression
included in this study; forty-five (44%) were men. A local or
TABLE I Characteristics of Study Patients
Noninfectious Fever (N = 58)
Infectious Fever (N = 45)
Median age (interquartile range) (yr)
Median length of hospital stay
(interquartile range) (days)
Insertion of dynamic hip screw
Knee or foot arthroplasty
Upper extremity surgery
Median tympanic temperatureafter onset of fever(interquartile range) (C)
Median time after surgery
until onset of fever(interquartile range) (days)
*The values are given as the number of patients, with the percentage in parentheses.
TABLE II Laboratory Parameters in Patients with Postoperative Fever of Infectious and Noninfectious Origin
Characteristic Curve†
White blood-cellcount (·109/L)
C-reactive proteinlevel (mg/L)
Procalcitonin (ng/mL)
*The values are given as the median with the interquartile range in parentheses. †The values are given as the mean with the 95% confidenceinterval in parentheses.
systemic infection was diagnosed in forty-five patients (44%),
In the forty-five patients with an infectious cause of the
and these febrile episodes were classified as infectious, whereas
fever, forty-four (98%) received antibiotic therapy including
no infection could be found in fifty-eight patients (56%) and
amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (eighteen patients), a cephalosporin
these febrile episodes were classified as noninfectious (Table I).
(nine), a quinolone (eleven), sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim
The most common surgical procedures were insertion of a
(three), or broad-spectrum antibiotics (three). In the fifty-
dynamic hip screw (thirty-four patients) and hip arthroplasty
eight patients with a noninfectious fever, seven (12%) received
(twenty-eight), followed by knee or foot surgery (sixteen) and
antibiotics including sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (three),
spine surgery (twelve).
a cephalosporin (two), a quinolone (one), or amoxicillin-
The median tympanic membrane temperature at the
clavulanic acid (one).
onset of fever was 38.4C in both groups, and the course of
Table II shows the laboratory parameters in patients with
fever during the following three days did not differ between
postoperative fever of infectious origin and those with a fever of
groups. Fever tended to occur earlier with regard to the sur-
noninfectious origin. Overall, at the onset of fever (day 0), the
gical procedure in patients without infection compared with
patients showed normal median white blood-cell count values
patients with infection (median postoperative day 2 compared
(8.9 · 109/L) but increased median concentrations of C-reactive
with day 3, p = 0.06).
protein (147 mg/L) and procalcitonin (0.28 ng/mL). The areas
Patients with infection had involvement of the lung
under the receiver-operating characteristic curve for the diag-
(eighteen), urinary tract (eighteen), prosthetic joint (four),
nosis of an underlying infection on days 0, 1, and 3 were 0.62,
surgical site (two), bloodstream (two), or soft tissues (one).
0.57, and 0.53, respectively, on the basis of the white blood-cell
Causative microorganisms were found in the blood in four
count and 0.56, 0.59, and 0.56, respectively, on the basis of
patients (Staphylococcus aureus [two patients], Escherichia coli
the C-reactive protein level. Procalcitonin level showed the
[one], and Streptococcus pneumoniae [one]), in intraoperative
highest diagnostic accuracy, with an area under the receiver-
specimens in three patients (Staphylococcus aureus [three pa-
operating characteristic curve of 0.62, 0.62, and 0.71 on days
tients]), and in urine in seventeen patients (Escherichia coli
0, 1, and 3.
[sixteen], Klebsiella species [two]; both strains were found in
As demonstrated in Figures 1-A, 1-B, and 1-C, on all
one patient). In twenty-one patients, no microorganisms were
three postoperative days, the white blood-cell count and C-
identified. In most patients with noninfectious fever, a definite
reactive protein level were similar for both groups, with ex-
cause of the fever could not be established. However, presumed
ception of the white blood-cell count on day 0, which was
causes were postoperative fever due to a prolonged and com-
higher in patients with an infectious fever. In contrast, pro-
plicated operative procedure (seven patients), adverse drug
calcitonin values were consistently higher in patients with in-
reaction (four), gout or underlying rheumatologic disease
fection compared with those without infection on day 0 (p =
(four), and fever due to resorption of a large hematoma (three).
0.04), day 1 (p = 0.07), and day 3 (p = 0.003).

White blood-cell count (Fig. 1-A), C-reactive protein level (Fig. 1-B), and procalcitonin values (Fig. 1-C) in patients
with noninfectious fever (left side, light gray) and infectious fever (right side, dark gray) on day 0, day 1, and day 3
after fever onset. Squares denote median values. Boxes represent 25th and 75th percentiles, with the horizontal
line denoting the median. Circles represent outliers, and whiskers indicate the range not including the outliers.

