Green Tea, the "Asian Paradox,"and Cardiovascular Disease
Bauer E Sumpio, MD, PhD, FACS, Alfredo C Cordova, MD, David W Berke-Schlessel, BS, Feng Qin, MD,Quan Hai Chen, MD
Archeologic findings have revealed that infusions of
75% to 80%of the 140 million cups of tea consumed
leaves from various wild plants, including the tea plant,
might have been consumed for more than 500,000
Next to green tea, one of the most highly consumed
yLegends from China and India indicate that use
products in Asia is cigarettes. Evidence strongly associates
of tea occurred as far back as 2,737 years BC when the
cigarette smoking with cardiovascular events, including
Chinese Emperor Shen Nung, "Divine Healer," found
myocardial infarction, stroke, peripheral vascular disease,
himself with a beverage harboring a pleasant aroma and
aggravation of stable angina pectoris, vasospastic angina,
refreshing taste after dried leaves accidentally blew into
rethrombosis after thrombolysis, restenosis after angio-
hot boiling waterThis ancient practice associated with
plasty, and even sudden death, and
medicinal purposes, lifestyle customs, and nutritional
These pathologic conditions occur as a result of a num-
beliefs was progressively introduced to countries world-
ber of detrimental effects leading to atherogenesis, in-
wide by tradesmen and travelers Tea was used to
cluding an increase in levels of fatty acids, LDL, and very
reduce inflammation, improve blood flow, treat infec-
LDL, and a decreased turnover of HDL cholesterol.
tious diseases, purify the body, and maintain mental
Smoking has also been correlated with aggravation of
The people of Japan, China, India, and
hypertension, promotion of platelet aggregation, and
England elevated tea from a simple beverage to a social
modulation and proliferation of vascular endothelial
custom, bestowing tea consumption a preferential place
cells (EC) and smooth muscle cells Using a
bovine aortic vascular SMC scrape injury model, as
Scientific validation has slowly accumulated and
shown by our laboratorya mitogen-activated protein
green tea has attracted more followers as the word has
kinases p38 and p44/42 mediated SMC migration
spread about its health and medicinal properties. A re-
would result as a consequence of nicotine exposure.
cent survey conducted in the US among cancer patients
Despite the high consumption of tobacco, Asia and
using herbal remedies revealed that green tea was the
Japan in particular have among the lowest incidences of
most common herb used in 54% of Tea is the
arteriosclerosis and lung cancer per capita It has
most widely consumed beverage in the world, second
been postulated that this paradox, the "Asian Paradox," ex-
only to water,with a worldwide per capita consump-
ists as a result of the high consumption of green tea in
tion of 40 L per yearApproximately 3 billion kilograms
this region, and most benefits occur when approxi-
of tea are produced and consumed annually and this
mately 1.2 L of green tea are consumed every day. For
number is growing at a rate of 2.1% per yearIn the
example, a Japanese epidemiologic involving
Western World, black tea is preferred, and in the Asian
1,371 men older than 40 years of age reported the asso-
countries green tea is the primary drink. The practice of
ciation between the consumption of ⬎ 10 cups (1,500
drinking iced tea is spreading from the US, where it
mL) of green tea a day with a decreased serum concen-
began during the early 20th century. It now accounts for
tration of total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides, andwith an increased HDL concentration. A recent meta-involving 10 cohort studies and 7 case-control
Received October 31, 2005; Revised December 7, 2005; Accepted January
studies, reported an 11% decrease in myocardial infarc-
tion when 3 cups of tea (tea type not specified) were
From the Department of Vascular Surgery, Yale University School of Medi-cine, New Haven, CT.
consumed daily. Risk of myocardial infarction was seen
Correspondence address: Bauer E Sumpio, MD, PhD, FACS, Department of
to be reduced by 44% in individuals drinking ⱖ 1 cup
Surgery, Vascular Surgery Section, Yale University School of Medicine, 333Cedar St, New Haven, CT 06520-8062. email:
[email protected]
(237 mL) of tea per day compared with nondrinkers, in
2006 by the American College of Surgeons
ISSN 1072-7515/06/$32.00
Published by Elsevier Inc.
