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The microcontroller-based controllers of the DIGITAL MICROFLAT
D(M/E)N. DT(M/E)N.
"N" series are specifically designed to control gas atmospheric burners (with or without fan in the combustion circuit) or oil
atmospheric burners in non-permanent operation applications. These systems are provided with non-volatile or volatile lockout, in
the first case restarting the controller from a safety lockout
condition can be accomplished only by a manual reset of the
system, while in the second case restarting the controller from a
safety lockout condition can be achieved only by the interruption of the power supply and its subsequent restoration (and not by switching the heating demand device). The automatic controllers of this series are suitable for:
Heating boilers;
Hot air generators;
Radiant tube heaters;
Fan-assisted convector heater ;
Monoblock burners.
The DIGITAL MICROFLAT "N" series keeps the main features and reliability of the previous MICROFLAT and DIGITAL MICROFLAT series, and in addition it's got options related to the driving of auxiliary motors, direct current valves, modulating valves among which the new Brahma valve type VCM0x. Besides, this series can be employed also in oil appliances. The flexibility of the microcontroller-base technology creates different possibilities related to the installation times and to the
operation modes. The systems of this series are suitable to be
used in gas fired hot air generators in accordance with EN 525, EN
1020 and EN 1319 standards or in oil fired hot hair generators in
accordance with part 2 of DIN 4794 standard (December 1980
edition related to the hot air generators, only in version TW = 20s
and TS = 5s).
Table 1 and table 2 show the main features of this series. Other
important features are:
EC- type certification (CE PIN
0694BP0610) in accordance with
the European Gas Appliance Directive 90/396/EEC and following amendments of 93/68/EEC Directive;
− In accordance with EN 298:2003-09 (European Standard for
automatic gas burner control systems and flame detection);
− In accordance with EN 230:2005 (European standard for
automatic oil burners control systems and flame detection);
− A microcontroller based technology for precise and repeatable
installation times;
− Two independent safety contacts for driving the gas valve; − Possibility to drive the Brahma modulating valve Type VCM0x; − Possibility to drive the first direct current valves by means of a
high voltage modulator circuit or through a bridge rectifier (integrated);
− Output employable for the control of the second stage
(intermittent pilot system), for the control of auxiliary fans or acting as a NO auxiliary contact (this contact is not isolated from the main supply voltage by reinforced isolation, therefore it not suitable to control SELV circuits – Safety Extra Low Voltage, e.g. 24V);
− inbuilt ignition device completely of solid state design, highly
efficient and equipped with a EMC filter-suppressor;
Nominal power supply voltage
220-240V∼ @ 50-60 Hz
− Possibility of connecting a resistor (100 ÷ 470 Kohm) in series
Power consumption:
to the lockout signal output in order to prevent the controller
Operating temperature:
-20 °C ÷ +70 °C
Max. 95% at +40 °C
damage in case the lockout button connections are inverted by
Protection degree:
chance with the lockout signal connections ;
Internal fuse:
4 A fast-blow type
− Possibility to be connected to a user interface module with
External fuse (recommended):
3.15 A fast-blow type
diagnostic and modulation parameters setting functions;
Max. total weight:
− Flame detection using the rectification property of the flame
(ionization, only for gas appliances) or a photocell (only for the
The external fuse value must be selected according to the maximum applied load. This value must not anyway exceed the
oil appliances). For further information see the paragraph
internal fuse value.
related to the flame monitoring;
− Direct ignition of the burner or ignition by means of an
intermittent pilot;
Waiting/prepurge time (TW/TP):
− Multiple ignition attempts. In the standard mode the controller
Safety time (TS)
proceeds to the lockout condition if no flame is detected at the
end of safety time. Upon request, with option Ynn, it's possible
Spark ignition time (TSP):
to set nn number of recycle attempts before lockout.
