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October 2004 layout

For Alumni
potlight And Friends
Of East High
January 2009
East High Alumni Heritage Hall: Angels Making History
Newly inducted "Angels" prepare to cut the ribbon on the Heritage Hall dis-
play, left to right, Anthony Ortega, Barry Hirschfeld, Philip Bailey, Allegra

The Alumni Heritage Hall display is on the third floor outside of the East library.
Haynes, Marilyn Van Derbur Atler and Norman Augustine.
Gala Events Celebrate
lins' "Send in the Clowns." "ALegacy of Excellence," a 25-min-ute video presentation honoring Inaugural Induction Of
the inductees produced by AllenMcClain (Class of 1987), provided 30 Distinguished Alumni
inspiration and a vivid visual de-piction of East's historical legacy.
The evening continued with a A crowd of "Angels Making an exuberant standing-room-only special presentation of glass tro- History" assembled on September crowd of more than 1,000 stu- phies to each of the living induc- 18 and 19, 2008, for two gala events dents, faculty, and supporters. The tees who were present, and to celebrating the long-anticipated official "ribbon-cutting" and un- family members and descendants inauguration of the East High veiling ceremony followed in the of inductees who were deceased.
Alumni Heritage Hall. Hundreds third floor hallway outside of the The talented Angelaires joined of students, alumni, parents, fac- Robert Colwell library, revealing Sheryl Renee in a foot-stomping ulty, and community supporters the permanent exhibit of portraits medley of "Earth Wind and Fire" gathered for an elegant gala ban- and biographies of the 30 inau- tunes, with inductee Philip Bailey quet at the Wings over the Rockies gural inductees for the first time. and his guests clapping along Museum in Denver, to mark the The landmark induction events Inductee Miriam Goldberg, seated center, at gala banquet with her
from their table in the audience. official induction of the first 30 and installation of Heritage Hall children Charles Goldberg, left, Dorothy Goldberg Scott of Con-
noteworthy alumni into the Hall. came about through the combined Exuberant Student Assembly
necticut, and Rabbi Hillel Goldberg.
Honorees in attendance includ- efforts of the Alumni and Friends ed seven illustrious living induc- of East High and the East High Completion of the first stage of cee Sheryl Renee (Class of 1980) The festivities continued with tees: motivational speaker Mari-
Angel Foundation. Dedicated ac- the Heritage Hall project came and Principal John Youngquist an early morning standing-room- lyn Van Derbur Atler (Class of
tivists in these organizations team- during the summer of 2007, with welcomed the inductees and more only assembly in the East High 1955), aerospace executive Nor-
ed up to raise funds, research in- the installation of two elegant than 300 guests. Seven living in- auditorium. Principal John Young- man Augustine (Class of 1953),
ductee biographies, oversee the quarter-sawn oak display cases ductees and their families attend- quist and former Principal Kathy recording artist Philip Bailey
design and production of the ex- by East teacher and alum Joel ed, along with many family des- Callum introduced six living in- (Class of 1969), newspaper pub-
hibit cases, plan the induction Noble (Class of 1986) and his tal- cendants and admirers of the his- ductees to more than 1,000 cheer- lisher Miriam Goldberg (Class of
events, and establish an official ented student construction crew torical inductees. ing students. Cheers rose up as 1934), political leader Allegra
selection committee for Heritage The next stage of the project Guests enjoyed a catered dinner the names and photos of each of "Happy Haynes (Class of 1971),
Hall inductees. The Co-Chairs of consisted of completing the exhib- while humming along with the the 30 inductees appeared on the philanthropist Barry Hirschfeld
the Host Committee, Beth Gower
it panels for each inductee's por- popular recorded tunes of induc- screen during the video presenta- (Class of 1960), and artist An-
(Alumni and Friends of East
trait and biography inside the oak tees Judy Collins and Philip Bailey, tion. The students offered spon- thony Ortega (Class of 1976).
High) and Ruth Malman (Angel
cases. Living inductees and the lead singer of Earth, Wind and taneous cheers in equal measure Family members and fans of Foundation), worked tirelessly to
families of many deceased induc- Fire. Choir Director Will Taylor to relatively unknown historical two other living inductees also cel- coordinate dozens of volunteers. tees provided invaluable help in led the East High Angelaires in inductees like Botanist Alice East- ebrated, including Don and Bettye The East High Alumni Heritage this process. Research and writing their interpretation of Judy Col- (Continued on Page 2) Cheadle, the parents of inductee Hall honors noteworthy alumni, of the biographies was completed EAST HIGH ALUMNI HERITAGE HALL
Don Cheadle (Class of 1982), and
from the founding of the original by former teacher Dick Nelson 2008 INAUGURAL INDUCTEES
Rod Grier, brother of inductee "Old East" in 1875, through the (the author of the history of East Pam Grier (Class of 1967).
present. Serving as a rich educa- Flights of Angels), and historian Marilyn Van Derbur Atler 1955 Motivational Speaker Also on hand were descendants tional and motivational resource, Marcia Goldstein. Graphic De- Norman Ralph Augustine 1953 Engineer, CEO of many of the remaining histori- the project highlights East High's signer Honey Lindburg and AUM 1969 Singer and Recording Artist cal (deceased) inductees. An all- historical heritage, honors the Framing completed the elegant Elvin Caldwell, Sr.
