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12sat handouts.indd
January 20-22, 2012
Des Moines Marrio , 700 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA
Session 3: New Evidence-Based
Clinical Prac ce Guidelines
C: Treatment of MRSA Infec ons in
Adults and Children
4:15pm - 5:15pm
ACPE UAN 107-000-12-025-L01-P
Ac vity Type: Applica on-Based
Program Objec ves for Pharmacists: Upon compleƟ on of this CPE acƟ vity parƟ cipants should be able to:
1. Summarize an microbials used in the treatment of MRSA infec ons
2. Apply knowledge of clinical prac ce guidelines to recommend therapy for MRSA infec ons
3. Use guidelines to provide dosing and monitoring sugges ons for vancomycin
4. Iden fy clinical situa ons where alterna ve therapies may be appropriate
5. Recognize important considera ons for pediatric pa ents
Speaker: Erika J. Ernst, PharmD, is an Associate Professor of Pharmacy at the University of Iowa and clinical
pharmacy specialist in infec ous diseases at UIHC where she also serves on the pharmacy and therapeu cs and
an bio c advisory commi ees. She received her PharmD from the University of Southern California where she
also completed a pharmacy prac ce residency. She went on to complete an infec ous diseases fellowship at
the University of California, San Francisco prior to joining the faculty at the University of Iowa. Her prac ce and
research interests are in an microbial u liza on and resistance. In addi on to having several publica on in the
infec ous diseases literature, she is also the President-elect of the Society of Infec ous Diseases Pharmacists.
Speaker Disclosure: Erika Ernst does not report any actual or poten al confl icts of interest in rela on to this CPE
ac vity. Off -label use of medica ons will be discussed during this presenta on.
Faculty Disclosure
Treatment of MRSA Infections in
Erika Ernst reports she has no actual or potential conflicts of
interest associated with this presentation.
Adults and Children
Erika Ernst has indicated that off-label use of medication will
be discussed during this presentation.
Erika J. Ernst, Pharm.D.
Associate Professor
University of Iowa College of Pharmacy
Learning Objectives
Pre-Assessment Questions
Upon completion of this activity pharmacists will be able to:
Select the desirable serum level for vancomycin.
Summarize antimicrobials used in the treatment of MRSA infections
Apply knowledge of clinical practice guidelines to recommend therapy for
MRSA infections
Use guidelines to provide dosing and monitoring suggestions for vancomycin
d. None of the above, measuring serum levels is not necessary
Identify clinical situations where alternative therapies may be appropriate
Which of the following have activity against MRSA?
Recognize important considerations for pediatric patients
a. Clindamycin (Cleocin)b. TMP/SMX (Bactrim)c. Doxycycline (Vibramycin)d. Vancomycin (Vancocin)e. All of the above
First guideline on treatment of MRSA from IDSA.
Clinical Practice Guidelines by the Infectious Diseases
Primary objective to provide recommendations on
Society of America for the Treatment of Methicillin-Resistant
Staphylococcus aureus Infections in Adults
management of clinical syndromes caused by MRSA.
Address vancomycin dosing and monitoring, susceptibility
Catherine Liu,1 Arnold Bayer,3,5 Sara E. Cosgrove,6 Robert S. Daum,7 Scott K. Fridkin,8 Rachel J. Gorwitz,9Sheldon L. Kaplan,10 Adolf W. Karchmer,11 Donald P. Levine,12 Barbara E. Murray,14 Michael J. Rybak,12,13 David
testing and use of alternate therapies
A. Talan,4,5 and Henry F. Chambers1,2
Clinical Infectious Diseases 2011; 52(3):e18-e55
Do not address
Surveillance testing or infection-prevention strategies
Antimicrobial Therapy
Skin and Soft tissue
Adjunctive therapies for
infections (SSTIs)
Recurrent SSTIs
Vancomycin dosing and
Bacteremia and Infective
Rifampin – in combo
Susceptibility Testing
Gentamicin – in combo
Persistent Bacteremia &
Bone and Joint Infections
"treatment failures"
CNS Infections
44 year old male with 3 days of enlarging painful area on
For abscesses Incision and Drainage is the most important
right forearm. There is an apparent fluctuant collection. The
man is afebrile with normal blood pressure and pulse.
