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Persistent port-a-cath®-related fistula and fibrosis in a breast cancer patient successfully treated with local ozone application
Vol. 43 No. 2 February 2012
Polly E. Kintzel, PharmD
Department of PharmacySpectrum Health
Fistula and Fibrosis in a Breast
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Cancer Patient Successfully Treated
John A. Mulder, MD
With Local Ozone Application
Medical AffairsFaith HospiceGrand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Persistent and delayed healing of fistulae
and local infection in previously irradiatedareas can increase the risk of systemic compli-cations and complicated clinical management.
Cancer patients have impaired immune sys-
1. Tremont-Lukats IW, Hutson PR, Backonja MM.
tems secondary to the tumor or oncology treat-
A randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled
ments; this impairment decreases spontaneous
pilot trial of extended IV lidocaine infusion for re-
healing. Surgical options are often associated
lief of ongoing neuropathic pain. Clin J Pain 2006;
with adverse side effects together with an in-
creased risk of further delay in wound healing.
2. Attal N, Rouaud J, Brasseur L, Chauvin M,
Hyperbaric chambers have been used to treat
Bouhassira D. Systemic lidocaine in pain due to pe-
delayed wound healing and several radiation-
ripheral nerve injury and predictors of response.
Neurology 2004;62:218e225.
induced side effects.However, this techniqueis cumbersome and with limited accessibility.
3. Ferrante FM, Paggioli J, Cherukuri S, Arthur GR.
Additionally, treatment and assessment of
The analgesic response to intravenous lidocaine in
radiation-induced subcutaneous fibrosis has
the treatment of neuropathic pain. Anesth Analg1996;82:91e97.
had limited success. We describe a case of a per-sistent fistula in a previously irradiated area,
4. Viola V, Newnham HH, Simpson RW. Treatment
which was refractory to treatment but which
of intractable painful diabetic neuropathy with in-
was successfully treated with local ozone appli-
travenous lignocaine. J Diabet Complications 2006;20:34e39.
cations. The potential role of spectroscopyanalysis imaging for objective assessment of
5. Bach FW, Jensen TS, Kastrup J, Stigsby B,
subcutaneous fibrosis was demonstrated.
Dejgard A. The effect of intravenous lidocaine onnociceptive processing in diabetic neuropathy. Pain1990;40:29e34.
6. Sharma S, Rajagopal MR, Palat G, et al. A phase
A 46-year-old woman was admitted to our
II pilot study to evaluate use of intravenous lido-
hospital for evaluation of a persistent fistula
caine for opioid-refractory pain in cancer patients.
and leakage secondary to a PORT-A-CATHÒ
J Pain Symptom Manage 2009;37:85e93.
(Smiths Medical, St. Paul, MN) inserted in
7. Kvarnstrom A, Karlsten R, Quiding H, Gordh T.
a previously irradiated area. She had been
The analgesic effect of intravenous ketamine and
diagnosed three years earlier with right-sided,
lidocaine on pain after spinal cord injury. Acta
locally advanced, breast carcinoma (infiltrat-
Anaesthesiol Scand 2004;48:498e506.
ing ductal carcinoma, T4bN1M0 Stage). She
8. Rowbotham MC, Reisner-Keller LA, Fields HL.
was treated with systemic chemotherapy (fluo-
Both intravenous lidocaine and morphine reduce
rouracil, epirubicin, cyclophosphamide, and
the pain of postherpetic neuralgia. Neurology
docetaxel). The tumor decrease was >50%
(partial response). She underwent a modified
9. Bauer LA, Brown T, Gibaldi M, et al. Influence
radical mastectomy followed by radiotherapy:
of long-term infusions on lidocaine kinetics. ClinPharmacol Ther 1982;31:433e437.
Preliminary data from this study have been presented
10. Wallace MS, Ridgeway BM, Leung AY, Gerayli A,
as invited lectures at the International Meeting of
Yaksh TL. Concentration-effect relationship of intra-
Ozone Therapy Schools, Royal Academy of Medi-
venous lidocaine on the allodynia of complex regional
cine, Madrid, Spain in June 2010 and the III Meeting
pain syndromes types I and II. Anesthesiology 2000;92:
of the World Federation of Oxygen-Ozone Therapy,
Brescia, Italy in April 2011.

Vol. 43 No. 2 February 2012
54 Gy at 2 Gy/day on chest wall, axillar, supra-
Pretreatment physical examination revealed
and infraclavicular areas. Radiotherapy was
a hyperpigmented fibrosis plaque in the right
well tolerated, with some areas of dermatitis
infraclavicular area, in the catheter bed.
Grade II. She proceeded on to hormonal
Palpable subcutaneous induration measured
therapy with tamoxifen. Local recurrence in
20 15 mm, with a fistulous cavity of 2 mm di-
the chest wall occurred two years after the ini-
ameter and 25 mm depth. Leakage persisted
tial diagnosis. A PORT-A-CATHÒ for chemo-
and needed to be swabbed several times per
therapy administration was inserted in the
day, every day (, upper left).
right infraclavicular area, which had received
Informed consent was obtained before the
the radiotherapy. Since insertion, the patient
commencement of treatment. Ozone therapy
presented with a persistent subcutaneous
was done by insufflations of an O3/O2 gas
peri-catheter fistula with continuous leakage,
mixture (100 mg/ml) through the fistulous
intermittently purulent. The catheter was
cavity and multiple (four to six) infiltrations
removed five months later when second-line
distributed around the fibrous induration
chemotherapy was concluded (13 cycles of
(6e10 ml of O3/O2 gas mixture at 14 mg/ml
paclitaxel, gemcitabine, and bevacizumab).
in each infiltration point). Ozone sessions
Fistula and leakage continued uninterrupted
included 15 minutes of soft vacuum on the
during this period and persisted even after
fibrosis area.
the PORT-A-CATHÒ was removed and several
Spectroscopy analysis was performed using
specific antibiotics were administered. The
a tissue viability imaging system (TiVi) (TiVi600,
patient reported progressive subcutaneous
Wheels Bridge AB, Link€
oping, Sweden). It is
fibrosis and a decrease in her quality of life
based on linearly polarized white light, which
secondary to these ongoing symptoms and
is partly reflected by the upper layer of the skin
moderate persistent local pain. She was
and partly diffusely scattered in the deeper der-
admitted to our hospital for evaluation of
mal layers. This technique generates an image
specific treatment four months after the
that depends on red blood cell content in the
catheter removal (nine months after the fis-
dermal microvascular bed (depth of sampling
tula was noticeable with its accompanying
is about 400e500 mm)The TiVi device takes
a standard photograph and automatically
using linearly polarized light (right). Black areas are with higher red cell content in the dermal micro-vascularbed; in this case related to blood-flow stasis in the fibrosis area. Upper panel: before ozone therapy. Lower panel:after ozone therapy.
Vol. 43 No. 2 February 2012
performs a reproducible assessment according
this problem should include block resection
to the signal properties analyzed. TiVi imaging
of the fibrotic area within the widely irradiated
was performed pre- and post-treatment with
area. Often the consequence is increased mor-
bidity and potential risk of further delay in
After two ozone insufflation treatments over
wound healing.