1937 Civic Leader school assembly followed the next achievements and diversity of East biographical panels. 1982 Actor and Humanitarian morning, where six living induc- High graduates, and provides role Generous Heritage Hall spon- 1957 Vocalist and Social Activist tees shared words of wisdom with models for today's students. sors provided funds to complete the exhibit project, as well as un- Douglas Fairbanks, Sr.
derwriting for the gala festivities Alumni And Friends Annual Meeting
Thomas Hornsby Ferril 1914 Journalist and Poet Laureate and video production. Major spon- Miriam Harris Goldberg 1934 Newspaper Publisher Thursday, January 29, 2009
sors included Marilyn Van Derbur Atler and Larry Atler, Lynn and General Irving Hale 1877 Brigadier General, U. S. Army 10:30 a.m. • East High Social Room
Dennis Blum, Ruth Malman and Allegra "Happy" Haynes 1971 Political Leader, Public Servant Michael Opatowski, the Sneed 1960 Businessman, Philanthropist Family Foundation, Lockheed Dr. Abraham Kauvar 1931 Physician and Humanitarian Martin Corporation, Project Angel 1911 Silent Film Actor East High Angel Foundation
Pride, the East High Angel Foun- Non-Profit Org.
Jenne & Ethel Magafan dation, Alumni and Friends of East High, and more than a dozen 1976 Artist and Educator other donors. Thanks to the con- 1911 Civil Servant and Humanitarian siderable efforts of all, Heritage Antoinette Perry Frueauff 1906 Actress and Philanthropist Hall now stands as a visible mon- General Maurice Rose 1915 Major General, U. S. Army ument that will inspire East stu- dents for generations to come. Dr. George Gaylord Simpson 1918 Paleontologist Justice Robert Steele, Sr., 1877 Chief Justice, Colorado Supreme Court The music of the East High jazz John L. "Jack" Swigert band greeted guests as they arriv- George Hebard Williamson 1893 Architect, East High School ed at the Wings Over the Rockies Dr. H. Marie Wormington 1931 Archaeologist Air and Space Museum for the Jean Joliffe Yancey 1932 Businesswoman Heritage Hall gala banquet. Em-

From The Principal…
East High Alumni Heritage Hall
Even as the principal, many things continue to amaze meabout East High School. One ofthem is the incredible strength ofour alumni support.
The other day I walked into my local coffee shop (where myfavorite barista is an Angel alum-na), sat down with my cup andcoincidentally met a gentlemanwho is proud to be the father offour East alumni. Last spring,when I walked down the mainstaircase of the school, I foundtwo Angel alumni surrounded bystudents. One was proposingmarriage to the other under theclock with a diamond and rubyring. Last spring, while follow-ing the back to back NationalChampion Constitutional Law East High Angelaires performing at Wings Over The Rockies.
team into our nation's capital (Continued from Page 1) tin, recalled the grounding he had toria Scott Haynes (Class of 1977). building in Washington, D.C., I wood (who graduated more than gained from growing up in Den- The Selection Committee mem- was confronted by the great sculpture of astronaut, senator and a century ago in 1879), and world ver and attending the same high bers carefully weighed specific in- Angel Alumnus Jack Swigert. Truly, Angels are everywhere.
renowned contemporary induc- school as his mother. Philip Bailey duction criteria against a list of Our recent "Heritage Hall" celebration reinforced this fact and rec- tees like movie actor Don Cheadle.
stressed the hopefulness of pursu- more than 100 nominees. Each po- ognized many of our most esteemed Angels. The event also sent a After the students viewed the ing your dream, as he had done as tential inductee had achieved ex- strong message about our tradition of excellence to every current stu- Heritage Hall video presentation, a high school musician who learn- cellence in their chosen fields, and dent and staff member. Our students learned from our alumni that each of the inductees present ad- ed to sing from Marion Padboy, made significant lifetime contribu- greatness has been a part of the East experience from the beginning dressed the crowd individually his East choir teacher. Bailey's tions to community. Additionally, and that this greatness resides within each of them. Thank you to with words of inspiration. Their soaring voice enabled him to enjoy the selection criteria required that "Alumni and Friends," the Angel Foundation and the many parents, messages of hope and wisdom a lifelong career in creating music the inductees as a group repre- students and other volunteers who made our Heritage Hall experi- reached across generational lines.
for millions.
sented the rich legacy of racial and ence a reality for now and into the future. Marilyn Van Derbur Atler elicited With the help of a team of enthu- ethnic diversity that has long de- Currently our school serves 2,100 students, 60 percent of whom tears and a standing ovation when siastic students, six living induc- fined East High. Finally, the com- choose to attend East from outside of our direct attendance area. There she explained that love and deter- tees had the honor of "cutting the mittee ensured that the final in- is high demand in our community for students to be a part of the mination could overcome even the ribbon" to reveal the completed ductees represented a broad array East experience. With the strength of our talented student body, we most despicable traumas and Heritage Hall immediately fol- of professions and experiences, as are experiencing great successes in both academics and athletics. Our abuses. Tony Ortega thanked his lowing the assembly. Observers well as the historical span of mul- Speech and Con Law teams continue to demonstrate the kind of excel- high school counselor, Olympian seemed awestruck by the impres- tiple generations of East High lence that we have come to expect in the classroom and in academ- Jerome Biffle, for insisting that he sive display, as well as by the con- go to college. He implored the stu- tent of the alumni stories depicted.
