The Postovulatory
Mechanism of Action of Plan B
A Review of the Scientific Literature
Rebecca Peck, MD, and Rev. Juan R. Vélez, MD
Abstract. Levonorgestrel is widely used as emergency contraception, yet much
confusion surrounds its use. Consensus statements and reviews typically
attribute its efficacy to prefertilization mechanisms of action (MOAs), such as
suppression of ovulation and interference with cervical mucus or sperm func-
tion, yet studies do not rule out a postovulatory MOA. To yield greater clarity,
the authors review recent scientific studies examining the MOAs of LNG-EC.
They conclude that LNG-EC exerts minimal effects on cervical mucus and
sperm function and that suppression of ovulation is not the dominant MOA
accounting for the contraceptive efficacy of LNG-EC. Luteal deficiencies and
endometrial changes reported in the literature strongly suggest a postovula-
tory MOA when LNG-EC is given during the critical preovulatory (or fertile)
National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 13.4 (Winter 2013): 000–000.
The question is, does the emergency contraceptive levonorgestrel (LNG-EC) pre-
vent pregnancy by suppressing ovulation or by other prefertilization means (e.g.,
impairment of cervical mucus or inhibition of sperm function), or does it have an
abortifacient effect? This paper reviews the evidence to date on the mechanism of
action (MOA) of LNG-EC.
Rebecca Peck, MD, is a family physician and clinical assistant professor at the Florida
State University College of Medicine. Rev. Juan R. Vélez, MD, PhD (Theology), is a Roman
Catholic priest and former board-certified internist in Berkeley, California. The authors
can be reached at
[email protected] and
[email protected], respectively. The authors
thank Patrick Yeung, MD, Bruno Mozzanega, MD, Chris Kahlenborn, MD, Walter Rella,
MD, and philosophy professors Thomas Cavanaugh and Christopher Tollefsen for helpful
comments as well as Rev. Deacon Thomas J. Davis Jr., JD, LLM, MA (Theology), for his
comments and editorial assistance.
2013 The National Catholic Bioethics Center 1
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
Levonorgestrel is a widely used emergency contraceptive.1 In the United States,
it is generally known by a trade name—Plan B One-Step or Next Choice One Dose.
In these forms, LNG-EC is now taken as a single 1.5 mg dose within one hundred
twenty hours of unprotected intercourse, although it is most efficacious when taken
within seventy-two hours.2 Prescribing information for Plan B One-Step from the
US Food and Drug Administration states that the drug is "believed to act as an
emergency contraceptive principally by preventing ovulation or fertilization (by
altering tubal transport of sperm and/or ova). In addition, it may inhibit implantation
(by altering the endometrium)."3
LNG-EC is to be taken after unprotected intercourse or contraceptive failure
irrespective of when in the cycle intercourse occurred. However, in a woman's
monthly cycle there is a fertile window of only six days during which the ovum may
be fertilized.4 Sperm can live up to five days in the cervical crypts or the fallopian
tubes, waiting to fertilize the ovum when released.5 Since the ovum can survive
just one day after ovulation, the fertile window thus comprises the five days before
ovulation and the day of ovulation (day -5 through day 0). Sperm survival may be
affected by changes in the woman's cervical mucus, hormone levels, and endome-
trial environment. To be able to fertilize the ovum when released, sperm must also
undergo capacitation, sperm hyperactivation, and the acrosome reaction.6
1 Task Force on Postovulatory Methods of Fertility Regulation, "Randomized Con-
trolled Trial of Levonorgestrel versus the Yuzpe Regimen of Combined Oral Contraceptives
for Emergency Contraception,"
Lancet 352.9126 (August 8, 1998): 428–433.
2 L. Cheng, Y. Che, and A. M. Gülmezoglu, "Interventions for Emergency Contracep-
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, no. 8 (August 15, 2012): CD001324;
and H. von Hertzen et al., "Low Dose Mifepristone and Two Regimens of Levonorgestrel
for Emergency Contraception: A WHO Multicentre Randomised Trial,"
Lancet 360.9348
(December 7, 2002): 1803.
3 US Food and Drug Administration, Prescribing Information for Plan B, July 2009,
4 D. B. Dunson et al., "Day Specific Probabilities of Clinical Pregnancy Based on
Two Studies with Imperfect Measures of Ovulation,"
Human Reproduction 14.7 (July
1999): 1835–1839; and A. J. Wilcox, C. R. Weinberg, and D. D. Baird, "Timing of Sexual
Intercourse in Relation to Ovulation: Effects of the Probability of Conception, Survival of
the Pregnancy, and Sex of the Baby,"
New England Journal of Medicine 333.23 (December 7,
1995): 1517–1521.
5 Wilcox et al.,"Timing of Sexual Intercourse," 1520.
6 S. S. Suarez and A. A. Pacey, "Sperm Transport in the Female Reproductive Tract,"
Human Reproduction Update 12.1 (January–February 2006): 23–37; and A. Hermanny et
al., "In Vitro Assessment of Some Sperm Function following Exposure to Levonorgestrel in
Human Fallopian Tubes,"
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology 10 (January 30, 2012):
art. 8, http:/ Sperm capacitation occurs in the female genital
tract, producing structural and functional changes in the sperm that make them capable of
fertilization. Hyperactivation causes them to swim faster and more forcefully. The acrosome
reaction, which occurs as sperm approach the ovum, consists of changes at the head that
make the sperm able to penetrate the tough outer layer of the ovum during fertilization.
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
Scientists have proposed that LNG-EC may work in a number of ways: 7 (1) by
affecting cervical mucus or sperm function; (2) by preventing sperm–ovum
binding, thus preventing fertilization; (3) by delaying or inhibiting ovula-
tion; (4) by impairing formation of the corpus luteum, which is essential for
adequate progesterone support of the endometrium; and (5) by decreasing
endometrial receptivity, thwarting the embryo's implantation.
The majority of studies we reviewed conclude that LNG-EC works by a preovu-
latory MOA and does not have postfertilization effects. However, these conclusions
conflict with many of the actual findings of the studies. We now turn to the scientific
evidence for each of the possible MOAs mentioned above.
First Proposed MOA:
Cervical Mucus, Sperm Transport and Sperm Capacitance
Cervical mucus is critical for sperm survival.8 Levonorgestrel used as emer-
gency contraception was originally believed to prevent fertilization by the impairment
of cervical mucus, on the basis of data obtained from a study of continuous oral
progestin-only pills.9 In women using
long-term progestin-only contraceptives (pills
or the LNG-secreting intrauterine device), cervical mucus is of diminished quality
and is inhospitable to sperm; this is one of the main mechanisms by which these
agents exert their antifertility action.10 However, comparing the long-term effects of
LNG to the effects of one-time administration of LNG-EC is not valid, for several
reasons. First, the LNG-secreting IUD (20 mcg continuous daily secretion) provides
a very high local
uterine drug concentration, compared with a one-time
oral dose
of LNG-EC (1.5 mg). Research shows that "the endometrial tissue concentration of
LNG is approximately one hundred times higher in IUD-releasing LNG than in a
single dose of LNG-EC by either the oral or vaginal route."11 Second, multiple studies
7 K. Gemzell-Danielsson, C. Berger, and P. G. L. Lalitkumar, "Emergency
Contraception—Mechanisms of Action,"
Contraception 87.3 (March 2013): 300–308; and K.
Gemzell-Danielsson, "Mechanism of Action of Emergency Contraception,"
82.5 (November 2010): 404–409. Two other possible postfertilization mechanisms of action
have been described in the literature—(1) altered fallopian tube transport of the zygote, and
(2) altered pH environment of the fallopian tubes and uterus—but available evidence for
them is limited and they will not be reviewed in this paper.
8 E. Odeblad, "Cervical Factors," in
Female Infertility, ed. P. J. Keller (Basel: Karger,
1978), 132–142.
9 K. S. Moghissi, F. N. Syner, and L. C. McBride, "Contraceptive Mechanism of
Microdose Norethindrone,"
Obstetrics and Gynecology 41.4 (April 1973): 585–594.
10 D. Africander, N. Verhoog, and J. P. Hapgood, "Molecular Mechanisms of Steroid
Receptor-Mediated Actions by Synthetic Progestins Used in HRT and Contraception,"
Steroids 76.7 (June 2011): 636–652; and R. A. Lewis et al., "Effects of the Levonorgestrel-
Releasing Intrauterine System on Cervical Mucus Quality and Sperm Penetrability,"
Contraception 82.6 (December 2010): 491–496.
11 W. A. Palomino, P. Kohen, and L. Devoto, "A Single Midcycle Dose of Levonorgestrel
Similar to Emergency Contraceptive Does Not Alter the Expression of the L-Selectin Ligand
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
show an effect on cervical mucus with use of daily continuous progestin-only pills
or an LNG intrauterine system that explains their efficacy in reducing pregnancy
risk,12 but the one-time postcoital use of oral LNG as an emergency contraceptive
is a very different scenario.
What does the research show on this subject? An in vivo study by Josiane
do Nascimento and colleagues shows no impairment in the quality of cervical mucus
after administration of LNG-EC: "Viable spermatozoa were found in the genital tract
thirty-six to sixty hours after coitus and twenty-four to forty-eight hours after LNG
administration."13 These findings expressly contradict those of a much older study, by
Estaban Kesserü et al., which reported impaired cervical mucus and reduced numbers
of sperm measured between three and ten hours after a related compound was given
(d-norgestrel, 400 mcg).14 In a major review of emergency contraceptives, Kristina
Gemzell-Danielsson and colleagues note that "the observations described by Kesserü
et al. of LNG effects on cervical and intrauterine mucus are probably of importance
when LNG is used as a regular contraceptive but unlikely to be the main mechanism
of action of LNG used for [emergency contraception], since sperm can be retrieved
from the fallopian tube within 5 min after insemination of semen in the vagina."15
In a large study of LNG-EC, Gabriela Noé and colleagues propose this MOA
to explain the efficacy of LNG-EC in the face of their finding of an extraordinarily
high ovulation rate among their subjects. However, their reference to "increased
cervical mucus viscosity caused by LNG," which they assert "impedes the migration
of sperm,"16 is not based on data derived from their study but relies solely on the
or Molecular Markers of Endometrial Receptivity,"
Fertility and Sterility 94.5 (October 2010):
1592. This is important because several researchers will hypothesize that oral LNG-EC
will increase glycodelin-A (which is thought to impair sperm fertilization of ova) since it
is well known that the LNG-IUS (IUD) increases glycodelin-A as one of its contraceptive
mechanisms of action. It is this higher endometrial exposure that may trigger this specific
effect for the IUD and will be shown not to trigger this MOA for oral LNG-EC.
12 M. F. Natavio et al., "Temporal Changes in Cervical Mucus after Insertion of the
Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine System,"
Contraception 87.4 (April, 2013): 426–431;
and X. F. Li, G. C. Davies, and J. Newton, "A Review of the Effects of Long-Acting Progestin-
Only Contraceptives on Ovarian Activity,"
Advances in Contraception 8.1 (March 1992): 1–19.
13 J. A. do Nascimento et al., "In Vivo Assessment of the Human Sperm Acrosome Reaction
and the Expression of Glycodelin-A in Human Endometrium after Levonorgestrel-Emergency
Contraceptive Pill Administration,"
Human Reproduction 22.8 (August 2007): 2190.
14 E. Kesserü et al., "The Hormonal and Peripheral Effects of d-Norgestrel in Postcoital
Contraception 10.4 (October 1974): 417. This study did not report on the
cervical mucus or sperm effects of d-norgestrel beyond ten hours but did observe that altered
intrauterine pH persisted for forty-eight or more hours after drug intake.
15 Gemzell-Danielsson et al., "Emergency Contraception," 302, referring to
observations reported in E. Kesserü et al., "In Vitro Action of Progestogens on Sperm
Migration in Human Cervical Mucus,"
Fertility and Sterility 26.1 (January 1975): 57–61.
16 G. Noé et al., "Contraceptive Efficacy of Emergency Contraception with
Levonorgestrel Given Before or After Ovulation,"
Contraception 81.5 (May 2010): 419–420;
hereafter, Noe et al., "Contraceptive Efficacy" 2010.
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
dated Kesserü findings—the same ones powerfully contradicted by do Nascimento's
more modern study. Strikingly, although the Noé study was originally published in
2010, it makes no mention of the 2007 do Nascimento study, which provides the best
evidence on the topic. In a 2011 study based on the same data as their 2010 study,
Noé et al. acknowledge do Nascimento's work but suggest that Kesserü's findings
still account for a "transient" MOA which is "more pronounced in the 12 [hours]
following LNG intake but vanishes after 24 to 48 [hours]."17
If we consider that LNG-EC is only "needed" to prevent conception in the late
follicular phase (i.e., during the fertile window), any effect on cervical mucus would
exert very little influence on sperm survival, as it is likely that sperm would already
have reached the fallopian tubes.
Fertilization requires sperm movement into the fallopian tubes. This occurs in
two stages: first, some spermatozoa are "aided by propulsive contractions of the genital
tract to the fallopian tube"; second, "over a period of several days, spermatozoa that
have been stored in the uterine cervix migrate in successive cohorts to the fallopian
tube."18 Kesserü and others have proposed that findings related to "interference with
sperm migration . . could play a role in the contraceptive mechanism" of postcoital
emergency contraception.19 Several studies have shown that sperm can be retrieved
from the fallopian tubes within five minutes to two hours
after insemination in the
vagina,20 and it is known that sperm can survive in the fallopian tubes for up to five
Georg Kunz and colleagues show that during the late follicular phase, uterine
contractions direct sperm from the cervix into the fallopian tube on the same side
as the dominant follicle—that is, on the side of the follicle that will release an ovum.
17 G. Noé et al., "Contraceptive Efficacy of Emergency Contraception with
Levonorgestrel Given Before or After Ovulation,"
Contraception 84.5 (November 2011):
491; hereafter, Noé et al., "Contraceptive Efficacy" 2011.
18 K. S. Brito et al., "The In Vitro Effect of Emergency Contraception Doses of
Levonorgestrel on the Acrosome Reaction of Human Spermatozoa,"
Contraception 72.3
(September 2005): 225–228.
19 Kesserü et al., "Hormonal and Peripheral Effects," 422.
20 The following studies confirm that sperm reach the fallopian tubes in minutes to
hours: E. Kesserü et al., "Hormonal and Peripheral Effects"; G. Kunz et al., "The Dynamics
of Rapid Sperm Transport through the Female Genital Tract: Evidence from Vaginal
Sonography of Uterine Peristalsis and Hystero-salpingoscintigraphy,"
Human Reproduction
11.3 (March 1996): 627–632; M. E. Ortiz and H. B. Croxatto, "Copper-T Intrauterine Device
and Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System: Biological Bases of Their Mechanism of Action,"
Contraception 75.6 suppl. (June 2007): S16–S30; D. S. F. Settlage, M. Motoshima, and D. R.
