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Issue 22-

September 2005
Volume 23
Sunday Eucharist
8am & 10am
Saturday Vigil 5pm
Monday 7.15am Cluny Convent
Tuesday 7am
Wednesday 9am
Thursday 7am
Friday 12.05pm
Saturday 8am
Adoration of
Blessed Sacrament
Friday 11am
Friday 12 noon
Friday 11.30am
Saturday 9.30am
is produced for the friends and
parishioners of
St Michael's Parish
6 Beatrice Road
Auckland, New Zealand
Parish Office:
Telephone 09 520 1226
The parish and finance councils urge all parishioners to help save
Facsimile 09 520 1956
St Michael's stained glass windows.
Anna Friis reports
What can we do?
In This Issue:
Many parishioners will remember how much fun we had two years ago at the parish
Saving stained glass P1,2,8
fundraising dinner/auction.We successfully raised enough money to paint the St
Michael's parish house.
Mission accomplished
This time it's the stained glass windows that give St Michael's Church much of its
Feminist agenda reaches fruition P6
special character that require attention. Money needs to be raised for restoration work.
Family Mass calling young & old P6Link St Michael's Young Adults
Heritage architect Dave Pearson says the windows are in sad need of repair and that at
least $50,000 is required to pay for restoration work on the windows in most urgentneed.
He says a range of technical issues need to be addressed to ensure the ongoing strengthof the windows and, if these are not addressed properly, it could lead to their collapse

The rose windows in the transepts represent Hope andCharity. The rose window above the main entrance was
St Michael's
intended to represent Faith, but was never finished.
Stained Glass Window Restoration
Six of the 15 mysteries of the Rosary are represented in the
Gala Auction Evening
lower windows of the nave and transept. The Annunciationand Visitation are in the west transept; the Assumption of
Friday 14 October 2005 7.00pm
Mary and the Crowning of Mary are in the east transept;
Guineas Room 3rd Floor
and the Birth of Our Lord and Presentation of the ChildJesus in the Temple are in the west nave. The Risen Christ
(speaking to Mary of Magdala "Go tell my brother") andThe Coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost are in the eastnave. These two windows were made in Auckland and were
and ultimate loss.
given by Dr Frank Kearns in memory of his wife.
A fundraising team has been established to urgently set
about raising the necessary money. Their first initiativeis a dinner/auction which will be held on Friday,
St Michael's parishioners (and non-parishioners interested
October 14, at the Ellerslie Event Centre, starting at
in the preservation of Auckland's cultural and religious
heritage) are encouraged to buy tickets to this event and tobid enthusiastically at the auction.
The fundraising team promises it will be a fun nightwith a sumptuous dinner, a dance band, and fabulous
For ticket sales and all enquiries, please contact Pat de
auction items up for grabs, with prices expected to
Zoete at the Parish Office (09 520-1226) or Tony Everitt
range from $200 to $20,000.
(021 780 721).
History of the windows
While St Michael's was officially opened on the 1st ofOctober 1933, the stained glass windows were notadded until the 1950's. As a temporary measure, plaintinted glass (amber double rolled cathedral glass tintnumber 929, to be precise) was installed for the open-ing.
The design, manufacture and installation of the stainedglass windows had to wait until the parish had raisedenough money. That process saw individual parishion-ers (including original architect George Tole) makingsubstantial donations to pay for specific windows.
Most of the windows were designed and made by HarryClarke Stained Glass in Dublin, Ireland, or CarlEdwards Studios of London, England, both very highlyregarded companies, producing high quality andexpensive work.
Extensive remedial work was done on the windows andtheir surrounds between 1980 and 1990. 15 years on,another round of work is required to preserve thesehistorical and valuable works of art.
What do the windows depict?
The Archangel St Michael (for whom the church isnamed) is featured high in the west transept, wearingchain mail armour and gold-plated leggings. St Georgeof the dragon-slaying fame stands beside him.