Response time in case of flame failure
Possibility to be connected to phase-phase power supply
(GAS versions):
Safety time during operation (OIL
Table 1 – Main features of DIGITAL MICROFLAT "N"
Postpurge times:
series for gas appliances
- for main combustion motor:
- for auxiliary motor:
EN 298
Inter-waiting or Inter-purge time:
Opening delay of EV2 or the auxiliary fan
(opt. Wnn):
Lockout delay due to flame simulation
(opt. Knn):
Lockout on PA failure to close
(opt. Qnn) (6):
Lockout on TC failure to close
(opt. Qnn) (7):
Pre-ignition time:
Recycle attempts:
Maximum contacts rating
Room thermostat:
0.5 A cos ϕ ≥ 0.4
EV1 valve:
− Standard or with opt. C1: 0.5 A cos ϕ ≥ 0.4
− With opt. C(2-3-4-5-6):
EV2 valve – tangential fan:
0.5 A cos ϕ ≥ 0.4
Table 2 – Main features of DIGITAL MICROFLAT "N"
Combustion fan:
0.5 A cos ϕ ≥ 0.4
series for oil appliances
Ignition transformer (8):
0.5 A cos ϕ ≥ 0.4
Preheater (9):
EN 230
Lockout signal:
− Standard
− With opt. R
(10): 0.5 mA cos ϕ = 1
− With opt. F
User interface:
Air pressure switch – Only in the gas versions
Preheater thermostat – Only in the oil versions
Only in versions provided with option "PR" and in the oil versions
Only in the oil versions
Load driven by opto-triac.
(11) Load driven by triac.
Combustion motor-fan
Under-voltage and over-voltage protection:
EV2 valve: this output can be used to signal the flame presence
In case the power supply voltage is lower than about 165VAC or
to a remote device.
higher than 290VAC the controller will go to the safety condition. It
Safety Thermostat: Opening the safety thermostat causes a
will restart when the power supply voltage will be between about
recycle followed by lockout.
175VAC e 280VAC.
Maximum length of external components cables:
Overall dimensions
Room thermostat:
The controllers of the DIGITAL MICROFLAT series can be
Reset – remote lockout signal:
supplied in different executions but with the same case.
Ignition device (high voltage)
Figure 1 shows the controllers overall dimensions.
The rest of the cables (loads power supply cables,
air pressure switch cable and connection cable to the
user interface board)
Flame monitoring – gas versions
The flame detector uses the rectification property of the flame.
An important safety aspect is that the controller is more sensitive to
flame at start or during the waiting/pre-purge time (negative
differential switching).
Minimum ionization current:
Recommended ionization current:
3 ÷ 5 times the
Minimum insulation resistance of
Fig. 1 – Overall dimensions
detection electrode and cable to earth:
Maximum electrode parasitic capacity :
Possible fixing systems
Maximum short-circuit current :
self-tapping screw UNI6951AB 2.9x22
Flame monitoring – Oil versions
screwplast thread forming screw
In this type of application, flame is detected by a sensor or a
ISO0003 F 3.5x13
screwplast thread forming screw
The following table shows the various photocell models produced
ISO0003 F 3.9x13
by BRAHMA and classified according to their sensitivity.
Overall dimensions and fixing templates are shown in paragraph
Employing non-reversible connectors with a different number of
poles makes the connection easy and reliable.
Lateral and frontal
One-way fast-on connectors of different sizes for ignition and detection electrodes permit their easy installation and replacement.
Lateral and frontal
The dual output ignition device allows spark generation on one
Lateral and frontal
point (2a), two points (2b) or between two electrodes isolated from
Lateral and frontal
the metal frame of the burner (2c), see Fig.2. The (2c)
Lateral and frontal
configuration assures a limited EMC emission.
Integrated ignition device (12)
Peak voltage (13):
Peak current:
Spark repetition frequency (14):
Upon request: 1 … 50 Hz
Recommended discharge distance:
Spark Energy:
(12) Available only for gas versions.
(13) Value measured with a 30 pF load.
(14) ATTENTION: The ignition device output is not safe to touch if the
Fig. 2 – Ignition transformer connections
spark repetition frequency is higher than 25Hz; in this case
installation must be provided with further protection.
! In order to further reduce tradio interference and increase the
controller immunity
it's strongly recommended to insert a wire-
wound power resistor with a value between 1kΩ e 4.7kΩ between
The plastic case (and the PCB painting if requested) protect the
the high voltage cables and the related discharge electrodes.
controller against mechanical damage caused by crash, tempering
, dust , and contact with external ambient.
