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Biowaiver monographs for immediate release solid oral dosage forms based on biopharmaceutics classification system (bcs) literature data: chloroquine phosphate, chloroquine sulfate, and chloroquine hydrochloride
Biowaiver Monographs for Immediate Release Solid OralDosage Forms Based on Biopharmaceutics ClassificationSystem (BCS) Literature Data: Chloroquine Phosphate,Chloroquine Sulfate, and Chloroquine Hydrochloride
1Faculty of Pharmacy, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa
2Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Drug Research, Leiden University, Division of Pharmaceutical Technology,Leiden, The Netherlands
3University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
4Center of Drug Evaluation and Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland
5RIVM—National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Laboratory for Quality Control of Medicines,P.O. Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Received 19 July 2004; revised 29 November 2004; accepted 20 January 2005
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/jps.20343
ABSTRACT: Literature data on the properties of chloroquine phosphate, chloroquinesulfate, and chloroquine hydrochloride related to the Biopharmaceutics ClassificationSystem (BCS) are reviewed. The available information indicates that these chloroquinesalts can be classified as highly soluble and highly permeable, i.e., BCS class I.
The qualitative composition of immediate release (IR) tablets containing these ActivePharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) with a Marketing Authorization (MA) in Belgium(BE), Germany (DE), Finland (FI), and The Netherlands (NL) is provided. In view ofthese MA's and the critical therapeutic indication of chloroquine, it is assumed that theregistration authorities had evidence that these formulations are bioequivalent tothe innovator. It is concluded that IR tablets formulated with these excipients arecandidates for a biowaiver. ß 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association JPharm Sci 94:1389–1395, 2005Keywords:
absorption; BCS; chloroquine; permeability; solubility
therapeutic use, concerning their propertiesrelated to the Biopharmaceutics Classification
A monograph based on literature data is pre-
System (BCS). Purpose and scope of these mono-
sented on the three salt forms of chloroquine in
graphs were discussed previously.1 The workingprocedure was identical as described earlier.1 Theobjectives of these monographs are to evaluate all
This study reflects the scientific opinion of the authors and
data from various literature sources and to come
not the policies of regulating agencies.
to a conclusion whether or not to recommend a
Correspondence to: D.M. Barends (Telephone: þ31 30
biowaiver for immediate release (IR) solid oral
2744209; Fax: þ31 30 2744462; E-mail:
[email protected])
dosage forms containing one of the water-soluble
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 94, 1389–1395 (2005)ß 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association
chloroquine salts.
Choroquine Phosphate
sesses an asymmetric carbon atom and thereforeexists as two enantiomers, S(þ)-chloroquine
and R()-chloroquine.2 Its structure is shown in
water.3,5,6 An aqueous solubility of 1 in 4 was
Figure 1. Only preparations containing the
reported.7 It is not clear if this means 1 part
racemic mixture are commercially available. In
dissolved in 4 part solution, i.e., 250 mg/ml, or 1
this monograph, chloroquine is understood to be
part dissolvable in 4 parts of water, i.e., 200 mg/
the racemic form, unless otherwise indicated.
ml. Other workers reported a solubility of 100 mg/
Only salts are normally used: the diphosphate
(usually called chloroquine phosphate), the sul-fate, and hydrochloride.3 For the phosphate, the
Chloroquine Sulfate
sulfate and the hydrochloride, 100 mg chloro-
Chloroquine sulfate is freely soluble in water.3,5
quine base is equivalent to 161, 136, and 123 mg
Other workers reported an aqueous solubility of
of these salts, respectively.3 The wording chlor-
1 in 3, i.e., 250 or 333 mg/ml, see above.7
oquine is used to describe attributes that all threesubstances have in common, otherwise the spe-
cific salt is mentioned.
No literature data were found.
Therapeutic Indication
Chloroquine is used in the treatment and pro-
Chloroquine phosphate exists in two polymorphic
phylaxis of malaria and has also been used in
forms which have melting points at approxi-
the treatment of hepatic amoebiasis, lupus
mately 195 and 2188C.6
erythematosus, and light-sensitive skin erup-tions.3 Chloroquine possesses anti-inflammatory
Partition Coefficient
properties and rheumatoid arthritis is a further
For the uncharged chloroquine base, a log P (n-
indication for this drug.3,4 Frequent Adverse
octanol/water) of 3.73 was reported, this value
Drug Reactions (ADRs) of chloroquine include
being calculated using a fragmentation method
based on atomic contributions to lipophilicity.8
and gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances such as
ClogP, calculated by using the ClogP program
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.3 More rarely,
(version 3.0, Biobyte Corp., Clalement, CA, http://
mental changes including psychotic episodes, was 5.06.8 Augustijns mea-
agitation, and personality changes may occur.3
sured partitioning of chloroquine in octanol/
Retinopathy is a severe ADR of chloroquine
transport medium pH 7.2 at different tempera-
and can result in visual impairment.3 Acute
tures.9 The logarithm of the distribution coeffi-
cient, log D, at pH 7.2 and 378C was 0.83.
