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From the publishers of
BioWorld® Today
The Future of Biotech: The 2010 Guide to Emerging Markets and Technology
Copyright 2009BioWorld®AHC Media LLC3525 Piedmont RoadBuilding Six, Suite 400Atlanta, GA 30305 U.S.A.
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THE FUTURE OF BIOTECH: THE 2010 GUIDE TO EMERGING MARKETS AND TECHNOLOGY is published by AHCMedia LLC, 3525 Piedmont Road, Building Six, Suite 400, Atlanta GA 30305 U.S.A. Opinions expressedare not necessarily those of the publication. Mention of products or services does not constitute endorse-ment. BioWorld is a trademark of AHC Media. (GST Registration Number R128870672)
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The Future of Biotech.7
We Need Uniforms to Tell Who Is Who in the Changing Biotech World.9
How Hedge Funds and New Research Models Are Changing the Rules.14
Are Biotechs Built to Prosper or Are They Built to be Sold?.17
How Biotech Can Make Even Cash Look Bad.19
Investments in Biofuels Take Dive in 2007, Greentech Grows.21
Abigail Ruling Shows Feds More Concerned with Procedure than Progress.25
This Century's First Civil Rights Bill: The Privatization of Personalized
Pharma: Seven Steps To 2020.29Immigration, Education and Respect for Science: Where Is the
Biotechnology in Africa: Why the Controversy?.36
New Mechanisms of Action Promising for Type II Diabetes.40
Combination Drug Approach Aimed at Cancer's Network.43
Discovery of Toxic Element in AD Forces Paradigm Shift.46
Antibiotics for Resistant Bugs Possible in Two Years' Time.48
Enormous New Gene Holds Out Hope as Therapy for Eye Disease.49
ACT's Business Model Aims for Steady Stream of Cancer Drugs.53
Q Therapeutics Seeks to Repair Rather than Replace Neurons.55
Dicerna Offers New Generation of RNAi Therapy: DsiRNA.56
Zafgen Shrinks Fat by Inhibiting Angiogenesis in Adipose Cells.58
The Impact of Big Pharma on the BioPartnering Industry.61
Partnering Execs Give Perspective on Current and Future Trends.63
The Top 25 Biotech Drugs.69
Thank you for downloading our free report,
The Future of Biotech: The 2010 Guide to Emerging
Markets and Technology. This thought-provoking collection includes articles and essays written by
many top biotech writers and reporters. It was edited and is published by
BioWorld Today, the news-
paper of record for the biotechnology industry.
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trends and successful strategies in biotechnology and provides a glimpse of what you can expect through
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Donald R. JohnstonSenior Vice President/Group Publisher
We Need Uniforms to Tell Who Is
Who in the Changing Biotech World
At BioWorld's daily news meetings, as we peruse the latest developments in the life
sciences field, from new financings to clinical results to regulatory developments, a
common question our staff raises about these companies is, "Are they one of ours?"
people. Not that we have anything against phar-
BioWorld Today Managing Editor
maceutical companies. If you browse through ourarchives you'll find thousands of articles where
There was a time not long ago when the players
they've been mentioned, quoted, and even fea-
in the life sciences game didn't need uniforms. We
tured. But to us, biotech is our first true love.
all knew that big pharma wore the suits and went
At our daily news meetings, as we peruse the lat-
to work in giant towers of steel and glass, or mas-
est developments in the life sciences field, from
sive campuses with lawns manicured nicer than
new financings to clinical results to regulatory
the elite golf courses to which they belonged.
developments, a common question our staff raises
And we instantly recognized the biotechnology
about these companies is, "Are they one of ours?"
bunch. They didn't dress as well, and their offices
Sometimes the debate centers around whether a
were down a rung or two, maybe just down the street
company is a biotech or a specialty pharma or a
from a great little Thai restaurant, and not too far
tools company carving out a market niche and
from one of those dry cleaner/Nails ‘R' Us/Dollar
influencing the field. The verdict from our news
Store shopping centers. Or maybe they worked in
crew usually leans toward inclusion, but perhaps
the far corner of a 1950s university lab with old dou-
not with the enthusiasm we might display for a
ble-hung windows and a creaky ceiling fan.
true bio company that actually does the splicing
At least that was our romantic view of the biotech-
and dicing. In honesty, we have the same discus-
nology industry. Despite the popular image of
sions about tools companies. Are they biotech,
journalists as a hardened, cynical lot, we all have a
pharma, or do they cross that divide?
romantic streak running through us.
Obviously, this is because we've carved out our
So many in the bio business have hung onto the
own niche in the biotech space. But we've also
romantic notion that biotech, for the most part, is
grown up with the industry. As BioWorld neared
made up of the little guys with the Avis complex —
its 1990 launch date, Amgen Inc. had product rev-
they're smaller, but they try harder. They're the ones
enues of $400 million — not an unimpressive
with the brains who take the gambles, splicing and
accomplishment, even today. But for just the third
dicing molecules and proteins on their way to discov-
quarter of 2008 it reported product sales of $3.78
ering things that heal and save lives. Even their fail-
ures can be applauded because they advance the
As biotech has grown up quickly, and continues to
overall cause, often leading to success down the road.
grow, our internal discussion of what's important
Biotechs Still ‘Our' People
to our readers gets more complicated. Dried uppipelines of pharmaceutical companies have natu-
Here at BioWorld, they were, and still are, "our"
rally led them to the doorstep of biotech compa-
nies. Checkbook in hand, they're paying tremen-
you — how you would define biotech and if there
dous prices for compounds that might deliver to
is a difference between the biotech and big phar-
them the next Lipitor. As the low-hanging fruit
ma sectors. You answered, and provided some
gets picked first, the interest spreads to less
great responses.
advanced products.
In a survey that accompanied the article, we
Gradually, some of our old bio favorites, both
queried you about how you define biotechnology
products and entire companies, are being swal-
today, and the differences between biotech and
lowed by big pharma.
the pharmaceutical industry. Your input mostly fellinto four areas that we'll call "Science," "Size
The pharmaceutical industry also is catching onto
Matters," "Difference, What Difference?" and
the fact that biologics don't face the same gener-
ics problems as the Lipitors of the world. The off-patent generics threat — which may cause Pfizer
Many of the "Science" answers were wonderful
Inc. annualized losses of more than $19 billion by
textbook material, seemingly from those well root-
2014 —apparently isn't nearly as scary, even with
ed in science. They were clear, to the point, objec-
a Democratic Congress nudging the FDA in the
tive, and unencumbered by emotion. I envision
direction of bioequivalents.
these as coming from the R&D crowd. Someexamples from this group on how to define
Blurring Biotech and Pharma
biotechnology today:
Thus, the line between biotech and big pharma
• "The discovery and application of innovations
blurs. Aside from mergers and acquisitions, phar-
to problems involving biology."
maceutical companies are starting their own initia-tives. Pfizer pledged to spend $50 million for a
• "Engineering biologically active molecules that
San Diego incubator; Lilly spent $560 million to
are not obtainable by standard organic chemistry
expand its biotech operation; and Roche in late
(e.g., small chemical molecules)."
2007 announced it would plow $255 million into
• "Work at the genomic level, i.e., DNA, protein."
expanding its biotech research and development(noting proudly that already 45 percent of rev-
• "The use of the tools of molecular biology to
enues of its pharma division come from bio drugs).
develop a view of the molecular basis of disease as
In the interest of advancing the cause of biotech-
well as to create therapeutic or diagnostic products
nology, that's wonderful. The cash infusion is
to aid in the diagnosis or amelioration of disease."
something the field obviously needs. But the prob-
• "The use of molecular techniques to under-
lem is, how does anyone with an interest in the
stand biologic processes to discover and develop
biotech field keep track of what's becoming an
new pharmaceutical agents."
overwhelming array of development efforts? TheBiotechnology Industry Organization counted
Size Matters
more than 1,400 biotech companies as of 2005.
So it's pure science, a matter of small molecules
Add in the pharmaceutical companies that are
vs. large molecules? It's big vs. small alright, said
making moves in biotech and the total grows
the "Size Matters" group, but they're talking about
exponentially. "Our" companies are now becom-
company size. Here are some of their thoughts:
ing "their" companies.
• "I think it's no longer a technology distinction.
Defining Who Is Who in Biotech
People seem to think of smaller, more entrepre-
In a
BioWorld Perspectives column in early
neurial companies as ‘biotech' whether they're
2008, we asked the real experts — readers like
actually biotech or pharma, and vice versa."
• "Still a size difference. Will I ever consider
some important ways better. Their comments:
Genentech or Amgen [as] a pharma? Probably not.
• "Even though both parties practice the other's
But more because of their history than true differ-
game (Pfizer funds Goodman's biotech institute;
ences from pharma (which are getting smaller all
Genentech or Amgen compete in the large phar-
the time as both sides move towards each other)."
ma world), biotech connotes a nimble, data-driven
• "The bulk of biotech [companies] are smaller
and perhaps less risk averse organization than
and devote more effort to novel solutions — and
pharma — often because biotech is carrying less
they make less money."
‘fixed costs and baggage.'"
• "[The difference is] as much a function of a
• "I think that too many people in pharma don't
company's size, management structure and how it
understand the biological, physiological and med-
is funded. ‘Biotechnology' is often short-hand for
ical implications of most disorders. Pharma is pop-
either VC or small post-IPO loss, making R&D
ulated by medicinal chemists. They can beat a
companies that have no revenues or rely on a big
problem to death, but don't know what the prob-
pharma partner to market their product(s)."
lems are. Most management positions are medici-nal chemists."
But there also was a substantial contingent whosaw little if any difference between big pharma
• "Pharma companies have too many manage-
and biotech. Witness comments from the
rial levels, no entrepreneur spirit and biotech
"Difference, What Difference?" group:
companies are just the opposite: innovative andproductive."
• "Excepting the fact that some biotech compa-
nies are still looking for mergers and money, the
• "Biotech companies take more calculated risks
differences disappear and it seems that only a few
and develop more novel therapies or drug delivery
original biotech companies remain on the market.
systems than most pharmaceutical companies."
Many of them will just disappear without leaving a
• "Biotech companies retain a spirit which allows
fingerprint and many others will be acquired by
them to work on the more complex problems of
the big pharma players where biotech is ‘only' a
molecular medicine."
Differences or not, I suppose both sides can agree
• "Biotechnology still to me means ‘biologically
with one writer: "Eventually they serve the same pur-
derived drugs' rather than what it mainly encom-
pose — improve human life with artificial designs."
passes — start-up or ‘small' pharma companies,using ‘biology' to get small molecules or develop
Emerging Markets for Biotech
platform technologies, etc. I think the descriptorbecame blurred about 15 years ago, driven by fin-
BioWorld readers also provided insight into which
anciers. Many (most) companies bridge all areas;
countries and regions outside the U.S. will most
e.g., you can have a drug discovery company
affect the biotech industry in the next five years.
which uses RNA biological assays to discover small
India was the winner, followed closely by China.
molecules! So at one end biotech is just biologicals
Other notables getting votes included Brazil,
(or applications of it), at the other biotech is just
Singapore, South Korea and Japan. The reasons?
another word for small pharma."
Most readers said the booms would be due to thelower costs in those countries.
Nimble, Less Risk Averse
Trends Driving the Market
And finally come the "Culturalists," those whodespite the realities of modern business needs hold
We also asked you to provide input on what trends
on to the idea that biotech is different, and in
will drive the biotech market through the next 10
years. The front-runner was, hands-down, person-
scribers, called the
BioWorld Today Midday
alized medicine, including combination diagnostic-
Report. It's a daily e-mail sent to
BioWorld Today
therapeutic products. The next biggest trend was
subscribers every afternoon featuring a preview of
expected to be consolidation, in particular, more
the articles currently being worked on by our busi-
mergers between biotechs and big pharma.
ness and science reporters worldwide, focusing onthe companies — including your partners and
Affordable health care and making biopharmaceu-
competitors — making headlines today. It's the
ticals competitive so that health insurance compa-
perfect "tip-off" identifying which news is about to
nies can afford them also are on readers' radars.
break big and what you should pay attention to
Rounding up the most important issues were: pro-
tein therapeutics, biosimilars, stem cells, aging,
• Biofuels – BioWorld recently published its sec-
biofuels and bioplastics.
ond report on the biofuels industry,
What You Asked for
Report 2008: Economics of a Driven Market.
This report provides you with an in-depth under-
The last question on the survey asked about the
standing of the emerging biofuels industry which
types of biotech news you would find most useful.
has quickly placed itself at the forefront of many
You said you were looking for more coverage of
government initiatives and spans across many ver-
Europe and Asia-Pacific, science news, biofuels,
tical markets: biotechnology, auto, oil and energy.
deals and financial information, and weekly sum-
BioWorld Financial Watch – Delivered every
maries of key news. We are taking those requests
Monday morning, this e-newspaper provides
to heart when discussing new product ideas and
details on collaborations, public and private
ways to expand
BioWorld Today and our other
financings, clinical trials and FDA submissions,
newspapers and products. Until then, check out
stock market activity, and underwriter and venture
these BioWorld products for more of the news and
capital portfolio performances, with an analysis by
information you're looking for. And visit
BioWorld writers. for a free trial of the entire
• Weekly summaries of key news are available in
BioWorld website to look at more of these publi-
BioWorld Week, the chronicle of biotech news as
cations in-depth.
reported in
BioWorld Today. This abridged intel-
BioWorld International – a weekly newspaper
ligence service comes out every Monday morning
(delivered every Wednesday) that brings you news
and includes news summaries of the biggest sto-
about international strategic deals, worldwide
ries, News from the Lab, and Market Watch, a
investment opportunities, country-by-country reg-
three-month overview of industry averages from
ulatory issues, product development and insight
the CBOE and AMEX biotech indices.
on emerging biotech companies.
• Email updates – At the beginning of 2008,
BioWorld Today started a new service for sub-
published in BioWorld Today
When Did Biotech Investors Get so Sophisticated?
How Hedge Funds and New Research
Models Are Changing the Rules
There's a fundamental shift underway in the biotechnology investment world,
particularly for highly specialized fields such as pharmaceuticals and genetic
research. Investors, it seems, are getting educated.
cover and invest in high-potential companies and
BioWorld Contributing Writer
sectors, those investors respond by gettingsmarter. This is the classic story of investors
On a recent earnings call, the CEO of a mid-size
searching for an edge. In this case, hedge funds
pharmaceutical company was fielding all the usual
are changing the game by tapping directly into the
questions about the firm: earnings projections,
industry's experts, either by hiring them outright
R&D spending, sales efforts, etc. Then came a
to join their investment teams or — more cost-
question about an experimental drug that was mov-
effectively — by using primary research firms to
ing through the FDA approval process. The ques-
assemble expert panels.
tion was based on one of the more esoteric assump-
To better understand this shift, it's helpful to con-
tions about the new drug's efficacy. The CEO was
sider how hedge funds are changing the biotech
stumped. He had heard some murmurings about
investment landscape. Looking back just 10 or 15
recent research on the topic, but he hadn't pre-
years, most holders of large-cap biotech compa-
pared for the question and was clearly rattled.
nies were mutual funds — relatively passive invest-
It's easy to understand how this happened. CEOs
ment vehicles that buy and hold stocks over a long
are paid to handle such matters without flinching,
time horizon and typically track to an index.
but this CEO had never — in years of investor calls
Mutual funds are usually characterized by low fee
— gotten a question like this. In the past, a quick
structures and modestly paid investment managers
briefing with his direct reports was more than
(relatively speaking) who work within fairly narrow
enough preparation for an investor call.
There's a fundamental shift underway in the
Over the past several years, however, hedge funds
biotechnology investment world, particularly for
have become more and more of a force in
highly specialized fields such as pharmaceuticals
biotech, as well as in several other sectors.
and genetic research. The MDs and PhDs who run
McKinsey estimated in October 2007 that total
biotech companies are no longer de facto more
hedge fund assets under management were
informed than their investors, nor do they have a
around $1.7 trillion, more than triple the total in
monopoly on access to information. Investors, it
2000.1 (Although not a perfect apples-to-apples
seems, are getting educated.
comparison, the Investment Company Instituteestimated net assets in stock-based mutual funds
Why Is This Shift Taking Place Now?
to be about $6.7 trillion as of the beginning of
There are several factors prompting these
2007.2) Unlike mutual funds, hedge funds aggres-
changes, but overall it's about a fairly simple idea:
sively reward their managers for outperformance.
As competition increases among investors to dis-
Hedge funds typically use some permutation of
the "2 and 20" formula in which the fund pockets
investor would need the insight of a research sci-
2 percent of all assets under management, then
entist capable of interpreting the test results, a reg-
an additional 20 percent of any profits.
ulator who understands the hurdles the treatmentmight face, an investment analyst who under-
To get a sense of how this plays out, consider the
stands the sector and perhaps an economist to
case of a mutual fund and a hedge fund that each
give insight into the near- and mid-term outlook
take a $100 million stake in a biotech company.
for companies that require continuous cash infu-
The mutual fund might book fees of 1 percent of
sions for R&D. It's very rare that any individual
total assets under management, or $1 million; if
would be able to provide that level of perspective,
the stock price appreciates by 5 percent, investors
and most investors would not have the necessary
do not owe a cut of their earnings back to the
contacts to assemble this knowledge. With pri-
fund. The hedge fund, on the other hand, with a
mary research, hedge funds are assembling these
"2 and 20" structure, would get a $2 million man-
types of panels and getting deeper insights
agement fee as well as another $1 million for the
through multiple expert perspectives.
5 percent appreciation. Both funds made thesame bet, but the hedge fund manager gets three
The drive for an edge in research is ultimately
times the take. Investors are willing to pay that
about hedge funds' fiduciary responsibilities to
premium with the assumption that the hedge fund
their limited partners. It's an arms race of sorts
will consistently make better investments.
among biotech investors: If a hedge fund is losingmoney to other funds that are quicker to the
Hedge Funds' Competitive Edge
punch because they understand the science better,
Hedge funds, in turn, use that extra fee income to
then it is incumbent on that hedge fund to step up
maintain a competitive edge over the competition.
its own level of expertise by hiring more industry-
These days they're accomplishing that primarily in
savvy people and using better tools.
two ways, both of which directly tap the expertise
How Should Biotech Companies React to
of the biotech industry.
First, no longer content with having the best
Biotech executives who want to stay in step with
MBAs money can buy, hedge funds are filling out
their investors need to rethink how to monitor and
their research teams with PhDs and MDs from
then effectively communicate with the investment
leading schools and medical institutions. As a
community. Those who are able to do both will be
result, the analysts covering biotech companies
best able to understand what information investors
now often have the same level of understanding
are looking for and then answer that call.
and sophistication as the scientists at the compa-nies, raising the bar of investor understanding. In
The first part of this equation, monitoring the
fact, hedge funds and biotech companies now
investment community, is a classic exercise in
compete for talent.
gathering strategic intelligence, and it forms thefoundation of any good investor relations pro-
Second, hedge funds are investing in expert-panelprimary research as a more efficient means of get-
gram. All firms participate in this exercise, with
ting direct access to top opinion leaders. As an
varying levels of formality — sometimes the exec-
example, consider a hedge fund that is analyzing a
utive team just knows the investment community;
pharmaceutical company with a drug in FDA test-
other times it hires outside firms to help it under-
ing; the hedge fund would need a great deal of
stand what investors are looking for. Nowadays, as
diverse expert information to make a true evalua-
institutional investors are turning the due-diligence
tion of whether the company's shares are under-
process on its head by using biotech tools to
priced, overpriced or properly valued. The
research biotech companies, those same compa-
nies should consider similar moves. A panel of
need to accommodate both audiences, and any
experts can provide invaluable information to an
forum in which company executives interact with
investor, and — similarly — an expert panel can
the investment community will also be reshaped.
help companies understand where they meet, and
These changes, considered all at once, are likely
where they fall short on, investor expectations.
fear-inducing for biotech executives and their IR
Once these firms understand how their investors
officers, but they are ultimately positive develop-
perceive them, they can then start working to fill
ments for the industry. As the knowledge gap
in gaps, recast messages, better explain strategy,
between investor and executive narrows, strong
and so forth. The process could even result in
companies with complex products and services
changing business practices, as expert panels can
will be better understood, valued and funded.
bring a fresh perspective to companies that aren't
realizing their full potential.