Strain relieves, a sufficient number of earth terminals and neutral
Thanks to a surface mounting components (which constitutes the
terminals should be provided in the appliance or in external
"logic nucleus" of the system) and to the use of an innovative
connection boxes.
patented circuit of ours that generates the ignition discharge
The control systems types DTMN…/DTEN… are provided with the
reducing to the minimum the emitted EMC, have allowed to reduce
possibility to be connected to a safety thermostat TS (as shown in
the dimensions of the controller PCB. So that even the most
Fig.3) which interrupts the EV1 gas valve power supply and causes
complicated version takes a very limited space.
a safety lockout after a delay which is the sum of waiting (or pre-
A varistor protects the controller from peak tensions on the mains
purge) and safety times. If a self-resetting safety thermostat is
supply due to, for instance, atmospheric discharges such as
applied (a condition existing exclusively in the manual rest
thunderbolts. An internal accessible fuse protects the controller
controllers), the restoration time of this thermostat in the appliance
relays in case of short circuit on the outputs (valves, fan and
must be longer than the total time needed for the maximum
lockout signal).
allowed number of re-ignition attempts in order to reach lockout.
Installation directions
− The controllers are safety devices; guarantee and
responsibility of the manufacturer will be debarred if the products are tempered with by the user;
− The system is designed to stay in running position for less than
24h (system for non-permanent operation). Reaching this limit causes a regulation shutdown in order to allow the controller to check its efficiency.;
− The controller must be connected and disconnected without
− The controller can be mounted in any position;
Fig. 3 – Safety thermostat connection
− Avoid exposure to dripping water;
− A ventilated installation ambient and a quite low temperature
Standard accessories
ensure the longest life of the controller;
The control systems are usually supplied with a kit of female
− Before installing or replacing the controller make sure that its
connectors and/or a reset button (see Fig.2).
type, code and times are those required;
Do not fit terminals and female connectors of different types.
− The appliance in which the controllers are installed must
provide adequate protection against the risk of electric shock
Electrical installation
− The applicable national regulation and European standards
(Ex. EN 60335-1/ EN 50165) related to the electrical safety must be respected;
− The gas versions, supplied with detection electrode, can be
equipped with a polarity recognition. Not respecting the phase-neutral polarity causes a non-volatile lockout at the end of the safety time ;
Before starting the system check the wiring carefully. Wrong
connections can damage the controller and compromise safety;
− The earth terminal of the controller, the metal frame of the
burner and the earth on the mains supply must be well connected;
− Avoid putting the detection cable close to power or ignition
Use a heat resistant detection electrode well insulated to ground and protected from possible moisture (or water in
Fig. 4 – Standard accessories
− Use an ignition cable as short and straight as possible and
keep it far from other conductors to reduce the EMC emission
The following figure shows the various types of flame sensors
(max. length< 2m and insulation voltage >25 kV).
produced by BRAHMA and employable in the oil appliances.
In case of live-neutral networks with unearthed neutral or live-live
network (with star center not earthed) the controller can operate
FC13-FC14 drilling plane
FC11 drilling plane
correctly by means of a built-in resistor.
In the gas versions and in case of a "partial" short circuit or
dispersion between phase and earth, the tension on the detection
electrode can be reduced till causing lockout of the controller due
to impossibility of detecting the flame signal.
Checking at start Check the controller before the first star-up, after every overhaul
and after a long period of non operation.
Before any ignition attempt make sure that the combustion
chamber is free from gas, then make sure that:
− If the start-up attempt occurs without gas supply the controller
goes to lockout at the end of safety time ;
− When gas flow is interrupted (while the controller is in running
state) the power supply to gas valves is interrupted within 1 second and the controller proceeds to lockout after a recycle (or more than one recycle up to max. 10 according to the
− Operating times and cycle are in compliance with the ones
declared for the used controller type;
Fig. 5 – fixing systems of FC1(1-3-4) sensors
− The level of the flame signal is sufficient (see Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 Flame failure during the safety time causes the ignition device to
for the measuring method to be adapted in case of controllers
be activated within 1 second.
for gas and oil appliances respectively);
See cycle diagram to better understand the operation of each
− The ignition electrodes are adjusted in the most stable way for
a 2-4 mm air spark gap;
− The intervention of regulators, limiters or safety devices causes
OIL versions - Operation
a shut down of the controller according to the application type.
