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Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2011) 20:127–135
Open-label study comparing the efficacy and tolerabilityof aripiprazole and haloperidol in the treatmentof pediatric tic disorders
Hanik K. Yoo • Joong-Sun Lee • Kyoung-Won Paik •Soon-Ho Choi • Sujung J. Yoon • Jieun E. Kim •Jin Pyo Hong
Received: 29 March 2010 / Accepted: 15 December 2010 / Published online: 28 December 2010Ó The Author(s) 2010. This article is published with open access at
Due to its unique pharmacodynamic properties
during the 4 weeks after commencement of medication
of dopamine partial agonist activity, and its association
(p 0.05). These results indicate that aripiprazole may be
with few and mild side effects, aripiprazole is a candidate
a promising drug in the treatment of children and adoles-
atypical antipsychotic for patients with tic disorders. This
cents with tic disorders. Further controlled studies are
open-label study compared the efficacy and tolerability of
needed to determine the efficacy and tolerability of ari-
aripiprazole with haloperidol, a typical antipsychotic
piprazole in these patients.
widely used to treat patients with tic disorders. Forty-eightchildren and adolescents with tic disorders were recruited
Aripiprazole Tic disorders Tourette
from the outpatient clinic at South Korea and treated
disorder Children Adolescents Haloperidol
with aripiprazole (initial dose, 5.0 mg/d; maximum dose20 mg/d) or haloperidol (initial dose, 0.75 mg/d; maximumdose, 4.5 mg/d) for 8 weeks. Treatment efficacy was
measured using the yale global tic severity scale (YGTSS),and tolerability was measured using the extrapyramidal
Typical antipsychotics such as haloperidol and pimozide
symptom rating scale (ESRS) and an adverse effects
have been prescribed to control tic symptoms as first-line
checklist. Total tic scores as measured by the YGTSS
agent []. More recently, clinical experience with atypical
decreased over time in both groups (p 0.001) with-
neuroleptics have increased owing to the efficacy and the
out any significant differences between groups. ESRS
more tolerable adverse effects relative to some classical
scores were significantly higher in the haloperidol group
antipsychotics [–Some drugs such as risperidonequetiapine ], and olanzapine , ], how-ever, may cause unwanted metabolic side effects, which
H. K. Yoo (&) J.-S. Lee S.-H. Choi J. P. Hong
may worsen patient quality of life as well as general
Department of Psychiatry, University of Ulsan Collegeof Medicine, Asan Medical Center, 388-1 Pungnap-2 dong,
medical health status.
Songpa-gu, Seoul 138-736, South Korea
Aripiprazole is another candidate atypical antipsychotic
agent for patients with tic disorders. This drug has a lowerrisk of metabolic side effects than other atypical neuro-
K.-W. PaikDepartment of Psychiatry, Hanyang University Medical Center,
leptics. In addition, aripiprazole has a unique pharmaco-
Seoul, South Korea
dynamic property, namely dopamine partial agonistactivity [Because abnormalities in the brain dopamine
system may be closely related to the pathology of tic dis-
Department of Psychiatry, Catholic University Medical College,St. Paul Hospital, Seoul, South Korea
orders ], we hypothesized that aripiprazole may havetherapeutic effects on tic manifestations. Several clinical
trials, including our previous studies, have revealed that
Department of Psychiatry, Seoul National University College
aripiprazole may be successful in treating patients with tic
of Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital,Seoul, South Korea
disorders, due to its high efficacy and tolerability –
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2011) 20:127–135
No study to date, however, has compared the efficacy and
5.0–10.0 mg/d increments every 2 weeks as tolerated
tolerability of aripiprazole and typical antipsychotics in
, ]. Doses were reduced in 2.5–5.0 mg/d steps when
these patients. We therefore compared the efficacy and
intolerable side effects emerged. The maximum allowable
tolerability of aripprazole with haloperidol, a typical anti-
dose was 20 mg/d and patients were treated for 8 weeks.
psychotic agent widely used to treat children and adoles-
Patients in the haloperidol group were started at a dose of
cents with tic disorders.
0.75 mg/d and increased in 1.5–3.0 mg/day incrementsevery 2 weeks to a maximum tolerated dose of 4.5 mg/d]. Psychotropic drugs to control comorbid psychiatric
symptoms were not prescribed during the study period.
Patients were assessed every other week, with the final
assessment 8 weeks after the start of study medications.