Table III shows sensitivity, specificity, and positive and
lying infection on all postoperative days, with odds ratios of 2.1
negative likelihood ratios of procalcitonin values at different
(95% confidence interval, 1.1 to 4.1) on day 0, 2.2 (95% con-
cutoff values on days 0, 1, and 3, respectively.
fidence interval, 1.0 to 4.75) on day 1, and 3.4 (95% confidence
In a univariate logistic regression analysis, only pro-
interval, 1.3 to 9.1) on day 3. When the postoperative time point
calcitonin values, but not C-reactive protein level and white
of fever onset was added in a multivariate regression model,
blood-cell count values, were significant predictors for under-
procalcitonin concentrations were still independent predictors
TABLE III Sensitivity, Specificity, and Positive and Negative Likelihood Ratio of Procalcitonin on Days 0, 1, and 3 After the Onset of
Fever with Use of Different Cutoff Values

Regression fit of procalcitonin concentrations and postoperative day in patients with noninfectious fever (Fig. 2-A) and
infectious fever (Fig. 2-B).
for underlying infection, with odds ratios of 2.3 (95% confi-
different postoperative days rather than absolute values had a
dence interval, 1.1 to 4.4; p = 0.02), 2.3 (95% confidence in-
better diagnostic potential to differentiate infectious from
terval, 1.1 to 5.2; p = 0.04), and 3.3 (95% confidence interval,
noninfectious fever. The relative decrease of procalcitonin in
1.2 to 9.0; p = 0.02) on days 0, 1, and 3, respectively. Again,
patients with an infectious fever was significantly more pro-
C-reactive protein levels and white blood-cell counts did not
nounced compared with that in patients with a noninfectious
significantly correlate in the multivariate analysis with under-
fever, but the overall diagnostic accuracy of relative procalci-
lying infection (data not shown). Additionally, we investigated
tonin changes as assessed in receiver-operating characteristic
whether relative changes in the concentration of procalcitonin,
analysis was not as high compared with absolute values. For
C-reactive protein level, and white blood-cell count among the
C-reactive protein level and white blood-cell count, no sig-
TABLE IV Procalcitonin Values According to Underlying Infections in Forty-five Patients with Fever of Infectious Origin
Median No. of Days
Median Procalcitonin Value (Interquartile Range) (ng/mL)
(Interquartile Range)
Respiratory tract
*Includes joint infection (four patients), surgical site infection (two), bloodstream infection (two), and cellulitis (one).
nificant difference was detected between groups (data not
tion; therefore, they are of limited clinical utility. A fracture itself
and the inflammatory reaction caused by the fracture surgery
Table IV shows procalcitonin values for various types of
may stimulate the production of cytokines, leading to a non-
infection, namely respiratory tract infections, urinary tract
specific increase of these commonly used markers of inflam-
infections, and other infections including joint infection (four
mation. Thus, there is an unmet need for specific markers of
patients), wound infection (two), primary bloodstream in-
infection after surgical procedures. Only one small study has
fection (two), and cellulitis (one). Procalcitonin values at the
addressed the procalcitonin kinetics in twenty-one patients after
fever onset were lower in patients with respiratory and urinary
surgery for a peritrochanteric hip fracture31. The authors con-
tract infections than in patients with other infections, partic-
cluded that procalcitonin was less affected by the orthopaedic
ularly in the four patients with positive blood cultures (the
procedure and thus was superior to other infection parameters.
mean concentration of procalcitonin was 1.8, 0.91, and 1.37 on
Our study confirms in a larger cohort of patients after various
days 0, 1, and 3, respectively).
orthopaedic procedures that procalcitonin distinguishes infec-
Procalcitonin concentrations correlated negatively with
tious from noninfectious causes of fever more reliably than
the onset of fever after surgery in patients with noninfectious
C-reactive protein level and white blood-cell count.
fever (correlation coefficient R2 = 0.82; p < 0.0001), whereas no
The exact mechanisms underlying procalcitonin in-
correlation was found for patients with an infectious fever
duction during or after surgery are unknown. Infection and
(correlation coefficient R2 = 0.03; p = 0.86) (Figs. 2-A and 2-B).