1. McKinsey Global Institute.
The New Power
On top of this, basic investor relations assump-
Brokers: How Oil, Asia, Hedge Funds, and
tions need to be reconsidered. As the knowledge
Private Equity Are Shaping Global Capital
gap between investors and biotech firms continues
Markets. October 2007.
to narrow, companies need to begin stepping uptheir level of discourse. This doesn't involve scrap-
2. Investment Company Institute.
Trends in
ping current IR approaches and starting fresh.
Mutual Fund Investing.
Indeed, many non-science-trained analysts will stillbe out there reviewing companies, and thus willstill want the science simplified. But, alongside of
Published in BioWorld Perspectives
those analysts are new investors with a moresophisticated understanding of the science. Any
Will Febbo is the CEO of Panel Intelligence LLC
information that is pushed out to investors will
Are Biotechs Built to Prosper or
Are They Built to be Sold?
The NVCA data shows a pretty interesting picture going back over the past 17 years.
M&As have pretty steadily gained ground as the exit of choice over the past two decades.
harder to reach commercialization on the other,
BioWorld Today Columnist
what hope does the industry really have? The firststeps to dealing with a crisis are to determine what
It was a difficult year for the biotech industry in
has happened, why, and how to improve things.
2008, and end-of-the-year economic news did lit-
First of all, let's note that there were quite a few
tle to relax furrowed brows. Just think: With
non-venture-backed IPOs in 2008. The most
Roche trying buying out the rest of Genentech,
noteworthy one of the year, Visa, produced some
the industry's push to become profitable in aggre-
pretty handsome returns, even in a very tough
gate — a milestone it missed by just a scant cou-
market. And more IPOs, both venture-backed and
ple hundred million dollars in 2007 — was dealt a
otherwise, are stacked up in the wings, judging the
serious setback.
public mood with a finger in the air. So the crisis
And the list of woes continues: The FDA is miss-
is most acute for desperate VCs looking for an exit
ing more PDUFA dates and threatening to make
on their investments.
everything from diabetes drugs to cancer treat-
How about the quality of their product? Four of
ments harder to green light. Legislators are haul-
those five venture-backed IPOs — all but IPC —
ing drug executives up to Capitol Hill to receive
were in early July among the worst performers of
public abuse. Support for follow-on biologics is
the year. Things have improved dramatically, but
gaining steam. Yikes!
these companies didn't put forth the kind of per-
You may have noted one other troubling bit of
formance that gets investors excited about further
recent news: The National Venture Capital
new issues. Bioheart, which originally filed for a
Association (NVCA) declared nothing less than a
$35 million IPO, was shoved out of the nest at a
"capital markets crisis." After 2008's extremely
pathetic $5.8 million.
slow first quarter, in which only five venture-
Indeed, one has to wonder: Were these compa-
backed companies in any industry went public, the
nies built to prosper, or were they built to be sold?
second quarter had zero venture-backed IPOs.
A less widely disseminated statistic from NVCA's
That's the first time such a thing has happened
survey shows that the venture-backed M&A mar-
since the grim days of 1978, according to NVCA.
ket, though slow, is still steadily churning out deals
If attendance counts, medical/biotech represented
— 120 in the first half, which if taken as a run rate
pretty well in what was a lousy year. Of those five
would put this year about 32 percent below a very
IPOs, four — CardioNet, IPC The Hospitalist
active 2007. That's a big drop — hardly surpris-
Company, MAKO Surgical, and Bioheart — are
ing in the current tight-credit climate — but cer-
involved in the life sciences. (The other, ArcSight,
tainly a lot better than approximately 88 percent
makes security software).
decline in IPOs in the first half.
But that's still a concerning trend. After all, if com-
In fact, the NVCA data shows a pretty interesting
panies are denied money on one end and find it
picture going back over the past 17 years. In
1991, M&As accounted for just under 10 percent
Even the most successful IPO of 2006, Acorda
of venture-backed exit events. The vast majority
Therapeutics, was nevertheless an extremely risky
were IPOs. By 2007, a pretty healthy year with
company at its debut that, unlike the vast majority
86 IPOs, M&As nevertheless accounted for 80
of its colleagues, had the dice roll its way. This
percent of the exit events. In the first half of 2008,
doesn't exactly inspire investors.
M&As represent 96 percent of exit events. M&As
But where do VCs point the finger? According to
have pretty steadily gained ground as the exit of
NVCA, 77 percent blame the current IPO drought
choice over the past two decades.
on "skittish investors." This is a tautological expla-
Looking back at the IPO class of 2006-2007, at
nation, like blaming high prices on the fact that
least in the life sciences, it's easy to conclude that
things cost so much. Of course investors are skit-
VCs were building companies without independ-
tish — just look at what's happened over the past
ence or the long haul in mind. Even the companies
three years! Sixty-four percent of VCs blame the
that took the traditional IPO route skewed toward
credit crunch. And — I love this — 57 percent
specialty pharma companies with little or no inter-
blame Sarbannes-Oxley. That implies companies
nal research capabilities, all competing with one
simply don't want to go public because of onerous
another over scarce in-licensing opportunities.
regulations, which does little to explain why somany companies have withdrawn IPOs due to
Little wonder that companies like Jazz
adverse market conditions. Just 15 percent
Pharmaceuticals, Cadence Pharmaceuticals,
thought "poor IPO candidates" even ranked in the
Novacea, and Vanda Pharmaceuticals have disap-
top three reasons for the IPO drought.
pointed investors. It is notable that some of themost successful companies to follow this strategy
Wake up and read the stock charts. Yes, some of
— like Speedel, Pharmion and Aspreva — were
these companies will bounce back as the market
acquired, which maybe was the better model all
turns. Yes, any group of IPOs is going to have its
failures. But at the risk of getting downrightcrotchety, just look back a decade to the class of
Or look at the bloodbath that other members of
1996, which included Affymetrix, Alexion, Cubist
the class of 2006 handed to investors: Achillion
Pharmaceuticals, Millennium Pharmaceuticals,
Pharmaceuticals, Artes Medical, Trubion
Neurocrine Biosciences, Onyx Pharmaceuticals,
Pharmaceuticals, Altus Pharmaceuticals,
Transkaryotic Therapies (acquired by Shire for
Northstar Neuroscience, Catalyst Pharmaceutical
$1.6 billion in 2005), Sirna Therapeutics (original-
Partners, Replidyne and Threshold
ly Ribozyme, acquired by Merck for $1.1 billion in
Pharmaceuticals. Many were victims of failed Hail
2006) and many others. It's tough to imagine the
Mary attempts to reach commercialization quickly
recent crop of IPOs producing so many prominent
with too little to fall back on.
names a decade hence.
How do investors value them now? Replidyne, as
The IPO drought will end, as it always does, and
of March 31, 2008, had $78 million in cash and
improvements in the banking industry will have a
investments, no debt, yet a market cap of only
lot to do with the timing. But the most important
$37 million. That's an enterprise value of negative
ingredient for a healthy IPO market is vibrant
$41 million. Investors see even this company's
companies that offer a long-term growth at a com-
money in the bank as a bad risk, since in this envi-
pelling risk-reward ratio. VCs looking to broker
ronment it will be near impossible to replace after
more than M&As should keep that in mind.
it's spent. Indeed, a similar situation with anotherlousy 2006 IPO, SGX Pharma, led to an oppor-tunistic buyout by Eli Lilly and Co.
published in BioWorld Today
How Biotech Can Make
Even Cash Look Bad
CEOs who throw up their hands and wonder how the markets could put such low
valuations on their companies should take note: Investors' memories are not that
short. There's reason to think that some companies willing to let themselves
be acquired near cash value did their shareholders a favor in the long run.
industry like biotech, where so much value is
BioWorld Today Columnist
wrapped up in intangible assets like patents,know-how and personnel, one hardly expects a
Is your company on life support?
company to be worth less than its cash in thebank.
On Oct. 15, 2008, Eun Yang, an analyst with theinvestment bank Jeffries & Co., put out a report
But if you're wondering how we got to such a
titled "Cash Is King: Where Biotech Stands." It
place, just remember that we've been here before
consists primarily of what might be termed death-
. . and not even all that long ago.
watch lists — charts tracking where more than
Look today at Vanda Pharmaceuticals, with $63
300 public biotech companies stand in terms of
million in cash as of the end of the second quarter
cash reserves, debt, burn rate and of course the
2008, no debt and a market cap of $22 million.
product of those figures, time left until lights out.
That sounds like a two-thirds-off sale on cash,
It's not a terribly encouraging report. Out of 248
right? Surely investors should pile in, knowing that
non-profitable biotechs examined, about half have
the company must be worth at least its cash bal-
less than a year's worth of cash remaining.
ance to an acquirer, even if all other assets aredeemed worthless. It's free money, right?!
Needless to say, this isn't a great time to be on theprowl for capital. Stock prices are depressed, pub-
History would say, no. Why? Because it's a
lic markets aren't terribly interested in secondar-
biotech company, and the management of most
ies, and even private investors don't want to part
biotechs will never throw in the towel if they can
with their cash.
help it. They're far more likely to throw goodmoney after bad and slowly drive the company
About $3.2 billion was raised in 2008, as of
into the ground.
November, in any form — secondaries, PIPEs,credit facilities. This is down about 62 percent
Vanda and companies in similar situations like
from the prior year, according to Yang's data.
QLT Inc., Adolor Corp., SuperGen Inc. and YMBiosciences Inc. follow in a grim tradition estab-
Yet one of the most interesting bits of information
lished earlier this century by one-time industry stal-
in the report is that 55 percent of public biotech
warts such as Human Genome Sciences, Celera,
companies with market caps under $200 million
Incyte and CuraGen Corp. Human Genome
are trading beneath their cash value.
Sciences, for instance, trades at more than its cash
That might be expected to prick up the ears of
value today, certainly. But those investors who
savvy investors. After all, these are companies that
saw it as worth less than its cash five years ago?
theoretically could liquidate their assets and distrib-
They were absolutely right.
ute a dividend higher than the stock price. In an
Let's step down memory lane, shall we?
Human Genome Sciences ended 2003 with cash
million. In late 2008 Caliper had $10.6 million
and short-term, long-term and restricted invest-
(with $14.9 million in debt from a credit facility
ments of $1.29 billion, against $503 million in
due next year). Little Bear's February 2003 offer
debt. In the five intervening years, total debt (long-
of $4.50 per share probably looks pretty sweet to
term debt and its capital leases) climbed to $755
Caliper investors now.
million. Its cash and investments — even granting
To be fair, there have been exceptions.
the company full value of long-term and restricted
Transkaryotic Technologies, acquired by Shire
assets that may be fairly illiquid — has sunk to
Pharmaceuticals in 2005 for $1.6 billion, turned
$542.7 million. Book value was almost $7 per
out to be a fantastic bargain when it traded under
share at the end of 2003; now it is negative.
cash value. Those bold enough to gamble on SGX
The company stock is near an all-time low (only a
Pharma earlier this year got a nice payoff when
brief period in 1995 saw lower levels). Human
Lilly stepped in as a white knight to take over the
Genome Sciences, it turns out, was worth less
distressed company. But as an investor, I find a lot
than its cash in 2003, because it just continued to
more to fear in biotechs trading under cash value
spend. Those investments, in the eyes of the mar-
than I do to lick my chops over.
ket, have produced little of value.
So CEOs who throw up their hands and wonder
Celera, another company that once traded under
how the markets could put such low valuations on
its cash balance (shortly after trading at roughly
their companies should take note: Investors' mem-
the GDP of Iceland), had $802 million in cash and
ories are not that short. And though we can't
short-term investments in June 2003. As of June
know for sure, there's reason to think that some
2008, that was down to just $352 million. The
companies that were willing to let themselves be
stock price remains virtually unchanged since then,
acquired near cash value — Corvas going to
which means the enterprise value of Celera has
Dendreon or Genomica to Exelixis back in 2003,
actually risen substantially over the past half
for instance — did their shareholders a favor in the
decade. It just hasn't done a thing for shareholders.
The company can at least brag that investors now
Certainly we're going to be entering a tumultuous
see more in Celera than its declining book value.
and interesting period in the industry.
But you also can say that every dollar manage-
Just as 2003 saw some mergers and acquisitions
ment has invested in the business over the past
at fire sale prices, we're likely to see a new round
five years has produced zero return. It's hardly an
of takeovers, desperate financings and outright
argument that Celera at under cash levels was a
failures. It's going to be disruptive. It's going to be
upsetting. But it is probably going to strengthen
And those were big, well-capitalized companies.
some companies in the industry that can selective-
Other companies that went for less than their cash
ly shop for distressed assets. And that's a good
several years ago — CuraGen, for instance — still
go for less than their cash value. It's just that
Those companies on the short end of the stick,
there's a lot less cash now, so the stock price has
however, shouldn't expect their cash in the bank
declined steadily.
to prop up valuations.
Or there's Caliper Life Sciences, which in 2003angrily turned down repeated offers from LittleBear Capital to buy out the company for just
published in BioWorld Today
under its cash balance, which was then at $154
Investments in Biofuels Take
Dive in 2007, Greentech Grows
"There's a higher profit potential, frankly, in industrial chemicals than in biofuels,
but the biofuels are, of course, the big market that captures people's attention . ."
Draper Fisher Jurvetson Managing Director Steve Jurvetson told BioWorld Today.
"Every consumer understands the price of gas."
those markets," Draper Fisher Jurvetson Managing
BioWorld Perspectives Managing Editor
Director Steve Jurvetson told
BioWorld Today.
"Every consumer understands the price of gas."
Investment in biofuels declined in 2007, but the
Interest Grows in Other Renewable Energy
market is growing rapidly.
In 2006, biofuels was the highest funded clean-
After the biofuels boom in 2006, much of the
tech sector, receiving $462 million, according to
attention started to be showered upon other seg-
MoneyTree Report
ments of renewable energy. In 2007, solar took
houseCoopers and the National Venture Capital
the lead, receiving $600 million in investments.
Association (NVCA). In 2007, however, several
Wind energy came in with $115 million, a signifi-
firms report that VC investment in biofuels
cant increase over $10 million the previous year.
dropped to about $295 million. The amount of
The pollution and recycling sector (including waste
VC investment is still an improvement, however,
treatment) increased from $137 million in invest-
when compared to the less than $1 million in
ment in 2006 to $203 million in 2007, according
2004 and $20.5 million in 2005 that went into
to the
MoneyTree Report.
biofuels. Most VC funding went to second-genera-tion fuel technologies rather than ethanol, accord-
"A mixture of solar, wind, biofuels, conservation
ing to "Global Trends in Sustainable Energy
and a series of other technologies coming together
Investment," a report prepared by New Energy
as a package are going to be required" for the ener-
Finance for the United Nations Environmental
gy solution, Juan Enriquez, chairman and CEO of
Programme (UNEP).
Boston-based Biotechonomy LLC, a life sciencesresearch and investment firm that has invested in
Combined private equity and VC investment in
Synthetic Genomics Inc., told
BioWorld Today.
biofuels worldwide fell nearly one-third, to $2.1
"But I think biofuels are a part of that package."
billion in 2007 from $2.9 billion in 2006, accord-ing to the UNEP report. According to the report,
Venture capital investments in cleantech in 2007
much of the decline was due to the end of the
jumped to $2.2 billion in the U.S., an increase of
push to build ethanol facilities. In addition, "pri-
45 percent over the previous year, according to
vate equity expansion capital investment in US
MoneyTree Report. In fact, the 7.4 percent of
biofuels did not dry up altogether, but its focus
venture investment that cleantech captured in
switched from ethanol to biodiesel."
2007 put the industrial/energy sector in fourth
"There's a higher profit potential, frankly, in indus-
place among industry sectors (coming in behind
trial chemicals than in biofuels, but the biofuels are,
software, biotech and medical devices). PWC and
of course, the big market that captures people's
the NVCA call cleantech the fastest-growing VC
attention because we all can understand the size of
investment sector.
Clean Edge puts the number even higher.
Virgin Group, best known for airlines, phones and
According to the research firm, more than 9 per-
records, established the Virgin Green Fund to
cent of VC activity in the U.S. was in the clean-
invest in companies working in renewable energy
energy sector ($2.7 billion). This is an increase of
and resource efficiency. Its portfolio includes Gevo
more than 70 percent over 2006. In 2000, U.S.
Inc., which is developing butanol, isobutanol and
VC investments in energy technologies were just
other advanced biofuels.
under $600 million.
The Virgin Fuels investments include Cilion Inc.,
Globally, the numbers are much higher. Funding
Ethanol Grain Processors LLC and Indiana Bio-
for the sustainable energy sector was up 60 per-
cent in 2007, to $148 billion globally, according
Goldman Sachs & Co. became the first major Wall
to the UNEP report. Most of that investment went
Street firm to make a commitment to cellulose
to Europe, followed by the U.S., China, India and
ethanol in 2006, according to Iogen Corp. The
New York-based firm invested C$30 million in
"In a way the planet is really benefitting by the
Iogen's cellulose ethanol technology.
high oil prices we're suffering through day-to-day,
In May 2008, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
by the fact that entrepreneurs everywhere have a
(KPCB) announced the launch of the $500 mil-
huge price umbrella under which they can bring
lion Green Growth Fund. The same day, the
new products to market," said Jurvetson. "It's
Menlo Park, Calif.-based venture capital firm
much easier to cost-justify a project when oil is at
announced the formation of the $700 million
the current prices than when oil was where it was
KPCB XIII, a fund that will invest in greentech,
a couple years ago."
life sciences and information technology. KPCB
Firms Starting Green Funds, Stepping up
got into greentech in 2002, when it formed the
Renewable Investments
KPCB Greentech Innovation Network (GIN). Itsgoal is to form partnerships and build a map for
Over the past five years, numerous firms have
the evaluation of technologies required for inno-
formed that invest only in greentech. In addition,
vation in greentech.
the biggest investors are making renewable ener-gy investments, if not forming clean energy funds
The Future of Biofuels Investments
Despite the drop in investment funds, the biofuels
Vinod Khosla, founder of Santa Clara, Calif.-
industry is literally chugging away. According to
based Sun Microsystems Inc., founded Menlo
the Renewable Fuels Association's
Park, Calif.-based Khosla Ventures in 2004. At
Industry Outlook 2008, bioethanol production
the beginning of 2007, the company's portfolio
increased 32 percent from 2006 to 2007 (4.9 bil-
included cellulosic ethanol companies like
lion gallons to 6.5 billion gallons). In addition, the
Mascoma Corp., Coskata Inc., KiOR Inc. and
number of U.S. biorefineries increased from 110
Verenium Corp.; corn ethanol companies like
in 2006 to 139 in 2007. There were 34 biofuels
AltraBiofuels Inc. and Cilion Inc.; and synthetic
deals in 2007, as compared to 22 the previous
biology firms Gevo Inc., Amyris Biotechnologies
year, reports PWC and the NVCA. According to
Inc., Codon Devices Inc. and Draths Corp.