Cluny Sister Angela celebrated 65 years of Religious
Our Lady and St Columcille (also known as St
Profession on 12 August 2005.
Columba), occupy similar positions in the east transept.
Sister Angela has spent over 30 of those years in the Cluny
The four windows in the apse (behind the altar, partly
Convent in Victoria Ave, Remuera.
obscured by the baldachino) depict the four evangelists:
She is seen here with Monsignor Arahill after he presented
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
flowers to her at 10am Mass on a recent Sunday.

hundreds of red candles flickering in the night. At
the centre of them was a large cross formed ofsome of these candles and at the foot of that over
Parishoner Anthony Segedin, writing to friends from
Rome at the time of Pope Benedict's election, has kindly
three steps were the words "Papa - Ivana - Pavla II".
agreed to share his personal response with the wider
It was truly beautiful.
parish community.
I was at St. Peter's this morning, visited the ba-silica, attended Mass, saw the lunchtime blacksmoke and returned to my hotel for lunch andsiesta. Later, I then decided to return to experiencethe crowds and visit the tomb of John Paul II. Aftervisiting the tomb in the crypt, I was wandering aboutthe Square thinking that "this is not going tohappen today" and was about to leave when the
smoke started from the Sistine Chapel. It wasinitially as black as, and I was about to leave to beat
Right now, I am trying to come to terms with and
the traffic (fat hope that was!) when the smoke
understand the enormity of what I have experienced
turned white and then the
this afternoon and evening. It is incredibly moving for
bells of St. Peter's
me and, having just spoken a short while ago to my
started: I was transfixed.
own dear bishop, I have had to sit down and wipe a
Could this be? The large
few tears away. It is at times like this that one
bell and its two smaller
misses being able to talk to a friend in person. It took
"acolytes". I just watched
some two hours for the realization to strike, but
and even noticed the timing difference between the
clash of steel and hearing of that beautiful deep
Please ignore my earlier papal and conclave predic-
sound. We had a new Pope and the crowds were wild
How wrong can wrong be? At least at age 78, I think
As if the crowds weren't already large, more people
I can say that Ratzinger will not be around for 26
were pouring in, swelling the thousands already
years (like his predecessor). I cannot truly say that I
there. I thought that the Square was full, but there
am excited at this choice. But I can say that I have
was still more room and more room, and people kept
complete confidence and faith in the workings of the
arriving and being accommodated. That square is
Holy Spirit. I pray for the new Holy Father with all my
absolutely humungeous! Then the Italian military
heart, for he faces an enormous task. I have just
band arrived and played and the military services
heard that the Holy Father is now celebrating Holy
lined up in honour. The crowds were growing more
Mass at St. Peter's, but as my hotel is half an hour's
and more excited. It was an amazing feeling, a top
quick walk from there, I am too late and too ex-
hausted to attend. The buses here are regular but
About fifty minutes after the white smoke, the great
now very crowded, and the madness of Rome traffic
doors in the centre of the facade and above the
has assumned a new meaning right now. I regret
Church opened and a
that I shall not be attending this Mass.
cardinal appeared to
I shall return home on Monday with two great memo-
make the great and
ries of this trip, dominated as it is by the death of
joyous announcement
John Paul (the Great), the conclave process and the
"Habemus Papam", first
election of the new Pope.
greeting us in severallanguages. I could hardly
On the Monday evening after the death of the last
believe that I was experi-
Pope, I was walking down the Stradun, the major
encing this. I listened
street and a very old and beautiful street of
carefully to him to
Dubrovnik, one of great character and old buildings.
ensure that I caught the
It must be seen and experienced to be believed.
new Pope's name, and
At the end of the street is the church of the city's
chosen name. I can say
patron saint. Cascading down the stairs of the
that I was disappointed
church, situated at the end of the Stradun, were
at the choice, but I

have commented on that. The crowds were
growing wild and we all clapped, some no doubt
Anna Friis reflects on the recent parish mission.
more fervently than others.