dangerous and death can occur within a fewhours.3
Chloroquine possesses two basic ionization sites.
pKa values of 8.1 and 10.4 at 378C and 8.4 and10.8 at 208C, respectively, were reported.2,10Other workers reported values of 8.10 and 9.94without referring to temperature.6
Available Dose/Tablet
The usual tablet strength is the equivalent of100 mg chloroquine base.3 The dose recommendby the WHO for tablets is 150 mg base (asphosphate or sulfate).11
Structure of chloroquine.
The pharmacokinetics of chloroquine have been
reviewed.15,17 Chloroquine is bound to an extent
Augustijns studied the transport of chloroquine
of 60% to plasma proteins.21,22 Chloroquine is
phosphate in Caco-2 cell monolayers and con-
much more extensively bound to various body
cluded that chloroquine crosses the intestinal
tissues, including the cellular components of
epithelium by passive diffusion.9 Apparent per-
blood.23,24 The combination of moderate plasma
meability coefficients (Papp) reported are 2.3
protein binding and extensive binding to tissues
106 and 20.0 106 cm/s at pH 6.0 and 7.2,
explains its extremely large distribution volume
respectively.9 However, these data were obtained
of 200–800 L/kg.15,17 The total body clearance of
without establishing an in-house correlation
chloroquine is approximately 0.10 L/h/kg based on
between Papp and the fraction dose absorbed (fa)
whole blood concentrations, and 0.7–1.0 L/h/kg
for a set of model drugs.12,13 Also, no internal
based on plasma concentrations.15,17 The long
standards as proposed by the FDA Biowaiver
terminal plasma half-life of chloroquine, ranging
guideline were used.14
from 20 to 60 days, is due to its large distributionvolume. The pharmacokinetics of chloroquinewere shown to be linear following administration
of single oral doses between 2 and 15 mg/kgchloroquine base.25
Chloroquine is rapidly and almost completelyabsorbed from the gastro-intestinal (GI) tractwhen given orally.15 The average oral bioavailab-
Metabolism and Excretion
lity (BA) is approximately 89%.16 However, the
intersubject variability in chloroquine absorption
equally to the elimination of chloroquine: approxi-
is high; oral BA values between 67% and 114%
mately 40%–50% of the administered dose has
have been reported.15,17 The oral BA of chloro-
been reported to be excreted unchanged in the
quine was significantly reduced, by more than
urine in individuals with normal renal function.24
60% i.e., to 40%, in malnourished children.18
Chloroquine is rapidly dealkylated to the phar-
The absorption of chloroquine is increased
macologically active N-desethylchloroquine, bis-
when taken with food.3 For example, following
administration of an oral dose with a standard
inoline.15,17,26 Additional metabolites, such as
chloroquine N-oxide and chloroquine di-N-oxide
(Cmax) and area under the curve (AUC) of chlor-
have been detected in plasma and/or urine.
In vitro studies on human liver microsomes
have identified CYP2C8, CYP3A4, and CYP2D6
as the main cytochrome P450 isoforms catalyzing
In contrast, a significant reduction in BA was
the formation of N-desethylchloroquin.27 Augus-
observed when chloroquine phosphate was ad-
tijns et al.28 studied the pharmacokinetics of both
ministered with three common Sudanese be-
chloroquine enantiomers and showed moderate,
but statistically significant differences in their
phosphate with any one of these three beverages
terminal elimination half-lives and body clearances.
reduced Cmax and AUC both by approximately
The clinical consequences of the stereoselective
70%. All three beverages were fairly acidic
pharmacokinetics of R- and S-chloroquine on
(pH 2.6–2.8) and the authors postulated that
efficacy and toxicity are not known.