Green Tea and Cardiovascular Disease
J Am Coll Surg
to 7 years later in women who drank ⱖ 10 cups per day
Acronyms and Abbreviations
compared with those who drank ⱕ 3. In the case of the
⫽ endothelial cells
men, there was also a delay, but of only 3 years. Epide-
EGCG ⫽ (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate
miologists from Japan have also reported in a case-
MMP ⫽ matrix metalloproteinase
control based on 139 cases of newly diagnosed
⫽ reactive oxygen species
⫽ smooth muscle cells
gastric cancer and 278 gender-matched and year ofbirth-matched controls, a decreased risk of gastric canceramong subjects with green tea consumption ⬎ 10 cups
a study involving 340 patients with age-, gender-, and
community-matched contrIn a prospective cohort
In the US and other Western countries, arteriosclero-
studywhich involved 1,935 patients with a history of
sis and its clinical sequelae, such as myocardial infarc-
myocardial infarction, age- and gender-adjusted mortal-
tion, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease, account for
ity was lower among moderate tea (green or black tea)
almost 40% of all mortalityConcomitant evidence is
drinkers (⬍ 14 cups of tea/wk) presenting a relative risk
emerging from Western nations that green tea, primarily
of 0.69, and in heavy drinkers (14 cups of tea/wk) with
because of the high concentration of polyphenolic fla-
a relative risk of 0.61, when compared with nondrinkers.
vonoids, is a potential tool in the prevention of arterio-
Another prospective cohort studyincluding 8,552
sclerosis. Hollman and assessed the associa-
Japanese men and women, revealed a decreased relative
tion between flavonol intake and cardiovascular disease
risk for cardiovascular disease of 0.52 for men, 0.82 for
through six prospective epidemiologic studies. In the
women, and 0.72 for both genders for those consuming
Seven Countries Studythe Zutphen Elderly S
⬎ 10 cups of green tea per day compared with those
and in a Finnish cohora clear inverse correlation with
consuming ⬍ 3 cups. This same study demonstrated a
mortality rates from coronary heart disease was ob-
decreased relative risk for cancer of 0.54 for men, 0.57
served. In vitro indicate that the polyphenol
for women, and 0.59 for both genders, again for those
(-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and, to a lesser
consuming ⬎ 10 cups of green tea per day compared
extent, other catechins in green tea, decrease oxidation
with those drinking ⬍ 3 cups per day. Among cancer
of LDL and inhibit SMC and EC proliferation, poten-
patients, there was a delayed cancer onset for those who
tially reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis. These vascular
drank larger quantities of green tea. Cancer appeared up
effects of EGCG are thought to be a result of its antiox-
Table 1. Lifestyle Factors and Mortality from Cardiovascular Disease and Lung Cancer*
*Source: World Health Organization, Global Market Information. Database (Euromonitor),
†Percentage of total population who smoked at least one cigarette a day.
‡Data refers to estimates of apparent consumption based on cigarette production, imports, and exports during the most recent 3-y moving average between 1992and 2000.
§1 kg ⫽ approximately 311 cups (60⫺70 lb leaves ⫽ 20 lb dry tea ⫽ 2,800 cups tea).
CAD, coronary artery disease.
Vol. 202, No. 5, May 2006
Green Tea and Cardiovascular Disease
idant properties.EGCG has also been reported to pre-
and black tea is the result of a 60- to 90-minute reaction
vent angiogenesis and tube formation, causing cessation
of cancer growthand preventing certain types of tu-
Polyphenols are bonded benzene rings with multiple
mors from Angiogenesis inhibition is
hydroxyl groups Polyphenols are categorized by
thought to be due primarily to specific receptor block-
structure into flavonoids and nonflavonoids, with the
age, which alters certain cell regulatory functions, in-
chemicals found in tea being mainly flavonoids. All
cluding apoptosis of SMC and EC.Vascular endo-
three types of teas contain compounds called catechins;
thelial growth factor binding to its receptors can be
which are currently thought to be primarily responsible
reduced by EGCG, affecting downstream signaling.