Tredway, "Sperm Transport from the External Cervical Os to the Fallopian Tubes in Women:
A Time and Quantitation Study,"
Fertility and Sterility 24.9 (September 1973): 655–661; and
M. Ahlgren, "Sperm Transport to and Survival in the Human Fallopian Tube,"
Investigation 6.3–4 (1975): 206–214.
21 Wilcox et al., "Timing of Sexual Intercourse," 1520.
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
They note that "these data indicate that rapid transport of the spermatozoa through
the female genital tract is under the endocrine control of the dominant follicle,
ensuring the preferential accumulation of spermatozoa at the site of fertilization."22
If sperm can arrive in the fallopian tubes in minutes, then the action of emergency
contraception (even if taken within twenty-four hours) would occur too late to affect
this phenomenon, even if it had an effect on subsequent waves of sperm migration.23
What does the research show? In 1974, Kesserü et al. showed that after a single
dose of d-norgestrel, there was a rapid decrease of spermatozoa in the uterus—an
observation still used by others to suggest that the phenomenon explains LNG-EC
efficacy.24 However, the recent in vitro and in vivo studies we reviewed report no
significant effect of LNG-EC on sperm functions at doses that would actually be
achieved in vivo.25 The in vivo study by do Nascimento et al. shows that it is possible
to recover an adequate number of viable and motile human spermatozoa from both
the cervix and the uterine cavity thirty-six to sixty hours after coitus in women who
were treated with LNG-EC within twelve to thirty-six hours after coitus.26
22 Kunz et al., "Dynamics of Rapid Sperm Transport," 627.
23 LNG did not affect numbers of motile spermatozoa or their adhesion to the fallopian
tubes after LNG exposure, thus indicating that these rapid sperm remain viable adhered to
the tubal epithelium. Hermanny et al., "In Vitro Asessment of Some Sperm Function," 1. See
also W. S. Yeung et al., "Effects of Glycodelins on Functional Competence of Spermatozoa,"
Journal of Reproductive Immunology 83.1–2 (December 2009): 26–30.
24 Kesserü et al., "Hormonal and Peripheral Effects," 411–424. See also D. Hapangama,
A. F. Glasier, and D. T. Baird, "The Effects of Peri-ovulatory Administration of Levonorgestrel
on the Menstrual Cycle,"
Contraception 63.3 (March 2001): 123–129; A. Tirelli, A. Cagnacci,
and A. Volpe, "Levonorgestrel Administration in Emergency Contraception: Bleeding
Pattern and Pituitary-Ovarian Function,"
Contraception 77.5 (May 2008): 328–332; Noé
et al., "Contraceptive Efficacy" 2011, 491; and F. Davidoff and J. Trussell, "Plan B and the
Politics of Doubt,"
JAMA 296.14 (October 11, 2006): 1776.
25 The studies showing no LNG-EC effect on sperm at doses found in vivo are do
Nascimento et al., "In Vivo Assessment of the Human Sperm Acrosome Reaction"; W. S.
Yeung et al., "The Effects of Levonorgestrel on Various Sperm Functions,"
66.6 (December 2002): 453–457; and Hermanny et al., "In Vitro Assessment of Some Sperm
26 Do Nascimento et al., "In Vivo Assessment of the Human Sperm Acrosome
Reaction," 2194. It should be noted that the do Nascimento study was a double-blind
placebo-controlled study, which is considered one of the strongest types of studies in an
evidence-based review. Kesserü et al. hypothesized that increased alkalinization correlating
with LNG use, beginning four to five hours after intake and remaining constant for at least
forty-eight hours, explained his finding of interference with sperm migration. ("Hormonal
and Peripheral Effects," 422). If alkalinization affected sperm quality or concentration and
remained constant for forty-eight hours, then this effect should have been discovered by
do Nascimento when measured at twenty-four hours. Do Nascimento's contrary findings
strongly debunk Kesserü's pH-related migration theory. See Thomas J. Davis Jr., letter,
National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10.4 (Winter 2010): 641–643; and Allison LeDoux and
Kathleen M. Raviele, letters,
National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 11.1 (Spring 2011): 11–15.
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
The in vitro studies we reviewed do not show effects on sperm mobility or other
functions at doses found in vivo.27 In 2012, Alexia Hermanny et al. examined the
effects of LNG on sperm in vitro by perfusing human fallopian tubes with suspen-
sions of spermatozoa that did or did not contain LNG. The results show no effect of
LNG "at a similar dose to that observed in serum following oral intake for EC . .
on the number of motile spermatozoa recovered from the human fallopian tubes in
vitro, on their adhesion to the tubal epithelium, distribution, or [acrosome reaction]
rate."28 Hermanny et al. note that "the LNG concentration in uterine flushing after
oral intake was less than 2% of that found in serum, and concentrations at the tubal
lumen are probably similar."29 Do Nascimento's data on in vivo LNG concentration
are nearly identical.30 This indicates that many of the in vitro studies actually exposed
sperm to much higher concentrations of LNG than would be expected in vivo.
Sperm Capacitance and
the Acrosome Reaction
Sperm capacitance and the acrosome reaction are essential processes that ready
the sperm cell for fusion with the hard outer membrane of the ovum. Capacitance is
triggered by the release of endogenous progesterone and possibly other triggering
substances that are present in the follicular fluid.31
27 Yeung et al., "Effects of Levonorgestrel"; and Hermanny et al., "In Vitro Assessment
of Some Sperm Function."
28 Hermanny et al., "In Vitro Assessment of Some Sperm Function," 6. This study
used a dose of LNG in vitro similar to what would be observed in serum following the
1.5 mg oral dose. For example, do Nascimento et al. report that the mean serum dose of
LNG-EC achieved twenty-four hours after the 1.5 mg oral dose was 3462.9 pg/ml, yet the
uterine flushing amount was only 47.9 pg/ml. Do Nascimento et al., "In Vivo Assessment
of the Human Sperm Acrosome Reaction," 2193. This is important for two reasons. First,
since do Nascimento was an in vivo study, the actual oral administration of the drug was
able to be assessed via uterine flushing. Second, it raises the question whether the doses to
which the sperm were exposed in vitro in other studies were actually too high. For example,
Yeung et al. (who did not find any effect on sperm motility but did find an effect on sperm
function at the highest drug exposure) used relatively high concentrations (1 ng/ml, 10 ng/
ml, 100 ng/ml); even their lowest concentration (1 ng/ml) was orders of magnitude higher
than what sperm would actually experience in vivo in the uterine environment. Yeung et
al., "Effects of Levonorgestrel," 457.
29 Hermanny et al., "In Vitro Assessment of Some Sperm Function," 6.
30 "The LNG in uterine flushing medium represented 1.38% of the values observed
in serum 24 [hours] after the LNG intake." Do Nascimento et al., "In Vivo Assessment of
the Human Sperm Acrosome Reaction," 2190.
31 Progesterone in follicular fluid strongly stimulates capacitance. There may also be
different hormonal or secreting signals. M. J. Munuce, "In Vitro Effect of Levonorgestrel
on Sperm Fertilizing Capacity and Mouse Embryo Development,"
Contraception 72.1
(July 2005): 71–76; and T. T. Sun, C. M. Chung, and H. C. Chan, "Acrosome Reaction in the
Cumulus Oophorus Revisited: Involvement of a Novel Sperm-Released Factor NYD-SP8,"
Protein Cel 2.2 (February 2011): 92–98. This initially led researchers to believe that LNG-EC
as a progestin could mimic the effects of progesterone on the sperm receptors and activate the
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
It was originally hypothesized that if LNG were able to induce a premature
acrosome reaction, then spermatozoa would be unable to fertilize ova.32 Previous
research showing "that human acrosome-reacted spermatozoa do not further bind
to the [zona pellucida] suggests that by increasing the number of acrosome-reacted
cells, LNG may decrease sperm fertilizing capacity."33 It was also found that "those
spermatozoa that complete [the acrosome reaction] precociously are unable to pen-
etrate the zona pellucida because they lose enzymatic content."34
What do the actual data show? Six recent studies address the question of whether
LNG-EC administration can hinder sperm functions or fertilizing capacity.35 None of
these studies show that LNG-EC triggered the acrosome reaction after spermatozoa
were exposed to it at doses similar to those found in vivo. The most recent of these
studies, from 2012, confirms what others showed previously: that LNG-EC at relevant
doses "failed to show any effect . . on [the acrosome reaction] in spermatozoa in
vitro or in spermatozoa recovered from the uterus."36
In summary, the totality of scientific evidence shows that LNG-EC has little
or no effect on cervical mucus or sperm functions. Its effects on these processes
cannot explain its effectiveness in reducing pregnancy risk. Nevertheless, many
contraceptive experts persist in asserting the existence of these effects,37 despite
acrosome reaction. However, LNG-EC is a weak agonist on sperm progesterone receptors.
Hermanny et al., "In Vitro Assessment of Some Sperm Function," 1; Brito et al., "In Vitro
Effect of Emergency Contraception Doses," 225. Thus, the research shows no ability of the
drug to induce the acrosome reaction at usual doses found in vivo.
32 Munuce, "In Vitro Effect of Levonorgestrel," 72.
33 L. Bahomondes et al., "The In Vitro Effect of Levonorgestrel on the Acrosome
Reaction of Human Spermatozoa from Fertile Men,"
Contraception 68.1 (July 2003): 55–59.
34 Hermanny et al., "In Vitro Assessment of Some Sperm Function," 2.
35 Hermanny et al., "In Vitro Assessment of Some Sperm Function"; Brito et al., "In
Vitro Effect of Emergency Contraception Doses"; Bahamondes et al., "In Vitro Effect of
Levonorgestrel"; do Nascimento et al., "In Vivo Assessment of the Human Sperm Acrosome
Reaction"; Yeung et al., "Effects of Levonorgestrel"; and Munuce, "In Vitro Effect of
36 Hermanny et al., "In Vitro Assessment of Some Sperm Function," 7.
37 For example, Davidoff and Trussell assert that "levonorgestrel-induced interference
with sperm entry into and migration through the uterine cavity develops too late to prevent
the first wave of sperm migration, which begins in minutes; that delay is not relevant to
Plan B's contraceptive activity, however, since sperm in the first wave are not yet capacitated
and hence are not capable of fertilizing ova. However, when Plan B is taken immediately
after sexual intercourse, these effects on the cervical and uterine environment can prevent
later waves of migration of capacitated sperm, which begin about 10 hours after intercourse
and continue for several days. Conversely, the loss of Plan B's contraceptive effectiveness
with delay in use can be explained at least in part by the arrival of capacitated sperm in the
fallopian tube before the drug has had a chance to assert its effects on sperm migration."
Davidoff and Trussell, "Plan B and the Politics of Doubt," 1776. Significantly, these authors
cite two sources for their claims about migration, both of which refer in turn to the Kesserü
study: H. B. Croxatto, "Emergency Contraception Pills: How Do They Work?"
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
the fact that the results of
all the studies since Kesserü in 1974 show the opposite.38
Specifically, sperm migration, capacitation, and the ability to undergo the acrosome
reaction were not found to be affected by LNG-EC administration at doses found
in vivo. Although the first wave of sperm reaching the fallopian tubes in minutes
still requires capacitation, there is no reason—based on the findings of the studies
reviewed here—to suspect that these sperm may not achieve capacitation and sub-
sequent fertilization after administration of LNG-EC.
Moreover, since Kesserü et al. studied changes in cervical mucus and sperm
function up to only ten hours after d-norgestrel administration, it seems conjectural at
best to state that the drug could affect subsequent waves of sperm for several days.39
Most importantly, in 2007, do Nascimento et al. provided evidence that LNG-EC
did not impede cervical mucus or sperm function, and these researchers studied
the drug effects for up to forty-eight hours after LNG administration. As far back
as 2004, well-vested LNG-EC researchers concluded that the drug was unlikely to
have effects on sperm function.40 In a recent review on emergency contraceptives,
these same researchers acknowledge that "LNG does not influence sperm acrosome
reaction. It inhibits spermatozoa–oocyte fusion as well as decreases the curvilinear
velocity of spermatozoa
only at high concentration, and the contribution of these
effects to [emergency contraception] is unlikely to be significant."41
Second Proposed MOA:
Prevention of Sperm–Egg Binding
Another proposed prefertilization MOA is impairment of sperm–egg bind-
ing. This theory is based on the observation of inappropriately high expression of
glycodelin-A by sustained delivery of LNG in users of LNG intrauterine systems
and subdermal implants.42
In 2005, Marta Durand and colleagues postulated that increased levels of
glycodelin-A expression in serum and human endometrium may result from peri-
Medical Bulletin 36 (2002): 2, appendix 1–1; and K. Gemzell-Danielsson and L. Marions,
"Mechanisms of Action of Mifepristone and Levonorgestrel When Used for Emergency
Human Reproduction Update 10.4 (July–August 2004): 342.
38 Do Nascimento et al., "In Vivo Assessment of the Human Sperm Acrosome
Reaction"; Munuce, "In Vitro Effect of Levonorgestrel"; Brito et al., "In Vitro Effect of
Emergency Contraception Doses"; Bahomondes et al., "In Vitro Effect of Levonorgestrel";
Hermanny et al., "In Vitro Assessment of Some Sperm Function"; and Yeung et al., "Effects
of Levonorgestrel."
39 Davidoff and Trussell, "Plan B and the Politics of Doubt," 1776. 40 Gemzell-Danielsson and Marions, "Mechanisms of Action of Mifepristone and
41 Gemzell-Danielsson, "Emergency Contraception," 302, emphasis added.
42 M. Durand et al., "Late Follicular Phase Administration of Levonorgestrel as an
Emergency Contraceptive Changes the Secretory Pattern of Glycodelin in Serum and
Endometrium during the Luteal Phase of the Menstrual Cycle,"
Contraception 71.6 (June
2005): 451–457. Hereafter, Durand et al., "Late Follicular Phase Administration," 2005.
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
ovulatory administration of LNG-EC, leading to impairment of sperm–egg bind-
ing and thus decreased fertilization.43 They measured both serum and endometrial
glycodelin-A levels before, during, and after the LH (luteinizing hormone) surge.
The mean serum glycodelin-A "from day LH +1 to LH +7 . . was significantly
higher in LNG-treated cycles in the subjects of Group 1," who received two 0.75 mg
doses between day LH -4 and LH -2, whereas "no differences were found between
control and treatment cycles in Group 2," who received the first dose at the time of
the LH rise.44 However, while characterizing the glycodelin-A finding in group 1
as significantly higher than the control, the authors acknowledge that the finding
could not support their theory that it interfered with sperm–egg binding, because
"the concentration required for significant inhibition of sperm–egg binding is about
25 μg/ml, that is, several orders of magnitude higher than the levels we found in
serum in this study."45
Durand et al., having already shown that in vivo glycodelin-A serum levels
were far below those needed for inhibition of binding, also acknowledged the ques-
tionable basis for the proposed MOA, given results of earlier studies showing that
glycodelin-A could be displaced by corona cells surrounding the oocyte.46 And in
their 2010 study, they cite research by Philip Chiu et al. which shows that glycodelin-
A is displaced from sperm when the sperm pass through the oocyte–cumulus cell
complex, resulting in
enhanced sperm–egg binding.47 Given their 2005 glycodelin-A
finding, the lack of confirmatory data in the do Nascimento and Wilder Palomino
studies, and the Chiu finding of enhanced sperm–egg binding in vivo, this proposed
prefertilization MOA, the prevention of sperm-egg binding, is not realistic.48
43 "Glycodelin-A is a major secretory progesterone-regulated glycoprotein of the
human endometrium. During the normal peri-ovulatory phase, glycodelin-A is absent
from the endometrium, and it becomes highly expressed during the last week of the luteal
phase only. The temporal expression is significant because glycodelin-A was thought to be
a potent inhibitor of sperm–zona binding. Through its inhibitory activity on the immune
cells, glycodelin-A is also believed to play a role in feto-maternal defense mechanisms."
