Statin alternatives or just placebo
Chin Med J 2008;121(16):1588-1594
Review article
Statin alternatives or just placebo: an objective review of omega-3,
red yeast rice and garlic in cardiovascular therapeutics
Hean Teik Ong and Jin Seng Cheah
Keywords: statin; omega-3, red yeast rice; garlic; cardiovascular therapeutics
Objective The aim of this review is to objectively access the trial evidence on the role of omega-3, red yeast rice and
garlic in preventing clinical cardiovascular events. Given the large number of clinical trials favoring statin use in
cardiovascular disease, it is important to see if evidence is available for these supplements and whether they could
replace statin therapy.
Data source A PubMed search was conducted using the keywords ‘trial, omega-3, red yeast rice, xuezhikang, garlic,
cholesterol, cardiovascular, outcomes'; the resulting trials were reviewed together with the references quoted in the
papers obtained.
Study selection The studies selected are prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled studies with predefined clinical
cardiovascular end-points recruiting at least 2000 patients, with a follow-up over 2 years.
Results Modest dose omega-3 fatty acid has been shown in GISSI-P (11 324 patients, follow-up 3.5 years) to produce
a reduction in sudden death of 45%, and in cardiac death of 35%, acting probably via an anti-arrhythmic effect. In JELIS
(18 645 patients, follow-up 4.6 years), high dose omega-3 given to Japanese patients on a high fish diet and already on
statin treatment produced further benefit with a 19% reduction of nonfatal cardiovascular outcomes; fatal cardiac events
are not affected. CCSPS (4870 patients, follow-up 4 years), a secondary prevention trial using xuezhikang, a commercial
red yeast rice preparation, produced a 46% reduction in nonfatal myocardial infarction and coronary death. There has
been no trial to show that garlic reduces clinical cardiovascular outcomes. A rigorous trial with constant assessment of
chemicals in the study material in 192 patients found that over a 6-month follow-up, raw garlic and 2 commercial
preparations do not significantly affect lipid levels.
Conclusions Omega-3 in modest doses reduces cardiac deaths, and in high doses reduces nonfatal cardiovascular
events. Red yeast rice reduces adverse cardiac events to a similar degree as the statins. It is unlikely that garlic is useful
in preventing cardiovascular disease.
Chin Med J 2008;121(16):1588-1594
espite the overwhelming evidence favoring keywords: (1) ‘trial, omega-3, cholesterol, cardiovascular,
D prescription drug therapy, the public is keen on outcomes'; (2) "trial, red yeast rice, xuezhikang,
herbal and dietary medicine, sales of which in the United
cholesterol, cardiovascular, outcomes" and (3) ‘trial,
States are estimated at $4 billion annually.1 A telephone
garlic, cholesterol, cardiovascular, outcomes'. The results
survey in 2002 revealed that 18.8% of 8470 subjects had
were supplemented by reviewing references quoted in the
used herbal or other natural products in the preceding
papers obtained.
week.2 Over 20% of adults on prescription medication
also use dietary supplements, although most do not report
As there have been numerous well conducted large
this to their doctors.3 It is thus important that medical
clinical statin trials, the studies on supplements should be
doctors objectively analyze the evidence on herbal and
of equivalent quality in order to be taken seriously. Thus,
dietary medicine so that they can confidently guide
studies highlighted here are prospective, rigorously
patients in its usage. The evidence favoring statin therapy
conducted, randomized, placebo-controlled trials with
in preventing cardiovascular events is highly convincing,
predefined clinical cardiovascular end-points recruiting at
with over 200 000 patients randomized in prospective
least 2000 patients, with a follow-up over 2 years. It is
randomized controlled trials around the world.4,5 To
not the intention to perform a meta-analysis by
objectively assess the role of dietary products in
statistically integrating the trials since to do a post-hoc
cardiovascular disease, it is important to seek out similar
analysis carries the risk of statistically manufacturing data
prospective, randomized, long term trials with clinical
when none exist. By objectively reviewing the individual
end-points. Omega-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid
clinical trials with an open mind, this paper seeks to
(EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)), red yeast rice (RYR) and garlic are chosen for this review since they are
Consultant Cardiologist, HT Ong Heart Clinic, Penang, Malaysia
commercially available as oral supplements and have
been promoted for their cardiovascular protective effects.
