primo autore: ALTOMARE
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aming techniques to enclose an
Consensus on the use of cyclosporine
The production of repr
in dermatological practice
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ticle through online inter
e only one file and prv
Cyclosporine A (CsA) efficacy and safety have been proven
IRCCS Galeazzi, University of Milan, Milan, Italy
in various dermatoses both in adults and in children even
as long-term treatment. Over the last 25 years, Italian der-
matologists have gathered relevant experience about CsA
University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
treatment for psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. This paper has
been developed by an Italian Consensus Conference and it
is aimed at providing recommendations based on real-world
University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
The creation of der
clinical experience in adult patients, consistent with efficacy
4Novartis Farma, Italy, Origgio, Varese, Italy
and safety data arising from the scientific literature. The pa-
ute the electronic cop
per is mainly focused on the analysis of the optimal thera-
peutic schemes for psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, in terms
of doses and treatment duration, according to individual
characteristics and to the severity of the disease. Moreover, it
University of Siena, Siena, Italy
overviews ideal management, taking into account pharmaco-
logical interactions, influence of comorbidities, and the most
common adverse events related to CsA treatment.
Key words: Cyclosporine - Skin diseases - Psoriasis - Derma-
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ight notices or ter
titis, atopic.
y Commercial Use is not per
Genoa, Italy
11Private Practitioner, Bari and Barletta, Italy
Cyclosporine (cyclosporine A, CsA), was first iso-
lated from the soil fungus
Tolypocladium infla‑
tum in 1970.1 Its antifungal activity was demonstrat-
ed to be poor, whereas a potent immunosuppressive
Despite the increased availability of new thera-
effect was found in 1976.1 For this reason, two years peutic options, CsA is still one of the most widely
later, CsA was successfully used in preventing kid-
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used and effective systemic drugs for the treatment
ney transplant rejection 2 and, in 1979, it was proven
of psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, worldwide.4-6 In
effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and
Italy, it has been found to be the most frequently
psoriasis.3 The original orally administered formula-
used systemic antipsoriatic therapy.7
inted or electronic) of the Ar
The use of all or an
tion of CsA (Sandimmun, Novartis) was approved in
It is noteworthy that the Italian experience in CsA
1983 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
is broad, and often long lasting, for most of its thera-
for the prevention of transplant rejection.
peutic indications, starting from transplant with 25-
year experience. Moreover, several indications for
Corresponding author: Giampiero Girolomoni, Clinica Dermatologi-
CsA have originated from clinical trials conducted
ca, Università di Verona, Piazzale A. Stefani 1, 37126 Verona.
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Upon these grounds, an Italian Consensus Confer- Table I.—
Drugs and foods that inhibit the cytochrome P450 sys‑
ence was held to provide recommendations based on
tem, leading to a higher concentration of cyclosporine.5
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real-world clinical experience.
aming techniques to enclose an
– Antifungals (fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole and
– Bromocriptine
The production of repr
– Calcium channel blockers (diltiazem, nicardipine, verapamil
CsA is a cyclic endecapeptide,
8 able to act directly
– Ciprofloxacin
on cells of the immune system, primarily on T cells,
because of its inhibitory effects on calcineurine. It
targets the major T cell-driven pathways of immune-
– Gentamicin and tobramycin
mediated response and inflammation. These effects
– Grapefruit juice
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explain its efficacy both in prevention of transplant
– Macrolide antibiotics (erythromycin, clarithromycin and
rejections and in immune-mediated dermatoses.9
– Methylprednisolone
CsA absorption occurs within 30 minutes and the
– Metoclopramide
peak serum concentration (Cmax) is observed 2-4
– Oral contraceptives and androgen steroids
ticle through online inter
– Protease inhibitors
e only one file and prv
hours after the administration.10-15
– Ranitidine and cimetidine
Due to its lipophilicity, CsA is widely distributed
– Statins (especially atorvastatin and simvastatin)
throughout the body. In plasma, it is mostly bound to
– Thiazide diuretics
lipoproteins (≥90%) and easily transferred between
different lipoproteins, and to or from albumin as
well.5 It has a first-pass effect of 27% in the liver.15
CsA metabolism is highly dependent on cyto-
The creation of der
chrome P450 isoenzymes 3A4 (CYP3A4) and 3A5 Table II.—
Drugs that stimulate the cytochrome P450 system,
leading to a lower cyclosporine level.5
ute the electronic copib
(CYP3A5) in the liver and small intestine, and de-
pendent on the efflux p-glycoprotein pump (PGP)
– Anticonvulsants (carbamazepine, phenobarbitone, phenytoin
encoded by the multidrug resistance-1 gene (MDR1)
in the gastrointestinal tract and liver.5 The metabo-
lites of CsA are mainly excreted in the bile; another
6% is eliminated in the urine, of which 0.1% remains
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A higher CsA serum concentration reflects higher
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clinical efficacy and is obtained if the drug is admin-
– Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (sertraline)
istered before food intake.5,16
– St John's Wort (
Hypericum perforatum)
CsA dosage is established on a weight-per-weight
– Sulfinpyrazone
basis (mg/kg/day, see below for further details).
Table III.—
Drugs that may impair renal function during cyclo‑
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By virtue of its almost complete hepatic metabo-
lism by cytochrome P450 IIIA, the plasmatic levels
– Aminoglycosides (gentamycin and tobramycin)
of CsA are increased or decreased by drugs that in-
– Amphotericin B
– Cimetidine and ranitidine
hibit or stimulate cytochrome P450 activity, respec-
– Ciprofloxacin
inted or electronic) of the Ar
The use of all or an
tively (Tables I-III).5 The consequent change in CsA
– Clotrimazole and ketoconazole
bioavailability results in adverse effects that are po-
tentially exerted on target-organ toxicity.17
Among patients with dermatoses, the use of some
– Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
systemic antibiotics as well as of NSAIDS could be
– Trimethoprim with sulfamethoxazole
critical due to pharmacological interactions, leading
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to higher CsA concentration and, consequently, tox-
The clinical benefit of CsA therapy is related not
only to the clinical response, but also to the effects
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CsA may reduce the clearance of some HMG-CoA on psychological distress, which are a common ex-
aming techniques to enclose an
reductase inhibitors. Thus, statins should be used perience in patients with psoriasis (see below).29, 30
with caution because of the risk of rhabdomyolysis.5 Many studies indicate a clear dose-dependent re-
It is important to underline that heavy alcohol in- sponse, with higher doses producing higher rates of
The production of repr
take increases CsA levels.18
remission.6, 31-35
Grapefruit juice avoidance must be recommended
To identify patients who may benefit from system-
during CsA treatment, since it inhibits the metabo- ic treatments including CsA, the "rule of tens" has
lism of CsA by suppressing cytochrome P450 en- been proposed: a body surface area affected >10%
zyme activity.5, 18
or a Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) >10 or a
Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) >10.36
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Dose-finding studies and current consensus guide-
Systemic CsA in dermatoses
lines have identified 2.5 mg/kg/day CsA as ideal start-
ing dose, to be gradually increased up to 5 mg/kg/
CsA has been proven an effective therapeutic op- day by 0.5-1 mg/kg/day at 2-4 weeks intervals.4, 21-32
ticle through online inter
e only one file and prv
tion for several dermatoses.4-6 Its systemic use is au- Tachyphylaxis did not occur if regimens with pro-
thorized in Italy for psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.19 gressive increases were prescribed.31 In patients who
are unresponsive, or who respond inadequately after
3 months (PASI 50 not achieved), CsA withdrawal is
recommended.4 Drug reduction should be performed
Among the available systemic treatments for pso- stepwise (0.5-1.0 mg/kg/day at 2 weeks intervals).4
riasis, CsA has a particularly favorable profile, due
Based on long-term clinical experience, six thera-
The creation of der
to the rapid clinical response (4 weeks for the relief peutic strategies are currently used to treat moderate-
ute the electronic copib
of symptoms, 10-16 weeks for a PASI 75 response) to-severe psoriasis with systemic CsA (I=induction;
even in patients unresponsive to other therapies.4, 20- M=maintenance; definition and treatment regimens
are illustrated in Table V): 1) intermittent short-
CsA has been proven effective in all variants of term therapy (I); 2) rescue therapy (I); 3) long-term
psoriasis (Table IV), where different schemes in continuous therapy (I+M); 4) combination therapy
terms of doses and treatment duration have been (I+M); 5) rotational therapy (I+M); and 6) week-end
therapy (M).4, 6, 37, 38
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Table IV.—
CsA in psoriasis variants.
Lebwohl M
et al. J Am Acad Dermatol 1998;39:464-75.23
Erythrodermic psoriasis
Fradin MS
et al. Br J Dermatol 1990;122(Suppl 36):21-5.24
Palmoplantar pustular psoriasis
Erkko P
et al. Br J Dermatol 1998;139:997-1004.25
Generalized pustular psoriasis
Ozawa A
et al. J Dermatol 1999;26:141-9.26
Farber EM. Cutis 1993;51:29-32.27
Witkamp L
et al. J Eur Acad Derm Vener 1996;7:49-58.28
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Table V.—
Systemic cyclosporine treatment schedules.
Intermittent short-term therapy
– Short course (12-16 weeks) until significant improvement is achieved, after which treatment
– If relapse occurs, treatment is reinstituted at the previously effective dose
inted or electronic) of the Ar
The use of all or an
– Used in severe flares of disease until an alternative maintenance treatment is instituted
Long-term continuous therapy
– Clinical improvement maintained with the lowest effective dose
Combination therapy
– Cyclosporin can be combined with topical therapies, such as corticosteroids, anthralin, or
vitamin D3 analogues, and other systemic treatments, such as methotrexate, fumaric acid
esters and mycophenolate mofetil
Rotational therapy
– Treatment with cyclosporine can be rotated with other systemic agents (see text)
– Maintain remission (5mg/kg/day) for 2 consecutive days a week for 24 weeks
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Moreover, CsA due to its fast therapeutic action, is the possibility to minimize toxicity due to the dose
represents an appropriate "bridging" therapy, which reduction,4 even if the possibility of adverse effects
It is not per.
is useful if associated with a new long term biologi- arising from pharmacological interactions has to be
aming techniques to enclose an
cal treatment which needs a certain time lapse to be taken into account.6
A recent Italian study reported a clinical response
(therapeutic success or complete clinical remission)
The production of repr
in 80% of patients with moderate-severe plaque pso-
Intermittent short-term therapy
riasis who received CsA plus systemic methotrexate
The most common systemic CsA regimen is or retinoids, or plus topical treatment and/or photo-
represented by a short course (12-16 weeks) ad- therapy.59
ministration, followed by the withdrawal when a
significant improvement (PASI 75) or remission Rotational therapy
It is not per.