Antibiotics indicated for abscesses with
What is the most important factor in the management of this
Severe disease (associated with cellulitis or rapidly progressive)
Signs of systemic illness
a. Incision and drainage of the fluid collection.
Immune suppressed
b. Oral antimicrobial therapy .
Extremes of age
c. I & D plus oral therapy to cover MRSA.
Difficult to drain (face, hand) Failure of prior I&D
Microbiology of Purulent SSTIs
Oral therapy for purulent cellulitis
Adult Dose
<45 kg 2 mg/kg/dose (TMP
component) PO every 12 h;
>45 kg adult dose
B-hemolytic strep
10-13 mg/kg/dose PO every 6-8 h
10 mg/kg/dose PO every 8 h NTE 600 mg/dose
Oral therapy for NON-purulent cellulitis
Adult Dose
Adult Dose
25-50 mg/kg divided every 6-12 h
15 mg/kg IV Q8-12h
10 mg/kg/dose PO/IV every 8 h
<40 kg: 3.125 to 6.25 mg/kg
>40 kg: 125 to 250 mg every 6 h
Study ongoing
10-13 mg/kg/dose every 6-8 h
600 mg IV/PO Q12 h
Under study: <75 kg: 8 mg/kg
>75 kg: 600 mg
10 mg/kg/dose every 8 h NTE 600 mg/dose
10-13 mg/kg/dose PO/IV every 6-8 h NTE 40 mg/kg/day
Management of Recurrent SSTIs
A patient asks for advice for her child who is having
Personal hygiene / Wound Care
recurrent MRSA skin infections. She asks if there is anything
Cover draining wounds
she can do to help with these recurrent infections. What is
Hand hygiene after touching infected skin
an appropriate response for this patient?
Avoid reusing / sharing personal items
Environmental hygiene
a. Recommend she see an Infectious Disease Specialist
Clean high touch surfaces
b. Suggest she request oral antibiotics for decolonization
c. Suggest she cover draining wounds and emphasize hand
Mupirocin BID for 5-10 days
Mupirocin BID for 5-10 days plus topical skin antiseptic
d. Recommend her dogs and cats be tested for MRSA to
(chlorhexidine) x 5-14 days
determine if they are a source of infection
Dilute bleach baths (1 tsp per gallon; ¼ cup per ¼ tub) for 15 min
twice weekly for 3 months
Oral antibiotics NOT recommended for decolonization
MRSA bacteremia and Endocarditis
Adult Dose
Adult Dose
15 mg/kg IV Q 8-12
15 mg/kg IV Q 8-12 h
10 mg/kg/dose PO/IV every 8 h
10-13 mg/kg/dose PO/IV every 6-8 h NTE 40 mg/kg/day
Linezolid not recommended for bacteremia or endocarditis due to increased
Daptomycin not used for pneumonia – inactivated by pulmonary surfactant-
mortality when organism is not known.
but may be use in patients with hematogenous septic pulmonary emboli as a complication of bacteremia/endocarditis.
Tigecycline not recommended for hospital acquired pneumonia or ventilator associated pneumonia due to increased mortality.