In future years, additional dis- This fall, our boys Soccer team joined our back to back State
dents to avoid work they hated, tinguished inductees will be add- Championship Basketball team in greatness, capturing our second
and do work that they loved, as he ed through a nomination process State Championship in Soccer. And, as a result of our students' aca-
had done with his artwork. The daunting process of select- that will be open to anyone who demic performance on the Colorado State Assessment Program Barry Hirschfeld, the descen- ing the first 30 Heritage Hall in- wishes to submit nominations.
(CSAP test), we have moved from being viewed as an "average" per- dant of a long line of Denver busi- ductees fell to the generationally The process will include submis- forming school in our state to being recognized as an "Academically ness leaders, recommended the diverse official Selection Commit- sion of biographical background High Performing" school. This is a great accomplishment that we will virtues of combining hard work tee. The committee included for- materials, as well as a written des- work hard to sustain and improve upon into the future. with giving back to the commu- mer East High principals Jim cription of the nominee's accom- As Angel alumni, you can continue to make a difference to our nity. Happy Haynes, who earned Tracy (Class of 1950), Kathy Fisher plishments, contributions to the school and students in many ways. Your presence as an alum is her place as the first African- Callum (Class of 1968), and Eliz- community at large, and how the known and appreciated. Please, pay attention to what's happening American woman President of abeth Bateman Celva (Class of nominee's East High experience at your school and share in our challenges and successes. I invite you City Council, applauded East and 1966). Current and former faculty inspired a life of excellence. Due to contact me with any ideas and interests that you have regarding its faculty for inspiring her to see Richard Nelson, Beth Gower, to the extensive planning and East. As I say to so many students every week, I'd really like to hear community service as a lifelong Gloria Olivier (Class of 1953), and fundraising necessary for the proj- what you like about our school and what you think can make it an Keith Lucero also served. Alumni ect, inductions will take place only even better place for our Angels. Norm Augustine, who had representatives included Selection periodically, every two to five In life and learning, soared to the heights of the aero- Committee Chair Marcia Tremmel years. With so many distinguished John R. Youngquist, Principal space industry at Lockheed Mar- Goldstein (Class of 1969) and Vic- alumni to choose from, the selec-tion of future inductees promisesto be quite competitive.
East High Reunions Held In Denver During 2008 Inductees Express Gratitude
The inductees who were able to Class Of 1958
One could join any of the 45 clubs cheering for the school, for each nating a rose garden on the East attend expressed profound grati- According to a write-up in the at East or participate in a sports player to give his best; a friend- campus in honor of our Vietnam tude for the honor of being induct- 1958 reunion booklet by Norm program that was second to none ship…mutual respect, shared con- vets: Scott Grigg, Paul and Larry ed into the inaugural Heritage Covey, the class of 1958 was grad- in the state. Opportunities to join fidences and common experiences.
Strom and Stan Zurek and to uating at just about the best time the Spotlight or Angelus staffs, the Thus it is that each life is a memorialize our deceased class- Inductee Norm Augustine re- possible. …"the class of 1958 had drama department, the speech mosaic-with elements of pleasure mates. With the approval of the marked that "the events were the whole of a wonderful country team, ROTC, Seraph Sisters, White and sadness, but each unique and alumni in attendance at the din- truly inspiring to me. A lot of work and economy to move around in Jackets, the D Club, the Red peculiar to its owner." ner, retired principal Kathy Cal- went into organizing — and was and take advantage, full of sweet Jackets or the award winning Class Of 1968
lum contacted Susan Bardwell certainly evident." He was quick fruit more ripe for picking than choral and instrumental music The class of 1968 had its 40th and assistant principal Wes Ash- to add, "What an enthusiastic any other country in the world, programs abounded.
reunion thanks to the hard work ley of Project Angel Pride to initi- bunch of students at the assem- in all of history, in the best of Memories were shared when of Peggy Phillips Nichalson, Bill ate the rose garden. With contribu- the reunion group visited East and Wright, Christine Bachman and tions from members of the class, "Thank you so much for mak- This class was born in 1940 took a tour through the building, Beth Fisher who made up the core Project Angel Pride and East stu- ing last week's event one that Phil- when Hitler was on the move to starting with an assembly in the of the reunion committee. Accord- dents started preparing the ground ip will treasure," remarked Philip dominate all of Europe and per- auditorium and then on to various ing to Beth, "they decided to go it in the south courtyard in the fall Bailey's daughter Trinity Bailey.
haps the world. World War II trig- sites in the building: Athletic Hall alone, rather than pay for the serv- and will plant the red and white "It's a memorable experience and gered economic growth and the of Fame, the War Memorial, the ice of a reunion-organizing com- roses in late spring.
he was blessed to be a part of it." rise of the United States as a world Heritage Hall of Fame, the library The class is considering a party Tony Ortega thanked the com- leader. These were the memories and finally the tower and East It was not until the last week to celebrate the planting when it mittee for the honor, and for in- shared as a large gathering assem- High historical museum. after a flurry of e-mails and Anci- is completed. Contributions are cluding his family in the celebra- bled in Denver.