(PASI≥90) is achieved. In case of relapse, a short-
term course may be repeated at the previously ef-
CsA treatment of psoriasis is not associated with
fective dose.4, 21, 23, 39-43
tachyphylaxis,4, 20, 51, 60, 61 allowing rotational thera-
In patients with severe psoriasis, a 1-year remis- py, whose rational is similar to that of combination
ticle through online inter
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sion is obtained in 80% of cases with 2 courses of therapy, characterized by the sequential use of the
therapy, the remission after the first course lasting 4 above mentioned systemic agents.20, 61, 62
months in 45% of cases.41, 42 A slight advantage in
An Italian study has proven, in patients with se-
terms of remission duration was observed with dose vere psoriasis, the superiority of the sequential thera-
py with CsA (3 mg/kg/day for 4 weeks) and narrow-
band UVB phototherapy compared to narrow-band
UVB phototherapy alone.63
The creation of der
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The rapid onset of effect with short-term CsA is
Week-end therapy and pulse therapy
useful to control severe flares, particularly in severe
psoriasis variants.4 A starting dose of 5 mg/kg/day is
An additional therapeutic maintenance schedule
recommended, followed by a gradual dose decreas- was proposed and evaluated by PREWENT (Pso-
ing after remission.13,14,17
riasis Relapse Evaluation with Week-End Neoral®
Treatment) study, a 24-week, double-blind placebo-
controlled trial, carried out in 22 Italian hospitals or
Long-term therapy
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university Dermatology units. CsA microemulsion
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Long-term continuous therapy with CsA is a less was used in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis
common approach for severe psoriasis and is pre- who had achieved clinical remission after continu-
scribed to obtain a significant clinical improvement ous CsA therapy, and then randomized to receive
with the lowest effective dose rather than a complete oral CsA 5 mg/kg/day or placebo for two consecutive
control.15, 44-47 Its duration is limited to 2 years in Eu- days/week for 24 weeks. Time to first relapse (adopt-
rope 9, 20, 21 with the possibility of a further prolongation ing PASI as diagnostic criterion) was significantly
in selected cases, and to 1 year in the United States.48 longer with CsA and PASI was significantly lower
The typical maintenance dose is 3-3.5 mg/kg/day.49
at weeks 4-16 in CsA recipients. The incidence of
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adverse events was similar in both groups.37
Similar results have been reported by another
Combination therapy
Italian study, in which patients with severe chron-
The effects of systemic CsA associated with ic plaque psoriasis were assigned to a continuous
inted or electronic) of the Ar
The use of all or an
various topical treatments, as corticosteroids,50-52 schedule or 4-day therapy per week, administered
anthralin,53 vitamin D3 analogues,54 or systemic for 6 months. PASI score and severity of itching
treatments, as methotrexate,55 fumaric acid esters,56 were efficiently controlled in both groups. Moreover,
acitretin,57 or mycophenolate mofetil 58 have been the safety profile was shown more favourable in the
evaluated only in small case series and single case- group with intermittent 4 days per week administra-
reports.4 The main advantage of combination therapy tion.64
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Consensus Conference Statements
— To establish the optimal dose, the clinical
severity has to be taken into account: for PASI
aming techniques to enclose an
— There is consensus on the
indications re-
higher than 20 and especially in cases with a
ported by literature for the treatment of psoriasis
relevant inflammatory component, an induction
variants, in particular for the doses and the dura-
dose of 5 mg/kg may be appropriate; a dose of
The production of repr
2.5 mg/kg/day, although reported in clinical tri-
— However, in clinical practice, indications
als, has to be considered suboptimal in severe
to start CsA treatment are less strict. It may be
used in the following cases with PASI<10:
— Based on our experience, a satisfactory
− resistance to topical drugs (experience
control of itching is generally obtained in few
suggests that resistance may occur even
weeks, generally earlier than the control of skin
− certain clinical characteristics,
e.g. the
— The clinical response has to be assessed
site of the disease (palmoplantar pso-
after the first month, when both the profiles of ef-
riasis, genital psoriasis);
ficacy and safety (see the section
Management of
ticle through online inter
e only one file and pr
− characteristics of the patients, including
patients) should be assessed. The treatment has
sex, age, personal or social relationship
to be carried out for at least 3 months, evaluating
and employment. In fact, the impact of
psoriasis on a patient's quality of life
— After clinical remission is achieved, mul-
(QoL) may be disproportionate to the
tiple possibilities can be evaluated about which
clinical severity, due to his/her self-
the Consensus doesn't express a unanimous rec-
perception and his/her expectations
ommendation, rather the advice to make a choice
The creation of der
about the treatment. Due to the young
according the individual patient's characteristics,
ute the electronic cop
average age of psoriatic patients, the
clinical history, and needs:
consequences of the psychological and
− tapering after 3 months of treatment
emotional stress are particular relevant
− tapering once PASI 0 has been reached
in terms of their impact on social and
sexual life leading to low self-esteem,
− once PASI 0 has been reached, mainte-
high anxiety, and sexual dysfunction
nance therapy for 1 month/for at least
— In limited extent psoriasis,
e.g. nail pso-
1 month due to the high risk of relapse
ight notices or ter
riasis where PASI and NAPSI (NAil Psoriasis
— When a
relapse occurs:
y Commercial Use is not per
Severity Index) may result quite low: CsA may
− during the tapering, then the full dose
be considered even if it is not the first-line treat-
regimen is recommended followed by
ment. The indication has to be established on the
continuous therapy for 6 months
basis of the patient's characteristics (e.g. per-
− immediately after/close to the treat-
sonal relationship and employment). In clinical
ment completion (unlikely possibility),
experience,65,66 CsA has proven effective when
the rotational therapy may be an option
the ungueal variant was associated to general-
− few months after the treatment comple-
— A weight-per-weight
dose, based on the
tion, the treatment can be repeated, ac-
No additional reproduction is author.
ideal body weight is recommended. Adopting as
cording to the disease extension and the
a reference the actual body weight, overweight
severity of the relapse
or obese patients may be exposed to high doses,
CsA high doses (5 mg/kg/day) may be
inted or electronic) of the Ar
The use of all or an
even double that those of normal weight patients,
used also to control severe flares
with an increased risk of toxicity (see below for
The recommended dose for induction is
further details). In order to obtain a better com-
pliance with the therapy, a fixed dose (200 mg/
The recommended dose for long-term
day) may be used in such patients
therapy is 3 mg/kg/day
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— The aim of
long-term therapy is to
mg/kg/day for 3 doses per week is equivalent to the
achieve more prolonged clearance and improve
administration of 3 mg/kg/day for 5 doses per week.
aming techniques to enclose an
the balance between effectiveness and safety.
However, it is largely safer in terms of potential ne-
Our large experience of a good safety profile
phrotoxicity, since the more prolonged discontinu-
supports a prolonged duration of treatment at the
ation decreases vasoconstriction, a well described
The production of repr
minimal effective doses in selected cases
functional adverse effect
— Lifestyle modifications, including an ap-
propriate diet, have a role in achieving a good
control of the disease, as indicated by a recent
Atopic dermatitis
Italian study where weight loss has been able to
improve the response to low-dose CsA in obese
Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common
patients with moderate-severe chronic plaque
chronic relapsing childhood dermatoses which af-
fects up to 30% of children in most cases before the
— Clinical experience suggests the use of
age of 5 years, but persists into adulthood in more
combination regimens in selected cases ("dif-
cases than reported by the literature (up to 3%).
ticle through online inter
e only one file and pr
ficult cases" in terms of poor responsiveness or
Moreover, its onset may be observed in adult age,
clinical complexity). Combination therapy pro-
even in elderly patients. Overall, clinical experience
vides the opportunity to facilitate decreases in
suggests that atopic dermatitis is by far more frequent
the dose of each single drug and reduction of po-
than expected according to diagnostic criteria.68, 69
tential adverse effects
In the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis several crite-
— In Italian clinical practice, the association
ria have been established,68-71 but there is no labora-
tory biomarker.
The creation of der
− fumaric acid esters is not registered in
Current management of atopic dermatitis has not
ute the electronic cop
curative targets, while it is focused on symptoms re-
− acitretin or methotrexate is uncommon
− narrow band UVB is not infrequent
CsA is the only immunosuppressant agent ap-
− topical corticosteroids or vitamin D/vi-
proved in Europe for the short-term treatment of
tamin D analogues is very common
severe atopic dermatitis that cannot be controlled
— The rational basis of
rotational therapy
with topical therapy.4 It has not been formally ap-
is reducing the exposure to a single agent in a
proved by FDA for this indication, but it has been
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chronic (incurable) disease, improving both ef-
recommended by American Academy of Dermatol-
y Commercial Use is not per
ficacy and safety profile
ogy (AAD).68, 72 There is no statement indicating the
— Clinical experience suggests CsA use in
recommended dose in atopic dermatitis, although the
cases of inadequate/incomplete responsiveness
therapeutic dosage used in psoriasis is convention-
(not cured patients who need a continuous thera-
ally administered.
py). Notably, individual clinical history has to be
The data of a systematic review clearly demon-
taken into account
strated the efficacy of CsA in atopic dermatitis. Body
— Italian clinical research was relevant in the
surface area, erythema, sleep loss and corticosteroid
development of
week-end therapy, a schedule
use were reduced in the CsA group.73
related to CsA effectiveness in a "real-life" clini-
No additional reproduction is author
A 47% improvement in itching has been described
cal setting. Week-end therapy is able to provide a
within 2 weeks in patients treated with high dose of
longer maintenance of the remission and/or to re-
duce relapses in patients with moderate psoriasis.
The PREWENT Study schedule consists in the ad-
inted or electronic) of the Ar
The use of all or an.
ministration of systemic CsA 2 days/week,
but a
Short-term therapy
schedule of 3 days/week provides a better clini-
cal response. The choice should be based on the
According to the European guidelines, an initial
characteristics of the patient or of the disease 37
dose of 5 mg/kg/day for 2 weeks has to be gradually
— It is noteworthy that the administration of 5
tapered to a dose of 1.5 mg/kg/day over 3 months,
based on the individual clinical response.9,75-78
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A meta-analysis by Schmitt 47 demonstrated the
QoL scores should be used in conjunction with ob-
effectiveness of short-term continuous CsA treat-
jective measures of severity as an assessment tool.
ment (50% reduction in severity after 6-8 weeks of
aming techniques to enclose an
Because of the rapid onset of action and marked ef-
therapy). Patients treated with an initial dose of 4-5
ficacy, CsA is particularly useful in the treatment of
mg/kg/day showed a more rapid response at 2 weeks
atopic dermatitis
(40% decrease in severity) in comparison to patients
The production of repr
— Atopic dermatitis is often associated to severe
treated with a lower initial dose of 2.5-3 mg/kg/day
itching, whose significant improvement is generally
(22% decrease in severity). Nevertheless, after a 6-8
obtained in 1-2 weeks with CsA
week follow-up, no difference was observed between
— In the management of atopic dermatitis skin
the two doses in terms of responses.
care, cleansing and bathing, lifestyle, diet restric-
According to results of a recent double-blind rand-
tion with avoidance strategies are important factors.
omized, multicentre trial, CsA is superior to prednisolo-
Patients have to be informed and instructed in order
It is not per.
ne in inducing a stable remission of severe eczema.79
to actively and effectively collaborate
— With
short-term therapy, a high initial dose
(4-5 mg/kg/day) is recommended to obtain a more
Long-term therapy
rapid and sustained improvement
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On the basis of the above mentioned results, the
— With
long-term therapy, the minimum ef-
lowest effective dose is recommended if a mainte-
fective dose of CsA to achieve substantial improve-
nance therapy is needed.6, 78
ment in disease severity is appropriate
Two randomized controlled studies reported the
— The duration of treatment able to obtain a
satisfactory clinical response (4-6 months) is lon-
effect of CsA long-term therapy to control severe
ger than that indicated in clinical guidelines (2-3
atopic dermatitis.80, 81 In a pediatric population (2-
16 years), intermittent short-term therapy (5 mg/kg/
The creation of der
day) for 12 weeks was compared to a continuous
ute the electronic copib
1-year course (5 mg/kg/day), the latter being associ-
ated to better outcomes in terms of short-term and
Impact of CsA on QoL
sustained clinical response and patients' QoL.80
The second study,81 which was performed in pa-
Dermatoses cause as much disability as that of
tients with severe atopic dermatitis, compared two other major medical conditions. For instance, dis-
long-term CsA regimens: an initial dose of 5 mg/kg/ ability from psoriasis is comparable to that from ar-
day tapered to 3 mg/kg/day as tolerated
vs 3 mg/kg/ thritis, hypertension and diabetes;82 while QoL from
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day increased to 5 mg/kg/day as needed, both main- atopic dermatitis is impaired to a similar extent as is
y Commercial Use is not per
tained the optimal dose for the following 10 months. seen in other common childhood diseases, such as
After 1 year, patients in the treatment group who asthma and diabetes.83
started with 5 mg/kg/day showed slightly better re-
The impact on patient's QoL of dermatoses such
sults in terms of disease control (59.8%
vs. 51.7%), as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis is relevant 82-85
and similar adverse events.
and has been shown able to affect the adherence to
Considering relapse and worsening after CsA, medication.84 Consequently, QoL assessment tools
data reported is highly variable, in terms of rates and have been specifically developed for dermatologic
time of occurrence.4 However, there is no evidence conditions (
e.g. the Dermatology Life Quality Index,
No additional reproduction is author
of a rebound phenomenon on this drug withdrawal.47 DLQI, the Psoriasis Disability Index, PDI, the Ecze-
ma Disability Index, EDI, and the Psoriasis Index of
Quality of Life, PSORIQoL). In addition, the updat-
Consensus Conference Statements
ed "rule of tens" used to select patients with severe
inted or electronic) of the Ar
The use of all or an
(recommendations for adult
psoriasis who could benefit from systemic treatment
patients with atopic dermatitis)
includes QoL parameters.9
The impact of a dermatological condition on QoL
— When treating atopic dermatitis, a crucial
doesn't show a clear relationship with the clinical se-
point is the relevant
impact of the disease on QoL.
verity of the disease, as assessed with PASI and de-
pends more on patient's self-reported morbidity.85, 86
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In patients with dermatoses, CsA has been shown
The adherence to dental hygiene has to be recom-
able to improve QoL. Considering psoriasis, data of mended and checked at 6-months periodic examina-
It is not per.
a 1-year substudy from PISCES (Psoriasis Intermit- tions.5, 6
aming techniques to enclose an
tent Short Course of Efficacy of Sandimmun Neoral)
Laboratory tests have to be performed both at
has demonstrated an improvement in QoL (P<0.001) baseline and during the treatment. They include se-
and a reduction in itching and disease extent ⁄sever- rum creatinine, potassium, magnesium, bilirubin,
The production of repr
ity (P<0.001 for both).87 Similar results have been liver enzymes, uric acid, fasting lipids, urea nitrogen,
observed for atopic dermatitis both in adults 74, 88 and blood cell count, and urine analysis.21, 61 According
to the international guidelines, the tests have to be
Considering the common experience of psycholog- repeated during CsA treatment at definite intervals
ical distress in patients with psoriasis, generally with (every 2 weeks during the first 2 months of treat-
a higher burden in female patients, the PSYCHAE ment).6, 20-22
It is not per.
study, a large observational study performed in 39
The physical examination should include blood
Italian dermatology centers on more than 1500 pa- pressure measurement, at least in two separate oc-
tients, has shown that, differently to methotrexate casions basally, and continuous monthly monitoring
and topical corticosteroids treatment, CsA treatment
during the treatment.5
ticle through online inter
e only one file and prv
is able to control the risk of psychological distress
Due to a variety of pharmacological interactions
assesses using the General Health Questionnaire (Tables II-IV), it is crucial to investigate the use of
(GHQ) and the Brief Symptoms Inventory (BSI).29, any systemic drug (over-the-counter drugs included) 30 It is interesting to note that only 16% of physicians before initiating a treatment with CsA, and to reiter-
in the PSYCHAE trial declared that they considered ate the investigation at each visit, eventually men-
a patient's psychological status when choosing a sys- tioning the specific class of medication.
temic therapy for psoriasis.30
Notably, evidence suggests that CsA is able to
The creation of der
in vitro HCV replication. Some data con-
ute the electronic copib
firm this property
in vivo, in patients who under-
Management of patients treated with systemic CsA
went liver transplantation or with chronic active
CsA is the most commonly used drug by Italian der- hepatitis.90, 91 The Italian experience on patients
matologists for the treatment of moderate-severe pso- with concomitant rheumatologic disorders and
riasis and atopic dermatitis unresponsive to conven- HCV infection indicates that CsA is effective and
tional therapy.7 However, due to its narrow therapeutic safe, and may contribute to better outcomes.92, 93
window, clinicians have to take into account the mul- Moreover, the short-term therapeutic association
It is not per.
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tiple pharmacological interactions, and the relevant in- of CsA and anti-TNF shows a satisfactory safety
y Commercial Use is not per
fluence of comorbidities on therapeutic strategy.89
profile (Table VI).91-93
Consensus Conference Statements
Before starting CsA treatment, a careful clinical
evaluation has to be carried out (history, examina-
— CsA is endowed with a relevant manage-
tion, baseline laboratory examinations).
ability, with the possibility to dose changes (ta-
Among comorbidities, previous or concurrent ma-
pering or increasing according to either clinical
No additional reproduction is author
lignancies, hypertension, renal impairment, current
response or adverse effect onset)
infections, or a history of previous PUVA photother-
— There is a general consensus with the
apy have to be investigated.5, 61 Skin surface should
guidelines about baseline assessment and mon-
be inspected in order to identify the presence of can-
itoring, with some differences, already dis-
inted or electronic) of the Ar
The use of all or an
cerous or actinic lesions. In case of active herpes
simplex infection or viral warts the treatment should
— In contrast to guidelines recommenda-
be postponed after healing.5, 61
tions, the screening for malignancies is exclu-
Hepatitis profiles including anti-HAV, HBsAg,
sively based on clinical history
anti-HBs, anti-HBc, anti-HCV and also anti-HIV
— The screening of infectious diseases is
should be checked in patients treated with CsA.61
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Table VI.—
Laboratory examinations during cyclosporine treatment.
It is not per.
aming techniques to enclose an
Full blood count
leukocytes, platelets)
The production of repr
Liver function tests
(transaminases, alkaline
phosphatase, gamma-
glutamyl transferase,
Electrolytes (sodium,
It is not per.
Urine analysis and
ticle through online inter
e only one file and prv
Further specific test may be required according to clinical signs, risks and exposure
based on the patient's individual history. The
Consensus Conference Statements
measurement of blood infective markers is not
The creation of der
mandatory, unless a high clinical suspicion is
— There is consensus on the following abso-
lute contraindications:
ute the electronic copibtr
— The first time point for laboratory test
− poorly controlled hypertension,
scheduled at the first month, later than what stated
− severe infections,
by guidelines (2 weeks)
− malignancies (ongoing disease or pre-
vious history; particular caution with
haematological malignancies and der-
matological malignancies, with the ex-
ception of basal cell carcinomas)
It is not per.
ight notices or ter
CsA is contraindicated in uncontrolled hyperten-
— There is consensus on the following rela-
y Commercial Use is not per
sion, renal disease, serious infections, and in patients
tive contraindications:
with a previous history of malignancy (excluding ba-
− liver impairment,
sal cell carcinoma).5, 20-23, 78
− concomitant administration of drugs
Moreover, the drug should be avoided in patients
able to pharmacologically interact with
previously treated with a high cumulative dose
of psoralen and ultraviolet A light phototherapy
− concomitant PUVA (also previous
(PUVA), due to the risk of carcinogenicity.