Professor of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore 119074, Singapore (Cheah JS)
Correspondence to: Dr. Hean Teik Ong, HT Ong Heart Clinic,
A three step PubMed search was conducted using the
Penang 10350, Malaysia (Email: htyl@streamyx. com)
Chinese Medical Journal 2008; 121(16):1588-1594
derive practical lessons from their results.
reduction of the primary end-point of major coronary
events (0.81, 0.69–0.95,
P=0.011). This study is
especially relevant in demonstrating that omega-3 has an
additive protective effect even in patients already on stain
Epidemiological evidence reveals that communities
therapy. Furthermore, it shows that even when fish
consuming large amounts of fish have lower cardiac
consumption is high, supplementation adds further
deaths. The Japanese, who consume an average of one
cardiovascular protection. There was no difference in the
serving of fish per day, have a cardiac death rate of 2.5
total, low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density
per 1000 person-years, compared to a rate of 17 per 1000
lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels in the two groups,
person-years in Italians.6 Within the same community,
although triglycerides were significantly lower in the EPA
those eating more fish are better off. A 30-year follow-up
group compared to control (change from baseline –9% vs
in Chicago showed that men who consume 35 g or more
P <0.0001).
of fish daily had a 38% lower risk of heart disease
mortality.7 Similarly, amongst 85 000 women followed
There is some evidence that omega-3 can effect the
for 16 years, those taking fish 2 to 4 times a week had a
atherosclerotic process. An angiographic study on 233
31% lower risk of death from heart disease compared to
patients given omega-3 supplements (6 g/d for 3 months
those rarely eating fish.8
and then 3 g/d for 21 months) found treatment to
significantly reduce coronary atherosclerosis progression
Randomized controlled trials on omega-3 supplements
and induce more regression compared to those on
with clinical cardiovascular end-points suffer from poor
placebo.16 Clinical cardiovascular events occurred in 2
methodology, inadequate follow-up or small numbers
patients on omega-3, and 7 in the placebo group, a
recruited. Two meta-analyses, each done by the same
difference which did not reach statistical significance
primary authors and pooling 48 trials with 36 913 patients,
P=0.10). Triglycerides were lower in the omega-3 group,
suggested that omega-3 fatty-acids are not useful in
although LDL cholesterol was elevated. A meta-analysis
reducing clinical cardiovascular outcomes.9,10 However,
of different anti-lipidemic agents involving 97 studies,
these meta-analyses did not differentiate between dietary
with 276 116 patients found that only statins and omega-3
intervention trials from those using oral omega-3
significantly reduced total mortality (statins 0.87,
supplements. Significant heterogeneity was noted in the
0.81–0.94; omega-3 0.77, 0.63–0.94) and cardiac
study design, background diet and end-point definition of
mortality (statins 0.78, 0.72–0.84; omega-3 0.68,
the various studies pooled into the meta-analyses. A more
0.52–0.90).17 This occurred despite the fact that total
rigorous meta-analysis reviewing only trials lasting over
cholesterol was not altered with omega-3 treatment,
1 year found omega-3 to reduce total mortality,
unlike the case with statins. Thus, cardiovascular
myocardial infarction (MI) and sudden cardiac death for
protection from omega-3 is probably not related to its
both secondary (11 trials, 19 403 patients) and primary
influence on lipid levels. Omega-3 reduces sudden
prevention (1 trial, 13 578 patients).11 There appears to be
cardiac death in patients with a prior MI, and also in
sound logic in the recommendations of healthcare
healthy individuals.18,19 As this protection comes on early
societies for cardiac patients to consume 1 g DHA and
and with low dose supplements, it has been attributed to
an anti-arrhythmic effect produced when the ratio of n-3
to n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid is elevated.20 High doses
In the GISSI-Prevenzione trial, 11 324 patients who
also appear to reduce cardiac events, but mainly nonfatal
recently had a MI were randomized daily to 1 g omega-3,
events, raising the possibility of omega-3 having an effect
300 mg vitamin E, both or none and followed up for 3.5
on the atherosclerotic lesion, whether through
years.14 The primary end-point was death, non-fatal MI
anti-inflammatory or plaque regression consequences.16,21
and non-fatal stroke. In comparing the 2836 patients only
on omega-3 with the 2828 controls, treatment
The lessons from the two clinical omega-3 trials
significantly reduced the primary end-point (
RR 0.85,
Table 1 shows that the reduction in primary end-point in
CI 0.74–0.98), total mortality (0.80, 0.67–0.94) and
GISSI-P of 15% (
P = 0.023) was driven by the reduction
cardiovascular death (0.70, 0.56–0.87). Trigyceride levels
in cardiac death of 35% (
P <0.001) and in sudden death
of patients on omega-3 decreased significantly compared
of 45% (
P <0.001); there was no reduction in nonfatal
to controls (–3.4% vs +1.4%,
P=0.0001). Vitamin E had
cardiovascular events (
RR 0.96, 95%
CI 0.76–1.21).18 The
no significant effect on lipid levels or outcomes. The
marked reduction in sudden death and cardiac death
Japanese JELIS trial recruited 18
645 hyper- suggests that a daily modest dose of 1 g omega-3 prevents
cholesterolemic patients and randomized 9326 to 1.8 g of
mortality via an anti-arrhythmic effect. As total and LDL
EPA as well as 10–20 mg pravastatin or 5–10 mg
cholesterol levels in both the placebo and omega-3 groups
simvastatin, with the control group of 9319 receiving just
rose during this trial, treatment with omega-3 does not
statin treatment.15 After a mean follow-up of 4.6 years,
have a significant impact on lipid levels and does not
EPA supplement significantly reduced unstable angina
exert a statin-like action.
(0.76, 0.62–0.95,
P=0.014) and non-fatal coronary events
(0.81, 0.68–0.96,
P=0.015) leading to a significant
All patients in JELIS were also on statins and so the
Chin Med J 2008;121(16):1588-1594
Table 1. Clinical outcomes in the GISSI-Prevenzione trial: highly
produced a mean reduction in total cholesterol of 0.91
significant reduction in coronary mortality with no reduction of
mmol/L, LDL-cholesterol of 0.73 mmol/L, triglyceride of
non-fatal MI with low dose omega-3 (1 g) daily
0.41 mmol/L and a mean rise in HDL-cholesterol of 0.15
Primary end point* 0.85
Non-fatal CV events
A large, randomized, placebo-controlled trial with clinical
end-points involving xuezhikang, a commercial RYR
*Primary end point: composite of death, non-fatal MI & non-fatal stroke. CV:
preparation, has produced impressive results comparable
to the statin studies.29 The China Coronary Secondary
Prevention Study (CCSPS) recruited 4870 patients with a
protection demonstrated with omega-3 is additive to that
prior MI and baseline cholesterol between 4.40–6.47
obtained from statin therapy alone. JELIS used a high
mmol/L. They were randomized to xuezhikang 0.6 g
dose regime of 1.8 g omega-3, in a Japanese population
twice daily or matching placebo and followed for a mean
that already has a high baseline serum omega-3 levels
of 4 years. The primary end-point of non-fatal MI and
from high fish consumption.22 Amongst controls, cardiac
fatal coronary events was significantly reduced in the
death rate per 1000 person-years was 17 in GISSI-P but
treatment group (0.54, 0.44–0.66,
only 2.5 in JELIS.6 This lower cardiac death rate in the
P <0.0001). Cardio-
vascular mortality (0.68, 0.52–0.88,
JELIS control is due to the higher fish consumption
P=0.0048) and total
mortality (0.66, 0.52–0.82,
amongst the Japanese, and is compatible with the trial
P=0.0003) were also
significantly reduced. Changes in plasma lipids were less
results of GISSI-P which show omega-3 supplement to
impressive, with a reduction in total cholesterol of 10.3%,
reduce sudden death. In the JELIS trial, there was a
LDL-cholesterol of 14.7% and a rise in HDL-cholesterol
lowering of non-fatal cardiac events in patients on the
of 4.2%. The calculated number needed to treat (NNT) to
high dose omega-3 regime (Table 2). Thus, high dose
prevent a primary end-point over the trial duration is 21;
omega-3 still provides further additive cardiovascular
this is comparable to the NNT in the various secondary
protection, against non-fatal outcomes. Although there is
prevention statin trials that range from 19 to 56.30 This
a fear of mercury contamination from high fish ingestion,
marked clinical event reduction with xuezhiang treatment,
it has been suggested that the benefit from fish and
occurring despite only modest lipid level changes, is in
omega-3 intake is more than any potential adverse effect
keeping with an analysis of the AFCAPS-TEXCAPS trial
arising from contaminants.23
using lovastatin which found on-treatment LDL- cholesterol to be unrelated to risk of clinical
Table 2. Equivalent primary end-point reduction in GISSI-P and
cardiovascular outcomes.31 Subsequent sub-group
Variables GISSI-P
analyses of CCSPS, published in the English medical
Number of patients
literature, confirm the reduction of cardiovascular
Follow-up (years)
outcomes amongst diabetics and in the elderly.32,33
Dose of omega-3 (g)
Primary end-point (
Trials outside China have also shown the lipid lowering
RR (95%
CI))* 0.85
and anti-inflammatory properties of xuezhikang.34 It is
Non-fatal cardiac events (
tempting to attribute the cardiovascular benefit of RYR to
RR (95%
CI)) 0.96
lovastatin, since all preparations contain this clinically
proven useful statin. Yet only 0.8% of xuezhikang is
RR (95%
CI)) 0.65
lovastatin.35 Thus in CCSPS, the treated group received
GISSI-P: Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della sopravvivenzanell' Infarto.
