a fact sheet from react – action on antibiotic resistance, First edition May 2008
Burden of Antibiotic Resistance
on Women's Health
u Sepsis is still one of the major cau-
adequate treatment of the mother
Newborn babies may become blind.
ses of death following abortion and
and her child cannot be guaranteed.
childbirth. Resistance is common
u An estimated 3 million treatment
among several of the bacterial spe-
u Improvement of maternal health
failures due to resistant gonorrhoea
cies causing infections, but in spite of
as stated in millennium Develop-
occur each year in the world and will
the serious consequences, the size as
ment Goal (mDG) 5 will be difficult
incur an additional cost of US$ 500
well as the burden of such resistance
to achieve for such reasons.
million. When treatment guidelines
is to a large extent unknown.
recently had to be changed in the
u Antibiotic resistance may also be a
US, due to increasing resistance to
u Infections during pregnancy may
serious problem when women cont-
ciprofloxacin, the cost of treatment
also lead to pre-term delivery, still-
ract sexually transmitted infections
increased fivefold. the risk of HIV-
birth and death of the infant in sep-
(StI), especially gonorrhoea. Unt-
transmission increases considerably
sis. As long as the prevalence of anti-
reated or untreatable infections may
if StI are impossible to treat adequa-
biotic resistance is almost unknown,
lead to pelvic inflammatory disease,
and the urgent need of new effective
causing chronic pain and discomfort,
antibiotics is not being provided for,
infertility, and ectopic pregnancies.
Scope of tHe pRoBlem
Infections in the female genital tract – RTI (reproductive tract infections) – include endogenous infections as well as iatrogenic and sexually trans-mitted infections (STI).1 Infections during pregnancy and after childbirth may follow any of these. Resistance to antibiotics commonly used for treating such infections has emerged in many parts of the world.2 However, data is lacking or very scarce regarding the burden of antibiotic resistance within the field of women´s health, although the consequences can be severe.
Infections following abortions,
pregnancy and childbirth
With the institution of antiseptic prac-
tices and later the availability of antibi-
otics, the incidence of puerperal sepsis
decreased considerably, but it is still,
along with haemorrhage, one of the
main causes of maternal deaths world-
about 13% of all pregnancy related
case per 100,000. Three hundred and
deaths in the world.10,11,12 Deaths due
forty nine cases of congenital syphilis
Infections include metritis, pelvic
to abortion are most common in the
were reported there in 2006.17
cellulitis and abscess, peritonitis fol-
Caribbean and Latin America. The spe-
lowing uterine perforation, and septi-
cific cause of death is often unknown
but is considered to be haemorrhage
or sepsis in most cases. In a study in
StI and other infections of the
Malawi, 77.1% of the deaths after
Infections are often caused by several
abortions were due to sepsis.4
species of bacteria. E coli, beta haemo-
Untreated infections increase the prob-
There is so far no knowledge about
lytic streptococci, S aureus and anaer-
ability of acquisition and transmission
the impact of antibiotic resistance
obes are all common pathogens.6, 15, 19, 20
when fatal infections occur.
Other agents include Klebsiella spp,
An estimated 340 million cases of
enterococci, and N. gonorrhoeae. C.
curable STI occur annually in adults.
puerperal sepsis and infections
trachomatis and Mycoplasma spe-
Most are in south and south-east Asia
cies may also be responsible, as may
and sub-Saharan Africa. Infections
More than 500,000 women die each
(rarely) Clostridia.6
may lead to acute and chronic symp-
year due to complications during
toms and long term consequences.
pregnancy and childbirth.3, 13 Sepsis is
As many as 70% of infections in
estimated to be the cause of maternal
Effective and early treatment of STI
women may be asymptomatic.9 Infec-
deaths in 0.5-15% of cases. It is signifi-
is essential to decrease the transmis-
tions during pregnancy can have
cantly more common in Africa, Asia,
sion of the actual disease, and of HIV.
adverse effects and may cause infec-
Latin America and the Caribbean
The choice of antibiotic for treatment
tions in the newborn baby.
than in developed countries.3 Infec-
depends on knowledge of local resist-
Syphilis during pregnancy may
tion occurs even more often after Cae-
ance patterns. As an example, since
result in stillbirth, neonatal death or
sarean section.14,15 On rare occasions
2007 ciprofloxacin is no longer rec-
congenital syphilis.
amniocentesis may also lead to serious
ommended by the CDC as the first-line
STI caused by Clamydia trachoma
treatment for gonorrhoea in the US
tis and N. gonorrhoeae:
due to high level of resistance.28, 32 The
If not treated adequately, complica-
same decision had to be made in India.34
tions may lead to pelvic inflammatory
An estimated 62 million cases of gon-
Penicillins have remained effective for
disease (PID), infertility, chronic pain
orrhoea occur each year in the world.9
the treatment of early syphilis.31
and ectopic pregnancies.9 40-50% of
In the US, reported rates of gonor-
Resistance among aerobic Gram-
ectopic pregnancies can be attributed
rhoea and C. trachomatis infections
negative bacteria like E. coli is common
to earlier PID. Transmission of infec-
among women were respectively 124.3
and several strains are also resistant to
tion to the infant during birth may lead
and 515.8 per 100,000 in 2006.17
third-generation cephalosporins (see
to blindness and in the case of C. tra
Infection may be 10-100 times more
factsheet on MRGN). E. coli carried as
chomatis also to pneumonia.
common in low-income communities
part of the normal flora can be resist-
according to the WHO.
ant, and maternal colonisation with resistant bacteria may lead to neonatal
sepsis.21 Prophylactic treatment given
More than 1 million infants are born
against Group B streptococci may lead
Sepsis following abortion
with congenital syphilis each year in
to neonatal infections with resistant
An estimated 19-20 million unsafe ter-
bacteria, e.g. E coli.22-24
minations take place each year in the
In the US, syphilis in women is
The number of community- and hos-
world, and around 68,000 women die
much more uncommon than in men
pital-associated methicillin resistant S.
as a consequence, which accounts for
and increased by 11.1% in 2006 to one
aureus (MRSA) infections is increasing in the post-partum period.20,25,26
Two out of 305 women screened
had vaginal colonisation with MRSA.
Penicillinase-producing N. gonorr
hoeae (PPNG) emerged in 1976. Surveillance programmes in several countries,27, 28, 29 and the global gono-
u react links a wide range of individuals,
u react believes that anti biotics should
coccal antimicrobial surveillance pro-
organisations and networks around the
be used appropriately, their use reduced
gramme (GASP) of the WHO monitor
world taking concerted action to
when of no benefit and their correct and
development of resistance among N.
respond to antibiotic resistance.
specific use increased when needed.
gonorrhoeae. In the US, 19.6% of N.
u our vision is that current and future
u react believes that awareness of ecolo-
gonorrhoeae were resistant to penicil-
generations of people around the globe
gical balance is needed as part of an inte-
lin, tetracycline or both in 2005, an
should have access to effective treatment
gral concept of health.
increase from 15.9% in 2004.5 In the
of bacterial infections.
UK, 17.9% of isolates were penicillin-resistant in 2005 but the figure fell to 9.5% in 2006. Tetracycline resistance
The risk of HIV-transmission increases
was present in 36.9% of isolates, again
considerably if STI are imposible to treat
a decrease from 48%.27 In India, peni-
cillin resistance increased significantly to 68.4% in 2003 but decreased to 18.2% in 2006. In other parts of Asia, 9-90% of isolates are penicillin-resist-
failures globally each year due to anti-
ant, as are over 35% in sub-Saharan
n Increased mortality and morbid-
biotic resistance in gonorrhoea has
ity, e.g. chronic pelvic inflamma-
been made. This would incur an extra
Resistance to fluoroquinolones is
tory disease (PID) with infertility,
cost of US$ 500 millions each year.35
increasingly prevalent globally. The
chronic pain, ectopic pregnancy
The cost of treatment of resistant go
prevalence in Hongkong and other
with severe consequences33
norrhoea is five times higher when
parts of China is 99%.1 In India resist-
n High cost of second-line treatment
ciprofloxacin has had to be replaced
ance to ciprofloxacine increased to
and hospital care
by ceftriaxone. The cost of treatment
97.2% in 2006.34
n Psychological effects
of MRSA infections is probably three
Overall quinolone resistance among
times higher than that incurred by sus-
N. gonorrhoeae has increased steadily
ceptible strains.
to around 13% in the US in 200628 and
to 21.7% in the UK in 2005.27
n Increased cost of diagnostic proce-
Dearth of resources
Confirmed resistance to ceftriaxone
n Lack of access to skilled antenatal
has still not been recorded worldwide
n High costs of alternative drugs, which
but isolates with intermediate suscep-
may have to be administered i.m.
n Lack of safe conditions during
tibility have been identified.28
n Availability of drugs
In India, 5,5% of isolates were less
n Need for higher level of care, pos-
n Lack of access to effective contra-
susceptible in 2006.34 Resistance to
sibility of emergency operations (in
ceptives and safe abortions
cefixime has not yet been identified.
the case of ectopic pregnancies),
n Lack of adherence to STI manage-
Isolates with higher azithromycin
increased workload for healthcare
MIC were also found to have increased
n Lack of quality-assured culture and
over the years, and 5% of the isolates
antimicrobial susceptibility testing
were resistant to azithromycin in
Europe in 2004.29 In the Caribbean
n Maternal death with far-reaching
n Lack of adequate and affordable
and South America, these figures vary
consequences for the whole family,
drugs for treatment
from 16% to 70%.2
long-term illness and lack of pro-
n Lack of knowledge about overuse
Resistance to spectinomycin varies
or misuse of medicines
from 0% to about 5%.2
n Stillbirths or deaths of newborn
Antibiotic resistance among C.
babies; need for care of sick new-
Urgent needs
trachomatis is still low, but in vitro
n Train caregivers in appropriate
resistance to macrolide antibiotics has
n Need for care of orphans
infection control and rational drug
been detected.30 Since 2002 treatment
n Need for care of disabled children
failures have occurred in the US when
n Increased transmission of HIV
n Improve diagnostic capacity and
early syphilis has been treated with
documentation of infection, aetio-
azithromycin. A high prevalence of the
logical agents and their antimicro-
resistant bacteria has also been found
bial susceptibilities.
coNSeQUeNceS of
n Develop hospital-based and com-
munity-based surveillance systems to monitor antibiotic resistance
Quantification of morbidity, mortality
trends, antibiotic use and treatment
or costs due to antimicrobial resistance
associated with infections during preg-
n Perform clinical trials to identify the
Infections due to resistant bacteria can
nancy or delivery is impossible for the
most effective drugs/combinations
be severe and may require readmis-
time being because of lack of reliable
for specific indications.
sion, intensive and prolonged care,
data. Difficulties include inadequate
n Develop locally relevant guidelines,
and facilities for culture and suscep-
diagnostics, uncertain aetiology of
taking into account local suscepti-
tibility testing. Mortality increases if
infections, other coexisting conditions
bility patterns, availability and cost
initial therapy is inappropriate. Excess
(haemorrhage, ecclampsia etc) and
of drugs, diagnostic facilities etc.
cost of therapy is high.
sometimes lack of proper records.
n Develop new medicines which can
Based on figures from the USA,
cure STI and other infections suf-
an assumption of 3 million treatment
fered by women.
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Resuscitation Council (UK) Adult Advanced Life Support Introduction This section on adult advanced life support (ALS) adheres to the same general principles as in Guidelines 2000, but incorporates some important changes. The guidelines in this section apply to healthcare professionals trained in ALS techniques. Laypeople, first responders, and automated external defibrillator (AED) users are referred to the basic life support (BLS) and AED sections. Guideline changes
Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 22, 389–395 (2001)doi:10.1053/ejvs.2001.1492, available online at on Apoptosis in Vascular Disease T. C. F. Sykes∗1,2, A. G. Morris1, A. W. Bradbury2 and D. Mosquera2 1Biological Sciences, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, 2Department of Vascular Surgery,