Alums remembered among ent Angels information started be- being accepted for a maintenance A total of 775 Angels graduated others were: principal, Sam Wald- ing accessed that the committee fund for the rose garden. Donation Marilyn Van Derbur Atler ada- in the class of '58. There was plen- man; class sponsors Rachel Taul felt comfortable about a good turn checks may be made out to East mantly remarked that "addressing ty to get involved with in 1958.
and Ed Morris. Teachers who out for the reunion weekend of High Class of 1968, and sent to the students was, for me, the high- were often recalled included: July 11-13. The class of 1968 PR Beth Fisher Woodard, 1284 Wyo- light. The assembly exemplified Dudley Enos, John Brennan, Har- committee consisted of the core ming Street, Golden, CO 80403.
what Heritage Hall means to me ry Charlesworth, Violet McCarthy, members as well as Rukiya (Ruth- — sharing lessons learned. I can- Roland Roberts, Regina DesJar- ann) Rountree, Kathy Fisher Cal- Class Of 1948 News
not remember any honor or event dins, Michael Mahonchak, Mar- lum, Tom Gray, Karen Kawashima The Class of 1948 has given
that has meant more to me." garet Smith, Genevieve Kreiner, Gray, Roz Barki Nigbur, Gerie But- $500 to the Alumni and Friends
The class of 1959 will cele- For information regarding the Helen Arnold, Dr. John Matties, ler Grimes, Shawn Shea, Sheryl of East following their 60th re-
brate its 50th reunion in Denver East High Alumni Heritage Hall, Lawrence Garrett, Dominic Zar- Boone Conners and Pat Guest. union this summer. The money
the weekend of August 14-16, or to make financial contributions lengo and Morris Hoffman.
Fortunately, the Friday mixer will be given as a scholarship to
2009. For further information to the project, please contact: In the 1958 Angelus, an East was a success. The reunion dinner a worthy East graduate in 2009
contact Glen Clark at glen@ Alumni and Friends of East, 1600 High experience was likened to a on Saturday was held at the Park and will bear the name of the or register City Park Esplanade, Denver, CO mosaic. Included in that mosaic Hill Golf Course and on Sunday, Class of 1948.
your information on ancientan were: "a bit of knowledge gained many alumni went to East to rem- and with Gary Autrey through the curriculum and the inisce and tour the Tower. Those at [email protected]. When you Spotlight For Alumni And Friends Of East High
faculty; a challenge offered by the who attended had a great time.
register be sure to include your activities program: and unforget- Rukiya (Ruthann) Rountree Published by: Alumni and Friends, name, address, e-mail, phone table evening…a bid, a corsage, a suggested that the class of 1968 1600 City Park Esplanade, Denver, CO 80206.
last dance and a memory, a crowd dedicate a living memorial by do-

East Yearbook Turns 100 Years Old In 2009
Memories are a vital change to "Angel- known saying or a bit of poetry.
Awards 2008
part of most people's us." That name has Later on yearbooks started listing high school experience.
graduating senior's high school One of the most rewarding pro- That given, it was prob- activities, sports and awards.
grams sponsored by the Alumni ably natural that some- year exception in One of the more popular text and Friends of East continues to be thing would be devised items in yearbooks for years was the annual awarding of scholar- to house those memories the Class History, and the Class ships to deserving East seniors.
and preserve them for Prophecy. These items have all but For the 14th consecutive year the posterity. Thus, the high disappeared in yearbooks. The Alumni and Friends awarded school yearbook was first yearbook had a page for scholarship dollars to 25 outstand- the senior Halloween party, the ing seniors. The long list of schol- The very first yearbook senior dance (forerunner to the arship recipients was made pos- published at East High senior prom), senior dramatics.
sible with the help and generosity School was in 1909 when The book covered the leg- of the Angel Foundation, Thomas East was in a building endary Wolcott and Woodbury W. Bean Foundation, the Epstein- downtown and went by speaking contests as well as the Smith Family, the David Rivera the name of East Side Stevens Oratory contest. There Fund, and the Class of 1955.