The first mission at St Michael's in many a yearstirred and inspired, challenged and surprised, leavingmany who attended with a renewed feeling of opti-mism and an altered sense of what spirituality meansfor them in their lives in2005.
Sister Joan Bukrey, FatherNicholas Punch and FatherMichael Champlin con-cluded the week of spir-itual revitalisation held inJune with a simple mes-sage of hope and heart that
Then Benedict XVI appeared and spoke to us. He
was reflected in how the
asked us to pray for him; my Italian was good
parish came together to
enough to understand him. Then he blessed us,
help support the mission.
in Latin, which I also understood - Urbi et Orbi. I
From the well-organised,
could hardly believe that I was witnessing this,
week-long programme,
and I have never had so many goose pimples, and
through to the walkers
felt quite cold. To be there for the election, the
who delivered the flyers
white smoke, the crowd response and at the
and the people who
first blessing of a new Pope! What can I say?
organised child-minding
I am absolutely overwhelmed.
facilities and the quite
I walked back to my hotel with celebrating
exceptional home-baked
throngs, lost in my own thoughts. I was in
morning teas and suppers,
Barcelona when Barca won the European Cup in
the "Lively Up Your Soul"
1992. The traffic and crowds were then even
mission was a uniqueexperience.
more insane, but that is only relative. I am overthe moon to be here and hope that this note
For Monsignor Arahill the
conveys something of my thoughts and feelings.
most rewarding aspect of
I consider myself to be a very lucky little boy.
the mission experience atSt Michael's was in howthe parish came alive.
God bless you alland with love,
"So many people madesuch a huge commit-
Sister Joan Bukrey,
ment," he said.
Father Nicholas Punch
"It was truly rewarding to
and Father Michael
see what St Michael's can
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love, beauty & happiness
do when we all work to-
such a memorable experience."
gether and I know from the
"I just wish many more Catholics had attended this
feedback I have received that
mission, regardless of their faith and relationship with
it was well worth the effort."
God and the church. They don't know what they are
From the Thomas More
Center for Preaching and
"Initially, I thought the mission was going to be
Prayer in Wisconsin, USA,
charismatic and I was slightly disappointed when this
the team travel the world
was not the case. However, over the period of the
together leading parish
mission I found the quiet, enthusiastic, knowledgeable,
missions to revitalise spiritu-
professional and caring way in which the sessions
ality and renew faith. Here's
were conducted had a profound effect on me."
what people had to say abouttheir work in Remuera.
"The three sessions I attended were fantastic. Such apositive take on scripture and teachings. Well done toyou all and to the St Michael's Mission Team fortaking this on!"
"One of the most spiritually inspiring experiences ofmy life. Thanks to the Mission team."
" It was an interactive, spiritual and awesome experi-ence. Thank you. A million thanks."
"I really enjoyed all the sessions I went to. My favour-ites were on Journeys and women. I had a really goodtime and I learned lots. They were really friendly (12
"Thank you for the opportu-nity to attend the Mission. Ithas been a long time since Ihave been to one and wellneeded. I have been able toresolve a problem of 50 yearsstanding. Thank you."
"An uplifting experience."
" I think the parish commu-nity owes a big thank you toall the people involved inmaking the mission the greatsuccess it undoubtedly was.
We were fortunate indeed inbeing able to participate in
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Family Mass
– calling young and old
Tim Gasson and Mara Bebich call for contributors to
Sandra Paterson is a contributor to the Weekend
the monthly family Mass.
Herald. Monsignor Arahill summarises an article she
As many of you will know, the 10 am Mass on the
third Sunday of the month is family Mass at St
A lady who in her younger years used to go in the
Michael's. This Mass has a family focus with all the
1970s to various feminists' meetings recently handed
readings coming from the Children's Lectionary and
Sandra some papers. The lady remembers many of the
being read by youth. The children are invited by
women who addressed these meetings, among them
Monsignor to come and sit on the carpet at the front to
Helen Clark, Sylvia Cartwright, Marilyn Waring, Cath
listen to the readings with him before the homily which
Tizard and Margaret Wilson. These young feminists
is aimed at their level. At this family focussed Mass
of the 70s have become powerful leaders in our
we are blessed to have the skilful youth music group
led by the ever dedicated Tim Gasson. This groupleads the 10 am Mass with their instruments on both
Among the papers is one written by Kay Goodger,
the first and third Sundays. In addition the parish
now senior adviser in the Ministry of Social Develop-
council has initiated morning tea after the family Mass
ment. She calls on the feminists of the day to do
which is a wonderful opportunity to catch up with, or
everything they could to replace or sideline traditional
meet, your fellow parishioners
family values. "The family distorts all human rela-tionships by imposing on them the framework of
This Mass does not happen without willing readers,
economic compulsion, social dependence and sexual
processors and musicians. Many people have given,
repression. Our goal must be to create economic and
and continue to give, willingly of their time to read,
social institutions that are superior to the present
practise and play at these masses. A big thank you
family….The rearing, social welfare and education of
goes out to them all.
children should become the responsibility of society
We are looking for anyone who is keen to read, bring
rather than individual parents."
up the offertory, be a communion minister, play (level
"Steps to be taken:
2 and above) or participate in any way you feel you
*Abortion free and on demand.
*Integrate sex education into all levels of school
If you are keen to play your instrument or sing at the
family Mass please email Tim at
*Ensure birth control freely available.
[email protected] or give him a text/call on
*De facto relationships same status as marriage.
*Victimising prostitutes abolished.
*24 hour child-care to free women from domestic
If you want to read or bring up the offertory or become
a eucharistic minister please email Mara [email protected] or give her a text/call on
"It all sounds very familiar and you have to admire the
dedication of those who have devoted their careers toseeing these goals achieved. Quietly and systemati-cally, a radical agenda, set in motion in the 1970s, hasall but been completed."
Sandra Paterson concludes her article: "The little oldlady who used to go to feminist meetings wants a
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change of government this election because she
dreams of a more pro-family society for her five
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children and seven grandchildren."
What do you think?
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and throughout the rest of the world!
You might like to email some comments that could go
Mike Duffy
on the parish website. Addresses on the back page.
Monsignor Brian Arahill
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103 Carlton Gore Dr, Newmarket
Link – St Michael's Young
Mara Bebich reports on a new youth initiative
in the parish.
Baptisms: the parish welcomes…
This year, 2005, has been characterised by an airof change in regards to youth activities at St
Rose Darragh Jean McKnight daughter of Jamie and Darragh
Jacob Paul Sheridan son of James and Lucy
Ella Grace Cotterall daughter of Matthew and Sarah
Following the youth forum and the end of 2004,
Rocco Thomas Richard Jepson son of Carl and Megan
came the realisation of the need to step back and
Skyler Madison Trainer daughter of Deryn and Jo-Anne
look at the wider picture for youth at St
Conor Nguyen Harris son of Andrew and Laura
Michael's. Consequently this year we have
Harry Andrew Edwards son of Mark and Linda
decided to focus on building our young adults
Emily Grace Gibson daughter of Ian and Joanne
Ernst-Jove Quianzon son of Melchor and Hilda
Sunday the 13th of March marked our first
Charlotte Rose Davidson daughter of Jeremy and Diane
meeting, complete with a pizza dinner, a battle
Alexander Oliver Humphrey son of Matthew and Joanne
of the sexes and a rather lengthy and vocal
Ethan Malcolm Genet son of Malcolm and Andrea
discussion over a name that was a move away
Matthew Paul Herman Roger Develter son of Paul and Deborah
from the generic ‘St Michael's Young Adults
Charlotte Emily Simpson daughter of Grant and Maria
Group'… Eventually we decided on ‘Link.'
