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Appendix 2 CBC Video Cases
Each video case corresponds to specific chapters. See the correlation table below fordetails.
Video Case 1: Chapters 1, 2, 3Video Case 2: Chapters 4, 6, 8Video Case 3: Chapters 4, 5, 16Video Case 4: Chapters 8, 9Video Case 5: Chapters 4, 11, 13Video Case 6: Chapters 10, 16Video Case 7: Chapter 14, 15
CBC Video Case 1
Trouble in Toyland
According to the Canadian Toy Association, the toy
and margins. On the other hand, you have small inde-
industry in Canada represents $1.4 billion in sales.
pendent chains, such as Ottawa's Mrs. Tiggy Winkles,
Despite the size of the marketplace, many companies
which operates only five outlets and features tradi-
are struggling as the market becomes increasingly
tional and retro toys.
unpredictable. Sales of traditional toys fell by almost
3 percent in 2003, and by 5 percent in 2004 according
to the NPD Group Inc. Technology is playing a bigger
Identify the key trends that are affecting the toy
and bigger role in the industry. Children are increas-
industry and demonstrate why a player in the toy
ingly sophisticated, and every day children seem to be
industry should be aware of these trends.
growing older faster! Because of "age compression,"
How can relationship marketing and market orien-
toys are being put aside sooner in favour of electronic
tation help small toy retailers such as Mrs. Tiggy
gadgets, such as cellphones, computer games, and
Winkles survive? What value can it create for its
even electronic organizers. Though some companies
are struggling, others, such as Spin Master Ltd., seem
to be on the road to success. Its vision is to be a com-
Sources: Peggy Cunningham wrote this case based on the CBC
pany that understands kids in general versus one that
Marketplace video "Trouble in Toyland" and the following articles:
manufacturers toys. Retailers, like manufacturers, are
"Hot Toys For The Holidays?" Canadian Toy Association press release, www.cdntoyassn.com/mnews.htm; Paul-Mark Rendon, "Campaign
under pressure to keep pace with competition and
ushers back Irwin Toys," Marketing Magazine, January 12, 2004; "Toys
changing tastes. On one hand, you find the giant dis-
"R" Us acquired by investment group," Marketing Daily, Friday, March
count retailers, such as Wal-Mart (which is now the
18, 2005; "Toy companies expand into home décor," Marketing Daily,
number-one toy retailer), putting pressure on prices
Tuesday, February 15, 2005, www.marketingmag.ca.
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Appendix 2 CBC Video Cases
CBC Video Case 2
Buying Into Sexy
Canadian children 8 to 14 years of age have lots of dis-
To speak to this market, celebrities are often hired.
cretionary money. They spend $1.7 billion of their own
Take a recent ad campaign for Candies shoes. It fea-
cash on a huge range of products. Marketers are well
tured pop star Ashlee Simpson, who some consider a
aware of this group's buying power and it's not sur-
relatively "good girl" with a wholesome image. The
prising that they are targeting this segment.
Candies ad shows a scantily clad Simpson wearing a
However, what children in this age group are buy-
pair of Candies high heels. A teddy bear is tucked in the
ing and what is being marketed to them is causing
corner. Says Candies' CEO, Neil Cole, the ad shows "a
some concern. Video games featuring scantily clad
young girl who's growing up."
women and music videos with overt sexual imagery
The trend may be the result of what's called "age
are aimed at both sexes, while "sexy" clothing and
compression." Children are adopting the behaviours
accessories are aimed particularly at very young girls.
and tastes traditionally associated with older people.
Take the case of "sex bracelets," for example. They're
Instead of dolls and building blocks, children today are
cheap, colourful jelly bracelets that carry sexual con-
demanding electronic gadgets like cell phones and
notations. As one tween noted, "Pink means ‘kiss,' and
iPods. Nonetheless, critics are asking where we should
white means "lap dance." Some wear them because
draw the line and question if the trend towards "buy-
they are "fun," and tweens may not fully understand
ing into sexy" is the result of exploiting a vulnerable
the sexual connotations.
