Academic cv

Forensic Psychiatrist
Clinical Associate Professor
Graduate School of Medicine
Wollongong University
NSW Australia
332 Crown Street 16 Vernon Street DATE OF BIRTH: 13/04/50
Medical Board of Australia: current to April '12. PROFESSIONAL INDEMNITY
MDA Indemnity Insurance #133407H registered to Nov ‘12 SPECIAL INTERESTS
Forensic Psychiatry Sleep & Pain Disorders Lecturer & Speaker Journalism & Radio CLINICAL ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Graduate School of Medicine
Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences
Wollongong University
FORENSIC PSYCHIATRIST Wollongong, and Sydney

LECTURES: Graduate School of Medicine, UOW; Medical Humanities, Sydney
University; Sydney Jewish Museum; Australian Jewish Museum (Melbourne),
various psychiatric departments, Sydney.
SPEAKER to doctors, allied health professional and the public on medical,
forensic, historical topics.
BOOK: Medical Murder – the Disturbing Phenomenon Of Doctors Who Kill, Allen
& Unwin, Sydney June 2009; The Exception Brain and How It Changed History,
Allen & Unwin, September 2011.
WRITING: Column for Scope Magazine (Ireland); Medical history, genocide,
serial murder, Jewish history, palaeopathology.
STUDY/RESEARCH: Prehistory of MSA coastal sites in South Africa; origins of
human consciousness; trance states in San rock art painters; collaboration with
on history of 19th century criminal and serial killer; history of neurosyphilis; Freud,
Jews and Judaism; medical abuse of human rights; medical involvement in
2000 - 2008
Forensic Psychiatrist, The Liaison Clinic, Wollongong, and Sydney. Authorised Medical Examiner, WorkCover Commission of NSW. Medical Assessor, Motor Accidents Authority of NSW. Visiting Medico Officer in Psychiatry (Forensic), South Eastern Area Health Service. MARCH 1987-1999
VISITING MEDICAL OFFICER IN LIAISON PSYCHIATRY, ILLAWARRA AREA HEALTH SERVICE; working in liaison psychiatry at the Illawarra Area Hospital Campus and four regional hospitals; supervision of registrars training in liaison psychiatry. Consultant Psychiatrist, Keelong Juvenile Detention Centre, Consultant Psychiatrist in private practice, Grosvenor Medical Centre, Bondi Junction, Sydney. Establishment of the Liaison Clinic, a private psychiatric office practice offering a multi-disciplinary approach with psychiatrists, psychologists and nurse counsellors. Consultant Psychiatrist to : 1. Sexual Dysfunction Clinic, RPAH; 2. Sydney Pain Management Centre; 3. Illawarra Rehabilitation Centre; 4. Sydney Dental Hospital. Work on Pain Management, Sexual Disorders, Impulse Control Disorders, Medico-legal Psychiatry, Sleep Disorders, Problems of health care professionals. Medical Journalism. Lectures and Talks to Doctors, Medical Students and Medical Staff. July 1986-February Staff Specialist and deputy director, Psychiatric Unit, the Sutherland Hospital, Caringbah, Sydney. January 1985 -June Staff Specialist Psychiatrist, the Wollongong Hospital and the Neuropsychiatric Institute, Prince Henry Hospital, Little Bay, Sydney. Establishment of Liaison Psychiatry Service at IAHS hospitals. Work with neuropsychiatry patients and lithium clinic research, Prince Henry Hospital. Work in Somatizing Disorders and Pain Management. Senior Registrar in Psychiatry, The Wollongong and Prince Henry Hospitals. Establishment of Liaison Psychiatry Service at Wollongong Hospital. Registrar and Senior Registrar in Psychiatry, The Prince Henry and Prince of Wales Hospital. Training course for psychiatrists at NSW Institute of Psychiatry. HONORARY FELLOW, Department of Psychology Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences Wollongong University Registrar in Anatomical Pathology, The Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney. Training course for pathologists. Locum Medical Officer, various London Hospitals. Medical Officer, South African Medical and Dental Corps Intern, University of Orange Free State Teaching Hospitals, Bloemfontein, South Africa. Medical School, University of Cape Town, Cape Town South Africa. Master's Degree - Journalism [Wollongong University] Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Member, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Registered Medical Practitioner, New South Wales Medical Board Registered Medical Practitioner, General Medical Council, U.K. Registered Medical Practitioner, SAM&DC MBChB, University of Cape Town PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS
 Australasian Sleep Association  Australian Medical Writers Association  Faculty of Forensic Psychiatry, RANZCP  False Memory Syndrome Association [USA]  Australian False Memory Association  Australian Society for Study of Obesity  Australian Pain Society  Australian Society for the History of Medicine  South African Archaeological Society
Medical Murder: Disturbing Tales of Doctors Who Kil . Allen & Unwin,
June 2009.
