Dysautonomias: Clinical Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System
Moderator: David S. Goldstein, MD, PhD; Discussants: David Robertson, MD; Murray Esler, MD; Stephen E. Straus, MD;
and Graeme Eisenhofer, PhD
The term dysautonomia refers to a change in autonomic nervous
sympathetic neurotransmitter norepinephrine to its receptors in
system function that adversely affects health. The changes range
the heart. Increased sympathetic nerve traffic to the heart and
from transient, occasional episodes of neurally mediated hypoten-
kidneys seems to occur as essential hypertension develops. Acute
sion to progressive neurodegenerative diseases; from disorders in
panic can evoke coronary spasm that is associated with sympa-
which altered autonomic function plays a primary pathophysio-
thoneural and adrenomedullary excitation. In congestive heart fail-
logic role to disorders in which it worsens an independent patho-
ure, compensatory cardiac sympathetic activation may chronically
logic state; and from mechanistically straightforward to mysterious
worsen myocardial function, which rationalizes treatment with
and controversial entities. In chronic autonomic failure (pure au-

-adrenoceptor blockers. A high frequency of positive results on
tonomic failure, multiple system atrophy, or autonomic failure in
tilt-table testing has confirmed an association between the chronic
Parkinson disease), orthostatic hypotension reflects sympathetic
fatigue syndrome and orthostatic intolerance; however, treatment
neurocirculatory failure from sympathetic denervation or deranged
with the salt-retaining steroid fludrocortisone, which is usually
reflexive regulation of sympathetic outflows. Chronic orthostatic
beneficial in primary chronic autonomic failure, does not seem to
intolerance associated with postural tachycardia can arise from
be beneficial in the chronic fatigue syndrome. Dysautonomias are
cardiac sympathetic activation after "patchy" autonomic impair-
an important subject in clinical neurocardiology.
ment or blood volume depletion or, as highlighted in this discus-
Ann Intern Med. 2002;137:753-763.
sion, from a primary abnormality that augments delivery of the
For author affiliations, see end of text.
Drs. David S. Goldstein and Graeme Eisenhofer
ganglia outside the central nervous system, whereas nerves
(Clinical Neurocardiology Section, National Institute of
projecting to skeletal muscle arise from the anterior horns
Neurological Disorders and Stroke [NINDS], National In-
of the spinal cord. Langley introduced the term
stitutes of Health [NIH], Bethesda, Maryland): The no-
pathetic nervous system to denote the cranial and sacral por-
tion that the sympathetic nervous system coordinates body
tions of the autonomic nervous system, in contrast with
functions probably originated with the second-century
the sympathetic nervous system, which originates from
Greek physician Galen, who taught that nerves were hol-
low tubes distributing "animal spirits" in the body, thereby
Langley did not include the adrenal medulla in the
fostering concerted action, or "sympathy," of the organs.
autonomic nervous system. In the 1920s, Walter Cannon
In 1552, Bartolomeo Eustachius first depicted the sympa-
considered the sympathetic nerves and adrenal medulla as a
thetic nerves and the adrenal glands. Winslow reintroduced
functional unit—the "sympathico-adrenal" system (1).
the sympathetic nervous system in 1732 to describe the
The parasympathetic nerves would subserve vegetative,
chains of ganglia and nerves connected to the thoracic and
energy-producing processes, such as digestion, during peri-
lumbar spinal cord.
ods of quiescence and the sympathico-adrenal system en-
The functions of these structures remained unknown
ergy-consuming processes during emergencies. The two
until the 19th century, when Bernard and others first re-
systems would antagonize each other in maintaining "ho-
ported the effects of sympathetic nerve stimulation. In
meostasis," a word Cannon invented.
1895, Oliver and Scha¨fer described the potent cardiovas-
The concept of altered autonomic function as patho-
cular stimulatory effects of adrenal extracts. Soon after-
physiologic is relatively new in clinical medicine, possibly
ward—almost exactly a century ago—Abel and Takamine
dating from reports by Bradbury and Eggleston in the
identified epinephrine ("adrenaline" in British and Euro-
1920s that demonstrated a neurogenic cause for postural
pean countries) as the active principle of the adrenal gland.
hypotension (2). Humans absolutely require a functionally
Also in the late 19th century, Langley coined the term
intact sympathetic nervous system to tolerate the "non-
autonomic nervous system to denote the portion of the ner-
emergency" behavior of simply standing up. This explains
vous system largely responsible for involuntary, uncon-
why orthostatic intolerance constitutes a cardinal clinical
scious functions of internal organs, in contrast with the
manifestation of sympathetic neurocirculatory failure.
portion responsible for voluntary, conscious, externally ob-
In more general terms, dysautonomia refers to a con-
servable functions of skeletal muscle. Supporting this dis-
dition in which altered autonomic function adversely af-
tinction, nerves projecting to internal organs arise from
fects health (
Figure 1). These conditions range from tran-
An edited summary of a Clinical Staff Conference held on 31 May 2000 at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
Authors who wish to cite a section of the conference and specifically indicate its author may use this example for the form of the reference:
Robertson D. Autonomic function in chronic orthostatic intolerance. In: Goldstein DS, moderator. Dysautonomias: clinical disorders of the autonomic nervous system. Ann Intern Med. 2002;137:
2002 American College of Physicians–American Society of Internal Medicine
NIH Conference Dysautonomias
Figure 1. Dysautonomias featuring altered sympathetic
and norepinephrine in antecubital venous plasma. These
include the efficiency of neuronal reuptake of released nor-epinephrine, modulation of norepinephrine release by ␣2-adrenoceptors on sympathetic nerve terminals, local bloodflow, and, as discussed later, clearance of norepinephrinefrom the circulation.