for the beneficial effects of tea.Green tea has the
Data collected from the World Health Organization
highest concentration of catechins per gram of dried
on lifestyle factors and mortality from cardiovascular
leaves compared with black and oolong teas and is the
disease and lung cancer, shown in reveal in-
best dietary source of this compound. In green tea, cat-
creased levels of mortality in countries such as Ireland
echins represent 80% of flavonoids, although in black
and the United Kingdom, where, in fact, black tea, and
tea they only represent 20% to 30% Each tea
not green tea, is heavily consumed. Asian countries such
contains primarily four different types of catechins including:
as Japan and Korea, where green tea is consumed exclu-
sively, on the other hand, have lower mortality rates,
and (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).Other impor-
suggesting beneficial properties. In this article, the most
tant dietary sources of catechins are red wine, black grapes,
recent and relevant data associated with green tea's pu-
apples, and chocolate.The most important flavonols in
tative cardiovascular protective effects will be reviewed
tea are quercetin, kaempferol, and rutin. They are more
to provide insight on the clinical significance of its
widely distributed and can also be found in red wine,
black grapes, apples, onions, cherries, berries, grape-fruits, and cruciferous vegetables.Tea also contains
phenolic acids, including mainly caffeic, gallic, and
Tea derives from the leaves of the plant
Camellia sinensis,
quinic acids, and is an excellent source of methylxan-
and is reported to contain nearly 4,000 bioactive chem-
thines, containing approximately one-third the amount of
ical compounds, one-third of which are polyphenols.
caffeine compared with coffee.A cup of tea contains 40 to
EGCG, the major catechin in tea, accounts for 10% of
55 mg of caffeine, and a cup of coffee contains 125 to 150
the total weight
Camellia sinensis is indigenous
to India and the Far East countries, primarily China andJapan.Three different types of tea: green (no "fermen-
tation"), oolong (moderate "fermentation"), and black
In healthy volunteers, drinking green tea resulted in a cat-
(complete "fermentation") tea can be derived from this
echin concentration in plasma between 0.2% to 2% of the
When tea leaves at harvest are withered and im-
ingested amount, with a maximal concentration after 1.4 to
mediately steamed or heated, the polyphenol oxidase
2.4 hours after consumption.The half-life of EGCG is
that is present in the leaves is inactivated, yielding green
about 5 hours, although that for (-)-epigallocatechin and
tea. If the leaves are harvested, withered, rolled, and
epicatechin are shorter, between 2.5 and 3.4 hours.The
crushed, the polyphenol oxidase is liberated and is bio-
latter two can be partly recovered in urine, although EGCG
chemically oxidized, which in turn leads to polymeriza-
cannot. In humans, a studyusing radioactively labeled
tion of the polyphenols. Polyphenols are converted to
catechins demonstrated the efficient metabolism of this fla-
dimers and polymers, mainly theaflavins and thearubi-
vonoid. Little is known about the bioavailability of theafla-
gins. These products are responsible for the characteris-
vins and thearubigins, the black tea polyphenols; they both
tic yellowish-orange to reddish-brown color of these teas
appear to be absorbed. Adding milk to the beverage, as
and for physiologic and biochemical properties compa-
customized in Great Britain, does not reduce polyphe-
rable with those of catechins, but with considerably less
nols' bioavailability as this produces no change in the
antioxidant effects This process is stopped by
blood polyphenol On the other hand,
drying the product in a stream of hot air. Oolong tea is
milk has been reported to reduce the antioxidant activity
produced when this reaction time is about 30 minutes,
of tea in vivoThe effects of green tea might be less

Green Tea and Cardiovascular Disease
J Am Coll Surg
Figure 1. Biochemical composition of green tea. (Reprinted from: Dufresne CJ, Farnworth ER. A review of latest research findings on thehealth promotion properties of tea, J Nutr Biochem 2001;12:405, with permission).
variable than black tea in this respect, as milk is not used
can reduce lipid, starch, and protein digestibility, affect
for green tea in Japan or other Asian countries.