Ibid., 451–452.
44 Ibid., 452, 454. 45 Ibid., 455.
46 Ibid., 456, citing J. Y. Tse et al., "The Synthesis and Fate of Glycodelin in Human
Ovary during Folliculogenesis,"
Molecular Human Reproduction 8.2 (February 2002):
47 P. C. Chiu et al., "Cumulus Oophorus-Associated Glycodelin-C Displaces Sperm-
Bound Glycodelin-A and -F and Stimulates Spermatozoa–Zona Pellucida Binding,"
of Biological Chemistry 282.8 (February 23, 2007): 5378–5388, cited in M. Durand et al.,
"Hormonal Evaluation and Midcycle Detection of Intrauterine Glycodelin in Women Treated
with Levonorgestrel as in Emergency Contraception,"
Contraception 82.6 (December 2010):
532 (hereafter, Durand et al., "Hormonal Evaluation and Midcycle Detection," 2010).
48 Do Nascimento et al. studied glycodelin-A expression, noting that the 2005 Durand
study showed an effect when LNG-EC was administered before the LH surge. Do Nascimento
et al. used uterine flushings, similar to Durand in 2010. They found no effect of LNG on
uterine glycodelin levels. Palomino et al. found no glycodelin-A effect from LNG-EC
administered at time of the LH surge. Do Nascimento et al., "In Vivo Assessment of the
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
Third Proposed MOA:
The Ability of Levonorgestrel Emergency Contraception
to Prevent or Delay Ovulation
In October 2008, the International Consortium for Emergency Contraception
(ICEC) and the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO)
issued an influential joint statement asserting that, when taken before ovulation,
LNG-EC inhibits the LH surge, thereby retarding follicular development and thus
preventing or delaying ovulation. The statement maintains that this is "the primary
and possibly the only mechanism of action."49 The statement cites seven scientific
papers in support of that claim, the first six of which are original research studies.50
The statement then goes further, concluding that "review of the evidence suggests
that LNG [emergency contraceptive pills] cannot prevent implantation."51 We now
critically examine the original research source studies cited by the statement in
support of its conclusion.
In undertaking this review, it is important to understand how scientists measure
ovulation. Currently, the gold standard for observing ovulation is a transvaginal
ultrasound (TVUS) capturing follicular rupture. Because the ovum is too tiny to be
visualized on TVUS, follicular rupture is measured instead by tracking the dominant
Human Sperm Acrosome Reaction," 2194; and Palomino et al., "A Single Midcycle Dose
of Levonorgestrel," 1592–1593.
49 International Consortium for Emergency Contraception (ICEC) and International
Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), "Statement on Mechanism of Action,"
October 2008, 1, http:/
emergency%20contraception%20statement.pdf. The statement was subsequently updated
in March 2011 and March 2012.
50 The seven cited studies are D. Hapangama, A. F. Glasier, and D. T. Baird, "The Effects
of Peri-ovulatory Administration of Levonorgestrel on the Menstrual Cycle,"
63.3 (March 2001): 123–129; L. Marions et al., "Emergency Contraception with Mifepristone
and Levonorgestrel: Mechanism of Action,"
Obstetrics and Gynecology 100.1 (July 2002):
65–71; L. Marions et al., "Effect of Emergency Contraception with Levonorgestrel or
Mifepristone on Ovarian Function,"
Contraception 69.5 (May 2004): 373–377; M. Durand
et al., "On the Mechanisms of Action of Short-Term Levonorgestrel Administration
in Emergency Contraception,"
Contraception 64.4 (October 2001): 227–234 (hereafter,
Durand et al. "On the Mechanisms of Action," 2001); H. B. Croxatto et al., "Pituitary–Ovarian
Function following the Standard Levonorgestrel Emergency Contraceptive Dose or a Single
0.75-mg Dose Given on the Days Preceding Ovulation,"
Contraception 70 (2004): 442–450;
I. A. Okewole et al., "Effect of Single Administration of Levonorgestrel on the Menstrual
Contraception 75.5 (May 2007): 372–377; and H. B. Croxatto et al., "Mechanism
of Action of Hormonal Preparations used for Emergency Contraception: A Review of the
Contraception 63.3 (March 2001): 111–121. The first six original research studies
are assessed in this paper.
51 In the 2008 ICEC/FIGO statement, the principal authority cited for the claim that
LNG-EC cannot prevent implantation is N. Novikova et al., "Effectiveness of Levonorgestrel
Emergency Contraception Given Before or After Ovulation: A Pilot Study,"
75.2 (February 2007): 112–118. In the updated ICEC/FIGO statement (2012), Noé et al.,
"Contraceptive Efficacy" 2011, is also cited in support of this claim.
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
follicle and noting from one day to the next when it collapses. Instead of detecting fol-
licular rupture, other studies have relied on measurement of serum or urine hormonal
levels of LH, estrogen, and progesterone to indicate when ovulation occurs. Early
efficacy studies of emergency contraception relied on women's historical menstrual
cycle estimations, which were often inaccurate.52 With this background in mind, we
now turn to the original research studies cited by ICEC/FIGO.
Studies by the International Consortium for
Emergency Contraception and the International Federation
of Gynecology and Obstetrics
ICEC/FIGO Study 1: Hapangama 2001
In 2001, Dharani Hapangama and colleagues showed that seven out of twelve
healthy women (58 percent) who were given LNG-EC in the preovulatory period
ovulated normally, as determined by urinary gonadotropin levels.53 All exhibited
significantly reduced luteal LH levels and a significantly shortened luteal phase.54
ICEC/FIGO used this study to support its conclusion that LNG-EC prevents or delays
ovulation, despite the fact that only five of the twelve women in the study showed this
effect.55 The Hapangama authors themselves noted that the shortened luteal phases
could be caused by reduced total LH and might be contragestive.56 That observation
recognizes that luteal dysfunction can interfere with the transformation of the endo-
metrium necessary for implantation of the embryo.57 In fact, lower luteal LH levels
and a shortened luteal phase are clinical evidence of effects on the endometrium that
may have the potential to negatively affect implantation.58
52 R. T. Mikolajczyk and J. B. Stanford, "A New Method for Estimating the Effectiveness
of Emergency Contraception That Accounts for Variation in Timing of Ovulation and
Previous Cycle Length,"
Fertility and Sterility 83.6 (June 2005): 1764–1770.
53 Hapangama et al., "Effects of Peri-ovulatory Administration of Levonorgestrel." 54 Ibid., 128. 55 ICEC/FIGO statement 2008, 2.
56 "Basal levels of LH are essential for the normal secretory function of the corpus
luteum. In the mid-luteal phase, LH inhibition by the administration of GnRH antagonists
consistently results in luteolysis in women as well as in non-human primates. There are no
direct ways of measuring whether the function of the corpus luteum is compatible with the
establishment of pregnancy. Although there was no significant difference in the urinary
pregnanediol levels after LNG, it is possible that the shortened luteal phase observed was a
consequence of reduced total LH and may have a contragestive effect." Hapangama et al.,
"Effects of Peri-ovulatory Administration of Levonorgestrel" 128.
57 E. R. Norwitz, D. J. Schust, and S. J. Fisher, "Implantation and the Survival of the
Early Pregnancy,"
New England Journal of Medicine 345.19 (November 2001): 1400–1408.
58 There are two types of luteal phase defect: The first is a shortened luteal phase,
which is an almost universal finding in these studies. The second is a progesterone-deficient
luteal phase. Of these two well-described variants of luteal phase defect, the short luteal
phase was described first: C. A. Strott et al., "The Short Luteal Phase,"
Journal of Clinical
Endocrinology and Metabolism 30.2 (February 1970): 246. This was followed by the
work of Michael Soules and others, who identified the progesterone-deficient luteal phase:
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
Furthermore, Hapangama et al. realized that "if LNG acts as an emergency
contraceptive only by interfering with ovulation, the expected efficacy should fall
below 42% (5 of 12 women)."59 But other studies had previously reported 60 and
85 percent reductions in the expected number of pregnancies with LNG use. This
means that the efficacy of LNG-EC reported in the Hapangama study must rely on
an alternative MOA. Hapangama et al. state, "The discrepancy noted in the estimated
effectiveness of LNG and the prevalence of ovulation delay or inhibition in our study
may be due to mechanisms of action other than interference with ovulation."60
Of note, Hapangama et al. relied on urinary gonadotropin levels to document
ovulation, instead of relying on follicular rupture as determined by TVUS. It is
possible that some of their subjects could have had a luteinized unruptured follicle,
which would explain lower progesterone levels without a postfertilization MOA.
However, the incidence of luteinized unruptured follicle in healthy, fertile women
is only 4 percent, and it is more often a consideration in infertile women. Moreover,
women with a luteinized unruptured follicle typically have a luteal phase of normal
length, unlike those in the Hapangama study.61
ICEC/FIGO Studies 2 and 3: Marions 2002 and 2004
Lena Marions and colleagues, in their 2002 and 2004 studies, found that
preovulatory LNG administration effectively inhibited the LH peak, delayed ovula-
tion, or both.62 The two studies were very small, having only six and seven subjects
respectively. In the 2002 Marions study, six women were given LNG-EC before
ovulation (two days before the LH surge, on day LH -2); then, after a treatment-free
cycle, they were given LNG-EC after ovulation (at day LH +2). Although Marions et
al. performed serial TVUS on the women, they based the timing of drug administra-
tion on urinary LH levels correlated with follicular size. A chart of mean LH levels
shows no significant LH elevation in the women treated before ovulation, suggesting
that the LH surge was severely blunted and delayed in these women, yet the authors
report that "there was no difference at the 95% significance level between the means
of LH measurements during the
entire cycle" and that "urinary excretion of estrone
M. R. Soules et al., "Luteal Phase Deficiency: Abnormal Gonadotropin and Progesterone
Secretion Patterns,"
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 69.4 (October 1989):
813–820; E. A. Pritts and A. K. Atwood, "Luteal Phase Support in Infertility Treatment: A
Meta-analysis of the Randomized Trials,"
Human Reproduction 17.9 (September 2002):
2287–2289; and J. Jordan et al., "Luteal Phase Defect: The Sensitivity and Specificity of the
Diagnostic Methods in Common Clinical Use,"
Fertility and Sterility 62.1 (July 1994): 54–62.
59 Hapangama et al., "Effects of Peri-ovulatory Administration of Levonorgestrel," 128.
60 Ibid.
61 J. F. Kerin et al., "Incidence of the Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Phenomenon in
Cycling Women,"
Fertility and Sterility 40.5 (November 1983): 620–626.
62 Marions et al., "Emergency Contraception" (2002), and Marions et al., "Effect of
Emergency Contraception" (2004).
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
and pregnanediol glucoronide in both pre- and postovulatory treated cycles" were
similar to controls.63
In the 2004 Marions study, the effects of LNG-EC and mifepristone on luteal
function were studied in more detail.64 "The study included one control cycle and
two treatment cycles, subjects serving as their own controls." In the first treatment
cycle, subjects received 10 mg mifepristone as a single dose two days prior to the
expected LH peak (day -2). In the second treatment cycle, after a treatment-free
cycle, they received two doses of 0.75 mg LNG on day -2, with the doses separated
by twelve hours.65
The LNG treatment caused either delay or inhibition of the LH peak in all
seven women. This time, the median LH levels were significantly lower following
treatment with LNG than in controls. Luteal-phase progesterone levels were also
lower than in controls, and average cycle length was over four days shorter with
LNG than with controls.
It is notable that the 2004 researchers used mifepristone (an anti-progestin
hormone) in the first cycle, followed by a treatment-free cycle, followed by a cycle
when levonorgestrel was administered. In all the studies we reviewed, a necessary
inclusion criterion was that subjects had no prior use of hormonal contraception for
a defined period of time before entering the study. Here, two drugs known to affect
the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, LNG and mifepristone, were given to the
same women within two months of each other.
ICEC/FIGO Study 4: Durand 2001
In 2001, Marta Durand and colleagues studied forty-five women using the older
LNG-EC regimen of 0.75 mg given twice.66 They found that twelve of fifteen women
(80 percent) in group A had an anovulatory cycle after receiving LNG-EC on cycle
day 10—a day that is not yet in the fertile window or is at the very beginning of it,
with a very low conception probability;67 the other three women in the group had a
shortened luteal phase and lower progesterone levels. In groups B and C, subjects
received LNG immediately on detection of urinary LH or forty-eight hours after
LH detection, respectively. All ovulated, and no statistically significant differences
in either cycle length or luteal progesterone levels were noted, although both were
diminished compared with controls.
Women in group D received LNG in the late follicular phase, three days
before the LH surge as determined by urinary LH detection. Follicular rupture was
confirmed in all subjects in this group. In other words, LNG-EC administered in
63 Marions et al., "Emergency Contraception," 69, emphasis added. If the LH was
severely blunted in the preovulatory group, and if the rest of the luteal phase LH measurements
were comparable, it seems unusual that the LH levels would be reported as "similar" between
all groups. See figure 4 on page 69 of the study.
64 Marions et al., "Effect of Emergency Contraception."65 Ibid., 374.
66 Durand et al., "On the Mechanisms of Action," 2001.
67 See Wilcox et al., "Timing of Sexual Intercourse," 1519.
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
the late follicular phase did
not suppress ovulation. Most importantly, subjects in
group D had significantly deficient progesterone production with a significantly
shorter luteal phase. Thus, all women who received LNG-EC before the onset of
the LH surge ovulated and had significant shortening of the luteal phase. As noted
previously, luteal deficiency impairs normal transformation of the endometrium so
that if fertilization occurs, changes in the endometrium may impair implantation.
ICEC/FIGO Study 5: Croxatto 2004
In 2004, Horacio Croxatto and colleagues carried out a randomized double-
blind, placebo-controlled study.68 A group of fifty-eight presumably healthy women
with normal cycles were treated with the older LNG-EC regimen (two doses of
0.75 mg), with a single 0.75 mg dose and a placebo pill, or with two placebos.
"Participants were randomly assigned to three groups: one group received the first
pill when the leading follicle reached a mean diameter of 12–14 mm (n=18). In the
second group, it was given when the diameter of the follicle was 15–17 mm (n=22).
