Pii: s1064-1297(02)00230-4
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology
Copyright 2002 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.
2002, Vol. 10, No. 3, 162–183
Applying Laboratory Research:
Drug Anticipation and the Treatment of Drug Addiction
Shepard Siegel and Barbara M. C. Ramos
McMaster University
Basic research concerning drug tolerance and withdrawal may inform clinical practice, andvice versa. Three areas that integrate the work of the laboratory and the clinic are discussed:(a) drug overdose, (b) cue exposure treatment of addiction, and (c) pharmacological treatmentof withdrawal symptoms. The areas are related in that they indicate the contribution ofdrug-paired cues to the effects of addictive drugs and the role of Pavlovian conditioning ofdrug effects in drug tolerance and withdrawal symptoms.
The concerns of the laboratory researcher often seem
overdose, it has been clear, since the pioneering work of
esoteric to the clinician. For example, the laboratory scien-
Brecher (1972), that
overdose is a misnomer in describing
tist might be enthusiastic about a finding that opiate toler-
the cause of death in heroin addicts. Most of the deaths are
ance is correlated with c-Fos expression in the striatum of
not due to a pharmacological overdose, as the term usually
the rat's brain (Baptista, Siegel, MacQueen, & Young,
is understood. Brecher summarized the extensive literature
1998), but the clinician likely would find little in these
that existed 30 years ago: "(1) The deaths
cannot be due to
results relevant to the treatment of opiate addiction in peo-
overdose. (2) There
never has been any evidence that they
ple. Similarly, the clinician may be intrigued by the case
are due to overdose. (3) There has long been a plethora of
report of a palliative-care patient, tolerant to the analgesic
evidence demonstrating they are
not due to overdose" (p.
effect of oral morphine, who suffered an overdose when
102, italics in original). Results of subsequent research
switched to transdermal fentanyl (Johnson & Faull, 1997).
confirmed Brecher's conclusions, and it has been suggested
This singular observation, however, probably would not
that "the term ‘overdose' has served to indicate lack of
appear immediately relevant to the researcher studying fun-
understanding of the true mechanism of deaths in fatalities
damental processes of opiate effects in nonhuman animals.
The purpose of this article is to indicate the relationship of
directly related to opiate use" (Greene, Luke, & DuPont,
these, and other, experimental and clinical observations—
1974, p. 175), and "continued utilization of the term ‘over-
that is, to emphasize the symbiotic relationship between the
dose' to cover all heroin-related fatalities may be counter-
researcher and the clinician.
productive in developing strategies to reduce the morbidityand mortality associated with heroin" (Darke & Zador,
Three Areas of Interrelated Experimental
1996, p. 1770). Despite the likely misuse of the word, we
and Clinical Research
continue to use the generally accepted term
overdose whenreferring to these enigmatic fatalities, rather than more
In this article we summarize three areas of interrelated
cumbersome alternatives such as "an idiosyncratic reaction
research that integrate the work of the laboratory and the
to an intravenous injection of unspecific material(s) and
clinic: drug overdose, cue exposure treatment of addiction,
probably not a true pharmacologic overdose of narcotics"
and pharmacological treatment of withdrawal symptoms.
(Cherubin, McCusker, Baden, Kavalier, & Amsel, 1972, p.
Drug Overdose
Despite the fact that pronounced tolerance develops to the
Many addicts die shortly after injecting heroin. Although
respiratory depressive effects of opiates, the heroin over-
it has been conventional to attribute such deaths to heroin
dose victim typically dies of respiratory depression. Inas-much as the victims of overdose typically are not novice
Shepard Siegel and Barbara M. C. Ramos, Department of Psy-
users (e.g., Darke & Zador, 1996), it would be expected that
chology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
they would have been very tolerant to heroin and thus would
The research from Shepard Siegel's laboratory summarized in
have self-administered a very large dose when they over-
this article was supported by National Institute on Drug Abuse
dosed. However, postmortem examinations of heroin over-
Grant DA11865, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
dose victims often do not reveal very high levels of opiate
Council of Canada Grant 00298, and a grant from the Alcoholic
in their system. For example, Monforte (1977) found that
Beverage Medical Research Foundation. We express appreciation
about three quarters of the victims of heroin overdose had
to Doreen Mitchell, who assisted with much of the research sum-
blood levels of morphine no higher than those seen in a
marized in this article, and to Lorraine Allan for comments on
control group of heroin addicts who died as a result of
drafts of this article.
homicide (rather than heroin overdose): "One must con-
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
Shepard Siegel, Department of Psychology, McMaster University,
clude that in the great majority of cases death was not a
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1, Canada. E-mail:
[email protected]
result of a toxic quantity of morphine in the blood" (p. 720).
What does account for these deaths? Basic psychopharma-
Any therapeutic approach, whether it be insight, behaviorally
cology research, with mice and rats, has elucidated a cause
or pharmacologically oriented, that does not recognize thepowerful evocative effects of interoceptive and exteroceptive
for at least some overdoses that has implications for mini-
stimuli on craving and alcohol acquisition behavior and that
mizing death among drug abusers.
neglects to provide techniques for modifying the strength ofthese effects will likely be destined to failure. (p. 547)
Cue Exposure Treatment of Addiction
Recognition of the evocative effects of drug-associated
"It has long been recognized that the processes of ‘de-
stimuli has encouraged the development of treatments that
toxification' and physical withdrawal are not the major
incorporate systematic exposure to these stimuli (see Chil-
impediments to effective drug-abuse treatment. Rather, the
dress, McLellan, & O'Brien, 1986; Siegel, 1988, 1999a)—
problem is relapse following completion of the withdrawal
so-called cue exposure treatment. Results of laboratory re-
crisis" (Siegel, 1999a, p. 1113). Early addiction commen-
search suggest techniques to improve the efficacy of cue
tators noted that craving and relapse occur in response to
exposure treatment.
cues that, in the past, have been associated with drug use.
Over the years, many clinicians have rediscovered the im-
portance of environmental cues to relapse. For example, in
of Withdrawal Symptoms
The Anatomy of Drunkenness, Macnish (1859) noted thefollowing:
A defining characteristic of addiction is the appearance of
drug withdrawal symptoms when drug use terminates.
Man is very much the creature of habit. By drinking regularly
These symptoms may occur long after the last drug admin-
at certain times he feels the longing for liquor at the stated
istration and may be one reason for relapse. A drug that
return of these periods—as after dinner, or immediately be-fore going to bed, or whatever the period may be. He even
ameliorates these symptoms would be a useful addiction
finds it in certain companies, or in a particular tavern at which
treatment tool. Most pharmacotherapies to treat withdrawal
he is in the habit of taking his libations. (p. 151)
symptoms involve drug substitution, such as methadone forthe treatment of heroin addiction and nicotine patches for
When the Harrison Narcotics Act was implemented in
the treatment of smoking. Some pharmacotherapies, how-
1915, and the United States government established addic-
ever, are designed to decrease withdrawal severity without
tion treatment facilities for the then newly criminalized
the complications of continued addictive drug use. For
addicts, the problem of cue-elicited relapse quickly became
example, both
N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonists and ago-
apparent. Lawrence Kolb was an Assistant Surgeon General
nists for specific serotonin receptors have been used in the
of the United States Public Health Service and the first
treatment of alcoholism (Bisaga & Popik, 2000).
superintendent of the then newly established Service's hos-
Results of recent laboratory research suggest that a class
pital for addicts in Lexington, Kentucky. He observed that
of drugs that function as antagonists of a particular neu-
merely enforcing abstinence during the period of with-
ropeptide, cholecystokinin-8 (CCK), "might be of value in
drawal distress was not an effective treatment:
the treatment and prevention of relapse in opiate addicts"(Lu, Huang, Liu, & Ma, 2000, p. 832). Although there are
We see this plainly exemplified in the cured tobacco smoker.
. . A cured smoker who usually does not crave tobacco may
some studies of the relationship between CCK activity and
feel an intense desire resembling hunger when he gazes on a
opioid effects in humans (e.g., McCleane, 1998), the re-
box of cigars or sits in the company of friends who are
search concerning CCK antagonists as a pharmacotherapy
smoking. (Kolb, 1927, p. 39)
for addiction has been conducted primarily with mice
Kolb noted a similar phenomenon in opiate addicts:
(Rezayat, Azizi, & Zarrindast, 1997) and rats (e.g., Kim &Siegel, 2001; Lu et al., 2000; Roques & Noble, 1996). The
Nearly all of those who have abstained from narcotics for
potential for treating drug withdrawal symptoms by modu-
several months report that they have no desire for the drugs
lating CCK activity is a very recent area of research that
unless they see someone else take them or unless they asso-
may find application in the treatment of human addicts.
ciate with other addicts in situations which they formerlyenjoyed. (Kolb, 1927, p. 40)
Pavlovian Conditioning—A Framework for
Subsequently, many other clinicians have described ex-
Integrating Laboratory and Clinical Findings
amples of patients who display withdrawal symptoms andcrave drugs when confronted with cues that had signaled the
One framework for integrating clinical and laboratory
drug in the past, for example, seeing the paraphernalia of
work in all three areas described earlier was provided by the
addiction such as a syringe and tourniquet (e.g., Teasdale,
insightful comments of a heroin addict. This 36-year-old
1973), returning to an old neighborhood following a pro-
man, in describing the circumstances in which he experi-
longed period of incarceration and abstinence (e.g., Kissen,
enced withdrawal symptoms, "likened himself to one of
1983; O'Brien, 1976), discussing drugs with others (e.g.,
Pavlov's dogs" (Biernacki, 1986, p. 115). He appreciated
Wikler, 1977), or even seeing actors seeming to inject
that Pavlovian conditioning contributed to his drug effects.
heroin in a movie (Biernacki, 1986, p. 115). As Ludwig,
Although this man likely reached his conclusion on the
Wikler, and Stark (1974) noted some years ago with respect
basis of introspection rather than a reading of the scientific
to alcoholism treatment:
literature, there is, in fact, extensive research indicating the
role of conditioning in addiction. We briefly review thiswork before discussing the application of the findings todrug overdose, cue exposure treatment, and pharmacologi-cal treatment of withdrawal symptoms.
What Is Pavlovian Conditioning?
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov won the Nobel Prize for physiol-
ogy in 1904. He was awarded the prize for his studies ofdigestive reflexes in dogs, using chronic observationalmethods (i.e., digestive reflexes were observed in intact,awake dogs). Because he used chronic preparations, Pavlovmade some observations that, although not the basis for hisNobel Prize, would be the topic of his research for theremainder of his life.
In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech Pavlov did not
discuss the gastrointestinal work that formed the basis of theaward. Rather, he presented an address entitled "The FirstSure Steps along the Path of a New Investigation." The"new investigation" was the study of what we now call"conditional reflexes." Pavlov, then 55 years old, essentiallyabandoned his successful study of digestive physiology todevote his full energies to this new topic— one that heconsidered even more important (see Babkin, 1949).
Pavlov observed that his dogs displayed digestive re-
flexes (such as gastric secretion), not only in response tostimuli that had reflexively elicited such responses (i.e.,stimulation of receptors in the stomach) but also in responseto stimuli that, in the past, had signaled such stimulation(e.g., the presence of the person who fed the dog). Pavlovconcluded that it would be impossible to understand diges-
Schematic representation of Pavlovian conditioning of
tive physiology without understanding the role of these
the salivary response (A), conditioning of the cardiac effects of
psychic reflexes (as they were originally termed), as well as
epinephrine by Subkovand Zilov(1937; B), and conditioning
physiological reflexes. He developed procedures and termi-
compensatory responses to drugs (C).
nology that are used today in the study of Pavlovianconditioning.
small amounts of food or dilute acid was injected into their
The Pavlovian Conditioning Paradigm
mouth. Such stimulation of receptor cells in the mouthinitiates activity along the trigeminal and glossopharyngeal
Pavlovian conditioning (sometimes termed
nerves to medullary salivary centers, which results in effer-
classical, or
Type 1 conditioning) is defined by a set of
ent neural activity, transmitted to salivary glands in the
operations in which a neutral conditional stimulus (CS) is
mouth, eliciting salivation—the UCR. The CS was some
paired with a biologically significant unconditional stimulus
arbitrary cue (such as a tone of a certain pitch). After some
(UCS). At the start of conditioning, the UCS reflexively
pairings of CS and UCS, a new reflex developed—the tone
(i.e., unconditionally) elicits some response, termed the
elicited salivation: "The activity of the salivary gland has
unconditional response or
unconditional reflex (UCR). The
thus been called into play by impulses of sound—a stimulus
UCR is the response of the central nervous system to the
quite alien to food" (Pavlov, 1927, p. 22).
UCS. As a result of CS–UCS pairings, the CS becomesassociated with the UCS. The acquisition of this association
Drug Administration as a Conditioning Trial
is revealed by the emergence of a new response to thepreviously neutral CS. Because this new response is condi-
Pavlov (1927, p. 35) suggested that the administration of
tional on CS–UCS pairings, it is termed the
a drug could be viewed as a conditioning trial; stimulation
response or
conditional reflex (CR). Pavlov realized that
of receptors sensitive to the drug served as the UCS and the
salivation was much easier to measure than gastric secretion
immediately antecedent environmental cues served as
and that the manipulation of cues such as tones and lights
CSs. The development of conditional pharmacological re-
could be much more precise than manipulation of cues such
sponses can be ascertained merely by presenting the CS
as the sight of the person that normally fed the dogs.
(predrug cues) without the UCS (the drug), that is, by
Pavlov's well-known conditioning preparation is sche-
administering an inert substance in the usual drug-adminis-
matically illustrated in Figure 1A. Dogs were presented with
Subkovand Zilov(1937) provided an early demonstra-
stimulus (external inhibition) or by altering the putative CS
tion of pharmacological conditioning. Their preparation is
(changing the context for each successive drug administra-
schematically illustrated in Figure 1B. Subkovand Zilov
tion in an unpredictable manner). The acquisition of toler-
injected dogs with epinephrine (adrenaline) on a number of
ance is retarded by partial reinforcement, preexposure to the
occasions. Epinephrine stimulates  adrenoceptors in the
CS, and inhibitory learning. Like other conditional re-
sinoatrial node of the right atrium of the heart (hence
sponses, drug tolerance displays extinction, spontaneous
increasing blood pressure and heart rate as a result of direct
recovery, stimulus generalization, and a flattening of the
stimulation of the heart). The reflex response to this uncon-
generalization gradient as a result of extending the interval
ditional stimulation is a compensatory homeostatic response
between acquisition and assessment. Tolerance also dis-
(e.g., increased vagal activity) that decreases heart rate.
plays sensory preconditioning and a variety of compound
Subkovand Zilov(1937) noted that, following such a series
conditioning effects such as overshadowing and blocking
of epinephrine injections, merely placing the dog in the
(Siegel et al., 2000). One prediction of the conditioning
injection stand and administering an inert substance pro-
analysis of tolerance that is especially relevant to clinical
duced bradycardia:
issues has been termed the
situational-specificity of toler-ance (Siegel, 1978, p. 345).
It follows that the mere reproduction of the experimental
Results of many experiments indicate that, following a
conditions in which the animal is accustomed to receive
series of drug administrations, tolerance is more pro-
adrenaline is alone sufficient to set in motion the mechanism,by means of which the animal counteracts the high vascular
nounced in the presence of the usual drug-associated cues
pressure produced by adrenaline. (Subkov& Zilov, 1937, p.
than it is in the presence of alternative cues (Siegel et al.,
2000). For example, Siegel, Hinson, and Krank (1978)demonstrated situational-specificity of tolerance using a
In fact (as depicted in Figure 1C), many types of phar-
paired– unpaired design. Rats were assigned to same-tested
macological stimulation elicit UCRs that compensate for the
or different-tested conditions. For same-tested rats, pretest
unconditionally elicited, drug-induced disturbances. After
morphine injections were signaled by an audiovisual cue.
some drug administrations, drug-compensatory responses
Different-tested rats received their pretest drug injections
occur in the presence of drug-administration cues. Such
and cue presentations in an unpaired manner. Following the
learned responses have been termed
conditional compensa-
last pretest injection, analgesia was assessed in the presence
tory responses—CCRs (Siegel, Baptista, Kim, McDonald,
of the audiovisual cue. Although same- and different-tested
& Weise-Kelly, 2000). CCRs have been demonstrated with
rats received the same number of morphine injections, at the
respect to many effects of a variety of drugs, including
same doses and at the same intervals, same-tested rats were
commonly abused drugs such as opiates (e.g., Kim, Siegel,
more tolerant to morphine-induced analgesia than were dif-
& Patenall, 1999; Mucha, Volkovsiks, & Kalant, 1981;
ferent-tested rats.
Raffa & Porreca, 1986), ethanol (e.g., Duncan, Alici, &
The fact that tolerance displays situational-specificity is
Woodward, 2000; Larson & Siegel, 1998; Leˆ, Poulos, &
consistent with the conditioning analysis of tolerance. That
Cappell, 1979), and caffeine (Andrews, Blumenthal, &
is, drug-associated cues elicit CCRs that attenuate the drug
Flaten, 1998; Rozin, Reff, Mark, & Schull, 1984).
effect; therefore, tolerance is greater when assessed in thepresence of drug-associated cues than when it is assessed
Conditional Compensatory Responses, Drug
Tolerance, and the Situational-Specificity
of Tolerance
Interoceptive Cues for Drugs
Tolerance is said to occur when the effect of a given dose
Although experimental studies of the associative basis of
of a drug decreases over the course of repeated administra-
tolerance typically have manipulated exteroceptive cues
tions. Pavlovian conditioning contributes to tolerance.
(e.g., the room where the drug is administered), there is
When the drug is administered repeatedly in the context of
evidence that a variety of stimuli may become associated
the usual predrug cues, these cues elicit a CCR that atten-
with a drug and control the display of tolerance. For exam-
uates the drug effect. As the drug is administered more and
ple, distinctive flavors, ambient temperatures, or magnetic
more often, and the CCR grows in strength, the attenuation
fields, after being paired with morphine administration, may
of the drug effect becomes more pronounced.
influence the display of morphine tolerance (Siegel et al.,
The extensive evidence that conditioning contributes to
2000). Especially relevant to clinical applications are results
tolerance recently has been reviewed (see Siegel et al.,
indicating that two categories of interoceptive cues, phar-
2000). Briefly, posttrial events that affect memory consoli-
macological cues and self-administration cues, may become
dation similarly affect the rate of tolerance acquisition; thus,
associated with a drug effect.
electroconvulsive shock or frontal cortical stimulation de-creases the rate of acquisition of morphine tolerance, and
glucose facilitates the rate of acquisition of morphine tol-erance (Siegel, 1999b; Siegel et al., 2000). Furthermore, in
There is considerable evidence that organisms can learn
common with other conditional responses, the expression of
that a stimulus, normally considered to be a UCS, signals
drug tolerance is disrupted by presenting a novel external
the delivery of another UCS (Goddard, 1999); thus, it is not
surprising that organisms can associate two drug effects.
effect than do passively received drugs; that is, the self-
There have been various types of experiments concerning
administration contingency should enhance the develop-
pharmacological cues for drugs (see Siegel et al., 2000). Of
ment of tolerance. There are several reports that this is the
special relevance are findings that a drug can serve as a cue
for itself. For example, Greeley, Leˆ, Poulos, and Cappell
Mello and Mendelson (1970) provided perhaps the first
(1984) demonstrated that a small dose of ethanol could
demonstration of the importance of the self-administration
serve as a CS for a larger dose of ethanol. In this Greeley et
contingency in a drug effect. Alcoholic men were allowed to
al. study, rats in one group (paired) consistently received a
ingest alcohol in each of two conditions: when they wished
low dose of ethanol (0.8 g/kg) 60 min prior to a high dose
(spontaneous condition) or only during experimenter-deter-
of ethanol (2.5 g/kg). Another group of rats (unpaired)
mined intervals (programmed condition). Tolerance was
received the low and high doses on an unpaired basis. When
greater in the same individuals following the spontaneous
tested for the tolerance to the hypothermic effect of the high
condition than it was following the programmed condition.
dose following the low dose, paired subjects, but not un-
More recently, Ehrman, Ternes, O'Brien, and McLellan
paired subjects, displayed tolerance. Moreover, if the high
(1992) evaluated the effects of 4 mg hydromorphone in
dose of ethanol was not preceded by the low dose, paired
detoxified opiate abusers under two conditions: when they
rats failed to display their usual tolerance. This tolerance,
intravenously self-administered the drug and when the drug
dependent on an ethanol– ethanol pairing, was apparently
was infused by the experimenter. Ehrman et al. reported that
mediated by a thermic CCR; paired rats, but not unpaired
several effects of hydromorphone were greater when the
rats, evidenced hyperthermia (opposite to the hypothermic
drug was passively received than when it was self-admin-
effect of the drug) in response to the low dose of ethanol.
istered and concluded that "tolerance was observed when
There also is evidence that a small dose of morphine may
the subjects injected the opiate, but not when the same dose
serve as a cue for a larger dose of the opiate and control the
was received by unsignaled intravenous infusion" (p. 218).
display of morphine tolerance (Cepeda-Benito & Short,
An especially elegant procedure for evaluating the role of
1997). Kim et al. (1999) have termed such associations, in
self-administration in drug effects is the yoked-control de-
which a small dose of a drug serves as a cue for a larger
sign. With this design, each time a subject assigned to a
dose of the same drug,
intradrug associations.
self-administration (SA) group makes a particular response
Several investigators have suggested that intradrug asso-
(e.g., presses a lever in an operant chamber), the same
ciation findings have important implications for understand-
amount of drug is administered to that subject and to an-
ing the contribution of conditioning to tolerance. Within
other, yoked (Y), subject. Thus, both SA and Y subjects
each drug administration, drug-onset cues (DOCs) reliably
receive the same dose of the drug, equally often and at the
precede the later, larger drug effect; thus, there is the po-
same intervals. Several investigators have reported that,
tential for the formation of associations whenever a drug is
after some drug experience, the effects of the drug are
administered (e.g., Greeley et al., 1984; King, Bouton, &
greater in Y than in SA rats; that is, tolerance is less
Musty, 1987; Mackintosh, 1987; Tiffany, Petrie, Baker, &
pronounced in Y animals (Donny, Caggiula, Knopf, &
Dahl, 1983). Results of several experiments indicate that
Brown, 1995; Weise-Kelly & Siegel, 2001).
intraadministration associations do form when a drug
In sum, cues such as SACs and DOCs function as CSs.
is administered, and that DOCs, in common with extero-
They become associated with the drug effect and come to
ceptive cues, contribute to drug tolerance (Ce´le rier, Laulin,
elicit CCRs that mediate tolerance. Thus, the fact that tol-
Corcuff, Le Moal, & Simonnet, 2001; Grisel, Wiertelak,
erance is especially pronounced when the drug effect occurs
Watkins, & Maier, 1994; Kim et al., 1999; Mucha, Kalant,
following the usual DOC (e.g., Kim et al., 1999) or SAC
& Birbaumer, 1996).