insulinemic and glycemic responses, increase excretion
Polyphenols have an especially strong affinity for pro-
of fats, and reduce absorption of cholesterTea poly-
line rich proteins such as casein, milk, gelatin, and saliva,
phenols have an important interaction with transition
and also interfere with the absorption of other com-
metal ions, strongly inhibiting nonhaem iron absorption
pounds in the The most effective binding capacity
in the gastrointestinal tract by forming insoluble com-
is held by the large, flexible, and poorly water soluble
plexes with this With a varied diet, iron
By binding to digestive enzymes, tannins
absorption is unaffected; in vegetarian diets, it is advised
Vol. 202, No. 5, May 2006
Green Tea and Cardiovascular Disease
Table 2. Tea Biochemical Compounds Responsible for
structure and contributes to atherogenesis in several
Taste, Flavor, and Color
ways. First, oxidized LDL has cytotoxic properties that
Biochemical compounds
can promote endothelial injury. It can also act as a che-
moattractant for circulating monocytes, leading to their
increased accumulation within plaques. Oxidized LDL
Slight astringency and ashyness
has also been reported to inhibit the egression of macro-
Bitterness and briskness
phages from plaques. Lipid and protein oxidation have
been correlated with an increase in arteriosclerosis, dia-
Phenyl ethanol, Benzaldehyde,
betic complications, and a reduction in the immune
Nerolidol, Methyl salicylate
Linalool, Linalool oxide
To prevent cell injury, free radicals can be inhibited by
antioxidants and by compartmentalization. The detoxi-
fication process occurs through a multistage enzyme sys-
tem, where molecules activated by phase I enzymes such
as NADPH, p450, and cytochrome, are converted into
Flavonol glycosides
electrophilic water soluble compounds. They are then
conjugated for their inactivation to detoxifying mole-
cules, such as glutathione and UDP-glucoronosyl, be-
fore their excretion.Antioxidants from nutrients such
as tocopherol, ascorbic acid, and carotenoids, which in-
cludes lycopenes and polyphenols, contribute to theoverall protection of cell integrity and the immune func-
that green tea be consumed between meals to avoid a
tion, in conjunction with the cell's constitutive enzy-
reduction in the already limited amount of available
matic and nonenzymatic protection against RO
irIn rats, zinc absorption inhibition has been ob-
Polyphenols' antioxidant activity can prevent DNA
served, although results for copper remain unclear. Poly-
lipid hydroperoxide f
phenols also affect the bioavailability of sodium and alu-
photograph-enhanced lipid peroxidation.They present
minum; it does not interfere with that of calcium,
scavenging activity against free superoxide
radicals,and peroxynitrite.They also altermany catalytic activities of enzymes, notably the oxida-
tive ones,and can modify the process of protein phos-
Free radicals are molecules or atoms with an unpaired
phorPolyphenols can inhibit the formation of
electron. The unpaired electron results in a high level of
the harmful N-nitroso compound, which is the result of
reactivity because the free radical "seeks" another elec-
the reaction of endogenous or exogenous nitrosating
tron to fulfill a pair. Free radicals are a natural byproduct
agents when exposed to nitrogen-containing com-
of cellular metabolism, but are also generated by the
They prevent formation of metal-catalyzed
external action of ultraviolet radiation, toxic substances,
free radicals by chelating iron and copper.Flavonoids
ozone, cigarette smoke, microbial attacks, and even in-
can contribute to cells overall antioxidant protection
tensive exercise.These free radicals include: hydroxyl
mechanism by sparing -carotene, urate, and vitamins
radical, nitric oxide, hypochlorous acid, peroxynitrite,
singlet oxygen, and alkoxyl radical, among others.
EGCG and a variety of other polyphenols are antioxi-
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) deleterious effects on cel-
dants and have the ability to neutralize free radicals. The
lular membranes and internal structures might contrib-
antioxidant potential of EGCG is far greater than vita-
ute to the onset of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and
mins E and which, along with glutathione and super-
impairment of the immune function by altering the me-
oxide dismutase, are the cell's main internal defense.
tabolism. DNA, LDL, and other intracellular and extra-
EGCG and other antioxidants have the ability to prevent
cellular molecules are susceptible to damage by free rad-
and protect against oxidative damage occurring on LDL
icals. When a free radical attacks LDL, it changes its
molecules, and have an antiatherosclerotic eEGCG
Green Tea and Cardiovascular Disease
J Am Coll Surg
inhibition of oxidative damage is dose-dependent. A low
reported to affect phospholipase A2 activity and the an-
concentration of EGCG of 0.25 M resulted in an antiox-
tithrombotic reaction of platelets. This data suggest that
idant protective effect of 13%, although a concentration of
green tea polyphenols have antithrombotic action ex-
10.00 M had a 68% effect. EGCG is a potent antioxi-
plained primarily by antiplatelet activity, with relative
dant because it has three polyphenolic benzene rings,
sparing of the coagulation function.