Hannah Jeanne Lane-Gould daughter of Jeremy and Natasha
With a few worries about references to an
Allegra Mercedes Sabine Handa-Robles daughter of Sameer
unreliable bus service in the back of our minds,
this decision was unanimous for one predomi-
Thom Franciscus Kleinsman son of Paul and Susan
nant reason. In a metaphorical sense it is our
Rachel Elizabeth Nel daughter of Gert and Carey-Anne
hope that the group will evolve into one which
Harrison Michael Urquhart son of Lydon and Gabrielle
can be the link in the chain which connects the
Orlando Sebastian Gordon Webb son of Kenneth and Louise
youth of our parish to the wider parish commu-nity.
Marriages: blessings on…
Meeting monthly, we have discussed such ideas
Kathryn Mary Blackburn and Jonathan Robert Banks
as fundamentalism and had the good fortune of
Kelly Lee Tedcastle and Brent Leslie Spillane
having Jessica Patterson from Caritas speak to us
Juliet Gael Ellis-Pegler and Benjamin Patrick Herlihy
about the issues surrounding Catholics and
Sarah Therese Langley and Mark Jared Green
social justice.
Gillian Tina Bedding and Ian Lathwood
Kelly Jane Farrant and Michael Carlos Alofa
If you have left school, are working, studying
Midori Kaijo and Telsuji Kalano
etc, and you would like to join us please email
Donabel Gay Fordham and Shafiq Sonny Reitveld
[email protected] or text me on 021627282.
Deaths: we pray for…
Catherine Johanna Wester
Thomas Joseph Dwyer (Brother Joachim)
Denis Russell Jagger-Smith
Susan Mary Peach
Pamela Anne Martin
Kathleen Pearl Gray
Aranka Helen Pap
Sister Jean Caldwell RSCJ
Susan Mary Heard
Raymond George Noble
Isabel Elizabeth Hartshorne
Maureen Kathleen McCormick
St Michael's Contacts
In Residence:
Father Stephen Berecz
Religious Education:
Sister Francis Kelly
Family Ministry:
Sister Francis Kelly
Youth Ministry:
Mara Bebich
Music Rosters:
Tony Vela
Telephone: 520 1226
Parish Council:
Monsignor Arahill, Anne Duffy,
Mark Jeffaries, Neil Little (Chairperson),
Christabelle Matthews, Alicia Murray,Giles Potter, Jessica Spencer
and Peter Zink (Secretary)
Finance Council:
Monsignor Arahill, Phillip Bell,
Kevin Pickworth, Bob Coombe
Carey Pearce, Noel Davies
and Pat de Zoete
Liturgy Committee:
Monsignor Arahill, Margaret Garrett,
Patricia Kessler, Jennifer Spencer,
Catherine Everitt, Viki Cullen,
Ruth Miller, and Peter Ravlich
Elizabeth Connell, Anna Friis,
Frances Hay-Mackenzie,
Some of the amazing stained glass windows needing maintainence and restoration work
Christabelle Matthews, Anthony Martinand Robert Tingey
Would you like to advertise inREVELATIONS?Contact Anthony Martin Ph 524 2882email: [email protected]
Taskila et al. BMC Public Health 2012, 12:182 A Randomised trial of nicotine assisted reductionto stop in pharmacies - The RedPharm Study Taina Taskila1*, Susan MacAskill2, Tim Coleman3, Jean-Francois Etter4, Mahendra Patel5, Sarah Clarke1,Rachel Bridson1 and Paul Aveyard1 Background: Public policy and clinical treatment in tobacco addiction in the UK has focused on cessation: anabrupt attempt to stop all cigarettes. However, recent evidence suggests that allowing more gradual withdrawalfrom tobacco or even permanent partial substitution by nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) could lead to netbenefits to public health. No jurisdiction has introduced smoking reduction programmes in normal clinical careand the best methods for their implementation is uncertain. Community pharmacists offering smoking cessationservices in the UK are ideally placed to implement reduction programmes.This pilot study aims therefore to examine the feasibility of implementing smoking reduction programme inpharmacies, and also to see if behavioural support and a longer treatment affect the success rate for cessation.
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