Norepinephrine is released into the bloodstream at the
same time as it is removed from the bloodstream. Esler firstapplied the tracer dilution principle to estimate the rate ofentry of norepinephrine into the bloodstream—the so-called norepinephrine spillover (3). Because of the rele-vance of this principle to presentations in this report, wediscuss the underlying concepts here.
Because organs remove circulating norepinephrine as
it passes through them, when a tracer amount of 3H-nor-epinephrine is infused, the concentration of 3H-norepi-nephrine in arterial plasma exceeds that in local venousplasma. There is less specific activity of 3H-norepinephrine(the amount of 3H-norepinephrine per unit of total nor-epinephrine) in the vein than in the artery because unla-beled endogenous norepinephrine enters the bloodstreamin the organ. By quantifying the amount of dilution of thetracer, one can estimate the norepinephrine spillover fromthe organ.
Human plasma contains not only the catecholamines
norepinephrine and epinephrine (with trace amounts of
free [unconjugated] dopamine) but also two other cat-
echols. Measurements of the other catechols can greatly
enhance the interpretation of plasma norepinephrine levels
in terms of sympathetic function (
Figure 2). One catechol,
3,4-L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (levodopa or L-dopa), is the
precursor of the catecholamines and the immediate prod-
uct of the rate-limiting step in catecholamine biosynthesis.
The regional rate of L-dopa spillover (usually estimated
from the arteriovenous increment in plasma L-dopa levels,
In dysautonomias, altered function of the autonomic nervous systemadversely affects health.
multiplied by the plasma flow) provides an index of nor-epinephrine synthesis in sympathetic nerves (4, 5).
sient episodes in otherwise healthy people to progressive
Another catechol, dihydroxyphenylglycol (DHPG), is
neurodegenerative diseases; from conditions in which al-
the main neuronal metabolite of norepinephrine (6). This
tered autonomic function plays a primary pathophysiologic
catechol is produced by the action of monoamine oxidase
role to those in which it worsens an independent patho-
on norepinephrine in the sympathetic axoplasm. Axoplas-
logic state; and from mechanistically straightforward to
mic norepinephrine has two sources—leakage from storage
mysterious and controversial entities.
vesicles and reuptake after exocytotic release. The neuronal
Norepinephrine ("noradrenaline" in British and Euro-
uptake process is called uptake-1. Entry of DHPG into the
pean countries) is the main chemical messenger of the
bloodstream reflects both loss of norepinephrine from ves-
sympathetic nervous system. The messenger of the para-
icles by leakage and reuptake of norepinephrine by up-
sympathetic nervous system is acetylcholine. For thermo-
take-1. Under resting conditions, most DHPG production
regulatory sweating, sympathetic nerves release acetylcho-
is from the former mechanism. Local DHPG spillover
line as the main effector.
(usually estimated from the arteriovenous increment in
Modern clinical chemical methods can measure nor-
plasma DHPG levels, multiplied by the blood flow) has
epinephrine in human plasma (normal concentration is
been used as an index of norepinephrine turnover in sym-
about 1.5 nmol/L). One might think that the plasma nor-
pathetic nerves (6, 7). Thus, simultaneous assessments of
epinephrine concentration would provide a means to assess
norepinephrine, L-dopa, and DHPG spillovers provide in-
sympathetic "activity"; however, several processes deter-
formation about related but different aspects of sympa-
mine the relationship between sympathetic nerve traffic
thetic noradrenergic function.
754 5 November 2002 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 137 • Number 9
Dysautonomias NIH Conference
Figure 2. Sources of plasma levels of catechols.
Dr. David S. Goldstein (Clinical Neurocardiology
Section, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland): Orthostatichypotension has been defined as a decrease in systolic pres-sure of at least 20 mm Hg or a decrease in diastolic pres-sure of at least 10 mm Hg within 3 minutes of standing orhead-up tilt (8). Orthostatic hypotension usually resultsfrom depletion of blood or extracellular fluid volume orfrom a prolonged bedridden state and only uncommonlyresults from autonomic failure. Conversely, however, or-thostatic hypotension constitutes a key manifestation ofsympathetic neurocirculatory failure (9).
Most chronic autonomic failure occurs as a conse-
quence of disease processes (for example, diabetes, amy-loidosis, or multiple myeloma), toxic agents (for example,alcohol), or medications (for example, antidepressant, an-tipsychotic, antihypertensive, or antineoplastic drugs).
Sometimes, autonomic failure dominates the clinical pre-sentation and has no clear cause; this is called primarychronic autonomic failure.
Primary chronic autonomic failure in adults has been
classified in terms of three clinicopathologic states (8, 10).
Pure autonomic failure features orthostatic hypotensionwithout symptoms or signs of central neurodegeneration.