yielding eight hydroxyl hydrogens per molecule. Eachhydroxyl hydrogen enhances the ability of EGCG to be
a potent antioxidant because the polyphenolic hydro-
Hypertension is an important risk factor for develop-
gens will attract free radicals displacing LDL and other
ment of cardiovascular complications.Antioxidants,
biologic Catechin's scavenging activity is
like those found in green tea, are very useful in protect-
associated with the number of o-dihydroxy and
ing and restoring endothelial function.The balance in
o-hydroxyketo groups, the number of C2-C3 double
the endothelium between vasodilators, such as nitric ox-
bonds, the concentration, the solubility, accessibility to
ide and ROS, and vasoconstrictors, such as thrombox-
the antioxidant by the active group, and the stability of
ane and isoprostane, contributes to vascular resistance
the reaction product.In green tea, EGCG has the
and endothelium-dependent contraction.There is
most potent antioxidant effects because of its four dihy-
clinical and experimental evidence that tea phytochemi-
droxy groups.
cals can also improve endothelial function.In an ep-idemiologic study, tea consumption was shown to be
inversely associated with systolic blood pressure.In a
clinical involving 1,507 men and women from
Cardiovascular disease can be the result of numerous
Taiwan ages 20 years and older, researchers found that
stimuli, one being platelet aggregation. Platelets will ag-
the habitual consumption of ⱖ 120 mL/d of moderate
gregate in blood vessels for a variety of reasons, including
strength green or oolong tea for at least 1 year, consider-
vessel damage and disease. The primary purpose of
ably reduced risk of hypertension developing. After ad-
platelets is to aid in the repair of the damaged blood
justing for different confounding factors, such as age,
vessel by forming clots that plug holes in the vessel wall
gender, personal and family medical history, dietary and
preventing additional blood loss. Platelet aggregation
lifestyle factors, they observed that compared with non-
can sometimes lead to adverse consequences, including
habitual tea drinkers, risk of hypertension developing
strokes and myocardial infarctions.
decreased by 46% for those who drank 120 to 599
EGCG can act on platelets and other cells to prevent
mL/d, and was reduced by 65% for those who drank ⱖ
platelet aggregation. It can inhibit platelet-activating
600 mL on a daily basis.
factor, decreasing the "stickiness" of platelets and de-
Several animal studies have also reported a consistent
creasing the probability of platelet aggregation.Kang
hypotensive effect on rats exposed to green tea
and investigated the effects of EGCG on mu-
In precontracted aortic rings in rats, puri-
rine pulmonary thrombosis in vivo, human platelet aggre-
fied catechins evoked endothelium-dependent va-
gation ex vivo and in vitro, and on coagulation parameters.
sorelaxation by means of nitric oxide release from the
In mice, they observed that EGCG prevented death caused
endothelium.EGCG acts as a natural activator of
by pulmonary thrombosis in a dose-dependent manner
endothelial nitric oxide synthase in EC by increasing
and considerably prolonged bleeding time. Ex vivo, aden-
its phosphorylation by a phosphatidylinositol-3-OH-
osine diphosphate- and collagen-induced rat platelet aggre-
kinase-, cAMP-dependent protein kinase-, and Akt-
gation was inhibited. EGCG also inhibited adenosine
dependent pathway, leading to endothelial-dependent va-
diphosphate-, collagen-, epinephrine-, and calcium iono-
sorIn an in vivo involving stroke-prone
phore A23187-induced human platelet aggregation with-
spontaneously hypertensive rats, green and black tea effects
out changing the activated partial thromboplastin time,
on blood pressure were assessed. The amounts of poly-
prothrombin time, or thrombin time. EGCG has also
phenols used for this experiment correspond to those
been demonstrated to block tyrosine phosphorylation
present in approximately 1 L of tea. Systolic and dia-
and reduce gene expression of platelet-derived growth
stolic pressures were observed to be substantially lower
factor- receptor. In diabetic green tea has been
in both groups compared with the control group. Green
Vol. 202, No. 5, May 2006
Green Tea and Cardiovascular Disease
and black tea considerably decreased phosphorylated
can also prevent obesity and a fatty liver by enhancing
myosin light chains that were measured in the aorta
noradrenaline-induced lipolysis and inhibiting pancreatic
using Western blotting. Protein expression of catalase
lipase activity, as observed in high-fat diet obese
was also studied, and was found elevated only in thegreen tea group. 2-amino-5-(N-ethylcarboxyamido)-pentoic acid, a nynhydrin-positive compound from un-
processed tea leaves, has been observed to be a potent
inhibitor of thrombin-stimulated thromboxane forma-
Green tea has been shown to inhibit SMC invasion
tion.This compound has been reported to be inhibited
through the basement barrier, a key event involved in
in rats taking green tea, but not in those given processed
development and progression of arteriosclerosis and
tea extracts. Theanin given at high doses to spontane-
injury-induced vascular remodeling. Matrix metallopro-
ously hypertensive rats has also been reported to mark-
teinases (MMP) are considered important in migration
edly decrease blood pressure.