Clean Energy Trends 2008, it is estimated thatmore than 45 billion gallons of biofuels will be pro-
In April 2005, Bill Gates jumped into the biofuels
business with a big commitment when CascadeInvestment LLC, his venture fund, invested $84
In looking to the future, it's best to go to the deci-
million in Pacific Ethanol Inc.
sion makers. That's just what the NVCA did in its
2008 Predictions Survey. Of the 170 VCs who
tion biofuels companies — companies developing
responded to the survey, 80 percent said they
biofuels from algae or through synthetic biology
believed the cleantech sector will continue to
applications, as well as the more traditional cellu-
According to
Clean Energy Trends 2008, the
"There are perhaps a few venture capitalists who
global biofuels market is set to grow from $25.4
are investing in projects that would be looking at
billion in 2007 to $81.1 billion in 2017.
corn ethanol or things of this sort, but it's sopatently obvious in retrospect that those are just
And while investment in biofuels were reported to
broken and bankrupt ideas in many cases, in
be down last year, one thing is certain: The renew-
terms of long-term viability," said Jurvetson. "I
able energy field is here to stay. According to
think it's pretty well understood that those are not
PWC's 11th Annual Global CEO Survey, 64 per-
the way you want to go when there are much
cent of CEOs are "concerned about rising energy
more reasonable feedstocks to look at, everything
costs" and 39 percent are "concerned about
from waste to CO2 itself."
increased carbon emission regulations."
BioWorld predicts that VC investment in biofuelsin the future will be concentrated on next-genera-
published in BioWorld Today
Abigail Ruling Shows Feds More
Concerned with Procedure than Progress
At what point does the biotech industry have an obligation to stand up and
say that dying patients matter more than blindly following the rules?
bureaucracy trumps compassion. After Phase I
BioWorld Contributing Writer
testing in 1998, the medical community consid-ered the drug to be safe and effective, so the
If the biotech industry had any doubt that the fed-
alliance requested access for patients with chronic
eral government is more concerned with following
myelogenous leukemia in June 2001. The FDA
a complex array of rules and procedures than with
said no, and by the time the Novartis AG drug was
actually advancing medical improvements — and
fully approved in 2002, about 3,600 patients had
really, did anyone in the industry think otherwise?
been denied access. Many of them died while wait-
— the recent ruling by the D.C. Court of Appeals
ing for their last best hope to get the government
proves that dying patients are only a minor con-
stamp of approval. The Abigail Alliance estimates
cern when there is still a government form to be
that 1 million people may have died prematurely
in recent years because the government deniedthem access to cancer drugs. The list of denied
The D.C. Court of Appeals recently reversed an
drugs is long: Eloxatin (Sanofi-Aventis), Erbitux,
earlier decision by its own three-judge panel and
Revlimid (Celgene Corp.), Nexavar (Onyx
ruled 8-2 against allowing dying patients to take
Pharmaceuticals Inc., Bayer Pharmaceuticals
potentially life-saving drugs that have not yet been
Corp.), and on and on.
approved by the FDA. The case had been filed in2003 by the Abigail Alliance for Better Access to
It's easy for professionals working every day in the
Developmental Drugs, along with the Washington
biotech industry to get swept up in the "normalcy"
Legal Foundation. The Abigail Alliance is named
of a system that is fundamentally wrong when
for Abigail Burroughs, a 21-year-old college stu-
applied to some desperate individuals. The biotech
dent who died of cancer in 2001 after being
manufacturers are not at fault here, or at least they
denied access to Erbitux, the then investigational
didn't come up with the system that gets in the
drug from ImClone Systems Inc. that early trials
way of people getting the help they need.
indicated might have helped her.
Manufacturers and researchers are only playing by
Over the past five years, the alliance has pushed
the very strict and complex rules imposed upon
for access to 12 drugs that had cleared at least
them by the FDA. When that bureaucracy is
Phase I testing. Some had completed Phase II or
imposed on you and your work, you have no
Phase III testing and were considered extremely
choice but to play along if you want to eventually
promising. All of them have been subsequently
have your drugs approved. The system becomes
approved by the FDA, and patients benefit from
the norm, the way things are done.
them every day. The patients who died before the
But at what point does the industry have an obli-
FDA approval also could have benefited, if only
gation to stand up and say that dying patients mat-
the government had allowed tightly controlled
ter more than blindly following the rules? Perhaps
access before full approval.
that time has come, now that the D.C. Court of
Gleevec is perhaps the best example of how
Appeals ruling indicates there is little hope the
feds are going to alter their bureaucratic require-
Industry leaders should stand side-by-side with the
ments on their own. The industry clearly has not
Abigail Alliance and others advocating for a more
done enough to advocate for its true end users,
compassionate, reasonable system that doesn't
sick and dying Americans.
leave dying patients waiting for bureaucrats to sat-isfy themselves that all formalities have been met
Caution vs. Paralysis
before releasing a medication that everyone
To be sure, the biotech industry has its own interests
knows is safe and effective. After all, we're talking
to protect here. No one wants to be the one who is
about life-saving drugs here, not a new cure for
a voice so counter to the norm that future relation-
baldness. If the potential benefit is negligible, then
ships with the FDA are jeopardized, and handing out
it can make sense to follow all possible protocols
unapproved drugs with little control would be reck-
to make sure there is no harm. When the patient
less — both for the safety of patients and for the
is already dying, how can that insistence on per-
financial security of the company. Fear of lawsuits
fection be seen as anything but callous and cruel?
and the possibility that a poor outcome could jeop-
Biotech leaders should make sure they're standing
ardize the future of a drug that otherwise might have
on the humanitarian side of this life and death
received FDA approval are valid concerns. With mil-
issue. No matter how much it can feel otherwise
lions and years invested, manufacturers and
when dealing with the bureaucracy day in and day
researchers are entirely justified in being cautious.
out, these business leaders should not forget that
But there is a difference between caution and
they're supposed to be serving sick Americans,
paralysis. The feds can't find the distinction, but
not the FDA.
private enterprise should be able to exert morecommon sense and find the point at whichpatients with no other hope for recovery can be
published in BioWorld Perspectives
granted access to drugs that have shown promisein early trials.
This Century's First Civil Rights Bill:
The Privatization of Personalized Medicine
The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act is a good start to giving Americans
access to the maximum benefits that personalized medicine has to offer today.
By Ilene Schneider
crimination in the workplace. Critics argued that
BioWorld Contributing Writer
the law would expose employers to "frivolous"civil rights lawsuits regarding disputes over medical
Thanks to a new law, no American will have to
coverage and believe that GINA's confidentiality
fear the insurance and employment consequences
rules place too many recordkeeping requirements
of undergoing genetic tests. Specifically, no one
on employers. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce
will have to choose between obtaining health
opposed the final version of the bill, claiming that
information and being employed or insured.
the fines were too high and that limitations on col-lection of medical information on patients would
After 13 years of debate, the Genetic Information
hinder some medical practices.
Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) finally became a fed-eral law in May 2008. The law defines "genetic
Still, GINA appears to provide a winning combi-
information" as an individual's own genetic tests, the
nation of protecting the rights of employees and
genetic tests of family members, and the manifesta-
consumers while fostering good science and med-
tion of a disease or disorder in family members.
icine. It promotes advances in biotechnology andhealth care, while providing a safe avenue for
GINA makes it illegal for health insurers to deny
people to play a role in the clinical trials that
coverage or charge a higher rate or premium to
enable the discovery and cure of genetic diseases.
an otherwise healthy individual found to have a
By so doing, it can ultimately save lives and even
potential genetic condition or genetic predisposi-
tion toward a disease or disorder. GINA alsomakes it illegal for employers to use an employ-
GINA is the first major new civil rights bill of the
ee's genetic information when making hiring, fir-
new century, Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), a
ing, placement or promotion decisions. Employers
cosponsor of GINA in the Senate, said in a press
who violate the new law could be fined as much as
release. While some related federal and state laws
$300,000 per incident. The group health insur-
existed before GINA, the new law will strengthen
ance provisions will take effect in May 2009, and
those safeguards by limiting insurers' ability to use
provisions that involve employment will take effect
genetic information to raise rates for an entire
in November 2009.
group, by extending protections to individual
GINA: Opposition and Accolades
health insurance plans, and by establishing anationwide level of protection.
Some GINA opponents said that the legislationwas "a solution in search of a problem," because
"This bill unlocks the great promise of the Human
there is little evidence of actual employment dis-
Genome Project by alleviating the most common
crimination on the basis of genetic information. In
fear about genetic testing," Rep. Judy Biggert (R-
addition, they added that there have been few, if
Ill.), who cosponsored GINA in the House with its
any, actions brought against employers in the 34
leading proponent, Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-
states that currently have laws banning genetic dis-
N.Y.), said in a press release. "It will accelerate
research . . and allow Americans to finally real-
efit genetic research as well as individuals. Now
ize the benefits and health care savings offered by
that the bill has been signed into law, patients will
gene-based medicine."
be more likely to participate in research studiesthat involve the collection of genetic information.
Genetic Testing and the Promise of
Scientists can assure clinical trial participants that
neither their participation in a research study nor
When the first attempt at federal legislation to pre-
their genetic information legally can be used
vent the misuse of genetic information was intro-
against them by their employers or health insur-
duced in 1995, only about 300 genetic tests were
ers. As scientists make advances in genetic
available. Most were for rare diseases and were usu-
research and technology, clinicians will be able to
ally performed in research settings. With the map-
begin customizing treatments according to an indi-
ping of the human genome and the rapid discovery
vidual's genetic profile. All of the above will have
of genetic variants that contribute to risk of com-
positive effects on the fields of biotechnology, clin-
mon diseases such as breast cancer, colon cancer,
ical research and health care delivery.
diabetes, heart disease and depression, the number
A Good Start in a Long List of Legislation
of people who might benefit from learning whatrisks lurk in their genes is growing exponentially.
What lies ahead for GINA, to make sure it proper-ly serves Americans? According to the article
Today, genetic testing exists for more than 1,200
"Keeping Pace with the Times — The Genetic
conditions. Some tests can be performed in the
Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008" in the
clinic, and individuals soon can take advantage of
New England Journal of Medicine, federal agen-
the promise of personalized medicine, knowing
cies must write the implementing regulations that
that they will not have to worry about discrimina-
will provide the detailed guidance for health insurers
tion if genetic markers — the indicators of risk for
and employers about how to comply with the new
genetic disease — are found. Genetic tests can
law. Health care professionals and patients need to
help diagnose genetic conditions and guide treat-
understand the new protections, and clinical
ment decisions, help predict the risk of future dis-
researchers, research administrators, institutional
ease, enable reproductive decision-making, and
review boards and research participants must
facilitate medication selection or dosing.
understand the new law and its implications.
Benefits and Elimination
Genetic tests must be safe, reliable and marketed in
of the ‘Fear Factor'
a clear and truthful manner. Finally, we need to ana-lyze the other areas of society that potentially
Those who choose not to be tested will lose the
involve genetic information, including life , disabili-
opportunity to seek monitoring and preventive care
ty and long-term care insurance.
to avoid conditions for which they are at heightenedrisk. On the other hand, an increase in genetic test-
Clearly, GINA is a good start for Americans to gain
ing makes it more likely that researchers will come
access to the maximum benefits that personalized
up with early, lifesaving therapies for a wide range
medicine has to offer today, so long as the proper
of diseases with hereditary links. Genetic testing will
regulations and safeguards can be provided. As new
help doctors catch problems early, perhaps leading
opportunities in science present themselves, new
to preventive treatment and lower lifetime costs.
legislation may be needed to take the potential of
There also could be cost savings for health insurers
biotechnology a quantum leap further. Next time,
(who must pay more to treat conditions that are not
let's hope Congress can do it in less than 13 years.
prevented or caught early) and employers (who bearthe economic costs if employees require more sickdays and medical leave).
published in BioWorld Perspectives
By eliminating the "fear factor," GINA should ben-
Pharma: Seven Steps To 2020
The choices for pharma companies are two: Change now and control your
destiny, or pursue business as usual and allow your fate to be controlled by
others. Executives and board members at pharmaceutical companies need
to ask themselves: Which path will we take?
development costs, more demanding regulatory
BioWorld Contributing Writer
reviews and growing dependence on massive salesforces.
The global pharmaceutical industry is facing an
Technology changes and consumer demands for
unprecedented opportunity. Over the next
more specialized medicines will force pharma
decade, the market for pharmaceutical products
companies to reduce their reliance on mass mar-
will nearly double in size, reaching $1.3 trillion by
ket blockbuster drugs by developing products in
2020 to meet the medical needs of the aging glob-
new therapeutic areas and creating more person-
al population and a surge in demand from emerg-
alized solutions. They also must look to smaller,
ing countries. Yet some pharma companies willnever capture a share of this enormous market
smarter and less-costly sales teams that do not
because they continue to bank the future of their
simply sell pills, but also generate revenue by sell-
business on a model that will no longer exist.
ing related, added-value services.
Anticipating and adapting to the changing dynam-
Increase R&D Productivity
ics in health care is the great challenge for the
Scientific breakthroughs in pharmaceuticals are
pharmaceutical industry. It is becoming abundant-
harder to come by, with much of the low-hanging
ly clear that maintaining the current course is no
fruit having been picked. The regulatory approval
longer an option. Pharmaceutical companies are
process also has become more demanding.
fast approaching a fork in the road, and they must
Consequently, the cost of research and develop-
choose a path: Will they focus on innovation and
ment continues to soar.
offer value in the form of more targeted drugs, withproven outcomes and a suite of value-added servic-
Pharma leaders must rethink how the industry
es around them? Or will they go after the commodi-
approaches R&D. Research must be guided by
tized mass market, driving revenue with volume?
medical requirements rather than sales potential:
Along the way, there will be winners and there will
Instead of copycat medicines, pharma companies
be losers. The winners will be those who have the
need to address unmet clinical needs.
courage to pick the right path and begin making
Pharmaceutical companies also need to expand
changes in their business models now.
their pool of basic research sources beyond aca-
Here are seven major steps that Price-
demic centers and niche biotech companies. In
waterhouseCoopers LLP believes that pharma com-
particular, they can draw upon the emerging talent
panies can take in the years leading up to 2020.
in Asia, either by establishing a much stronger
Look Beyond the Blockbuster Model
footprint in Asia or forging close links with leadingcenters of scientific excellence in the area.
The sales model of placing big bets on a handfulof heavily marketed breakthrough products has
Finally, researchers frequently narrow their focus
become far less effective, due to rising product
early in a product's life, which often leads them on
the wrong track. They need to focus more on the
peers in establishing a truly global regulatory
big picture, understanding a disease's pathophysi-
process that can reduce redundant processes,
ology, before making decisions about a full pro-
move products to market faster and reduce com-
gram of experimentation.
pliance costs.
Focus on Prevention, Not Just Treatment
Personalize the Distribution Chain
Pharma companies historically have focused on
Increasingly sophisticated direct-to-consumer dis-
the development of treatments for disease, but it is
tribution channels are emerging. The develop-
far less expensive to prevent illness than to cure it.
ment of new technologies enables automated dis-
As consumer-directed health care and cost control
pensing of medicines direct to consumers. More
grow in importance, pharma companies should
primary-care medication prescriptions will be ful-
increase their focus on the prevention of disease
filled automatically, with doctors writing prescrip-
through expanded vaccination and medicines with
tions, checking insurance criteria and sending the
preventive properties. Companies may be forced
prescription to online pharmacies. Using web-
by payers, patients and other key stakeholders to
based biometric devices, pharmacies will be able
actively pursue this strategy as societal changes
to check patient identity and ship the medication
influence the world of health care.
to their homes overnight.
Since failure to take prescribed products as direct-
With increased direct-to-consumer distribution, the
ed is a leading cause of illness, pharma companies
use of wholesalers likely will decrease. Pharma
need to expand their work in patient compliance
companies will be able to distribute products with-
by developing personalized monitoring technolo-
out middlemen, creating closer relationships,
gies and techniques to ensure that patients take
enabling the sale of additional services and a
their medicine as directed, improving both results
source of competitive differentiation. This possibil-
and safety while creating a market with the poten-
ity opens new opportunities for wholesalers
tial for $30 billion in additional annual sales.
around data management and prescription com-pliance services.
Make the Regulatory Process More
Go Global
The current all-or-nothing regulatory process
The worldwide pharmaceutical market will more
means that most new projects are an enormous
than double by 2020, but much of the growth will
gamble for pharma companies: They may spend
come from outside North America and Europe.
hundreds of millions of dollars developing prod-
The so-called "E7" emerging economies — Brazil,
ucts that are never approved for sale. Instead,
China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia and
the industry needs to work with regulators to
Turkey — could generate up to a fifth of global
advance a more progressive system of in-life test-
pharmaceutical sales by 2020, up by 60 percent
ing and "live licenses," using greater collabora-
from 2004. As these countries become more
tion and data-sharing between pharma compa-
prosperous, their people will adopt Western
nies and regulators. These licenses will allow a
health profiles, eating richer foods, working
drug's approved uses and distribution to expand
sedentary jobs, and driving instead of walking or
over time, based on its performance in extended
Pharma companies need to enter these markets
Moreover, as international markets become
aggressively, but they need to do so intelligently.
more important, the industry needs to encourage
Not only do they need to establish culturally sensi-
U.S. regulators to work more closely with their
tive local sales and distribution infrastructures, but
they also need to tailor therapies to respond to
new technologies and new business models.
variations in the nature and incidence of disease
Although these changes need to be implemented
that can be caused by differences in ethnic origin,
over a period of years, companies must start now.
diet and environmental factors.
Changes in the traditional ways of making and
Choose a Path
selling medicines could upend the entire industry,resulting in impacts very different from the merg-
The enormous costs of producing and distributing
ers and acquisitions that occurred a few years ago.
innovative medicines mean that the pharma indus-
Rather than taking the customary approach of
try increasingly will split into one of two models.
fully integrating an acquisition, a buyer could
Some companies will become niche players, devel-
break it up, retaining some assets and selling the
oping fewer, more targeted new drugs; others will
rest. For example, private equity firms, which
go the generic route, focusing on volume, with
have reshaped other industries, are gaining the
sales of mass-produced drugs generating revenue.
buying power to enter the pharma sector.
Companies can succeed either way, but will have
The choices for pharma companies are two:
to choose which model they will pursue, forming
Change now and control your destiny, or pursue
strategic partnerships with other pharma compa-
business as usual and allow your fate to be con-
nies, biotech firms or other industry players to fill
trolled by others. Executives and board members
in gaps. Those that choose to participate with the
at pharmaceutical companies need to ask them-
other health care players will stand an increased
selves: Which path will we take?
chance of success, as the demand-driven model ofsocietal needs and expectations begins to take agrip on the future health care agenda.
published in BioWorld Perspectives
If pharmaceutical companies undertake these
Simon Friend is the Global Pharmaceutical
steps, they will be better positioned to manage the
and Life Sciences Industry Leader,
seismic shifts that not only pharma but all of the
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. "Pharma 2020:
health industries will undergo by 2020. The
The Vision – Which Path Will You Take?" is
changes will enable them to benefit from the
available at
opportunities that will emerge from globalization,
Immigration, Education and Respect for Science:
Where Is the Biotechnology Community?