The third group received the first pill when the follicle reached ≥ 18 mm (n=18)."69
Interestingly, in 36 percent of the control (placebo) cycles, no ovulation occurred
within five days. Even 13 percent of controls in the group with advanced follicular
size were anovulatory. It should be pointed out that a certain percentage of women
may have anovulatory cycles at any given time; if this was the case in the control
group, one cannot reasonably attribute the cause to LNG-EC.
Follicular rupture occurred in over half of all LNG-treated cycles (56 percent
two-dose LNG and 50 percent single-dose LNG).70 As expected, the percentage of
cycles without follicular rupture was inversely proportional to the size of the leading
follicle at the time of treatment. Treatment at smaller follicle size was more likely to
inhibit follicular rupture than treatment at larger follicular size. In other words, the
further the woman was from the LH surge when she received LNG-EC, the more
likely she was not to ovulate, whereas the closer she was to the LH surge, the more
likely she was to ovulate. It is also significant that 30 percent of cycles in the two-
dose group and 23 percent of cycles in the single-dose group were of short duration
(less than twenty-four days long), compared with 7 percent of cycles in the placebo
group. As noted above, a short luteal phase is associated with suboptimal corpus
luteal function and decreased progesterone levels, and could impair implantation.71
Croxatto et al. use the term "ovulatory dysfunction" to describe a hypothesis
based on their observations. They define ovulatory function as observed "follicular
rupture not preceded by an LH peak or preceded by a blunted LH peak (<21 IU/L)
68 Croxatto et al., "Pituitary–Ovarian Function." This is a randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled study, which provides one of the highest levels of evidence within
69 Ibid., 443.
70 Ibid., 444.
71 A. J. Wilcox, D. D. Baird, and C. R. Weinberg, "Time of Implantation of the Conceptus
and Loss of Pregnancy,"
New England Journal of Medicine 340.23 (June 10, 1999):1796–1799;
and Norwitz et al., "Implantation and the Survival of Early Pregnancy," 1400–1405.
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
or not followed by elevation of serum [progesterone levels] over 12nmol/L."72 They
state, "Although follicular rupture occurred in many women, absence of an adequate
LH and [follicle-stimulating hormone] peak or their lack of proximity to the day of
ovulation are deviations [from] the normalcy required for the success of the repro-
ductive process. . When a normal gonadotropin surge acts on a mature follicle, it
triggers a series of coordinated local responses that eventually lead to the extrusion
of a fertilizable oocyte and the formation of a fully functional corpus luteum. . The
coordinated development of these responses requires a normal gonadotropin surge."73
Given all this, it would be more fitting to speak of
postovulatory dysfunction,74
since the researchers seem to be defining a deficiency of the corpus luteum. They
describe events that occur as the result of preovulatory LNG administration, even
though the events are going to affect postovulation outcomes. If the LNG-EC is given
several days before ovulation, it will not stop ovulation in over half the cases, but
it will affect subsequent events. Croxatto et al. calculate that ovulatory dysfunction
(as they define it) was observed in 35 percent of standard-dose LNG cycles and 36
percent of single-dose LNG cycles, in contrast with 5 percent of placebo cycles.
LH levels were significantly decreased relative to placebo cycles. "The highest
[progesterone] concentration was significantly lower in LNG-treated cycles with
ovulatory dysfunction than in corresponding placebo cycles."75 The corresponding
area under the curve for progesterone levels in the luteal phase was also lower than in
the placebo group. Finally, the "frequency of cycles of short duration (<24 days) was
significantly higher in standard and single-dose treated cycles" than in the placebo
group,76 adding to the evidence of a postfertilization effect.
Croxatto et al. advance the hypothesis that if LH is deficient after the admin-
istration of LNG-EC, then women with subsequent dysfunctional ovulation could
release ova that could not be fertilized. No LNG-EC studies provide evidence of
this. Croxatto et al. reference the work of Willem Verpoest et al. when discussing
this theory,77 but the Verpoest study is not an LNG study, and it involved a totally
different population (i.e., infertile women). Moreover, these women were between
fertility treatments, which are well known to alter the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
axis. These results should not be compared with findings for fertile women taking
Verpoest et al. found that women with lower levels of LH had impaired fertiliza-
tion of oocytes compared with women whose oocytes could become fertilized and
whose LH levels were higher. Yet the Verpoest study includes no controls, and the
72 Croxatto et al., "Pituitary-Ovarian Function," 444.
73 Ibid., 448. 74 Ibid., 449.
75 Ibid., 447.
76 Ibid. See figure 5.
77 Ibid., 49; W. M. Verpoest et al., "Relationship between Midcycle Luteinizing
Hormone Surge Quality and Oocyte Fertilization,"
Fertility and Sterility 2373.1 (January
2000): 75–77.
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
methodology for collecting LH varies significantly.78 Despite these shortcomings,
we looked at the subjects with unfertilizable ova and "low" peak LH median levels
of 42.5 IU/L and at the healthy fertile controls of the 2004 Croxatto study, whose
peak LH mean value was approximately 43 IU/L.79 In other words, the women in the
Verpoest study who had "low" LH levels associated with their unfertilizable ova had
peak LH levels that were comparable to the healthy controls of Croxatto's own study.80
Moreover, Verpoest et al. define fertilization as "the presence of two pronuclei at 24
hours and continued cleavage until [embryo transfer] at 2–3 days."81 This definition
appears to include embryos that do not continue to divide properly, thus treating young
embryos as unfertilized ova. If such a process were causally associated with LNG-EC,
it would constitute a postfertilization MOA best described as early embryo demise.
Finally, Verpoest data should not be compared with LNG-EC findings because
the Verpoest subjects were not treated with LNG-EC. In animal studies, exogenous
progesterone administered in the periovulatory period actually enhances nuclear
maturation (allowing oocyte fertilization); it does not prevent this process. Croxatto
et al. maintain that the lower LH alone might cause impaired "fertilizability."82 But
the addition of a powerful progestin has been shown to enhance maturation of the
ovum.83 LNG-EC is a very potent progestin. Conversely, the use of a progesterone
receptor antagonist (mifepristone) has been shown to prevent oocyte meiotic resump-
tion in vivo.84 These findings cast doubt on the use of Verpoest findings to postulate
dysfunctional ova that cannot be fertilized.
ICEC/FIGO Study 6: Okewole 2007
In 2007, Idris Okewole and colleagues administered 1.5 mg LNG in the peri-
ovulatory phase "to determine the effects on serum gonadotropins, estradiol and
progesterone levels."85 Eight women in group A took LNG at estimated day -3 (three
days before the expected day of ovulation) while six women in Group B took LNG
at estimated day -1.86 Perturbations of gonadotropins were measured via serum
78 Luteinizing hormone was measured in the Verpoest study in two ways: as LH
serum levels and as LH in follicular fluid sampled several times per day. LH was measured
in LNG-EC studies by once daily serum or urinary LH testing.
79 Croxatto et al., "Pituitary–Ovarian Function," 445, figure 1.
80 Ibid.
81 Verpoest, "Relationship between Midcycle," 76.
82 Croxatto et al., "Pituitary–Ovarian Function," 449.
83 L. C. Siqueira et al., "Angiotensin II, Progesterone, and Prostaglandins Are Sequential
Steps in the Pathway to Bovine Oocyte Nuclear Maturation,"
Theriogenology 77.9 (June
2012): 1779–1787.
84 O. Haccard et al., "Naturally Occurring Steroids in Xenopus Oocyte during Meiotic
Maturation: Unexpected Presence and Role of Steroid Sulfates,"
Molecular and Cellular
Endocrinology 362.1–2 (October 15, 2012): 110–119.
85 Okewole et al., "Effect of Single Administration," 372.
86 The timing of LNG administration was determined by estimating the day of
ovulation, "by subtracting 14 days from the expected date of the next period, which was
determined from each woman's three previous menstrual cycles." Ibid., 373.
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
measurements of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), LH, estradiol, and progesterone.
Although the women in group A had a "significant delay in . . LH peak by about
96–120 [hours]" compared with their control cycles,87 this finding was a reported
mean value based on all eight subjects. Examination of table 3 in the report reveals
that for two subjects, the delay in the LH surge was as small as one day (subject 7) or
two days (subject 4), and two subjects had only a four-day delay (subjects 6 and 8).88
Grouping the delay by mean reporting thus obscures the fact that for some subjects
(four of eight), the delay may not have been significant enough to prevent fertilization.
Subjects in group A also had significantly lower levels of estrogen and proges-
terone during their follicular and luteal phases, and four of eight women had vaginal
bleeding, suggestive of endometrial instability due to lower progesterone levels.
Fertilization under such conditions could lead to impaired implantation because of
Among the women in group B (who received LNG at the day before ovulation
was expected), LNG did not interfere with ovulation but was associated with a statisti-
cally significant shortening of the mean cycle length in comparison with pretreatment
cycles (20.2 vs. 25.1 days) and with a diminution of luteal mean progesterone levels.
Although the lower progesterone levels were not statistically significant,89 these find-
ings, taken together with the shortened luteal length, indicate that LNG impaired the
corpus luteum. The authors confirm this: "This shows that LNG administration at
late follicular phase (Group B) did not interfere with the estradiol-mediated midcycle
gonadotrophin surge and probably ovulation
, but did alter progesterone production
by the corpus luteum. It suggests that LNG might have caused premature degen-
eration of the corpus luteum."90 The authors recognize that lower progesterone and
shortened luteal phase follow the administration of preovulatory LNG-EC as likely
consequences of inadequate luteinization, a postfertilization effect.
Limitations of this study include its small sample size and the method used to
determine ovulation. Studies using actual measurements of fertile-window indicators
(i.e., ultrasound or serum levels of LH) have a much stronger methodology.
ICEC/FIGO Study 7: Novikova 2007
The ICEC/FIGO claim that LNG-EC cannot prevent implantation relies heavily
on a 2007 study by Natalia Novikova and colleagues, which concludes that LNG-EC
"has little or no effect on postovulation events but is highly effective when taken
87 Ibid., 375. 88 Ibid., 374, table 3.
89 It should be noted that Okewole et al. calculated the "mean of log of progesterone
level" for the mid-luteal phase. Other studies have used area under the curve (AUC) or
integrated progesterone levels as a more standardized way of comparing luteal phase
insufficiency. As noted earlier, Croxatto et al. used serum "mean progesterone" for the
entire luteal phase, and Palomino et al. and Devoto et al. used one-day "plasma progesterone
concentration" obtained at the day of endometrial biopsy. The variance in how progesterone
levels are measured makes meaningful comparison between studies elusive.
90 Okewole et al., "Effect of Single Administration," 375, emphasis added.
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
before ovulation."91 The authors state, "Among 17 women who had intercourse in the
fertile period of the cycle and took [LNG-EC] after ovulation"—on days +1 to +2,
specifically—there was no difference between expected and observed pregnancies,
showing that LNG-EC had no effect when administered after ovulation. However,
"among thirty-four women who had intercourse on Days -5 to -2 . . and took [LNG-
EC] before or on the day of ovulation, four pregnancies could have been expected,
but none were observed."92 In this study, the serum levels of progesterone, estradiol,
and LH were measured at the time of LNG-EC ingestion in order to provide a more
reliable estimate of the time at which unprotected intercourse occurred in relation
Like previous studies, the Novikova study shows that LNG-EC prevents preg-
nancy only in the preovulatory period. This conclusion, however, does not exclude
postovulatory effects, which the study was not designed to measure. The study's
limitations are that (1) only a one-time assessment of serum gonadotropins was
made, when the women first presented to the clinic for emergency contraception;
(2) no serial measurements of gonadotropins were made, and no TVUS examina-
tions or endometrial biopsies were performed; and (3) no information about cycle
length or episodes of post-LNG vaginal bleeding was reported. Any assertion about
the effects LNG-EC on postovulation events would require serial measurements of
gonadotropins and reports on luteal phase length and vaginal bleeding. In short, the
data reported by Novikova et al. do not provide an adequate basis for claims about a
lack of postfertilization events following administration of LNG-EC. The researchers
can fairly report only that LNG-EC was efficacious in the preovulatory period and
was not efficacious in the postovulatory period.94
These studies represent the main data that ICEC/FIGO used to support its
assertion that the dominant MOA of LNG-EC is prevention of ovulation and not
impairment of implantation. Yet the two largest studies, Durand 2001 and Croxatto,
show that ovulation occurred in the majority of women who received LNG-EC in
the late follicular phase of their cycles.95 The Hapangama findings and those in
Okewole's group B also show that the majority of subjects ovulated despite pre-
ovulatory administration of LNG-EC. In the other studies, either the methodology
or the findings were questionable with regard to conclusions about postovulatory
effects of LNG-EC.
91 Novikova et al., "Effectiveness of Levonorgestrel," 116. Although the Novikova
study does not assess delay or prevention of ovulation as an MOA, it assumes as much and
so is included in this section on ICEC/FIGO source authorities.
92 Ibid., 112.
93 Ibid., 113. In fact, the researchers found that the women's self-reported menstrual
data were unreliable and did not correlate well with the endocrine data (115–116).
94 P. Ventura-Junca, M. Besio, and M. Santos, letters to the editor,
Contraception 77.6
(June 2008): 463–464.
95 Although the Novikova study was also relatively large, the methodology did not
allow for assessment of ovulation after LNG-EC intake.
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
Four larger studies were published after ICEC/FIGO issued its statement. One
of these, the 2010 Durand study, is discussed here with a related Durand study from
2005. The five studies provide convincing evidence that the efficacy of LNG-EC is
not achieved solely by preovulatory MOAs. The studies also provide evidence for
a postfertilization MOA.
Study 1: Tirelli 2008
In 2008, Alessandra Tirelli and colleagues studied the effects of LNG-EC on
the bleeding pattern and the pituitary-ovarian function of sixty-nine women who
were given LNG in the follicular phase (n=26), periovulatory phase (n=14), or luteal
phase (n=29) of their cycles.96 The data indicate that LNG-EC given before the LH
surge significantly shortens cycle length, virtually eliminating the luteal phase and
rendering implantation impossible.97
Tirelli et al. also examined serum gonadotropin levels and TVUS findings in
eight subjects who were in the late follicular, or fertile, phase (cycle days 11 to 13).
Seven of the eight did not have follicular rupture, meaning that ovulation had not yet
occurred. However, the mean diameter of the largest leading follicle in these women
was only 8 mm, which is very small, consistent with the size of a follicle in an earlier
phase, before the fertile period.98 Other LNG-EC studies that utilize TVUS exclude
women from the fertile window if the leading follicle measures less than 12 mm.99
This means that the lack of follicular rupture in the Tirelli subjects was irrelevant,
because LNG-EC was administered before the women entered the fertile window,
when intercourse would not lead to pregnancy.
Study 2: Noé 2010
Noé and colleagues reported the results of a large clinical trial in two sequential
studies.100 Their data carry greater weight than data from previous studies because
of their methodology and the relatively large number of women studied.101
96 Tirelli et al., "Levonorgestrel Administration in Emergency Contraception," 328.
97 Tirelli et al. demonstrated luteal phase shortening of 10.9 days. Thus, the
implantation window between days 20 and 24 was lost. See Norwitz et al., "Implantation
and the Survival of the Early Pregnancy," 1400.
