Chiaramente, ogni formato ha i propri vantaggi e svantaggi
comprare biaxin online in italia per effettuare un acquisto, non è necessario fornire la prescrizione medica.
This patient-focused philosophy of health
To provide clinical experience for dental
care is built on the right of the patient to:
hygiene and expanded duty dental
Considerate, respectful and confidential treatment,
assisting students.
Assurance of continuity and completion of care,
To provide oral health education and
Access to complete and current information about
home care instruction for our patients.
his/her condition,
Exit 113 off I-26
Advance knowledge of the cost of treatment,
To provide scaling (teeth cleaning) and
Informed consent,
other oral preventive therapies for our
Explanation of recommended treatment, treatment
alternatives, the option to refuse treatment, the
risk of no treatment and the expected outcomes of
various treatments, and
Treatment that meets the standard of care of
We are pleased that you are interested
the profession.
in receiving dental hygiene care at our
Parking for our patients will be in the visitors
school. Midlands Technical College is
parking area located to the right and left side
a teaching institution. Our goals are to
of the Academic Center.
teach allied dental students to provide
quality preventive dental hygiene care
Only children who are scheduled patients
for our patients and to introduce health
may enter the treatment area. Children in
the reception area must be supervised by a
care protocols that ensure our alumni
parent or guardian.
practice in a scientifically based manner.
Midlands Technical College Dental Clinic
was founded in 1968 by Dr. Ralph D. Levine.
Richland Technical Education Center
graduated 23 dental hygiene students in
1968. Nine years later in 1977, a class of 22
The information that we collect at your first
dental assisting students was graduated. We
appointment will be used to assess and
look forward to serving the public for many
evaluate your preventive dental needs.
years to come.
Assignment of a patient to a student is
dependent upon the needs of the student.
If you have any special problems or questions,
Appointments are necessary. If you have
our dental receptionist is available to help.
1260 Lexington Drive
We want to serve you well. The dental clinic
questions regarding your assignment or
West Columbia, SC 29170
office is located on the third floor, room 321,
care, you may call the dental receptionist
of the Academic Center, directly in front of the
at 803.822.3450.
phone 803.822.3450 i fax 803.822.3411
traffic circle on the Airport Campus. You may
call 803.822.3450 with your questions or to
Third Floor i Room 321
arrange evaluation appointments.
At the dental hygiene clinic, the students are
The clinic is open on varying days during
Appointments should be cancelled only if it
expected to care for preventive dental needs.
the week. Appointment times will vary each
is absolutely necessary. Loss of clinic time
can delay a student's graduation or result in
Including Oral Assessment (Head & Neck Cancer)
The order of your treatment depends on your
semester. We are closed on weekends,
failing grades. Students are required to stop
Screening, Cavity & Periodontal Risk
needs and will usually proceed as follows:
holidays and during student vacations. Your
treatment if you miss appointments without
Assessment, Nutritional Counseling) & X-Rays
time is valuable and so is that of your allied
valid reasons. Please give 24 hours notice if
Community Patients:
1. Assessment of preventive dental needs
dental student. You can help the student
you cannot make your appointment. Call the
MTC Students: **
make your treatment go more smoothly
dental clinic receptionist at 803.822.3450 and
by being available and on time for each
leave a message for your student to call you.
Deep scaling; Including oral assessment &
Your preventive dental treatment at the clinic
We want to help you keep your mouth and
will take longer than it would at a private
teeth in a healthy, comfortable condition. Once
Usually completed in 4 separate appointments
e. preventive oral health instructions
dental office because the student must spend
your preventive dental hygiene treatment has
All Patients: 120.00
time learning to produce quality work, and a
been completed, you will be asked to see
* Payment may be divided if more than one
2. Presentation of diagnosis
faculty member is required to evaluate each
your dentist for an exam at 6-month intervals.
appointment is necessary
a. Recommended treatment options
step of the procedure. In exchange for your
You may also be treated through our recall
**MTC Student must show student ID or other
time, you receive quality care at a lower cost.
program at 3 month intervals. You may call the
form of documentation
b. expected cost
clinic to arrange an appointment for a cleaning
c. time commitment
You should plan to spend as much as 3
and a periodic screening by a student. Should
CHILDREN: (Ages 3 – 11)
hours for each appointment once treatment
you have any other dental problems, you will
Price includes routine dental cleaning and oral
3. Oral health care
has begun. If it is difficult for you to
be referred to a dentist in the private sector for
a. professional cleaning
come frequently and stay for the lengthy
appointments often required, then you should
b. periodontal (gum) treatment
Full Mouth (or) Panograph
seek care in the private sector.
Our fees for services usually offer substantial
The teaching program requires students to
dollar savings for our patients. Initial visit
PA—individual film
Your treatment may be too complex or time
be in classes, laboratories, seminars, and
payments are made by Cash, Check, VISA, or
consuming for an allied dental student. When
MasterCard upon arrival at checkin time. Your
clinics. Because students have different
this happens, you may be advised to seek
estimated treatment cost will be discussed
Sealants (per tooth)
schedules and limited time for patient care, it
with you before any treatment is begun. All the
Minocycline Gel (Arestin)
treatment from a dentist in the private sector
is difficult to coordinate appointments when a
money collected is used to pay the operating
with expertise in one of the following areas:
client does not arrive in a timely manner. We
costs of the clinic. Students do not receive
request that you make every effort to uphold
any of the fees. X-Rays or copies of X-Rays are
VISA, MasterCard, cash and checks are accepted.
your commitment.
required before beginning treatment.
Fees are accurate at the time of printing, but are
subject to change.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Patients with dental insurance will need to
pay for the treatment upon arrival in the
Pediatric Dentistry
clinic, and can then seek reimbursement
from their insurance company. The dental
clinic does not accept direct payment from
Please visit our website
insurance companies. A walk-out statement
can be used to file client insurance.
or email us at
[email protected]
DIABETES PEPTIDES Peptides and Diabetes PEPTIDES FOR DIABETES RESEARCH According to data from the International Diabetes Federa-tion, more than 250 million people around the world suf-fer from diabetes mellitus, a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia. Diabetes mellitus can be divided into two main types, type 1 or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and type 2, or non insulin-depen-dent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). The absolute lack of insu-lin, due to destruction of the insulin producing pancreatic β-cells, is the particular disorder in type 1 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is mainly characterized by the inability of cells to respond to insulin. The condition affects mostly the cells of muscle and fat tissue, and results in a condition known as „insulin resistance".
Psilocybin Investigator's Brochure March-April 2007 Psilocybin: Investigator's Brochure Table of Contents 1. Drug Substance and Formulation. 3 2. Pharmacological and toxicological effects . 3 Psilocybin and Psilocin Actions on Neurotransmitter Systems . 3 Overview. 3 Psilocybin or psilocin and 5HT2A and 5HT2C Receptors . 4 Psilocybin or Psilocin and other Serotonin Receptors . 4 Psilocybin or Psilocin and other Receptor Systems. 5 Human Neuropharmacological Studies . 6 Psilocybin and Gene Expression. 6