Multiple system atrophy, which includes a combination ofautonomic failure and progressive central neurodegenera-tion, has been divided into parkinsonian, cerebellar, andmixed forms. Finally, autonomic failure can occur in asso-ciation with Parkinson disease.
Multiple system atrophy can include parkinsonian fea-
tures; thus, because patients with Parkinson disease canhave autonomic failure, distinguishing the two conditionscan pose a difficult diagnostic challenge. Patients with Par-
Norepinephrine (
NE), dihydroxyphenylglycol (
DHPG), and endogenousL-dopa are produced intraneuronally after uptake of tyrosine. Note that
kinson disease usually respond to carbidopa-levodopa,
hypofunction of the membrane norepinephrine transporter, responsible
whereas patients with multiple system atrophy usually do
for neuronal uptake of catecholamines via the uptake-1 process, should
so to only a limited extent (8). This distinction does not
result in augmented responses of plasma norepinephrine levels and at-tenuated responses of plasma DHPG levels during sympathetic stimula-
always suffice, for two reasons. First, some neurologists
tion. MAO ⫽ monoamine oxidase.
may be reluctant to prescribe carbidopa-levodopa for a pa-tient with Parkinson disease who already has orthostatic
Patients with multiple system atrophy of any subtype
hypotension because such treatment might worsen the or-
generally have intact cardiac sympathetic innervation and a
thostatic hypotension. Second, some patients with multiple
large decrease in blood pressure in response to ganglion
system atrophy improve when taking carbidopa-levodopa.
blockade with trimethaphan (15). In contrast, patients
Recent neuroimaging techniques applied to the heart
with Parkinson disease and autonomic failure have no de-
have clearly distinguished these two forms of chronic au-
tectable 123I-MIBG– derived (16 –20) or 6-[18F]fluorodo-
tonomic failure. Cardiac sympathetic nerves take up 123I-
pamine– derived (21, 22) radioactivity in the left ventricu-
metaiodobenzylguanidine (123I-MIBG) and 6-[18F]fluoro-
lar myocardium and a small or normal decrease in blood
dopamine, which radiolabel the vesicles in the terminals
pressure in response to trimethaphan (Goldstein DS. Un-
(11, 12). This allows visualization of the sympathetic in-
published observations). Such patients also have markedly
nervation of the heart by scintigraphy or single-photon
decreased or absent cardiac spillovers of norepinephrine,
emission computed tomography after injection of 123I-
L-dopa, and DHPG, which provides neurochemical confir-
MIBG (13) and by positron emission tomography (PET)
mation of a loss of sympathetic terminal innervation in the
after injection of 6-[18F]fluorodopamine (14). This visual-
ization is independent of adrenoceptor binding; rather, it
These differences point to a preganglionic lesion in
depends on active transport of the radioactive drug by the
multiple system atrophy and postganglionic lesion in Par-
uptake-1 process, followed by vesicular sequestration.
kinson disease with autonomic failure. Separating sympa-
5 November 2002 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 137 • Number 9
NIH Conference Dysautonomias
Figure 3. Regulation of sympathetic outflows to the heart and other parts of the body in orthostatic intolerance syndromes.
Thick lines represent increased activity, thin lines represent normal activity, and dashed lines represent decreased activity.
thetic denervation from deranged nerve traffic to intact
stand for more than 1 or 2 minutes. Orthostatic intoler-
terminals might be clinically important not only for diag-
ance, which generally occurs in much younger patients,
nosis but also for treatment and predicting side effects of
rarely features rapid orthostatic hypotension, but delayed
drugs. Patients with orthostatic hypotension from sympa-
orthostatic hypotension can occur.
thetic denervation might not benefit from a sympathomi-
Orthostatic intolerance is common (23). Although
metic amine or ␣2-adrenoceptor blocker because the pres-
formal studies about prevalence have not been done, we
estimate that 500 000 Americans have this problem. In
norepinephrine stores; however, such patients might bene-
elderly persons, orthostatic intolerance can be a manifesta-
fit from midodrine, an orally acting ␣-adrenoceptor ago-
tion of cerebral hypoperfusion from carotid disease; how-
nist, or L-threo-3,4-dihydroxyphenylserine, which is con-
ever, most patients with orthostatic intolerance are young
verted to norepinephrine by L-aromatic amino acid
women between the ages of 15 and 45 years. They report
decarboxylase, an enzyme found in many types of paren-
dizziness, visual changes, head and neck discomfort, poor
chymal cells. A patient with orthostatic hypotension from
concentration while standing, fatigue while standing (as
dysregulation of sympathetic outflows might be at in-
well as at other times), palpitations, tremor, anxiety, pre-
creased risk for acute hypertension from herbal remedies,
syncope, and, in some cases, syncope.
such as ma-huang and yohimbe bark, which release nor-
In neuropathic postural tachycardia syndrome (
3), orthostatic intolerance seems to be associated with a
Future research about chronic autonomic failure
"patchy" dysautonomia, which results in orthostatic pool-
should focus more on the pathogenic mechanisms of cen-
ing of blood in the splanchnic and dependent circulations
tral and peripheral neurodegeneration and less on treat-
and activation of the remaining cardiac sympathetic sys-
ments of the orthostatic hypotension.