Some analysts believe the trend towards mimick-
ing and valuing sexual imagery starts at a very young
age, as young as four years of age, with the marketing
What factors in the marketing environment (tech-
of products like the "Bratz" dolls. These toys feature
nical, demographic, lifestyle, social and cultural)
skimpy clothing and heavy make-up. Marketed along
have contributed to the attitudes many tween girls
with the dolls is the Bratz "Superstyling Funktivity
have about buying and wearing provocative cloth-
Book," which is aimed at six-year-olds and covers top-
ing? (Hint: think about what has happened to fam-
ics like "luscious lip tips," "design your own sexy skirt,"
ilies as well as to children themselves.)
and "tips on being an irresistible flirt." Visit any mall,
Big questions arise about whether marketers are
and you'll find entire chains devoted to young shop-
responding to market demands and are just pro-
pers full of racy clothing, make-up and lingerie for girls
viding the services and products that this age
who may not have hit puberty.
group demands, or whether they are creating the
The buying and wearing of such products is some-
demand with inappropriate imagery and then
times causing a lot of dissention between children and
feeding it with products and services. Discuss how
their parents. While kids feel a lot of pressure to be like
a marketer's ethical responsibility would change
their friends, some parents don't want their children
under these two different points of view.
dressing in a sexy style or using products like video
games traditionally aimed at older consumers. In other
Sources: "Buying into Sexy: The sexing up of tweens," CBC
cases, parents are too busy to pay much attention to
Marketplace, Broadcast: January 9, 2005; "Sex sells: Marketing and
what their kids are doing, watching or accessing over
'age compression'," CBC Marketplace, Broadcast: January 9, 2005.
the Internet.
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Appendix 2 CBC Video Cases
CBC Video Case 3
Mining Your Business
At the heart of any good marketing practice are the
When it comes to the use of technology to create
concepts of market segmentation, target marketing,
vast databases and target customers, marketers must
and positioning. Without good information about con-
ask themselves not just what they can do using tech-
sumers' needs, attitudes, and buying behaviour, this
nology to gather information and compile integrated
entire process breaks down. However, many con-
databases, but also what they should do to truly create
sumers believe that the gathering of information for
value and respect customers rights.
marketing purposes violates their rights and their pri-
vacy. Accurate, timely information about consumers is
especially important for the direct marketing industry.
Registered education savings plans are big busi-
It comprises organizations that send material directed
ness, and Canadians have plunked $12.8 billion
personally to you, the consumer. It may be delivered
into these plans to help finance the mounting cost
through the mail, over the Internet, by telephone, or by
of postsecondary education for their children.
email. Direct marketers include companies as varied as
Growth in these plans has exploded. In Ontario
Microsoft Canada, The Shopping Channel, Reader's
alone, 14 firms are registered as scholarship plan
Digest, and Allianz (sellers of registered education
dealers. The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)
plans) as well as the many charities operating in
recently uncovered numerous problems involving
sales practices within the industry. The three
Many in the direct marketing industry are aware
largest players in the sector are Allianz Education
of the challenges associated with consumer resent-
Funds Inc., CST Consultants Inc., and USC
ment and the need to respect privacy. They have strict
Education Savings Plans Inc. They account for
internal policies about how information will be gath-
nearly $5 billion in assets and more than 600 000
ered, protected, and used. Other firms, unfortunately,
plans. If the industry cannot improve its practices,
are abusing the goodwill of consumers and may be
regulators will soon step in. If you were a senior
damaging the image of an entire industry in the
marketing and sales manager at Allianz, what poli-
process. Of particular concern are companies, such as
cies would you put in place to improve the data
Growing Families, that gather information and then
gathering and sales practices of your firm to
sell it to other firms. Growing Families is a firm that
ensure consumer satisfaction and privacy
goes to maternity wards to take pictures of newborns.
New parents fill out forms to receive their pictures and
provide a lot of personal information in the processes.