and growth of EC and and in vitro indicate that EGCG reduces expression of MMP. In bo-
vine aortic SMC, EGCG has been found to inhibit con-
In hypercholesterolemic rats, green tea considerably re-
canavalin A-induced pro-MMP-2 activation and the
duced serum and liver cholesterol, the atherogenic in-
gelatinolytic activity of EGCG also inhibits
dex, and liver weight by lowering the deposition of lip-
SMC invasion through the basement membrane barrier,
ids.The levels of HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides in
in a dose-dependent manner. In a rat carotid artery bal-
this study remained unchanged. Other inv
loon injury vascular remodeling was assessed
reported that consumption by rats of tea plant leaves for
when green tea extracts were added. Green tea reduced the
a long period of time decreased serum levels of triglyc-
area of the intima in the injured arteries by 30%, and the
eride and total cholesterol, produced superoxide dis-
intimal to the medial area ratio by 36.2% compared with
mutase enhancement, and increased the activity of phase
controls in vessels after 14 days of injury. Green tea cat-
II enzymes in the liver. In hamsters fed a normal or a
echins administration substantially increased expression
high cholesterol diet, green tea, and black tea exhibited
of tissue inhibitor of MMP-2, and reduced the levels of
improved plasma lipid profiles, and reduction in LDL
active MMP-2 and of the gelatinolytic net activity. This
and very LDL oReduction of blood choles-
evidence suggests to some extent an association between
terol levels might be explained by precipitation of lipids
the antiatherogenic action of catechins and the anti-
and their fecal A study in sug-
invasive and antimetalloproteinase activity.
gested that squalene epoxidase, a rate-limiting enzymefound in tea and involved in cholesterol biogenesis,
For new blood vessels to form, angiogenesis, EC, and
might also be responsible for this effect.
SMC must migrate. EGCG has been demonstrated to
Green tea reduces the levels of cholesterol and triglyc-
prevent angiogenesis through several mechanisms, in-
erides, inhibits the action of digestive lipase, and de-
cluding inhibition of EC and SMC migration, regulat-
creases fat absorption, reducing body wObe-
ing EC and SMC growth and survival, and inhibiting
sity increases the risk for cardiovascular disease and
tube formation. EGCG induces the transcription factor
cancer, and a lower body weight would reduce the risk of
nuclear factor-B, promoting SMC death. The sum of
suffering from these conditions. Through sympathetic
these effects results in the cessation and potentially the
activation thermogenesis, green tea plays a role in the
reversal of various vascular diseases and cancer growth.
control of body composition and produces weight loss.
Vascular endothelial growth factor is a key protein in-
Studies have indicated that preadipocyte apoptosis can
volved in It binds to the surface of EC
be induced through EGCG by demonstrating a decrease
and activates various cell functions including tube for-
in Cdk2 expression and an increase in caspase-3 activity.