98 Severi et al. observe that a follicle size of 8 mm corresponds to day -7 (where day
0 = ovulation) and thus is outside the fertile window. F. M. Severi et al., "Transvaginal
Ultrasonography in Women Receiving Emergency Contraception,"
Fertility and Sterility
79.5 (May 2003): 1075.
99 Croxatto et al., "Pituitary-Ovarian Function," 444; and Noé et al., "Contraceptive
Efficacy" 2010, 415.
100 Noé et al., "Contraceptive Efficacy" 2010 and 2011. 101 Although the combined Noé et al. study was the largest undertaken on LNG-EC
methodology, it should be noted that there were no controls reported in the 2010 trial. In the
2011 study, the characteristics of regular ovulating cycles from healthy women attending the
same study center were obtained from more than one hundred cycles serving as a control
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
In 2010, Noé et al. studied the efficacy of preovulatory and postovulatory
administration of LNG-EC in women who requested emergency contraception at a
family planning clinic. For all subjects they recorded menstrual history and time of
intercourse, took blood samples for LH, estrogen, and progesterone, and used TVUS
to determine follicular rupture. Three hundred and eighty-eight women requested
emergency contraception, and one hundred and twenty-two had had intercourse
during their fertile window, as established by ultrasound and serum gonadotropin
results. Eighty-seven subjects took LNG-EC between preovulation days -5 to -1, and
thirty-five took it in day 0 or beyond. Thirteen pregnancies were expected in the first
group and seven in the second. Actual pregnancies were zero and six, respectively.
The authors concluded that LNG-EC prevents pregnancy only when taken "before
fertilization of the ovum has occurred."102 LNG-EC had no efficacy when taken at
or after ovulation.
Noé et al. report, "In the 87 women treated before ovulation, [follicular rupture]
was confirmed in 62 by means of TVU and elevated [progesterone] level (n=39), or
TVU only (n=18), or by luteal phase values of [progesterone] only (n=5)."103 Because
fifteen of the eighty-seven women (17 percent) did not attend follow-up visits, they
were subtracted for percentage calculations. Thus, 86 percent (sixty-two of seventy-
two) of the women had confirmed follicular rupture using the Noé definition above,
despite receiving preovulatory LNG-EC.
Noé and colleagues acknowledge that ovulation in such a significant majority
"suggests that other mechanism than suppression of ovulation prevents pregnancy
in these women." They propose "that increased cervical mucus viscosity caused by
LNG impedes the migration of the sperm from their reservoir in cervical crypts to
the Fallopian tubes."104 No mention is made of recent studies showing that LNG-EC
no effects on cervical mucus or sperm migration,105 nor do Noé et al. acknowl-
edge studies showing that sperm can be retrieved from the fallopian tubes within
minutes of insemination.106
It is surprising that the researchers do not mention a possible postfertilization
MOA when the data clearly show that ovulation is not inhibited in most women
group. The Croxatto study in 2004, although smaller, was a randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled study.
102 Noé et al., "Contraceptive Efficacy" 2010, 414.
103 Ibid., 417.
104 Ibid., 419–420.
105 As noted above, the studies showing no LNG-EC effect on sperm at doses found in
vivo are do Nascimento et al., "In Vivo Assessment of the Human Sperm Acrosome Reaction";
Yeung et al., "Effects of Levonorgestrel"; and Hermanny et al., "In Vitro Assessment of
Some Sperm Function."
106 As noted above, the following studies confirm that sperm reach the fallopian tubes in
minutes to hours: Kesserü et al., "Hormonal and Peripheral Effects"; Kunz et al., "Dynamics
of Rapid Sperm Transport"; Ortiz and Croxatto, "Copper-T Intrauterine Device"; Settlage
et al., "Sperm Transport from the External Cervical Os"; and Ahlgren, "Sperm Transport."
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
taking LNG-EC and when FDA-mandated labeling states that it could act by a
postfertilization MOA.107
Study 3: Noé 2011
In 2011, Noé et al. reported the completion of their previous study, with data
from a total of 450 women.108 One hundred and three women had intercourse during
their fertile days and took LNG-EC before ovulation, between day -5 and day -1;
another forty-five women took LNG-EC on day 0 or later. Sixteen pregnancies were
expected in the preovulatory group, but none occurred. In the postovulatory group,
8.7 pregnancies were expected and 8 occurred. More importantly, "eighty-two of
the 103 women treated before ovulation completed the five days of follow up, and
in sixty-three (80%) of them, [follicular rupture, indicating ovulation] was detected.
In the group that had intercourse on day -2
, [
fol icular rupture]
was detected in 22
of the 24 women who completed the fol ow-up days."109
As in 2010, Noé et al. acknowledge that the absence of pregnancies in the
women who received LNG-EC during the preovulatory fertile window indicates
an MOA other than suppression of ovulation. They again propose that increased
cervical mucus viscosity may interfere with sperm migration, suggesting that it is
"transient and more pronounced in the 12 [hours] following LNG intake but vanishes
after 24 [hours]." Their theory of a transient effect on sperm migration is an attempt
to reconcile (1) the 1974 Kesserü findings of impaired cervical mucus and a reduced
number of sperm between three and ten hours after intake of d-norgestrel with (2) the
contrary 2007 do Nascimento finding that an adequate number of viable and motile
sperm were recovered from the cervix and uterine cavity twenty-four to forty-eight
hours after intake. But this attempt fails for at least two reasons. First, sperm that
arrive in the fallopian tube five minutes after intercourse can be maintained in a
fertile state by interacting with the oviductal epithelium and can become capacitated
and hyperactivated by the ovulation process.110 Yet pre-ovulatory LNG-EC resulted
in no pregnancies. A ten-hour MOA cannot account for the 100 percent preovulatory
efficacy of the drug in this scenario. Second, their proposed robust "transient" MOA
accounting for such a profound effect on sperm migration would prevent pregnancy
in some of the women who had intercourse on day -1 and took LNG-EC shortly
thereafter on the day of ovulation. Fourteen women had intercourse on day -1, the
day on which the likelihood of conception is highest, and took LNG-EC on or after
ovulation. In these women, a transient sperm MOA should have prevented three to
four pregnancies, yet no pregnancies were prevented.111
Noé et al. also postulate dysfunctional ovulation as a possible explanation for
the 100 percent efficacy of LNG-EC when given between days -5 to -1, but as we
107 See C. Lopez-del Burgo, R. T. Mikolajzyk, and J. Stanford, "Emergency
Contraception: An Unresolved Issue,"
Contraception 83.2 (February 2011): 187.
108 Noé et al., "Contraceptive Efficacy" 2011, 488. 109 Ibid., 490, emphasis added. 110 Suarez and Pacey, "Sperm Transport in the Female Reproductive Tract," 23.
111 Ibid., fig 3B, 4.
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
show above, no empirical evidence supports this theory other than extrapolations
made from infertile women.
The 2010 and 2011 Noé studies, and to some extent those of Novikova before
them, have shown that preovulatory use of LNG-EC results in
no clinical pregnan-
cies. Earlier studies compared LNG-EC with the older Yuzpe regimen and reported
varying figures of effectiveness, from 49 to 85 percent.112 But Noé et al. show with
methodological rigor that preovulatory LNG-EC (taken on days -5 to -1) is 100 percent
efficacious,113 which demonstrates beyond doubt that the suppression of ovulation
does not explain its efficacy.
Studies 4 and 5: Durand 2005 and 2010
In 2001, Marta Durand and colleagues investigated the ability of LNG-EC to
suppress ovulation, disrupt luteal function, and impair endometrial receptivity.114 That
study, cited by ICEC/FIGO and critically examined above (under the heading "ICEC/
FIGO Study 4: Durand 2001"), provided data showing that LNG-EC intake during
the late follicular phase did not suppress ovulation and did result in a significantly
shorter luteal phase with significantly lower progesterone levels.
In their studies from 2005 and 2010, Durand et al. examined serum glycodelin-
A concentrations and endometrial expression during the luteal phase after LNG-EC
intake at different cycle stages.115 Here we look at their data related to ovulation.
Durand 2005. In 2005, Durand et al. reanalyzed the 2001 data from thirty
women who ovulated. Subjects were divided into three treatment groups according
to the timing of standard two-dose 0.75 mg LNG intake. Subjects in group 1 were
treated three to four days before the LH surge, group 2 at time of the LH surge, and
group 3 forty-eight hours after the LH surge was detected. A control cycle enabled
the estimation of the LH surge and comparison of glycodelin-A expression, luteal
phase duration, and progesterone levels between groups and baseline. In women
treated before the LH surge (group 1), the mean length of the luteal phase and the
serum progesterone levels were significantly lower than in controls. In addition,
glycodelin-A immunostaining in biopsy specimens obtained at day LH +9 was less
112 J. B. Stanford, "Emergency Contraception: Overestimated Effectiveness and
Questionable Expectations,"
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 83.1 (January 2008): 20.
113 Even if theory of a transient effect on sperm could explain a small percentage of efficacy
during this window (and as we have shown above under the heading "First Proposed MOA:
Cervical Mucus, Sperm Transport and Sperm Capacitance," all recent evidence suggests
otherwise), it would not explain how LNG-EC works during the remainder of the fertile
114 Durand et al., "On the Mechanisms of Action," 2001.
115 Durand et al., "Late Follicular Phase Administration," 2005; and Durand et al.,
"Hormonal Evaluation and Midcycle Detection," 2010. See the discussion above under the
heading "Second Proposed MOA: Prevention of Sperm–Egg Binding."
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
intense in group 1, indicating weaker endometrial expression, than in subjects treated
at or after the LH rise (groups 2 and 3).116
The shortened luteal phase and lower progesterone levels suggest a
postfertilization MOA following pre-LH intake. The study also shows that a
progesterone-dependent endometrial protein (glycodelin) is diminished following
such use. When taken three to four days before the LH surge, LNG-EC caused a
profound luteal-phase progesterone deficiency and significantly weaker glycodelin-
A immunostaining at day LH +9. The glycodelin endometrial staining provides an
accurate confirmatory correlation—a kind of bioassay—for insufficient luteal phase
defect, not only demonstrating progesterone inadequacy but providing excellent
tissue-level proof of it. Additionally, the weaker glycodelin-A staining, independent
of progesterone-mediated effects, suggests a possible mechanism of embryocidal
activity in its own right, since glycodelin-A is thought to be another mediator needed
by the developing embryo in its efforts to implant through appropriate immunosup-
pressive activity. Durand et al. note this possibility.117
Durand 2010. In 2010, Durand et al. examined LNG-EC effects on the cycles
of thirty sterilized ovulating women whose untreated cycles served as controls.118
The primary purpose was "to assess the presence of glycodelin-A in uterine flush-
ing at the midcycle of ovulatory women treated with LNG during the preovulatory
phase of their menstrual cycle."119 All thirty subjects received LNG-EC two days
before the LH surge. Midcycle glycodelin-A levels were measured both in serum
and uterine flushings to test the researchers' previous hypothesis that glycodelin-
A levels in utero would be found at levels thought to impede sperm–egg binding.
Relevant hormonal markers were also measured to assess the effects on parameters
of ovulation and luteal function.
Ovulation occurred in two-thirds of the women, with short luteal phases, marked
reductions in LH, and perturbations of all other hormones evaluated. Glycodelin-
A levels in both serum and endometrium were also increased in the periovulatory
phase, but at lower levels than needed to interfere with fertilization. Durand et al.
note that the greatly diminished LH levels suggest "a defective ovulatory process
with oocytes carrying impaired fertilizable activity"—that is, the dysfunctional
ovulation and unfertilizable ovum theory of Croxatto and Verpoest.120
116 Durand et al., "Late Follicular Phase Administration," 2005, 451. Endometrial
glycodelin-A is a necessary implantational molecule that is progesterone-dependent and
essential to embryo survival. In the study we see that as the progesterone levels decreased,
so too did the endometrial glycodelin-A expression, thus triggering another potential
postfertilization mechanism. The reader is asked to consider how many other possible
progesterone-dependent molecules may be similarly affected by lower progesterone levels.
117 Ibid., 456.
118 Durand et al., "Hormonal Evaluation and Midcycle Detection," 2010.
119 Ibid., 527. 120 Durand et al., "Hormonal Evaluation and Midcycle Detection," 2010, 531. See the
discussion under "ICEC/FIGO Study 5: Croxatto 2004" above.
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
Despite finding significantly shortened cycle lengths in subjects who took LNG
and significantly shortened luteal phases,121 Durand et al. attributed no causal signifi-
cance to the finding. In light of the previous Durand work and that of Hapangama,
Okewole, and Croxatto (showing shortened luteal phase, lower luteal progesterone,
and lower endometrial glycodelin), one would have liked to see the authors explore
a post-fertilization MOA of LNG-induced short luteal phase. Instead they conclude
that "apparently normal" luteal phase estrogen and progesterone "suggested a normal
luteinization and corpus luteum function in [ovulation-after-LNG] cycles, which
agree with the lack of deleterious effects on the endometrium."122
Despite the shortened luteal phase, which should indicate early decline of
progesterone, Durand et al. reported lower but not statistically significant integrated
luteal-phase progesterone levels. But a primary concern arises because the subjects
who ovulated reportedly received their LNG-EC two days before the LH surge, yet
their mean follicular size at intake (18.4) correlates with a more advanced cycle day.123
The LH surge should occur thirty-seven to thirty-nine hours before ovulation.124
Filiberto Severi et al. observed that a follicle diameter of 18 to 19 mm correlates
with a dominant follicle on day -2 (relative to ovulation).125 Since the women who
ovulated in this study were treated with LNG when their follicle size was over 18 mm,
the timing corresponds (according to Severi measurements) to two days before
ovulation, not two days before the LH surge.126 Therefore, these women could have
been given the drug between days LH -1 and LH 0, which is at or about the time of
the LH surge, rendering analysis questionable for pre-LH surge intake. This group
would then be similar to group B in the 2001 Durand study (with LNG intake at the
time of LH surge), which had lower integrated progesterone levels, though also not
statistically significant.
121 Ibid., table 2, 528.
122 Ibid., 532.
123 Severi et al., "Transvaginal Ultrasonography," 1075; Croxatto et al., "Pituitary–
Ovarian Function," 444; Noé et al., "Contraceptive Efficacy" 2011, 489; and Noé et al.,
"Contraceptive Efficacy" 2010, 418. In both Noé studies, the women presenting with follicular
diameters of 18 mm or more were placed in the most advanced follicular size group, closest
to ovulation.
124 "The start of the LH surge . . occurs 37–39 hours before ovulation." J. Testart et al.,
"Plasma and Intrafollicular Hormonal Profiles in the Late Preovulatory Phase, 1: Spontaneous
Cycles" [in French],
Journal de Gynécologie, Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction
122 (1983): 119–127, English abstract available at PubMed,
pubmed. Marc Fritz et al. established a mean time interval between surge onset and follicle
rupture of 37.6 hours. M. A. Fritz et al., "Onset and Characteristics of the Midcycle Surge in
Bioactive and Immunoactive Luteinizing Hormone Secretion in Normal Women: Influence
of Physiological Variations in Periovulatory Ovarian Steroid Hormone Formation,"
of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 75.2 (August 1992): 489–493.
125 Severi et al., "Transvaginal Ultrasonography," 1075.
126 "The larger the leading follicle at the time of treatment, the more likely EC is given
during or after the LH surge." Croxatto et al., "Pituitary–Ovarian Function," 448.
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
If Durand et al. in 2010 wished to replicate their 2001 findings, they should have
administered LNG-EC three days before the LH peak, as this drug timing definitively
showed statistically significant lower progesterone levels in 2001. Since the primary
target of this study was midcycle glycodelin-A analysis and not progesterone levels, it
is conceivable that the researchers were more interested in the window during which
they postulated LNG interference with sperm–egg binding via effects on glycodelin-A.
Finally, there are many problems with measurement of serum progesterone
in the luteal phase, and these have been noted by several authors.127 Even when
comparing the different ways that various LNG-EC researchers have reported luteal
progesterone levels, we see that Okewole et al. used "mean log of progesterone" for
the mid-luteal phase, Croxatto et al. used serum "mean progesterone" for the entire
luteal phase, and Palomino et al. and Luigi Devoto et al. used one-day "plasma
progesterone concentration" obtained at the day of endometrial biopsy.128 Because
there is no way to compare significant findings across studies,129 the usefulness
of these indicators is limited. What remains constant through most of the studies,
however, is the shortened luteal phase. Because of this, we believe that it should be
given added consideration.
In summary, we found that in the majority of studies LNG-EC did not show a
consistent or strong ability to impair ovulation when administered in the preovula-
tory fertile window, and thus any claims of moral or scientific certitude regarding
this MOA should be reconsidered.
127 M. Filicori, J. P. Butler, and W. F. Crowley Jr., "Neuroendocrine Regulation of the
Corpus Luteum in the Human: Evidence for Pulsatile Progesterone Secretion,"
of Clinical Investigation 73.6 (June 1984): 1638–1647; M. R. Soules et al., "Progesterone
Modulation of Pulsatile Luteinizing Hormone Secretion in Normal Women,"
Journal of
Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 58.2 (February 1984): 378–383; U. Schweiger et al.,
"Decreased Follicular Phase Gonadotropin Secretion Is Associated with Impaired Estradiol
and Progesterone Secretion during the Follicular and Luteal Phases in Normally Menstruating
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 68.5 (May 1989): 888–892;
and M. J. McNeely and M. R. Soules, "The Diagnosis of Luteal Phase Deficiency: A Critical
Fertility and Sterility 50.1 (July 1988): 1–15.
128 Okewole et al., "Effect of Single Administration"; Croxatto et al., "Pituitary–Ovarian
Function"; Palomino et al. "A Single Midcycle Dose of Levonorgestrel"; and L. Devoto et
al., "Pharmokinetics and Endometrial Tissue Levels of Levonorgestrel after Administration
of a Single 1.5 mg Dose by the Oral and Vaginal Route,"
Fertility and Sterility 84.1 (July
2005): 46–51.
129 Researchers have tried to develop meaningful indicators of luteal phase defect.
See J. Jordan et al., "Luteal Phase Defect: The Sensitivity and Specificity of the Diagnostic
Methods in Common Clinical Use,"
Fertility and Sterility 62.1 (July 1994): 54–62. These
researchers state that integrated luteal progesterone levels from area-under-the-curve
determinations that are less than 80 ng /ml a day are unequivocally diagnostic of luteal
phase defect because the cutoff of 80 is so strict. The Durand preovulatory group had a
luteal progesterone AUC of 78 ng/ml.
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
Fourth Proposed MOA:
Effects on the Corpus Luteum
We have thus far reviewed studies which claim a prefertilization MOA for
LNG-EC. We now present data that indicate that preovulatory administration of
LNG-EC disrupts the postovulatory function of the corpus luteum.
In a normal cycle, the FSH-induced appearance of LH receptors on preovula-
tory granulosa cells allows LH to take over the functions of FSH in the terminal
stages of follicular maturation. "These receptors also enable the granulosa cells to
become competent to respond to the LH surge that initiates the resumption of meiosis,
ovulation, and subsequent luteinization of the granulosa and theca cells."130 After
ovulation, the ruptured follicle is reorganized into the corpus luteum. "The process
of luteinization and formation of a corpus luteum is associated with significant altera-
tions in gene expression, encompassing hundreds of different genes in the granulosa
cells alone."131 The corpus luteum produces progesterone, which is known to play a
pivotal role in maintaining pregnancy.132 "The well-known function of [progesterone]
during early pregnancy is to regulate (i) uterine receptivity for blastocyst attachment,
(ii) progressive phases of embryo-uterine interactions, and (iii) differentiation of the
endometrial stroma that maintains an environment conducive for the growth and
development of the implanting embryo. The cellular actions of [progesterone] are
mediated through intracellular progesterone receptors . . , which are well-studied
gene regulators."133
Throughout the luteal phase of normal ovulatory cycles, the corpus luteum
depends on the support of the pituitary gonadotropins.134 The "slowing down of the
gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) pulse generator along with diminished
luteinizing hormone (LH) pulse amplitude is responsible for the demise of the
corpus luteum."135 And during the luteal phase "any defect in the pattern of luteal
130 Jerome F. Strauss and Robert L. Barbieri,
Yen and Jaffe's Reproductive
Endocrinology: Physiology, Pathophy
siology, and Clinical Management, 6th ed.
(Philadelphia: Saunders, 2009), 179.
131 Ibid., 174.
132 N. F. Hacker and J. G. Moore,
Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Philadelphia:
Saunders, 1998), 59–71.
133 I. C. Bagchi et al., "Progesterone Receptor Regulated Gene Networks in
Frontiers in Bioscience, landmark 8 (September 1, 2003): s852–s861.
134 J. S. Hutchinson and A. J. Zeleznik, "The Rhesus Monkey Corpus Luteum Is
Dependent on Pituitary Gonadotropin Secretion throughout the Luteal Phase of the Menstrual
Endocrinology 115.5 (November 1984): 1780; and M. R. Soules et al., "Progesterone
Modulation of Pulsatile Luteinizing Hormone Secretion in Normal Women,"
Journal of
Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 58.2 (February 1984): 378–383.
135 N. G. Beckers et al., "The Early Luteal Phase Administration of Estrogen and
Progesterone Does Not Induce Premature Luteolysis in Normo-ovulatory Women,"
Journal of Endocrinology 155.2 (August 2006): 355.
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
gonadotropin secretion could have a deleterious effect on the functioning of the
corpus luteum."136
It is reasonable to posit that LNG-EC interference with the hypothalamic-
pituitary-adrenal axis (pituitary feedback system), an altered luteinization process,
altered LH and/or progesterone, and a shortened luteal phase may change this complex
and sensitive environment such that normal implantation is impaired or thwarted.
In most studies examined thus far, the recurrent assumptions are that (1) pre-
ovulatory efficacy of the drug implies that it works exclusively prior to fertilization
in preventing
pregnancy and (2) postovulatory non-efficacy of the drug implies the
absence of embryocidal effects. But there is another plausible explanation. When
LNG-EC is given in the late follicular phase of the fertile window (before ovulation),
it can disrupt normal pituitary-ovarian feedback mechanisms, alter LH secretion,
and hinder luteinization of the follicle and its supporting network of cells (the corpus
luteum), leaving the embryo unsupported and resulting in its early death.
What evidence exists to support this explanation? Most of the twelve stud-
ies reviewed above under the heading "Third Proposed MOA: The Ability of
Levonorgestrel Emergency Contraception to Prevent or Delay Ovulation" directly
or indirectly indicate an altered corpus luteum.137 For example, Hapangama et al.
showed a shortened luteal phase and decreased luteal LH levels. In the 2001 Durand
study, the subjects in group A who ovulated (who had been given LNG-EC on cycle
day 10) showed decreased luteal phases and decreased progesterone levels, and the
subjects in group D (who received LNG in the late follicular phase) showed defi-
cient progesterone production and significantly shorter luteal phase lengths. The
Croxatto study showed significantly shorter cycles in 30 percent of the subjects who
received two doses of LNG-EC and in 23 percent of those who received a single
dose of LNG-EC; the study also showed decreased progesterone concentrations in
the LNG-treated cycles. In the Okewole study, the subjects who took LNG at esti-
mated day -3 (group A, of whom only four of eight had significant delay) showed
significantly lower progesterone levels and some vaginal bleeding, and those who
took LNG at estimated day -1 (group B) showed shortened luteal phases and lower
mean progesterone levels. Tirelli et al. showed that LNG-EC given before the LH
surge significantly shortened cycle length by almost eleven days. In 2005 and 2010,
Durand et al. showed that, consistent with their 2001 findings, LNG taken before
the LH surge had pronounced deleterious effects on key luteal function parameters
needed for implantation of embryos; these effects included markedly reduced pro-
gesterone levels (2005), shortened luteal phases (2010), severely blunted LH levels
136 M. R. Soules et al., "Luteal Phase Deficiency: Abnormal Gonadotropin and
Progesterone Secretion Patterns,"
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 69.4
(October 1989): 814.
137 These findings pertain solely to the women who received preovulatory LNG-EC
and went on to ovulate.
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
(2010), and impaired endometrial expression of progesterone-dependent glycodelin-A
in the luteal phrase (2005 and 2010).138
We reviewed four additional studies regarding luteal function. Linan Cheng and
colleagues reviewed all evidence from randomized controlled trials and controlled
clinical trials relating to the effectiveness of different methods of emergency contra-
ception and examined various outcome measures, including menstrual bleeding and
early return of menses.139 They found that LNG-EC was associated with an earlier
return of menses than mifepristone or ulipristal and with a higher risk of bleeding than
low-dose mifepristone. These findings suggest indirect effects on the corpus luteum.
In a case series study, Elizabeth Raymond and colleagues showed that LNG-
EC use by one hundred twenty women during the first three weeks of the menstrual
cycle "significantly shortened that cycle compared to the usual cycle length and to the
cycle duration in a comparison group."140 In addition, the incidence of intermenstrual
bleeding in either the first or the second cycle was higher in the LNG-EC group.
These findings are consistent with those of other studies of emergency contraception
that also show higher rates of bleeding.141
Erin Gainer and colleagues' prospective observational study found that, of
232 women who took LNG-EC, there were "thirty-four cases (14.7%) of incident
intermenstrual bleeding within seven days of [taking the drug], which is similar to
the rates of bleeding not related to menses seen in previous large-scale studies: 16%
in a WHO study of a total of 1,978 LNG-EC users, and 16% in a Nigerian study
of 544 LNG-EC users."142 Moreover, emergency contraception taken "early in the
menstrual cycle (two or more days before expected ovulation) was associated with
a shortened cycle length and incident intermenstrual bleeding."143
The fourth study, by Kesserü et al., has already been discussed with respect to
the effects of levonorgestrel on sperm.144 The d-isomer of levonorgestrel was used in
this study in a dose different from current formulations (i.e., 400 mcg tablets), and
subjects were given different amounts of the drug during the follicular phase. Plasma
LH was decreased with doses as low as one to three tablets (400 to 1200 mcg) per
cycle. The midcycle peaks, however, were usually blunted but not abolished. More
138 Hapangama et al., "Effects of Peri-ovulatory Administration of Levonorgestrel";
Durand et al., "On the Mechanisms of Action," 2001; Croxatto et al., "Pituitary–Ovarian
Function"; Okewole et al., "Effect of Single Administration": Tirelli et al., "Levonorgestrel
Administration in Emergency Contraception"; Durand et al., "Late Follicular Phase
Administration," 2005; and Durand et al., "Hormonal Evaluation and Midcycle Detection,"
139 Cheng et al., "Interventions for Emergency Contraception." 140 E. G. Raymond et al., "Bleeding Patterns after Use of Levonorgestrel Emergency
Contraceptive Pills,"
Contraception 73.4 (April 2006): 380.
141 Ibid., table 1, 376.
142 E. Gainer et al., "Menstrual Bleeding Patterns following Levonorgestrel Emergency
Contraception 74.2 (August 2006): 118–124.
143 Ibid., 121.
144 Kesserü et al., "Hormonal and Peripheral Effects of d-Norgestrel."
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
importantly, the urinary pregnanediol (progesterone) values were significantly lower
with doses of four and seven tablets (1600 and 2800 mcg) per cycle.145
In summary, when administered in the late follicular phase before the LH surge,
LNG-EC has been shown to impair various aspects of luteal function. These luteal
phase alterations, coupled with doubtful evidence supporting prefertilization MOAs,
make it necessary to reconsider the interceptive nature of LNG-EC.
Fifth Proposed MOA:
Effects on Endometrial Receptivity
and Embryo Implantation
We now examine studies of the effects of LNG-EC on endometrial receptiv-
ity and embryo implantation. Such studies present special limitations, because the
implantation of the human embryo is an extremely complex and poorly understood
process. It has been described as "a three-stage process . . involving synchronized
crosstalk between a receptive endometrium and a functional blastocyst."146 The
embryo can implant in the endometrium only during "a self-limited period span-
ning between days 20 and 24 of a regular menstrual cycle (day LH +7 to LH +11).
Throughout this . . window of implantation, the human endometrium is primed
for blastocyst attachment, given that it has acquired an accurate morphological and
functional state initiated by ovarian steroid hormones."147 The embryo is not an inac-
tive bystander in this process, but interacts with the endometrium through a variety
of molecular mediators, many of which are progesterone-dependent. "The cellular
actions of [progesterone] are mediated through intracellular progesterone receptors
(PRs), which are well-studied gene regulators."148 Bruce Lessey points out that "as
more is known about the gene products of the endometrium, it appears that many
of the secreted products of the glandular epithelium function to support the nascent
embryo" and are critical for continuing this early pregnancy.149
We can measure endometrial effects by the analysis of histological or
endometrial biomarkers. Histological evaluation, while still important, is now
being supplemented by gene and biochemical analysis.150 A number of studies have
145 Ibid., 417. Recall that the dose of levonorgestrel for LNG-EC is 1.5 mg (or 1500 mcg),
a dose practically identical to the dose that Kesserü found to affect urinary pregnanediol
146 H. Achache and A. Revel, "Endometrial Receptivity Markers, the Journey to
Successful Embryo Implantation,"
Human Reproduction Update 12.6 (November–December
147 Ibid.
148 Bagchi et al., "Progesterone Receptor Regulated Gene Networks," 852.
149 B. A. Lessey, "The Role of the Endometrium during Embryo Implantation,"
Reproduction 15.6 suppl (December 2000): 39.