High School. When the were not nearly as many clubs All the following recipients current yearbook comes then as now. There was coverage demonstrated remarkable aca- out in the spring of 2009, of the Minerva Society (girls' demic success, participation in it will be the 100th edition.
debating society), and Con- school and community activities, Ealasha Marshbank — award-
There has always been a gress (boys' debating society).
and were contributors to the spir- ed $1,000, Thomas W. Bean Foun- discussion as to what a There was a full page spread it of East and to maintaining its yearbook should be. Some on the Cadets (forerunner to strong legacy of traditions. All the Shaquille Turner — awarded
believe that it should be a the ROTC) and special atten- students interviewed talked about $1,000, Thomas W. Bean Founda- faithful historical chronicle tion given to choral and instru- the diversity of East, meaning not of the events of a given year mental music programs. There only the people, but choices of Marisela Sandoval — awarded
so that readers in the future was also a section on what the classes, activities, opportunities $1,000, class of 1955 can understand the cultur- previous graduating seniors and the care and quality of teach- The following seniors received al, social and historical importance ing they experienced. It is truly awards of $1,000 for Outstanding of past years. Others believe that Robert Newland was the first enlightening and rewarding to Academic Achievement: Nitai
it should be more of a memory yearbook sponsor and interview all the East applicants! Detel, Lynnikka Draper, Kelly
book or a collection of snapshots the very first editors Matthew Veleta received the re-
Dunn, Patrick Hartman, Claire
that renders a feeling of the time.
were Martha Townsend newable Alumni and Friends Westcott, Olivia Yapp.
In the beginning the chronicle idea the new East High and Walter Muther. Be- Scholarship for 2008. This $1,000 The following East seniors re- seemed to dominate, while the ing the yearbook editor award may be renewed for three ceived an Alumni Book Award of faces and places idea took over would become one of the years. Matt is a totally delightful $500 for scholarship and contribu- around the 1970s. plum extracurricular as- young man who will always rep- tions made to East: Erin Devany,
Perhaps the "Salutatory" print- signments an Angel could resent East and himself well. His Amy Easley, Murphy Hogsett,
ed in the front of the 1909 year- attain, rivaling the Spot- school activities included baseball, Hallie Hughes, Maya Richard-
book gives some meaning to why light editorship or head band, debate, Constitutional Schol- son, Lisa Wormley.
yearbooks were considered impor- boy and head girl. ars and the National Honor Society.
The Angel Foundation granted tant: "There is a great spirit in the Over the years the year- Matt is an intellectual leader in the following $1,000 awards: class of 1909 at East High School.
book has been in capable a wide range of areas. "Learning is Maya Burchette, Alysha Harlan,
It was on account of this spirit that sponsor's hands. Oscar something I love to do instead of Elizabeth Hunt, Rebekah John-
the class, finding no other outlet would be appropriate to name it Marinoff was the sponsor something I have to do."Matt cred- son, Ben Nathanson, Ana Vizoso.
for its energy, decided to bring thus. An Angelus is a messenger for 18 years from 1922-1940. In the its his family with helping provide With Alumni and Friends dol- forth an annual such as would re- and is known for its guiding spir- '40s George Cavender and Alice motivation and drive for setting lars and additional generous con- flect honor upon the class and the it or influence.
Koons were sponsors. Thomas high educational expectations. In tributors, 150 students have re- school, and establish a precedent The first yearbook differs great- Gilligan and William Koerber ran addition to all his academic suc- ceived a total of $146,000 as of for future classes to follow." ly from the current productions.
the show in the '50s and Ralph cess at East, his teachers repeated- 2008! We are looking for scholar- The first yearbook had the gen- First there was no color photog- Johnson was sponsor the entire ly referred to Matt's personal ship dollars every year! All dona- eric title of "Annual" and it would raphy and no indoor shots. All decade of the '60s. In the 1970s strengths: his honest character, his tions are tax-deductible.
be until 1923 that the name would pictures were taken by profession- Brian Lee was sponsor and in mature straightforwardness and als, as the idea of consumer pho- 1979, Jan Anderson took over di- lack of ulterior motive, reliable, East ‘Academically High Performing' tography was still only a dream. rection of the book and was spon-
respectful, a totally upstanding stu- Another large difference was that sor from 1979-2003. This 24-year Many of you will not be sur- "Average" performing school on dent and person. Matt is one of since the high school newspaper tenure was the longest by any sin- prised by the headline "East High the annually developed "School those held in the highest regard by (Spotlight) did not start until 1921, gle sponsor.
School Academically High Per- Accountability Report." For the both his peers and the faculty.
and there were no literary maga- The Alumni and Friends of East forming!" For many years, the aca- first time, as a result of our stu- Carlo Davis — awarded $2,000
zines, the yearbook doubled as a constructed the historical museum demic experiences, challenges and dents' outstanding performance in honor of teacher David Rivera literary organ, running essays, po- in the tower and have amassed a preparation for college and univer- on last year's CSAP test, East has Michelle Murphy — awarded
ems and art work of various stu- large collection of yearbooks. At sity have been a tremendous draw been identified by the Colo. Dept.