Sources: Peggy Cunningham wrote this case based on the CBC
Growing Families sells this information to their part-
Marketplace video "Mining Your Business" and the following articles:Rebecca Harris, "Hitting the Target," Marketing Magazine, July 4,
ner firms—companies such as Allianz and Procter &
2005, www.marketingmag.ca; Karen Howlett And Paul Waldie, "The
Gamble, who have products of relevance to new
Ontario Securities Commission cracks down on RESP sector," Globe
and Mail, July 16, 2004, http://www.vaninvestor.com/You/RESP/OSC_cracksdown_resp.htm.
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Appendix 2 CBC Video Cases
CBC Video Case 4
The Rebirth of a Brand: Avery Wines
The American Marketing Association defines a brand
savings into the development of the vineyard and were
as "a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combi-
carrying almost a million dollars in debt. Cash flow
nation of them, intended to identify the goods or serv-
was, therefore, a big problem for them. The good news
ices of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate
was that all of the wines were made exclusively from
them from those of competitors." Avery Wines
organically grown grapes.
engaged Bernie Hadley-Beauregard, owner of
Bernie had a very short timeline in which to rein-
Brandever Strategy Inc., to rebrand and reposition
vent the brand. If the project could not be completed
their winery. When Brandever undertakes a project, it
before the important Christmas selling season, the
takes a broader definition of the branding and com-
winery would probably go into bankruptcy. The new
munication task than the above definition suggests.
brand name, Lotusland, was developed after a lot of
According to their website (www.brandever.com):
thought and negotiation with the winery owners.
Our core belief is that everything matters.
Competitive advantage and marketing impact are
increased significantly once a company adopts a
Provide clear reasons why Avery wines needed a
holistic, interwoven approach to its communica-
new brand. In formulating your answer, be sure to
tion [and branding] endeavours. It all begins with
think about the past experiences that consumers
a thorough understanding of all touch points that
may have had with this wine.
a prospect, stakeholder or customer has with your
Why do many firms, like Avery Wines, neglect
company: every phone call, email, printed mate-
rial, package, and web communication. Each is a
vital marketing event; an opportunity to define
Some brand researchers suggest that a brand is
and differentiate and advance your firm, your
the totality of what is experienced by customers,
offerings. In essence, Brandever advocates that
and that brands do not have meanings until the
marketing should not be interpreted as a depart-
product has a history and customers have experi-
ment, but rather a mindset. A shared frame of ref-
enced the brand over time. What meanings does
erence adopted throughout an organization. A
the new Lotusland brand suggest? In formulating
powerful force.
your answer, think about how the new brand has
appropriated cultural icons as part of the branding
Hadley-Beauregard had a big job ahead of him
effort and why getting adoption of the product in
when he took on the Avery project, a family-owned
fine restaurants was one of the keys to success of
winery located just west of Abbotsford in B.C.'s Fraser
the project.
Valley. Avery Winery and their promise of "A'Very Fine
Wine" was a play on words based on the surnames of
Sources: Peggy Cunningham wrote this case based on the CBC
the owners, David and Liesbeth (Liz) Avery. The winery
Marketplace program "Avery Wines—The Brand Man," aired February
was born in 1998. The owners had invested their life
8, 2004; and the following websites; http://winesofcanada.com/bc_fraser.html and www.brandever.com
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Appendix 2 CBC Video Cases
CBC Video Case 5
The Bait in Rebates
Walk into many retail stores or thumb through the
action. Sony and Staples, for example, have moved
advertisements in your local newspaper and it seems
their rebate systems to the Internet so that the process
as if almost any product you are thinking of buying
of claiming the rebate can be streamlined. In 2005,
comes with the offer of a rebate. Many retailers and
Best Buy and Future Shop announced that they will no
manufacturers love them because they tend to boost
longer stock products that are tied to mail-in rebates.
short-term sales. Rebates are featured on products as
varied as automobiles, computers, stereos, and pleas-
ure boat navigation systems. However, despite the fact
What types of products are most likely to use
that the "carrot" of a price reduction is dangled in front
rebates? Are rebates an effective way of adding
of consumers to get them to purchase today, many
value to a product or a service?