about 10 mg of lovastatin daily, well below the dose of
Miocardico-Prevenzione. JELIS: Japan EPA Lipid Intervention Study. *Primary
20–40 mg used in the AFCAPS-TEXCAPS trial. It may
end-point in GISSI-P: death, non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI), non-fatal
well be that other manocolins present in xuezhikang also
stroke. Primary end-point in JELIS: major coronary event including sudden
have cardio-protective effects, in addition to that
cardiac deaths, fatal and non-fatal MI, unstable angina, angioplasty, stenting and
produced by lovastatin (manocolin K). It has been shown
bypass grafting.
that the cardioprotective effect of statins in Japanese
occurs at lower doses than in Western populations.36-38
Thus it is also possible that the low dose 10 mg lovastatin
RYR is the fermented product obtained after red yeast
found in xuezhikang is sufficient to produce the reduction
Monascus purpureus) is grown on rice. It had been used
of cardiac events amongst Chinese patients studied in the
in China for centuries as a food flavoring as well as a
medicinal product.24 Recent studies have shown RYR to
contain lovastatin, amongst other possibly useful Different commercial preparations of RYR have different compounds, and numerous studies have suggested a
concentrations of manocolins, and some even contain a
beneficial lipid lowering effect from commercial toxic by-product of yeast fermentation, citrinin.39 Before preparations of this traditional supplement.24-27 In a
RYR can be routinely recommended for cardiovascular
meta-analysis involving 9625 patients in 93 randomized
prevention, strict regulations have to be enforced to
trials, 3 different commercial preparation of RYR
ensure that available products are standardized and
Chinese Medical Journal 2008; 121(16):1588-1594
efficacious. Consumers feel that herbal products are safer
evidence of clinical event reduction, means that at present
than pharmaceutical drugs, but the reality may be that the
garlic treatment can not be recommended for
unregulated usage of herbal products, with different
hyperlipidemia or for patients at risk of cardiovascular
manufacturers producing differing amounts of active and
toxic constituents, is a far more risky practice.
Results from large prospective placebo-controlled clinical
Garlic (
Allium sativum) use in cardiovascular therapeutics
trials must be analyzed seriously when judging the value
has an even longer history than RYR, with records dating
of any treatment intervention. The two omega-3 trials
back over 3000 years to ancient Egypt.40 Numerous
have together recruited over 30 000 patients and confirm
animal studies have shown garlic to have a cholesterol
the value of both modest and high dose supplementation
lowering effect, but human studies on the effects of garlic
in reducing adverse cardiac events. Thus, it is reasonable
have produced inconsistent results.41-44 A meta-analysis of
to recommend 1–1.8 g omega-3 daily to reduce clinical
45 randomized trials had suggested that garlic may have a
cardiovascular events especially in patients with
hypolipidemic effect at 3 months, but not at 6 months of
established ischemic heart disease. It is interesting to
usage.45 However, the randomization, blinding and
postulate that modest dose omega-3 reduces arrhthymic
methodology of many of the trials reviewed were poor
events, while higher doses may work via an
and there was inadequate definition of the specific
anti-atherosclerotic process to reduce nonfatal events.
biologically active constituent of the various forms of
However, more clinical trials or animal experiments are
garlic ingested. The active chemical in garlic is allicin,
needed to test these hypotheses.
which is produced when raw garlic is crushed, allowing
the enzyme alliinase to act on the stable precursor alliin.