$2,000 in honor of Emily L. Saslow dents. One interesting similarity is least one copy for each year of the for students and families to East. of Education as a "High Perform- Nazina Curtis — awarded
that captions beneath graduating yearbook's existence is on display Over the years, the State of Col- ing School" in academics. We are $3,000, Epstein-Smith Family senior pictures were literary, a well in the museum.
orado has identified East as an the first High Performing tradi-tional high school in the DPS. Thisis a great honor brought on by the East High School Entry
hard work of our students andteachers. In addition, East was also (2004) have claimed that PrestonPowers was commissioned to be celebrated for the "High Level of the sculptor. Upon further review, Academic Growth" of its students. Commemorative Paver & Brick
At East High School, our stu- The Stone Angel
it has been affirmed that DanielChester French was in fact the dents and teachers create greatness New research has come to light, sculptor. French is most known for Program — Project Angel Pride
together. They work hard togeth- thanks to Susan Bardwell, con- his statue in the Lincoln Memorial.
er and maintain a focus on learn- cerning some facts about the ori- The only point of reference for The new Entry Plaza at East High School presents an opportu- ing that makes a difference in the gin of the Angel face that once Preston Powers is that French nity for you, your family or business to become a lasting part of the life of every Angel. Thank you, as adored the front archway at "Old stayed with the Powers while he school's long, illustrious history. At this fall's back-to-school night, an active Angel alumna, for every was studying in Florence. Preston Project Angel Pride unveiled the updated design for the Entry Plaza.
measure of support that you pro- Two histories written about East was on the board set up to design The new design has added 18"x24" pavers to the 4"x8" bricks. The vide to ensure that East students High School, "Past and Pres- the face and to seek an appropriate pavers will include a quote provided by teachers at East High excel in their learning and achieve. ent"(1950) and "Flights of Angels" sculptor. Powers has a created an School along with the donor's name.
Indian/bison statue entitled "The Recognizing the importance of this historic gateway to East, Prin- cipal John Youngquist spoke of reinforcing the traditional use of the Membership Dues Increase Closing Era." It stands on the east
side of the state capitol.
entry as the Gateway to Learning when students and visitors arriveat East High School. We all know that the "front porch" is THE gath- Cost Of Communication Goes Up This Year!
In the fall of 1925 the school ceased to function as a high ering place for our students. It's where they connect. It's also where For the past 20 years the alumni dues have been $10. Starting this school, as "New East" opened on visitors take in their first impression of our school and its commu- year — 2009 — the dues will be $20. We hope this slightly overdue the Esplanade. For five years the nity. Realizing the importance of the Gateway to Learning, Mr.
"cost of living increase," will help us provide quality communica- old building remained intact, be- Youngquist has chosen this renovation as the priority capital tions with you and meet the increased costs of preservation efforts.
ing used as the Denver Public improvement for East High School this year. This renovation will When the East High alumni association was reactivated in 1989, Schools ad building. In 1929, the begin in the summer of 2009.
under the name Alumni and Friends of East, one of the goals was building was razed and various The Entry Plaza pavers are an excellent way to commemorate your to be in regular contact with the graduating classes.
artifacts were transferred from old graduating class or a special reunion. We invite you to become a part Since 1989 we have gathered more than 8,000 alumni names. We East to New East, including the of this historic enhancement to the most beautiful, and the best, are delighted with the yearly increase in our data base. This increase school in Denver. Let our East Angels stand proud and tall…on your
has created additional publication and mailing costs. As a result, in The stone was given a perma- paver — forever!!
2008 we reduced our mailings to one inclusive mailing — the Alumni nent home in the South garden Show your Angel pride permanently by purchasing a large paver Spotlight and the membership envelope. The membership enve- area and over the years the ele- with your name and a quote from one of East's faculty members in- lope has instructions on the flap. As always, you will be able to des- ments have eroded most of the scribed in their honor ($1,000) or a brick adorned with your student's ignate where you would like contributions to be spent. We hope this features of the Angel.
and/or family's name ($100). Pave the way to East's continued ex- is convenient and will be a reminder your donations support all There is a movement afoot to cellence! Space and quotes are limited so make your selection today alumni programs and projects.
see about creating a bronze mark- For further information or to order your brick or paver, go to The Alumni and Friends of East thanks you for your generous con- er to go on the eroded stone to, click on Community and then click on Project tributions. If you are not a member of the organization, please con- indicate to interested parties that Angel Pride, or contact Dee Ciancio 303-246-8623 or e-mail her at sider joining and helping keep East and its significant historical tra- it is an important piece of East ditions alive and prospering.
High history.
2008 East High Constitutional Scholars
East High Senior Earns
Win National Competition
Metro Service Award
#1 In The Nation For Second Consecutive Year!
Shonnetta Henry, a 2008 graduate of East High School The 2008 Constitutional Schol- with their coach and teacher ers, justices and judges from state was honored as the Youth of ars team won first place in the We
Susan McHugh, along with help and federal judicial offices. His- the Year by the Boys & Girls The People: the Citizen and the
from other attorneys. East is fortu- torical knowledge combined with Club of Metro Denver. She nate and, so grateful, to have loyal understanding, supportive evi- also received the club's Swa- Washington, D. C., last May. East community members, and former dence, and the ability to make ap- nee Hunt Individual Leader- (Colorado) is one of only two East parents who each year con- plication to modern day situa- ship Award for service in schools in the 21 year history of tribute their time and legal talents tions, events and issues are the the competition to win the nation- to help prepare the new team.