Forty-eight children and adolescents with tic disorders (33
males, 15 females; mean ± SD age = 10.3 ± 3.5 years;range, 6–15 years) were recruited at an outpatient clinic at
The YGTSS is a semi-structured clinical interview
a general hospital in Seoul, South Korea, from August
designed to assess current tic severity; this scale yields
2005 to March 2007. Before determining eligibility, we
three summary scores; total motor (0–25), total phonic
obtained informed consent and assent from both the study
(0–25), and total tic (sum of motor and phonic) scores. The
subject and the child's primary caregiver. The study pro-
YGTTS also contains an impairment scale (0–50), which
tocol was approved by our local Institutional Review
evaluates the global level of functional impairment arising
from tics [Because this study was designed to compare
Patients were deemed eligible if they had DSM-IV
efficacy in reducing tic symptoms, the primary outcome
diagnosis of tic disorders, as described in the Korean ver-
measure was total tic score. The YGTSS was administered
sion of the Kiddie-Schedule for Affective Disorders and
to each subject at each visit.
Schizophrenia-Present and Lifetime Version (KSADS-PL
Secondary outcome measures included the Clinical
[and Total Tic scores C22 on the Korean version of
Global Impressions-Improvement scale (CGI-I [and
the yale global tic severity scale (YGTSS [cor-
the CGI-Severity of Illness scale (CGI-S [Scores of 1
responding to at least moderate tic severity. Each patient
(very much improved) or 2 (much improved) in the CGI-I
was subsequently examined by a board-certified child
were regarded as positive responses. Both of these tests
were administered at every visit.
Exclusion criteria included current mood disorders,
Adverse effects associated with these drugs were assessed
psychotic symptoms, and anxiety disorders, except for
using an in-house adverse effect checklist, which included
obsessive–compulsive disorder, the most common comor-
the most commonly encountered side effects of aripiprazole
bid anxiety disorder in tic patients. Subjects with an
and haloperidol, as well as general questions on health
IQ B 70 on the Korean version of the Wechsler Intelli-
issues, current illnesses or injuries, and concomitant medical
gence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R ]) were also
treatments. The Extrapyramidal Symptom (EPS) Rating
excluded, as were patients with previous or current seizure
Scale (ESRS) was also used to rate the severity of Parkin-
episodes, electroencephalogram (EEG) abnormalities, and
sonism, akathisia, dystonia, and dyskinesia [We mea-
those who had used aripiprazole previously. Subjects who
sured height and weight at every visit. At the study endpoint,
had taken psychotropic medications must have been drug-
physical and neurological examinations, laboratory tests,
free for at least 2 weeks before study entry and had to be
and ECG assessments were repeated.
devoid of any significant medical problems.
All tests were admitted by a single psychiatrist, who was
blinded to dose changes but not to the drug of choice.
Statistical analyses
This was an open, non-randomized, parallel-group clinicaltrial. All subjects were evaluated at baseline by routine
We used intent-to-treat analyses, based on patients assessed
laboratory tests, electrocardiogram (ECG), resting pulse
at least once after baseline. Multiple linear regression and
rate and blood pressure while sitting, height and weight
generalized estimation equation (GEE) regression model-
measurement, medical history, and physical and neuro-
ing were used to identify medication efficacy and the sig-
logical examinations. Choice of treatment was based on
nificance of changes in ESRS scores. Age, gender, duration
patient's preference. Patients in the aripiprazole group
of illness, and baseline scores of each outcome were
started at a dose of 5.0 mg/d, which was increased in
covariates for each analysis. Fisher's exact test and the
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2011) 20:127–135
Mann–Whitney U test were used as appropriate for
reducing tic symptoms (Table After 8 weeks of
between-group comparisons. All analyses were two-sided,
treatment, 54.3% of the aripiprazole and 63.4% of the
with statistical significance defined at an a level of 0.05.
haloperidol group showed reductions in total tic scores.
Total tic score decreased over time in both groups (Z =-9.60, p 0.001) (Table ). This reduction was particu-
larly marked at the first follow-up visit (week 2) in bothgroups (p 0.001) and was sustained throughout the study
period (Fig. There were no significant between-groupeffects or interactions.