When our industry, which has brought untold benefits to humanity, is
attacked as corrupt and greedy, or even as a conspiracy to poison
people in poor countries, too many people believe it.
be that NOT taking on those issues relegates us to
BioWorld Contributing Writer
nuisance status. We then end up letting the wrongpeople define the terms of debate, on matters both
Most of us in the business world are used to keep-
large and small. So let's be honest: It isn't working
ing our heads down where politics are concerned.
for us. Look at what has happened with stock
Our lobbies carefully sprinkle their enticements
option expensing (a failure for which we share cul-
around in a relatively bipartisan way. We only make
pability with the National Venture Capital
noise about matters we perceive as being of imme-
Association and the IT community). By denying
diate consequence to us. In the case of the biotech-
there was a problem to be solved, we ended up with
nology community, the topics that make the cut are
the worst of several possible "solutions."
limited to arcane matters such as Small Business
Assuming that most of us are motivated at least in
Administration funding thresholds, capital gains tax
part by self-interest, the heart of the problem is that
treatment and stock option expensing. How many
we define self-interest too narrowly. Unfortunately,
people outside our industry even know such issues
the public notices. So when our industry, which has
exist? Not many, and we seem to like it that way.
brought untold benefits to humanity, is attacked as
Meanwhile, there are bigger social and political
corrupt and greedy, or even as a conspiracy to poi-
debates that also affect us profoundly, though we
son people in poor countries, too many people
seem content to pretend otherwise. However, if we
believe it. Sending a talking head to debunk
go on pretending, we will do the next generation of
Constant Gardener on CNN is too little, too late.
biotech entrepreneurs two major disservices: We
We will only forestall such blatantly dishonest
will bequeath them the consequences of our inac-
attacks by showing people that we actually care
tion on the big topics, and we will hobble their abil-
about issues beyond this quarter's bottom line. And,
ity to win on even the narrow, more technical
in the long run, caring is good for our business.
debates. Now, one might ask: Why are these twoproblems linked?
The question is whether we have the courage andforesight to stand up and insist on an honest debate
Looking Like a ‘Special Interest' in the
about some of the larger forces threatening the
Worst Sense
future of our enterprise. We all know what some of
One obvious reason is that when we ignore the big
these forces are: America's retreat from science,
themes that most people care about, we don't build
our growing xenophobia and the gutting of our edu-
any broad political capital. When we show up later,
cational system. Too daunting? Well, when have the
demanding special treatment on some obscure mat-
big issues been easy?
ter of accounting or securities law, we look like a
Education and Immigration
"special interest" in the worst sense of the word.
Contrary to the routine assumption that taking on
To start with the hardest one: What can be done
bigger issues is risking our political standing, it may
to reverse Americans' abandonment of science?
American kids are opting out of science at every
flawed, but at least they were a start. Those bills
stage in school, and the percentage of American
have died an ugly death because the voices of hys-
college students choosing science majors has
teria drowned out the voices of reason.
declined monotonically for the past 30 years.
Throughout this process, our industry was invisi-
The most immediate concern is that recruiting
ble. We are letting the wrong people, both on the
for our companies has become daunting. There
left and the right, set policy that is indisputably
are not enough homegrown talents to populate
critical to our future. Shouldn't we as a communi-
the companies we start. Perhaps more impor-
ty break our silence and take a stand in favor of
tant, in the long run, support for our enterprise
enlightened immigration policy? We might make
is jeopardized as fewer and fewer voters are sci-
some enemies in doing so, but is that really too
high a price to pay for doing the right thing, forourselves and for our national competitiveness?
The recruiting problem brings us right up against
Besides, who will hate us for it? The same people
the second threat: the backlash against immi-
who already hate us for doing stem cell research?
grants. We survive, and thrive, on the influx of for-
What's to lose? If we, with all our education and
eign students and graduates eager to apply them-
awareness, don't lead, who will?
selves. With more than half of California's gradu-ate-degreed biotechnology employees being non-
Science Getting Less and Less Cool
U.S.-born (other regions are approaching these
Immigration is a tough equation to solve.
numbers) and with the aforementioned shortage
Reversing a cultural trend like loss of interest in
of homegrown talent, we are extremely vulnerable
science is tougher. We don't want to emulate
to even short declines in immigration, and we're
Singapore — where government policy forces
blind if we don't realize it.
people into fields deemed strategic; it is against
Policies (such as the H-1B visa) that favor people
our notion of free choice to do that. However, we
with special skills have barely made a dent in the
are doing worse than nothing! Knowledge indus-
problem. Whether the H-1B is even a constructive
tries thrive on a foundation of intellectual inquiry
solution is not clear; it certainly ignores the reality
and scientific rigor. How is that foundation being
that it is not just the skilled who are needed here.
affected by the attempts of religious fundamental-
In the Bay Area, as in many other booming tech-
ists to undermine it, and by the open rejection of
nology centers, unskilled immigrants play an
science by our president and many of the leading
essential role in keeping the local economy func-
candidates to succeed him? How can we remain
tional and affordable, allowing young scientists to
competitive with developing countries that are
work for modest wages in the hope of a future
teaching real science in their schools? Why is our
payoff. What is going to happen if a third of these
people have to leave, even under the "touchback"
There have been calls by science educators, scien-
policies currently being debated in Washington?
tists and even some politicians, like Al Gore, for a
As for the skilled, they are being scared off by the
PR program to convince young people that sci-
widespread global coverage of America's broad
ence is cool. Oh boy! We can only hope they are
and bipartisan embrace of xenophobia. If you
not serious. Does anyone really think our target
don't believe that, spend a week in China or India
audience is that easily manipulated? They can see
and ask the young scientists there how they feel
for themselves the standing of scientists and tech-
today about coming to America.
nologists in society. That standing is low and erod-
The recent, panicked movement in Washington to
ing. Despite the huge fortunes made by some
resolve the immigration issue produced congres-
high-profile Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, science
sional bills that everyone admits were deeply
is getting less and less cool. Why not? Our leaders
have shown the most profound disrespect for sci-
we can do better — if not through BIO, then as
ence, and kids learn by example.
individuals — through our campaign contributionsand our voices.
It would be nice to appear nonpartisan at all times,but unfortunately, on this issue, there is clearly
Public Education — Not Someone Else's
one party which is complicit in the war on science
education. For this writer — a registered member
Finally, regarding the crisis in public education:
of that party — the alliance with religious conser-
Our leaders are guilty of under-funding, and in fact
vatives for the sake of winning votes is a cynical
actively undermining, our public school system.
and Faustian bargain. Isn't it time we challenge
This is a bipartisan failing at all levels from Capitol
our leaders to stand up to the forces of ignorance?
Hill to the small town. We are caught between the
Do we need those votes so badly that we willingly
radical public school de-funding lobby on the right,
trash American leadership in science and technol-
and the teachers' unions on the left, who are man-
ogy as part of the bargain?
ning the barricades to protect job security at the
Everyone in our industry owes his or her livelihood
expense of quality. The National Venture Capital
to the principles of open-minded inquiry that
Association has, at long last, undertaken a project
defined the Enlightenment. It seems unthinkable
(MAGNET USA, Maximizing America's Growth
to stand cynically by and let those principles be
for the Nation's Entrepreneurs and Technologists),
dismissed as "just another belief system," and an
which addresses, in part, this issue. Yet it is far too
"immoral" one at that. Yet, that is what we have
little, and too incremental. Meanwhile, our indus-
done. Why, other than fear or greed, is there any-
try has punted.
one in BIO or PhRMA who is not withholding his
Broad public education is essential to the ecosys-
or her votes and money from politicians who
tem in which our industries thrive. Is there anyone
reject the Enlightenment? Why have Sens. Sam
who sincerely disputes that? Along with immigra-
Brownback (R-Kan.) and Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) and
tion, mass education was the fuel that gave this
former senator Rick Santorum, among others,
country uncontested scientific supremacy in the
received a penny of our money? They hate every-
late 20th century. It is now the basis on which
thing that makes our industry possible!
developing nations like India and China are rapid-
Unprecedented Hostility to Science
ly overtaking us. If our schools remain unable topick up the slack, we are going to see our preem-
Unfortunately, our leaders' disrespect for science
inence in knowledge industries evaporate. It has
extends beyond the classroom. The administra-
already happened in areas such as computers and
tion's unprecedented hostility to science-based
pharmaceutical chemistry. We should be demand-
policy-making, from stem cells to the environ-
ing enormous increases in public education spend-
ment, is not only dangerous, it has been deeply
ing, in exchange for concessions from the teach-
demoralizing to the scientific community on whom
ers' unions on issues like tenure (make them earn
we rely for direction on such matters. It further
it), credentialing (end their monopoly on the
contributes to the disdain our young people have
process) and merit pay (long overdue). This
for careers in science and technology and has
requires confronting the partisans on both sides of
explicitly frightened off talented young scientists in
the so-called "debate."
other countries who might have come here towork. Even on an issue as obvious as stem cell
We in the biotech industry tend to view education
research, which is OUR issue, we have been
as someone else's problem. It should be obvious
shamefully timid, leaving a vacuum that state ini-
how self-destructive that is. Tax policies impact
tiatives like California's cannot properly fill. Surely
how much we keep of today's harvest, but if we
don't pay attention to planting for the next sea-
We are not shy about taking on the political
son, what will there be to harvest then? Our com-
establishment over issues that look purely instru-
patriots at IT companies like Hewlett-Packard rec-
mental, such as tax and regulatory policy. Our
ognize this and are making huge investments in
mistake now would be to think that matters such
public education and training in the information
as education, science-based policy and immigra-
sciences. What does HP see that we don't?
tion are somehow less instrumental, and thusnot worth the same investment of political capi-
Where the Danger Lies
tal. Mark these words: If our community defaults
These are all issues on which it behooves our com-
on those larger issues, then in the future we may
munity, individually and collectively, to take an
not receive, and certainly won't deserve, any
active stance. In some cases, it would seem we
further consideration when it comes to taxes
must risk our political neutrality. Would that really
and regulation.
be so unprecedented? Besides, we might actuallygain standing with groups that have never paid usany attention before. Over the years, we have vig-
published in BioWorld Perspectives
orously rebutted such critics and enemies as theanimal-rights terrorists and the corporate conspir-
Dr. Charles Hsu is a veteran life sciences
acy theorists, but let's face it, their impact is mar-
venture investor and entrepreneur.
ginal at best. In other words, PETA may be a littlenutty, but it also is irrelevant. We have to be hon-est about where the danger lies today.
Biotechnology in Africa:
Why the Controversy?
What Africa needs most at this time of intense European-American debate on
developments and use of GIOs is the creation of widespread public and policymaker
awareness and education on all facets of biotechnology and biosafety.
By Elseborn Mwangi
developed. These are needed to augment yields
BioWorld Contributing Writer
and reduce losses while conserving the naturalresources base.
This is a time of intense discussions about Africa's
Beginnings of Biotech in Africa
agricultural and economic performance, and thepotential impact of biotechnology on the economy
The debate on biotechnology in Africa must be
and the welfare of the continent. The two issues
considered within the context of the continent's
dominating the debate are the persistent poor per-
need for more food and the survival of its people.
formance of agriculture with associated wide-
Biotechnology-derived solutions for biotic and
spread poverty, and the ability of biotechnology to
abiotic stresses, if built into genotypes of plants
resolve Africa's food crisis (taking into account its
and animals, could reduce the need for, and the
potential and perceived effects on the continent's
high cost of, agrochemicals and water. New solu-
enormous biological diversity).
tions also could reduce the deleterious effects ofdiseases and weeds, thus promoting sustainable
Socioeconomics Set the Scene
agriculture production in Africa. Several coun-
Thirty years ago, Africa's population was about
tries, especially South Africa, Kenya, Zimbabwe
200 million. Today it is 520 million, and it is pro-
and Egypt, are putting in place structures and
jected to increase to 1.3 billion in the next 25
capacities for biotech R&D. Improvements in
years. The continent has the highest population
productivity are beginning to emerge from the
growth rate in the world.
applications of conventional and modernbiotechnology.
Subsequently, the situation may not necessarily beone of food scarcity but rather the scarcity of
For example, to address the problems of soil fer-
income or purchasing power. Millions of people in
tility and fertilizer application, a number of coun-
Africa live on less than US$1 per day.
tries have started to use Rhizobium inoculant inthe production of grain legumes. In several coun-
Agriculture Is at the Heart of Challenges
tries it is now commonplace to apply tissue culture
to address farmers' availability constraints of ade-
Most people in Africa earn their living by produc-
quate disease-free planting materials and rapid
ing food. Employment and income earning oppor-
improvement in crop production.
tunities are closely linked to productive agriculture.
In Kenya, for example, tissue culture technology
Africa faces a number of agricultural challenges,
has been initiated in different crops and has result-
such as a shortage of arable land, inadequate
ed in increased production of banana, pyrethrum,
rainfall, soil fertility, pests and diseases. In addi-
potato, cassava, sugar cane and flowers, most of
tion, Africa lacks a technological base whereby
which have become commercial enterprises. The
new intensive production techniques can be
demand for such materials is demonstrably high,
and the changes in the household income levels of
gy to enhance food production and to alter the
growers are becoming increasingly noticeable.
course of widespread poverty, hunger and starva-tion. Industrial countries, on the other hand, are
The use of DNA-based molecular markets is now
driven by market and profit. These distinctions
applied in various forms to construct linkage maps
must be understood and appreciated at the nation-
of different species. This helps locate particular
al, regional and global levels.
genes of relevance to the rapid improvement ofcrop and livestock breeding. Mapped markets are
The ongoing debate about biotech in Africa has
useful in speeding up the selection of traits for use
created fear, mistrust and general confusion to the
in conventional cross-breeding procedures. These
public. It also has failed to seek the views of
techniques are applicable to many African crop
African policymakers and stakeholders. The
improvement programs such as those seeking to
debate about biotechnology for Africa should not
enhance disease resistance.
be whether or not the continent needs biotechnol-ogy, but how biotechnology can be promoted,
Biotech's Challenges in Africa
supported and applied in safe and sustainable
Although there are many initiatives that create the
ways that contribute to improved agriculture and
structures and mechanisms necessary for the
to the social and economic welfare of the people
development of biotechnology in Africa, major dif-
of Africa. The need for biotechnology in Africa is
ferences exist between countries in relation to the
very clear, and should not be confused with the
level of application.
marketing/food surplus-driven forces of the indus-trial countries.
Countries face challenges in making decisionsabout what their level of involvement in biotech
Collective Considerations for Biotech
should be. These challenges include:
Many countries in Africa face severe reductions in
• the development of a knowledge base appro-
agricultural research funding. Because most
priate to decision-making in the use of biotechno-
biotech R&D is more expensive than convention-
logical approaches;
al research, it should be focused on solving priori-ty national or regional problems where it has a
• priority setting for biotechnology aimed at solv-
comparative advantage. This means that African
ing specific problems of national importance;
countries must develop appropriate policies for
• the establishment of policy and regulatory
biotechnology, and mount efforts to identify key
structures for biosafety and intellectual property
national priorities for biotechnology, bearing in
mind the needs of the resource-poor who dependon agriculture for their livelihood. This approach
• capacity development for enhancement of the
should take into account national development poli-
above issues; and
cies, private sector interests, market possibilities,
technology diffusion mechanisms and linkages.
establishment of cooperative mechanisms for
biotech development, its transfer, and sustainable
The question today should not be whether or not
applications in Africa.
Africa requires biotechnology, but rather howcountries in Africa can be assisted in harnessing
Why the Controversy?
and safely applying biotechnology to support
There is overwhelming evidence that the needs
development. Egypt, Kenya, South Africa,
and drive for biotechnology in Africa are quite dif-
Zimbabwe, Botswana, Malawi, Mauritius,
ferent from those of industrial countries. Africa's
Cameroon and Zambia either have, or are in the
agenda is based on the urgent need for technolo-
process of adopting, explicit biosafety regulations
and guidelines, and some are involved in negotia-
greatest effort is still focused on tissue culture
tions for an international biosafety protocol.
application. The private sector is dominant in
Biosafety frameworks should be accommodative
biotechnology development in industrial counties,
and promotional, rather than prohibitive, advocat-
but in Africa more than 85 percent of biotechnol-
ing the establishment of adequate and sound
ogy R&D in the region is in the public sector, with
biosafety regulations, risk assessment and man-
universities and agricultural research institutions
agement regimes, and instruments for monitoring
taking on most of the responsibilities. Except for
use compliance.
South Africa, local private sector engagement inbiotechnology is limited.
African countries face a compelling need to devel-op long-term policies on biotechnology that:
What Africa needs most at this time of intenseEuropean-American debate on developments and
• promote national biotechnology needs assess-
use of GIOs is the creation of widespread public
ment and targeted research;
and policymaker awareness and education on all
• provide incentives for the creation and financ-
facets of biotechnology and biosafety. This will
ing of local private biotechnology enterprises;
enable the countries to make judicious decisionson the path to biotechnology use.
• promote local public R&D of foreign industry
partnerships; and
• improve and enhance scientific capacities and
published in BioWorld Perspectives
technology risk management into existing envi-ronmental, health and agricultural regimes.
Elseborn Mwangi is an award-winning writer
with the People Daily newspaper in Nairobi,
Biotechnology R&D in Africa is presently focused
Kenya, and a frequent commentator on
on improving agriculture, with only very few initia-
various health and science issues, with special
tives targeting the ecological impact of genetically
reference to eastern and southern Africa.
improved organism (GIO) development. The
New Mechanisms of Action
Promising for Type II Diabetes
While the market opportunity is "huge" for firms developing drugs to treat
Type II diabetes, the problems that have arisen with glitazones and Byetta
have created a hypersensitive environment,
cells in the pancreas and their inability to secrete
BioWorld Today Washington Editor
insulin to the way the body uses insulin, he said.
A decade ago, the hope for treating Type II dia-
One of the greatest strains on the nation's finan-
betes centered on thiazolidinediones, also called
cial stability is the increasing cost of health care.
glitazones, which act through the activation of a
And in recent years, the focus has centered on the
nuclear hormone receptor known as peroxisome
burden of obesity-related diseases, such as Type II
proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) gamma.
diabetes, which has been described by the Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention as "a growing
But not long after the drugs were introduced onto
the market, patients began reporting adverse reac-tions, specifically with Parke-Davis/Warner-
About 24 million people in the U.S. have diabetes
Lambert's Rezulin (troglitazone), which was found
and about 90 percent have Type II, according to
to be highly toxic to the liver, Kolbert noted.
the American Diabetes Association (ADA).
Another 57 million Americans have prediabetes
That drug was withdrawn from the market in
— a condition in which blood glucose levels are
higher than normal but not yet high enough to bediagnosed as diabetes. Diabetes cost the nation
The FDA in 2007 called for black-box warnings
$174 billion in 2007, according to ADA.
on the other approved glitazones — Actos (piogli-tazone, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.) and
Even during election season, the U.S. presidential
Avandia (rosiglitazone, GlaxoSmithKline plc) —
candidates talked about the financial burden to the
alerting that the drugs may cause or exacerbate
nation caused by obesity-related diseases and the
heart failure. The labeling for Avandia was revised
personal responsibility of Americans to decrease
again later to warn about an increased risk of
those costs, said analyst Jason Kolbert, of
myocardial ischemia.
Susquehanna Financial Group LLLP.
Now under scrutiny are the glucagon-like peptide-
The reality of that burden, he said, makes it even
1 diabetes drugs, such as Amylin Pharmaceutical
more evident that new therapeutics urgently are
Inc.'s Byetta (exenatide). The FDA has received at
needed to treat Type II diabetes, a condition in
least six reports of deaths from acute pancreatitis
which the body either does not produce enough
in patients taking Byetta.
insulin or the cells ignore the insulin.