PUVA treatment at dose >1000 J/cm²,
Skin infections superimposed to atopic eczema
− pregnancy and lactation (for more de-
No additional reproduction is author
do not represent an absolute contraindication, but an
tails, see below),
adequate antibiotic therapy is needed before CsA.78
− antihypertensive treatment with a com-
A careful evaluation of the benefit/harm balance
bination regimen of two or more agents
is requested in patients with epilepsy, severe hepatic
inted or electronic) of the Ar
The use of all or an
dysfunction, immunodeficiency disorders, diabetes,
obesity, premalignant conditions. Elderly patients
Management of adverse effects
(≥65 years), patients with a history of drug or alco-
hol abuse, poor compliant patients are at higher risk
The concern about adverse effects of CsA has lim-
to develop adverse events.
ited its use also in dermatology, although the doses
For CsA use in pregnancy and lactation, see below. used to treat skin diseases are largely beneath those
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Vol. 149 - No. 5
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considered at risk. To reduce the risk of side effects
whose dose-dependency is definitely proven,5, 18, 20,
tients, with the exception of female and pediatric
recommendations of current guidelines in terms
patients, and is reversible
aming techniques to enclose an
of dosage and monitoring have to be strictly fol-
— Serious adverse effects are reported with
limited frequency, but need careful and appro-
The risk of gingival hyperplasia is generally con-
priate management
The production of repr
trolled by an adequate hygiene or antiseptic thera-
py. More severe cases may be cured by a CsA dose
reduction or azithromycin administration for 3-5 Renal impairment
Major concerns are related to renal impairment,
Renal dysfunction associated to CsA therapy may
hypertension, and hyperlipidemia, which are the be functional or structural. Its occurrence and char-
It is not per.
most relevant even if not the most common adverse acteristics are largely dose-dependent, damage being
effects associated to CsA treatment. They may rep- more frequent and more likely to become structural
resent the reason why dermatologists show a certain with prolonged therapy (over 2 years) or doses (high-
resistance to embrace CsA use in their clinical prac- er than 5 mg/kg/day which is considered the highest
ticle through online inter
e only one file and prv
recommended dermatological dose, i.e. up to 8-8.5
mg/kg/day which were used in the past in transplant
recipients).5, 94-96
Consensus Conference Statements
Kidney impairment, based on either vascular or
tubular alterations, may lead to a decrease in renal
— Patients must be adequately informed
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and in renal blood
about the possibility of adverse effects and in-
flow (as reflected by a decreased creatinine clearance)
The creation of der
structed on their management, thus reducing
leading to hypomagnesaemia, decreased bicarbonate
ute the electronic copib
their anxiety or distress and, indirectly, their
concentration, hyperuricemia, and hyperkalemia.97
negative perception
At lower doses, as those administered with inter-
— Side effects are dose-dependent in terms
mittent short-term therapy, nephrotoxicity causes
of incidence and severity, related to the dura-
functional changes and is reversible on drug with-
tion of the therapy and reversible on discon-
Long-term and/or high dose CsA therapy is a risk
— In clinical practice, mild neurological/neu-
factor for tubular interstitial fibrosis 95, 96, 98 which is
It is not per.
ight notices or ter
romuscular side effects are reported (probably
mediated by an in increase in Transforming Growth
y Commercial Use is not per
underreported and/or underdiagnosed): periph-
Factor-beta (TGF-β) 99 and is facilitated by older
eral paraesthesias, limbs burning sensation. They
age, concurrent hypertension or obesity.
do not usually result in treatment discontinua-
Recommendations about prevention, monitoring
tion, since they tend to improve or disappear in
and management of renal nephrotoxicity following
the first week(s) of treatment. However, if they
the S3-European guidelines 20 and an international
are severe and/or persistent, treatment discon-
statement consensus 34 are reported in Figure 1. The
tinuation is suggested
best predictive factor of nephrotoxicity is the per-
— Fatigue and gastrointestinal side effects
centage of serum creatinine increase over baseline
No additional reproduction is author
(nausea, diarrhoea, discomfort, pain) are rather
common, particularly in female patients. Gas-
Factors likely to increase the risk of nephrotoxic-
trointestinal effects may be controlled with ad-
ity (
e.g., advanced age, diabetes, nephrotoxic drugs,
ministration after the meals
obesity) should also be evaluated, and medication
inted or electronic) of the Ar
The use of all or an
— Oral hygiene is likely to reduce the risk of
charts should be carefully reviewed for potential
gingival hyperplasia, actually becoming an un-
drug interactions.
common adverse event. It has to be treated with
A difference is apparent between US and Euro-
azithromycin, 500 mg/day for 3-5 days
pean guidelines with respect to the duration of con-
— Hypertrichosis is underreported by pa-
tinuous treatment to prevent chronic nephrotoxicity:
a maximum of 1 year is recommended by the Ameri-
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The production of repr
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The creation of der
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y Commercial Use is not per
Figure 1.—Management of nephrotoxicity.22
can Academy of Dermatology, while the British
are the laboratory tests of reference. Following
Association of Dermatology and the European As-
this flow chart,
i.e. decreasing the CsA dose by
sociation of Dermatology and Venereology recom-
25% if creatinine rises 30% over baseline and
mend 2 years.5, 18, 20-22, 96 These strict limitations are
by 50% if the rise is ≥50%, the incidence of CsA
somewhat inconsistent with the long-term experi-
No additional reproduction is author.
nephrotoxicity is rather low and reversible. Es-
ence gathered with transplanted patients who have
timated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR, to be
undergone lifelong treatment with CsA.
estimated using Cockroft Gault) is not a routine
laboratory measure and may be evaluated when
inted or electronic) of the Ar
The use of all or an
serum creatinine is increased
Consensus Conference Statements
— Among agents able to increase nephro-
— There is consensus on the flow chart pro-
toxicity, aminoglycosides, amphotericin B, cip-
posed by the international guidelines (Figure 3).
rofloxacin, vancomycin, lovastatin, cimetidine,
— Serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen
acyclovir, and NSAIDs have to be mentioned
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Table VII.—
Magnesium‑rich foods.101
The incidence of new-onset hypertension with CsA
It is not per.
aming techniques to enclose an
treatment ranges from 0% to 57%, being higher with a
long-term treatment and lower with short-course thera-
pies and reversible after dose reduction and/or withdraw-
Whole wheat flour
The production of repr
al or with the use of antihypertensive drugs.5, 20, 41, 61, 76
However, some studies show the lack of a clear relation-
ship between CsA dose and frequency of hypertension
occurrence,5, 61, 100 thus suggesting a role for an individual
variability in the sensitivity to CsA hypertensive effect.5,
This hypothesis supports the use of antihypertensive
drugs rather than a reduction of the dose to manage the
— The onset of hypomagnesaemia, which
onset of hypertension.100
occurs earlier than that of hyperkalaemia, is
a good even if poor predictor of renal impair-
The differences observed between patients with atopic
ment. Several conditions (
e.g. administration
dermatitis (lower incidence) and with psoriasis (higher
ticle through online inter
e only one file and prv
of diuretics and aminoglycosides or alcohol
incidence) may be explained by their younger age and
consumption) are able to induce hypomag-
the increased association of obesity, respectively.5, 102, 103
nesaemia, which favours nephrotoxicity. The
A regular monitoring of blood pressure is crucial in pa-
daily recommended intake of magnesium is
tients with psoriasis, as they are known to be at increased
400-420 mg. A list of magnesium rich foods is
risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.104
presented in Table VII
A flow-chart reporting the recommendations from cur-
rent guidelines about the management of hypertension
The creation of der
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The use of all or an
Figure 2.—Management of hypertension.22, 61
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associated to CsA treatment is reported in Figure 2. The
choice of the antihypertensive drug is of particular interest
contraindicated if already included in the sched-
It is not per.