The following description refers to the standard operation cycle
At every start the controller proceeds to a self-checking of its own components. When the room thermostat is closet the preheter is energized immediately; once the correct oil temperature is obtained the preheater thermostat switches and signals the start of the ignition cycle to the controller: the burner motor and the ignition
transformer are energized ( Pre-purge time TP and pre-ignition time) and the operation of the flame amplifier is checked. Any fault leading to a spurious flame signal prevents the controller from starting which causes a lockout within 10 seconds. In case the preheater thermostat opens during pre-purge time, the controller deactivates the motor fan and the ignition transformer and
proceeds to the waiting position. This condition remains till the
Fig. 7 – Flame signal measurement method in gas
preheater thermostat closes again; conversely the controller goes
to lockout within 10 minutes.
At the end of pre-purge time TP, the safety time begins and the
controller energizes the EV1 valve. If no flame is detected within
The measurement of the ionization current can be effected the end of safety time TS, then the controller goes to lockout and
exclusively in the controllers configured for dual electrode.
de-energizes the motor fan, the ignition transformer and especially
In controllers configured for single electrode it's dangerous for the
the EV1 valve while the lockout signal is activated. Conversely, at
user to insert a measurement instrument in series with the detection
the end of the safety time TS the ignition transformer is deactivated
and the second stage valve EV2 is energized.
Terminal J5
See cycle diagram to better understand the operation of each
Operation cycle variation
The possible cycle variations of the controllers are as follows:
Option 6 ("A", "B"): ignition mode
V< 0,8VDC
The spark can be activated during all the safety time TS (option "A") or deactivated immediately when a flame signal is detected (Option "B").
Option 9 ("C3", "C4", "C5"): BRAHMA modulating valve type
VCM0x with soft-start function
The soft-start function allows the controller to control the value of the valve supply current avoiding the maximum opening of the
Terminal J6 – Neutral
valve during ignition (option "C3"), during ignition and the delay
time for the attainment of the second range value (option "C4) or
Fig. 8 – Flame signal measurement method in oil
during ignition, the delay time for the attainment of the second
range value and the operational state (option "C5") .
Option 11 ("X", "Wnn"): opening mode of the second stage
GAS versions - Operation
valve EV2 or of the auxiliary fan
The following description refers to the standard operation cycle
The second stage valve or the auxiliary fan can be energized at
the end of the safety time (options "X") or with a delay (expressed
At every start the controller proceeds to a self-checking of its own
in seconds) settable upon request (option "Wnn").
components. During waiting time (TW) or pre-purge time (TP) the
Option 12 ("K", "Knn"):
internal circuit monitors the correct functioning of the flame signal
If a spurious flame is detected at start-up or during safety/prepurge
amplifier: A spurious flame signal or a fault in the amplifier which
time, the controller proceeds to immediate lockout (option "K") or
corresponds to the flame condition prevent the controller from
with a delay (expressed in seconds) settable upon request (option
In the types provided with fan control, before pre-purge time starts,
Option 13 ("Qnn"): failure or insufficiency of air flow at start-up
the controller checks the air pressure switch contacts to ensure a
(GAS versions) or preheater thermostat failure to close (OIL
'no air-flow' condition. Only if the test is positive the pre-purge time
(TP) starts due to the commutation of the air pressure switch.
The controller locks out within 3÷120 seconds (the time is settable
At the end of the waiting (TW) or pre-purge time (TP) the EV1
upon request) if insufficient or no air flow is found or if the
valve and ignition device are energised and the safety time begins
preheater thermostat fails to switch during waiting/pre-purge time).
Option 14 ("S", "Snn"): failure or insufficiency of air flow (GAS
If flame is detected during the safety time the ignition device is de-
versions) or preheater thermostat failure to open (OIL versions)
energised and, in the models where it is provided, the main gas
in running position
valve EV2 energized. Conversely, if no flame is detected during the
− In case of air flow failure ( GAS versions) or preheater
safety time then at the end of the same the controller proceeds to
thermostat failure to open (OIL versions) in operational state,
lockout, the EV1 valve is closed, the ignition device is de-energised
the controller goes to lockout immediately (option "S") or after
and the lockout signal is activated.