While the market opportunity is "huge" for firms
The traditional idea of replacing insulin in the
developing drugs to treat Type II diabetes, the
body, Kolbert said, "is now really a last resort to
problems that have arisen with glitazones and
treating diabetes."
Byetta have created a hypersensitive environment,
Newer therapies are looking at the disease from
resulting in the clinical burden being set much
various aspects, from the malfunction of insulin
higher for new therapies, Kolbert said.
Moving forward, he said, the drugs must have
that are still making insulin will still die off, and
good safety track records and demonstrate that
they are left with a dead pancreas that cannot
they create no additional problems when they are
make insulin anymore, and they have to go on
combined with other therapeutics, given that mul-
shots of insulin like the Type I diabetics need."
tiple agents are used to treat Type II diabetes. And
XOMA's approach, Solinger said, is to target the
with the costs to develop newer drugs expected to
pathology that is causing the damage and stop the
rise sharply due to the FDA now calling for larger
cell death. The company's investigational drug,
clinical trials of longer duration, early stage firms
XOMA 052, is designed to block the activation of
will be more reliant on big pharma to get their
the IL-1 receptor, thereby preventing the cellular
products to market, Kolbert said.
signaling events that produce inflammation, he
Nonetheless, he added, there currently is a "scien-
explained. Blocking IL-1 beta also may minimize
tific renaissance" taking place in diabetes treat-
cardiovascular risks, Solinger added.
ment discovery, with many early stage companies
XOMA 052, which also has shown signs of cell
now focused on the underlying nature of the dis-
regeneration activity, is in Phase I/II testing,
ease as an inflammatory condition.
Solinger said, describing the current status of the
XOMA's IL-1 Beta Approach
studies as the "multiple-dose and dose-findingparts of our trials."
One such firm, Berkeley, Calif.-based XOMALtd., has focused its efforts on the role that the
The firm expects to have a dataset from the two
interleukin-1 (IL-1) pathway plays in diabetes
trials ready by the end of the second quarter of
2009 and to have formal Phase II studies underway before the second half of next year.
Much of the damage done in patients with Type IIdiabetes is done by the death of islet cells — the
Targeting the NF-kappa B Pathway
cells that make insulin in the pancreas — second-
San Diego-based Hollis-Eden Pharmaceuticals Inc.
ary to the elevation of blood glucose, explained
came to Type II diabetes drug discovery from a dif-
Alan Solinger, XOMA's vice president of clinical
ferent anti-inflammatory approach, said CEO
"Originally, it was thought this was all damage
"We came at this fundamentally, chemically and
directly from the high glucose, but they found out
biologically, and we believe that by following those
recently that the high glucose levels present in dia-
processes we are going to be able to produce a
betics actually increases the inflammatory signals
better pharmaceutical to treat Type II diabetes,
within the islet cells, causes release of IL-1 beta,
because it is all within the system's biology," he
which then feeds back on the cells and slows down
explained. "It's all within endocrinology chemical
the metabolism, and ultimately leads to the death
messaging with hormones that is regulating this
of the islet cells," he told
BioWorld Financial
biology that goes awry in Type II diabetes."
Hollis-Eden is developing small-molecule com-
The current therapy dogma in diabetes is either to
pounds that are natural metabolites or synthetic
replace the insulin that is missing in diabetics or to
analogues of steroid hormones produced by the
make the tissues that need insulin more sensitive
adrenal glands, specifically focusing on dehy-
to the circulating levels, Solinger said. Even
though patients might seem to be well controlledon current agents, ultimately, he said, "their pan-
The firm's investigational compound, Triolex
creases will poop out, and the remaining islet cells
(HE3286), is an insulin sensitizer that acts by mod-
ulating the nuclear factor kappa B pathway and
Boyd, Array's senior director of medicinal
other proinflammatory pathways, Hollis said.
"Triolex works by down-regulating those precise
Looking for molecules that increase the activity of an
pathways that are causing insulin resistance," he
enzyme, as opposed to inhibiting an enzyme, is an
explained. "If we can mitigate the inflammatory
"unusual approach" to drug discovery, he declared.
signals that disrupt insulin signaling, we can pro-
"This is one of the few examples that you can
vide a clearer pathway for the insulin signaling to
point to that actually changes the activity of an
reach its receptor and to do its job, and that is to
enzyme," Boyd said about Array's glucokinase
improve insulin sensitivity and control blood glu-
activator (GK), ARRY-403.
cose levels to normal levels in the body."
Preclinical results showed that ARRY-403 demon-
Interim results of the firm's Phase I/IIa study
strated potent, highly glucose-blood-level depend-
showed that Triolex 5 mg and 10 mg in obese
ent control of both fasting and non-fasting glucose
insulin-resistant patients, or prediabetics, signifi-
concentrations, he said. The firm plans to initiate
cantly improved insulin sensitivity and lowered fast-
a Phase Ib study of ARRY-403 in the first half of
ing-blood glucose and insulin levels compared with
2009, and Boyd said Array intends to partner
placebo, said Jaime Riveros-Flores, the company's
with a larger firm for its Phase II program.
vice president of endocrinology and metabolism.
Array is developing the compound as a monother-
Notably, he said, the data showed that insulin-
apy and as a drug that can be used in combination
resistant patients displayed a significantly exacer-
with other treatments, said James Trevillyan, prin-
bated inflammatory response characterized by
cipal research investigator of translational biology.
higher levels of the proinflammatory cytokines,such as monocyte chemoattractant protein-1,
"There's clearly an unmet need for additional
tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-6 and IL-1 beta
mechanisms to help control glucose, and we think
produced in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated periph-
that GK activators will add to that armamentarium
eral blood mononuclear cells from the patients.
with current drugs to help diabetics meet that
The study data showed a positive trend toward low-
ering those inflammatory cytokines in patients who
While firms like OSI Pharmaceuticals Inc. and
received Triolex, which in turn was accompanied by
Roche AG have more advanced GK activators in
signs of glucose lowering, Riveros-Flores explained.
development, that class of drugs still is in the early
Hollis-Eden is enrolling patients with Type II dia-
stages. "So it's still an open game," said analyst
betes in a Phase IIb study. The firm anticipates
Howard Liang, of Leerink Swann LLC.
having interim data from the 90-patient study by
Activating PPAR-delta Proteins
the end of 2008 or early 2009.
While PPAR has gotten a bad rap recently, John
Regulating Glucose via Glucokinase
Didsbury, president of Raleigh, N.C.-based DARA
BioSciences Inc., said his firm is taking a new
Boulder, Colo.-based Array BioPharma Inc.'s
approach with its insulin sensitizer, DB959, which
approach to Type II diabetes drug discovery tar-
is designed to activate the PPAR-delta protein, an
gets glucokinase, the enzyme that senses glu-
enzyme that instructs cells to burn off fat and gen-
cose in the pancreatic beta cells, stimulating
erates high levels of muscle fibers needed for
insulin release in a glucose-dependent manner.
endurance. The compound also uses PPAR-
Glucokinase also regulates glucose uptake and
gamma activity to help control high blood sugar,
glucose production in the liver, said Steven
The firm believes that approach can be beneficial
Hollis-Eden all still are in the very early stages of
in treating cholesterol and lipoprotein abnormali-
development, said Susquehanna's Kolbert, their
ties in diabetics, he explained.
products' new mechanisms of action hold greatpromise for patients with Type II diabetes in a
DB959, which is expected to enter Phase I testing
growing market. "With the stakes so high, we are
in early 2009, has demonstrated a significant
going to see a lot of continuing work in Type II
reduction in weight gain of about 70 percent com-
diabetes," he said. "Obviously, the demand for
pared with Avandia, and preclinical testing
therapies to treat this disease is only rising."
showed synergistic effects on insulin sensitivityarising from both PPAR-delta and PPAR-gammaactivity, Didsbury said.
published in BioWorld Financial Watch
Although firms like DARA, Array, XOMA and
Combination Drug Approach
Aimed at Cancer's Network
Despite advancements in developing targeted cancer therapies, success to date has
been modest at best. "It's difficult to go to ASCO and see people get excited about a
20 percent response [rate]," said Jason Kantor, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets.
By Jennifer Boggs
inhibitors, histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors
BioWorld Today Assistant Managing Editor
and proteosome inhibitors.
But, despite advancements in developing targeted
Over the last several years — really starting with
therapies, success to date has been modest at best.
the 1998 approval of Herceptin as the first suc-cessful targeted therapy to hit the market — can-
"It's difficult to go to ASCO and see people get
cer has become a more treatable disease. Even so,
excited about a 20 percent response [rate],"
most of the achievements have come in the form
Kantor said, referring to the annual American
of small disease progression-free increments and
Society of Clinical Oncology meeting. He asked
limited response rates.
panelists during a therapeutic session on oncology
There's been a "massive proliferation of targets,"
targets, "When are we going to see an 80 percent
said Jason Kantor, an analyst at RBC Capital
Markets, who led a discussion on cancer drug tar-
The answer to that might come with a better
gets and approaches at the 2008 BIO Investor
understanding of the disease — or rather, dis-
Forum in late October. "We're seeing an ava-
eases, since different cancers are able to grow and
lanche of data," he added, ticking off some of the
mutate via different pathways.
latest drug types that have gained traction in theoncology space: heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90)
"We should be looking at cancer at a molecular level,
as opposed to tissue area," said Daniel R. Passeri,
Francisco-based Genentech Inc. on its own combi-
president and CEO of Cambridge, Mass.-based
nation study. In May 2008, Genentech initiated a
Curis Inc. The goal is to "shut down the network."
Phase II trial to test approved vascular endothelialgrowth factor (VEGF) inhibitor Avastin (beva-
He offered Tarceva (erlotinib) as an example of a
cizumab) with GDC-0449, a small-molecule
drug that is successful by market standards, but,
Hedgehog antagonist, in metastatic colorectal
"from a clinical standpoint, has limited efficacy."
cancer. That trial is designed to randomize 150
Tarceva, from Genentech Inc. and OSI
patients to receive FOLFOX or FOLFIRI
Pharmaceuticals Inc., works by targeting a well-
chemotherapy in combination with Avastin, plus
established cancer pathway, the epidermal growth
either GDC-0449 or placebo, with progression-
factor receptor (EGFR), and is approved in non-
free survival as the primary endpoint.
small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and pancreaticcancer.
The aim is to "look at network disruption," Passerisaid. "Avastin hits one [target], Hedgehog hits
But a number of cells "have adapted to bypass that
(EGFR) pathway," Passeri said.
Pamela Munster, a clinician at the University of
And, in that way, cancer is much like HIV in its
California in San Francisco, with experience run-
ability to mutate and become resistant to treat-
ning breast cancer trials, agreed that single-path-
ment. In HIV, the first approved antiretroviral ther-
way inhibitors "are not going to work," and the
apy, AZT, was efficacious at first, but AZT-resist-
aim in cancer drug development should focus on
ance soon prompted drug developers and clini-
"getting rid of single-agent trials."
cians to seek combination, or cocktail, therapies.
But, she added, that becomes a "major issue"
Similarly, Novartis AG's Gleevec (imatinib) met
when dealing with two or more development-
with success when it gained approval as a target-
ed therapy for chronic myelogenous leukemia, butmutations in the Bcr-Abl protein in CML patients
Attempting a clinical study involving more than
have led to problems of drug resistance. A combi-
one unapproved therapy carries a whole host of
nation approach might counteract that resistance,
regulatory risks — if the combination fails, how
and several companies are working in that area,
will researchers know which therapy fell short, for
such as GPC Biotech AG, of Martinsried,
example — not to mention possible legal entan-
Germany, which recently presented preclinical
glements in trials involving two companies' drugs.
data showing that its multitargeted protein kinase
So ongoing combination studies are restricted to
inhibitor, RGB-286638, demonstrated strong
designs involving either two approved products or
activity in animal models of CML that are Gleevec-
an approved product plus an unapproved drug.
resistant. Phase I testing is anticipated to begin
Ongoing late-stage trials include a Phase III study
later this year.
testing of Avastin plus Torisel (temsirolimus), an
"We're really at the beginning of understanding"
mTOR inhibitor from Madison, N.J.-based Wyeth,
the combination approach in treating cancer,
compared to Avastin plus interferon-alpha in
Passeri said. "They key is to understand which
advanced renal-cell carcinoma patients. The pri-
patients are amenable" to certain disease pathway
mary endpoints include tumor measurements and
disruption, and, as with HIV treatment, combina-
survival, and the trial is expected to conclude in
tions might have to be changed or adjusted "as
molecular characteristics change."
Another Phase III trial is evaluating the effect of
Curis is working with partner South San
Avastin added to chemotherapy and Herceptin in
HER2-positive breast cancer patients. Disease-
oral dosages of 150 mg of Tarceva added to
free survival is the primary endpoint, and data are
Avastin infused at 15 kg/mg every three weeks
expected in 2012.
failed to improve overall survival in NSCLCpatients whose disease had progressed following
Multiple Phase II studies are testing Avastin in
platinum-based chemotherapy. That combination,
combination with other targeted therapies. Those
however, did exceed the median survival of 6.7
include: Avastin plus RAD001 (everolimus,
months reported from an earlier Tarceva study.
Novartis), an mTOR inhibitor, in advanced low- orintermediate-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma;
Even though it missed the primary endpoint, data
Avastin plus Erbitux (cetuximab, ImClone Systems
from that study will "give us a big clue," Thomas
Inc.) plus irinotecan in trials involving second-line
Lynch, chief of hematology and oncology and
colorectal cancer patients and recurrent or
director of the Center of Thoracic Cancers at
metastatic head and neck cancer patients; and
Massachusetts General Hospital, said during a
Avastin plus Velcade (bortezomib, Takeda) in
separate panel on the lung cancer space.
recurrent malignant glioma.
That clue, it seems, is the importance of biomark-
Herceptin is being tested in a Phase II trials in
ers and molecular profiling. For example, data
combination mTOR inhibitors Sirolimus (rapa-
emerging from this year's ASCO meeting indicat-
mune, Wyeth) and deforolimus (Ariad
ed that colorectal cancer patients with a mutated
Pharmaceuticals Inc.) in breast cancer patients. A
KRAS gene were unlikely to benefit from treat-
separate Phase II trial is examining Herceptin plus
ment with ImClone's Erbitux. Therefore, testing
Tykerb (lapatinib), a kinase inhibitor from London-
for that biomarker would help predict which
based GlaxoSmithKline plc. Whether any of those
patients would respond best to Erbitux treatment.
combinations will yield superior results compared
Molecular profiling is key for reaching a better
to single agent treatment still remains to be seen.
response rate, agreed Curis' Passeri.
There already have been a couple of disappoint-
"It's exciting that we're seeing biological respons-
ments with the combination targeted therapy
es" in clinical studies, he said. "Now we have to
approach. In March 2007, Thousand Oaks, Calif.-
based Amgen Inc. reported results from a PhaseIIIb trial that added its approved Vectibix (panitu-
Despite the setback with the Avastin/Tarceva
mumab), an anti-EGFR antibody, to Avastin plus
combination trial in NSCLC patients, additional
chemotherapy, which showed a lower progres-
studies are ongoing to test the combination of
sion-free survival rate in colorectal cancer patients
those targeted therapies in mesothelioma, liver
compared to those receiving only Avastin and
cancer, locally advanced rectal cancer and as first-
line consolidation chemotherapy after carboplatin,paclitaxel and Avastin induction therapy in
Another disappointment, a pilot Phase II study of
advanced ovarian, Fallopian tube and primary
Avastin plus Erbitux, with or without gemcitabine,
peritoneal cancer and papillary serous mullerian
in pancreatic cancer was terminated due to a lack
tumors. All those studies are in Phase II.
of efficacy in both study arms.
And last month, Genentech and Melville, N.Y.-based OSI reported that the combination of daily
published in BioWorld Financial Watch
Discovery of Toxic Element
in AD Forces Paradigm Shift
"This work is important because it will advise how drug intervention is best directed," said
Ciaran Regan, professor of neuropharmacology at the School of Biomolecular and Biomedical
Science, University College Dublin. "If you can reduce or stop the production of amyloid-beta
as opposed to reducing the amyloid plaque load, treatment might be more effective."
By Sharon Kingman
The Irish-American team of researchers isolated
BioWorld International Correspondent
amyloid-beta monomers, dimers and trimers fromthe brains of several subjects who had died with
A new study suggested that drugs to treat
Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) should target the proteins
Because they knew that the severity of the demen-
that comprise the plaques that form in the brain in
tia in Alzheimer's disease correlated strongly with
that condition, rather than the plaques themselves.
the abundance of amyloid-beta in the brains of suf-
Ciaran Regan, professor of neuropharmacology
ferers, the researchers then set out to characterize
at the School of Biomolecular and Biomedical
the physiological effects of the material they had
Science, University College Dublin, in Ireland, told
BioWorld International: "The results of our work
They focused particularly on soluble oligomers
have caused a paradigm shift in how we think
that are the first to form once amyloid-beta
about the plaques present in Alzheimer's disease.
monomers are made.
It seems that it is not necessarily the plaques thatare causing the damage, but rather the intermedi-
In a series of experiments, the researchers showed
ates that are forming those plaques."
that long-term potentiation — a long-lastingincrease in communication between neurons that
An account of the research appeared in the June
results from stimulating neurons and what is
22, 2008, issue of
Nature Medicine, in a paper
thought to be a model of learning and memory —
titled: "Amyloid-beta protein dimers isolated
directly from Alzheimer's brains impair synapticplasticity and memory."
They also found that the converse was true. Long-term depression — the process by which neuronal
The first author is Ganesh Shankar of Brigham
synapses become weaker, a model of forgetting —
and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical
was enhanced with the soluble amyloid-beta.
School in Boston.
The researchers also trained rats to avoid a cham-
In Alzheimer's disease, a protein found in the
ber in their environment.
membranes of neurons called amyloid precursorprotein (APP) is broken down, forming amyloid
They then injected the soluble amyloid-beta
oligomer into the animals' brains and tested theirsubsequent memory for avoiding the chamber.
The latter molecules stick to each other, formingdimers, trimers and other oligomers. Ultimately,
Animals that were injected three hours after train-
these oligomers form the large aggregates known
ing — at about the time that, according to other
research, the synapses become remodeled follow-
ing memory training — entered the chamber
Regan said scientists had understood that amyloid-
again significantly faster than those injected with a
beta fragments contribute to the plaques, but the
control substance. That result suggested that the
direct and toxic role of the molecules had not been
treated animals had an impaired ability to retain
fully appreciated.
the learned behavior.
While research already has shown how amyloid-
Further experiments showed that the insoluble
beta can influence the connections between nerve
cores of plaques from Alzheimer's brains did not
cells and synapses, future studies will attempt to
affect long-term potentiation, but that this process
demonstrate how this synaptotoxicity manifests
was impaired when the plaque cores were modi-
itself in live animals.
fied to produce soluble amyloid-beta dimers.
"In addition, we want to know whether exposing
Writing in
Nature Medicine, the authors concluded
nerve cells and their synapses to amyloid-beta during
that "plaque cores are largely inactive, but sequester
the learning process actually reduces the number of
amyloid-beta dimers that are synaptotoxic.
synapses that form with learning," Regan added.