(Weise-Kelly & Siegel, 2001) is but another demonstrationof the situational-specificity of tolerance. That is, situational
cues that elicit CCRs may be interoceptive, as well asexteroceptive.
Typically, humans self-administer the drugs that they use.
Such self-administration is a characteristic of both illicit
Pavlovian Conditioning and Drug Overdose
(e.g., cocaine and heroin) and licit (e.g., nicotine and etha-nol) drug use. In contrast, in the laboratory most psycho-
The most dramatic demonstrations of the situational-
pharmacology researchers administer the drug to subjects.
specificity of tolerance concern tolerance to the lethal ef-
Thus, much of what we know about the effects of drugs,
fects of drugs. Following a series of drug administrations
such as the development of drug tolerance, is based on
involving escalating doses, each in the context of the same
results of studies in which the experimenter—not the sub-
cues, tolerance develops to the potentially lethal effect of
ject—administered the drug. If drug delivery is contingent
that drug as long as it is administered in the usual context.
on a response, interoceptive response-initiating (or re-
Altering the context of drug administration increases the
sponse-produced) cues are paired with the drug effect.
lethality of several drugs (summarized in Siegel, 2001). The
Weise-Kelly and Siegel (2001) suggested that these self-
findings were originally reported in studies with nonhuman
administration cues (SACs) function as other CSs—that is,
animals, but results of clinical research concerning opiate
they come to elicit CCRs. If SACs elicit CCRs, it would be
overdose in humans are consistent with the laboratory
expected that self-administered drugs should have a smaller
Experiments With Rats and Mice
Figure 2B summarizes results reported by Vila (1989). In
this experiment, same- and different-tested rats were intra-
Although there were procedural differences among the
peritoneally injected with 30 mg/kg pentobarbital on 20
experiments that evaluated the role of predrug cues in drug
occasions, with each injection of the barbiturate occurring in
lethality, they all incorporated groups of rats or mice that
a distinctive room. In a final test session, all rats were
were administered a high drug dose in a test session. Prior
injected with 95 mg/kg pentobarbital. Test-session mortality
to this test, some of the subjects were administered lowerdoses of the drug and received the test infusion in the same
data reported by Vila and summarized in Figure 2B indicate,
environment in which they received the prior infusions
again, that the environment of drug-administration affected
(same-tested). Other subjects had the same pretest history of
drug-induced mortality. Same-tested rats were more likely
drug administration as same-tested subjects but received the
to survive the high dose of pentobarbital than were differ-
test infusion in a different environment than that previously
ent-tested rats. Indeed, chi-square analyses of the data sum-
paired with the drug (different-tested). Finally, subjects in a
marized in Figure 2B indicated that the mortality in pento-
control group received the drug for the first time in the test
barbital-experienced different-tested rats did not differ from
session. The results of three experiments that have used this
that seen in pentobarbital-naı¨ve control rats: "These results
procedure, with three different drugs, are summarized in
indicate that the probability of pentobarbital-induced lethal-
ity is substantially diminished in an environment previously
Figure 2A summarizes results reported by Melchior
associated with pentobarbital administration" (Vila, 1989,
(1990). In her experiment, same- and different-tested mice
were intraperitoneally injected with 3.5 g/kg ethanol twice
Figure 2C summarizes results reported by Siegel, Hinson,
per day for 4 days. The mortality in each group resulting
Krank, and McCully (1982). Prior to participation in this
from a 5.5 g/kg ethanol injection on the 5th day is depicted
experiment, rats were prepared with chronic intravenous
in Figure 2A. All same-tested mice survived the high dose
cannulae. Same- and different-tested rats then received 15
of the drug. However, despite the fact that different-tested
intravenous infusions of heroin. The dose was gradually
mice (like same-tested mice) received ethanol for the ninth
increased over the course of the infusions from 1 mg/kg to 8
time in this test session, most of them died as a result of the
mg/kg. In a final test session, all rats were infused with 15
test-session injection. It would appear that, as expected on
mg/kg heroin. Once again, drug-induced mortality was sig-
the basis of a conditioning analysis of tolerance, altering the
nificantly higher in different-tested than in same-tested sub-
context of ethanol administration enhances ethanol-induced
jects. Because of the large number of rats that were used in
lethality: "Conditioned tolerance can provide protection
this Siegel et al. (1982) study the experiment was conducted
against ethanol lethality" (Melchior, 1990, p. 205).
in six replications. In every replication, a greater proportion
Mean mortality in rodents administered a high dose of a drug on a test session. Prior to
this test, some of the animals were administered lower doses of the drug and received the testinfusion in the same environment in which they received the prior infusions (same-tested; ST). Otheranimals had the equivalent pretest history of drug administration as ST subjects but received the testinfusion in a different environment than that previously paired with the drug (different-tested; DT).
Animals in a third group received the drug for the first time on the test session (control group;CONT'L). Figure 2A summarizes results reported by Melchior (1990) for mice intraperitoneallyinjected with ethanol. Figure 2B summarizes results reported by Vila (1989) for rats intraperitone-ally injected with pentobarbital. Figure 2C summarizes results reported by Siegel, Hinson, Krank,and McCully (1982) for rats intravenously injected with heroin.
of different-tested than same-tested rats died—a statistically
admission. The results of the Gutie´rrez-Cebollada et al.
significant effect, using the binomial test:
study are summarized in Table 1. As can be seen in Table 1,every one of the patients that recently had used heroin, but
In conclusion, groups of rats with the same pharmacological
had not suffered an overdose, injected the drug in their usual
history of heroin administration can differ in mortality fol-lowing administration of a high dose of the drug: rats that
drug-administration environment. In contrast, 52% of the
received the potentially lethal dose in the context of cues
overdose victims administered "in an unusual setting" (Gu-
previously associated with sublethal doses were more likely
tie´rrez-Cebollada et al., 1994, p. 171). Chi-square analysis
to survive than animals that received the dose in the context
of the interaction apparent in Table 1 was statistically sig-
of cues not previously associated with the drug. (Siegel et al.,1982, p. 437)
nificant (
p ⬍ .0001). As summarized by Gutie´rrez-Cebol-lada et al.,
As indicated previously, interoceptive cues, as well as
exteroceptive cues, may become associated with a drug
The association between heroin overdose and unusual drugadministration setting confirms the influence of non-pharma-
effect and mediate tolerance. For example, SACs are im-
cological factors in heroin overdosing. Further studies should
portant predrug signals; thus, we might expect that a drug
be considered to address the role played by self-administra-
administered in the presence of the SACs should be less
tion of heroin in an unusual setting in conditioned tolerance.
lethal than the same dose administered without this salient
predrug interoceptive CS. Indeed, Johanson and Schuster(1981) reported that experimenter-programmed administra-
Evidence in support of the conditioning interpretation of
tion of phencyclidine in monkeys frequently is lethal "at
tolerance is provided by studies indicating parallels between
dose levels at or below those self-administered, which ani-
Pavlovian conditioning and tolerance. As indicated previ-
mals survived" (p. 280). More recently, Dworkin, Mirkis,
ously, a variety of nonpharmacological manipulations that
and Smith (1995) evaluated the effects of cocaine in SA and
are known to affect the magnitude of conditional responding
Y rats. Mortality was significantly lower in SA rats (that had
similarly affect drug tolerance. One that may be relevant to
SACs signaling the drug effect) than in Y rats (that received
overdose in humans is external inhibition. CRs, once estab-
the drug in the absence of SACs).
lished, can be disrupted by the presentation of a novel,extraneous stimulus. The phenomenon was termed
externalinhibition by Pavlov (1927), who described its operation in
Studies of Overdoses in Humans
the salivary conditioning situation:
Obviously, research with humans cannot incorporate ex-
The dog and the experimenter would be isolated in the ex-
perimental manipulation of predrug cues in an attempt to
perimental room, all the conditions remaining for a while
precipitate overdose. Rather, clinical research can only ret-
constant. Suddenly some disturbing factor would arise—a
rospectively evaluate the conditions that prevailed on the
sound would penetrate the room; some quick change in illu-
occasion of an overdose and compare those conditions with
mination would occur, the sun going behind a cloud; or adraught would get in underneath the door, and maybe bring
the overdose victim's usual circumstances of drug admin-
some odour with it. If any of these extra stimuli happened to
istration. Results of such studies of human drug addicts and
be introduced just at the time of application of the conditioned
patients that receive medically prescribed opiates for pain
stimulus, it would inevitably bring about a more or less
relief are consistent with the results obtained from experi-
pronounced weakening or even a complete disappearance ofthe reflex response depending on the strength of the extra
ments with nonhuman animals—altering the context of drug
stimulus. (p. 44)
administration increases the risk of overdose (Siegel, 2001).
There are several demonstrations that, as expected on the
Overdoses in Drug Addicts
basis of a conditioning interpretation of tolerance, the ex-pression of tolerance is disrupted when a subject, displaying
Siegel (1984) interviewed 10 heroin overdose survivors
a small, tolerant response to a drug, is presented with a
in an attempt to ascertain whether the overdoses occurred
novel stimulus, for example, an unexpected noise (Larson &
following novel predrug cues. For seven of the overdoses,the drug was administered in an environment not previouslyassociated with drug use. These reports are consistent withthe suggestion that administration in the presence of cues
not previously associated with heroin is a risk factor for
Circumstance of Heroin Administration for 76 Patients
heroin overdose in humans, as it is in rats.