Vancomycin Treatment Failure
Vancomycin Treatment Failure
Persistent MRSA bacteremia
Persistent MRSA bacteremia
Definition of treatment failure
Search for focus of infection with surgery or drainage
Median time to clearance of bacteremia
Daptomycin (if susceptible) in combination with another
MSSA with B-lactam – 3-4 days
MRSA with Vanco – 7-9 days
Overall clinical response
Vancomycin serum concentrations
TMP/SMX IV 5 mg/kg Q12 h
Susceptibility testing results (vanco MIC)
Foci of infection
Prior treatment with vanco and elevated vanco MICs are
associated with elevated Dapto MICs
Vancomycin Treatment FailurePersistent MRSA bacteremia
MRSA Bone and Joint Infections
If reduced susceptibility to vanco and dapto
Adult Dose
15 mg/kg IV Q 8-12 h
10 mg/kg/dose PO/IV
every 8 h NTE 600 mg/dose
10-13 mg/kg/dose PO/IV
every 6-8 h NTE 40 mg/kg/day
TMP/SMX plus rifampin
3.5-4 mg/kg/dose PO/IV
every 8-12 h600 mg PO QD (300-450 mg PO BID)
MRSA CNS infections
Adjunctive therapies
Adult Dose
Protein synthesis inhibitors (eg. Clindamycin or linezolid)
15 mg/kg IV Q 8-12 h
and IVIG are not routinely recommended as adjunctive
10 mg/kg/dose PO/IV
every 8 h NTE 600 mg/dose
Some limited in vitro and animal model data exist but has some
conflicting results
Vancomycin Dosing and Monitoring
Vancomycin Target
Vancomycin 15 mg/kg (total body weight) max 2 gm.
Trough of 15 estimates an AUC of 400.
AUC of > 400 has been associated with improved clinical
Q 8 hours suggested for Age < 40 and Scr < 1.4
Q12 hours suggested for age 40-65 and Scr < 1.4
Higher troughs (> 20) have been associated with increased
Q24 hours suggested for age >65 or Scr >1.4 (regardless of age)
Loading dose (25-30 mg) may be considered for seriously ill or
Elevated vancomycin MICs (> 2 mcg/ml) have been
obese patients (max 3-4 gm).
associated with increased likelihood of vancomycin failure
Measure trough at steady state (prior to 4th or 5th dose-when
dosing interval selected as above) if patient will remain on vancomycin.
A 72 year old 61 kg female with a Scr of 1.3 is started on
She was not at steady state when the level was taken after the
vancomycin 1 gm Q 12 h for cellulitis that did not respond
3rd dose, she continued to accumulate drug leading to renal
to oral antibiotics. After the 3rd dose a vancomycin level is
insufficiency. Her level was taken too early and she was
obtained an the level is 14 mcg/ml. She is sent home that
discharged prematurely
evening to continue receiving vancomycin by home care.
A more appropriate starting dose and monitoring plan would
She will have a Scr 2x/week and vanco level in 1 week.
have been 15 mg/kg (915 mg) rounded up to 1 gram given
He Scr rises to 1.6. She is feeling poorly and is now
every 24 hours. Draw the serum level after the 3rd dose.
Perhaps could have been discharged but the level in the home
She is readmitted and her Scr is 1.7 and her vancomycin level
environment would have occurred the next day.
taken 12 hours after a dose is 37 mcg/ml
Clindamycin (Cleocin)
Ceftaroline (Teflaro)
FDA approved for S. aureus infections
FDA approved for SSTI and CAP
Bacteriostatic – not recommended for endovascular
Cephalosporin with MRSA activity (high affinity for
penicillin binding protein (PBP) 2a
Excellent tissue penetration
Safety profile similar to ceftriaxone
Limited CSF penetration D-zone test for detection of inducible clindamycin resistance
in Erythromycin-resistant, Clindamycin susceptible isolates
Diarrhea occurs in up to 20% of patients Oral suspension not well tolerated (may need to add
Daptomycin (Cubicin)
Linezolid (Zyvox)
FDA approved for adults with S. aureus bacteremia, right
FDA approved for SSTI and nosocomial pneumonia caused by
sided endocarditis and cSSTI.
MRSA in adults and children
Not used for MRSA pneumonia (inactivated by surfactant)
100% oral bioavailability; only use IV if patient unable to take
Highly protein bound; renally excreted
Elevation of CPK is most common adverse effect (monitor
Hematologic toxicity, thrombocytopenia, anemia,
Eosinophilic pneumonia has been reported
Peripheral and optic neuropathy and lactic acidosis Weak non-selective MAOI inhibitor – has been associated
with serotonin syndrome in pts taking SSRI
Telavancin (Vibativ)
FDA approved for cSSTI in adults and children > 16 yrs
FDA approved for cSSTI in adults
Inhibits protein synthesis but the combo is bactericidal
Arthralgias, myalgias, nausea and infusion-related reactions.