tem, causing tachycardia on standing (24). Orthostatic in-tolerance is also associated with deficient functioning of the
renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (25), acute baro-
reflex failure (26), and excessive extravasation during or-
Dr. David Robertson (Clinical Research Center,
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Ten-
Some patients have orthostatic intolerance associated
nessee): Orthostatic hypotension and orthostatic intoler-
with a primary abnormality of sympathetic nervous func-
ance are not synonymous. Patients with orthostatic hypo-
tion, which results in augmented delivery of the sympa-
tension, a clinical sign, typically have a rapid decrease in
thetic neurotransmitter norepinephrine to its receptors
blood pressure exceeding 20/10 mm Hg and often cannot
during orthostasis. We present the case of a family with
756 5 November 2002 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 137 • Number 9
Dysautonomias NIH Conference
orthostatic intolerance for which we could identify a spe-
membrane norepinephrine transporter can produce ortho-
cific cause (27).
static tachycardia by amplifying delivery of norepinephrine
The index patient was a 33-year-old woman who had
to its receptors in the heart. We are studying the frequency
15 years of exertional dyspnea and tachycardia on standing.
of the proline-for-alanine substitution in other patients
She had typical orthostatic symptoms and occasional syn-
with orthostatic intolerance. We predict that mutations or
cope. A pacemaker had been implanted, and the symptoms
polymorphisms of other monoamine transporters will also
partially improved. The patient had been treated with
have clinically important manifestations.
-adrenoceptor blockers, clonidine, and fludrocortisone.
In normal patients, peroneal muscle sympathetic activ-
ity approximately doubles during orthostatic stress, with anapproximate doubling of the plasma norepinephrine con-
centration (28 –31). In this patient, there may have been
only an attenuated increase in sympathetic nerve traffic
Dr. Murray Esler (Baker Medical Research Institute,
while standing; however, the plasma norepinephrine level
Prahran, Victoria, Australia): Three conditions associated
increased by more than threefold.
with altered autonomic function that adversely affects
To explore this dissociation, we evaluated plasma nor-
health are neurogenic essential hypertension, psychogenic
epinephrine spillover and clearance by using the tracer
ischemic heart disease, and congestive heart failure. In
dilution technique described earlier. We found reduced
some patients with essential hypertension, chronic sympa-
systemic norepinephrine clearance during various interven-
thetic nervous activation may be a primary causal mecha-
nism. In panic disorder, acute episodes can evoke sympa-
We also measured the plasma level of DHPG, which,
thetic neuronal and adrenomedullary activation and
as noted earlier, is the intraneuronal metabolite of norepi-
precipitate coronary artery spasm. In heart failure, chroni-
nephrine. In the supine posture, the plasma DHPG level
cally elevated cardiac sympathetic tone probably contrib-
was higher than the norepinephrine level (a normal find-
utes to progressive deterioration of the myocardium and
ing), but with sustained upright posture, the plasma nor-
may serve as a target for therapy.
epinephrine level increased by threefold, whereas theDHPG level increased minimally. This neurochemical pat-
Neurogenic Essential Hypertension
tern seemed unusual in this patient. Because increments in
Approximately 40% of patients with untreated essen-
plasma DHPG levels during sympathetic stimulation de-
tial hypertension have chronically increased cardiac and
pend largely on neuronal reuptake of released norepineph-
renal spillover of norepinephrine and increased rates of ef-
rine, we hypothesized that the patient had deficient func-
ferent sympathetic nerve firing in the outflow to the skel-
tion of the cell membrane norepinephrine transporter,
etal muscle vasculature (27, 33, 34). These alterations are
which is responsible for inactivation of norepinephrine by
most evident in relatively young patients. The sympathetic
uptake-1. Tyramine is a substrate for the norepinephrine
activation originates within the central nervous system and
transporter, and the pressor effect of tyramine depends on
seems to be driven by noradrenergic projections from the
neuronal uptake of the sympathomimetic amine and dis-
brainstem to the forebrain (35).
placement of norepinephrine from storage vesicles in sym-
Chronic sympathetic nervous activation contributes to
pathetic nerves. During tyramine infusion, we found that
hypertension by stimulating the heart and elevating cardiac
the patient had a blunted pressor response compared with
output in the early phases; by neurally mediated vasocon-
other patients with orthostatic intolerance and normal per-sons.
striction; and, in the kidney, by augmenting renin secre-
The DNA sequence and polypeptide structure of the
tion and tubular reabsorption of sodium (27, 33, 34, 36,
plasma membrane norepinephrine transporter protein are
37). The renal sympathetic activation may be of particular
known (32). In our patient, we found a previously un-
importance for the development of the hypertension. In-
known polymorphism of the gene encoding this protein,
terestingly, the three most commonly used nonpharmaco-
which predicted a proline substitution for alanine at posi-
logic therapies to reduce blood pressure (calorie restriction,
tion 457 (27). Expression of the wild-type norepinephrine
weight loss, and exercise training) tend to inhibit sympa-
transporter in a cell line in vitro led to uptake of 3H-
thetic nervous system outflows (27).
norepinephrine from the medium, whereas cells expressing
A combination of high plasma norepinephrine levels
the transporter with the proline-for-alanine substitution
with augmented pressor responses to yohimbine (38) or
did not. Mixture of the two cell lines led to partial inhib-
augmented depressor responses to clonidine (39) identifies
itory effects, suggesting a dominant negative interaction.
patients in whom increased sympathetic nervous system
The pattern of altered upright plasma norepinephrine,
outflows contribute to high blood pressure—termed hy-
DHPG, and heart rate cosegregated with the norepineph-
pernoradrenergic hypertension. A reasonable hypothesis for
rine transporter mutation in this large family.
future testing is that laboratory profiling predicts long-term
These findings indicate that deficiency of the plasma
responses to different classes of antihypertensive agents.