150 Gemzell-Danielsson notes, "The features of uterine receptivity include histological
changes in which the endometrium becomes more vascular and edematous, [and] the
endometrial glands display enhanced secretory activity. . In addition, multiple signals
synchronize development of the blastocyst and the preparation of the uterus." Gemzell-
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
evaluated whether LNG-EC produces changes in the histological, electron micro-
scopic, and biochemical characteristics of the endometrium.151
Studies of Endometrial Analysis
What does the evidence show? "A common side effect reported in long-acting
implants and IUD-LNG is unscheduled vaginal bleeding, which is associated with
glandular atrophy, increased decidualization, and aberrant endometrial steroid
receptor expression."152 Endometrial exposure to LNG is associated with down-
regulation of sex steroid receptors in all cellular components. As a consequence of
this down-regulation, "there is perturbation of progesterone-regulated locally acting
mediators, and the integrity of blood vessel walls is disturbed."153 This is why vaginal
bleeding is reported in several of the studies in which LNG-EC was administered
in the preovulatory phase.154 Bleeding is a clinical sign of a disrupted luteal phase
due to hormonal alterations.
The Yuzpe regimen, the most common emergency contraceptive regimen prior
to LNG-EC, also produced histological changes and reduction in some endometrial
receptors and receptivity genes, although it did not affect glycodelin.155 Britt-Marie
Landgren and colleagues studied the proliferative activity of the endometrium after
it had been exposed to large doses of LNG at different stages of the cycle.156 They
found that many subjects exhibited insufficient luteal function. This study's main
limitation is that LNG was given multiple times throughout the cycle, unlike the
typical one-time dose given at a particular day in the cycle.
Danielsson "Emergency Contraception," 303. B. A. Lessey observes that traditional histologic
dating of the endometrium, as proposed by scientists such as R. W. Noyes and others, "has
remained the gold standard for nearly 50 years. Although the use of marker proteins provides
additional information and may reflect endometrial function or receptivity, such markers
cannot yet replace traditional methods of endometrial assessment." Lessey, "Use of Integrins
to Date the Endometrium,"
Fertility and Sterility 73.4 (April 2000): 779.
151 We have already examined the following studies: Marions et al., "Emergency
Contraception"; Marions et al., "Effect of Emergency Contraception"; Durand et al., "On
the Mechanisms of Action," 2001; Durand et al., "Late Follicular Phase Administration,"
2005; do Nascimento et al., "In Vivo Assessment of the Human Sperm Acrosome Reaction";
Durand et al., "Hormonal Evaluation and Midcycle Detection," 2010; and Palomino et al.,
"A Single Midcycle Dose of Levonorgestrel."
152 Palomino et al., "A Single Midcycle Dose of Levonorgestrel," 1592.
153 A. Guttinger and H. O. Critchley, "Endometrial Effects of Intrauterine
Contraception 75.6 suppl. (June 2007): s93–s98.
154 Raymond et al., "Bleeding Patterns," 376–381.
155 E. G. Raymond et al., "Effect of the Yuzpe Regimen of Emergency Contraception
on Markers of Endometrial Receptivity,"
Human Reproduction 15.11 (November 2000):
156 B. M. Landgren et al., "The Effect of Levonorgestrel Administered in Large
Doses at Different Stages of the Cycle on Ovarian Function and Endometrial Morphology,"
Contraception 39.3 (March 1989): 275–289.
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
G. Ugocsai and colleagues studied endometrial surface changes by scanning
electron microscope in three women who took high doses of levonorgestrel (about
four to six times the standard emergency contraceptive dose).157 They found that
in comparison to controls, specimens displayed "marked restructuralization of the
endometrium" and disappearance of pinopods (necessary implantational struc-
tures). They concluded that the contraceptive effect of LNG-EC was accomplished
by alteration of the endometrial surface and, therefore, receptivity. Although these
findings support LNG-EC changes of the endometrium, the paper's main limitation
is the women's use of LNG-EC at higher than recommended doses. Nonetheless,
Ugocsai notes that, although the surface alterations observed at higher doses may
not be observed following normal emergency contraception use, "the underlying
molecular changes, caused by levonorgestrel, may correspond to the contraceptive
effect," which is described as "the ‘phasing-out' of the endometrium . . accomplish-
ing effective endometrial contraception."158
In another study on the relationship between pinopods (which serve as implanta-
tional markers) and progesterone levels, Anneli Stavreus-Evers and colleagues found
that "pinopod formation and regression were closely associated with increases and
decreases, respectively, in serum progesterone concentration."159 Pinopods, which
are "bleb-like protrusions found on the apical surface of the endometrial epithelium,"
are preferred sites of embryo-endometrial interactions.160 This study provides just
one example of how structures that are necessary for implantation, like pinopods, are
dependent on adequate serum progesterone levels. It is likely that other structures
and molecules are adversely affected when a supra-physiological dose of a sex steroid
like LNG-EC is administered during the fertile window.
Palomino and colleagues showed that a single midcycle dose of LNG-EC did
not alter the expression of the L-selectin ligand (progesterone receptor) or molecular
markers of endometrial receptivity.161 When administered by means of IUD-releasing
systems, LNG had been shown to alter glycodelin, endometrial progesterone-receptor
expression, and histologic features of the endometrium,162 but Palomino et al. specu-
late that a single oral dose of LNG-EC is not enough to affect measurement of the
endometrial receptivity markers. We note that LNG-EC intake occurred on the day
of the LH surge, which may have been too late to show a measurable effect on the
LH-progesterone-mediated functions governing endometrial receptivity biomarkers.
Indeed, endometrial biopsies from the treated subjects
did show areas of irregular
157 G. Ugocsai, M. Ròzsa, and P. Ugocsai, "Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM)
Changes of the Endometrium in Women Taking High Doses of Levonorgestrel as Emergency
Postcoital Contraception,"
Contraception 66.6 (December 2002): 433.
158 Ibid., 436.
159 A. Stavreus-Evers et al., "Formation of Pinopodes in Human Endometrium Is
Associated with the Concentrations of Progesterone and Progesterone Receptors,"
and Sterility 76.4 (October 2001): 782.
160 Achache and Revel, "Endometrial Receptivity Markers," 732.
161 Palomino et al., "A Single Midcycle Dose of Levonorgestrel," 1589–1594. 162 Ibid., 1592.
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
development characterized by glandular atrophy and intense stromal decidualiza-
tion.163 Since implantational loss during natural cycles can approach 30 percent,164 it
would seem logical that any alterations in histologic features would further increase
natural rates of embryonic loss. Nevertheless, Palomino et al. dismissed endometrial
histology as a valid method for evaluating endometrial receptivity.165
In 2010, Chun-Xia Meng and colleagues studied the effects of four repeated
oral doses of 0.75 mg LNG-EC administered at twenty-four-hour intervals on days
LH +1 to LH +4, compared with a single vaginal dose of 1.5 mg LNG-EC on LH
+2, to determine if these regimens affect the endometrium.166 Oral LNG-EC was
given to eight women, and endometrial biopsies were performed on days LH +6 to
LH +8. Although the expression of two endometrial receptivity markers (the pro-
gesterone receptor and leukemia inhibitory factor) were significantly altered, the
authors doubted that "these changes would be enough to prevent implantation."167
The limitations of the study were the small number of women included and the tim-
ing of drug administration, which occurred on and after ovulation when it is known
not to have efficacy.
In 2012, Macarena Vargas studied the effects of LNG-EC on the endometrium
administered on day 1 of the luteal phase, one day after ovulation, when it has no
clinical efficacy.168 Endometrial biopsy was done on day LH +7 or LH +8, and vari-
ous genes involved in the implantational process were examined. Not surprisingly,
except for the level of one gene, all changes remained within the ranges observed
in untreated controls.
Several studies discussed above under the heading "Third Proposed MOA: The
Ability of Levonorgestrel Emergency Contraception to Prevent or Delay Ovulation"
reported on endometrial histology and receptivity markers.169 Durand 2001 examined
endometrial samples from their subjects, although only twenty-four of the thirty-three
163 Ibid., 1591.
164 Norwitz et al. "Implantation and the Survival of Early Pregnancy," 1400, 1405;
A. Revel, "Defective Endometrial Receptivity,"
Fertility and Sterility 97.5 (May 2012):
1028–1032; and A. J. Wilcox et al., "Time of Implantation," 1797–1798.
165 Palomino et al., "A Single Midcycle Dose of Levonorgestrel," 1593. Histological
dating has been the gold standard for over fifty years. Lessey, "Role of the Endometrium,"
166 C. X. Meng, L. Marions, B. Bystrom, K. Gemzell-Danielsson, "Effects of Oral
and Vaginal Administration of Levonorgestrel Emergency Contraception on Markers of
Endometrial Receptivity,"
Human Reproduction 25.4 (April 2010): 874–883.
167 Ibid., 881.
168 M. F. Vargas et al., "Effect of Single Post-ovulatory Administration of Levonorgestrel
on Gene Expression Profile during the Receptive Period of the Human Endometrium,"
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 48.1 (January 2012): 25–36.
169 Marions, "Emergency Contraception With Mifepristone," 69; Durand, "Late
Follicular Phase"; Durand et al., "Hormonal Evaluation and Midcycle Detection," 2010;
Durand et al., "On the Mechanisms of Action," 2001. Although Marions' small studies were
inconclusive regarding a postfertilization MOA for LNG-EC, we do have information on
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
biopsies could actually be studied, and these came almost entirely from subjects
who took LNG-EC at or after ovulation.170 Yet on the basis of just three endometrial
samples from subjects who took LNG-EC in the late follicular phase (day LH -3),
the authors conclude that there were no histological endometrial effects. However,
Durand's team reexamined the data on ovulating women in 2005 and noted dimin-
ished glycodelin-A levels in the group that received the LNG-EC three to four days
before the LH surge (group 1). Importantly, glycodelin-A levels were significantly
lower, despite the previous determination in 2001 that endometrial histology was
normal. The authors note, "The low staining score for endometrial glycodelin-A in
Group 1 indicates that intake of LNG before the LH surge has endometrial effects
that are not identified by normal histology."171 Moreover, the 2005 study clearly
showed the progesterone-mediated deficiency of endometrial glycodelin-A. The
latter is possibly an additional interceptive MOA in its own right, exerting its effects
through impaired immunosuppressive activity affecting the implanting embryo.172
Studies on Embryo Implantation
We conclude with a discussion of the "implantational" studies, which have
their own ethical and technical limitations.
P. G. L. Lalitkumar and colleagues used an artificial endometrial construct
cultured with LNG-EC to assess impairment of embryo attachment.173 Endometrial
biopsies were performed on women who did not receive LNG-EC in the critical late
follicular period. In fact, they were
never exposed to LNG-EC in vivo
.174 Endome-
trial cells were removed at day LH +4, which is during the luteal phase before the
"implantation window,"175 and only after removal were exposed to LNG-EC in vitro.
Not surprisingly, LNG-EC did not significantly impair the ratio of embryo attach-
ment when compared with non-LNG-exposed endometrial culture. The artificial
endometrial biopsies taken from six of the women who were given LNG-EC at day LH -2.
Of the findings for six biopsies, only three were reported as "normal."
170 B. Mozzanega and E. Cosmi, "How Do Levonorgestrel-Only Emergency
Contraceptive Pills Prevent Pregnancy? Some Considerations,"
Gynecological Endocrinology
27.6 (June 2011): 439–442.
171 Durand et al., "Late Follicular Phase Administration," 2005, 456.
172 M. Kämäräinen et al. "Normal Human Ovary and Ovarian Tumors Express
Glycodelin, a Glycoprotein with Immunosuppressive and Contraceptive Properties,"
American Journal of Pathology 148.5 (May 1996): 1435–1443.
173 P. G. L. Lalitkumar et al., "Mifepristone, but Not Levonorgestrel, Inhibits Human
Blastocyst Attachment to an In Vitro Endometrial Three-Dimensional Cell Culture Model,"
Human Reproduction 22.11 (November, 2007): 3031–3037.
174 See Davis, "Plan B Agonistics," 741–772, note 18, and in his letter in the same issue
of the
National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly (Winter 2010): 641.
175 The implantation window, the limited period when the human endometrium is
receptive to the embryo and allows implantation, begins on approximately day 6 after the
LH peak (LH +6) and completes by LH +10 (or days 20 to 24 of an idealized twenty-eight-
day cycle. See Meng et al., "Effects of Oral and Vaginal Administration," 875; and Achache
and Revel, "Endometrial Receptivity Markers," 731.
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
environment the researchers created and the lack of preovulatory exposure made it
impossible to ascertain the effects of the LNG-EC. The research also raises other
issues (e.g., in the use of frozen or aged embryos), which are beyond the scope of
this paper. We concur with the objections raised by Marie Hilliard, who has also
pointed out that the study's methodology is not designed to demonstrate whether or
not LNG-EC in vivo has anti-implantational endometrial effects.176
Meng and colleagues carried out a similar study.177 They obtained cells by
endometrial biopsy at days LH +4 to LH +5 and, using a three-dimensional stromal
model (in vitro), examined the effect of LNG-EC on the expression of endometrial
receptivity factors. Treatment with LNG-EC given several days after ovulation did
not affect endometrial receptivity factors. Again, the women were not given LNG-EC
during their fertile window before the biopsy samples were obtained. Endometrial
changes will not be apparent if a woman is not exposed to LNG-EC during the criti-
cal preovulatory time period.
In conclusion, some data show that LNG-EC can lead to histological and endo-
metrial changes that could impair embryo implantation. Moreover, there are serious
questions about the existing studies that claim it has no effect on implantation.
A Moral Evaluation of
The human embryo is a nascent human being from the time the ovum is
fertilized by a sperm.178 This new human individual is genetically the same being
as the adult who develops over many years. The destruction of a human embryo is
contrary to the dignity of the nascent human being, and is therefore gravely wrong.
Evangelium vitae, Blessed John Paul II affirmed that, regardless of debates over
the moment of ensoulment, the embryo must be treated as a person: "The human
being is to be respected and treated as a person from the moment of conception; and
therefore from that same moment his rights as a person must be recognized, among
which in the first place is the inviolable right of every innocent human being to life."179
It has been accepted practice in Catholic medical ethics for a woman who has
been raped to take certain acts by which she seeks to prevent conception, including
176 Marie T. Hilliard, "Plan B's Abortifacient Effect," letter,
National Catholic Bioethics
Quarterly 8.1 (Spring 2008): 9–11.
177 C. X. Meng et al., "Effect of Levonorgestrel and Mifepristone on Endometrial
Receptivity Markers in a Three-Dimensional Human Endometrial Cell Culture Model,"
Fertility and Sterility 91.1 (January 2009): 256–264.
178 N. López-Moratalla, E. Santiago, and G. Herranz Rodríguez, "Inicio de la Vida
de Cada Ser Humano: Qué Hace Humano el Cuerpo del Hombre?"
Cuadernos di Bioética
22.75 (May–August 2011): 283–308, accessed at http:/
179 John Paul II,
Evangelium vitae (March 25, 1995), n. 60, quoting Congregation for
the Doctrine of the Faith,
Donum vitae (February 22, 1987), I.1.