"We conclude that soluble amyloid-beta oligomers
"We also want to know when neurodegeneration
extracted from Alzheimer's disease brains potent-
occurs: Does this happen immediately, or is it
ly impair synapse structure and function and that
dimers are the smallest synaptotoxic species,"
"Thirdly, we want to find out whether the amyloid-
beta oligomers themselves influence the way in
"This work is important because it will advise how
which amyloid precursor protein is processed in
drug intervention is best directed," Regan said. "For
the brain," Regan noted.
example, if you can reduce or stop the productionof amyloid-beta as opposed to reducing the amyloidplaque load, treatment might be more effective."
published in BioWorld International
Antibiotics for Resistant Bugs
Possible in Two Years' Time
Scientists at Prolysis in Oxford, UK, have shown that members of a new class
of drugs are effective in a lethal infection model that uses S. aureus.
By Sharon Kingman
Prolysis was founded with the aim of discovering
BioWorld International Correspondent
new antibacterial drugs using the guidance andinsights of the bacterial cell biologist, Jeff Errington.
A completely new class of antibiotics that works
Errington, who is now the director of the Institute
for Cell and Molecular Biosciences at the University
aureus (MRSA) could enter clinical trials within the
of Newcastle, UK, predicted that it should be possi-
next couple of years. The new drugs work by
ble to identify and develop novel compounds that
inhibiting bacterial cell division.
would inhibit bacterial cell division.
While bacterial resistance to all antibiotics is
In bacteria, cell division involves a large number of
inevitable, researchers predict that, because none
conserved and essential proteins. Loss of any of
of the antibiotics in current use attack the same
these proteins causes bacteria to die. Importantly,
target as this new class of drugs, there should be
the bacterial cell division process is different from
no pre-existing resistance to the new antibiotics.
that of mammalian cells, so any drug developedthat targets bacterial cell division should not cause
Scientists at Prolysis Ltd. in Oxford, UK, have
side effects in human or mammalian cells.
shown that members of the new class of drugs,one of which is called PC190723, are effective in
Bacterial cell division starts with the formation of a
a lethal infection model that uses
S. aureus.
ring by a protein called FtsZ. The FtsZ ring recruitsother key proteins to form a complex that organizes
Steve Ruston, CEO of Prolysis, told
the synthesis of the new cell wall, by forming a sep-
International, "PC190723 is an important
tum between the two daughter cells. Once the sep-
landmark compound that already has many
tum is complete, the daughter cells can separate.
attributes that you would want to see in a human
PC190723 works by binding to and inhibiting FtsZ
medicine. There are other attributes that we are
activity. FtsZ is related to the mammalian protein
planning to optimize in order to create a com-
beta-tubulin, which is the target for anticancer drugs
pound with a very good chance of going through
such as Taxol. Taxol binds to a site in beta-tubulin that
the remaining preclinical development hurdles,
is analogous to the PC190723 binding site in FtsZ.
and gaining regulatory approval to begin humanclinical evaluation."
Researchers from Prolysis, led by LloydCzaplewski, director of research, reported in
That process will, he predicted, take almost two
Science that PC190723 had potent antibacterial
years. Prolysis then plans to find a licensing part-
activity against all strains and species of staphylo-
ner to assist with larger clinical evaluations, prod-
cocci that were tested. Those included an MRSA
uct registration and launch of the new product. A
strain and a multi-drug resistant strain of
S. aureus
report on PC190723 appears in the Sept. 19,
(MDRSA) that is resistant to many of the major
2008, issue of
Science, in a paper titled "An
classes of antibiotics. The researchers also tested
Inhibitor of FtsZ with Potent and Selective Anti-
the drug in an infection model of staphylococcal
Staphylococcal Activity."
septicemia, with very good results. Ruston said,
"The pharmaceutical industry has brought
rial anaerobic respiration. Hiratsuka et al. have
through very few new classes of antibiotics over
called it the futalosine pathway.
the past 20 or 30 years, and the fact that this is a
Writing in the same issue of
Science, David Payne
novel class of drugs means that it should have clin-
of GlaxoSmithKline plc, of London, concluded,
ical utility for an extended period of time before
"The lack of this pathway in humans and its pres-
resistance develops."
ence in bacteria such as
Chlamydia . .
In the same issue of
Science, Tomoshige
Helicobacter pylori . .
Campylobacter jejuni . .
Hiratsuka, of the Toyama Prefectural University in
and Spirochaetes . . could make it an attractive
Japan, and colleagues reported finding a group of
antibacterial drug target for these specific
previously unrecognized bacterial proteins that
could provide targets for new antibiotics. The pro-teins belong to a new pathway for the biosynthe-sis of menaquinone, a molecule needed for bacte-
published in BioWorld International
Enormous New Gene Holds Out
Hope as Therapy for Eye Disease
In total, 1 in 3,000 people are affected by retinitis pigmentosa. In about half
of the cases, the disease is inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion. Researchers
have identified about 20 different genes that appear to play a role in between
1 percent and 5 percent of autosomal recessive cases of retinitis pigmentosa.
By Sharon Kingman
vision in humans, including how the photorecep-
BioWorld International Correspondent
tor cells of the retina work. Intriguingly, EYS is notpresent in the mouse retina, nor in the retinas of
The discovery of a new gene that, when mutated,
certain insects, such as bees.
appears to be responsible for many cases of the
Shomi Bhattacharya, professor of experimental
human eye disease, autosomal recessive retinitis
ophthalmology at the Institute of Ophthalmology,
pigmentosa, eventually could lead to new gene
University College London, told
therapies for this condition.
International, "There is no way of curing this dis-
The gene, which the researchers have called EYS,
ease until we understand the genetic basis for it.
is the largest gene yet identified that is specifically
Now that we know the gene, and once we have
expressed only in the eye. The protein encoded by
worked out the biochemical basis for the disease,
EYS probably has a role in maintaining the integri-
then it should be possible to treat patients for such
ty of the photoreceptor cells of the retina.
conditions in the future using gene therapy."
Physiologists hope that EYS will allow them to
Bhattacharya, together with his collaborators led
gain a better understanding of the process of
by Guillermo Antinolo of the Hospitales
Universitarios Virgen del Rocio in Seville, Spain,
screened the genomes of affected individuals for
gave an account of their research in the Oct. 5,
deletions, using the technique known as array
2008, issue of
Nature Genetics, in a paper titled
comparative genomic hybridization. That strategy
"EYS, encoding an ortholog of
Drosophila space-
helped them to identify a 100-kilobase section of
maker, is mutated in autosomal recessive retinitis
the genome that was deleted in all affected mem-
bers of one of the original families studied.
An earlier study by researchers at the Institute of
That segment contained six of the predicted genes,
Ophthalmology proved that gene therapy for reti-
so the team then began to screen those genes for
nal degeneration could work in principle,
mutations. That approach allowed them to focus
Bhattacharya said. In that study, published in the
on two of those predicted genes, which were also
May 22, 2008, issue of the
New England
in the same location as the 100-kilobase deletion.
Journal of Medicine, four young adults with
Further investigation showed that the two genes
Leber's congenital amaurosis (LCA) were given a
were, in fact, part of a much larger gene consisting
treatment to replace the retinal gene that they
of 2 million base pairs of DNA, which now is called
lacked. The therapy involved delivering the gene,
the EYS gene. EYS has 43 exons.
using an adenoviral vector, to the retina. One of
Using the polymerase chain reaction to amplify
the three patients showed an improvement in visu-
messenger RNA derived from EYS, the team was
al function following the treatment.
able to show that a gene transcript of the expect-
In total, 1 in 3,000 people in the general popula-
ed size could be obtained from the retina, but not
tion are affected by retinitis pigmentosa. In about
from other tissues, as well as from a cell line of
half of the cases, the disease is inherited in an
photoreceptor-like cells. Additional work showed
autosomal recessive fashion. Researchers have
that six separate mutations were present in five of
identified about 20 different genes that appear to
the affected families studied. Four of those muta-
play a role in between 1 percent and 5 percent of
tions involved deletions and two involved non-
autosomal recessive cases of retinitis pigmentosa.
sense substitutions; however, all six resulted in the
EYS represents a breakthrough because it proba-
creation of premature stop codons.
bly accounts for a higher percentage (about 10
Because it has been shown that mRNA containing
percent) of cases of autosomal recessive retinitis
premature stop codons undergoes immediate
decay, the authors speculated that the disease
The trawling by Bhattacharya and Antinolo for
mechanism in the affected families may be due to
additional genes responsible for retinitis pigmen-
a complete absence of a functional EYS protein.
tosa had begun with the mapping of the RP25
Tests on 200 control individuals showed that
locus to chromosome 6 in Spanish families, by
none had any of the mutations identified in
the Antinolo group. The linkage region was
patients with disease.
quite large and contained in excess of 110genes as potential candidates for RP25. After
Initial examination of the protein encoded by the
eliminating 15 candidate genes whose functions
EYS gene suggested that it is a large protein of
already were known and systematically screen-
more than 3,000 amino acids, and that it includes
ing a further 45 genes, the research team were
at least 21 domains that resemble epidermal
helped by a study that mapped the RP25 locus
growth factors. Its highly unusual structure resem-
in five additional families, greatly narrowing the
bles that seen in the
Drosophila spacemaker
area of interest.
In parallel, Bhattacharya and his colleagues also
Drosophila spam protein is expressed in the eye
of many species of insects, including fruitflies
form a single communication channel with the
Drosophila melanogaster) and houseflies (
domestica Linnaeus), where the photoreceptor
Bhattacharya predicted that biologists will be very
cells of each ommatidium of the compound eye
interested to explore the meaning of these differ-
are separate from each other. In this type of
ences, and how the EYS protein plays a role in
insect eye, each photoreceptor cell has a direct
modulating retinal architecture and in vision.
connection with the brain. In other species ofinsect, such as the mosquito (
Anopheles gambi-ae) and the honey bee (
Apis mellifera), spam is
published in BioWorld International
not expressed in the eye and the photoreceptorcells of each ommatidium have fused together to
ACT's Business Model Aims for
Steady Stream of Cancer Drugs
Big pharma is "spending more money than ever [on research and development],
yet the number of new chemical entities continues to decline," said Advanced
Cancer Therapeutics President and CEO Randall Riggs.
By Jennifer Boggs
cious at that point, the company will advance the
BioWorld Today Assistant Managing Editor
candidates into Phase I.
And at the end of Phase I, ACT likely will look at
Hoping to bridge the gap between the lab and big
options for licensing or selling the compound to a
pharma's sparse pipelines, 2007 start-up
large pharma firm that has the resources and
Advanced Cancer Therapeutics is working to rap-
expertise to take it deeper into clinical develop-
idly develop the most promising early stage can-
ment and potential commercialization.
cer compounds emerging from work at the JamesGraham Brown Cancer Center at the University
Big pharma is "spending more money than ever
of Louisville in Louisville, Ky.
[on research and development], yet the number ofnew chemical entities continues to decline," Riggs
The firm, which was founded in January 2007
BioWorld Today. "So we have to start think-
though it officially started operations in October
ing outside the box."
2008, is not the typical university spinout firm.
Under its agreement with the University of
At ACT, "we have a very nice engine" for discov-
Louisville, ACT has access to the 20-plus poten-
ery and development, he added, describing the
tial compounds in development in labs at the
relationship with the James Graham Brown cen-
James Graham Brown center — as well as
ter as a "quid pro quo effort."
access to the roughly 50 scientists at the center— which spends about $20 million to $25 mil-
"We bring in the compounds without having topay for them," Riggs said. ACT then aims to facil-
lion each year on drug discovery and preclinical
itate the rapid advancement of the most promis-
ing candidates — weeding out the less effective
In return, the university holds a 30 percent stake
ones before they can rack up too much in devel-
in ACT, which would allow it to share in any rev-
opment costs — into the hands of a larger com-
enue generated from its research.
pany for late-stage work.
"It's a different model," said President and CEO
In addition to the university's stake in future rev-
Randall Riggs, adding that it took founders and
enue, Riggs said the deal allows the university sci-
local venture capitalists Dale J. Boden and Ty
entists to "do what they do best" by focusing on
Wilburn "two years to negotiate this business
their research without becoming entangled in the
structure with the university."
process of trying to translate their discoveries intocommercial operations.
The strategy is simple enough. ACT is permittedfirst right to refusal on compounds emerging from
It's a business model encouraged by Donald
the cancer center and will focus on taking the
Miller, who was named director of the James
chosen compounds rapidly through preclinical
Graham Brown Cancer Center in 1999, Riggs
testing and toxicology. If the data still look effica-
Miller previously founded Aptamera Inc. in 2001,
that's OK because we have other products to go
with a single product — aptamer drug AGRO100
for cancer. Louisville-based Aptamera had moved
More than 20 compounds are in early develop-
the drug into Phase I in pancreatic cancer when it
ment at the James Graham Brown center, most of
was acquired in 2005 by Antisoma plc, of
them small molecules, and "we're watching close-
London, for $21.5 million.
ly," he added. "We're looking at compounds at the
With ACT, "we wanted to continue that success,
preclinical/animal testing phase to see whether
except this time, we'd create a company with a
they clearly illustrate in vivo activity."
portfolio of products, which diffuses the risk and
To date, ACT has raised a little more than $2 mil-
creates more value," Riggs said.
lion, and Riggs said the firm is "hoping for about
So far, ACT has in-licensed two product candi-
$8 million more," with the aim of getting two
dates. One is a macrophage migration inhibitor
investigational new drug applications filed before
factor small-molecule compound aimed at block-
the beginning of 2010.
ing angiogenesis in tumor cells, and the other is a
The company only has two employees, relying
small molecule designed to starve cancer cells by
heavily on the scientists at the cancer center.
blocking their uptake of glucose. But whetherthose two become the first clinical compounds
As part of ACT's arrangement with the university,
advanced to the clinic by ACT still remains any-
it also has access to a group of six medicinal
chemists, who are responsible for optimizing theselected molecules for further testing.
"I always emphasize that we want to find theAchilles' heel [in each product] quickly, so wecan move on and avoid spending lots of money
published in BioWorld Today
on something that won't be effective," Riggssaid. "So many products we pick might fall, but
Q Therapeutics Seeks to Repair
Rather than Replace Neurons
The name Q-Cells refers to the cells' ability to follow endogenous cues. The
cells are harvested from donor tissue; isolated, purified and frozen; and then
injected into the brain or spinal cord near the point of injury. From there,
the cells migrate to the lesion and start their repair work.
By Trista Morrison
Farrar, a founder of Myriad Genetics Inc. and
BioWorld Today Staff Writer
Q Therapeutics raised about $5 million in a Series
Deborah Eppstein, president and CEO of Q
A financing in May 2004. Earlier this year, the
Therapeutics Inc., acknowledges that developing
Salt Lake City-based company got another $8 mil-
stem cell therapies to replace damaged organs is a
lion in the first close of its Series B round. Its
investors include vSpring Capital, Invitrogen
That's why her company uses glial progenitor cells
Corp., Epic Ventures, Toucan Capital, University
to repair rather than replace neurons, an
of Utah Research Foundation, Salt Lake Life
approach she anticipates may be applicable in
Science Angels and Q management.
treating a host of neurodegenerative diseases.
Eppstein said Q Therapeutics hopes to raise
The company's Q-Cells are "technically not stem
between $7 million and $12 million in the second
cells," Eppstein explained. They are lineage-
tranche of its Series B round, set to close in the first
restricted glial progenitor cells that differentiate
quarter of 2009. That money will allow the compa-
into oligodendrocytes, which produce the myelin
ny to get its first clinical data, which Eppstein noted
sheaths that insulate neurons, and astrocytes,
will include both safety and initial efficacy findings.
which make growth factors and support the health
Q Therapeutics plans to conduct a dose-ranging
Phase I/IIa trial at Johns Hopkins University to
The name Q-Cells refers to the cells' ability to fol-
evaluate a single dose of Q-Cells in patients with
low endogenous cues. "We don't have to direct
transverse myelitis, a severe form of multiple scle-
them," Eppstein said, adding that the cells are har-
rosis in which patients are wheelchair-bound.
vested from donor tissue; isolated, purified and
Preclinical studies are under way, and data pub-
frozen; and then injected into the brain or spinal
lished in the June 2008 issue of
Cell Stem Cell
cord near the point of injury. From there, the cells
showed that Q-Cells remylinated neurons in mice
migrate to the lesion and start their repair work,
and improved survival in what otherwise would be
which includes remyelination as well as supporting
a lethal murine model.
neuronal health.
No abnormal affects have been observed in pre-
The Q-Cells were identified by Q Therapeutics'
clinical studies to date. The company expects to
co-founder Mahendra Rao through research con-
file its investigational new drug application in
ducted at the University of Utah and the National
2009 and start the trial shortly after.
Institutes of Health, where he headed stem cellwork for the National Institute of Aging. Rao start-
Eppstein said the company has talked with sever-
ed the company in 2004 with help from Dennis
al pharmaceutical companies that are "very inter-
ested in working with us" if the Q-Cells can create
orphan diseases, Eppstein said Q Therapeutics
myelin in humans the way they have in mice.
may be able to conduct truncated clinical pro-grams consisting of Phase I/IIa and Phase IIb/III
In addition to demyelinating diseases such as mul-
studies. She doesn't anticipate needing to enroll
tiple sclerosis, Q-Cells may be applicable in cere-
large numbers of patients but said the company
bral palsy, spinal cord injuries, white matter
has a Q-Cell source sufficient to address multibil-
stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),
lion-dollar markets.
Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Thecompany has grants supporting early research in
In the interim, Q Therapeutics is developing drug
ALS and spinal cord injury, and Eppstein said the
discovery research tools based on its cells.
team plans to seek additional grants to comple-
Eppstein projected the tools could be on the mar-
ment its venture capital investment.
ket and starting to generate revenue within a year.
Q Therapeutics also has a collaboration with the
Q Therapeutics has 10 full-time employees.
Buck Institute for Age Research to study Q-Cells inParkinson's disease.
published in BioWorld Today
Because many of its intended indications are
Dicerna Offers New Generation
of RNAi Therapy: DsiRNA
Dicerna plans on administrating the DsiRNA-nanoparticles combination intravenously.
The longer duration of action allows DsiRNA to be administrated every few weeks,
similar to the "dosing paradigm . . currently used for monoclonal antibody therapy."
By Daria Theodora
the current RNAi therapy method that employs
BioWorld Today Staff Writer
synthetic 21-mer small interfering RNA (siRNA).
The difference is that the dicer-substrate small
The already-crowded RNA interference (RNAi)
siRNA (DsiRNA) "enters the pathway further
therapeutic playground is welcoming Cambridge,
upstream much like microRNA would," CEO and
Mass.-based Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, which
co-founder James Jenson explained.
enters the space through "a second doorway."
DsiRNA bind to an enzyme called dicer, which dice
This new kid on the block brings in a second gen-
the substrates into shorter fragments, before being
eration of RNAi technology, which the company
incorporated into RISC (RNA-induced silencing
said is an improvement over the current method
complex), triggering the interference of gene trans-
and at a more upstream level.
lation. The current synthetic 21-mer siRNA passthe dicer enzyme and directly enter RISC.
The so-called dicer substrate technology employedby Dicerna works through the same pathway with
Advantages of the longer 27-mer DsiRNA over
the conventional siRNA therapy, according to
"You can attach either a peptide or an aptamer or
Jenson, include increased potency, longer dura-
antibody fragment that will target a specific recep-
tion of action and the ability to attach targeting
tor on the cell surface," Jenson said, explaining
moieties for specificity.
that the attached moieties will be clipped by dicerinside the cell and be degraded naturally.