5 November 2002 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 137 • Number 9
NIH Conference Dysautonomias
Figure 4. Peroneal sympathetic nerve traffic during a panic
epinephrine (45).
In most patients who experience panic disorder, epi-
nephrine is released into the cardiac venous drainage, evenwhen an attack is not occurring (45). Presumably, the car-diac sympathetic nerves extract epinephrine from the cir-culation during panic-induced surges of epinephrine secre-tion, and, subsequently, some of the epinephrine is releasedas a result of ongoing cardiac sympathetic nerve traffic. Therate of cardiac epinephrine spillover, measured by using thetracer dilution approach during concurrent administrationof 3H-norepinephrine and 3H-epinephrine, averages about20% of the norepinephrine spillover.
Some patients with panic disorder describe severe,
crushing precordial chest pain that resembles angina pec-toris. Electrocardiographic changes can indicate myocardialischemia in these patients (44). Coronary angiography isalso sometimes done when a patient has no evident coro-nary atherosclerosis but has coronary artery spasm during apanic attack that can be reversed with nitroglycerin.
Patients with mitral valve prolapse can report "auto-
nomic" symptoms, such as chest pain and palpitations,associated with panic or anxiety (46, 47). In general, suchpatients have normal values for indices of sympatheticfunction, at rest and during orthostasis (48, 49).
Congestive Heart Failure
Congestive heart failure is a third condition in which
increased sympathetic nervous system outflows adverselyaffect clinical outcome. According to an older concept thatwas derived from the finding of myocardial norepinephrine
During a panic attack, the amplitude of bursts of sympathetic nerve
depletion by Chidsey and colleagues (50), the failing heart
firing recorded by microneurography increases markedly.
is sympathetically denervated. This provided a rationale forthe long-term use of adrenergic agonists as cardiac ino-
tropes in patients with heart failure—a form of therapy
Distress, by increasing sympathetic and adrenomedul-
that subsequently proved unhelpful if not outright danger-
lary outflows, can trigger morbid or even mortal cardiovas-
cular events. For instance, there is unequivocal evidence of
Clinical and empirical research initiated by Swedish
increased cardiac risk in people caught in natural disasters,
cardiologists contradicted this concept. Patients with heart
such as earthquakes (40). In acute mental stress responses,
failure from dilated cardiomyopathy who were treated with
sympathetic nervous system activation preferentially targets
-adrenoceptor blockers had long-term improvement, not
the heart (41), providing a straightforward mechanism for
worsening, of their condition (51). Use of -adrenoceptor
precipitation of myocardial infarction or ventricular ar-
blockers in the treatment of heart failure from other causes
rhythmias in the presence of fixed coronary artery stenosis.
has slowly and progressively increased, and a new concept
Definitive proof does not exist, however, for a psycho-
of the neurobiology of heart failure has emerged (52).
somatic contribution to the long-term development of
It is by now clear that in cardiac failure, despite the
ischemic heart disease. There is accumulating support for
presence of low myocardial tissue concentrations of norepi-
increased cardiac risk in panic disorder (42) and depressive
nephrine, cardiac norepinephrine spillover is markedly in-
illness (43), but the bases for the increased risk remain
creased—in some cases by 50-fold (53, 54). In healthy
persons, such a high rate of norepinephrine release occurs
Occasionally, patients have a spontaneous episode of
only at near-maximal aerobic exercise. Moreover, an in-
panic while being monitored during cardiac catheterization
crease in cardiac sympathoneural outflow, as indicated by
(44). This allows assessment of neurophysiologic and
cardiac norepinephrine spillover, characterizes early heart
neurocirculatory aspects of the attack. During a panic at-
failure at a stage when more generalized sympathetic stim-
tack, the amplitude of bursts of sympathetic nerve firing
ulation does not occur (55).
recorded by microneurography increases markedly (
Prospective studies have shown that the extent of sym-
4), accompanied by increased adrenomedullary secretion of
pathetic stimulation of the failing heart potently and inde-
758 5 November 2002 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 137 • Number 9
Dysautonomias NIH Conference
pendently predicts early death (56). This could reflect
(71, 72). The latest estimates in four U.S. cities indicate
more recruitment of cardiac sympathetic outflow in pa-
200 to 250 cases per 100 000 persons.
tients with worse heart failure, acceleration of cardiac de-
Hypothesized causes for CFS abound. For many years,
compensation as a result of increased sympathetic outflows,
researchers considered CFS infectious but obtained no
or both. The increases in sympathetic outflow are compen-
proof (73). Others viewed CFS as an immunologic disor-
satory because cardiac transplantation normalizes total-
der. Although cumulative data suggest some immune dif-
body and regional norepinephrine spillovers (57). Never-
ferences between patients with CSF and control patients,
theless, chronic increases in cardiac sympathoneural
the literature does not support a primary immune dysfunc-
outflow might worsen the heart failure by augmenting car-
tion (74). Many patients with CFS are highly inactive and
diac hypertrophy, for example (58), which would decrease
have decreased exercise tolerance, suggesting physical de-
myocardial compliance and diminish cardiac baroreceptor
conditioning. A substantial number have difficulty sleeping
restraint of sympathetic nervous system outflows, and by
(75), depression, or anxiety, indicating an affective compo-
promoting apoptosis of myocardial cells (59). If these
nent (76). Several studies implicate a neuroendocrine dis-
events occurred simultaneously, the likelihood of one or
more positive feedback loops could increase, inducing a
Finally, data first reported by Rowe and colleagues
downward clinical spiral.
(78, 79) suggested a form of dysautonomia in patients with
These concepts rationalize treatment with -adreno-
CFS (78 – 81). When evaluated by prolonged head-up tilt-
ceptor blockers or other drugs affecting sympathetic neu-
ing at a 70-degree angle, more than 60% of patients with
roeffector function (60). Cautious use of -blockade seems
CFS have abnormal blood pressure or pulse rate responses,
beneficial in patients with heart failure related to ischemic
with sudden hypotension or severe bradycardia or tachy-
or idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. The novel drug
cardia, which is accompanied by a decreased level of con-
carvedilol, which features -adrenoceptor blockade, ␣1-
sciousness—a phenomenon termed neurally mediated hy-
adrenoceptor blockade, and antioxidant properties, seems
especially promising (61, 62). Large-scale clinical trials
By contrast, patients with neurally mediated hypoten-
with other -adrenoceptor blockers are under way. Results
sion, whether manifested clinically as postural tachycardia
of attempts to improve clinical status or survival in patients
or neurocardiogenic syncope, often report chronic fatigue.
with heart failure by blocking ␣1-adrenoceptors using pra-
For many years, it has been thought that a combination of
zosin have been disappointing (63); the benefit of inhibit-
a left ventricular hypercontractile state with decreased car-
ing catecholamine synthesis using ␣-methyl-
p-tyrosine (64)
diac filling precipitates neurocardiogenic syncope via "col-
or of inhibiting sympathetic outflow using clonidine (65,
lapse firing" of cardiac or central venous baroreceptors (82,
66) remains uncertain.
83). Recent studies have not supported aspects of thishypothesis because syncope usually is attended by a precip-itous decrease in sympathetic nervous system outflow with-
out clear preceding ventricular hypovolemia or hypercon-
tractility (84, 85).
Dr. Stephen E. Straus (National Center for Comple-
Most patients with orthostatic intolerance due to sym-
mentary and Alternative Medicine, NIH, Bethesda, Mary-
pathetic neurocirculatory failure benefit from treatment
land): The chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized
with the sodium-retaining steroid fludrocortisone com-
by new, unexplained fatigue that lasts for at least 6 months,
bined with a high-salt diet. In preliminary, uncontrolled
is not relieved by rest, and has no clear cause (67– 69). The
studies, many patients with CFS also seemed to benefit
syndrome is associated with four or more new symptoms,
from this combination (79). In a recent placebo-controlled
such as memory or concentration problems, sore throat,
clinical trial of this therapeutic approach (86), 100 patients
tender lymphadenopathy, myalgia, arthralgia, headache,
with CFS who had positive results on tilt-table testing took
unrefreshing sleep, and postexertional malaise. The cogni-
escalating doses of placebo or fludrocortisone for 9 weeks.
tive problems and fatigue are the most disconcerting as-
Symptoms improved in 10% of the placebo recipients and
pects for patients.
in 14% of patients receiving fludrocortisone—a statistically
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a sporadic illness with
nonsignificant difference. The ability to tolerate tilt also
occasional, poorly understood geographic clusters (70).
did not improve, and there was no correlation between the
Despite substantial work, there is no evidence for conta-
tilt-table test measures and any of the self-rating categories.
gion or seasonal or geographic differences. Women are af-
Thus, CFS is a fairly common, incompletely under-
fected two to three times as often as men. The syndrome
stood disorder that overlaps clinically with dysautonomias.
seems to be less prevalent in minority groups, but this
The basis for the relationship between the two types of
finding may reflect ascertainment biases. Young, middle-
conditions continues to elude us. Treatment with fludro-
aged persons are most often affected. Depending on the
cortisone does not seem to improve orthostatic intolerance
definition of CFS used and the epidemiologic tool, 10 to
in patients with CFS. Other possibly effective treatments
1000 per 100 000 persons in the United States have CFS
include the orally active ␣-adrenoceptor agonist midodrine
5 November 2002 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 137 • Number 9
NIH Conference Dysautonomias
and -adrenoceptor blockers (87). Whether effective treat-
to provoke me" (88). This proved to be one of the most
ment of orthostatic intolerance actually improves the sense
ironic statements in medical history, for on 16 October
of chronic fatigue in patients with CFS remains unknown.
1793, incensed at remarks criticizing him at a meeting ofthe board of governors of St. George's Hospital, he left theroom, collapsed, and dropped dead. At autopsy, his body
demonstrated severe coronary arteriosclerosis.
Controversy surrounding the "type A coronary prone
Dr. David S. Goldstein (Clinical Neurocardiology
behavior pattern" (89) probably stunted the growth of neu-
Section, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland): Clinical
rocardiology as a medical discipline. The roles of personal-
neurocardiology deals with interrelationships between dys-
ity and distress in the development of atherosclerosis re-
function in the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Topics
main contentious. As used here, "neurocardiology"
in clinical neurocardiology include normal and abnormal
includes both well-accepted clinical entities, such as auto-
neural and neuroendocrine regulation of the cardiovascular
nomic failure and stroke-induced myocardial necrosis, and
system, diseases that feature concurrent neural and cardio-
persistently mysterious conditions, such as chronic ortho-
vascular pathology, effects of cardiovascular pathologic
static intolerance, neurocardiogenic syncope, and CFS.
states on nervous system function, and diseases of embyro-
Research in clinical neurocardiology is mainly patient
logic development and senescence of neurocirculatory reg-
oriented. Several disorders under the umbrella of "dysau-
ulation. Because of the key roles played by the autonomic
tonomia" have no cellular or animal model. For some,
nervous system in neurocirculatory regulation, dysautono-
neuroendocrine, autonomic, physiologic, and psychologi-
mias constitute a major portion of clinical neurocardiology
cal alterations seem bound inextricably, and traditional
research and practice.
borders among "mind," "brain," and "body" blur (90).
The ideas that the brain affects the heart and that
We predict further use of the neurochemical, neuro-
emotion-related alterations in cardiovascular function
imaging, and molecular genetic techniques highlighted
might cause or contribute to disease are not new. In fact, in
here to discover bases for predispositions to hypofunctional
William Harvey's 17th book,
Exercitatio Anatomica de
dysautonomias, such as CFS and neurocardiogenic syn-
Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus (in English, "On
cope, and to hyperfunctional dysautonomias, such as the
the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals"), the same
postural tachycardia syndrome, hypernoradrenergic hyper-
landmark book that introduced the concept of the circula-
tension, and melancholic depression (91). Progress in this
tion of the blood, Harvey also noted links among emo-
field will depend on interdisciplinary collaboration and de-
tions, the brain, the heart, and disease:
velopment of theoretical frameworks for understanding theintegrative functions of homeostatic systems.
For every affection of the mind that is attended witheither pain or pleasure, hope or fear, is the cause of an
This report has not covered dysautonomias compre-
agitation whose influence extends to the heart, and
hensively. Familial dysautonomia, baroreflex failure, adre-
there induces change from the natural constitution, in
nomedullary hyperplasia, "autonomic epilepsy," reflex
the temperature, the pulse and the rest, which impair-
sympathetic dystrophy, stroke-induced myocardial necro-
ing all nutrition in its source and abating the powers at
sis, and diabetic autonomic neuropathy received no atten-
large, it is no wonder that various forms of incurable
tion. Instead, we have attempted to sketch a large spectrum
disease in the extremities and in the trunk are the con-
with a few hues. Interested readers should consult more
sequence, inasmuch as in such circumstances the whole
comprehensive recent reviews (92, 93).
body labours under the effects of vitiated nutrition anda want of native heat.
From National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda,Maryland; Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, Tennes-
The death of Dr. John Hunter, the noted 18th-
see; Baker Medical Research Institute, Prahran, Victoria, Australia; and
century Scottish surgeon, is probably the earliest, best-doc-
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, NationalInstitutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
umented, and most ironic illustration of emotion worsen-ing a cardiovascular pathologic state. By all accounts,
Acknowledgments: The authors thank Courtney Holmes, CMT, and
Hunter was notorious for impatience, defensive argument,
Sandra Brentzel, RN, Clinical Neurocardiology Section, National Insti-
and irrational outbursts— epitomizing what today might
tute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, Bethesda, Maryland; Dr. Si-
be called a hostile "type A" personality. In 1785, he began
mon Bruce, formerly of the National Institute of Child Health and
to experience angina pectoris, a syndrome his friend Wil-
Development, Bethesda, Maryland; Dr. Jacques Lenders, University of
liam Heberden had only recently described. Despite having
Nijmegen, the Netherlands; Drs. Italo Biaggioni, Nancy Flattern, John
autopsied one of Heberden's patients with angina, Hunter
Shannon, and Randy Blakely, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine,Nashville, Tennessee; Dr. Jens Jordan, Berlin, Germany; Dr. Giris Jacob,
either never recognized or never admitted his own condi-
Haifa, Israel; and Drs. Hugh Calkins and Peter Rowe, Johns Hopkins
tion for what it was. He did recognize the relationship
School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland. They also thank the nursing,
between emotional upset and his symptoms when he
technical, and support staff of the Vanderbilt Autonomic Dysfunction
claimed, "My life is at the mercy of any rogue who chooses
Center and of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
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Then he felt so bad that he agreed to a visit from a doctor with the condition that he(the doctor) wouldn't examine him, nor ask questions about his pains, nor attempt togive him anything to drink. "Only to talk, he said.