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
douching to remove semen.180 In such circumstances, the victim seeks to impede
the effects of the sexual attack, which may include an unwanted pregnancy charged
with psychological pain and social difficulties. Based on the notion of self-defense
from an aggressor, it is argued that a drug that can prevent fertilization would justly
prevent an unwanted pregnancy after rape. This concept has been expressed as direc-
tive 36 of the
Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services,
which states, "If, after appropriate testing, there is no evidence that conception has
occurred already, she [a victim of sexual assault] may be treated with medications
that would prevent ovulation, sperm capacitation, or fertilization. It is not permissible,
however, to initiate or to recommend treatments that have as their purpose or direct
effect the removal, destruction, or interference with the implantation of a fertilized
ovum."181 In this context, we examine the morality of the use of LNG-EC after rape.
Our conclusion is that LNG-EC cannot be used in rape treatment protocols. However,
until very recently the scientific data concerning its MOA left the moral analysis of
this question in doubt. That is no longer the case.
The data available from the 2010 and 2011 Noé studies indicate that in as many
as 80 percent of the women treated with LNG-EC, ovulation was not prevented and
yet no pregnancies resulted, thus pointing to a postovulatory effect of the drug.
(Without such an effect, a number of women who ovulated would have been likely
to conceive.) The absence of confirmed pregnancies strongly suggests that in some
cases embryos were unable to implant.182
The data available from the studies analyzed above (under the heading "Effects
on the Corpus Luteum") suggest that LNG-EC produces impairment of the LH surge,
leading to inadequate corpus luteal support that is manifested in luteal phase short-
ening and altered luteal hormone levels, all of which have the effect of interfering
with the implantation of embryos. If LNG-EC is to be used in Catholic hospitals, it is
necessary to establish moral certitude that its MOA is not abortifacient (interceptive).
These findings establish sufficient doubt to preclude the necessary moral certitude.
It is not possible to provide, for a woman or a health care provider treating her, the
necessary moral certainty that taking or administering LNG-EC poses no significant
risk to the present or future well-being of a human embryo that has already been
conceived or will be conceived in the immediate future.
Thomas V. Berg and colleagues have used the principle of double effect to
analyze the use of LNG-EC in Catholic health care.183 The principle applies moral
analysis to an action that has both a good and a bad effect. It has been used in cases
180 William E. May,
Catholic Bioethics and the Gift of Human Life (Huntington,
Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor, 2000), 154–155.
181 US Conference of Catholic Bishops,
Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic
Health Care Services,
5th ed. (Washington, DC: USCCB, 2009).
182 Noé et al., "Contraceptive Efficacy" 2010, 414–420; Noé et al., "Contraceptive
Efficacy" 2011, 486–492.
183 Thomas V. Berg, Marie T. Hilliard, and Mark F. Stegman, "Emergency
Contraceptives and Catholic Healthcare: A New Look at the Science and the Moral Question,"
Westchester Institute White Paper Series 2.1 (June 2011): 20.
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
of lethal-force self-defense, treatment of ectopic pregnancy and gravid uterus, use
of opiates in gravely ill patients, and tactical bombing. In each of these scenarios,
there are always two effects, a good one and an evil one. For instance, in lethal-force
self-defense, the good effect is the preservation of one's life and integrity and the bad
effect is the injury or death of the assailant. If the effects of a moral action are
good or bad, and not both, however, then the morality of an action can be decided
without recourse to the principle of double effect.
The criteria traditionally applied in double-effect reasoning are that "(1) the
act considered independently of its evil effect is not in itself wrong; (2) the agent
intends the good and does not intend the evil either as an end or as a means; and
(3) the agent has proportionately grave reasons for acting, addressing his relevant
obligations, comparing the consequences, and, considering the necessity of the evil,
exercising due care to eliminate or mitigate it."184 In his monograph on double effect,
Cavanaugh notes that the order in which the criteria are applied is important: "The
first condition excludes the application of the remaining conditions to acts impermis-
sible in kind."185 In other words, acts that are morally evil in themselves can never
be justified by the principle of double effect.
LNG-EC acts in various ways when administered in the preovulatory fertile
window, which is its only possible efficacious use. Less than 20 percent of the time,
its use may inhibit ovulation. More than 80 percent of the time, ovulation occurs, so
another MOA must account for its efficacy. As we have shown, some supposed prefer-
tilization effects related to sperm or ovulation are doubtful and some are precluded.
It is equally or more likely that LNG-EC impedes implantation of the blastocyst. But
since any anti-implantation effect presumes prior fertilization, it is not possible for
a prefertilization effect and the prevention of implantation to occur simultaneously.
Accordingly, resort to the principle of double effect cannot be justified.
Berg holds that the principle of double effect can be applied to this analysis
and that in some cases all the criteria for the licit use of LNG-EC can be met: "This
is particularly true in the case of a victim presenting with a negative LH test and
with a history supporting the likelihood that the victim is not peri-ovulatory, even
if there is the possibility that she might ovulate despite the administration of LNG.
If the object and intent are to prevent ovulation and if circumstances to achieve the
object and intent are documented, then the principle of double effect can be invoked
184 Thomas A. Cavanaugh, "Double-Effect Reasoning, Craniotomy, and Vital Conflicts:
A Case of Contemporary Catholic Casuistry,"
National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 11.3
(Autumn 2011): 454. Rev. Joseph Mangan describes the same but states it in four conditions
instead of three: "All four conditions in this principle must be present at one and the same
time, namely, the ultimate end of the author must be good, the cause of the effects must be
good or at least indifferent, the evil effect must not be the means to the good effect, and there
must be a proportionately serious reason for actuating the cause." Joseph T. Mangan, "An
Historical Analysis of the Principle of Double Effect,"
Theological Studies 10 (1949): 60.
185 Thomas A. Cavanaugh,
Double Effect Reasoning: Doing Good and Avoiding Evil
(Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2006), 32.
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
in the administration of LNG to a sexual assault victim."186 However, the necessary
precondition for use of the principle is that the action at issue have two effects, a
good one
and an evil one, not just one effect (e.g., a good one like preventing ovula-
or a bad one like impeding implantation).187 Moreover, the first criterion for the
use of the principle—that the action is not in itself wrong—cannot be met in cases
involving the use of LNG-EC.
Nonetheless, assuming for the sake of argument that the precondition and
first criterion for acting licitly can be met; the third criterion—that the agent has
proportionately grave reasons for acting—still cannot be met. Although an abor-
tive effect can be considered unforeseen, because it is not likely to occur every time
LNG-EC is used, the moral agent should be informed that an abortive effect is not
impossible, another MOA is doubtful or not likely, and in a significant number of
women implantation is likely to be impeded.188 Thus, it is not clear that a rape vic-
tim or those providing her health care have proportionally grave reasons for using
LNG-EC when they cannot preclude to a moral certitude the substantial risk it poses
to embryonic life.
For some years, various Catholic health care facilities have attempted to provide
a moral justification for the use of LNG-EC in cases of rape. Some hospitals have
developed protocols designed to detect the LH surge in women who were raped, for
the purpose of administering LNG-EC to those who had not ovulated. The reasoning
behind such protocols is straightforward: if ovulation has occurred, fertilization may
follow, and LNG-EC could harm the embryo. The so-called ovulation approach, or
Peoria Protocol, seeks to detect imminent ovulation by testing urine or serum LH
186 Ibid. Without entering into a detailed discussion about the moral object, we make
the following observation: The only time when LNG-EC administration is efficacious is
during the fertile window before ovulation (the LH surge). When administered within that
window, ovulation will occur in the vast majority of cases. Suppression of ovulation can
only be confidently predicted if LNG-EC is administered during the earliest phase of that
window, when the likelihood of pregnancy is already low. Therefore, the true object of
LNG-EC is not the suppression of ovulation but the prevention of pregnancy by whatever
means is operative, and that is likely to be by a postfertilization MOA in most cases. This
view of the proper object shows that the act of taking or providing LNG-EC is morally evil.
187 German Grisez explains that the traditional analysis of PDE requires that the good
and evil effects be realized simultaneously.
The Way of the Lord Jesus, vol. 1,
Moral Principles (Quincy, Illinois: Franciscan Press, 1983), 307. Furthermore, the good
effect should not be produced by means of the evil effect. For further analysis of the PDE,
see Davis, "Plan B Agonistics,"
188 Some think that, when an unforeseen effect is minor, it can be tolerated, but if the
unforeseen effect is something gravely wrong, the agent does not have proportionately grave
reasons for acting. Although Monsignor William Smith mistakenly held that the ovulation
test could be sufficient, he expressed the moral teaching that
probabilism cannnot be applied
when a third party is in danger. See William B. Smith, "Questions Answered,"
and Pastoral Review 104.6
(March 2004): 68–70, reprinted in
Modern Moral Problems:
Trustworthy Answers to Your Tough Questions, ed. Donald Haggerty (San Francisco: Ignatius
Press, 2012), 150.
Peck and VÉlez PostoVulatory Moa of Plan B
and then, if the results are positive, testing for serum progesterone levels. A modified
Peoria Protocol uses a simple over-the-counter LH test.189
But it is pointless to test for the LH surge. A negative result does not preclude
pre-LH surge fertile window timing when prefertilization MOA may be operative.
Neither is there any rationale for rape protocols to identify a supposed safe period
prior to ovulation for administration of LNG-EC because it is now clear that at such
a time administration of LNG-EC is likely to have post-ovulation effect rather than
impede ovulation or it would be outside the fertile window and meaningless to
prevention of pregnancy.
The question of justice and informed consent is also very important. It has
received some attention but not enough.190 Respect for patients and their autonomy
calls for true informed consent. Even a small but realistic possibility of an aborti-
facient MOA obliges health care providers to disclose this information to patients.
However, when scientific evidence points to an even higher likelihood of postfertiliza-
tion effect on embryos, women have an even greater right in justice to be provided
with this information so that they can reach an informed decision. Dr. James Trussell,
a contraceptive expert and advocate of emergency contraception, has acknowledged
that administration of LNG-EC during the periovulatory phase may have a postfer-
tilization effect, and that women have a right to know about this MOA.191
189 The Peoria Protocol administers a test for preexisting pregnancy along with a
urine LH test for ovulation. If the urine LH test results are positive, indicating that the
hormonal shift is under way, a serum progesterone test is also administered. A serum
progesterone level greater than 1.5 ng/mL is an indicator that ovulation has occurred. A
modified Peoria Protocol does not require a serum progesterone test because this test is not
as readily available. Marie Hilliard, writing for The National Catholic Bioethics Center,
discusses different protocols for administering emergency contraception to victims of sexual
assault. (Marie T. Hilliard, "
Dignitas personae on Caring for Victims of Sexual Assault:
A Commentary on
Dignitas personae, Part Two, n. 23,"
.aspx?pid=1314.) She says that in all cases, "The National Catholic Bioethics Center holds
that administration of EC must be consistent with [directive] n. 36—to ‘prevent ovulation,
sperm capacitation, or fertilization.' Current research indicates that the impact of EC on
sperm capacitation is not fast enough to prevent fertilization. Therefore,
the only reason for
which EC moral y can be given is to prevent ovulation" (emphasis added). Since the 2010
and 2011 Noé data show that prevention of ovulation is highly unlikely when LNG-EC is
taken during the fertile window, before the LH surge, it is clear that the NCBC standard for
licit use of LNG-EC cannot be met on the basis of LH testing, since a negative test result
cannot preclude ovulation and subsequent interception. The new data from Noé et al. show
the need for formal review and revision of the NCBC position on LH testing.
190 This question received substantial attention from members of the FDA Advisory
Committees on December 16, 2003, at a meeting that drove the subsequent FDA scientific
review that resulted in the current labeling information about a possible interceptive MOA.
See Davis, "Plan B Agonistics," 757.
191 "To make an informed choice, women must know that [emergency contraceptive
pills]—like all regular hormonal contraceptives …—may prevent pregnancy by delaying
or inhibiting ovulation, inhibiting fertilization, or inhibiting implantation of a fertilized
The NaTioNal CaTholiC BioeThiCs QuarTerly WiNTer 2013
A Duty to Reexamine the Evidence
Recent scientific evidence shows that LNG-EC does
not work by preventing
ovulation as its sole or dominant mechanism.192 In the largest study on the MOA of
LNG-EC, inhibition of ovulation has been shown in only 20 percent of the women
who receive it in the late follicular phase. The majority of other studies also indicate
only a small suppression of ovulation when LNG-EC is taken during the critical fertile
window, and negligible effects on cervical mucus or sperm function. The efficacy of
LNG-EC cannot be explained by MOAs that have only preovulatory effects. Often,
contrary to authors' conclusions, many of the studies provide compelling evidence
for postfertilization MOA. When LNG-EC is given in the late follicular phase it may
cause the following: (1) altered LH peak and duration, (2) inadequate luteinization
of the follicle, (3) diminished luteal LH or progesterone levels, (4) shorter luteal
phase, and (5) endometrial changes that are likely to interfere with implantation of
the embryo. We are thus persuaded that preovulatory administration of LNG-EC
often has postfertilization or interceptive effects.
Physicians and health care institutions, especially Catholic ones, have a duty to
reexamine the available scientific information on LNG-EC. They have an obligation
to offer the Holy See and episcopal conferences accurate information regarding this
subject to guide their statements. The use of LNG-EC and associated rape protocols
should be abandoned, because there is no safe period to give LNC-EC during a
woman's cycle when it may be efficacious to prevent pregnancy without significant
likelihood that it will have an abortifacient effect.
egg in the endometrium." J. Trussell and B. Jordan, "Mechanism of Action of Emergency
Contraceptive Pills," editorial,
Contraception 74.2 (August 2006): 88.
192 While this article was being prepared for publication, Vivian Brache and colleagues,
including Croxatto, published an important study comparing levonorgestrel and ulipristal
acetate emergency contraception: V. Brache et al., "Ulipristal Acetate Prevents Ovulation
More Effectively Than Levonorgestrel: Analysis of Pooled Data from Three Randomized
Trials of Emergency Contraception Regimens,"
Contraception 88.5 (November 2013):
611–618. They compared LNG-EC to ulipristal, to LNG-EC plus meloxicam, and to placebo,
and found that ulipristal was the most effective in delaying ovulation. LNG-EC was found to
be no more effective than placebo in preventing ovulation when given in the late follicular
phase. The authors admit that it is not known whether ovulatory dysfunction actually
exists as a possible MOA for LNG-EC: "Whether the abnormal blunted or absent LH peak
preceding follicular rupture in the LNG-treated cycles in which rupture occurs contributes
to the alteration of the ovulatory process and has any clinical consequence is unknown but
is biologically plausible" (617).
Nutritional Supplementation in Pregnancy It goes without saying that Nutrition in Pregnancy is vitally important for the developing fetus. Dietary requirements are increased substantially in a pregnant woman, and if she does not have enough in the way of proteins, vitamins and minerals in her own body stores, then her baby could be compromised. It has been clearly established that Pregnant women in Australia are not meeting their daily
Il talamonese dicembre 05 15-12-2005 17:36 Pagina 33 Registrazione N. 278 del 10.5.1997 Sped. in A.P. - 45% Comma 20 B - Legge 662/96 - Fil. Sondrio Stampa Lito Polaris - Sondrio periodico di informazione del Comune di Talamona Una delle prime fiaccolate Il talamonese dicembre 05 15-12-2005 17:36 Pagina 2 ell'approssimarsi del Santo Natale,