"One can attain . . five- to tenfold greater poten-cy [in knocking] down a specific target than a 21-
The process recently has been shown in a study by
mer targeting the same sequence," Jenson said,
John Rossi, professor of molecular biology and
then quickly added that increased property is a
dean of the graduate school of biological science
tremendous advantage "in a field which delivery is
in Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope
still optimized."
in Duarte, Calif., and also Dicerna scientific co-founder. It was published in the August 2008 issue
Dicerna, founded in 2007, currently is pursuing
Molecular Therapy.
three programs internally: solid tumors/oncology,although the specific target molecules are not yet
The study itself was an approach for human
public; diabetes, specifically gluconeogenesis; and
immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) therapy, which
hepatitis C virus. For those, Dicerna plans to part-
Jenson mentioned that Dicerna is not pursuing,
ner with other companies that already have the
but is opened to partnering.
FDA-approved delivery methods.
The intellectual property for the DsiRNA, which
"We consider this to be the most efficient way to
was invented by Rossi and Mark Behlke, "covers a
begin our drug development program: a well-vali-
range of 25- to 35-nucleotide (nt) long" and
dated target that is suitable for dicer substrate and
according to Jenson, that, plus the fact that the
combine them with nanoparticle technology that
dicer-substrates have enhanced biological proper-
exists today," Jenson said.
ties, provides Dicerna with a strong IP position"that is separate from the Tuschl I intellectual
Dicerna plans on administrating the DsiRNA-
property estate that covers the 21-mers."
nanoparticles combination intravenously. Thelonger duration of action, which Jenson said is
Jenson noted that City of Hope also provided
another advantage of DsiRNA and of a great inter-
MDRNA Inc. (formerly Nastech), of Bothell,
est to potential pharma partners, allows DsiRNA
Wash., with the right to dicer-substrate technolo-
to be administrated every few weeks, similar to the
gy, but no other companies have access to that IP
"dosing paradigm . . currently used for mono-
now. Jenson added that DsiRNA IP will not inter-
clonal antibody therapy."
fere with Tuschl II as well. AlnylamPharmaceuticals Inc., also of Cambridge, Mass.,
There are several partnering discussions under-way, he noted, and Dicerna is going to license
currently holds exclusive rights to the Tuschl II
existing technologies on a target-by-target basis.
patent on a worldwide basis, and has a license tothe Tuschl I IP. Both patents are keys to conven-
Dicerna also is developing the second-generation
tional siRNA methods.
approach for its products — targeted moieties,which Jenson said will be "very much a part of the
Dicerna aims to have its first investigational new
future of RNAi therapeutics: more targeted . .
drug application (IND) package by the end of
RNAi drugs, as opposed to the current approach
2009 and to file in early 2010.
involving nanoparticle encapsulation."
Roberto Guerciolini, Dicerna senior vice president
That can be achieved by utilizing the unique
of pharmaceutical development, was previously
advantage of dicer-substrates: the ability to attach
chief medical officer and senior vice president of
targeting moieties to target specific tissue or cells.
development at Sirna Therapeutics Inc., now part
of Merck & Co. Inc., and was part of the team
anything that fits in our agreed-upon workplan."
that developed the first IND for chemically modi-
Investors of Dicerna include Oxford Bioscience
fied siRNA then, Jenson said.
Partners' Doug Fambrough, previously the direc-
The company closed a Series A financing round
tor of investors at Sirna; Skyline Ventures'
July 15 for $21.4 million, and Jenson said he
Stephen Hoffman, previously involved with both
expected that would get Dicerna to the IND
Alnylam and Sirna; and new partner Abingworth.
"Alnylam is an Abingworth portfolio company,"
The company plans to employ about 30 people in
Jenson noted, "we have three investor groups
house, and currently is halfway there, and they will
who are very familiar with the RNAi space. .
work out the in vivo biology. Integrated DNA
We think that's another validation of [dicer-sub-
Technology Inc., of Coralville, Iowa, is its "chem-
strate] technology . . and the validation of the
istry department," Jenson added. Behlke, who is
independence of IP doorway."
also Dicerna's co-founder, is currently the vicepresident of molecular genetics and biophysicsand chief scientific officer there. Jenson said IDT,
published in BioWorld Today
a supplier of oligonucleotides, "will make for us
Zafgen Shrinks Fat by Inhibiting
Angiogenesis in Adipose Cells
An obesity drug that is both efficacious and well tolerated easily could become
a blockbuster. The overall U.S. market for weight-loss remedies and diet products
was more than $50 billion in 2006, but prescription pharmaceutical products
account for less than 1 percent of the total market.
By Trista Morrison
sive blood vessel growth in wet age-related macu-
BioWorld Today Staff Writer
lar degeneration.
Yet Zafgen CEO Thomas Hughes said the compa-
Zafgen Inc. is developing small-molecule angio-
ny is "not aware that anyone else" has thought of
genesis inhibitors that target adipose cells, essen-
applying angiogenesis inhibition in obesity.
tially shrinking fat.
"It's very interesting; it's very unique; it's why I'm
The concept certainly seems logical: Angiogenesis
here," said Hughes, who made his public debut as
inhibitors like Avastin (bevacizumab, Genentech
head of the Cambridge, Mass.-based start-up this
Inc.) have established that stopping blood vessel
week. He previously served as vice president and
formation in cancer cells can shrink tumors, and
global head of cardiovascular and metabolism dis-
the success of Lucentis (ranibizumab, Genentech
ease at the Novartis Institutes for BioMedical
Inc.) proves the same mechanism can stop exces-
Credit for Zafgen's approach goes to co-founder
capsules C-IV) deliver only modest efficacy and
Maria Rupnick, whose research at Boston
suffer from high discontinuation rates due to side
Children's Hospital established that the ability of
fatty tissue to expand depends on blood vessel for-
Several new obesity drugs are in late-stage clinical
mation. In 2002, she published a study in the
trials, and most work on targets in the brain to
Proceedings of the National Academy of
regulate hunger and metabolism. For example,
Sciences demonstrating that treatment of obese
Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc.'s lorcaserin agonizes
mice with various angiogenesis inhibitors led to
the 5-HT2c serotonin receptor, Orexigen
significant weight loss that restored the mice to
Therapeutics Inc.'s Contrave combines anti-addic-
near normal weights.
tion and depression drugs, and Vivus Inc.'s Qnexa
The antiangiogenesis treatments also resulted in
combines appetite and metabolism regulators with
decreased endothelial cell proliferation and
a drug that increases feelings of fullness.
increased apoptosis, as well as decreased appetite
Hughes said Zafgen's approach should be com-
and increased metabolic rate.
patible with drugs seeking to regulate food intake
Zafgen's orally available small molecules specifical-
or metabolism. The company expects to begin
ly inhibit angiogenesis in adipose cells, the blood
clinical trials next year, although details regarding
vessels of which are "inherently different" from
the clinical pathway — which could involve
those found elsewhere in the body, Hughes said.
monotherapy or combination therapy for obesity
While he declined to discuss specific targets, he
or for a subset of patients such as obese diabetics
said Zafgen's approach is "more of a process tar-
— have not been solidified.
geting" than tissue-targeting approach and seeks
Founded in 2005, Zafgen raised $2 million in a
to manipulate the close relationship between
Series A round in 2006 and $20 million in a
adipocytes and the endothelial cells in capillaries.
Series B round in October 2007. Investors include
Preclinical studies have yet to be published, but
Atlas Venture, Third Rock Ventures and Great
Hughes said the data indicated "absolutely pro-
found" efficacy in several "gold-standard models"
Hughes said the money should last about 18
of obesity. And while he noted that it is "very early
months given the company's "capital efficient"
days" and that "real safety studies" haven't yet
been done, that efficacy has occurred "in theabsence of any tolerability issues."
Potential partners already have "identified them-selves as being interested" in Zafgen's technology,
An obesity drug that is both efficacious and well tol-
Hughes said, although it would be "premature" to
erated easily could become a blockbuster.
discuss any partnering plans this early in the
According to a report from JPMorgan Securities
game. For now, Zafgen intends to focus on com-
Inc., the overall U.S. market for weight-loss reme-
pleting preclinical work and getting into the clinic,
dies and diet products was more than $50 billion in
but Hughes said the company is "not naive — we
2006, but prescription pharmaceutical products
don't think for a moment that we will carry this
account for less than 1 percent of the total market.
through to registration on our own."
That's because available weight-loss drugs like F.
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.'s Xenical (orlistat) andAbbott's Meridia (sibutramine HCl monohydrate
published in BioWorld Today
The Impact of Big Pharma
on the BioPartnering Industry
Not a week seems to go by that doesn't bear news of a big pharma
company announcing plans to "become more biotech-like" in its operations or
making moves to partner with biotechs or to otherwise exploit the benefits of
biologics technology to revitalize its own vegetating pipelines.
By Michael Harris
motivated to mingle on the level that we are now
BioWorld Executive Editor
If pharma's slew of patent expirations were ear-
Big pharma is not in as dire straits as everyone is
marked for 2015 to 2020 or if its pipelines were
proclaiming. Pharma's plight, specifically regard-
stocked with imminently marketable candidates, I
ing the lack of impending internally produced
don't think the biopartnering trend would be any
drugs, is serious, but the companies have the
more dynamic than it was a decade ago. During
money and infrastructure to survive. Those two
that time, pharmaceutical companies either pri-
dynamics are relevant, however, only because they
marily chose only Phase III about-to-become ther-
can be used to grab the lifeline that the availability
apeutics for partnering deals or they selectively
of biotech talent and innovation offer.
acquired only companies that had such widely
The State of Big Pharma, Today and
regarded late-stage favorites and/or already-mar-
keted products.
Relative to pharma, the current activity level in the
I believe pharma's innovative era is arguably gone
biopartnering trend is a move that should've been
for good and that the creative epoch resides with
made five to 10 years ago. If big pharma had
biotechnology through the next century.
invested in admittedly riskier biotech projects such
Medicine, like disease, evolves, and thankfully, we
as RNAi, cancer, anemia or literally anything
have a therapeutics technology that has the prod-
genomics-related, many of the cutting-edge thera-
uct track record, as well as the potential, to paral-
peutics involved in the current biopartnering deals
lel the escalating prevalence of disease and take
could've been that much closer to, or in, the mar-
up the mantle that pharma originated and shoul-
ketplace. Although it is a late move, it is still being
dered almost exclusively for more than 100 years.
done in time enough to qualify as a proactive
Biotech Leading Therapeutics into the
move. Big pharma profits have slowed, but not
21st Century
even the totally unproductive weight at the bottomof the pharma sector has stopped the decades-
I think even most pharmas would agree with me
long collective industry annual growth streak.
— perhaps not publicly — that biotechnology ispoised to assume the leadership role in drug devel-
Big pharma sent out an SOS, and then summari-
opment for the 21st century. Actions, neverthe-
ly answered it to save its own soul through M&A
less, speak just as loud as words. Not a week
with the biotechnology market. Biotech has
seems to go by that doesn't bear news of a big
always been there as a source of investment and
pharma company announcing plans to "become
partnering for pharma, but it was not until big
more biotech-like" in its operations or making
pharma's back was against the wall that it was
moves to partner with biotechs or to otherwise
exploit the benefits of biologics technology to revi-
Biotech vs. Big Pharma: Not Coming out
talize its own vegetating pipelines.
For example, in July 2008, Eli Lilly and Co.,
The lack of contentiousness in what could have
Merck & Co. Inc. and Pfizer Inc. joined forces to
been a hostile environment distinguishes this rela-
create Boston-based Enlight Biosciences LLC.
tionship from similar ones in other industries.
The company already is making headway in bridg-
Even Biofuels vs. Big Oil has had some public
ing the gap between innovation and industry that
clashes in the news and some personal wars-of-
has been evidenced by the uptick in biotech acqui-
words at a few conferences. One would think
sitions by pharmaceutical firms.
these two drug development industries hadmerged a long time ago, as they have been
And when Roche announced its bid to acquire the
observed co-existing at industry events, forging
remaining shares of Genentech Inc., Roche
deals together for decades and even fighting it out
Chairman Franz Humer said in a conference call
in litigation with much less malice than Coke vs.
that his company will do "everything that's neces-
sary" to maintain Genentech's entrepreneurialspirit and unique science-driven culture. This
These two industries have always seemed to have
includes preserving the company as an independ-
essentially what the other needed in spades. What
ent unit within Roche and providing plenty of
pharma has is tangible (money, resources) and
operational and creative freedom, according to
what biotech has is academic (innovation). It's the
confluence of a rich history and a bright future.
Without the R&D that has rendered biological
Would you rather be rich or smart? It doesn't mat-
therapeutics such as Avastin, Herceptin, Lantus,
ter right now in this trend, as both are giving the
Truvada and many other first-of-a-kind (in concept
other what they each need, while doing no harm.
and efficacy) drugs that address society's most
We'll see how they interact as they merge closer to
debilitating and prevalent indications such as can-
being one industry (biopharma) that makes more of
cer, diabetes and HIV, we presume that relative
the same products (biotherapeutics), but I don't
fatality rates would be at least 25 percent higher
foresee either side jeopardizing what is proving to
than they are presently.
be the win-win factor for the ages.
Prior to the commercialization of these drugs,
A New Driver in Big Pharma and Biotech
comparative pharmaceutical treatment consisted
of almost equally debilitating treatments such aschemotherapy, aggressive painful injection sched-
The predominant new driving factor would be the
ules and pain-management morphine-level appli-
imminent reality of gene therapy technologies and
drugs on the market. The impact from that factorwill likely turn the biopartnering trend into a per-
I'm not predicting pharma will be going out of
manent drug development market core dynamic,
business, but it will transform into something else.
considering the large number of stalled clinical
At the very least, and most likely, it will use its
applications that could stand to be jumpstarted by
resources to integrate the best of both industries
the cellular manipulation capabilities that RNAi and
and re-emerge as the new and improved "biophar-
other genomics-based technologies have shown in
maceutical" market. A corrective period will thin
lab and, increasingly, in clinical programs.
out the number of companies, inasmuch as someof the smaller companies do not have the capital
Gene therapy cannot proceed without a prolific
or the regarded candidates necessary to survive
level of biopartnering business activity, as the tech-
the inevitable market shake-out.
nology is the exclusive derivative property of
biotech, but its advancement cannot be facilitated
ber and a reliable flow of relative products avail-
any better than by big pharma's corporeal forte of
able to consumers.
cash and clout assets, as well as its need. The two
For more insight into biopartnering, check out
industries are perfectly suited to merge brainpow-
one of BioWorld's latest market reports, The
er and pocket power to produce marketability.
BioWorld BioPartnering Report 2009: Strategies
The fact that most gene therapy candidates are
and Paradigms of the Deal
. Visit
in early-stage development assures a protracted for more information.
run for the trend, easily as much as five moreyears of substantial biopartnering transactions,before the trend would peak with a sizeable num-
published in BioWorld Perspectives
Partnering Execs Give Perspective
on Current and Future Trends
"Everybody knows that there are a number of big pharmaceutical companies looking
to partnering to bolster their portfolio and to counter lost sales through patent expiries.
As a result it's become a much more competitive market," said Warwick Bedwell,
Roche's vice president, global head of business development, pharma partnering.
BioWorld conducted numerous interviews with
BioWorld Perspectives Managing Editor
industry experts about partnering in the biotechindustry as part of this year's research for the
The end of 2008 brought job cuts, a financial cri-
recently released
BioWorld BioPartnering
sis and much worry and speculation about the
Report 2009: Strategies and Paradigms of the
future. Biotech IPOs were almost nonexistent in
Deal. We asked big pharma companies what they
2008. Venture funding was down compared to
look for in a licensing candidate, how to best pres-
the previous year. Cutting costs often resulted in
ent non-confidential data, what not to do when
cutting jobs. But one segment of biotech has con-
entering partnering discussions, and how to make
tinued to move forward, further securing its role as
the partnering process run more smoothly. Also
a necessary component of the industry.
included in the report is detailed contact informa-
Partnerships still offer promise.
tion for licensing contacts at big pharma and bigbiotech companies. For more information about
The total number of biotech deals fell slightly in 2006,
the report, visit
then rose in 2007, according to BioWorld research.
In 2008 there were fewer biotech-biotech M&As, but
Below are a few excerpts from the "Industry
more pharma-biotech M&As, as compared to last
Interviews" chapter of the report. We asked the
year. Preclinical to Phase II deals are on the rise, and
following experts for their perspectives on the
one of the fastest growing areas is biotech collabora-
current and future trends in the biopartnering
tions with universities and nonprofits.
Greg Wiederrecht is the vice president and
BioWorld: What trends in biotech/pharma
head of the External Scientific Affairs depart-
partnering have you noticed over the past
ment of the Merck Research Laboratories divi-
few years?
sion of Whitehouse Station, N.J.-based Merck &
Greg Wiederrecht (Merck): Some of the trends
Co. Inc. The External Scientific Affairs depart-
are that now, more than ever, biotechs want to be
ment is responsible for the scientific assessment
sold, so there is an increasing number of outright
of all licensing and partnering opportunities for
acquisitions. It's also quite accurate to say that the
the company. Wiederrecht manages a group of
deals are getting increasingly expensive, and that
73 scientists and administrators, divided by vari-
is simply because of supply and demand. The late-
ous therapeutic and platform areas, who identi-
stage opportunities are well-picked over; there is
fy and assess opportunities outside of Merck's
no low-hanging fruit left.
Alliances are in many cases getting to be the only
Warwick Bedwell is the vice president,
significantly expanding source of biotech funding.
global head of business development, pharma
The public markets are not providing the needed
partnering, for Basel, Switzerland-based Roche.
capital, and the IPOs are way down. . And equi-
Pharma partnering is the department responsi-
ty financing is not providing sufficient funding.
ble for identifying, accessing, evaluating andpursuing opportunities with external partners.
Another trend is that deal-making is going up and
Roche's business development group works
up. I don't see any end to that trend. None of the
closely with the licensing and alliance manage-
large pharmas can feed the beast, and by the
ment groups to optimize deal negotiations, con-
beast I mean the pipeline, on their own.
tracting and the creation of successful relation-
Another trend is that there are more regional
ships with Roche's partners.
deals being done, and more deals done on biolog-
Bob Little is the vice president and chief com-
icals. And by regional deals I mean, historically,most companies would take a worldwide license; if
mercial officer at Halozyme Therapeutics Inc., of
you licensed from biotech you'd want a worldwide
license, or sometimes you might get a worldwide
Safi Bahcall is the president, CEO and co-
license ex-Asia, or a worldwide license ex-Japan,
founder of Lexington, Mass.-based Synta
or a worldwide license ex-Europe. Especially in the
Pharmaceuticals Corp.
Asia territories, there are lots of compounds thathave been licensed out that are not accounted for
Todd Davis and
Gregory Brown are co-
in certain regions, so we're seeing increasing num-
founders and managing directors of Cowen
bers of deals where the license is for China only or
Healthcare Royalty Partners. Davis previously
the license is for Eastern Europe only.
was a partner at Paul Capital Partners, where hefocused on making royalty-related investments
Merck prefers the rights not being split up. But for
for the Paul Royalty Funds and was responsible
those compounds that historically have not been
for U.S. sourcing. Brown also previously was a
accounted for in all markets, the rest of the
partner at Paul Capital Partners, where he was
regions are becoming of increasing interest, par-
responsible for global sourcing for the Paul
ticularly for those that are successful.
Royalty Funds, as well as the execution and
Warwick Bedwell (Roche): Everybody knows
management of more than $235 million in roy-
that there are a number of big pharmaceutical
alty-related investments.
companies looking to partnering to bolster theirportfolio and to counter lost sales through patent
expiries. As a result, it's become a much more
out to in-license earlier and earlier stage com-
competitive market. What we're seeing is that
pounds. But there are only so many available late-
deals are being made for assets much earlier on
stage programs and so the supply vs. demand
than perhaps they were a few years ago. There
conundrum is creating higher values for earlier
are more deals completed for Phase I and Phase II
stage products. Even preclinical terms now have
assets and there are certainly fewer high quality
become pretty significant. That's the one trend
Phase III opportunities available.
we've obviously seen in the past several years, andit's continuing to escalate.