Who Recently Had Used Heroin and Were Admitted to a
A more thorough evaluation of the contribution of drug-
Hospital Emergency Room, Either for a Heroin
associated cues to heroin overdose was reported by Gutie´r-
Overdose or for Other Reasons
rez-Cebollada, de la Torre, Ortun˜o, Garce´s, and Camı´
Reason for admission
(1994). These investigators interviewed 76 heroin addicts
Environment of heroin
admitted to the emergency room of a university hospital in
use prior to admission
Barcelona, Spain: Fifty-four patients were admitted because
of heroin overdose, and 22 were seeking urgent medical
care for unrelated conditions, but their interview revealed
Based on data from Gutie´rrez-Cebollada et al. (1994).
intravenous heroin self-administration 1 hr or less before
OD ⫽ heroin overdose; Non-OD ⫽ other reasons.
Siegel, 1998; Poulos, Hunt, & Cappell, 1988; Siegel &
The patient was being attended at home and received a
Larson, 1996; Siegel & Sdao-Jarvie, 1986). As discussed by
morphine injection four times per day (at 6-hr intervals).
Larson and Siegel (1998),
The injections had been given for 4 weeks. The patient'scondition was such that he stayed in his bedroom, which
The conditioning analysis of tolerance has been shown to beimportant in understanding drug overdose. . Based on find-
was dimly lit and contained much hospital-type apparatus
ings of external inhibition of tolerance, we would predict that
necessary for his care. The morphine had always been
if people consistently administer a drug under one set of
injected in this environment. For some reason, on the day
circumstances, a novel stimulus presentation or the novel
that the overdose occurred, the patient dragged himself out
omission of a stimulus should disrupt tolerance and result in
of the bedroom to the living room. The living room was
an exaggerated drug effect. (p. 141)
brightly lit and different in many ways from the bedroom–
Indeed, Siegel (1989) described such a case report in which
sickroom. The patient, discovered in the living room by
external inhibition of tolerance may have contributed to a
N. E., appeared to be in considerable pain. Inasmuch as it
heroin overdose. The victim (E. C.) was a heavy user of
was time for his father's scheduled morphine injection,
heroin for 3 years. She usually self-administered her first,
N. E. injected the drug while his father was in the living
daily dose of heroin in the bathroom of her apartment,
room. He had never administered the morphine in this
where she lived with her mother. Typically, E. C. would
environment before. N. E. noticed that his father's reaction
awake earlier than her mother, turn on the water in the
to this injection was atypical; his pupils became unusually
bathroom (pretending to take a shower), and self-inject
small, and his breathing became very shallow.
without arousing suspicion. However, on the occasion of the
Alarmed by his father's reaction to this injection in the
overdose, her mother was already awake when E. C. started
living room, N. E. called his father's physician. The physi-
her injection ritual, and she knocked loudly on the bathroom
cian instructed N. E. to evaluate some indices of his father's
door telling E. C. to hurry. When E. C. then injected the
status. On the basis of the information supplied by the son,
heroin, she immediately found that she could not breathe.
the physician concluded that his father suffered an overdose
She was unable to call to her mother for help (her mother
of morphine. The father died some hours later.
eventually broke down the bathroom door and rushed E. C.
In view of the patient's condition, there was no postmor-
to the hospital, where she was successfully treated for
tem examination to ascertain the potential role of morphine
heroin overdose). Obviously, there are any number of rea-
in his death. The evidence that he died from an overdose is
sons why E. C. may have overdosed on this occasion, but it
based on his reaction to the final morphine administration
is possible that the novel, external stimulus (mother knock-
and the physician's interpretation of the symptoms as de-
ing on bathroom door) disrupted the CCR usually elicited
scribed in his telephone conversation with N. E. at the time
by drug-associated cues.
of the event. Of course, there are a variety of possibleexplanations for this very sick patient's death. However, the
Overdoses in Patients Receiving Medically
symptoms immediately preceding death strongly implicate
morphine overdose, and the circumstances of the death arecongenial with a Pavlovian conditioning interpretation of
There are case reports of patients that were receiving
this overdose. The patient's shallow breathing and con-
medically prescribed opiates and, for seemingly inexplica-
stricted pupils are classic symptoms of opiate overdose. The
ble reasons, suffered an apparent overdose following a
fact that N. E. stated that he was always assiduous in
particular administration. These reports are consistent with
preparing the morphine (including the preparation on the
the conditioning analysis of tolerance and the failure of
occasion of the apparent overdose) suggests that there was
tolerance that occurs when the environment of drug admin-
nothing unusual about the drug dosage on the occasion of
istration is altered.
the apparent overdose.
Siegel and Ellsworth (1986) described a case of an ap-
As discussed previously, a variety of cues may become
parent overdose death of a patient receiving morphine for
associated with a drug effect and control the display of
relief of pain from pancreatic cancer. The patient's son,
tolerance, including DOCs. Recall that these drug-onset
N. E., regularly administered the drug in accordance with
cues are the early drug effects, experienced shortly after
the procedures and dosage levels specified by the patient's
each administration, that reliably signal the later, larger drug
physician. N. E. was 17 years old when he administered the
effect. Johnson and Faull (1997) described a case of an
fatal dose of morphine. Two years later, N. E. was a student
apparent overdose in a patient receiving medically pre-
in a class in which the Pavlovian conditioning analysis of
scribed opiates that Siegel and Kim (2000) suggested may
drug tolerance was discussed. It was only then that N. E.
be interpretable by a conditioning analysis of tolerance that
realized the applicability of the model to his father's death
incorporated the CS properties of DOCs. Johnson and
and attempted to reconstruct the circumstances of the event.
Faull's patient had been treated for pain with a regimen that
Many details concerning the overdose are not accessible,
included oral morphine for about 3 months. Tolerance to the
and some information was forgotten over the period be-
analgesic effect of the drug developed. The patient opted to
tween the death and N. E.'s insight into the potential role of
change to transdermal fentanyl, and cross-tolerance was
conditioning in the death. Nevertheless, N. E.'s interpreta-
expected. Fortuitously, the morphine–fentanyl conversion
tion of the event as another instance of exacerbation of a
dose was incorrectly calculated and the patient received one
drug effect by environmental alteration is reasonable.
quarter of the manufacturer's recommended conversion
dose. Nevertheless, the patient suffered an opioid overdose.
switched from oral morphine to transdermal fentanyl (de-
Johnson and Faull concluded that, despite the patient's
scribed by Johnson & Faull, 1997) was subjected to peer
tolerance to oral morphine, there was apparently no cross-
review by the journal in which both articles appeared,
tolerance to fentanyl: "If this man had received the ‘correct'
Palliative Medicine. One of the anonymous reviewers of the
dose [of fentanyl] as calculated from the manufacturer's
Siegel and Kim submission stated, "the hypothesis that
data sheet he would have experienced severe toxicity"
tolerance is situation specific is a completely new one to
(Johnson & Faull, 1997, p. 494).
me—and I suspect to all others actively involved in patient
Although Johnson and Faull (1997) did not offer an
care." Similarly, in a recent summary of the potential mech-
explanation for the overdose that they noted, Siegel and
anisms of heroin overdose, Zador (1999) noted, accurately,
Kim (2000) did. Siegel and Kim suggested that this disrup-
that "ingesting heroin in an unusual or unfamiliar setting is
tion of tolerance seen following a change in route of ad-
not currently publicized as a risk" (p. 976). Communication
ministration is a further demonstration of the situational-
between researchers and clinicians in this area needs
specificity of tolerance. Among the stimuli that comprise
the drug-associated cues are those cues inherent within theadministration procedure (such as DOCs). As summarized
Pavlovian Conditioning and
by Siegel and Kim (2000),
Cue Exposure Treatment
Johnson and Faull's observations concerning a failure of
Drug withdrawal symptoms and drug tolerance are highly
cross-tolerance to occur between two -opioid receptor ago-
nists in conjunction with an alteration in administration pro-
correlated (e.g., Koob, Stinus, Le Moal, & Bloom, 1989;
cedure may represent another demonstration of the situa-
Peper, Grimbergen, Kraal, & Engelbart, 1987). Moreover,
tional-specificity of tolerance. The phenomenon has been
withdrawal symptoms are compensatory responses: "As a
implicated in unexpected overdose deaths resulting from opi-
general pharmacological principle, it can be asserted that
ates, alcohol, and pentobarbital, and may also (as Johnson andFaull's observations suggest) be relevant to understanding
withdrawal effects are usually opposite to acute drug ef-
and preventing enigmatic overdoses in clinical practice.
fects" (Poulos & Cappell, 1991, p. 402). According to the
Pavlovian conditioning analysis, the relationship betweentolerance and withdrawal, and the fact that most withdrawal
Drug Overdose: The Researcher and the Clinician
symptoms are drug-compensatory responses, are attribut-able to the fact they are both manifestations of the same
Situational-specificity of tolerance was originally de-
conditioned compensatory drug response.
scribed in many experiments conducted by Clifford Mitch-ell and colleagues more than 40 years ago (see review by
Pavlovian Conditioning and
Siegel, 1978). Subsequent laboratory research has estab-
Drug Withdrawal Symptoms
lished the reliability of the phenomenon with respect totolerance to many effects of a variety of drugs: opiates,
When the drug is administered in the context of the usual
naloxone, ethanol, nicotine, pentobarbital, phencyclidine,
drug-administration cues, CCRs attenuate the drug effect
immunoenhancing drugs, cholecystokinin, carisoprodol,
and contribute to tolerance. However, if there is no drug
haloperidol and several benzodiazepines (see Siegel et al.,
effect (i.e., the usual cues for drug administration are
2000). The relevance of situational-specificity of tolerance
present, but the usual drug is not administered), these CCRs
to heroin overdose in rodents was first demonstrated in the
achieve full expression because they are not modulated by a
laboratory approximately 20 years ago (Siegel et al., 1982),
drug effect. Such CCRs, displayed in such circumstances,
and the basic finding subsequently has been replicated with
are termed
withdrawal symptoms. In discussing the role of
respect to overdose to nonopiate drugs (Melchior, 1990;
CCRs in withdrawal symptoms, it is important to make a
Vila, 1989). Results of case reports (e.g., Siegel, 1984,
distinction between the acute withdrawal reaction seen
1989) and epidemiological studies (e.g., Gutie´rrez-Cebol-
shortly after the initiation of abstinence (which typically
lada et al., 1994) evaluating the circumstances of heroin
lasts for days or, at most, weeks) and the apparently similar
overdose in humans are consistent with the results of labo-
symptoms often noted after detoxification is presumably
ratory experiments with mice and rats. Furthermore, the role
complete (see Hinson & Siegel, 1982). In the latter case, it
of environmental cues in tolerance in general, and in failures
is likely that Pavlovian conditioning contributes to the
of tolerance responsible for overdoses in particular, are
explicable on the basis of a theoretical account of tolerance(i.e., Pavlovian conditioning) that has considerable empiri-
Consider the situation in which the addict expects a drug, but
cal support (Siegel et al., 2000). In short, the data and theory
does not receive it; that is, no drug is available, but the addictis in an environment where he or she has frequently used
implicating drug-paired cues in overdose are overwhelming
drugs in the past, or it is the time of day when the drug is
(Siegel, 2001).
typically administered, or any of a variety of drug-associated
Nevertheless, there does not seem to be widespread dis-
stimuli occur. Research with animals demonstrates that pre-
semination of this information, either among clinicians who
sentation of cues previously associated with drug administra-tion, but now not followed by the drug, results in the occur-
treat patients with opiates for pain relief or among clinicians
rence of drug-compensatory CRs. . In the situation in
who deal with heroin addicts. For example, Siegel and
which the drug addict expects but does not receive the drug,
Kim's (2000) explanation of the overdose seen in a patient
it would be expected that drug-compensatory CRs would also
occur. These CRs normally counter the pharmacological dis-
extinction of these CRs may be achieved through repeated
ruption of functioning which occurs when the anticipated
unreinforced exposure to the CS" (Carter & Tiffany, 1999,
drug is administered. However, since the expected drug is not
forthcoming, the CRs may achieve expression as overt phys-iological reactions, e.g., yawning, running nose, watery eyes,sweating . . or form the basis for the subjective experience of
Extinction of the Response to Drug-Associated Cues
withdrawal sickness and craving. (Hinson & Siegel, 1982, p.
On the basis of the results of research with rats, we would
expect that repeated presentations of predrug cues, in the
There is much evidence that such withdrawal symptoms,
absence of the drug, should extinguish CCRs. Most research
seen long after the last exposure to a drug, are especially
in this area has been designed to evaluate a prediction of the
pronounced in the presence of drug-related cues (Siegel,
conditioning analysis of tolerance. If tolerance is mediated
1999a); that is, "it is the anticipation of the drug, rather than
by these CCRs, procedures that decrease the strength of
the drug itself, that is responsible for these symptoms . .
Pavlovian conditioning should similarly decrease the mag-
some drug ‘withdrawal symptoms' are, more accurately,
nitude of tolerance. The magnitude of established CRs is
drug ‘preparation symptoms'" (Siegel, 1991, p. 412). Ac-
decreased by
extinction, that is, repeated presentations of
cording to the conditioning account of tolerance, as applied
the CS without the UCS. Similarly, tolerance to the anal-
to withdrawal symptoms, the CCRs elicited by the usual
gesic, lethal, and behaviorally sedating effects of morphine
drug-paired cues, in the absence of the usual drug, include
are attenuated by repeated presentation of the predrug cues.
the readily observable drug-compensatory responses and the
Similarly, tolerance to a variety of effects of ethanol, am-
less readily observable neurochemical responses that are
phetamine, midazolam (a short-acting benzodiazepine), and
interpreted as craving (Siegel, 1999a).
the synthetic polynucleotide, Poly I:C, also can be extin-
The results of many studies support clinical observations
guished (see reviews by Siegel, 1999a; Siegel et al., 2000).
that predrug cues are powerful elicitors of withdrawal
These findings, indicating that drug CCRs are attenuated by
symptoms. The findings have been obtained in both labo-
an extinction procedure, suggest that cue exposure should
ratory experiments (with humans and nonhuman animals)
be an effective addiction treatment strategy.
and in epidemiological studies. This literature recently has
Krank and Wall (1990) reported the results of three
been reviewed (Carter & Tiffany, 1999; Siegel, 1999a).
experiments that evaluated such a cue exposure treatment
Briefly, rats with a history of drug administration display
with rats. During the self-administration phase of each ex-
more behavioral withdrawal symptoms in a drug-paired
periment, rats pressed a lever in an operant chamber for
environment than in an alternative environment. Drug-
access to a saccharin– ethanol mixture. They subsequently
paired cues contribute not only to withdrawal symptoms in
were denied access to ethanol during an extinction phase.
rats but also to relapse. That is, following a withdrawal
During this period of abstinence, groups of rats differed
period, the presence of these cues promotes renewed self-
with respect to the extent of their exposure to ethanol-
administration of opiates, cocaine, and ethanol. Similarly,
associated cues. Finally, during a reacquisition test, rats
former heroin addicts display physiological signs of nar-
were permitted to again respond for the sweetened ethanol
cotic withdrawal when they perform the "cooking up" ritual
solution to evaluate the effect of the various extinction
while being monitored by a polygraph or when presented
treatments on relapse to ethanol self-administration. For
with pictures containing drug-related cues. Alcoholics and
example, in one experiment (Experiment 2), rats were ab-
cigarette smokers similarly respond to the appropriate drug-
stinent from ethanol for 12 days following the self-admin-
associated cues with withdrawal symptoms and craving (see
istration phase. Four independent groups of rats differed in
reviews by Carter & Tiffany, 1999; Siegel, 1999a).
their treatment during this 12-day period. Rats in one group
Epidemiological studies have evaluated relapse in treated
were not exposed to ethanol-associated cues—they stayed
drug users who have relocated to an environment very
in their home cage throughout the abstinence phase of the
different than that in which they used drugs (e.g., returning
experiment (the home-cage group). Rats in the remaining
Vietnam veterans who were addicted to heroin while in
three groups differed in the number of ethanol-associated
Vietnam or treated civilian drug addicts who moved to a
cues presented during the abstinence. Rats assigned to the
new environment following treatment). Compared with
no-bar group received daily exposure to the operant cham-
groups that have returned to environments rich in drug-
ber, but there was no response lever in the chamber. Rats
associated cues, relocated patients generally show far less
assigned to the no-sacch group received daily sessions in the
relapse (see review by Siegel, 1999a).
operant chamber, with the lever in place, but lever presses
An implication of the conditioning analysis is that suc-
had no consequence. Rats assigned to the sacch group also
cessful treatment of drug addiction should acknowledge the
received daily sessions in the operant chamber, but lever
substantial influence of drug-predictive cues. On the basis of
presses were reinforced with unadulterated saccharin solu-
this reasoning, abstinence is most likely if the addict (who
tion (no ethanol).
is not likely to relocate after therapy) is treated with a
The results of the reacquisition test session for all groups
protocol that incorporates extinction of the association be-
in the Krank and Wall (1990, Experiment 2) study are
tween these cues and the drug: "These treatments reflect a
summarized in Figure 3. As can be seen in Figure 3 (and as
logical extension of classical conditioning theory. If ad-
confirmed by the results of inferential statistical analyses),
dicts' responses to drug-related stimuli reflect CRs, then
cue exposure during extinction reduced self-administration
for ethanol during reacquisition. Following abstinence,
et al., 1993; McLellan, Childress, Ehrman, O'Brien, &
sacch group rats responded less than did no-sacch group
Pashko, 1986), effective with some drugs but not others
rats, who, in turn, responded less than did no-bar group rats.
(e.g., Drummond, Tiffany, Glautier, & Remington, 1995),
There was no statistically significant difference between the
effective only as adjunct to more traditional treatments (e.g.,
no-bar and home-cage groups.
Monti & O'Leary, 1999; Monti & Rohsenow, 1999; Roh-
In sum, in this Krank and Wall (1990) research, relapse to
senow, Monti, & Abrams, 1995), and effective with some
ethanol self-administration was attenuated by exposure to
clients and not with others (e.g., Powell et al., 1993; Rees &
drug-associated cues during abstinence, with the extent of
Heather, 1995). As recently summarized by Carroll (1999),
relapse inversely related to the number of such cues pre-
"while cue exposure approaches have generally been asso-
sented during the extinction phase: "This suggests that
ciated with reductions in some conditioned responses, the
implementing some form of cue exposure to the patient's
value of these procedures in producing clinically meaning-
usual drinking environment during abstinence may be use-
ful reductions in substance use has been met with only
ful therapy" (Krank & Wall, 1990, p. 732).
modest success to date" (p. 261).
The Effectiveness of Cue Exposure Treatment for
Why Cue Exposure Treatment May Not Be Effective
Drug Addiction in Humans
Findings indicating that cue exposure treatment may not
There are several reviews of the literature concerning the
always be an effective treatment strategy are explicable on
effectiveness of cue exposure treatment for excessive use of
the basis of laboratory work concerning extinction in gen-
both licit and illicit drugs by humans: alcohol (e.g., Drum-
eral, and extinction of conditional pharmacological re-
mond & Glautier, 1994; Monti et al., 1993), nicotine (e.g.,
sponses in particular. The results of this research suggest
Brandon, Piasecki, Quinn, & Baker, 1995), cocaine (e.g.,
strategies to maximize the effectiveness of cue exposure
O'Brien, Childress, McLellan, & Ehrman, 1990), and opi-
ates (e.g., Childress et al., 1986). The various studies haveused a variety of outcome measures (latency to relapse,
Interoceptive Drug-Associated Cues
extent of relapse, cue reactivity, self-reports of drug use andurges, and withdrawal symptoms). Although there are re-
As indicated previously, interoceptive, as well as extero-
ports that cue exposure treatment is effective (e.g., Drum-
ceptive predrug cues may serve as CSs. Thus, the uncondi-
mond & Glautier, 1994; Heather & Bradley, 1990; Monti et
tional effects of a drug may be signaled by at least two CSs:
al., 1993), the findings are mixed. That is, there also are
(a) exteroceptive cues present at the time of drug adminis-
reports that such treatments are ineffective (e.g., Dawe
tration, and (b) interoceptive cues provided by the early
Mean bar pressing for oral saccharin– ethanol reinforcement during the postabstinence
reacquisition phase of the Krank and Wall (1990, Experiment 2) study. Prior to this test, rats weretrained to respond for the sweetened ethanol mixture. They subsequently were denied access toethanol. During this abstinence phase, independent groups of rats were not exposed to ethanolassociated cues (home-cage group); received daily sessions in which they were placed in theself-administration chamber, but the bar was not available (no-bar group); received daily sessionsin the operant chamber with the lever in place, but lever presses had no consequence (no-sacchgroup); or received daily sessions in the operant chamber with the lever in place and lever pressesreinforced with unadulterated saccharin solution (sacch group). From "Cue Exposure During aPeriod of Abstinence Reduces the Resumption of Operant Behavior for Oral Ethanol Reinforce-ment," by M. D. Krank and A.-M. Wall, 1990,
Behavioral Neuroscience, 104, p. 730. Copyright1990 by the American Psychological Association. Reprinted with permission of the author.
effects of the drug (DOCs) or the act of self-administration
There is evidence that withdrawal symptoms and craving
(SACs). That is, drug effects may often be signaled by
can be directly elicited by a small dose of the drug to which
compound predrug cues. There are several compound con-
an individual is addicted. Schachter (1977) reported that
ditioning phenomena that may be important for understand-
some heavy smokers given low-nicotine cigarettes failed to
ing the relationship between conditional drug effects and
regulate their nicotine intake (i.e., increase the number of
addictive phenomena, but one that is especially relevant is
cigarettes smoked). These smokers, who repeatedly self-
administered lower than normal doses of nicotine, reported
Overshadowing, first described by Pavlov (1927, pp.
extreme withdrawal distress. Other heavy smokers, who
142–143 and 269 –270), was extensively investigated by
increased consumption when given low-nicotine cigarettes,
Kamin (1969). Overshadowing is seen if two CSs simulta-
effectively maintaining their normal nicotine intake, re-
neously signal a UCS, and one CS is more salient than the
ported no withdrawal distress. In experiments with rats,
other. Other things being equal, a subject trained with a
McDonald (2001) demonstrated the contribution of DOCs
more salient CS will learn more rapidly than a subject
to withdrawal symptoms. He found that rats with a history
trained with a less salient CS. For example, if CS and CS
of administration of large morphine doses (e.g., 50 mg/kg)
are both effective CSs, but subjects learn a CS 3 UCS
displayed behavioral and thermic evidence of morphine
association faster than a CS 3 UCS association, CS is
withdrawal when administered small doses (e.g., 5 mg/kg)
said to be more salient than CS . When a compound CS
of the opiate.
signals a UCS, subjects learn about the more salient CS at
Cue exposure treatments sometimes may be ineffective
the expense of the less salient CS. Consider the situation in
because there is no attempt to extinguish these highly salient
which CS and CS simultaneously signal a UCS. If CS is
DOCs. As indicated by Cepeda-Benito and Short (1997), if
more salient than CS , CS will become strongly associated
the early effect of a drug is one cue that elicits CCRs, it is
with the UCS, and little associative strength will develop
possible that mere exposure to predrug environmental cues
between CS and the UCS. It is said that CS overshadows
may not effectively extinguish the association between pre-
drug cues and the drug effect. Rather, "the inclusion of
Overshadowing should be a characteristic of Pavlovian
small drug doses during cue exposure treatments may better
conditioning with pharmacological UCSs, just as it is with
reproduce the CSs responsible for craving" (Cepeda-Benito
nonpharmacological UCSs. Indeed, there is considerable
& Short, 1997, p. 239). Indeed, some investigators de-
evidence that overshadowing is a feature of learning about
scribed successful cue exposure treatment procedures for
drug effects (Dafters & Bach, 1985; Walter & Riccio,
problem drinking that incorporate priming doses of alcohol
1983). Thus, drug tolerance may be controlled largely by
(e.g., Sitharthan, Sitharthan, Hough, & Kavanagh, 1997).
DOCs or SACs (rather than simultaneously present, drug-
Self-administration cues, drug addiction, and cue expo-
paired environmental cues) because these interoceptive cues
sure therapy.
Recognition that SACs function as highly
are more salient than the environmental cues (Kim et al.,
salient predrug cues also may have important implications
1999; Sokolowska, Siegel, & Kim, in press; Weise-Kelly &
for cue exposure treatments. Typically, cue exposure treat-
Siegel, 2001).
ment involves passive exposure of drug-associated environ-
Drug-onset cues, drug addiction, and cue exposure treat-
mental cues to patients who have self-administered drugs
It is well established that relapse to drug use some-
(e.g., Dawe et al., 1993). If SACs are among the cues that
times is precipitated by exposure to small drug doses. Al-
elicit CCRs, it is possible that effective extinction treat-
though there are various interpretations of such priming
ments should incorporate opportunities for the patient to
effects (Shaham, Rodaros, & Stewart, 1994), it is possible
engage in the behaviors that previously had culminated in
that intraadministration associations may be responsible for
drug administration. Recall that in the Krank and Wall
some instances of the phenomenon (Siegel et al., 2000). For
(1990) experiment with rats that had been trained to self-
example, frequently it has been reported that a small dose of
administer ethanol, the effective cue exposure treatments
alcohol will augment the craving for additional alcohol and
were those that involved components of the self-adminis-
enhance subsequent alcohol consumption (see Goddard,
tration response. That is, treatment was more effective for
1999; Siegel, 1987). This "loss of control" is incorporated in
rats that had experience in making the response that previ-
the doctrine of Alcoholics Anonymous:
ously resulted in ethanol access but now resulted either inno programmed consequence or access to a dealcoholized
Once he takes any alcohol into his system, something hap-pens, both in the bodily and mental sense, which makes it
solution. Toben˜a et al. (1993) similarly suggested that the
virtually impossible for him to stop. The experience of any
effectiveness of cue exposure may be enhanced if it incor-
alcoholic will confirm that. . We are without defense
porated self-administration behaviors:
against the first drink. (Anonymous, 1939, pp. 34 –35)
It can also be useful to consider the possibility that controlling
The insalubrious effect of the first drink may be due to the
for the direct consequences of self-administration of drugs
alcoholic's association of that initial effect of alcohol (i.e.,
(e.g., drinking or injecting), could affect the extinction of the
DOCs experienced soon after ingestion of alcohol) with
affective states induced by drugs or drug cues . . treatment
subsequent larger amounts of the drug: "The signal value of
should incorporate specific strategies for dealing with thebehavioral chains involved in drinking, inhaling, smoking or
a small drug dose may make a contribution to ‘binge'
self-injecting drugs. The corresponding prediction would be
drinking and drug ‘priming' effects in humans" (Goddard,
that the practice of such behavioral rituals while the patients
1999, p. 418).
are exposed to cues (but without actual intake of drugs),
would lead to faster extinction and loss of the signal value of
parsimoniously analyze the situation in terms of an associa-
such behaviors as cues for the drugs. This hypothesis may be
tive process. If stress has been reliably associated with abu-
worth investigating. (p. 215)
sive drinking for a particular individual, then stress can func-tion as a conditional stimulus for the elicitation of compen-
More recently, in discussing cue exposure therapy for
satory responses and craving. . The extinction of stress as
cigarette smoking, Brandon et al. (1995) also speculated
a conditional cue for drug effects should occur just as the
about a role for incorporating SACs in treatment and indi-
extinction of a distinctive environment for drug effects oc-
cated that more research is needed: "The benefits of includ-
curs. (pp. 209 –210)
ing the self-administration ritual
per se as part of a cue
exposure treatment have not yet been empirically investi-gated" (p. 219, italics in original).
When a CR is extinguished, it typically reappears after a
period of time. The phenomenon was first noted by Pavlov:
Images, Memories, and Emotions
"Left to themselves, extinguished conditioned reflexesspontaneously recover their full strength after a longer or
Laboratory research relevant to increasing the effective-
shorter interval of time" (Pavlov, 1927, p. 58). Spontaneous
ness of cue exposure discussed thus far primarily has been
recovery of an extinguished response is well established and
concerned with work using nonhuman animals. The find-
has been given extensive theoretical treatment (e.g., Brooks
ings, however, are relevant to cue exposure therapy with
& Bouton, 1993; Robbins, 1990).
humans. For example, the fact that effective CSs may be
In common with other CRs, the CCRs that mediate drug
"private" (such as DOCs and SACs), as well as "public"
tolerance and withdrawal display spontaneous recovery. For
(such as the environment of drug administration), although
example, Brooks, Karamanlian, and Foster (2001) demon-
primarily based on the results of research with rats, has
strated that although ethanol tolerance can be extinguished
important implications for the design of effective extinc-
by repeated presentation of drug-associated cues, the toler-
tion-based treatment procedures. However, there are some
ant response reappears after a "rest" interval. This sponta-
private predrug cues that can be studied only in humans.
neous recovery complicates attempts to effect long-term
These include imagery of drug-paired stimuli and mood
extinction of these CCRs during cue exposure therapy. With
few exceptions (e.g., Corty & Coon, 1995; Hammersley,
Images and memories.
Merely thinking about their pre-
1992), however, spontaneous recovery generally has not
ferred drug elicits withdrawal distress and craving in ciga-
been recognized as a problem for cue exposure treatment. It
rette smokers (e.g., Drobes & Tiffany, 1997), alcoholics
would appear that, to be successful, cue exposure treatment
(e.g., Weinstein, Lingford-Hughes, Martinez-Raga, & Mar-
should use widely spaced extinction trials (that may mini-
shall, 1998), and heroin addicts (e.g., Bradley & Moorey,
mize the magnitude of spontaneous recovery; see Mackin-
1988). This imagery-elicited responding may be manifest
tosh, 1974, pp. 421– 422). In addition, the cue exposure
not only by subjective reports but also by activation of
protocol should include postextinction sessions in which the
distinctive brain circuits as revealed by positron emission
spontaneously recovered pharmacological CCR may be re-
tomography imaging techniques (e.g., Weinstein, Feldt-
keller, et al., 1998). As summarized by Greeley and Ryan(1995), "A good case exists, then, for making cognitions
Context Effects
se a pivotal concern of conditioning models, allowing thepossibility of cognitions as interoceptive cues" (p. 132,
The fact that extinguished CRs display spontaneous re-
italics in original). Research concerning the incorporation of
covery suggests that extinction does not abolish the ability
such private stimuli into cue exposure procedures (e.g.,
of a CS to elicit conditional responding. Nevertheless, a
Kominars, 1997) will influence in an important way this
view of extinction as unlearning—an eradication of the
form of behavioral therapy for addiction.
association formed during acquisition—is pervasive and is
Emotions, especially negative emotions, are
implicit in most implementations of cue exposure therapy.
frequent elicitors of withdrawal distress and craving. For
Results of research conducted in the past 20 years, however,
example, Ludwig and Stark (1974) reported that over 75%
indicate that extinction does not entail the loss of prior
of their sample of patients experienced craving for alcohol
learning. An extensive series of experiments, primarily by
when "depressed," "nervous," or "under stress." Similarly,
Mark Bouton and colleagues (e.g., Bouton, 1994, 2000;
Mathew, Claghorn, and Largen (1979) found that about
Bouton & Swartzentruber, 1991), indicate that, just as
85% of their patients reported that "non-alcohol-related
something is learned during acquisition (the CS–UCS asso-
events of an unpleasant nature" (p. 605) precipitated crav-
ciation), something also is learned during extinction (a
ing. Similar results have been found with heroin addicts (see
no-UCS association). During extinction, the association
summary by Greeley & Ryan, 1995). There are various
learned during acquisition remains intact, while the new,
interpretations of the contribution of negative emotional
conflicting association is acquired: "The signal winds up
states to withdrawal distress (Stewart, 2000); however, as
with two available ‘meanings.' It is ambiguous . . its
discussed by Poulos, Hinson, and Siegel (1981), Pavlovian
current meaning— or the behavior it currently evokes—is
conditioning may be a factor:
determined by the current context" (Bouton, 2000, p. 57).
While one can plausibly relate the psychodynamics of stress
This view of extinction has profound implications for cue
and depression to drug use, the conditioning analysis can
exposure therapy.