mation. It has been demonstrated that certain catechins,
The treatment of Cdk2 overexpression with caspase-3
especially EGCG, inhibit vascular endothelial growth
inhibitor prevented preadipocytes apoptosis through the
factor. One hundred micrometers of EGCG resulted in
induction of DNA fragmentation, suggesting the EGCG
a cell growth inhibition rate of 55% and prevented tube
apoptotic effects of Cdk2- and Tea
Green Tea and Cardiovascular Disease
J Am Coll Surg
men was associated with a marked decrease in cancer
Similar to atherogenesis, many factors related to diet,
incidence with Cohort studies suggest a protective
metabolism, and the external environment modulate the
effect of green tea for esophageal, stomach, pancreatic,
initiation, promotion, and progression of cancer develop-
colon, and urinary bladder carcinogenesis, among other
ment. Cancer pathogenesis is influenced by the modifica-
tion of DNA structure, enzymatic activity, and defense
It should be emphasized that although green tea ap-
mechanisms, which are a result of the accumulation of
pears to be widely associated with protective effects for
RIn vitro studies have shown tea catechins as potent
cancer, other factors such as genetic differences, geo-
inhibitors of carcinogenesis at the three stages of cancer
graphic regions, and lifestyles should be taken into con-
development.With regard to cancer initiation, in
sideration. A population-based, case-control study of
vitro studies have shown that polyphenols from green tea
breast cancer among Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino
can prevent formation of nitrosamines, which are car-
women was conducted in Los Angeles County, where
cinogens also found in tobaccoPhenolics in tea
501 breast cancer patients and 594 control subjects were
have also been found to inhibit heterocyclic amine for-
interviewed. Detailed information on lifestyle factors,
These molecules are genotoxic carcinogens
including diet and the intake of black and green tea, was
found in cooked meat and fish, and are associated with
collected. It was found that decreased breast cancer risk
pancreatic, colon, and breast cancers. EGCG exhibits
was unrelated to black tea intake. On the other hand,
the strongest effects against mutations, DNA scissions,
green tea consumption showed a substantially reduced
and nonenzymatic interception of superoxide
risk. The adjusted odds ratios being 1.00, 0.71, and 0.53respectively, in association with 0.0, 0 to 85.7 and
On the other hand, (-)-epicatechin-3-gallate is one of
⬎ 85.7 mL green tea per day.This study suggests that
the most efficient enzymatic scavengers, directly neutral-
the decreased cancer risk was irrespective of genetics,
izing procarcinogens, as observed in scavenging super-
geographic location, and food consumption.
oxide tests and in DNA damage With respect
Green tea has also been associated with prevention
to cancer promotion, EGCG inhibits the protein kinase
and treatment of many other systemic disorders. Of im-
activator, an enzyme involved in the cell activation pro-
portance in diabetes, green tea can reduce blood glucose
cess leading to promotion of tumors by blocking the
levels in aged ratsand suppress the activity of glucose
interaction and binding between proteins and
transporters in the intestinal epithelium, reducing di-
EGCG induces cellular senescence by strongly inhibit-
etary glucose intake.Green tea has antiinflammatory
ing telomerase activity, limiting cancer cells' lifespan in
properties and EGCG has been reported to considerably
leukemia and in solid Studies have also reported
inhibit histamine release by 90% in rat cell culture.
that EGCG and theaflavin-3 to 3=-digallate causes the
Quercetin also produces a concentration-dependent in-
blockage of activator protein-1, a signal transducer associ-
hibition of histamine release, and in antigen-activated
ated with development of skin cancer and other
cells, provides an antiinflammatory A marked
With regard to cancer progression, numerous re-
reduction in the incidence of arthritis is produced by
porindicate that tea polyphenols inhibit the
green tea polyphenols, as demonstrated in arthritic
growth of malignant cells and can induce apoptosis.
joints in mice. This is explained by a strong reduction of
Theaflavin-3,3=-digallate and EGCG have antiprolifera-
inflammatory mediators, neutral endopeptidase activity,
tive activities on tumors through the blockage of growth
and levels of type II collagen-specific IgG.In terms of
factor although EGCG has also been re-
renal pathology, catechins increase sodium and prosta-
ported to block cell division in G1In addition,
glandin E2 excretion and improve renal circulation.
EGCG inhibits urokinase, a proteolytic enzyme neces-
Progression of renal failure is suppressed, and mesangial
sary for cancer growth, tissue invasion, and
proliferation and glomerular sclerotic lesions are atten-
In animals, tea has been shown to be bioactive against
uated by consumption of green tea, as shown in nephrec-
carcinogenesis in liver, skin, lung, gastrointestinal tract,
tomized rats.Modulation of the activity of the intes-
and hormonal-dependent In humans,
tinal microflora and improvement in bowel function has
consumption of ⬎ 10 cups (1,800 mL, approximately
also been demonstrated.Extracts from tea have been
300 to 400 mg of EGCG) per day among women and
reported to inhibit the effects of Campylobacter jejuni, C
Vol. 202, No. 5, May 2006
Green Tea and Cardiovascular Disease
coli, Helicobacter pylori, vibrio cholerae, Salmonella, shi-
Table 3. Putative Mechanisms of Green Tea's Cardioprotec-
gella, clostridium, mycoplasma, pseudomona, and
Cryptococcus.Tea has also been shown to have
antiviral effects, strongly inhibiting rotavirus in monkey
cell culture and influenza A in animal cell culture,
Sparing of antioxidants (vitamins E and C, 
among other virIn addition, flavonoids, in-
Alteration of catalytic activity of
cluding EGCG and (-)-epicatechin-3-gallate, have been
Modification of protein
reported to inhibit reverse transcriptase and propagation
Platelet aggregation modulator
of the retrovirus human immunodeficiency virus.