bacterial endotoxins are stimuli for the induction of pro-calcitonin32. Endotoxin liberation or bacterial translocation
within the intestine to various degrees has been reported after
This study demonstrates that a single serum procalcitonin differenttypes of surgery33. However, invitroand invivodata
level has moderate diagnostic accuracy in predicting un-
have shown that a number of other stimuli may also induce
derlying infection in patients with a new onset of fever during
procalcitonin by promoting different proinflammatory cyto-
the early period after orthopaedic surgery. The course of
kines. On a transcriptional level, a stimulatory effect on mes-
procalcitonin levels is different in a fever of infectious origin
senger RNA (mRNA) production of procalcitonin has been
compared with fever of noninfectious origin, and thus diag-
reported for different proinflammatory cytokines including
nostic. Commonly used blood markers such as white blood-
tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a, interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-1b,
cell count and C-reactive protein levels were similar for all
which may be upregulated as a result of fractures, tissue
patients and were not at all helpful in discriminating between
damage, and the surgical procedure5,32,34,35. Thus, there is a
true infection and the nonspecific systemic inflammatory re-
broad range of possible stimuli that might contribute to pro-
sponse due to surgical stress and/or underlying trauma.
calcitonin induction after orthopaedic surgery. The nonspe-
Infections in the postoperative course after orthopaedic
cific induction of procalcitonin production by trauma or tissue
surgery can lead to prolonged hospitalization, increased
injury, however, seems to be lower compared with a specific
morbidity and mortality, and high costs1-3. Timely adminis-
induction by bacterial infections. The return of procalcitonin
tration of adequate antibiotic therapy is an important factor to
levels to normal within a few days after an uncomplicated
reduce morbidity and mortality in patients with postoperative
postoperative course can be explained by the physiological
infections, and thus a thorough clinical examination and di-
half-life of procalcitonin of eighteen to twenty-four hours in
agnostic workup is mandatory. In patients with a new onset of
the absence of further inducing stimuli for procalcitonin
fever after an orthopaedic procedure, various laboratory pa-
production35. Since the present study was limited to the eval-
rameters are frequently used in the routine setting to differen-
uation of the clinical usefulness of procalcitonin, we did not
tiate infectious from noninfectious causes. However, parameters
evaluate other cytokines that could help to better understand
such as C-reactive protein level and white blood-cell count may
these mechanisms.
be misleading since they are increased in all patients in the
We used receiver-operating characteristic curves evalu-
postoperative period and are not specific for underlying infec-
ating the sensitivities and specificities at any given procalcito-
nin cutoff point to compare the accuracy of procalcitonin to
With an observational design and a moderate sample size,
diagnose infection in patients with postoperative febrile epi-
this pilot study has limitations and requires validation in a larger
sodes. The findings of this study are consistent with reports
population. As a consequence of the limited power of this study,
from other surgical settings showing a nonspecific procalci-
the confidence intervals of our receiver-operating characteristic
tonin increase in patients postoperatively, depending on the
analysis overlap considerably. Therefore, we refrained from
extent of surgical stress and inflammation18-22. Thus, it is im-
performing additional subgroup analyses on the various surgical
portant to recognize that so-called normal procalcitonin values
procedures or types of infections. Importantly, because of
in patients after surgery are not within the normal range for
multiple comparisons performed in the analysis of this study,
healthy subjects, and cutoff ranges must be adapted accord-
p values in the range of 0.01 to 0.05 should be viewed cautiously,
ingly. At a cutoff of 0.1 ng/mL, procalcitonin had a reasonable
given the attendant higher risk of a chance association. How-
sensitivity of between 85% and 91% to exclude an infection
ever, the clinical and diagnostic workup and the blood sampling
(Table III). Conversely, in patients with procalcitonin con-
of patients were standardized, and the investigators were blin-
centrations above the cutoff of 0.5 ng/mL, the likelihood for
ded with respect to procalcitonin results. We used the clinical
underlying bacterial infection was high, especially when this
evaluation of the patients based on a comprehensive diagnostic
increase persisted for more than two days. In this context, the
and microbiological workup and the assessment by an infec-
course of procalcitonin values over time rather than a single
tious diseases consultant as our diagnostic ‘ gold standard,'
value should be considered to diagnose an infectious etiology.