"nn" number of events (option "Snn").
Option 15 ( "V", "Vnn"): Flame failure in running position
Controller reset
In case of flame failure in operational state, the controller proceeds
Non-volatile lockout (manual reset)
to lockout immediately (option "V") or after "nn" number of events
When the controller goes to a non-volatile lockout, in order to reset
the system the reset button must be pressed till the lockout signal
Option 17 ("Pnn", "PTnn"): post-purge time on the main
combustion motor fan
A post-purge action on the main combustion motor fan is effected
Volatile lockout (electrical reset)
(the time is settable upon request).
In case of a volatile lockout the controller can be reset by
With option "Pnn" post-purge is effected regardless of heating
interrupting and then restoring the power supply. It's not possible to
demand; conversely, with option "PTnn" post-purge can be
reset the system by shutting off the heating demand device.
interrupted by the heating demand restoration and consequently
the controller goes to an ignition recycle.
Communication interface
Option 18 ("Onn"): post-purge time on the auxiliary motor
In case option no. 26 ("U") is required, the ignition and flame
A 1 to 500 s post-purge action on the auxiliary fan is effected (the
monitoring device can send and receive data according to a low
time is settable upon request). This option can be implemented
speed communication protocol developed by BRAHMA S.p.A .
only in the controllers provided with auxiliary fan management
The main function of this communication protocol is diagnosing
the controller status and setting the modulation parameters in case
Option 19 ("Ynn"): recycle attempts
the BRAHMA modulating valve type VCM0x is employed.
The controller effects multiple recycle attempts after lockout (the
attempts number is settable upon request).
Option 20 ("Dnn"): recycle attempts due to ignition or flame
failure in running position
The controller makes "nn" number of recycles due to ignition failure at the end of safety time or to flame failure in running position.
Option 21 ("Inn"): inter-waiting or inter-purge time
DMNxx controller
A waiting or pre-purge time (expressed in seconds) starts after a failed ignition attempt and before the next recycle attempt.
Option 23 ("G"): Air pressure switch or preheater thermostat
The controller starts its ignition cycle without checking the air pressure switch (in the gas versions) or the preheater thermostat
Low-profile connector for
(in the oil versions).
the connection to user
Option 24 ("Jnn"): pre-ignition time
The transformer is activated at the end of the waiting/purge time
and before the beginning of the safety time (time is settable upon request. NOTE: in the OIL versions the pre-ignition time coincides with the pre-purge time .
N Output digital signal Input digital signal
Fig. 9 – Connection diagram between BRAHMA DMN controller
and the related interface board
D (1) (2)
N (3) (4) (5)
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28)
Type description
Safety thermostat (ST)
No letter:
Safety thermostat not available. Standard mode
With safety thermostat
Type lockout
Non –volatile lockout
Volatile lockout
Combustion motor fan
Intermittent first stage
Ignition transformer – Controller version (GAS - OIL)
No letter:
Controller for GAS applications – Integrated ignition transformer. This is the standard mode
Remote electronic ignition transformer.
Controller for OIL applications – Remote electronic ignition transformer
Options description
Ignition mode
No letter:
Ignition spark operates for TSP time (TS-1). Standard mode
Ignition spark operates for TS
Ignition spark is switched off when flame presence is detected
Note: Options "A" and "B" are available in dual-electrode version (separate ignition and detection electrodes)only.
Peak ignition voltage of the integrated transformer (GAS version only)
No letter:
15 kV. Standard mode
Spark frequency of the ignition transformer
No number:
25 Hz. Standard mode
See "Ignition transformer" in
First stage gas valve EV1
No letter:
Standard valve in alternate current. Standard mode
230VDC valve with an embodied rectification bridge (Graetz) and a protection resistor against peak current
BRAHMA valve type VCM0x
BRAHMA valve type VCM0x with soft-start current control during the safety cycle time
BRAHMA valve type VCM0x with soft-start current control during the safety cycle time and soft-start current control during a waiting time before passing to the max power.