two weeks, the fistulous cavity partially closed
Our patient was referred to our hospital for
and the leakage became intermittent. Follow-
ozone therapy because of our previous experi-
up treatment was subcutaneous infiltration in
ence in treating side effects of oncology ther-
the area of fibrosis alone. After the fifth session
apy.We have described the effect of this
at the end of five weeks, the leakage disap-
technique in improving blood floand tissue
peared and the fistulous cavity closed com-
oxygenatioboth of which are decreased in
pletely. The six initial sessions were one per
radiation-induced fibrosis. Additionally, the
week. The patient was living on another of
antimicrobial properties of ozone augur well
the Canary Islands and to save traveling time
for complementary management of the docu-
and costs, and because there was clear objec-
mented infection associated with drained
tive improvement, the seventh session was
fluidBased on the mechanism of action of dif-
two weeks later and the eighth session was
ferent treatments proposed for radiation-related
one month later. Hence, after eight ozone
fistula/fibrosisother properties ascribed to
sessions over 12 weeks, the treatment was con-
ozone therapy can be of additional clinical value,
cluded. Local pain and symptoms had notice-
such as immunomodulation,anti-inflammatory
ably decreased by the end of ozone therapy,
effects through phospholipase A2 decrease,
and an enhanced antioxidant system.
(10 15 mm) and more superficial than ini-
In our patient, physical examination (palpa-
tially (lower left).
tion) showed a decrease in the surface dimen-
Objective quantification using TiVi imaging
sion of fibrosis and the level of induration.
pre- and post-treatment showed a measurable
However, these assessments often seem impre-
decrease in blood flow stasis in the fibrosis area
cise and subjective. TiVi , upper and lower
(from 255 5 to 215 36 TiVi units, 19%;
right) is noninvasive and highly reproducible.
P < 0.001), that is, blood flow in the skin in
In our patient, changes measured with this tech-
the fibrosis area was more similar to blood flow
nique pre- and post-ozone treatment provided
in skin areas without fibrosis. There was a simi-
more objective assessment of the changes than
lar decrease in the area of the fistulous cavity
palpation, that is, decrease in thickness and di-
335 56 to 273 37 TiVi units;
mensions of the induration/fibrosis area.
P < 0.001) (, upper and lower right).
In conclusion, management of refractory fis-
tulae and fibrosis in previously irradiated areascan be difficult. Local treatment with ozone
can be easy and effective especially when more
Subcutaneous PORT-A-CATHÒs are widely
standard treatments are unsuccessful or are
used to facilitate chemotherapy administra-
not available. Tissue viability imaging using
tion. Anatomically, the placement is techni-
linearly polarized light can be a very useful tool
cally easier and with lower risk in the right
for objective assessment and follow-up of
rather than left infraclavicular area. However,
irradiated areas have an increased risk of de-layed healing and morbidity after local invasive
Bernardino Clavo, MD, PhD
procedures. Often, it is not necessary to ad-
Radiation Oncology DepartmentChronic Pain Unit, and
minister special pharmacotherapeutic agents
Experimental Surgery-Research Unit
but, occasionally, delayed healing can be per-
Dr. Negrin University Hospital
sistent and debilitating. As with other refrac-
Las Palmas, Spain
tory radiation-related side effects, the most
Canary Islands Institute for Cancer
used nonsurgical approach is treatment with
Las Palmas, Spain
hyperbaric chambers.However, the accessibil-
Grupo de Investigaci
ity of the equipment is limited and was unavail-
Oncologıa Radioterapica (GICOR)
able in our center. The surgical approach for
Vol. 43 No. 2 February 2012
Norberto Santana-Rodriguez, MD, PhD
4. Clavo B, Suarez G, Aguilar Y, et al. Syndrome of
Experimental Surgery-Research Unit
brain ischemia and hypometabolism treated by
and Department of Thoracic Surgery
ozone therapy. Forsch Komplementmed 2011;
Dr. Negrin University Hospital
Las Palmas, Spain
5. Clavo B, Catala L, Perez JL, Rodriguez V,
opez-Silva, MSc, PhD
Robaina F. Ozone therapy on cerebral blood flow:
IMM-Instituto de Microelectr
a preliminary report. Evid Based Complement Alter-
de Madrid (CNM-CSIC)
nat Med 2004;1:315e319.
