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NJOG 2008 May-June; 3(1): 3 - 9
New concepts in pathogenesis and management
of polycystic ovarian syndrome:
Insulin resistance and role of insulin sensitizers
Rashmi Prasad Yadav
National Academy of Medical Sciences, Bir Hospital.
AbstractPolycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is classically characterized by the clinical triad of androgen excess,anovulation infertility and obesity. Anovulation occurs due to functional ovarian and/or adrenalhyperandrogenism. The etiology and patho physiology of PCOS is unknown .Proposed theories includeexcess of gonadotropins; the effect of which is amplified by disturbances in intrinsic regulatory peptides, suchas inhibin or extrinsic regulatory peptides, such as insulin or insulin like growth factor ( IGF). For over 25years insulin resistance has been known to be associated with PCOS. Improvement in insulin resistance withthe use of insulin sensitizers, such as metformin and thiazoldinediones (TZDs) have been seen to be associatedwith better ovulation and reduced testosterone levels in patients with PCOS.
Aims: The aim of the present review is to discuss the new concepts in the pathogenesis of PCOS and to knowusefulness of insulin sensitizers in such patients.
Methods: Over 50 articles extending the span of more than 25 years have been reviewed and an attempthas been made to know the etiopathogenesis of PCOS and also to assess the validity for the uses of insulinsensitizers in patients of PCOS.
Results: With the advancement of knowledge regarding etiopathogenesis, the management of PCOS haschanged in recent years. In view of positive association between hyperinsulinemia and PCOS, improvementin insulin resistance through weight loss and use of insulin sensitizing drugs has been recommended.
Conclusions: Besides symptomatic treatment, recent studies recommend use of insulin sensitizers inmanagement in PCOS for better outcome in them.
ey words: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), Insulin resistance (IR) Insulin sensitizers (IS).
associated with PCOS. The pathophysiolgy of PCOSis a complex and as yet not fully understood, so the
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), previously
management of PCOS remains a challenge.
known as Stein –Leventhal syndrome, is classicallycharacterized by the clinical triad of androgen excess,
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is characterized
anovulation, infertility and obesity where anovulation
clinically by persistent anovulation and is associated
occurs due to functional ovarian hyperandrogenism
with varied manifestations such as enlarged polycystic
and / or functional adrenal hyperandrogenism. It is
ovaries, secondary amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea and
associated with manifestations such as enlarged
infertility. According to an estimate by Dunaif 1et al 5-
polycystic ovaries, secondary amenorrhea or
10% of women in the reproductive age have polycystic
oligomenorrhea, hirsuitism and infertility. For over 25
ovarian syndrome. Besides, chronic anovulation and
years insulin resistance has been known to be
irregular bleeding, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Dr Rashmi Prasad YadavAssociate Professor, Obstetrics and GynecologyC/o Dr Chandra Mohan Yadav, GPO 8975, EPC2189, Jwalakhel, Lalitpur; Kathmandu; Nepal.
E-mail: [email protected]; Mobile :+977-9841295567
Rashmi Prasad Yadav
is characterized by hyperandrogenism which may be
release and gonadotropin responses to multidose GnRH
present in the absence of hyperandrogenemia in those
were similar prior to and during a 12-h euglycemic –
women in reproductive age who have enhanced tissue
hyperinsulinemic clamp.9 It was thought that lack of
sensitivity to androgens. According to the revised
insulin effect may result in insulin resistance, which is
guidelines of the Rotterdam PCOS Consensus
a common feature of PCOS.10 However, it was later
Workshop Group (2003), for diagnosing PCOS, a woman
demonstrated that even after improvement of insulin
must show two of the following three criteria:2
sensitivity with insulin sensitizers, like; pioglitazone
Irregular menstruation or anovulation
treatment , there was no difference in baseline LH values,
Clinical and biochemical signs of
LH pulsatility, or maximally stimulated percent of LH
increment following GnRH with or without insulin
Enlarged ovaries with a volume > 10 ml; 12
infusion in women with PCOS.11 Although a LH:FSH
or more follicles in longitudinal and
ratio of >2 was part of the diagnostic criteria for PCOS,
anteroposterior diameter each. The multiple
it was observed by Arroyo et al12 that obese women
cysts measuring 2-9 mm cysts are arranged
with PCOS do not necessarily have elevated LH levels.