The Exceptional Brain and How It Changed History. Allen & Unwin,
September 2011.
1. Larkin H, Johnson DC, Hunyor SN, Caspari P, Kaplan R. Anatomical accuracy of echocardiographically assessed left ventricular wall thickness. Clin Sci 1979 Dec; Suppl 5: 55s-57s. 2. Kaplan, Robert. Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Depression: Diagnostic and Treatment Implications. ANZ Journal of Psychiatry 1992; 26:586-591. 3. Kaplan, Robert. I have Seen the Future and it Works. Australasian Psychiatry 1993; 1:1. 4. Kaplan, Robert. Basically Optimistic: Psychiatry in the New South Africa. Australasian Psychiatry 1993; 1:2. 5. Kaplan, Robert. John Cawte: A Life in Psychiatry. Australasian Psychiatry 1994; 1:4. 6. Kaplan, Robert. The Debate on the Battered Woman Syndrome. Australasian Psychiatry 1994; 2:3, pge 118. 7. Kaplan, Robert. Sex, Science, Psychiatry and Neil McConaghy. Australasian Psychiatry 1994; 2:4, pge 175-177. 8. Kaplan, Robert. Carrot Addiction. ANZ Journal of Psychiatry 1966; 30:698-700. 9. Kaplan R, Grotowsky T. Denied Pregnancy. ANZ Journal of Psychiatry 1966; 30:861-863. 10. Kaplan R. Letter from Australia: Adding insult to injury – a new government makes waves. South African Medical Journal 1998, 88:8;959. 11. Kaplan R. Letter from Australia: The desperation of the deregistered doctor. South African Medical Journal [1998], 88:3;244. 12. Kaplan R. Letter from Australia: The rush for compo gold. South African Medical Journal 13. Kaplan R. Letter from Australia: A mood of mild self-congratulation. South African Medical Journal 1999, 89-7;745. 14. Kaplan R, Coombs T, Murray S. Nurse practitioners in a private psychiatric practice. Australasian Psychiatry, 1999; 7:5, 267-8. 15. Kaplan R. Medical aspects of the Battle of Stalingrad. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, December 1999. 16. Kaplan R. Letter from Australia: Betting the whole arm. South African Medical Journal 2000 Mar;90(3):238-9 . 17. Kaplan R. Letter from Australia: Doctors and the prediction business. South African Medical Journal [2000], 90-5;482-483. 18. Kaplan R. Taking my own advice. South African Medical Journal 2000, 90:8;776. 19. Kaplan R. Murder by medical malice – the love-hate relationship between Dr Harold Shipman and his patients. South African Medical Journal 2001 Jun;91(6):492. 20. Kaplan R. Letter from Australia: why greed is good and I go home disappointed every night. South African Medical Journal 2000, 90-11;1003-1004. 21. Kaplan R. Joyce, Medicine and Illness. New Odyssey: a Journal of Joycean Studies 2000, 6,1; 6-11. 22. Kaplan R. The Aversion Project – Psychiatric abuses in the South African Defence Force during the Apartheid Era. South African Medical Journal March 2001, 90-3;216-217. 23. Kaplan R. Presence of malice--Hanson redivivus. South African Medical Journal Apr 2001, 91(4) p314-5. 24. Kaplan R. Farewell to all that. Australasian Psychiatry, Vol 8 (2) June 2001, 167-170. 25. Kaplan R. Problems with disability assessment--the Australian experience. South African Medical Journal 2001 Jun;91(6):492. 26. Kaplan R. The psychiatric assessment of chronic pain. South African Journal of Psychiatry June 2001, 7:2, 40-45. 27. Kaplan R and Manicavasagar M. Is there a false memory syndrome? A report on three cases. Comprehensive Psychiatry, Vol 42, No. 4 (July/August), 2001: pp 342-348. 28. Kaplan R. Psychiatric abuses in the South African Defence Force during the Apartheid era [abstr]. ANZ Journal of Psychiatry 35 (4), A12. 29. Kaplan R. Mad, bad and dangerous to know: Medical serial killers [abstr]. ANZ Journal of Psychiatry 35 (4), A12. 30. Kaplan RM. Letter from Australia: The days of miracle and wonder. South African Medical Journal 2002 Jan; 9 2(1):42-3. 31. Kaplan RM. After the CBE. South African Medical Journal 2002 Feb;92(2):129-30. 32. Kaplan, RM Madness and James Joyce. Australasian Psychiatry 2002 10 (2), 172-177. 33. Kaplan, RM Doctor to the Dictator: the career of Theodor Morell, personal physician to Adolf Hitler. Australasian Psychiatry 2002 10 (4), 389-392. 34. Kaplan, RM Dr Radovan Karadzic: psychiatrist, poet, soccer coach and genocidal leader. Australasian Psychiatry 2003 11 (1), 74-78. 35. Kaplan, Robert O Anna: being Bertha Pappenheim; historiography and biography. Australasian Psychiatry 2004 12 (1), 62-68. 36. Kaplan RM. Letter from Australia: There are worse things to celebrate. South African Medical Journal 2004 Apr;94(4):267-8. 37. Kaplan RM. Bloomsday 100: the making of a literary legend. Australasian Psychiatry 200412 (2), 179-182. 38. Kaplan RM. Psychiatry in Australia. South African Journal of Psychiatry 2004: June (10, 39. Kaplan RM. (Ed) Treatment of homosexuality during apartheid. British Medical Journal. 2004 Dec 18;329(7480):1415-6. 40. Kaplan RM. There are worse things to celebrate. S Afr Med J. 2004 Apr;94(4):267-8. 41. Kaplan R. Harold Shipman: An Awful Sod. Australasian Psychiatry. 2006 Mar;14(1):90-3. 42. Kaplan RM. Did Hitler have Syphilis? A reply to Retief and Wessels. S Afr Med J. 2006 Sep;96(9):782-6. 43. Kaplan RM. Being Bleuler: the second century of schizophrenia. Australasian Psychiatry. 2008 Oct;16(5):305-11. 44. Kaplan RM. Doctors, disease and James Joyce. Aust Fam Physician. 2008 Aug;37(8):668-9. 45. Kaplan R. Savonarola at the stake: the rise and fall of Roy Meadow. Australasian Psychiatry. 2008 Jun;16(3):213-5. 46. Kaplan R. The clinicide phenomenon: an exploration of medical murder. Australasian Psychiatry. 2007 Aug;15(4):299-304. 47. Kaplan R. Searching the Silver trail: Charles van Onselen, Joe Silver and Jack the Ripper. Australasian Psychiatry. 2007 Jun;15(3):217-21. 48. Kaplan R. The clinicide phenomenon: an exploration of medical murder.Australas Psychiatry. 2007 Aug;15(4):299-304. Review. 49. Kaplan R. Savonarola at the stake: the rise and fall of Roy Meadow.Australas Psychiatry. 2008 Jun;16(3):213-5. 50. Kaplan RM. Doctors, disease and James Joyce.Aust Fam Physician. 2008 Aug;37(8):668-9. 51. Kaplan RM. Being Bleuler: the second century of schizophrenia. Australas Psychiatry. 2008 Oct;16(5):305-11. 52. Kaplan RM. Freud's excellent adventure Down Under: the only publication in Australia by the founder of psychoanalysis. Australas Psychiatry. 2010 Jun;18(3):205-9. 53. Kaplan RM. Doctors, disease and James Joyce. Aust Fam Physician. 2008 Aug;37(8):668-9. 54. Kaplan R. Soaring on the wings of the wind: Freud, Jews and Judaism. Australas Psychiatry. 2009 Aug;17(4):318-25; discussion 326-7. 55. Kaplan RM. Syphilis, sex and psychiatry, 1789-1925: Part 2. Australas Psychiatry. 2010 56. Kaplan RM. Syphilis, sex and psychiatry, 1789-1925: Part 1. Australas Psychiatry. 2010 Feb;18(1):17-21. 57. Kaplan RM. The mind reader: the forgotten life of Hans Berger, discoverer of the EEG. Australas Psychiatry. 2011.