Shonetta's high school al title back to back. New Jersey is The competition continues to East has represented the Denver career is much like the typical the other back to back winner. The consist of three days of simulated Public Schools and the State of high school student: classes, 27 member team and coach Susan congressional hearings in which Colorado well in this 21-year-old activities and friendships. But McHugh accomplished the near the students are grilled on issues competition. Nineteen times East this young lady had a much impossible in defending their na- such as judicial review and consti- has represented Colorado as the deeper side. She was not only tional title.
tutional principles. The knowl- State Champion, placing 15 times a good academic student, but As it is with all East teams, they edgeable judges are college pro- in the top 10 and taking the Na- she was a writer, a volunteer, underwent rigorous preparation fessors, government policy mak- tional championship three times a strong leader and a self- (1992, 2007, 2008)!! 2009 Constitutional Scholars Update
described "lighthouse" for We are proud of all the East par- her three young siblings.
The East team won the State Championship again! For the 20th time ticipants for their hard work and The Youth of the Year award recognizes outstanding contributions East will represent Colorado. The 26 member team, and their all those adults who encourage to a member's family, school, community and local club, all achieved teacher/coach, Mark Thalhofer, will leave for D.C. on April 23.
and help make this level of think- while facing personal challenges.
If you wish to help the Constitutional Scholars Team travel to ing and learning possible! And we At East, Henry was active in Black Student Alliance, the speech Washington, D.C. to compete, please make your tax-deductible dona- are most grateful to all those who team and the East Theatre Company while maintaining an aca- tion payable to: East High School-Constitutional Scholars provide the financial support to demic schedule that included five advanced placement courses and Mail to: Mrs. Beth Gower, East High School, 1600 City Park Espla- make this national competition two accelerated courses. She is also a poet, a dancer and a caretak- nade, Denver, CO 80206.
possible for East!! er for her three young siblings.
Shonnetta is a member of the George M. Wilfley Boys & Girls Club in northwest Denver. She is president of the Keystone Club, a teacher One Strategy To Close The Achievement Gap At East for Words Can Heal and a participant in the Ink About It poetry and
parent-teacher conferences, visit writing group.
A+ Angels Mentor Program
with counselors, and often cheer Henry received a $4,000 scholarship from the clubs, a $1,000 The A+ Angels Mentor program Half of the students are new ninth at sports events. Mentors meet scholarship from Reader's Digest Foundation and the chance to com- is now in its fifth year. Begun in graders, the other half are students with their students' parents, help pete for Colorado Youth of the Year.
2004 by EHS parents Jessica Pear- who continue to work with their with summer job applications, The Alumni and Friends of East commends Shonnetta Henry for son and Caren Press, the program mentors after ninth grade, some and arrange for internships and her personal accomplishments and for upholding the tradition of seeks to provide additional sup- lasting all four years and beyond.
programs that provide exposure service as an East Angel.
port to struggling students. Re- Counselors at feeder middle to college. They push their stu- search shows that students who schools are contacted about poten- dents to work harder, demonstrate have a relationship with a caring tial program participants. These self-advocacy and help them to East Alums Honored
adult tend to try harder. Adult vol- potential students and parents are see an expanded world and be- unteers are recruited and paired contacted by phone and given the lieve they have a place in it.
With Citizens Award
with students in the hope they opportunity to participate. Unin- A+ Angels has been featured in build relationships in order to fur- terested students and those with the "Docket" and "5280." For Dick (Class of 1947) and Eddie given by the National Western ther East's academic objectives for special education status are elim- more information and to volun- Robinson (Class of 1950), Denver Stock Show. They will accept the each student.
inated. All freshmen participants teer, contact Jessica Pearson, Jpear businessmen, were awarded the award January 14, 2009, at the There are currently more than are enrolled in one of two "Acade- 2009 Citizens of The West Award Hyatt Regency Denver.
60 students and a similar number mic Success" classes.
The two earned the award be- of adults in the program. Mentors Mentors help with homework cause of their devotion to the state range in age from the low 20s to and longer-term assignments.
of Colorado. The award honors the late 60s; they are male and fe- They show their students how to While in high school did you Until the spring of 2008, there individuals who embody the spir- male and represent a variety of use a planner and keep organized.
ever need a letter of recommenda- was nothing to personally recog- it and determination of the West- ethnic groups. Mentors meet on a They consult Infinite Campus to tion to that selective college or uni- nize the work of the many coun- ern pioneer and who are commit- monthly basis to share experiences keep up with student grades and versity, coordination of the college selors and administrators who ted to perpetuating the West's and learn about useful resources.
attendance patterns. They attend application process, help in plan- have been there for students. That agricultural heritage and ideals.