Therefore, a normal LH level or LH:FSH ratio does notrule out a diagnosis of PCOS. Currently, the LH:FSH
It is important to remember that polycystic ovaries are
ratio is not included in the diagnostic criteria of the
not a necessary feature of PCOS and also that many of
these women with PCOS are not the ones withpolycystic ovaries. A chance finding of polycystic
Under the influence of low but constant levels of FSH,
ovary on ultrasound evaluation should not be
multiple ovarian follicles are stimulated which do not
considered as PCOS unless it is corroborated with
achieve maturation. The life span of the follicles get
clinical evidences. In a case of PCOS, androgen excess
extended to several months, leading to multifollicular
may be with or without skin manifestations.
cysts .These leutinised follicles are arrested in response
Approximately, 50% women with PCOS are obese and
to constant and relatively high levels of LH that provide
tend to have an android pattern of obesity.3
a constant supply of steroids. Whereas an atretic follicledeficient in aromatase activity may become an
Chronic anovulation may present as irregular
androgenic follicle. Cultured follicular cells from the
menstruation or amenorrhea. It is not essential to
small follicles of polycystic ovaries produce small
document anovulation by ultrasound or by hormonal
amounts of estradiol but show a dramatic increase in
assay, (progesterone measurements) in the presence
estrogen production when stimulated by FSH or
of clear clinical history. PCOS occurs in 85- 90% of
Insulin-like growth-factor-1(IGF-1).13 FSH therapy
women with oligomenorrhea and in 30-40% of women
induces a larger number of follicles to develop in
with amenorrhea.4 Anovulation in women with PCOS
women with PCOS as compared with other women with
is associated with steady state levels of hyper-
infertility without PCOS.14 And hence, there is the
gonadotrophic hyperestrogenemia. Constant exposure
validity in proposition that a deficient
in vivo ovarian
of estrogen leads to proliferation and hyperplasia of
response to FSH, possibly due to impaired interaction
the endometrium and this can causes unpredictable
between signaling pathways associated with FSH and
episodes of vaginal bleeding. Unexposed estrogen
IGF-1, may be a key event in the pathogenesis of
exposure can be confirmed by progesterone withdrawal
anovulation in PCOS.
test done after a negative urine pregnancy test.
The other problem hyperandrogenism is usually
Gonadotropins, androgens, and ovarian
suggested by the presence of hirsuitism (occurring in
steroids in PCOS
approximately 80% of PCOS sufferers) and it can bedocumented by measuring androgen levels in the
Women with PCOS have higher mean concentrations
blood. In PCOS, free testosterone is the most frequently
of leutinizing hormone (LH), increased bioactivity of
elevated steroid in the blood. Circulating levels of total
LH and low –normal levels of follicle stimulating
testosterone, androstenedione and dehydro-
hormone.5 The precise mechanism(s) responsible for
epiandrosterone (DHEA) are also elevated. In obese
enhanced LH secretion in PCOS are not completely
women with PCOS sex hormone binding globulin
understood, although, studies have demonstrated a
(SHBG) levels are decreased (the effect of obesity
potential influence of hypothalamic gonadotropin
se) and this leads to an increase in free testosterone
releasing hormone (GnRH) activity and ovarian steroid
levels. Furthermore, insulin is a negative regulator of
feedback.6 Although in
in vitro studies, insulin has
the production of SHBG by the liver, and SHBG levels
been implicated as a potential regulator of LH secretion
are decreased in hyperinsulinemic conditions such as
in PCOS in dose dependent manner, the similar results
the metabolic syndrome and visceral obesity.15 Besides
have not been found in vivo studies.7, 8 Pulsatile LH
the level of DHEA Sulfate is also elevated in blood and
New concepts in pathogenesis and management of polycystic ovarian syndrome.