rebates are never claimed. In fact, redemption rates
Marketers recognize that consumers often actively
vary from a startling 1 to 50 percent even when a $100
process price information, interpreting prices in
rebate is offered. Today's consumers are time pressed
terms of their knowledge from prior purchasing
and may not want the hassle of sending in the bar code,
experience, formal communications (advertising,
their original receipt, and the required photocopies.
sales calls, and brochures), informal communica-
Retailers are heavy users of mail-in rebates. In an
tions (friends, colleagues, or family members), and
era of growing price competition, rebates allow retail-
point-of-purchase or online resources. Marketers
ers to advertise significantly lower prices than is pos-
know that purchase decisions are based on how
sible with such tactics as everyday low pricing. Such
consumers perceive prices. Explain how you think
pricing gets consumers into the store and provides the
rebates affect consumers' price perceptions.
retailer's sales staff with the opportunity to convince
the buyer to make the purchase on the spot.
Do you think the use of rebates is ethical and fair
Manufacturers, such as Sony, also use their own rebate
to all stakeholders (customers, retailers, manufac-
programs. Manufacturers often cooperate with retail-
turers, competitors, the general public)? Provide
ers and help pay for the costs of rebate programs
clear criteria for your opinion, and clearly state the
either by providing lower large-order minimums or
reasons why you have drawn your conclusion.
through cooperative programs. Some people wonder
Sources: Peggy Cunningham wrote this case based on the CBC
why they just can't get their rebate at the checkout
Marketplace program "The Bate in Rebates," January 2, 2005; and
counter. Manufacturers cling to the mail-in rebate sys-
the following articles: Wayne Mouland, "Rebates rule!" Marketing
tem to obtain demographic information pertaining to
Magazine, October 18, 2004, www.marketingmag.ca; David Menzies,
the purchasers of their products and don't want to give
"Mail-in rebates RIP," Marketing Magazine, September 12, 2005,www.marketingmag.ca.
control of this information to their retailers.
Faced with a growing mountain of complaints,
some retailers and manufacturers have started to take
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Appendix 2 CBC Video Cases
CBC Video Case 6
Earth Energy Systems
With energy costs for cooling and heating with conven-
Geothermal systems also have commercial appli-
tional fuels going through the roof, the time may finally
cations. They can be used to heat offices, stores, hotels,
be right for geothermal heating. While the technology
schools, hospitals, and even recreational facilities. For
has been available for 20 years, consumers have been
example, the Glenboro Curling Club in southwestern
skeptical about the viability of such a system.
Manitoba recently installed a system which not only
Geothermal systems use a series of pipes buried
keeps the club's dressing rooms warm, but also keeps
15 metres underground. They transfer naturally occur-
the ice sheets cold.
ring heat (the heat the land absorbs from the sun) from
Manitoba has taken the lead provincially in terms
the ground below the frost line into a building during
of having the highest adoption rates of geothermal
winter, converting it into warm air and distributing it
systems. However, adoption rates for these alternative
through ducts. In summer, the system is reversed to
energy systems is still quite low compared to countries
transfer heat out of the building, where it uses the
like Iceland, for example, where geothermal heating
cooler ground as a heat sink. The efficiency of the sys-
accounts for 50 percent of the country's heat develop-
tem is one of their major advantages. The heat
obtained from the ground (via the condenser) is much
greater than the electrical energy that is required to
drive the various components of the system.
Who do you think would be the most likely early
In an era where green house gases and global
adopters of geothermal heating systems in your
warming are becoming major concerns, geothermal
heat pump systems present an attractive alternative
Describe a marketing program you could use to
energy source. They are one of the most environmen-
target this group and build awareness about this
tally friendly heating systems available. Moreover,
type of system.
once they are installed, these systems offer homeown-
ers the opportunity to significantly reduce their heating
If you were a salesperson representing a company
costs. While geothermal systems still use electricity to
selling these systems, describe the tactics you
run the components, they use up to 75 percent less
would use to address the concerns a potential
electricity than conventional heating or cooling sys-
consumer might have about this type of system.
tems. Geothermal systems can also reduce green-
Sources: CBC Venture, "Energy: Sawdust to Bio-oil," aired January 23,
house gas emissions by 66 percent or more, compared
2005; "Curling club keeps cool with new geothermal heating system,"
with conventional heating and cooling systems that
CBC News, October 27, 2006; "Geothermal Power Latest News,"
use fossil fuels. Finally, the systems are misers when it
November 9, 2006, http://www.alternative-energy-news.info/
comes to maintenance costs.
geothermal-power/; "Geothermal Energy," Manitoba Energy, Science& Technology, Energy Development Initiative, 2003, www.gov.mb.ca/
So what's the catch, you might ask. The systems
est/energy/initiatives/geothermal.html; Earth Energy Society Of
are expensive to install and currently require a lot of
Canada http://www.earthenergy.ca/tech.html (all websites accessed
land for installation. For example, a system for a rela-
November 9, 2006).
tively small house costs approximately $25 000.
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Appendix 2 CBC Video Cases
CBC Video Case 7
Advertising in Crisis?
In 2004, Yasmin Glanville, president of CTR Inc., a
process largely commercial free. According to
Toronto-based marketing consulting group, made a
Forrester Research, this may mean that exposure to
bold and controversial statement: "It's no secret that
advertising may be reduced by more than 50 percent.
the advertising industry, as we knew it, is extinct."
Despite all the debate about this industry being in
However, Glanville added, "the advertising industry is
flux, advertising is indeed very much alive. There is no
not dead. It is evolving and diverging into solutions rel-
doubt that its shape and roads to success are evolving.
evant to the needs of our times."
Combining business results earned through divergent
Rick Shaver, a VP at The Hive Strategic Marketing
and innovative ideas will help to win the minds and
in Toronto, believes that though the "rules of the game
hearts of increasingly empowered consumers.
have changed forever … a new era of infinite possibil-
ities is upon us." New media options have not only
splintered mass markets into a vast assortment of
How will marketing communications change in
communities of common interest, but they have also
this era of empowered consumers?
created niche markets that are accessible as never
Pick one of your favourite brands. State the target
before if marketers understand the new rules of con-
market for the brand. Design an innovative inte-
sumer engagement. "Push has been replaced by per-
grated communications program for your brand.
mission, power is shifting to the buyer, and the
Explain why you selected certain types of media
advertising monologue is giving way to consumer dia-
vehicles for your campaign.
logue," according to Shaver.
Advances in technology and changes in consumer
Sources: This case was written by Peggy Cunningham based on the
behaviour are shaping a new landscape. For example,
Venture show "Advertising in Crisis," aired October 15, 2004, and the
instead of TV, video games are becoming a main-
following articles: Yasmin Glanville, "Creativity versus performance,"Marketing Magazine, November 22, 2004, www.marketingmag.ca;
stream media for young adult and teenage males. Bill
Rick Shaver, "Custom media: New rules for a new game," Strategy,
Gates, chair of Microsoft, forecast that all traditional
May 31, 2004, p. 11; Michael Kanellos, "Newsmaker: Gates taking a
mass media will be delivered via the Internet and that
seat in your den," CNET News.com, January 5, 2005; Jennifer
"The future of advertising is the Internet." Furthermore,
Whitehead, "Gates says future of advertising lies on the Internet,Brand Republic, October 27, 2005; Adam Pasick, "Sorrell sees media
the Internet, along with the rapid adoption of digital
industry ‘panic' over Internet," Reuters Canada, October 27, 2005,
video recording devices, will enable consumers to
record many television programs by pressing a single
button and downloading the program to their hard
drive. The big concern is that they can undertake this
Source: http://wps.pearsoned.ca/wps/media/objects/4733/4847129/cbc-video-cases.pdf
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