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Point of Care Diagnostics
with extra opiates
Multi Drug Screen teSt
Dipscan 10 Plus is an immunochromatography based one step in vitro The appearance of a line next to the Control "C" and the absence of a line
test. It is designed for qualitative determination of drug substances in human
next to the Test "T" indicates a positive result. This is an indication the
urine specimens. This assay may be used in the point of care setting. Below
level of tested drug(s) in the specimen is above the cut-off level.
is a list of drug groups and their cut-off concentrations used in this test:-
The absence of a line in the Control "C" arean is an invalid result. Retest
AMP Amphetamines
300 ng/ml of d-amphetamine
the sample with a new device. Follow the test procedure closely.
BZD Benzodiazepines
200 ng/ml of oxazepam
BUP Buprenorphine
10 ng/ml of Buprenorphine-3-β-d-glucoronide
300 ng/ml of benzoylecgonine
300 ng/ml of methadone
MET Methamphetamines 300 ng/ml of (+)methamphetamine
Each component strip of
Dipscan 10 Plus is based on the principle of
specific immunochemical reaction between antibodies and antigen to
300 ng/ml of morphine
analyze particular compound in human urine specimen. The assay relies
100 ng/ml of oxycodone
on the competition for binding antibody. When drug is present in the
THC Cannabinoid (THC) 50 ng/ml of 11-nor-9-THC-9-COOH
urine specimen, it competes with drug conjugate for the limited amount of
200 ng/ml of Tramadol
antibody-dye conjugate. When the amount of drug is equal or more than
the cut-off, it will prevent the binding of drug conjugate to the antibody.
NB. Dipscan 10 Plus is set to the AS/NZS 4308 Australian/New Zealand
Therefore, a positive urine specimen will not show a coloured band on the
Standards cut-off levels for AMP, BZD, COC, MET, OPI, THC. Cut-off
test line zone, indicating a positive result, while the presence of a coloured
levels for BUP, MTD, OXY, TRA are not specified in the Standards.
band indicates a negative result.
A control line is present in the test window to work as procedural control.
1. Collect at least 50ml of urine.
This coloured band should always appear on the control line zone if the test
device is stored in good condition and the test is performed appropriately.
2. Remove the test card from sealed foil pouch.
The Control line serves to validate the results.
3. Remove the protective cap and place the revealed strips into the urine
4. Hold there until the urine is seen to visibly migrate up each of the ten test
The test device should be stored at 2 to 30oC and will be effective until the
windows. Do not allow the urine to touch the plastic section of the device.
expiration date stated on the package. The product is humidity-sensitive and
should be used immediately after being open.
5. Remove from the urine, replace the cap and place the test on a flat dry
6. Read the results at 5-8 minutes after adding the sample.
For in vitro diagnostic and forensic use only.
Do not interpret the result after 10 minutes.
Do not use the product beyond the expiration date.
Handle all specimens as potentially infectious.
Do not open foil pouch until it is ready to be tested.
Use a new urine specimen cup for each sample to avoid cross
The appearance of a line next to the Control "C" and Test "T" indicates a
negative result. The negative result does not indicate the absence of drug
in the specimen; it only indicates the level of tested drug in the specimen is
Samples greater than 50ml are required for this test. Fresh urine does not
less than the cut-off level. Please note that the colour intensity of Test "T"
require any special handling or pretreatment. Specimen should be collected
lines can vary.
in a clean, dry, plastic or glass container. If the assay is not performed
Free Call Aust : 1800 640 075
Free Call NZ : 0800 155 550
Email Australia : [email protected]
Email New Zealand : [email protected]
Point of Care Diagnostics
immediately, urine specimen may be refrigerated at 2-8 °C or frozen up to
systems to produce respiratory and circulatory depression. Methadone
7 days. Specimens should be brought to room temperature before testing.
also produces miosis and increases the tone of smooth muscle in the lower
Urine specimens exhibiting a large amount of precipitate or turbidity should
gastrointestinal tract while decreasing the amplitude of contractions. Acute
be centrifuged or allowed to settle before testing.
higher doses induce analgesia, sedation, respiratory depression and coma.