Of the 48 children and adolescents with tic disorders, 31
At baseline, the mean motor tic score was higher in the
were prescribed aripiprazole and 17 were prescribed halo-
haloperidol than in the aripiprazole group (20.5 ± 3.1 vs.
peridol. Twenty-six patients (54.1%) had Tourette's disorder
17.5 ± 5.3; Z = -1.87, p = 0.06), but the difference did
and 11 (21.9%) had chronic motor and vocal tic disorders.
not reach statistical significance. Aripiprazole reduced
Eighteen participants (37.5%) had other comorbid psychi-
motor tic scores 54.3% and phonic tic scores 50.0%,
atric disorders, the most common being attention-deficit
whereas haloperidol reduced these scores by 58.5 and
hyperactivity disorder (31.3%). The mean duration of illness
66.2%, respectively. Motor (Z = -8.29, p 0.001) and
was 3.0 ± 2.7 years and 18 subjects (37.5%) had a history of
phonic (Z = -5.59, p 0.001) tic scores decreased over
previous medication to control tic symptoms.
time in both groups (Table Fig. c), but there were no
Although gender ratio, total IQ, type of tic disorders,
significant between-group effects or interaction terms.
comorbid conditions, duration of illness, and study medi-cations did not differ between the two groups, the mean age
Efficacy of aripiprazole and haloperidol: clinical global
was significantly higher in the aripiprazole than in the
haloperidol group (11.2 ± 3.5 years vs. 8.6 ± 2.9 years;Z = 2.68, p 0.01). The mean dose and duration of ari-
The CGI-S scores of both groups decreased over time
piprazole were 10.6 ± 5.2 mg/d and 51.7 ± 12.6 d,
(Z = -8.83, p 0.001) without group or interaction
respectively, whereas the mean dose and duration of hal-
effects. Twenty-two children and adolescents (71.0%) in
operidol were 1.9 ± 1.1 mg/d and 46.3 ± 15.8 d, respec-
the aripiprazole group and ten (58.8%) in the haloperidol
group were ‘‘much improved'' or ‘‘very much improved''on the CGI-I measurement after 8 weeks of medication.
Efficacy of aripiprazole and haloperidol: yale global ticseverity scale
At baseline and at each follow-up visit, there were no
Although 25 children and adolescents in the aripiprazole
significant between-group differences in tic scores, indi-
group (80.6%) experienced one or more unwanted side
cating that these two drugs were similarly efficacious in
effects, only five (16.1%) patients in this group discontinued
Table 1 Demographic and
Aripiprazole group
Haloperidol group
clinical characteristics of the 48
children and adolescents withtic disorders
Age meana (SD), years
11.2 (3.5) (range: 6–18)
8.6 (2.9) (range: 6–16)
Type of tic disorders
Tourette's disorder, n (%)
Chronic motor and vocal tic disorder, n (%)
Transient tic disorder, n (%)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, n (%) 9 (29.0)
Oppositional defiant disorder, n (%)
Obsessive compulsive disorder, n (%)
Duration of tic disorders mean (SD), years
a p 0.01 by the Mann–
Dose/day mean (SD), mg
10.6 (5.2) (range: 2.5–20.0) 1.9 (1.1) (range: 0.75–4.5)
Duration of study medication mean (SD), days
51.7 (12.6) (range: 14–60)
46.3 (15.8) (range: 15–61)
IQ intelligence quotient
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2011) 20:127–135
Table 2 Efficacy of aripiprazole and haloperidol in the treatment of tic disorders
Aripiprazole group
Haloperidol group
Statistical valuea
Group 9 timeInteraction effect
Phonic tic scores
Very much improved
Minimally improved
Minimally aggravated
Extremely severely ill
a To examine the group and time effects for each outcome variable, generalized estimation equation (GEE) modeling was adopted, with age,gender, duration of illness, and baseline scores for each outcome variable included as covariatesb Calculating patients who dropped-out
YGTSS yale global tic severity scale, CGI-I clinical global impression-improvement, CGI-S clinical global impression-severity of illness
medication prematurely owing to intolerability. In contrast,
respectively), but increased significantly in the haloperidol
all 17 subjects in the haloperidol group experienced unex-
group between 2 and 4 weeks (1.4 ± 2.1 and 2.8 ± 2.6,
pected side effects and 6 (35.3%) were not able to continue
respectively); these interaction effects were statistically
medication owing to unbearable adverse events. Although
significant (Z = -2.083, p = 0.037) (Fig. ). In addition,
frequencies of side effects between two groups during study
the subscale scores for Parkinsonism, akathisia and, dys-
period were not different (v2 = 2.08, p = 0.15), rates of
tonia were higher in the haloperidol group at 8 weeks. The
drug discontinuation were lower in the aripiprazole group
Parkinsonism subscale of the ESRS showed an interaction
relative to the haloperidol group (v2 = 7.17, p = 0.007).
effect between group and time Z = -2.06, p = 0.04). No
The major intolerable side effects included nausea (2
subjects experienced dyskinesia in this study (Table
patients), headache (2 patients) and sedation (1 patient) inthe aripiprazole group, and sedation (4 patients) and head-
General adverse events
ache (2 patients) in the haloperidol group.