The electee could not have matched his desires more. His name was HerculesGastelbondo, and he was an old man blessed with happiness; he was huge andplacid with a shining dome of total baldness and the patience of a drowned man,and that alone would relieve the illnesses of others. His skepticism and scientificcourage were famous on the whole coast. He prescribed chocolate cream and meltedcheese for bile distress, advised love-making during digestive lethargy as a goodpalliative for a long life, smoked endless carter's cigarettes done up in brownwrapping paper, and prescribed them for the sick against every type of malady ofthe body. The patients said that he never cured them fully, but that he entertainedthem with his flowery words. He exploded in plebeian laughter.
"The other doctors may kill as many sick people as me," he said. "But with me, theydie happier."
Gabriel Garcı´a Ma´rquez
El General en Su Laberinto (The General in His Labyrinth)Barcelona: Plaza & Jane´s; 1998;219-20
Submitted by:Leonard M. Rubin, MDChestnut Hill, MA 02467
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The Editor
5 November 2002 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 137 • Number 9
Current Author Addresses: Drs. Goldstein and Eisenhofer: Clinical
Dr. Murray Esler: Baker Medical Research Institute, Commercial Road,
Neurocardiology Section, National Institute of Neurological Disorders
3181 Prahran, Victoria, Australia.
and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Building 10, Room 6N252,
Dr. Stephen Straus: National Center for Complementary and Alternative
10 Center Drive MSC-1620, Bethesda, MD 20892-1620.
Medicine, NIH, Building 31 Room 5B37, 31 Center Drive, MSC-2182,
Dr. David Robertson: Director, Center for Space Physiology and Med-
Bethesda, MD 20892-2182.
icine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN 37232-2195.
Annals of Internal Medicine Volume • Number
Source: Fachinformation zu Weight Gainer Konzentraten / Pulver, professioneller Ernährung im Krafttraining, Bodybuilding, Kraftaufbau, Fettabbau, Fettreduktion und Masseaufbau: Weight Gainer Konzentrate/Pulver 500 Kalorien…, 900 Kalorien…, 1300 Kalorien…, 3500 Kalorien…, wer bietet mehr? Der Wettbewerb unter den Weight Gainer Präparaten ist voll entbrannt. Gesucht wird die höchste Kalorienzahl pro Portionsgrösse. Lang ist es her, als Mitte der Siebziger Jahre mit Joe Weider s legendärem Crash Weight Gain No. 7 der erste sogenannte Weight Gainer auf den Kraftsport- und Budybuildingmarkt geworfen wurde. War das Pulverkonzentrat damals noch in drei kg schweren Büchsen abgepackt, so verwendet man/frau heute Plastikbecher oder Beutel von der Grösse Damentasche. Auch die Portionsgrössen haben sich etwas verändert. Der Esslöffel, ehemals Messstab für die Abmessung einer Einzelration, hat ausgedient und wurde durch die Kutterschaufel ersetzt. Denn anders ist es nicht möglich, die vom Hersteller/Verkäufer angegebene, teilweise immensen Kalorienzahlen pro Portion zusammen zu kriegen. So muss der/die Athlet/in z.B. bei einem populärem Weight Gainer mehr als 400 Gramm Pulver (über 10 gehäufte Esslöffel) mit einem halben Liter Vollmilch verrühren, damit die auf dem Etikett ausgewiesenen 2000 kcal pro Shake überhaupt möglich sind. Um nicht falsch verstanden zu werden, Weight Gainer können vielen Kraft- und Ausdauersportlern hilfreiche Zusatzpräparate sein, wie nachfolgend noch ausführlich erörtert wird, nur der eingangs erwähnte Kampf um die höchste Kalorienzahl ist nicht mehr als ein billiger Werbetrick. Eine einfache Rechnung genügt, um zu erkennen, dass die Menge der Kalorien pro Einnahme lediglich dadurch nach oben getrieben wird, dass sich die Portionengrösse erhöht. Das Etikett vieler Weight Gainer verrät nämlich, dass die Kalorienzahl pro 100 Gramm Pulverkonzentrat bei allen Produkten nahezu gleich ist. Da die meisten Weight Gainer kein oder nur sehr wenig Fett enthalten, kann der Brennwert nicht höher als 400 kcal je 100 Gramm Pulver liegen. Sowohl Protein als auch Kohlenhydrate besitzen praktisch die gleiche kcal pro Gramm, nämlich 4,1 kcal. Egal in welchem Verhältnis Protein und Kohlenhydrate in Ihrem Weight Gainer Präparat vorliegen, mehr als 100g dieser beiden Nährstoffe können 100 Gramm Pulver nun einmal nicht beigemischt werden. Multipliziert man das 100 Gramm schwere Protein/Kohlenhydrat Gemisch mit dem Brennwert von 4,1 Kalorien/Gramm, so ergeben sich die angesprochenen 400 Kalorien. Selbst durch die Zugabe einiger Gramm MCT-Öls auf Kosten des Protein-Kohlenhydrat-Gehaltes steigt der Kaloriengehalt pro 100 Gramm nicht signifikant an. Vollmundige Behauptungen wie 2000 Kalorien pro Portion bedeutet in der Praxis, fast ein halbes Kilogramm Pulverkonzentrat in sich hineinzuschaufeln. Die Kalorienzahl kann deshalb für die Auswahl eines guten Weight Gainers nicht als Kriterium herangezogen werden.
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