The CCSC trial showed that reduction of cardiovascular
Commercial garlic preparations have been found to
events in secondary prevention using the RYR
produce unexpectedly low amounts of active allicin, and
preparation, xuezhikang, is equivalent to that obtained
this could account for the absence of a demonstrable lipid
from the landmark 4S statin trial (Table 3). It is pertinent
lowering effect in some studies.46
to ask whether the benefit of xuezhikang comes from the
10 mg lovastatin it contains especially since recent
A recent randomized trial sought to overcome these
reports have shown that lower lipid levels reached with
problems by including treatment with raw garlic, and
higher statin doses produce more reduction in
extensively characterizing the chemicals in the garlic
cardiovascular outcomes.48-52 However, a review of the
supplements used before and throughout the trial.47 This
AFCAPS-TEXCAPS trial, which also involved lovastatin,
Stanford University study recruited 192 patients with
showed no correlation between on treatment
LDL-cholesterol between 3.36–4.91 mmol/L and LDL-cholesterol levels with clinical cardiovascular randomized them to 1 of 4 treatment arms using raw
outcomes.31 By reducing C-reactive protein and
garlic, powdered garlic (garlicin), aged garlic extract
inflammation, statin therapy has been reported to reduce
(Kyolic) or placebo. After 6 months, there was no
clinical cardiovascular events independent of the effect on
significant difference in the LDL-cholesterol levels in the
lipid levels.53,54 There is also good evidence that statins
4 groups (raw garlic +0.01 mmol/L, powdered garlic
reduce endothelial dysfunction and enhance
+0.08 mmol/L, aged garlic extract +0.005 mmol/L,
vasodilatation.55,56 It could well be that lovastatin
placebo –0.10 mmol/L). There was also no difference in
(manocolin K) acts more via non-lipid lowering
the HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides and total mechanisms, thereby explaining the marked cholesterol-HDL ratio. This trial was well conducted with
cardiovascular protection with modest lipid reduction. It
patient retention of nearly 90% in all arms, monthly blood
may also be possible that the cardiovascular protection of
lipid assay, assessment of the chemicals in the study
RYR in fact arises from the other manocolins present, and
material throughout the trial duration and patient
not just from lovastatin. A third possibility is that Asians
adherence assessment by weekly logs and tablet count.
may indeed respond to lower statin doses than that used
Chemical characterization ensured that adequate levels of
in the conventional trials with Caucasian patients.36-38
the active allicin were studied in the 3 treatment groups.
Further trials are necessary to resolve these issues.
In fact, the dosage used in the 2 commercial garlic
supplements was several times above that recommended
An objective review of the trial evidence confirms the value
by the manufacturers. No serious adverse effects were
of omega-3 and RYR in reducing clinical cardiovascular
noted in the groups using garlic, although bad odor was
events. The evidence favoring omega-3 is highly convincing
noted in over half those on raw garlic treatment.
but RYR could be more confidently recommended if another
large randomized clinical trial, preferably in a non-Chinese
It is pertinent to note that there has been no clinical
population, could reproduce the results of CCSPS. Garlic
cardiovascular event trial with garlic therapy, such as is
probably does not significantly affect lipid levels and has no
available with omega-3 and RYR. The negative result
evidence supporting a role in reducing clinical outcomes.
from the Stanford study, together with the absence of any
The trials have confirmed that supplements are safe, with
Chin Med J 2008;121(16):1588-1594
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Edited by WANG Mou-yue and LIU Huan
Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (JIAPAC) Known to Be Positive But Not in Care: A Pilot Study From Thailand Pratuma Rithpho, Deanna E. Grimes, Richard M. Grimes and Wilawan Senaratana 2009; 8; 202 originally published online May 4, 2009; J Int Assoc Physicians AIDS Care (Chic Ill) DOI: 10.1177/1545109709336221
Pharmacoepidemiological Research on Outcomes of Therapeutics by a European ConsorTium IMI Work Package 5: Report 2:b:ii Benefit - Risk Wave 2 Case Study Report: Rosiglitazone Benefit-Risk Analysis Lawrence Phillips, Billy Amzal, Alex Asiimwe, Edmond Chan, Chen Chen, Diana Hughes, Juhaeri Juhaeri, Alain Micaleff, Shahrul Mt-Isa, Becky Noel, Susan Shepherd, Nan Wang On behalf of PROTECT Work Package 5 participants