The most common side effects of aripiprazole were hyper-
Extrapyramidal symptom rating scale
somnia (58.1%), nausea/vomiting (29.0%), EPS (19.4%),and headache (16.1%), whereas the most common side
The total ESRS score at study endpoint was higher in the
effects of haloperidol included hypersomnia (82.4%),
haloperidol than in the aripiprazole group. There were
headache (58.8%), EPS (41.2%), nausea/vomiting (23.5%),
interaction effects between groups and a time effect of the
gastrointestinal disturbances (11.8%), emotional hypersen-
total ESRS score (Z = -2.17, p = 0.03). Total ESRS
sitivity (11.8%), dizziness (11.8%), and chest discomfort
scores did not change significantly in the aripiprazole
(11.8%) (Table Hypersomnia (v2 = 4.17, p = 0.04),
group between 2 and 4 weeks (1.1 ± 1.7 and 1.1 ± 1.8,
EPS (v2 = 7.84, p = 0.005), and headache (v2 = 24.34,
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2011) 20:127–135
Fig. 2 Changes in ESRS scores over time in the aripiprazole andhaloperidol treatment groups. Abbreviations ESRS extrapyramidalsymptom rating scale. The error bars refer to standard deviation
results of the ECGs including QTc changes were observedbefore and after treatment. Between baseline and 8 weeks,the mean body weight of the subjects in the aripiprazoleand haloperidol groups increased 0.16 kg/week and0.21 kg/week, respectively, but these increases did not differbetween the two groups (Mann–Whitney U test, Z = 0.291,p = 0.771).
To our knowledge, this study is the first to directlycompare the efficacy and tolerability of aripiprazole andhaloperidol in the treatment of children and adolescentswith tic disorders. We found that aripiprazole was aseffective as haloperidol in reducing tic symptoms, as wellas being better tolerated. The mean dose of aripiprazoleused in this study, 10.6 mg/d, was similar to that used inour previous studies in which children and adolescentswith tic disorders were treated with aripiprazole [], and to doses used in previous studies of youths withdevelopmental disabilities [], delusional disorder], and bipolar disorders [In contrast, higher dosesof aripiprazole have been used to treat children and ado-lescents with bipolar disorders , catatonia [
Fig. 1 a Percentage changes in total tic scores over time in the
and generalized anxiety disorder ], as well as in psy-
aripiprazole and haloperidol treatment groups. b Percentage changes
chiatric inpatients ]. The aripiprazole dose used in this
in motor tic scores over time in the aripiprazole and haloperidol
study was lower than that used in adults with Tourette
treatment groups. c Percentage changes in phonic tic scores over time
in the aripiprazole and haloperidol treatment groups The error barsrefer to standard deviation
Although various atypical antipsychotics are widely used
to treat tic disorders, they had weaker efficacy than typical
p 0.001) were observed less frequently in the aripiprazole
neuroleptics such as haloperidol and pimozide, which can
group. All laboratory results before, during and after treat-
decrease tic symptoms by more than 60% [Even the first
ment were within normal limits. Any abnormalities in the
atypical antipsychotic, clozapine, was not able to sufficiently
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2011) 20:127–135
Table 3 Extrapyramidal symptom rating scale scores at study endpoint in the aripiprazole and haloperidol groups
Extrapyramidal symptom rating
Statistical valuea
scale scores mean (SD)
Group 9 time interaction effect
a Group and time effects on the adverse effect outcome variables were evaluated using generalized estimation equation (GEE) modeling, withage, gender, duration of illness, and baseline scores for each outcome variable included as covariates
36% –, A double-blind, randomized trial on the
Table 4 Adverse effects of aripiprazole and haloperidol in the cur-rent study
efficacy of ziprasidone in reducing tic symptoms showedthat it reduced tic symptoms by 35%, although side effects,
most of which were tolerable, developed in more than 80%
of patients ].