which remains at present the best available method to establish
Our study suggests that, in patients who are febrile with pro-
the presence or absence of an infectious disease37,38. Only in-
calcitonin values of <0.1 ng/mL, antibiotics can be initially
terventional studies, in which antibiotic therapy is guided on the
withheld if no obvious clinical focus of infection is present and
basis of predefined procalcitonin cutoff ranges, have the po-
the patient is in good general health. However, these patients
tential to resolve this dilemma11. In this context, our results
should be reassessed the next day with a thorough clinical
regarding the procalcitonin kinetics in patients without an in-
examination and repeat blood analysis. In contrast, in patients
fection and the sensitivity and specificity of procalcitonin at
with procalcitonin values of >0.5 ng/mL, a rapid initiation of
various cutoff values and on different postoperative days are of
antibiotics may be warranted. The use of an algorithm for
importance to the rational design of potential future interven-
patients with respiratory tract infections, in which the initia-
tional studies. These studies should not only address the safety
tion or continuation of antibiotics was discouraged if pro-
and efficacy of serum procalcitonin levels for antibiotic stew-
calcitonin was <0.1 ng/mL or £0.25 ng/mL, respectively, and
ardship but also should establish cost-effectiveness by consid-
was encouraged if procalcitonin was >0.5 ng/mL or >0.25 ng/mL,
ering the costs of procalcitonin measurement (US$10 to $30 per
has been shown to markedly reduce the initiation and duration
sample) and the potential savings in the consumption of other
of antibiotic therapy 6-9,27.
health-care resources. Additionally, it would be interesting to
In accordance with other studies, C-reactive protein
investigate the time course of other cytokines and biomarkers
concentrations were increased about twentyfold to fortyfold in
(e.g., IL-6) following other surgical procedures.
all patients after surgery, and levels remained high throughout
Infection is far too complex a process to be reliably di-
the three-day observation period18-22. In a previous study,
agnosed by means of a specific cutoff value for any single bio-
procalcitonin kinetics were studied in a cohort of patients
marker, particularly in patients who have recently undergone
undergoing elective cardiac surgery18. The investigators re-
operative procedures. However, this study demonstrates that the
ported that, in the presence of fever, procalcitonin was a reli-
likelihood for a bacterial infection in patients presenting with
able marker for infection and more relevant than C-reactive
fever in the postoperative course increases gradually with in-
protein for the diagnosis of postoperative infection. In the
creasing serum levels of procalcitonin. As an adjunct to clinical
postoperative course following major neurosurgery, procalci-
and microbiological parameters, serum procalcitonin levels may
tonin levels, in contrast to C-reactive protein level and white
serve as a diagnostic surrogate marker for helping to differen-
blood-cell count, showed a less pronounced nonspecific in-
tiate infectious from noninfectious causes of early postoperative
crease21. Similarly, in patients who underwent major cancer
fever after orthopaedic procedures. Early identification of
surgery, elevated procalcitonin and IL-6 levels were reported to
patients with postoperative infections is of great importance
be early markers of postoperative sepsis when associated with
in order to establish effective antibiotic therapy. Conversely,
systemic inflammatory response syndrome, whereas C-reactive
procalcitonin may help us to avoid unnecessary antimicrobial
protein levels were not36. The routine use of C-reactive protein
treatment in patients with noninfectious causes of fever. n
to diagnose infection in patients presenting with fever after
NOTE: The authors thank the nursing staff and the surgeons of the Departments of Orthopaedic
surgery is motivated by its low cost and easy availability and by
Surgery and Traumatology for their continuous support during the study.
historical practice rather than on the basis of the evidence.
However, the reliability of C-reactive protein is hampered by aprotracted response with late peak levels and a low specificityin patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome,
Sabina Hunziker, MD
whereas procalcitonin is more specific for distinguishing in-
Thomas H¨ugle, MD
fectious from noninfectious febrile episodes.
Katrin Schuchardt, MD
Isabelle Groeschl, MD
University Hospital Basel,
Philipp Schuetz, MD
Spitalstrasse 21,
CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland
Urs Eriksson, MDDepartment of Internal Medicine,
Andrej Trampuz, MD
University Hospital Basel,
Infectious Diseases Service,
Department of Medicine,
University Hospital and University of Lausanne,
Rue du Bugnon 46,CH-1011 Lausanne,
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
E-mail address: [email protected]
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NEDA TOOLKIT for Parents Table of Contents Common myths about eating disorders………………………………………………………………………….6 Eating disorder signs, symptoms and behaviors………………………………………………………….9 Ways to start a discussion with a loved one…………………….………………….………………………13
UNIVERSITÉ PARIS DESCARTES FACULTÉ DE MÉDECINE Année 2014/2015 DIU REGULATION DES NAISSANCES : socio-épidémiologie, contraception, IVG, prévention des risques liés à la sexualité Lori SAVIGNAC-KRIKORIAN Docteur en médecine générale METHODE DE POSE DIRECTE DES