BRAHMA valve type VCM0x with soft-start current control during the safety cycle time, during the waiting time and during the running position.
Generic 230VDC valve : possibility to drive it by means of an in-built modulator circuit
Note: The soft start function allows to control the modulation current value in order to check if it remains within a specific gap. This control permits
to check if any circuital fault is present in the controller. In case the controller detects a modulation current value outside of the specific gap, it goes to the lockout condition.
First stage gas valve EV1 series BRAHMA type VCM0x – Working feature
Not available. Standard mode
1 gas valve used for intermittent first stage (see
"OPERATION CYCLE" paragraph)
1 gas valve used for slow opening application (see
"OPERATION CYCLE" paragraph)
2 gas valves used for intermittent first stage (see
"OPERATION CYCLE" paragraph)
2 gas valves used for slow opening application (see
"OPERATION CYCLE" paragraph)
Opening of the second stage gas valve EV2 or the auxiliary combustion motor when the flame is present
No delay time . Standard mode
At the end of the TS time
With delay if requested (see
"TECHNICAL DATA" paragraph)
Nota: Options "X" and "Wnn" (in case of the second stage gas valve EV2) are available only in dual electrodes configuration (sparking electrode
and ionization electrode are separated).
Lockout for flame simulation
Not available (the control remains in continuous waiting/pre-purge state). Standard mode
Lockout condition
Lockout condition with delay if requested (see
"TECHNICAL DATA" paragraph)
No or insufficient air flow at starting (gas versions); no switching of the thermostat TC at starting (oil versions)
The controller remains in stand-by condition (gas version); or proceeds to lockout condition after 10 min from the starting cycle (oil version). Standard mode
Lockout condition with delay if requested (see
"TECHNICAL DATA" paragraph)
Options description
No or insufficient air flow (gas versions) at running or thermostat TC opening (oil versions) at running
Safety shutdown followed by stand-by condition. Standard mode
Lockout condition without delay
The controller proceeds to the lockout condition after a certain number "nn" of air pressure switch failures or preheater thermostat failures in running position.
Flame failure at running
Recycling. Standard mode
Lockout condition without delay
The controller goes to lockout condition after a "nn" number of losing flame signal from running position. (see
"TECHNICAL DATA" paragraph)
Connection to the mains supply (available for GAS versions only)
Live-neutral polarized (phase sensitive control). Standard mode
Post-purge of the main motor fan
No post-purge. Standard mode
The post-purge time is set if requested (see
"TECHNICAL DATA" paragraph) and it cannot be interrupted by the heating demand restoration
The post-purge time is set if requested (see
"TECHNICAL DATA" paragraph) and it can be interrupted by the heating demand restoration
Post-purge of the auxiliary motor (with option "T1" only)
No post-purge. Standard mode
The post-purge time is set if requested (see
"TECHNICAL DATA" paragraph) and it cannot be interrupted by the heating demand restoration
Recycle attempts due to ignition failure
Single ignition cycle after a controller shut down. Standard mode
Multiple recycle attempts if requested (see
"TECHNICAL DATA" paragraph)
Recycle attempts due to ignition or flame failure in running position
No recycle attempts due to ignition failure and no recycle attempts due to flame failure in running state, are independent from each other. Standard mode
Number of recycle attempts due to ignition failure and number of recycle attempts due to flame failure in running state , are dependent from each other.
Inter-waiting or inter-purge time
No inter-waiting or inter-purge time. Standard mode
The inter-waiting/inter-purge time is set if requested (see
"TECHNICAL DATA" paragraph)
Lockout indicator output
High voltage output without any protection against cabling mistakes of the reset push button. Standard mode
Presence of a internal resistor to protect the reset push button against the inversion of its connections
Output for lockout signals with current higher than 50mA
Checking of the air pressure switch for gas versions or the preheater thermostat for oil versions
Checking of the air pressure switch or the preheater thermostat. Standard mode
Without checking of the air pressure switch or the preheater thermostat
Note: controls with option "G" are intended for special applications where a check of the air flow is not required by the standard appliance.
Without pre-ignition. Standard mode
The pre-ignition time is set if requested (see
"TECHNICAL DATA" paragraph)
Note: Option "J" is available in dual electrodes version only (separate ignition and ionization electrodes).