Aripiprazole may be more potent than other atypical
antipsychotics, reducing tic symptoms by 40–53% ,
Aripiprazole was also found to be effective in treating
Extrapyramidal symptoms
antipsychotic-resistant patients with Tourette disorder [
]. In the current study, 15 subjects (48.4%) in the ari-piprazole group and 3 (17.6%) in the haloperidol group had
histories of previous ineffective treatment with antipsy-
chotic medication; nevertheless, the efficacy of aripipraz-
ole was equivalent to that of haloperidol, suggesting that
aripiprazole may be a drug of choice for drug-resistant tic
patients, although further confirmation is required.
In our previous report, aripiprazole was effective at its
initial dose, 5 mg, with 62.0% of the total reduction in
Increased appetite
Total Tic Score attained within 2 weeks after the start of
treatment ]. Although we found that tic severity in the
aripiprazole group diminished almost linearly from 2 to
8 weeks, the reduction during the first 2 weeks, during
treatment with the initial dose of 5 mg/day, accounted for
60.0% of the total reduction in Total Tic Score, observed in
this study. This indicates that aripiprazole may be useful in
the treatment of children and adolescents with tic disorders,especially those with unbearable or strongly dysfunctional
abate tic symptoms Although olanzapine showed con-
tic symptoms who need prompt symptom improvement.
siderable efficacy, its adverse effects, such as weight gain
More than 80% of youths taking aripiprazole experi-
and sedation, limits its use for tic control [, ]. Uses of
enced one or more unwanted side effects. This high inci-
quetiapine have been reported in several case reports
dence may have been due to the starting dose of 5 mg,
[–and open-label trials [] to decrease tic
which may be too high in children and adolescents with tic
symptoms. However, in two open-label trials testing que-
disorders. Nineteen subjects (61.3%) in the aripiprazole
tiapine as an anti-tic drug in children and adolescents with
group experienced side effects after their first dose, with
Tourette disorder, its efficacy and tolerability were ques-
the side effects experienced by four patients (21.1%) dis-
tionable. Risperidone is one of the most widely used and
appearing spontaneously without any management or dose
best-studied atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of tic
reduction at the next visit. Further clinical studies using
symptoms. Although relatively safe and effective in tic
lower initial doses of aripiprazole are required to confirm
reduction, risperidone diminishes tic symptoms by less than
this possibility.
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2011) 20:127–135
In addition to the higher dropout rate seen in the halo-
randomized trials should be performed to overcome these
peridol group, the rate of EPS during the 4 weeks after
limitations and determine whether aripiprazole improves tic
starting treatment was higher in the haloperidol than in the
symptoms or if our findings reflect the natural progression of
aripiprazole group. This may be associated with differences
tic disorders.
in receptor profiles of the two drugs. Haloperidol has a strongantagonistic affinity to dopamine 2 receptors in the nigro-striatal dopamine pathway, causing EPS [whereas ari-
piprazole has partial agonistic activity at the postsynapticdopamine 2 receptors, reducing EPS development ].
Our findings indicate that aripiprazole may be effective and
Aripiprazole may be a more ideal anti-tic drug owing to
tolerable in the treatment of children and adolescents with
its unique pharmacodynamic profile, including both
tic disorders. Additional controlled studies are needed to
antagonistic and agonistic dopamine activities, depending
determine the efficacy and tolerability of aripiprazole in
on the environment of the local dopamine system [
patients with tic disorders.
This activity is strongly associated with the pathologicalmechanism of tic disorders. Dopamine receptor hypersen-
Conflict of interest
We have no disclosures. We report no financial
affiliation or other relationship relevant to the subject of this article.
sitivity may be an underlying pathology of tic disorders[Although several studies have confirmed the super-
This article is distributed under the terms of the
sensitivity of the dopamine system in tic disorders, these
Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which per-
studies did not consider the anti-dopaminergic drug effects
mits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in anymedium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
[and several neuroimaging studies assessinginfluences of drugs on the dopamine system have yieldedconflicting results –Significantly, pergolide, a typ-ical dopamine agonist, reduced tic symptoms in two pre-
vious randomized, controlled clinical studies Thus, an imbalance in dopamine systems may be a pivotal
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Eurasian Harm rEduction nEtwork Hepatitis corrElation ProjEct drug use: harm reduction The Correlation project is co-funded by the European Commission under the Programme of Community Action in the field of Public Health 2008 – 2013. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on its behalf is liable for any use of information contained in this publication.
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