and somewhat controversial both in literature and in clini-
ule. Considering the broad range of positions on
aming techniques to enclose an
cal practice. Calcium channel blockers are the first choice
this clinical question, it is highly recommended
thanks to their vasodilating effect, conferring some pro-
to seek the advice of a specialist consultant for a
tection against nephropathy, although nifedipine should
decision on any individual case
The production of repr
be avoided because of an increased risk of gingival hyper-
plasia. The calcium channel blockers of the dihydropyrid-
ine class,
i.e. isradipine and amlodipine represent a good Hyperlipidemia
choice, since they do not modify CsA levels and exert a
Hyperlipidemia has to be carefully monitored and
vasodilating effect on the afferent arteriole, which confers controlled with diet or medications (Figure 3).20, 61
protection against nephropathy.104-106 Beta-blockers may However, caution is needed with the co-administra-
It is not per.
also be used, taking into account the possibility of the tion of CsA and statins to detect myopathy (rhab-
disease worsening, while thiazide diuretics are contrain- domyolysis) at an early stage. Cases of muscle toxic-
dicated because of a potential increase in nephrotoxicity.
ity have been reported with pravastatin, atorvastatin
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and potassium-
ticle through online inter
and lovastatin. Fluvastatin is the most studied and
e only one file and prv
sparing diuretics should be avoided as they may cause hy- recommended lipid-lowering drug.20, 61
perkalemia and a decrease in GFR.5, 22, 61
The monitoring and control of hypertension, as
well as of hyperlipidemia (see below) is crucial in
Consensus Conference Statements
patients with psoriasis because of their increased risk
of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.103
— The absolute increase in lipid levels is
The creation of der
moderate, generally higher in cholesterol levels
than in triglycerides levels
ute the electronic copib
Consensus Conference Statements
— Dietary intervention is mandatory
— There is consensus about fluvastatin as first
— There is consensus on the flow chart pro-
choice therapy, due to its peculiar mechanism of
posed by the international guidelines,20, 22 al-
action, different to that of other statins.107, 108
though a closer monitoring is considered more
Moreover, pravastatin has a somewhat peculiar
appropriate, particularly at the beginning of the
metabolism, being only partially catalyzed by
treatment (daily monitoring during the first week
cytochrome P-450 isoenzymes and, differently
It is not per.
ight notices or teryr
or with blood pressure levels ≥140/90 mmHg)
from other statins, competing less with CsA for
y Commercial Use is not per
— To manage hypertension, there is con-
uptake by hepatocytes 109
sensus on calcium channel blockers as the first
choice (excluding nifedipine for the increased
risk of gingival hyperplasia; preferring israd-
ipine and amlodipine because they don't alter
CsA levels). In clinical practice thiazide diuretics
An increased risk of malignancy after long-term
(even if contraindicated in renal impairment) are
CsA treatment has been described in patients who
prescribed for short courses. Angiotensin-con-
underwent organ transplantation.111, 112 A large re-
No additional reproduction is author
verting enzyme inhibitors (risk of hyperkalemia
view, investigating the incidence of malignancy in
although associated to a protective vasodilating
patients treated with CsA for up to 5 years for severe
effect) and potassium-sparing diuretics (risk of
psoriasis, showed that the incidence of extracutane-
hyperkalemia) are contraindicated
ous malignancy was not higher than that reported in
inted or electronic) of the Ar
The use of all or an
If blood pressure levels are under control with
the general population.112
a previously defined antihypertensive sched-
CsA enhances the induction of skin tumours by
ule, there is controversy about the need of any
therapeutical change. In particular, angiotensin-
Actually, the risk of cutaneous squamous cell
converting enzyme inhibitors are not absolutely
carcinoma (SCC) increases with longer duration
of therapy, only in patients with a previous history
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The production of repr
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The creation of der
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ight notices or ter
Figure 3.—Management of hyperlipidemia.20, 61
y Commercial Use is not per
of PUVA or immunosuppressant agents.112, 114-116 cases 117 failed to show an increase in their incidence
In fact, duration of exposure to CsA, psoralen and in patients treated for psoriasis.112, 115
UVA, exposure to methotrexate, and to immunosup-
pressants has a significant impact on the incidence of
non-melanoma skin cancers.112
As a consequences current guidelines suggest to
CsA administration may increase the general risk
avoid association of CsA and PUVA or immunosup- of bacterial, parasitic, viral, and fungal infections, as
No additional reproduction is author
pressants and/or to be cautious in case of an indi- well as the risk of infection with opportunistic patho-
vidual history of a high cumulative dose of PUVA gens, but the actual incidence of infective complica-
or a previous history of SCC or melanoma.20, 22, 23 tions when treating psoriasis is low.5, 20, 117 Manage-
Again, it has to be pointed out that this association is
ment of infection depends on appropriate and prompt
inted or electronic) of the Ar
The use of all or an
routinely prescribed in transplant recipients.
antibiotic therapy (for the choice of drugs, see drug
An increased risk of lymphoma has been shown in interactions). In case of herpes simplex infections,
transplant recipients, while in patients with autoim- CsA therapy should be deferred until resolutions.5,
mune dermatoses data are controversial and confined
to isolated cases reports.5 As far as solid tumours
Vaccinations given concomitantly with CsA may
are concerned, comprehensive studies and single be less effective. Studies in patients with transplan-
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tation taking CsA have shown inconsistent effective-
ness of the influenza vaccine. Live vaccines are con-
Consensus Conference Statements
It is not per.
traindicated and should be avoided.20, 61
aming techniques to enclose an
— When starting CsA, a baseline pregnancy
test is not mandatory
Pregnancy and lactation
— CsA is contraindicated during pregnancy
The production of repr
Because of the state of immunologic tolerance of
Drug discontinuation is recommended when
pregnancy, several patients with autoimmune derma-
planning an intended gestation or when an un-
toses report an improvement during gestation.
planned gestation is ascertained
The need for contraception should be discussed
— Clinical experience demonstrates a good
with women of child-bearing age taking into account
safety profile for CsA:5
that CsA can reduce the efficacy of oral contracep-
− cases of administration in neonatal or
It is not per.
pediatric age without the evidence of
CsA has been classified in category C drug by the
FDA Pregnancy Labeling Task Force 118 (studies on
− approximately 700 pregnancies without
animals have shown an adverse effect on the foetus,
negative adverse events in women who
ticle through online inter
e only one file and prv
and there are no adequate and well controlled studies
previously underwent organ transplan-
in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of
the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks).