6. Clavo B, Perez JL, Lopez L, et al. Effect of ozone
Eugenio Dominguez, RN
therapy on muscle oxygenation. J Altern Comple-
Radiation Oncology Department
ment Med 2003;9:251e256.
Dr. Negrin University Hospital
7. Valacchi G, Fortino V, Bocci V. The dual action
Las Palmas, Spain
of ozone on the skin. Br J Dermatol 2005;153:
Medical Oncology DepartmentDr. Negrin University Hospital
8. Bocci V, Borrelli E, Travagli V, Zanardi I. The
Las Palmas, Spain
ozone paradox: ozone is a strong oxidant as wellas a medical drug. Med Res Rev 2009;29:646e682.
Dominga Gutierrez, RNRadiation Oncology Department
9. Delanian S, Lefaix JL. Current management for
Dr. Negrin University Hospital
late normal tissue injury: radiation-induced fibrosis
Las Palmas, Spain
and necrosis. Semin Radiat Oncol 2007;17:99e107.
Maria A. Hernandez, MD
10. Barber E, Menendez S, Leon OS, et al. Preven-
Radiation Oncology Department
tion of renal injury after induction of ozone toler-
Dr. Negrin University Hospital
Las Palmas, Spain
Mediators Inflamm 1999;8:37e41.
Francisco Robaina, MD, PhDChronic Pain UnitDr. Negrin University HospitalLas Palmas, Spain
Persistent Hiccups: An Unusual
Presentation and Treatment
Disclosures and Acknowledgments
Hiccups are defined as sudden, involuntary,
Research activity related to this work was sup-
spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm and
ported, in part, by the I3SNS Program from the
external intercostal muscles that result in inspira-
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (INT07/030 for BC
tion that ends abruptly with the closure of the
and INT 07/172 for NS), Madrid, Spain. The
glottis. The innervation of the hiccup reflex in-
ozone therapy device, Ozonosan Alpha-plusÒ,
cludes an afferent pathway via the vagus, phrenic,
was provided by Dr. H€ansler GmbH (Iffezheim,
and sympathetic branches of T6eT12 and the ef-
Germany). Editorial assistance was provided by
ferent pathway via the phrenic nerve to the dia-
Dr. Peter R. Turner of t-SciMed (Reus, Spain).
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
muscles.1,2 Hiccups can result from direct injuryto the reflex arc or any underlying disease, in-
cluding injury, irritation, or inflammation affect-
1. Pasquier D, Hoelscher T, Schmutz J, et al.
ing one of the nerves involved in the reflex arc.3
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of
The sudden closure of the glottis results in the
radio-induced lesions in normal tissues: a literature
‘‘hic' sound,4 and the upward-jerking motion
review. Radiother Oncol 2004;72:1e13.
probably makes up the second part of the word.
2. Henricson J, Nilsson A, Tesselaar E, Nilsson G,
Although hiccups do not seem to play a positive
Sjoberg F. Tissue viability imaging: microvascular re-sponse to vasoactive drugs induced by iontophore-
physiologic role, there are thousands of etiolo-
sis. Microvasc Res 2009;78:199e205.
gies for hiccups reported in the literature and
3. Clavo B, Gutierrez D, Martin D, et al. Intravesical
thousands of home and medical remedies to cure
ozone therapy for progressive radiation-induced he-
to them. The most commonly accepted causes
maturia. J Altern Complement Med 2005;11:539e541.
for hiccups include distension of the esophagus
Appl Biochem Biotechnol (2013) 169:1727–1751DOI 10.1007/s12010-012-0079-9 2.45 GHz Microwave Irradiation-Induced OxidativeStress Affects Implantation or Pregnancy in Mice, Saba Shahin & Vineet Prakash Singh & Ritesh K. Shukla &Alok Dhawan & Ravi Kumar Gangwar &Surya Pal Singh & Chandra Mohini Chaturvedi Received: 17 August 2012 / Accepted: 27 December 2012 /Published online: 22 January 2013