In conclusion, epidemiologic evidence suggests that
chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and can-
Inhibition of PDGF 
cer, have a lower incidence in countries with a high in-
Modification of phospholipase
take of tea, particularly green tea. It is possible that those
who do or do not drink tea differ in some other way that
affects cardiovascular disease, ie, cigarette smoking, di-
eNOS activationInhibition
etary, and lifestyle factors. The "Asian Paradox" refers to
the very low incidence of both heart disease and cancer
Enhance superoxide
in Asia, even though consumption of cigarettes is greater
Enhance phase II enzymes
than in most other countries. This discrepancy is
Precipitation and fecal elimination of
thought to have occurred as a result of a voluminous
Inhibition of digestive lipase activity
intake of green tea, approximately 1.2 L per day. In vitro
Inhibition of pancreatic lipase activity
and in vivo studies have shown that the main polyphe-
Inhibition of squalene
nolic component of green tea, EGCG, is responsible for
Reduce LDL and VLDL
these protective qualities One of the reasons
Enhancement of noradrenaline-induced
green tea is so beneficial to our health is the result of its
Inhibition of SMC proliferation and vascular hyperplasia
strong antioxidant nature, being stronger than oolong
and black teas. Since EGCG is an antioxidant, it is able
DNA strand breakage
to prevent LDL oxidation, which has been shown to play
a key role in the pathophysiology of arteriosclerosis.
Another phenomenon that increases the risk of arte-
riosclerosis is platelet aggregation. EGCG has been
eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide synthase; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase;
shown to effectively reduce the amount of platelet aggre-
NO, nitric oxide; PAF, platelet-aggregating factor; PDGF, platelet-derived
gation by inhibiting certain events at the molecular level.
growth factor; SMC, smooth muscle cell; TIMP-2, tissue inhibitor metallo-proteinase; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; VLDL, very low-
Green tea's actions on the vasomotor tone as a lipid
regulator, and in SMC proliferation and migration canenhance these cardiovascular protective effects. Studies
necessary to fully elucidate and better understand green
have also shown that through several means EGCG ef-
tea's method of action, particularly at the cellular level.
fectively prevents angiogenesis, causing cessation of cer-
In this manner, we can determine the active components
tain types of tumor growth. It has been reported that tea
involved in this process, perhaps with the goal of prepar-
can improve gastrointestinal function, ethanol metabo-
ing extracts specifically for those individuals who cannot
lism, kidney, liver, and pancreatic function, stomach in-
drink tea or simply dislike it. The evidence is strong that
juries, skin and eye protection, and alleviation of arthri-
green tea consumption is a useful dietary habit to lower
tis. It has also been used in the management and
the risk and treat a number of chronic diseases. Prevention
prevention of allergies, diabetes, bacterial and viral in-
is by far the best cure. The consumption of 6 to 10 cups of
fections, dental caries, to improve neurologic and psy-
tea per day might constitute an aid to increased health,
chological health, and to ameliorate or cure other dis-
longevity, and quality of life. Tea is becoming a popular
eases that have an inflammatory component.
drink and, to some extent, it seems to be a potential solu-
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Green Tea and Cardiovascular Disease
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Supplemental Material can be found at: 0022-3565/10/3322-569–577$20.00THE JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS Copyright © 2010 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics JPET 332:569–577, 2010 Printed in U.S.A. Cannabidiol Displays Antiepileptiform and AntiseizureProperties In Vitro and In Vivo□S Nicholas A. Jones, Andrew J. Hill, Imogen Smith, Sarah A. Bevan, Claire M. Williams,Benjamin J. Whalley, and Gary J. Stephens
Informed Consent: Valtrex (valacyclovir) or Famvir (famciclovir) Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome From Richard Podell, M.D., MPH, August 3, 2014 Background: Currently there are no proven effective treatments for chronic fatigue Most experts strongly suspect that Herpes Class viruses such as Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), HHV-6, and/or Cytomegalovirus (CMV) play an important role for some but not all CFS patients.