User interface
No user interface. Standard mode
Presence of the user interface module type BRAHMA (see
"TECHNICAL DATA" paragraph)
* Note:
Letter "n" represents the reference number of the user interface. More details are available in user interface module of DMN controller data sheet.
Second stage valve EV2 output – Auxiliary combustion motor fan – Auxiliary contact
Second stage gas valve EV2 output (intermittent pilot appliances). Standard mode
Auxiliary combustion motor fan output
No auxiliary contact (this contact is not isolated from the main supply voltage by reinforced isolation, therefore it not suitable to control SELV circuits – Safety Extra Low Voltage, e.g. 24V)
The wiring diagrams below show the most complete versions of the controller. It is easy to understand which parts can be present or absent according to the different options requested.
Type DTMN32 in dual electrodes mode
Type DTMN32 in mono-electrode mode
Type DTMN32O
NOTES 1) In the versions without fan motor (DMN11, DEN12,…) J2 connector is not present.
2) Controllers with option "U" connected to a BRAHMA interface with the function as a room thermostat , the thermostat T must be short-
3) Reset push button is not wired in an electrical reset device.
4) In the versions fitted with "T1" option (with auxiliary fan) the second gas valve symbol is replaced by the auxiliary fan
In the devices fitted with "T2" option (with NO auxiliary contact) there is not a second gas valve symbol and pin n°. 18 and 19 are represented by abbreviations "C" (COMMON) and "NA" (NORMAL OPEN).
5) In the versions without safety thermostat TS, the connection is not available. 6) In the versions without option "U" (interface module BRAHMA type 807) the connector J8 is not available. 7) In case of the preheater is absent , TC thermostat must be short circuited by means of an external bridge.
Notes to dispose the device
Containing electronic components, the control unit cannot be dispose as a domestic rubbish. For a correct disposing of the device, it is necessary to consult the local references concerning the special rubbishes.
DMN11 - DEN11
DMN12 - DEN12
DMN31 - DEN31 - DMN31O - DEN31O
DMN32 - DEN32 - DMN32O - DEN32O
Note 1: in case of controller for oil appliances, the ignitor transformer is supplied during the entire prepurge time TP.
OPTION Q – No or
OPTION Q – No restoration of
insufficient air flow
the air pressure switch
1. Lock-out condition with delay available.
2. Inter-waiting or inter-purge time available.
As a special setting the waiting/pre-purge time between each recycling attempt may be replaced by an inter-waiting/inter-purge time, if this sequence is allowed by final appliance.
3. Pre –ignition time available. In the oil versions the pre-ignition time and the pre-purge time are the same. 4. Second stage ignition delay time available.
-- 2° level
-- 1° level
DMN31 – DEN31
DMN32 – DEN32
-- 2°level
-- 1° level
1. The same behaviour is for the auxiliary cross flow fan in case of option "Onn".
2. The timing to pass from the first modulating level to the second one, is settable upon request.
> CompanATTENTION -> Company Brahma S.p.A. declines any responsibility for any damage resulting from the Customer's interfering with the device
Via del Pontiere, 31
37045 Legnago (VR)
Tel. +39 0442 635211 - Telefax +39 0442 25683
2011/06/07 Subject to amendments without notice
http://www.brahma.it E-mail :
[email protected]
Source: http://www.shigas.ir/en/PDF/brahma/iaf/ds_02.pdf
SERVICIO DE SALUD DEL PRINCIPADO DE ASTURIAS Síndrome Confusional Agudo (Delirium)"Guía práctica de diagnóstico y tratamiento" Depósito Legal:????? "Guía prácticade diagnósticoy tratamiento" Mª Isabel Ruiz, Unidad de Psiquiatría de Enlace Valentín Mateos, Servicio de Neurología Héctor Suárez, Servicio de Medicina Interna II
Pain Physician 2007; 10:573-578 • ISSN 1533-3159 Case Report Treatment of CRPS with ECT Marie Wojcik Wolanin,MD, Vasko Gulevski, MD, and Robert J. Schwartzman, MD From: Drexel University College of Background: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a well-established treatment method for medically refractory depression. ECT has also been used in the treatment of pain for