are exclusively secreted by the adrenal glands, the
estimate about 20-40% of women with PCOS have
mechanism of which remains elusive. However, insulin
impaired glucose tolerance, which is approximately 7-
and IGF-1 have been shown to upregulate adrenal 17-
times higher than the rates seen in age and weight
hydroxylase and 17, 20- lyase activity.16
matched control.10 In addition, the prevalence of type 2diabetes is increased in women with PCOS compared
PCOS, insulin resistance inflammation,
with women without PCOS (15% v/s 2.3%)27. Lean
and cardiovascular disease
women with PCOS have lower rates of carbohydrateintolerance. However, carbohydrate intolerance in lean
Insulin resistance (IR) has been regarded as a silent
women with PCOS have higher rates than weight- and
condition which is known to be associated with an
age - matched controls. Thus, PCOS is associated with
increased incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD)
insulin resistance independently of total or fat-free body
and atherosclerosis and now it is considered to be
mass. Obese women with PCOS are more insulin
inflammatory disorder.17 IR has been associated
resistant than obese non –PCOS or non –obese women
recently with increased levels of inflammatory
with PCOS.10,28 Ehrmann29 et al showed pancreatic α-
mediators in the blood.18 Therefore, studies have been
cell dysfunction in a subset of women with PCOS. This
conducted to review the levels of inflammation in
subset of women is likely to have the highest risk of
PCOS. Gonzalez19 et al. noted increased levels of tumor
developing carbohydrate intolerance and type 2
necrosis factor –α, In cytokine that causes insulin
diabetes. The Rotterdam Consensus Panel recommend
resistance and is secreted by adipose tissue in women
oral glucose tolerance tests for obese women with
with PCOS compared with controls. Lean women with
PCOS.2 In a study by Peppard30 et al (2001), among
PCOS have higher TNF-α level than lean normal women
women with type -2 diabetes, 8 were found to have
while the levels were similar in obese women with PCOS
and obese controls. Kelly et al. noted significantly
The first step in the action of insulin involves binding
increased levels of C-reactive proteins (CRP) and tissue
to the cell surface receptor. Insulin resistance is
plasminogen activators (tPA) in women with PCOS
characterized by a post receptor defect in the action of
compared with healthy weight matched controls.20
insulin, the cause of which is as yet uncertain.31 After
However when adjusted for insulin sensitivity, CRP
insulin binding the receptor undergoes auto-
was no longer significantly different between groups
phosphorylation on specific tyrosine residue
but the difference in tPA levels remained. Women with
(accomplished by Insulin Receptor Tyrosine Kinase
PCOS have been shown to have higher plasminogen
[IRTK]. The activated receptors then activates insulin
activator inhibitor type-1(PAI-1); however, the levels
receptor substrates (such as IRS-1,2,3) that in turn bind
were not significantly different from controls.21 Besides,
to signaling molecules such as phosphatidylinositol-
in one study, PA-I levels were not significantly different
3) kinase and activate downstream signaling leading
from controls when adjusted for body mass index
to insulin- mediated glucose transfer.32 Abnormalities
in both IRTK activity and in mediators distal to thereceptor are present in insulin resistant states. Serine
While the different studies suggest that PCOS is
phosphorylation of the insulin receptors decreases
associated with a state of increased inflammation; as
IRTK activity33. This is the probable mechanism of TNF-
yet clinical studies have not shown increased rate of
α induced insulin resistance, since serine
cardiovascular disease in PCOS.23However, the
phosphorylation of P450c17-á hydroxylase (the key
beneficial effect of drugs thiazolidinediones and
regulatory enzyme of androgen biosynthesis) increases
metformin is considered partly due to the decrease in
enzyme activity leading to androgen biosynthesis.34,35
the inflammatory response associated with their uses.
Serine phosphorylation has been noted to associate
Troglitazone has been shown to reduce PAI-1 levels
with decreased IRTK auto-phosphorylation. It is
and improve endothelial – dependent vasodilation in
possible that a single defect (serine phosphorylation)
women with PCOS may be partly due to the decrease
can produce both insulin resistance and hyper-
in inflammation caused with its use.In addition,
andogenism in a subgroup of PCOS women.36 In the
metformin too, has been shown to decrease PAI-1 and
study by Lin37 et al., insulin stimulated lactate
CRP levels in PCOS patients.24,25
production in granulose-lutein cells was reduced inwomen with PCOS as compared to those women who
Insulin Resistance and PCOS
were normal ovulatory.
In vitro, human theca cellstudies have shown that insulin has direct stimulatory
Burghen26 et al. in 1980 noted a significant positive
effects on ovarian steroidogenesis.
association between insulin, androstenedione, andtestosterone levels among women with PCOS.