A phenomenon termed
renewal (Bouton,
both rats and humans, Bouton (2000) suggested several
1993) provides evidence for the survival of CRs, even
procedures for enhancing the effectiveness of cue exposure.
following extensive extinction. Renewal is seen if a CR is
For example, renewal is reduced if cues present during
established in one context (Context
) by repeated CS–
extinction are presented again on the test of renewal (e.g.,
UCS pairings and subsequently extinguished in a different
Brooks & Bouton, 1994): "The findings begin to suggest
) by repeated CS-alone presentations.
that building retrieval cues or retrieval opportunities into the
Despite the fact that following extinction, there is no con-
period after therapy—perhaps through reminder cards or
ditional responding in Context
, when the subject is pre-
reminder telephone calls from the therapist—will help pre-
sented with the CS in Context
the CS again elicits CRs;
vent relapse and extend behavior change" (Bouton, 2000, p.
that is, conditional responding is renewed. Renewal has
been seen in many different types of conditioning prepara-
Another procedure to increase the long-term effective-
tions, with both nonhuman animals and humans. In exper-
ness of extinction is to conduct extinction, to the extent
iments with rats, Context
possible, in Context
. For example, Blakey and Baker
sist of experimental chambers that are distinguished by
(1980) described such a cue exposure treatment of a prob-
olfactory, visual, and auditory cues but may also consist of
lem drinker. The patient, and one or two therapists, would
different hormonal, drug, or deprivation states. In experi-
sit in the pub (where the patient habitually drank) and drink
ments with humans, contexts may be provided by experi-
only soft drinks.
mentally induced moods (e.g., Eich, 1995). Although re-
Drug use is part of Context
, thus extinction therapy
newal typically has been demonstrated by presenting the CS
may be more effective if it actually incorporated some
following extinction in Context
drug use. Bouton (2000) provided an example of such a
evidence, from research with rats, that renewal may be seen
procedure that could be used with a cigarette smoker. Dur-
when the CS again is presented in a third, neutral context.
ing cue exposure, the patient not only would be presented
As summarized by Bouton and Swartzentruber (1991),
with cigarette-associated cues but also would smoke afew cigarettes, thereby increasing the similarity between
The loss of responding during extinction depends to someextent on the subject learning about, and suppressing perfor-
mance in, the
extinction context. One could similarly expect
Because those trials would initially reintroduce a contextual
that the positive effects of exposure therapy could be specific
cue connected with smoking, they may slow down behavior
to the therapy context. It is as if extinction depends inherently
change in the short run. However, in the long run, because
on the subject learning about some version of the idea, ‘the
they would allow more effective extinction of some of the
CS is safe
here.' (p. 126, italics in original)
cues stimulating relapse, controlled exposures to occasional
Bouton (2000) provided an example of the potential of
lapses could theoretically facilitate a more permanent changein behavior. (p. 60)
the renewal effect to stymie the intentions of the cue expo-sure therapist. Consider the case of the cigarette smoker
Finally, there is theoretical and empirical support for the
who habitually smokes in particular contexts (e.g., at work
idea that conducting extinction in a variety of different
or under the influence of alcohol). Thus, a variety of ex-
contexts will decrease renewal. By presenting the CS alone
teroceptive and interoceptive cues (including the act of
not in a single Context
, but also in many other contexts,
smoking and the effects of nicotine and other tobacco con-
the likelihood of shared features between the context of
stituents) provide a context in which smoking typically
extinction and the context of acquisition is increased (Bou-
occurs. Following cue exposure in the clinic, this individual
ton, 2000). Thus, cue exposure may be more effective if it
may no longer experience substantial withdrawal symptoms
is conducted in many different contexts (rather than, for
or craving when confronted by cigarette-associated stimuli
example, only in the clinic).
(e.g., the sight of a cigarette or the sight of someone smok-ing). However, when this individual again returns to Con-
Occasion Setting
(the workplace or the internal state induced by
alcohol), cigarette-associated stimuli will again elicit CCRs.
Cue exposure treatment is designed to extinguish learned
Moreover, if renewed smoking occurs in this context (thus
responses elicited by drug-paired cues. However, results of
reexposing the individual to contextual cues resulting from
recent Pavlovian conditioning research suggest that re-
smoking), the renewal effect is further enhanced:
peated presentations of stimuli that had been paired withthe UCS do not inevitably lead to extinction. This research
In this manner the initial lapse produced by renewal orspontaneous recovery will introduce additional contextual
has concerned a phenomenon variously termed
cues that further trap the smoker into smoking again. One
(Rescorla, 1986),
modulation (Swartzentruber, 1995), or—
begins to envision an ever-expanding set of contextual cues.
the term used here—
occasion setting (Holland, 1992).
In this way, a slip or lapse may spiral into relapse. (Bouton,
What is occasion setting?
Renewal provides one dem-
onstration of the importance of contextual cues in extinction
Implications of the renewal effect for cue exposure ther-
of a CS–UCS association. Another (perhaps related) exam-
Cue exposure will be successful, in the long term, to
ple is provided by occasion setting. The relationship be-
the extent that the therapy decreases renewal and promotes
tween a CS and a UCS may be termed a
binary relation
retrieval of the extinction learning when the patient returns
(Domjan, 1998, p. 244). Both humans and nonhuman ani-
. On the basis of the results of research with
mals can learn that a third stimulus—an occasion setter—
provides information that a binary relationship will be in
these target cues and the drug effect. Attempting to extin-
effect (Hardwick & Lipp, 2000; Schmajuk & Holland,
guish only the occasion setter (e.g., having the patient
1998). This third stimulus is the occasion setter.
repeatedly visualize cues that occur well before drug self-
Occasion setting is a phenomenon of compound condi-
administration) would be fruitless.
tioning. As previously discussed, the CS that signals a drugoften may be conceptualized as a compound CS consisting
Pavlovian Conditioning and Pharmacological
of several elements. In the examples given thus far, the
Treatment of Withdrawal Symptoms
various elements of the compound CS (e.g., pharmacolog-ical drug-onset cues and environmental cues) occur at ap-
Cue exposure therapy is designed to decrease the mag-
proximately the same time. This may be termed a
nitude of abstinence symptoms elicited by drug-associated
neous compound. In contrast, one element of the compound
stimuli. On the basis of a conditioning interpretation, these
may occur some time before the second element. Using the
symptoms are CCRs, and cue exposure is an extinction
usual terminology for such serial compounds, the first ele-
procedure. An alternative strategy for decreasing the
ment is termed the
occasion setter, and the second element
strength of CCRs is to interfere with the biological bases of
is termed the
their expression (see Koob, 2000). Results of some recent
Research using serial compounds indicates that the occa-
research have addressed the intracellular and intercellular
sion setter, in contrast with the target, does not enter into a
processes engaged by cues that have been associated with
direct association with the UCS—that is, it does not func-
drug administration (see Siegel et al., 2000).
tion as a CS. Rather, it acquires unique properties. Asdiscussed by several investigators (e.g., Anagnostaras &
Conditional Intracellular Alterations
Robinson, 1996; Greeley & Ryan, 1995), a complete anal-ysis of the contribution of learning to drug effects should
The structural changes in the central nervous system that
acknowledge the acquisition of occasion-setting properties
are responsible for learning and drug effects require gene
of drug-paired feature cues, as well as the acquisition of
activation. The gene that encodes a transcription factor,
conditional responding by drug-paired target cues.
fos, has been implicated in learning and drug tolerance
What is special about occasion setting?
(Nye & Nestler, 1996; Sotty, Sandner, & Gosselin, 1996).
learn about occasion setters, just as they learn about CSs;
That is, c-Fos (especially striatial c-Fos) mediates the action
however, the content of learning about occasion setters is
of many common drugs of abuse (e.g., Hope, Kosofsky,
unique. For example, although repeated presentations of a
Hyman, & Nestler, 1992; Liu, Nickolenko, & Sharp, 1994),
CS by itself (in the absence of the UCS) leads to extinction
and c-Fos also is important for memory consolidation (Sotty
of conditional responding, such extinction is not character-
et al., 1996). There is evidence that conditional drug effects
istic of occasion setting. That is, repeated presentations of
are seen in conjunction with conditional c-Fos expression
an occasion setter by itself does not lead to any diminution
(Baptista et al., 1998; Thiele, Roitman, & Bernstein, 1998).
in the occasion-setting properties of the stimulus. Following
For example, Baptista et al. (1998) used the paired– un-
such attempted extinction, the organism still responds to the
paired situational-specificity design of Siegel et al. (1978),
target CS with conditional responding if this CS is preceded
described previously, to simultaneously evaluate both tol-
by the occasion setter. Although the nonextinguishability of
erance to the analgesic effect of morphine and striatal c-Fos
an occasion setter has been demonstrated primarily with the
levels. They reported that rats not only showed behavioral
traditional stimuli used in Pavlovian conditioning (e.g., Hol-
evidence of situational-specificity of tolerance (i.e., paired
land, 1992; Ross & Holland, 1981), it also has been dem-
morphine rats were more tolerant to the analgesic effect of
onstrated with drugs as UCSs (Ramos, Siegel, & Bueno, in
morphine than were unpaired morphine rats) but also dem-
press). As suggested by Ramos et al., the fact that some
onstrated situational-specificity of c-Fos expression (i.e.,
drug-paired stimuli may function as occasion setters, rather
paired morphine rats displayed higher striatal c-Fos levels
than as CSs, has important implications for cue exposure
than did unpaired morphine rats). More recently, Schroeder,
Holahan, Landry, and Kelly (2000) also demonstrated con-
Implications of occasion setting for cue exposure ther-
ditional changes in
fos expression following training with
Sometimes, when cue exposure therapy is ineffec-
morphine. In addition, Thiele et al. (1998) reported similar
tive, it is possible that the therapist attempted to extinguish
findings with respect to ethanol.
an occasion setter, rather than a CS. As indicated, repeated
The c-Fos protein combines with other proteins to form
presentations of an occasion setter by itself does not atten-
an activator protein 1 complex—AP-1 (Angel et al., 1998;
uate its occasion-setting properties. Consider, for example,
Bohmann et al., 1987). This AP-1 complex binds to, and
the sequence of events likely to occur for a heroin addict.
activates, genes. Baptista et al. (1998) demonstrated that
Many cues provided by the rituals involved in procuring the
AP-1 binding was increased more in the striatum of paired
drug and injection paraphernalia occur well before the ac-
morphine rats than in the striatum of unpaired morphine
tual heroin injection. It is possible that the cues immediately
preceding the central effects of heroin (e.g., piercing the
In sum, stimuli present at the time of drug administration
skin with the hypodermic needle, DOCs, SACs) are the
modify not only the expression of tolerance but also the
functional CSs—the target cues. The more distal cues are
molecular changes hypothesized to mediate tolerance. In-
occasion setters that signal the binary relationship between
creasing understanding of the molecular bases of condi-
tional pharmacological responses may lead to the develop-
Indeed, several investigators have reported that such antag-
ment of drugs that modulate these intracellular functions
onist treatment prevents the developments of morphine tol-
that contribute to drug addiction and relapse.
erance (e.g., Kellstein & Mayer, 1991) and attenuates theexpression of established morphine tolerance (e.g., Hoff-
Conditional Intercellular Alterations
mann & Wiesenfeld-Hallin, 1994; Kim & Siegel, 2001). Ifsuch enhancement of CCK activity is conditionally elicited
Another strategy for pharmacological treatment of addic-
by morphine-paired cues, the CCR usually elicited by these
tion is to use a drug that modulates the conditional changes
cues should be attenuated by pretreating rats with a CCK
in neurotransmitter activity that mediate the behavioral ex-
antagonist prior to the presentation of these cues. This
pression of CCRs. There recently has been progress delin-
finding recently has been reported by Kim and Siegel
eating such changes with respect to ethanol and opiates. For
(2001). They demonstrated that, in rats with a history of
example, on the basis of results of microdialysis studies,
morphine administration, a hyperalgesic CCR is apparent in
Quertemont, de Neuville, and De Witte (1998) suggested
rats presented with drug-associated cues (and pretreated
that the CCRs elicited by ethanol-paired cues are mediatedby conditional release of the neuromodulator, taurine, in the
with an inert substance), but no such CCR is apparent in rats
tested following pretreatment with a CCK antagonist.