Nephrotoxicity is more common than vancomycin Monitor Scr, drug level monitoring not available Taste disturbances, nausea, headache, foamy urine Adverse fetal outcomes in animal studies, potential for
abnormal fetal development
TMP/SMX (Bactrim)
Vancomycin (Vancocin)
Not FDA approved for staphylococcal infections, however
FDA approved for the treatment of MRSA infections
95-100% of CA-MRSA strains are susceptible in vitro
Slowly bactericidal
Hyperkalemia – especially in elderly patients on renin-
Possible emergence of resistant strains
angiotension inhibitors or with chronic renal insufficiency.
Tissue penetration is variable (limited penetration into bone,
Not recommended in third trimester of pregnancy or in
lung epithelial lining fluid and CSF).
infants under 2 months due to possibility of kernicterus.
Renal toxicity at higher doses Monitor Scr, and drug levels
Doxycycline (Vibramycin)/Minocycline (Minocin)
Tigecycline (Tygacil)
FDA approved for SSTI due to S. aureus but not specific for
FDA approved for cSSTI and intraabdominal infections
Glycylcycline, derivative of minocycline
In vitro activity against MRSA
High tissue concentrations; low serum concentrations
Some isolates R to doxycycline may be S to minocycline
FDA warning for serious infections to consider alternative
Not recommended in pregnancy or children < 8 yrs
agents due to increased all cause mortality in clinical trials of tigycycline
Nausea and vomiting are common adverse effects Not recommended in pregnancy or children
Rifampin (Rifadin)
Gentamicin (Garamycin)
Bactericidal activity agains S. aureus, achieves high levels and
penetrated biofilm
Used in combination, not used as primary therapy
Do not use alone, resistance develops rapidly
Nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity
Do not use until blood cultures are negative Role not clearly defined Drug interactions
Post-Assessment Questions A 6 year old child has cellulitis associated with a recent
A 26 year old male is admitted for a knee injury sustained
abrasion. The area is red, swollen, warm to the touch, but
playing sports. Following reconstruction he develops an
there is no apparent fluid collection or pus. She is allergic to
MRSA wound infection. He is otherwise healthy. His Serum
ampicillin (rash). Select the most appropriate treatment.
creatinine is 0.8 and he weighs 100 kg. He will receive
vancomycin 15 mg/kg. You suggest the vancomycin be given
b. Every 12 hours
d. By continuous infusion
A 65 year old male is admitted for MRSA bacteremia. His
A 45 year old female is seen for purulent cellulitis that was
vancomycin MIC is 2 (S); Daptomycin MIC is 0.5 (S) and
drained but hasn't healed. She takes sertraline (zoloft) for
Linezolid MIC is 0.5 (S). He takes atorvastatin (Lipitor) and
depression. Select the most appropriate therapy.
lisinopril (Zestril). Select the most appropriate therapy.
d. Any of the above
Continuing Pharmacy Education
A 38 year old HIV positive male is admitted with signs and
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symptoms of pneumonia. Sputum grows MRSA. Blood
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cultures are negative. Which of the following should NOT be
used to treat this infection.
b. Linezolidc.

New vidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines:
Treatment of MRSA Infections in Adults and Children
Patient Case
What went wrong? (Assessment)
A 72 year old 61 kg female with a Scr
Patient problems:
of 1.3 is started on vancomycin 1 gm Q 12 h for cellulitis that did not
respond to oral antibiotics. After the 3rd dose a vancomycin level is obtained an the level is 14 mcg/ml.
Acute Renal Failure
She is sent home that evening to continue receiving vancomycin by
She will have a Scr 2x/week and
vanco level in 1 week.
He Scr rises to 1.6. She is feeling
System problems:
poorly and is now confused.
She is readmitted and her Scr is 1.7
Her vancomycin level was assessed
and her vancomycin level taken 12
before reaching steady state and she
hours after a dose is 37 mcg/ml
was discharged home too early/with
improper monitoring.
Intervention: (Plan)
Hold vancomycin. Monitor Scr. Plan to restart vancomycin with prolonged interval.
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