Similarly, Nestler37 et al. showed that insulin produced
Subsequent studies confirmed insulin-resistance to be
a greater increase in androgen production by theca
the cause of hyperandrogenism. According to an
cells isolates from women with PCOS compared with
Rashmi Prasad Yadav
subjects without PCOS, and that this effect was
mediated specifically through the insulin receptor ratherthan through the IGF receptor cross- talk. There are
The thiazolidinediones are the peroxisome proliferator-
some data to suggest that insulin enhances the effect
activated receptors (PPARs) agonists.The PPARs are
of LH on pre-ovulatory ovarian follicles causing
a subfamily of the 48-member nuclear –receptor
premature activation and subsequent follicular
superfamily and they regulate gene expressions in
response to ligand binding.The putative ligandmediated activation of PPAR-γ2 by troglitazone(TZD)
Hence, it is suggested, that the hyperinsulinemia (due
impairs androgen and stimulates progesterone
to insulin resistance) drives the LH effects on ovarian
biosynthesis in primary cultures of porcine theca cells
theca cells to cause androgen excesses that are
by blocking the expressions of the cytochrome P450-
intrinsically programmed to produce more androgen.39
17-α hydroxylase / C17-20 lyase gene and cytochrome
Excess androgens are known to interfere with the
P protein phosphorylation, which decreases the LH-
process of follicular maturation, thus, inhibiting
insulin driven theca cell androgen production.47,48
ovulation and adding to the population of arrestedfollicles.40 It has been postulated that PCOS ovaries
In clinical studies, TZDs lower fasting and post prandial
are more resistant to the metabolic effect of insulin
glucose concentration.49 Insulin concentration
than to the steroidogenic effects.1
decreases in most studies. Such changes indicate thatTZDs act as insulin sensitizers. Treatment with TZDs,
It is known that insulin resistance has been associated
like, troglitazone, for 3-6 months increases insulin
with increased levels of inflammatory mediators in the
stimulated glucose uptake in peripheral tissues.50,51 In
blood.18 Recently; it has been shown that in response
similar studies, TZDs increase hepatic sensitivity to
to the hyperglycemia, the generation of reactive oxygen
insulin i.e, ability of insulin to suppress endogeneous
species from mononuclear cells (MNCs) is increased
glucose production, and insulin sensitivity in adipose
in PCOS independently of obesity40. In addition,
tissue (measured from the ability of insulin to suppress
intranuclear and inhibitory nuclear factor-κB increase
free fatty acid concentrations.52
and decrease the number of MNCs respectively,independent of obesity41.This has been speculated to
In women with PCOS, TZDs have been shown to
be a cardinal inflammatory signal that contributes to
improve androgen levels, ovulation rate and enhance
the induction of insulin resistance and hyper-
androgenism in PCOS. Although, further studies areneeded to clarify selective insulin resistance
Conclusion and recommendation
As yet, etiopathogenesis of PCOS remains unsettled.
Role of insulin sensitizers in PCOS
Deregulation of steroidogenesis has been associatedwith insulin resistance, though; insulin resistance is
not the part of the diagnostic criteria for PCOS. Weightloss is known to be helpful in the improving insulin
Metformin is biguanide that is used to reduce plasma
resistance, but it is difficult to achieve and retain.
glucose concentrations in type 2 diabetics. In these
Besides, a large number of women with PCOS are lean
patients, metformin does not lead to weight gain and
but insulin resistant. Antiandrogen therapy in PCOS is
can induce weight loss in some. Metformin primarily
used for control of symptoms. Oral contraceptive
works by reducing hepatic glucose production, and
hormones are used for regularization of endometrial
inhibiting gluconeogenesis both directly and indirectly
shedding and protection. Induction of ovulation is
(by decreasing free fatty acid concentrations).42,43 There
offered to those who seek treatment for infertility.Role
are some data to suggest that metformin has a favorable
of insulin sensitizers are unique in PCOS due to the
effect on body mass index, menstrual cyclicity and
fact that they offer to the sufferer of PCOS both
ovulation induction in women with PCOS. Studies have
metabolic and gynaecologic benefits. And so, PCOS
shown reductions in androgen levels and
should be recognized as an indication for TZDs and
improvements in ovulation when metformin was given
metformin treatment, in view of insulin resistance in
for a duration of 10-24 weeks. However, these effects
were secondary to weight loss.44 In addition; metforminhas been found to reduce the high rates of gestationaldiabetes in those with PCOS.45
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