We're also seeing, in general, increases in up-frontpayments. Perhaps the up-front payments for a
A trend in the past year, especially with the
Phase III opportunity a few years ago are now
depressed market cap of small to medium
being mirrored in the deals for a Phase I/Phase II.
biotechs, is the straight acquisition of a company
That's just a result of supply and demand and the
rather than entry into an expensive collaboration
number of compound opportunities that are out
or license. You're also seeing more and more
acquisitions that are being kept as stand-alones sothat big pharma companies themselves are trying
What's also interesting is that due to the credit
to emulate biotech by having their own stand-
squeeze that's been occurring within capital mar-
alone biotech companies within the larger compa-
kets, more biotech companies are turning to
ny umbrella, therefore hopefully allowing them to
M&As rather than in-licensing, which was the case
maintain the benefits of a fast-moving biotech cul-
a few years ago. A number of companies now
ture and attain greater research productivity. So
may start off with an in-licensing approach, but
far, however, the problem has been retention of
then as discussions continue, that turns to a dis-
key talent who would rather not work under the
cussion on an M&A.
big company umbrella, but prefer to move to the
Finally, we're seeing the emergence of new
next entrepreneurial opportunity. Those are a
biotech markets. The biotech industry started ear-
couple of the trends that I've seen that are the
lier in the U.S. than in the EU and rest of the
most obvious ones in the past couple of years.
world. While there are still 20 to 30 percent more
Safi Bahcall (Synta):
biotech companies in the U.S. than in the EU, thedisparity in numbers and the stage of the compa-
• Improved experience on all sides, based on
nies is reaching more of an equilibrium. There is
growing list of comparable deals, can speed up
an emerging biotech industry in Canada,
negotiation and deal process.
Australia, Korea, Israel and China among others— which will also be increasingly important
• Greater range of structures and scenarios being
sources for opportunities in the future.
Bob Little (Halozyme): The obvious one is that
• Greater value of deals.
the amounts paid in license deals are getting much
Gregory Brown (Cowen): We find there's a lot
larger even for quite early-stage programs. We
of activity in later-stage investing and many of
currently have a situation where many of the big
those opportunities lie with companies that are
company research pipelines are drying up and
acquiring products, acquiring divisions or divesting
have been unproductive for some time. They are
products. The trading of products back and forth
also being hit with generic competition as the
is a market we've actually seen accelerate.
patents for blockbusters expire. They are spendingmore money on infrastructure and processes and
We see two main drivers for this increase.
less on productive research, so they're reaching
Biotechs have realized that it takes longer for
products to get approved, so they're seeking earlier
Little: We are seeing more and more big pharma
commercialization opportunities. In some cases it
companies creating their own biotech clusters,
could be a company that wants to develop some pres-
such as Pfizer and Novartis, for example.
ence in the market so they need capital to finance a
From a biotech standpoint, the other profound
sales force channel. By establishing this channel,
change that you're going to start to see, and I
biotechs can form relationships with physicians who
think we already are seeing it, is the advent of
are going to prescribe their innovator product, but
biosimilars. As legislation changes in Europe and
also potentially their later-stage products.
potentially could change here in the U.S., two
Many pharmaceutical companies will also divest
trends are happening. One is, big pharma compa-
their slower-growth products as they try to make
nies are saying they're interested in entering into
room in their sales force channel for their innova-
the biosimilar field. In addition, you're also going
tor products. As a result, there's a very robust
to see heightened awareness of lifecycle manage-
market of products that are marketed, may have
ment of major biologics compounds as patents
plateaued or be tailing off in sales but that are still
start to expire to try to offset the impact of the
generating significant amounts of revenue.
market entry of biosimilars. This will create moreand different partnering opportunities as both big
BioWorld: In what ways do you think the
pharma and established biosimilars players create
partnering industry will change in the
pipelines of compounds. This is where, for exam-
ple, Halozyme's recombinant hyaluronidase tech-
Wiederrecht: With the low-hanging fruit gone,
nology is really at the forefront of this trend in
there will be increased early-stage partnering,
terms of providing differentiation from biosimilars
which happens to be our sweet spot. We're seeing
for innovators.
an increase in big pharma to big pharma partner-
Our technology, in general, allows biologics play-
ing. We're seeing a big increase in competition
ers to take enzymes such as our Enhanze
from the big Japan companies. They're going to
Technology platform and create an interesting
be more competitive. Companies like Takeda and
value proposition, such as the ability to go from
Eisai and Daiichi Sankyo are going to be compet-
I.V. to subcutaneous infusion with additional
itive with the traditional leading health care com-
patent exclusivity that allows differentiation from
panies in going after deals.
the biosimilar that uses the original dosing format.
Besides the Japanese companies competing with
I think the other issue is that as you see companies
leading health care companies, the biotech com-
adapting lifecycle management technologies, such
panies are going to have competition frombiotechs coming out of places like Korea and
as our Enhanze Technology platform, prior to
Japan and Australia and Singapore, so the
patent expiration. It is a much lower risk and lower
American and European biotechs will have that
cost program than developing a whole new molec-
competition. A lot of the fee-for-service-based
ular entity. It is actually a very cost-efficient way
deals will probably, because of the lower costs, be
for pharma companies to differentiate themselves
moving to the Asia-Pacific.
from the biosimilars. Especially as the technologymoves forward and as the legislation changes here
Bedwell: There are a lot of very good, earlier
in the U.S., most likely in the next few years, I
stage opportunities in development around the
think you'll see this become ever more important.
world. Good science is everywhere. At this partic-ular point, there seems to be fewer quality Phase
Todd Davis (Cowen): We have seen a tremen-
III opportunities available to partner, but that
dous increase in the number of later-stage product
should change over time.
opportunities.This has been driven a lot by private
equity and venture capital firms who have poured
ket's efficiency were big drivers for the increase in
a significant amount of capital into the sector over
private capital funding over the past five to seven
the past five to seven years — especially in the
years. As a result, there are more companies and
specialty pharmaceutical area.
more later-stage products available today.
This is a shift from the early 1990s when these
The complete interviews are available in the
types of companies were funded not necessarily
BioWorld BioPartnering Report 2009: Strategies
by venture capital and private equity firms but by
and Paradigms of the Deal.
To learn more about
corporate spin-outs. Companies like Jones
the report, visit
Pharmaceuticals were acquiring products at one totwo times sales, and they were trading at five to sixtimes sales. These returns coupled with the mar-
published in BioWorld Perspectives
special bonus section
The Billion-Plus Blockbusters:
The Top 25 Biotech Drugs
Biotechnology drugs are a real market, generating billions of dollars and pushing
the industry toward overall profitability. And that trend shows signs of longevity.
By Michael Harris, Amanda Lyle
2007, there were 21 biotech drug approvals,
& Kathleen Kite-Powell
compared to 17 in 2006 and 19 the year before.
BioWorld Today Staff Writers
(See page 72 for a chart of Biotech DrugApprovals, 1982 to 2007.)
By the end of this decade, the biotechnology mar-
Each of the seven biotech companies with $1 bil-
ket will have advanced to the $100 billion level. Its
lion-plus in revenue in 2007 increased its total rev-
list of drugs has been the lure that continues to
enue from 2006 and experienced first quarter
attract interest from an array of market-facilitating
2008 sales that have put the companies on track
to surpass 2007 year-end totals.
A Growing Industry
A lot of the confidence the biotechnology market
Biotherapeutics account for 7.5 percent of all
attracts from investors, whether traditional venture
drugs on the market, comprise approximately 10
capitalists or unconventional pharma financiers,
percent of the total expenditure for marketed
comes from its unique, effective and profitable
drugs, and their use is growing at more than 20
drugs, led by the products in this Top 25 lineup.
percent per year. Biotechnology drug candidates
Innovative concepts and perpetually potential
constitute 32 percent of all pipeline research pro-
breakthroughs without any tangible product can
only go so far in attracting investment, recruiting
In addition, biological drugs are administered in
talent, assuaging stockholders or making money.
life-saving or end-stage applications 74 percent
But biotechnology drugs are a real market, gener-
more than chemically derived pharmaceuticals.
ating billions of dollars and pushing the industrytoward overall profitability. And that trend shows
Globally, the 25 top-selling biotechnology drugs
signs of longevity.
accounted for $67.3 billion, or 81 percent, oftotal biotech drug revenue in 2007, leading a mar-
Many biotechnology-derived drugs are often indicat-
ket that was valued at $83 billion; however, that
ed to treat long-term diseases such as diabetes, can-
top-heaviness in market revenue proportion does
cer, chronic kidney failure and multiple sclerosis.
not necessarily indicate a lack of industry-wide
The dosing schedule for biopharmaceutical drugs
innovation. It tends to signify the vital applications
can last, at high expense, for years or often as long
of biotech drugs in indications of unmet, or drasti-
as patients' lifetimes. These drugs typically cost
cally underserved, patient needs.
much more per patient than conventional pharma-
The biotechnology drug development market
ceuticals and are increasingly attracting venture
emits signs of growth, as various indicators point
attention in stages as early as academic research.
upward. There were 17 biotechnology product
The Top Biotech Drugs
approvals in 2008 through mid-April, comparedto 9 in the first quarter of 2007. For the full year
Every year, BioWorld's
Top 25 Biotechnology
Drug name (maker)
for 2007
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, rheuma- $5,467Mtoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic
arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, plaque psoriasis
Colorectal cancer, non-small-cell
Crohn's disease, ankylosing spondy- $3,327Mlitis, arthritis, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, plaque psoriasis
Types I and II diabetes
Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic
Chronic myelogenous leukemia,
gastro-intestinal stromal tumors
Infection associated with chemo-
Breast cancer, non-small-cell lung
cancer, prostate cancer, gastric can-cer, squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
Prevention of diseases caused by
S. $2,439M
Rebif (Merck Serono)
Multiple sclerosis
Avonex (Biogen Idec)
Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis
Hepatitis B and C
Truvada (Gilead Sciences)
Multiple sclerosis
Humalog (Eli Lilly)
Erbitux (ImClone Systems)
Colorectal cancer, head and neck
Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia $1,277M
SOURCE: BioWorld research from company press releases and SEC filings.
Drugs Report profiles the leading drugs in the
of women will develop breast cancer. The disease
field, and provides insight into the markets for
usually is considered more aggressive when
these $1 billion-plus blockbusters. (See the preced-
tumors produce excess amounts of a protein
ing page for a table of the Revenue of the Top 25
called human epidermal growth factor receptor-2
Biotech Drugs in 2007.)
(HER2). About 25 percent of breast cancerpatients have high amounts of HER2 on the sur-
The following are excerpts from the profiles of the
face of tumor cells, as found by testing of breast
top 10 biotech drugs for 2007. Revenue for each
tissue biopsies. If a woman has a HER2-positive
drug was obtained from company websites and
tumor, she has a higher chance of recurrence and
SEC documents. In addition, revenue figures are
therefore, a decreased chance of survival.
for worldwide sales, sometimes a result of figuresfrom two companies that market a product.
If a patient's tumor is found to be HER2 positive,she is a candidate for Herceptin therapy. Even
1. Rituxan
though the drug is only useful to a subgroup of
Rituxan is a biotechnology therapeutics heavy-
patients, Herceptin proves that pharmacoge-
weight that is excelling in fighting to extend its rel-
nomics drugs (genetically personalized drugs with
evance, as it encounters R&D obstacles in second-
a limited patient pool) can bring in as much rev-
ary indication trials and looming biosimilars com-
enue as drugs made to treat all persons having a
petition in the near future.
more common disease.
The CD20 antigen that the drug targets is present
4. Avastin
in more than 90 percent of NHLs. Like
Avastin is the first anti-angiogenesis drug
Remicade, Rituxan is a chimeric monoclonal anti-
approved for the treatment of cancer. The drug
body, meaning that it uses both human and mouse
inhibits new blood vessel formation and growth
components. It sells for about $18,000 per year
from pre-existing vessels, angiogenic growth that
wholesale, per patient.
is known to increase the supply of nutrients and
2. Enbrel
oxygen to growing solid tumors. Therefore, inhibi-tion of angiogenesis helps slow or stop tumor
Immunex Corp. developed Enbrel and marketed it
into a $750 million product before the companywas acquired by Amgen Inc. for $10.3 billion in
Avastin is a therapeutic agent in the form of a
July 2002. At the time, Amgen estimated Enbrel's
monoclonal antibody that acts by binding to
sales to reach $3 billion in 2005. It surpassed that
VEGF, blocking activity of this vascular endothelial
mark by far in 2007. Amgen, which markets the
growth factor, thereby blocking angiogenesis and
product in the U.S. and Canada, reported $3.23
denying nutrients to cancer cells and severely
billion in sales, and Wyeth reported Enbrel sales of
impeding tumor growth. Avastin fills a niche in the
$2.045 billion outside of the U.S. and Canada.
treatment of advanced cancers that gives the drugnot only great therapeutic value to patients and
Enbrel has been a billion-dollar product since
their families, but financial worth to the company
2002 and has increased its revenue by more than
that produces it.
250 percent since. It is currently marketed by both
5. Aranesp
Amgen and Wyeth. Immunex, now a subsidiary ofAmgen, manufactures the drug.
Amgen Inc.'s erythropoiesis-stimulating agent(ESA) Aranesp is the result of what could have
3. Herceptin
been a huge loss in the anemia market. Amgen's
During their lifetime, about 8 percent to 9 percent
epoetin alpha is licensed to Ortho Biotech
Products LP, except for one indication in the U.S.
6. Remicade
Outside of the U.S., Ortho Biotech markets it as
Remicade is a TNF inhibitor that treats a variety of
Eprex for all approved indications; inside the U.S.,
immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs)
the drug is marketed as Procrit for indicationsother than kidney dialysis. Amgen's Epogen, the
that constitute a more than $5 billion market. TNF
only indication the company retained rights to in
inhibitors such as Remicade and its biggest com-
the country, is indicated in the U.S. for the treat-
peting drug, Enbrel, owe a lot of their value to the
ment of anemia in patients with ESRD. Its block-
broad applications associated with their use:
buster Aranesp is a longer-lasting formulation of
Enbrel is approved in rheumatoid arthritis, psoriat-
ic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and psoria-sis, while Remicade can claim all of those, as well
As a recombinant erythropoietic protein, the drug
as Crohn's disease, its initial commercial indica-
is similar to epoetin alpha, except that it contains
tion, and ulcerative colitis.
two additional sialic acid-containing carbohydratechains, which result in increased activity, making
Remicade was developed by Centocor Inc., a
darbepoetin alpha a longer-acting form of EPO,
Johnson & Johnson company. As a chimeric
or second-generation Epogen.
monoclonal antibody, Remicade uses both mouse
1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006
SOURCE: BioWorld Snapshots: Biotechnology Products On The Market Since 1982. NOTE: The above chart refers only to the first approval of a biotech drug. Approvals for additional indicationsare omitted, but would increase the total number of approvals by 106 if included.
and human components. It was discovered in the
(CML) in the late 1990s. Dr. Brian J. Druker with
Department of Microbiology at the New York
the Oregon Health and Science University worked
University School of Medicine.
with Novartis to develop it.
7. Lantus
A drug that functions by directly turning off thesignal of a protein associated with cancer, Gleevec
Lantus, for the third consecutive year, produces
is a 2-phenylaminopyrimidine derivative that
the most revenue of all the drugs that address the
specifically inhibits a number of tyrosine kinase
globally expansive and expanding market that
enzymes. In the case of CML and GISTs, Gleevec
treats diabetes. Lantus has increased its 2007 rev-
blocks abnormal tyrosine kinase enzymes that are
enue by 30 percent, tallying $3.16 billion, com-
characteristic of those cancers.
pared to $2.17 billion in 2006.
10. Neulasta
Lantus, an insulin application therapeutic, was thefirst drug that offered patients a reliable and effec-
Neulasta is used to decrease the prevalence of
tive alternative to the high-maintenance and intru-
infection brought about by neutropenia in patients
sive insulin pump. Lantus' precise dosing delivery
with non-myeloid malignancies receiving myelo-
dispenses reliable therapy and stable in vivo insulin
suppressive anti-cancer drugs associated with a
levels and activity on a daily schedule for the
clinically significant incidence of febrile neutrope-
majority of its patients.
nia. More specifically, Neulasta is a man-madeform of the natural granulocyte colony-stimulating
8. Humira
factor (G-CSF) that promotes an increase in neu-
Humira's revenue has been increasing rapidly over
trophils, a white blood cell (WBC) type essential
the years, more than doubling in sales from 2005
for the body's resistance to infection.
to 2007. In 2006, Humira's first full year on the
Neulasta is made using the bacteria
market in its secondary indication of psoriatic
coli to manufacture the drug, after which it is col-
arthritis, its revenue increased enough to go over
lected and purified. The molecule is chemically
the $2 billion mark, up from its $1.4 billion total
conjugated with monomethoxypolyethylene glycol
in 2005. The year 2007 brought it over the $3
(PEG) to extend the drug's half-life. The mecha-
billion mark. Abbott's 2007 10-K estimates world-
nism of action of the drug involves binding to cell
wide Humira sales to be $4 billion in 2008.
surface receptors of neutrophil precursors to
Cambridge, UK-based biotechnology company
change cell behavior through signaling, ultimately
Cambridge Antibody Technology Group plc (CAT)
inducing more infection-fighting neutrophils to be
developed the technology for Humira and initiated
produced. Neulasta's efficacy is tracked by noting
the research program. In 1995, it signed an
improvement in patients' WBC counts.
agreement with Knoll Aktiengesellschaft, which
This special bonus section was compiled from
was acquired by Abbott in March 2001.
BioWorld's recently released Top 25
9. Gleevec
Biotechnology Drugs Report 2008
. For moreinformation or to order a copy of the report,
In Europe and Australia, imatinib mesylate is mar-
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keted as Glivec. In the U.S., the drug is Gleevec.
Gleevec was first identified as a potential agent forthe treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia
published in BioWorld Today
e-tech News & views MARCH 2014 Maglev high-speed trains New trends in urban transport Formula E on the starting grid Getting to know Kerry McManama IEC WORLD Africa Smart Grid Forum 4 A technology that sees trains "fl oating" over a track using magnets and superconductivity may radically change train transport in the future 6 New safety devices, connected and autonomous vehicles and intelligent transportation systems are expected to cut the number of road traffi c victims 11 Insights into the standardization challenges faced by developers of the EV wireless charging system 18 Automated or "self-driving" personal transport systems are no longer the preserve of science fi ction. They are now up and running at several locations around the world 31 The international Africa Smart Grid Forum will take place on 14-16 May 2014 in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire 37 IEC material declaration Standard goes global
The Newsletter of Gray Academy of Jewish Education September 2009 Tevet-Shevet 5769 Jan - Mar 2013 Tevet - Nissan 5773 By SJaiofui JKdsuvu tdsijvs sijf svoijabiqibefahbipu boieoibje ibjodisjbodfibjdab odiabofdob dfiubdbfiu hbaiudbiudfhurtoibjhoidsi ubndiu gadiu biu-biduanbiuds hbiudnbirunb ueiusnbieu unriuhnipaeungaiunrg uriangierun peiunbiae nieurngpiaeunrgpiuan gunaepiurngaipungi-