1. Letter : Globus Hystericus. American Journal of Psychiatry. April 1987. 2. Letter : Eating Disorders and Affective Illness. Comprehensive Psychiatry November/December 1987. 3. Letter : Comment on Paul Mullen's article. ANZ Journal of Psychiatry, June 1989. 4. Letter : The Neurological Legacy of Psychoanalysis : Freud as a Neurologist. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1989 Nov-Dec;30(6):567. 5. Letter : Peer Review. ANZ Journal of Psychiatry, 1991 Sep;25(3):301, 304. 6. Letter : Medical Causes of Male Sexual Dysfunction. Medical Journal of Australia, 1991 Oct 7. Letter : Factitious patients with factitious disorders. Medical Journal of Australia, 1992 Mar 8. Letter : The battle of the Couches and the Rats. Medical Journal of Australia, 1992 Mar 16;156(6):439-40. 9. Letter : Use of Buspirone. Australian Prescriber, No 2, 1992. 10. Letter : Psychiatrist-patient Relationships. ANZ Journal of Psychiatry, 1992 Jun;26(2):331-2. 11. Letter : The perils of fragmented sleep. Medical Journal of Australia, 1992 Nov 12. Letter : Modern methods of searching the literature. Medical Journal of Australia, 1993 Mar 13. Letter: Listening to Prozac. Nature 1994 May 19;369(6477):178. 14. Letter : Listening to Prozac. London Review of Books 18 1994, pge 4. 15. Letter : Poppy seed dependence. Medical Journal of Australia, 1994 Jul 18;161(2):176. 16. Letter : Sleep fragmentation presenting with mood changes. ANZ Journal of Psychiatry, 1995; 17. Letter : False Memory Syndrome. ANZ Journal of Psychiatry, 1995 Sep;29(3):516-7. 18. Letter: Psychoanalysis: A reply to Tamas Pataki. Quadrant, July-August 1996. 19. Letter : Compensation, stress and the "V" Code. Medical Journal of Australia 1996 May 20. Letter : Cannabis - deceptive weed or decriminalised drug? Medical Journal of South Africa 21. Letter: Guidelines to the management of disability claims on psychiatric grounds. Medical Journal of South Africa. 1996 Dec; 86(12 Suppl):1614. 22. Letter : Adverse Effect of EMDR : a case report. Kaplan R and Manicavasagar V. ANZ Journal of Psychiatry 1998;32:731-732. 23. Letter : Anorexia, Infertility and pregnancy. Medical Journal of Australia, 1999 October 4;171. 24. Letter: A response to Harari on Shorter. ANZ Journal of Psychiatry, 2000; 168-169. 25. Letter. Why Israeli politicians don't wear ties. Australasian Psychiatry, 2000; 8(3); 266. 26. Letter: The Aversion Project – sex change operations in the SADF: a reply to Dr Venter. Medical Journal of South Africa 2001,91:8, 617-8. 27. Letter: The legal consequences of gender reassignment procedures. South African Medical Journal 2002 Sep;92(9):663. 28. Letter: Hagiographic Treatment of C.G. Jung Am J Psychiatry 2003;160 388. 29. Letter: South African psychiatrists and the Aversion Project. S Afr J Psych 2003: Sept, 52. 30. Kaplan RM. Treating homosexuality as a sickness: psychiatric abuses during apartheid era have not been brought to account. British Medical Journal. 2004 Apr 17;328(7445):956 31. Kaplan RM. Louis Leipoldt. South African Medical Journal 2004 Oct;94(10):796-7. 32. Kaplan RM. Gordon Parker and the Swedish study: unitary psychosis redividus? Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2010 Jul;44(7):677. Papers Presented
The Psychiatric assessment of the Pain Clinic patient, Plenary Session of 10th Annual Meeting of the Australian Pain Society, Canberra, 3 May 1988. Understanding psychiatric diagnosis – A guide to Third Party/ Compensation Cases. Yarran & Baxter Conference on Psychological and Psychiatric Injury. Sydney, 1-2 December 2000. The Aversion Project: Psychiatric abuses in the South African Defence Forces. RANZCP Annual Conference, Canberra, May 2001. Mad, bad and dangerous to know: medical serial killers. RANZCP Annual Conference, Canberra, May 2001. Diagnosis and Mis-diagnosis of stress claims. Yarran & Baxter Conference on Psychological and Psychiatric Injury. Sydney, 29 June 2001. Dr Radovan Karadzic: psychiatrist, poet, soccer coach and genocidal leader. 8th Biennial Conference Australian Society of the History of Medicine: Exploring the Boundaries of Medicine, University of Melbourne. 24th April, 2003. "Postmodern Psychiatry and Clinical Nurse Counsellors" Keynote Address at Innovations in Clinical Practice 2nd Seaside Jamboree, Australian & New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses, Wollongong, 2003. "Schizophrenia in Prehistory." South African Archaeological Association, Annual Conference, Kimberley, Northern Province, South Africa. April 2004. "Schizophrenia in Prehistory" Keynote Address at Illawarra Branch Annual Conference, Australian & New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses, Wollongong, 20 August 2004. "The Origin of schizophrenia in pre-history: a tribute to the work of Professor Timothy Crow." Evolutionary Psychiatry Seminar, St John of God Hospital, Burwood (Dr Gary Galambos) 22 October 2005. "Dr Radovan Karadzic: Psychiatrist, Poet, Soccer Coach and Genocidal Leader." RANZCP Section of Forensic Psychiatry Annual Conference: Hate and Its Offspring, Gold Coast, Queensland 13 August 2005. "Murder by Medical Malice: the love-hate relationship between Dr Harold Shipman and his patients." RANZCP Section of Forensic Psychiatry Annual Conference: Hate and Its Offspring, Gold Coast, Queensland 13 August 2005. The Paleopathology of Syphilis: Following Homo Sapiens into History. South African Association of Professional Archaeologists Bi-annual Meeting. Pretoria April 2006. Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Trance States in San Rock Art Painters. South African Association of Professional Archaeologists Bi-annual Meeting. Pretoria April 2006. The Neuropsychiatry of Shamanism. 6th International Congress of Neuropsychiatry. Sydney, Australia. The Neuropsychiatry of Shamanism. Evolutionary Psychiatry Seminar, St John of God Hospital, Burwood (Dr Gary Galambos) 22 October 2006. Syphilis, sex, society and psychiatry. RANZCP Section of Forensic Psychiatry Annual Conference: Epidemics In Psychiatryannual Conference Coogee Beach, Sydney 12 -14 October 2006, Schizophrenia in prehistory. Cradle of Language conference, Stellenbosch 12 November 2006. Freud, Jews and Judaism. Lecture Series for exhibition Sigmund Freud's Collection: An Archaeology of the Mind 20 February, 2008: "Freud, Jews and Judaism" Held in conjunction with the Sydney Jewish Museum. Expert Panel: Euthanasia Seminar, Sydney Jewish Museum Panel Discussion: Medical Writers. Sydney Jewish Writers Festival, May 2010.
1. Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace. Dynamic Small Business Magazine, December/January 2. Insomnia in the Workplace. Dynamic Small Business Magazine, October/November 1994. 3. Sigmund Freud or Sigmund Fraud? Australian Doctor 19 July 1996. 4. Electrodes - diabetic pain relief?. Hospital & Healthcare, April 1997. 5. Beating Depression. Hospital & Healthcare, June 1997. 6. Why Doctors Deck Themselves. Medical Observer 5 September 1997. 7. Power Shopping. Medical Observer 12 December 1997. 8. Medicine Bottoms Out in the New South Africa. Medical Observer 20 February 1998. 9. Anna O: the case that began and finished psychoanalysis. Medical Observer 24 June 1998. 10. Writing Medico-legal Reports. Medical Observer 24 July 1998. 11. Sybil: was she more profit than prophet? Medical Observer 11 December 1998. 12. Betting an arm, not a leg. Medical Observer 6 August 1999. 13. James Joyce: a medical history. Medical Observer 3 January 2000. 14. Military medicine at history's turning point: the Battle of Stalingrad. Medical Observer 14 April 15. What drove this GP to murder? The case of Dr Harold Shipman. Medical Observer 26 May 16. Taking my own advice. Medical Observer 10 November 2000. 17. Why Oliver Stone was wrong. Medical Observer 24 November 2000. 18. Doctor as demiurge. Quadrant, May 2001. 19. Update Personality Disorders: Part 1. Clinical Manifestations. Medical Observer 17 August 20. Update Personality Disorders: Part 21. Diagnosis and Treatment. Medical Observer 24 21. Update Sleep Violence. Medical Observer 10 May 2002. 22. The Mind of a Serial Killer. Illawarra Mercury Weekender 10 august 2002. 23. Update Kleptomania. Medical Observer 9 August 2002. 1. Presentation: Why Some Doctors Kill. The Health Report, ABC Radio National, 29 July 2002. 2. Medical Serial Killers, The Health Report, ABC Radio National. 3. Schizophrenia and the origin of human nature 13 April 2008. ABC Radio National (Ockhams Razor). 4. Savonarola at the stake: the rise and fall of Professor Sir Roy Meadow 4 November 2007. ABC Radio National (Ockhams Razor). 5. Why 24 April matters: the story of the Armenian genocide. 29 April 2010. ABC Radio National (Ockhams Razor). South African Medical Journal : Letter from Australia Medical Observer : Psychiatry Casebook [1998] Scope: Written Up from Down Under (2008) RANZCP NSW Branch Committee Honorary Lecturer, University of Wollongong – Post Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Science. Masters Degree in Journalism, Wollongong University. Publication & History Committees : RANZCP Evidence: NSW Parliamentary Joint Select Committee on Victims Compensation Tribunal Forward to book Gone to Pot by Raelene Allen. Speech at book launch NSW Parliament House. Supervision of Telephone Counsellors, Lifeline South Coast. MHIP Project Illawarra, GP Phone Support & Practice Liaison. Evidece to Federal Parliament Committee of Inquiry into Insurance Fraud Guest Lecturer University, Tygerberg, Cape, South Africa: history of psychiatry topics. Talks to University of Cape Town Medical Grand Rounds, Medical History Society, Kaplan Institute Department, Joint Meeting Departments Anatomy/Psychiatry, Pretoria University. Guest Lecturer University, Tygerberg, Cape, South Africa. Talks to University of Cape Town History and Contemporary Affairs Society, Department of Genetics, Witwatersrand University Guest Lecturer University, University of Cape, South Africa. Lectures on history, archaeology and psychiatry Lecture to Sydney Jewish Museum/Nicholson Museum at Exhibition of Sigmund Freud's Archaeological Collection: Freud, Jews and Judaism. Lectures: Department of Jewish Studies, University of Cape Town: Freud, Jews and Judaism; Royal Irish Academy of Medicine, Dublin, Ireland: Medical Murder – The psychopaths among us. Nominated for Ned Kelly Award, True Crime category (Medical Murder). Referees
1. Dr Anthony (Tony) Lowy, Bondi Junction, Sydney 2. Professor Garry Walter, University of Sydney 3. Dr Newman Harris, St Leonards, Sydney 4. Dr David Macauley, Newtown, Sydney 5. Dr Charles Doughtney, POW Psychiatric Unit, Randwick, Sydney 6. Victor Kel y, Hunt & Hunt Lawyers, Sydney 7. Karl Foster, McLel ands Lawyers, Sydney 8. Dr Helen Hayward-Brown, Department of Anthropology, University of Western Sydney, Parramatta 9. Professor Charles Van Onselen, University of Pretoria, South Africa 10. Dr Sarah Wurz, Iziko Museum, Cape Town, South Africa. 11. Professor Konrad Kwiet, Department of History, University of Sydney.


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Guideline for the management of nosocomial infections

The Southern African Journal of Epidemiology and Infection 2006; 21 (4):152-160 Guideline for the management of nosocomial infections in South Africa* A Brink, C Feldman, A Duse, D Gopalan, D Grolman, M Mer, S Naicker, G Paget, O Perovic, G Richards Objective: To write a guideline for the management and prevention of nosocomial infections in South Africa in view of the following: i) nosocomial infections are a common and increasing problem globally, including South Africa; ii) widely varying standards of prevention and management of these important infections; iii) increasing and emerging antimicrobial resistance among commonly isolated pathogens, and iv) the significant economic burden of these infections on the healthcare system as well as their impact on patient morbidity and mortality. The main aims of the guideline are to provide recommendations for the initial choice of antimicrobial agents and the appropriate management of these infections encompassing the following conditions: i) nosocomial pneumonia, healthcare-associated pneumonia and ventilator-associated pneumonia; (ii) nosocomial bloodstream infections; (iii) nosocomial intravascular infections; (iv) nosocomial urinary tract infections; (v) nosocomial intra-abdominal infections; and (vi) nosocomial surgical skin and soft-tissue infections. Evidence: Working group of clinicians from relevant disciplines, following detailed literature review. Recommendations: These include details of the likely pathogens, an appropriate diagnostic approach, antibiotic treatment options and appropriate preventive strategies. Endorsement: The guideline document was endorsed by the South African Thoracic Society, the Critical Care Society of Southern Africa and the Federation of Infectious Diseases Societies of Southern Africa. Guideline sponsor: The meeting of the Working Group and the guideline publication were sponsored by an unrestricted educational grant from Sanofi Aventis South Africa.

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