An especially promising area of research concerns the
On the basis of a Pavlovian conditioning interpretation,
development of pharmacotherapies for addiction that inter-
the CCRs that mediate tolerance (when the drug is admin-
fere with neurotransmitter activities that occur in anticipa-
istered) are expressed as withdrawal symptoms (when the
tion of opiates. There are findings suggesting that adminis-
usual predrug cues are not followed by the usual pharma-
tration of opiates elicits an increase in the production or
cological consequences). Thus, it would be expected that
synthesis of anti-opioid peptides (AOPs). An AOP, as the
these associatively mediated withdrawal symptoms should
term indicates, counteracts the effects of opiates and con-
be attenuated by pretreatment with a CCK antagonist. Lu
tributes to tolerance and withdrawal symptoms (Wiesen-
et al. (2000) reported that the expression of withdrawal
feld-Hallin, Lucas, Alster, Xu, & Ho¨kfelt, 1999). Increases
symptoms in rats with a history of morphine administration
in AOP activity may occur not only unconditionally (in
was suppressed by pretreatment with a CCK antagonist,
response to the presence of the drug) but also conditionally
but these investigators did not evaluate the contribution of
(in response to predrug cues); thus, interfering with AOP
predrug cues to these withdrawal symptoms. Further re-
activity may decrease CCRs elicited by drug-associated
search can determine whether withdrawal symptoms, seen
stimuli (Kim & Siegel, 2001).
when the long-abstinent organism again is confronted withdrug-associated cues (see Carter & Tiffany, 1999; Siegel,
CCK as an AOP
1999a) are attenuated by a CCK antagonist (as would be
expected if such symptoms are CCRs mediated by CCK
Although several putative AOPs have been proposed, one
that has received considerable attention is CCK. There isevidence that CCK attenuates the effect of morphine. Forexample, if CCK is administered exogenously, it blocks
morphine-induced analgesia in a dose-dependent manner(e.g., Han, 1995; Mitchell, Lowe, & Fields, 1998). Co-
Inasmuch as there is evidence that the CCRs elicited by
treatment with a CCK receptor antagonist prevents CCK
predrug cues are mediated by a conditional increase in
from attenuating opioid effects (Suh, Kim, Choi, & Song,
activity (Kim & Siegel, 2001), the compensatory
1995). Blocking CCK receptors potentiates morphine anal-
conditioning analysis of tolerance and withdrawal provides
gesia in rats (e.g., Zhou, Sun, Zhang, & Han, 1992) and
a rationale for the use of a CCK antagonist as a potential
humans (e.g., McCleane, 1998). Moreover, morphine ad-
addiction treatment. Many other pharmacotherapies for ad-
ministration accelerates the release of CCK from the central
diction have been proposed, on the basis of alternative
nervous system in a dose-dependent manner (Zhou et al.,
theoretical analyses of addiction, and some have achieved
1992). Two subtypes of CCK receptors have been identified
widespread acceptance. There now are a variety of drugs
and termed
CCK and
CCK , in reference to the relative
designed to decrease craving to modify the neurochemical
distribution of the receptors in
alimentary and
brain tissue(Saito, Sankaran, Goldine, & Williams, 1980). The avail-
bases of substance abuse. In addition, there are drug treat-
ability of highly selective receptor antagonists has demon-
ments that use agonists, others that use antagonists, and
strated that the anti-opioid function of CCK is active at the
others that use mixed agonist–antagonists (for a review of
CCK , rather than at the CCK receptor site (Wiesenfeld-
addiction pharmacotherapy, see Gottschalk, Jacobsen, &
Hallin et al., 1999).
Kosten, 1999). The use of a CCK antagonist is but one
potential strategy designed to meet a pressing need in opioidaddiction treatment: "The main challenge in the manage-
CCK, Tolerance, and Withdrawal Symptoms
ment of opioid addiction is to develop a pharmacotherapy to
If tolerance were mediated by enhanced CCK activity,
decrease the protracted opioid abstinence syndrome" (Lu et
CCK antagonists would be expected to attenuate tolerance.
al., 2000, p. 832).
Summary and Conclusions
Cue exposure therapy is a behavioral treatment for the
attenuation of the drug-compensatory responding. Results
It has been known for a long time that the effects of a
of recent research, with rats, suggest a neurochemical basis
drug are importantly modulated by responses elicited by
for such responding: "Conditional compensatory respond-
drug-paired cues. The finding has been reported by clini-
ing elicited by morphine-onset cues is mediated by a con-
cians (e.g., Macnish, 1859), epidemiologists (e.g., Fryk-
ditional enhancement in CCK activity" (Kim & Siegel,
holm, 1979), and laboratory scientists (e.g., Deffner-Rap-
2001, p. 708). Such findings provide a basis for a potential
pold, Azorlosa, & Baker, 1996). It features in narrative
pharmacotherapy for opiate addiction— blocking the effect
reports of addicts (e.g., Biernacki, 1986) and in novels
of such enhanced CCK activity with a CCK antagonist (see
describing opiate effects (see Siegel, 1983). The contribu-
Lu et al., 2000).
tion of drug-anticipatory responses to drug effects is seen in
We have summarized evidence that compensatory re-
many species, from snails (Kavaliers & Hirst, 1986) to
sponses, unconditionally elicited by a drug, come to condi-
humans (e.g., Remington, Roberts, & Glautier, 1997).
tionally be elicited by a variety of cues paired with the drug,
These observations have led to the formulation of drug
and we have discussed the clinical significance of such
administration as a Pavlovian conditioning trial. Uncondi-
CCRs to addiction. It is not always the case, however, that
tional compensatory responses, elicited by pharmacological
pharmacological stimulation initiates compensatory re-
stimulation, come to be elicited by drug-paired cues. These
sponses. Depending on the mechanism of drug action, the
cue-elicited CCRs mediate tolerance when the usual pre-
UCRs to some drugs consist of responses that augment
drug cues are followed by the usual drug effect and are
(rather than attenuate) the pharmacological UCS. Although
expressed as withdrawal symptoms when the usual predrug
the reasons why some UCRs elicit augmentative (rather
cues are not followed by the usual drug effect (see reviews
than compensatory) responses is debatable (see Dworkin,
by Siegel, 1999a; Siegel et al., 2000). Results of recent
1993; Eikelboom & Stewart, 1982; Ramsay & Woods,
research concerning the interaction between pharmacology
1997), such UCRs result in noncompensatory CRs; that is,
and conditioning have indicated that private interoceptive
cues associated with augmentative UCRs will come to elicit
cues (e.g., DOCs, SACs, imagery, and moods), as well as
conditional augmentative responses (CARs), rather than
public exteroceptive cues, may be associated with the drug
CCRs. For example, following a series of amphetamine
effect and elicit CCRs.
injections, amphetamine-associated cues elicit a CAR of
The contribution of Pavlovian conditioning to phenom-
amphetamine-like hyperactivity (e.g., Tilson & Rech,
ena of addiction provides a focus for appreciating the ways
1973). Although CCRs progressively decrease the drug
in which laboratory research (frequently conducted with
effect over the course of repeated administrations, CARs
nonhuman animals) and clinical observations are related. In
progressively increase the drug effect over the course of
this article we have discussed three areas of interest to both
successive administrations. Such enhancement is termed
the experimenter and the clinician indicating this relation-
reverse tolerance, or
sensitization, and CARs contribute to
ship: (a) drug overdose, (b) cue exposure therapy, and (c)
sensitization much as CCRs contribute to tolerance (e.g.,
pharmacological treatment of withdrawal symptoms.
Hinson & Poulos,1981; Siegel et al., 2000). Discussion of
Heroin overdose is a major complication of heroin addic-
the contribution of CARs in general, or drug sensitization in
tion (Darke & Zador, 1996). In laboratory animals, in heroin
particular, to drug addiction is beyond the scope of this
addicts, and in patients receiving medically prescribed opi-
review (but see Bardo & Bevins, 2000; Joseph, Young, &
ates, an overdose may result when the drug is administered
Gray, 1996; Robinson & Berridge, 2001; Siegel, 2002;
in the absence of the usual predrug cues. In these circum-
Silverman & Bonate, 1997).
stances, the CCRs that mediate tolerance are not expressed,
Both researchers and clinicians want to understand ad-
and overdose may be conceptualized as a failure of toler-
diction and develop effective treatment strategies. Although
ance to occur.
drug addiction is a major health problem, it also is a fasci-
Whereas CCRs mediate tolerance when the drug is ad-
nating phenomenon. Why do people self-administer fer-
ministered, their expression in the absence of the drug
mented fruit, the products of intoxicating plants, or syn-
results in uncomfortable symptoms, craving, and an in-
thetic (and more potent) versions of such chemicals? "Seek-
crease in the incentive value of the drug (Hutcheson, Ever-
ing intoxication . . is paradoxical. It seemingly defies the
itt, Robbins, & Dickinson, 2001). Cue exposure therapy is
logic of natural selection" (Courtwright, 2001, p. 91). The
an attempt to extinguish these CCRs. On the basis of results
paradox has captured the attention of researchers interested
of laboratory research, the effectiveness of cue exposure
in the behavioral, sociological, evolutionary, neurochemi-
therapy should be enhanced if the therapist recognizes (a)
cal, and molecular– biological bases of addiction (see Siegel
that interoceptive as well as exteroceptive cues may have
& Allan, 1998; Siegel et al., 2000). One would hope that
become associated with the drug effect; (b) that spontaneous
this extensive analysis of addiction would translate into
recovery may occur; (c) that renewal of conditional re-
improved treatment outcomes. In this article, we have elab-
sponding may occur when, following cue exposure in a
orated a single theoretical framework (Pavlovian condition-
particular context, the patient is confronted with predrug
ing of drug effects resulting in CCRs) and described how
cues in a context other than that in which extinction oc-
data and theory arising from research based on this analysis
curred; and (d) that some predrug cues may function pri-
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marily as occasion setters rather than as CSs.
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Source: http://www.psychology.uoguelph.ca/faculty/parker/Psy3430/Siegel&Ramos2002Oct10-12.pdf
La enfermedad de Parkinson Preguntas y Respuestas sobre la enfermedad de Parkinson Las personas que sufren la enfermedad deParkinson a menudo están buscando respuestasa sus preguntas acerca de cómo vivir mejor conla enfermedad. Este folleto es una recopilaciónde las preguntas más frecuentes que recibimos através de nuestro Servicio de Información sobrela enfermedad de Parkinson (PINS, por sussiglas en inglés) de parte de personas enfermasde Parkinson, sus familiares, y sus cuidadores.
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