East High Athlete
ning your high school classes or a omission has been corrected. Now Dick and Eddie took over the change in your schedule, a session on display in the counseling center Robinson Dairy in 1975 from their to deal with a school or personal is a permanent, engraved, chrono- great-grandfather who established Wins Olympic Bronze
problem or situation, a source of logical list that names the counsel- the business in 1885. The business information or a contact to ease ors and directors that have served was sold in 1999, but they contin- David Oliver (Class of 2000) be- life," he said, "you fall down and into an activity or maybe a referral since the city-wide model, college ue to serve as co-chief executives came the third East High athlete you get up." He also told students to an employer for a part time or counseling program was devel- of Robinson Dairy LLC.
to win an Olympic medal. Run- to listen to the people who have summer job? These are among the oped by Justin Brierly in the mid- Both men graduated from East ning in the 110-meter hurdles in their best interests at heart.
many services provided by East dle 1950s. The plaque is in tribute High School and both graduated the recent Olympic Games in Bei- David gets his track talent hon- High School's professional coun- to East alumnus Owen Hahn, who from Colorado A&M (now known jing, David placed third and re- estly. His mother, Brenda Cham- selors and program administra- was a DPS teacher/counselor for as Colorado State University.) Both ceived a bronze medal.
bers, a George Washington grad- tors for over 50 years. 42 years, retiring from East in 2004. men served as artillery officers in He joins Jerome Baffle (Class of uate, was an all-star hurdler at the the Army — Dick in the Korean 1946) who won a gold medal in University of Colorado.
War and Eddie in peacetime Ger- Angel Teams Take State
the 1952 summer Olympics in David was not all that excep- many. Dick saw action at Pork Helsinki, Finland. Jerry captured tional as a high school athlete. He East Wins Back-To-Back State
East High Soccer Team
Chop Hill and received the Silver the broad jump championship.
played football under Coach Larry Captures State Title
Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart.
Bernie Wrightson (Class of 1962) Tarver and ran track, but he was The East High Angels won the The 2008 East High School soc- They are known as giving men.
also captured a gold medal. He not all-city in either sport. "It 2007 and 2008 state basketball cer team captured the state cham- They have been involved in a was the top diver in his event at proves that high school is not the championships. These titles mark- pionship with a 1-0 overtime win number of charitable activities and the 1968 olympics in Mexico City.
end of dreams. You still have the ed the ninth and 10th state cham- over Regis Jesuit High School in are known for their generous sup- David returned to his alma future to improve and find your pionships for the school. These the final game in November. This port for a number of organizations mater October 3, for an all-school niche." When the assembly was titles enabled coach Rudy Carey to marks the second state soccer including the Denver Art Muse- assembly. He proudly displayed over, he was mobbed by well- win his fourth and fifth champion- championship for the Angels, the um, the Denver Zoo and various his bronze medal and urged stu- wishing students.
ships in his tenure at East.
other one coming in 1994.
Denver hospitals.
dents to work hard and not to giveup. "Track and field is a lot like East High Graduate Earns His Wings Of Valor In WWI
One of the most obscure heroes He entered the University of Pursuit Squadron and eventually He organized the 120th observa- in Colorado history graduated Denver, earned a law degree, all downed five more planes. This tion squadron of the 45th Division from East in 1913. Jerry Vascon- the time working at a law firm af- qualified him to be known as an of the Colorado National Air Guard.
cells would become the single ter school and stoking the furnaces Ace and he joined the ranks of He also helped establish the first "American Ace" from Colorado at the U.S. Mint on the midnight such luminaries as Eddie Ricken- Denver Municipal Airport which in World War I.
shift. After graduating with hon- backer. He would be the only later became known as Stapleton.
Born in Lyons, Kansas, to a Por- ors, he joined a law firm. But this World War I pilot from Colorado He married Marietta Cassell, tuguese immigrant father and an was not to be his destiny.
to earn this distinction.
the granddaughter of Henry Cor- Irish Mother his name was origin- When the First World War His Spad 1 was shot down once des Brown, who donated the land ally deVasconcellos. He left home broke out in Europe, Jerry, along and he sustained serious injuries, to the state of Colorado for a site with his uncle Jerry Cox and came with hundreds of American boys which would later impact his for the state capitol and who built to Denver. Not long after arriving, joined the allied cause long before health. He was awarded several the famous Brown Palace Hotel.
Jerry became ill and passed away.
America entered the war. Jerry medals: the French Croix DeGuer- In 1929 Jerry was inducted into Living on his own, Jerry worked had volunteered for the air corps re, the Newport Medal, the Honor the Aviation Hall of Fame. He died his way through Old East High at Fort Riley, Kansas and was Medal of the Aero Club of Amer- in 1950. Only a plaque hanging at School with excellent grades. He trained as a fighter pilot in Can- ica and the Distinquished Order Old Stapleton noted his impor- was accepted at Dartmouth and ada. He left for France where he Citation which was presented to tance in Colorado. Even that dis- was on his way to an Ivy League flew with the Lafayette Escadrille.
Jerry by General John Pershing.
appeared when the new airport education when he contracted He shot down one enemy plane Returning to the homefront, Jer- was built. Jerry Vasconcells was a double pneumonia and had to re- before America joined the war. At ry became interested in the fledg- true hero for America and one of David Oliver
turn to Denver.
this time he joined the 127th – 1st ling airline industry in Colorado.
East High's proud graduates.


Seda Tarzian (BS '48, Bio): A pioneer in pharmaceutical research As a retired pharmaceutical research medical program director, Her pharmaceutical career included doing preclinical in vivo Tarzian knows personal y how hard it can be for students to testing of new pharmacological compounds and serving as a liter- finance their education. She enrol ed at Temple after her stepfather ature reviewer and clinical research associate responsible for new agreed to pay for her education, but after a semester that source

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