the intake of these beverages increased theionization of chloroquine in the GI tract andhence reduced the absorption of chloroquine
base. Moreover, acidification of the urine bythese beverages may have reduced the tubular
reabsorption of chloroquine and consequentlyincreased its renal clearance. The authors sug-
The excipients present in IR tablets having a
gested that both mechanisms may have contrib-
marketing authorization (MA) in Belgium (BE),
uted to the observed significant reduction in
Germany (DE), Finland (FI), and The Nether-
lands (NL) are shown in Table 1. In previous
Excipients Present in Chloroquine IR
Tablets with a MA in Belgium (BE), Germany (DE),
Chloroquine Phosphate Tablets USP 27 are requir-
Finland (FI), and The Netherlands (NL)
ed to dissolve in the paddle apparatus at 100 rpm
not less than 75%(Q) of the labeled amount in45 min in 900 mL water.29 Risha et al.30 evaluated
Chloroquine sulfate
the quality of the innovator and generic chloro-
quine phosphate tablets on the Tanzanian market
Magnesium stearate
as described in USP 27. In all cases not less than
90% dissolution was observed at 45 min.
Chloroquine phosphate
It seems safe to suppose that the solubility of
Magnesium stearate
the hydrochloride salt is comparable to that of the
phosphate and the sulfate and hence these three
Pregelatinised starch
chloroquine salts are freely soluble in water.
However, solubility data over the full pH range
Sodium starch glycollate
are lacking. For a biowaiver, the FDA and EMEA
guidances require the API to be ‘‘highly soluble''
over the pH range 1.0–7.5 (FDA) or within the
range of pH 1–8, preferably at or about pH 1.0,
aNivaquine1, SmPC in Belgium.
4.6, and 6.8 (EMEA).14,31 Moreover, when a
bNivaquine1, SmPC in The Netherlands, http://www.cbg-
biowaiver is granted, comparative dissolution
cWeimer1quin/-forte Tabletten. ROTE LISTE1 2004
testing of the test formulation and the reference
Arzneimittelsverzeichnis fu¨r Deutschland, ed., Aulendorf
formulation is to be carried out at three different
Germany: ECV Editio Cantor Verlag,
pH values between 1.0 and 6.8.14,31 The test
Heliopar1, SmPC in Finland,
formulation has to be ‘‘rapidly dissolving'' in each
eChlorochin 250 mg Berlin-Chemie. ROTE LISTE1 2004
of the three media, which is an additional in-
Arzneimittelsverzeichnis fu¨r Deutschland, ed., Aulendorf
dication that the solubility of the API is suffi-
Germany: ECV Editio Cantor Verlag,
fResochin1 junior/Resochin1 Tabletten. ROTE LISTE1
ciently high over the pH-range 1.0–6.8.
2004 Arzneimittelsverzeichnis fu¨r Deutschland, ed., AulendorfGermany: ECV Editio Cantor Verlag,
Absorption and Permeability
The permeability data for chloroquine based onCaco-2 experiments are inconclusive because the
monographs, such an MA was taken as an
method was not validated by using reference
indication that this formulation had passed an
compounds as proposed by the FDA guidance.9,14
in vivo bioequivalence test.1 However, it appears
Caco-2 permeability determinations are known to
that this assumption is not so straightforward.
display tremendous inter-laboratory variability
In most countries, regulatory authorities have
and the use of reference compounds is therefore
accepted and do accept small changes in a formu-
essential. However, the permeability can also
lation without an in vivo bioequivalence study.
be estimated from BA data. The FDA Guidance
Therefore, it is not certain that all the formula-
defines ‘‘highly permeable'' when the fraction of
tions shown in Table 1 have passed an in vivo
dose absorbed (fa) is not less than 90%.14 The
bioequivalence study. However, in view of the
reported BA of chloroquine, which is on average
critical therapeutic indication of chloroquine, we
89%, is slightly below that critical limit. It was
suppose that the registration authorities of BE,
suggested that a limit of 85% might be appro-
DE, FI, and NL were in receipt of sufficient
priate in defining high permeability.32 Also,
evidence to conclude to bioequivalence, even for
during a recent workshop consensus was reached
formulations that were not actually tested in an
that the minimum value of fa can be lowered to
in vivo bioequivalence study.