After methadone administration, the major urinary excretion products
are methadone and its metabolites, EDDP and EMDP. Large individual
The control band is an internal reagent and procedural control. It will appear
variations in the urine excretion of methadone are output of methadone
in each of the test's ten windows if the test has been performed correctly and
from 5-22%. Typically, following a 5 mg oral dose, methadone and EDDP
the reagents are reactive.
account for 5% of the dose in the 24-hour urine. In those individuals on
Control standards can be used to validate reagent performance and
maintenance therapy, methadone may account for 5 to 50% of the dose in the
establish test reliability. Controls, which are not provided with this test, are
24-hour urine and EDDP may account for 3 to 25% of the dose.
commercially available.
Methamphetamine is the most popular synthetic derivative of the
amphetamines. It is a potent sympathomimetic agent with therapeutic
Amphetamines are a class of potent sympathominetic agents with therapeutic
applications. Acute large doses lead to enhanced stimulation of the central
applications. The most common amphetamines are d-amphetamine and d,l-
nervous system and induce euphoria, alertness, reduced appetite, and a sense
amphetamine. Amphetamines are central nervous stimulants that cause the
of increased energy and power. More acute response produces anxiety,
neutrotransmitters epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine to be released
paranoia, psychotic behavior, and cardiac dysrhythmias. Methamphetamine
into the brain and body giving users feelings of euphoria, alertness, and
is excreted in the urine as amphetamine and oxized and deaminated
increased energy. Chronic abuse of amphetamines leads to tolerance and drug
derivatives. However, 10-40% of methamphetamine is excreted unchanged.
reinforcement effect. Cardiovascular responses to amphetamine include increased
Methamphetamine is generally detectable in the urine for 3 to 5 days after
blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias. More acute responses produce anxiety,
paranoia, hallucinations and psychotic behavior. Amphetamines are metabolised
Opiate (OPI)
by a number of pathways. In general, acid urine promotes excretion whereas
alkaline urine retards it. In 24 hours, approximately 79% of the amphetamine
Opioid analgesics comprised of a large group of substances that control pain
dose is excreted in acid urine and about 45% in alkaline urine. Typically, about
by depressing the central nervous system. Acute high dose used by abusers
20% is excreted as unchanged amphetamine. Unchanged amphetamine can be
or addicts can cause depressed coordination, disrupted decision, decreased
detected up to 10 days after use.
respiration, hypothermia and coma. Morphine is excreted unmetabolized
and is the marker metabolic product of opiates. Morphine and morphine
glucuronide is detectable in urine for several days after opiates dose.
Benzodiazepines are a class of widely prescribed central nervous system
depressants which have anxiolytic, hypnotic, anticonvulsant and muscle
relaxant effects. Chronic abuse can result in addiction and tardive
Oxycodone is known as Oxycontin, Roxicodone and is an ingredient of
dyskinnesia. Acute higher doses lead to drowsiness, dizziness, muscle
Percodan, Percocet, Roxicet and Tylox. Oxycodone is a semi-synthetic
relaxation, lethargy, coma and possible death. The effects of benzodiazepines
opiate derived from opium. Like other opiates, oxycodone is characterized
use last 4 – 8 hours. Many of the benzodiazepines share a common metabolic
by its analegestic properties, and the tendency for users to form a physical
route, and are excreted as oxazepam and its glucuronide in urine. Oxazepam
dependency and develop tolerance with extended use. Oxycodone is
is detectable in the urine for up to 7 days after drug use.
usually administered in combination with non-opiate analegesics such as
acetaminophen and salicylates for the relief of moderate to severe pain.
Oxycodone is a central nervous system depressant that may cause drowsiness,
A derivative of thebaine, buprenorphine is an opioid that resembles
dizziness, lethargy, weakness and confusion. Toxicity in an overdose of
morphine structurally but has a longer duration of action than morphine
oxycodone can lead to stupor, coma, muscle flaccidity, severe respiratory
and can be administrated sublingually as an analgesic. In October 2002,
depression, hypotension, and stripiac arrest. Oxycodone is metabolized by
FDA approved the use of a buprenorphine monotherapy product, Subutex,
N- and O-demethylation. One of the metabolites, oxymorphone, is a potent
and a buprenorphine/naloxone combination product, Suboxone, for the
narcotic analgesic, while the other, noroxycodone, is relatively inactive.
treatment of opioid addiction. It has been shown that buprenorphine has
Between 33 to 61% of a single dose of oxycodone is excreted in a 24 hour
abuse potential and may itself cause dependency. In addition, a number
urine collection and consists of 13-19% free oxycodone, 7-29% glucuronide
of deaths have been recorded as a result of overdose with intravenously
conjugated oxycodone, 13-14% glucuronide conjugated oxymorphone
injected buprenorphine in conjunction with other psychotropic drugs such as
and an unknown amount of noroxycodone. The detection time window of
benzodiazepines. Buprenorphine is metabolized primarily by n-dealkylation
oxycodone is 1-3 days following use.
to form glucuronide-buprenorphine and glucuronide-norbuprenorphine.
Marijuana (THC )
Cocaine (COC)
The agents of Marijuana that cause various biological effects in humans are
Derived from the leaves of cocoa plant, cocaine is a potent central nervous
called cannabinoid. Cannabinoid is a central nervous stimulant that alters
system stimulant as well as a local anesthetic. Some of the psychological
mood and sensory perceptions, produces loss of coordination, impairs short
effects induced by cocaine are: euphoria, confidence and a sense of increased
term memory, and produces symptoms of anxiety, paranoia, depression,
energy, accompanied by increased heart rate, dilation of the pupils, fever,
confusion, hallucination, and increased heart rate. Large doses of cannabinoid
tremors and sweating. Continued ingestion of cocaine could induce
could cause the development of tolerances and physiological dependency
tolerances and physiological dependency which leads to its abuse. Cocaine is
and lead to abuse. A tolerance to the cardiac and psychotropic effects can
used by smoking, intravenous, intranasal or oral administration and excreted
occur and withdrawal syndrome produces restlessness, insomnia, anorexia
in the urine primarily as benzoylecgonine in a short period. Benzoylecgonine
and nausea. Δ9-THC is the primary active ingredient in cannabinoids. The
has a biological half-life of 5 – 8 hours, which is much longer than that of
main metabolite excreted in the urine is 11-nor- Δ 9-THC-9-COOH, which
cocaine (0.5 – 1.5 hours), and can be generally detected for 12 – 72 hours
are found within hours of exposure and remain detectable in the urine for
after cocaine use or exposure.
10-30 days after smoking, longer for chronic users.
Methadone is a synthetic opioid, clinically available. It is used clinically for
Tramadol is a quasi-narcotic analgesic used in the treatment of moderate
the treatment of severe pain and in maintenance programs for morphine and
to severe pain. It is a synthetic analog of codeine, but has a low binding
heroine addicts. Methadone acts on the central nervous and cardiovascular
affinity to the mu-opioid receptors. Large doses of tramadol can develop
tolerance and physiological dependency and lead to its abuse. Tramadol is
GC/MS at a cut-off of 300 ng/ml of benzoylecgonine. Eighty one (81) urine
extensively metabolized after oral administration. Approximately 30% of the
specimens with GC/MS confirmed benzoylecgonine concentration were
dose is excreted in the urine as unchanged drug, whereas 60% is excreted
evaluated in this study. The results are summarized and presented below:
as metabolites. The major pathways appear to be N- and O- demethylation,
Positive % agreement: 94, Negative % agreement: 100
glucoronidation or sulfation in the liver.
Two specimens were found discrepant between the RapidCOC and GC/MS
method. When compared those data, 100% (2 out of 2 ) of the discrepancy
The assay is designed for use with human urine only. A positive result
specimens were found between –25% and +25% cut-off concentration (225
with any of the tests indicates only the presence of a drug/metabolite
and does not indicate or measure intoxication. There is a possibility that
technical or procedural error as well other substances in certain foods and
Methadone The accuracy of the methadone test was evaluated in
medicines may interfere with the test and cause false results. Please refer
comparison to GC/MS at a cut-off of 300 ng/ml of methadone. One hundred
"SPECIFICITY" section for lists of substances that will produce either
and nineteen urine specimens with confirmed methadone concentrations
positive results, or that do not interfere with test performance. If a drug/
were evaluated in this study. The results are summarized and presented
metabolite is found present in the urine specimen, the assay does not
indicate frequency of drug use or distinguish between drug of abuse and
Positive % agreement: 98.3, Negative % agreement: 98.3.
certain foods and medicines.
Two specimens were found discrepant between the RapidMTD and GC/MS
method. When compared those data, 100% (2 out of 2) of the discrepancy
Dipscan 10 Plus is a qualitative assay. It identifies the drug(s) in human
specimens were found between –25% and +25% cut-off concentration (225
urine at its cut-off concentration or higher. The concentration of the drug(s)
can not be determined by this assay. The test is intended to distinguish
Methamphetamine The accuracy of the methamphetamine test
negative result from presumptive positive result. All positive results must be
was evaluated in comparison to GC/MS at a cut-off of 300 ng/ml of (+)
confirmed using an alternate method, preferably GC/MS as outlined in the
methamphetamine. Eighty (80) urine specimens with GC/MS confirmed (+)
AS/NZS 4308 Standards.
methamphetamine concentration were evaluated in this study. The results are
summarized and presented below:
A. Accuracy
Positive % agreement: 95, Negative % agreement: 100
The accuracy of the
Dipscan 10 Plus were evaluated in each component
Two specimens were found discrepant between the RapidMET and GC/MS
strip and in comparison to GC/MS method at the following concentration:
method. When compared those data, 100% (2 out of 2 ) of the discrepancy
d-amphetamine 300ng/ml (AMP), oxazepam, 200 ng/ml (BZD),
specimens were found between –25% and cut-off concentration (225-375).
buprenorphine-3-β-d-glucoronide 10ng/ml (BUP), benzoylecgonine 300ng/
ml (COC), methadone 300 ng/ml (MTD), (+)methamphetamine 300ng/ml
Opiate The accuracy of the opiates test was evaluated in comparison
(MET), morphine 300 ng/ml (OPI), oxycodone 100ng/ml (OXY), 11-nor-
to GC/MS at a cut-off of 300 ng/ml of morphine. One hundred and twenty
Δ9-THC-9-COOH 50ng/ml (THC), Tramadol 200 ng/ml (TRA). The results
three urine specimens with GC/MS confirmed morphine and codeine
of each component strip are listed below:
concentrations were evaluated in this study. The results are summarized and
Amphetamine The accuracy of the amphetamine test was evaluated in
comparison to GC/MS method at a cut-off of 300 ng/ml. Eighty one (81)
Positive % agreement: 97.4, Negative % agreement: 91.3
urine specimens with GC/MS confirmed d-amphetamine concentration were
Six specimens were found discrepant between the RapidOPI and GC/MS
evaluated in this study. The results are summarized and presented below:
method. When compared those data, 50% (3 out of 6 ) of the discrepancy
Positive % agreement: 92, Negative % agreement: 98
specimens were found between –25% and +25% cut-off concentration
Four specimens were found discrepant between the RapidAMP and the
( 225 – 375 ng/ml ).
GC/MS method. When compared those data, 50% (2 out of 4) of the
Oxycodone The accuracy of the oxycodone test was evaluated in
discrepancy specimens were found between +25% to –25% of cutoff
comparison to GC/MS method at a cut-off of 100 ng/ml. One hundred and
forty urine specimens with GC/MS confirmed oxycodone concentration were
Benzodiazepine The accuracy of the benzodiazepine test was evaluated
evaluated in this study. The results are summarized and presented below:
in comparison to GC/MS at a cut-off of 200 ng/ml of oxazepam. Seventy
Positive % agreement: 100, Negative % agreement: 95
nine (79) urine specimens with GC/MS confirmed oxazepam concentration
were evaluated in this study. The results are summarized and presented
Four specimens were found discrepant between RapidOXY and the GC/MS
method. When compared those data, 75% (3 out of 4) of the discrepancy
specimens were found between cut-off and +25% of cutoff concentration
Positive % agreement: 97, Negative % agreement: 100
(100-125 ng/ml).
One specimen was found discrepant between the RapidBZD and GC/MS
method. When compared those data, it was found to be between –25% and
THC The accuracy of the THC test was evaluated in comparison to
+25% cut-off concentration (150-250).
GC/MS at a cut-off of 50 ng/ml of 11-nor-Δ9-THC-9-COOH. Eighty eight
(88) urine specimens with GC/MS confirmed 11-nor-Δ9-THC-9-COOH
Buprenorphine The accuracy of the Buprenorphine test was evaluated
concentration were evaluated in this study. The results are summarized and
in comparison to GC/MS at a cut-off of 10 ng/ml of buprenorphine-3-β-d-
glucoronide. One hundred and one (101) urine specimens with confirmed
buprenorphine-3-β-d-glucoronide concentrations were evaluated in this
Positive % agreement: 95, Negative % agreement: 100
study. Borderline readings were recorded as negative. The results are
Two specimens were found discrepant between the RapidTHC and GC/MS
summarized and presented below:
method. When compared those data, 50% (1 out of 2 ) of the discrepancy
Positive % agreement: 96, Negative % agreement: 100.
specimens were found between –25% and cut-off concentration ( 37.5 – 50
Two specimens were found discrepant between the RapidBUP and GC/MS
method. When compared those data, 50% (1out of 2) of the discrepancy
specimens were found between -25% cut-off and cut-off concentration
Tramadol 30 urine samples collected from non-users were tested. All
(7.5 – 10 ng/ml).
30 samles were negative at 200 ng/ml cut-off of tramadol. 40 urine tramadol
positive samples at a cut-off of 200 ng/ml were tested and all showed
Cocaine The accuracy of the cocaine test was evaluated in comparison to
positive. Positive % agreement: 100, Negative % agreement: 100.
1. Interference testing
The cut-off concentrations (sensitivity level) of DOA panel test are
Dipscan 10 Plus performance at cut-off level is not affected when pH
determined to be: AMP 300 ng/ml, BZD 200 ng/ml, BUP 10 ng/ml, COC
and Specific Gravity ranges of urine specimen are at 4.5 to 9.0 and 1.005
300 ng/ml, MTD 300 ng/ml, MET 300 ng/ml, OPI 300 ng/ml, OXY 100 ng/
to 1.035 respectively.
ml, THC 50 ng/ml, 200ng/ml of TRA.
The following substances were tested and confirmed did not interfere with
C. Precision
DOA panel tests at the listed concentrations.
The precision of DOA panel tests were determined by conducting the test
with spiked controls and interpreted the results by three individuals to verify
the random error of visual interpretation. The results of 40 samples each
Human hemoglobin
of 50% above and 50% below cut-off specimens are 100% agreed by three
The precision study of was performed by three individuals observing the test
result to determine the random error of visual interpretation. The test results
The following table lists compounds that are detected by
Dipscan 10 Plus
were found to have no significant differences between the three observers.
which produced positive results when tested at levels equal or greater than
the cut-off levels.
The specificity for
Dipscan 10 Plus were tested by adding various drugs,
drug metabolites, and other compounds that are likely to be present in urine.
All compounds were prepared in drug-free normal human urine.
11-nor- Δ 8-THC-9-COOH
11-hydroxy- Δ 9-THC
Δ 8-Tetrahydrocannabino
Chloradiazepoxide HCI
The following compounds show no cross-reactivity at concentration up to 100 g/ml unless specified.
4-Acetamidophenol Acetylsalicylic acid
Ecgonine methyl ester Ephedrine
Guaiacol glycer ester
Phenylpropanolamine Promethazine
Quinine antidine
Urine testing for drugs of abuse, NIDA Research Monograph 73 (1986)
Steven B. Karch, Drugs of abuse hand book, CRC Press, 1st. Ed. (1998)
Ray H. Liu and Bruce A. Goldberger, Handbook of workplace drug testing, AACC Press, Washington DC (1995)
Free Call Aust : 1800 640 075
Free Call NZ : 0800 155 550
Email Australia : [email protected]
Email New Zealand : [email protected]
Point of Care Diagnostics
DOSE-RESPONSE OF PORCINE OVARIAN GRANULOSA CELLS TO AMYGDALIN TREATMENT COMBINED WITH DEOXYNIVALENOL Marek Halenár*, Marína Medveďová, Nora Maruniaková, Dagmara Packová, Adriana Kolesárová Address(es): Ing. Marek Haklenár, Department of Animal Physiology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra, Slovak Republic. *Corresponding author: [email protected]
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