− there is no evidence of adverse events
CsA passively crosses the placental blood barrier to
in pregnant women who did not discon-
achieve 10-50% of the maternal plasma concentra-
tinue CsA treatment during pregnancy
tion.119 Its levels decrease with pregnancy due to the
− there is no evidence of teratogenicity
increased volume distribution and metabolism.120
— Since no teratogenicity has been proven,
The creation of der
CsA is excreted in breast milk and its levels show a
CsA is of choice when a systemic drug is needed
ute the electronic copib
broad variability in terms of milk-to maternal serum
— Cases of premature delivery have been re-
concentration ratio, depending on the time of sam-
pling and maternal dose.121
— CsA safety profile is better than that of al-
Most safety data on humans are derived from anal-
ternative agents (
e.g. etretinate administration has
yses of pregnancy outcomes in transplant recipients
to be avoided for 2 years prior the conception)
and suggest that there is no evidence of teratogenici-
— At present there are no adequate and well
ty.20, 61, 122, 123 A limited number of observations up to
controlled studies in pregnant women and, there-
It is not per.
ight notices or ter
an age of approximately 7 years in children exposed
fore, CsA should not be used during pregnancy
y Commercial Use is not per
to CsA in utero show preserved renal function and
unless the potential benefit to the mother justifies
normal blood pressure levels.10, 11
the potential risk to the fetus
Among the oral medications approved for pso-
Therapeutic abortion is not an absolute indi-
riasis, CsA is considered the safest and it has been
cation in case of exposure to CsA of a pregnant
suggested as the best choice for pregnant women.61
patient. The choice has to be made on the basis
A certain number of cases of prematurity and/or de-
of an acceptable risk-to-benefit balance, provid-
velopmental delay is reported in children born to
ing the patient with the opportunity to make an
mothers with solid-organ transplantations.5 Pregnant
informed decision and taking into account her
No additional reproduction is author
women receiving immunosuppressive therapies af-
individual needs and preferences
ter transplantation, including CsA or CsA contain-
ing regimens, are at risk of premature delivery (<37 Pediatric use
inted or electronic) of the Ar
The use of all or an
Breastfeeding is contraindicated in mothers tak-
Children are less susceptible to CsA toxicity be-
ing CsA, mainly because of concerns about im- cause of a reduction in drug bioavailability and a lower
munosuppression in the neonate.20-22, 36, 124 There predisposition to nephrotoxicity.5 CsA has been used
is evidence, even from small studies, of no adverse at high doses in pediatric transplant recipients and in
events associated to breastfeeding during CsA treat- children with atopic dermatitis or psoriasis with no se-
ment.121, 125, 126
rious adverse effects.5, 40, 81, 128, 129 Theoretically, pedi-
mation of the Pub
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adically or systematically
Vol. 149 - No. 5
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or personal or commercial use is
, electronic mailing or an
atric patients better tolerate higher CsA doses, due to
Niven AA
et al. Influence of biliary T-tube clamping on CsA phar-
macokinetics in liver recipients. Transplant Proc 1988;20:512-5.
a different pharmakocinetics with clearance rates up to 14. Halloran PF, Helms LM, Kung L, Noujaim J. The temporal profile
It is not per.
four times those of adults, this meaning lower blood
of calcineurin inhibition by cyclosporine in vivo. Transplantation
aming techniques to enclose an
concentrations for the same dose.130-132
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19. Legge 23 dicembre 1996, n. 648 [Internet]. Available from: http://
needed, when changes in standard schedules or
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3]. Elenco farmaci erogabili a totale carico del S.S.N. ai sensi della
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legge 648/96 e relative indicazioni terapeutiche (aggiornamento ad
considerations and caution, even if better toler-
aprile 2013). Available from:
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vulgaris. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2009;23(Suppl 2):5-70.
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Vol. 149 - No. 5
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Clinical & Attachment-retained restorationsASTRA TECH Implant System™ EV The ASTRA TECH Implant System EV is designed for ease of use and versatility in providing treatment solutions for your implant patients. The foundation of this evolutionary system remains the unique ASTRA TECH Implant System BioManagement Complex, which has been proven to predictably provide long-term marginal bone maintenance and esthetic results.
HACIA UN PROCESO CIVIL MÁS EFICIENTE: COMUNICACIONES TELEMÁTICAS. EL SISTEMA "LEXNET" MONTSERRAT DE HOYOS SANCHO Profesora Titular de Derecho Procesal. Universidad de Valladolid1 I. INTRODUCCIÓN Los actos procesales de comunicación -cuya trascendencia no siempre es considerada en toda su dimensión2- constituyen la "correa de transmisión" que permite el correcto funcionamiento del sistema que nos conducirá al dictado de la resolución que dará respuesta a la pretensión de tutela judicial efectiva. Sin embargo esta funcionalidad, con su indudable relevancia, no alude expresamente a su trascendencia más allá del acto procesal, o concatenación de actos procesales preordenados a la obtención de la resolución final; debemos tener presente también que de su correcta ejecución y puntual eficacia depende la plena vigencia de derechos y garantías que forman parte del más amplio derecho fundamental al debido proceso o al proceso con todas las garantías: los derechos de defensa, audiencia y contradicción, con observancia además del derecho a un proceso sin dilaciones indebidas. Recordemos además que no son pocas las nulidades declaradas por nuestros tribunales, precisamente por notificaciones practicadas con vulneración de garantías esenciales del procedimiento que han provocado indefensión –art. 238 LOPJ, vid. LEC-.