85%.33 The permeability can also be estimated
from the partition coefficient, as was shown by
is indicated for serious diseases and very serious
Kasim et al.8 In their report, the permeability of
ADRs have been reported. The latter, however,
123 substances on the WHO Essential drugs list
have been documented in cases of overdose, and
was estimated based on correlations of experi-
not as a result of relatively minor fluctuations in
mentally determined human intestinal perme-
plasma concentrations such as those which could
abilities of select compounds with log P, ClogP, or
be seen in case of bioinequivalence.
log D values.8 Substances with a log P, ClogP, or
In malaria therapy, resistant parasites are most
log D greater than the corresponding values of the
likely to be selected if the parasite population is
reference substance metoprolol, i.e., 1.72, 1.35,
exposed to subtherapeutic drug concentrations.34
and 1.48, respectively, were classified as highly
Consequently, assuring the BA of chloroquine
permeable. Chloroquine phosphate with values
tablets is of utmost importance.
for log P, ClogP, and Log D of 3.73, 5.06, and 0.83,9
Considerations of the therapeutic index and
respectively, was therefore classified to be ‘‘highly
the pharmacokinetics of chloroquine led in 1998
the German regulatory authorities to catogorize
All evidence taken together, it is concluded that
chloroquine as an API for which biowaivers could
chloroquine is highly permeable.
not be granted.35
Risks of Bioinequivalence Caused by Excipient
and/or Manufacturing Conditions
The in vitro dissolution test for chloroquine
In the tablets which have an MA in several
phosphate tablets described in the USP 27 uses
European countries, a wide range of excipients is
water. This unbuffered medium is very sensitive
used. Although, as discussed above, there is no
to pH changes. In view of the insolubility of
solid proof that all the formulations shown in
chloroquine and its salts at alkaline pH-values, a
Table 1 have actually passed an in vivo bioequi-
buffered medium, with a pH corresponding to the
valence study, it can be assumed that the regis-
limits of the solubility of chloroquine in water
tration authorities had evidence they would be
seems to be more discriminating. However, once
bioequivalent, if tested in vivo. This suggests that
bioequivalence has been established, in vivo or
the risk of an excipient effect on the BA of chlo-
in vitro, the test USP 27, when applied for batch-
roquine for the excipients listed in Table 1 is small
to-batch testing, will provide sufficient assurance
for the amounts normally present in IR tablets.
of batch-to-batch bioequivalence.
Food interaction itself has no influence on the
bioequivalence as long as the BA of the test product
and the reference product are influenced to thesame degree, but food interactions can indicate a
Although the data do not provide full proof, there
potential risk for an excipient interaction. For
can be little doubt that neither the solubility, nor
instance, the reported reduction of the BA caused
the permeability of these salts of chloroquine are
by acidic beverages could indicate that there is a
limiting factors in the GI absorption. Conse-
risk that a test product, containing acidic excipi-
quently, they are classified as BCS Class I. Other
ents, may be bioinequivalent when the reference
workers also classified chloroquine phosphate as
product does not contain such excipients. The
BCS class I.8,36 This suggests that these chlor-
same holds for the reported increase of the BA
oquine salts are candidates for a biowaiver.
with food, indicating a potential risk for bio-
When considering a biowaiver, difficulties asso-
equivalence caused by very lipophilic excipients.
ciated with carrying out in vivo bioequivalence
However, the excipients shown in Table 1 are
studies with chloroquine is also to be considered.
neither highly acidic nor strongly lipophilic. All
Because of its exceptionally long plasma half-life,
taken together, it is concluded that for excipients
long washout periods are needed. This supports
listed in Table 1, used in amounts normally present
in IR tablets, the risk of bioinequivalence is small.
The potential consequences of an incorrect
biowaiver decision, leading to a bioinequivalent
Patient's Risks Associated with Bioinequivalence
product, should also be considered. These con-
When considering a biowaiver for a drug sub-
sequences are serious. However, the risk of bio-
stance, its therapeutic index and indication also
inequivalence that cannot be detected with
need to be taken into account.14,31,32 Chloroquine
comparative dissolution testing in pH 1.0. 4.5,
and 6.8, is estimated to be very low. This risk is
11. WHO Model List of Essential Medicines 13th edn.
even lower when formulations contain only the
Available form URL:
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Illinois Institute Institute Addiction at Proctor Hospital Young Adolescents Journey to Recovery Leave Well Enough Alone Helping People Change: Make or Break Denial Humility — The Key NON PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PERMIT NO. 135 MIDLAND, MI 48640 Table of Contents Winter 2005 Rick Zehr, M.S., C.S.A.D.C., P.C.G.C., MISA IIMedical Directors:
Elementos: ciencia y culturaBenemérita Universidad Autónoma de PueblaISSN: 0187-9073 MÉXICO Enrique Soto Pérez de Celis / Yolanda Roa Nava PATRONES DE AUTOATENCIÓN Y AUTOMEDICACIÓN ENTRE LA POBLACIÓN ESTUDIANTIL UNIVERSITARIA DE LA CIUDAD DE PUEBLA Elementos: ciencia y cultura, octubre-diciembre, año/vol. 11, número 055-056 Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla