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Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting
PyeongChang, Korea, October 25-26, 2007
Long Term Asset Management (LTAM) Strategy for Feedwater Heater
at Kori 3 & 4 Nuclear Power Plants
Se Youl Won and Young Sheop Park
Nuclear Engineering & Technology Institute, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd.,
25-1 Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon, KOREA, 305-343,
[email protected]
The purpose of the feedwater heating system is to
increase plant thermal efficiency by preheating the
As the electric power industry becomes more
condensate/feedwater prior to its entering the steam
competitive, Long-Term Asset Management (LTAM)
generator. The system is comprised of various
strategy of systems, structures, and components (SSCs)
components and controls, which provide the following
becomes more important to keep nuclear power plants
economically viable throughout their remaining licensed
- Maintain proper water levels in the feedwater heater
operating terms, whether 40 or 60 years. This paper
and drain for maximum efficiency of the system
provides an optimized LTAM plan for the feedwater
- Supply heating steam to the feedwater heaters
heater at Kori 3&4 nuclear power plants.
- Provide a flow path for the return of the condensed
extraction steam drains to the feedwater and condens-
- Allow collection from all feedwater heater drains
Based on Life Cycle Management(LCM)
- Prevent the entrapment of non-condensable gases
sourcebook, LCM implementation guide conducted by
The feedwater heaters contain a number of sub-
EPRI, and Exelon's LTAM strategy, LTAM plans are
components including tubes, tubesheets, baffles, shields
implemented for providing early identification and
plates (or impingement plates), tube tie and spacers,
reduction of risks and vulnerabilities to power
tube supports, the drain nozzles, and the steam inlet and
production from long-term aging degradation and
outlet nozzles. The scope of this paper includes only the
obsolescence that may not be addressed by existing
passive mechanical components and sub-components of
nuclear plant feedwater heaters such as shell, tubes, tube
The Long Term Asset Management (LTAM) process
support and impingement plate:
is intended to provide an effective long-term planning
tool for minimizing unplanned capacity loss and
2.3 Operating and Maintenance Experience
investments consistent with plant safety and an
The environments and operating conditions in which
identified plant operating strategy. Such an operating
feedwater heaters operate can cause significant
strategy might include license renewal or retaining the
problems such as fatigue, erosion, corrosion, cracking,
option for license renewal. LTAM plan addresses such
and vibration. If not properly monitored, inspected, and
management, preventive
maintained, the feedwater heaters will incur damage
over time, causing a negative impact to plant efficiency.
replacement or redesign of an SSC important to safety
and plant operation. Therefore, LTAM planning is a variable process to systematically identify and examine the important SSCs, optimize their contribution to plant performance, reliability, safety, and value, and prepare long-term maintenance management plans through the technical and economic evaluation. 2.1 Basis for Selection of Feedwater Heater for LTAM Planning
Basis for selection of feedwater heater are that
feedwater heaters are important to power production and plant efficiency, and are subject to significant operating stress and degradation. Also, they have a history
improvements in feedwater heater operation directly
affect the plant thermal cycle.
Figure 1. Basic outline of plant feedwater heater arrangement
2.2 Feedwater Heater Function and Scopes
Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting
PyeongChang, Korea, October 25-26, 2007
From EPRI 1003470, 29 incident event items pertaining
Table 2. PM template for the feedwater heater at Kori 3 & 4
to the feedwater heater are presented. Of these events:
Main Class. Heat Exchanger
- Seventeen events (59%) involved inspection and disc
Functional Importance Determination (FID)
overy of shell thinning (near the nozzle inlet area)
- Nine events (31%) involved tube leakage
Feedwater Heater
High Low High Low High Low High Low
- Two events (7%) dealt with manways and gaskets
Service Condition
- One event (3%) dealt with partition plate repairs
Condition Monitoring Task
The operating history for the feedwater heater was
Performance Monitoring 1M
assembled from the plant's scram and trip reports, and
operating and maintenance experience report for the
Operator 's Walk
year 2003-2006 at Kori 3 & 4. The event causing
Time Directed Task
plant's scram and trip is not reported. But, there are two
Internal Inspection
F ailure Finding Task
event reports addressed by operating and maintenance
experience. Plant-specific events by operating and
Applied to HP Heater to CHS and Applied to LP Heater to CHM based on FID
maintenance experience are presented as in Table. 1.
steam erosion, FAC, improper impingement plate
Table 1. Plant events database information on feedwater
installation plate installation.
heaters at Kori 3 & 4
The maintenance and monitoring condition of FW
Heater generally retain good shell thickness condition at
High level alarm is occurred at LP Heater 1A for normal operation. Through derated
Kori 3 & 4. But, currently, tube plugging rate for LP
2004-09-16 maintenance, one LP Heater string is isolated. Then, five damaged tubes are found
at LP Heater 3A. After ECT inspection, 28 tubes are plugged.
#4B of Kori 3 unit and LP #4C of Kori 4 unit is 8.1%
During a maintenance outage, HP Heater 6A shell was disassembled and inspected
and 8.4%, respectively and is approaching to 10 %
2005-09-04 inside internal instrument. Due to un-installing impingement plate, six tubes and
tube support plate are damaged by high-temperature and pressure steam.
plugging rate which is a plugging limit. Therefore, Long
* Note : PD-Planned Derate and FD-Forced Dereate
& Middle Facility Investment plan should be scheduled
2.4 Determination of Current Maintenance Activities
for monitoring continuous condition and replacing the
FW Heaters. For preventing FW Heater failure, the
Most of the preventive activities are performed
proper re-tubing and re-bundling plan with erosion
during a refueling outage. These are applied for the
resistant shell and tube material is required and the
determination of appropriate Preventive Management
whole replacement plan of FW Heater is considered
(PM) frequencies, taking into account the past operating
referring to an expected FW Heater lifetime that is
experience, feedback from the craft, safety and non-
approximately 20 years less than overall plant lifetime.
safety service, cyclic duty and environment as well as
In the near future, LTAM strategy alternative will be
the refueling cycle. At the end of last year, KHNP made
driven to a large extent by the plant operating strategies
PM Template to maintain efficiently the integrity of
that are being followed or evaluated, and by the current
components and systems based on recommendation of
reliability of the FW Heaters. Then, through the
EPRI and Exelon. This PM Template is classified into
economic evaluation using the net present value (NPV),
three categories which include critical, duty cycle, and
the optimum LTAM strategy will be identified.
service condition of Kori 3&4 Functional Important
Determination (FID). Table 2 shows the template of the
current preventive maintenance activities. For
performance monitoring, it is conducted to monitor
The approach to improving the long-term asset
decreasing performance occurred by corrosion, erosion,
management and long-term condition of FW Heaters are
tube crack, scale or deposition impurity and to analyze
summarized as follow based on the economic evaluation
trending of Terminal Temperature Difference, TTD. For
in the near future.
NDE inspection, it is implemented to investigate the
- Plan replacement by considering tube plugging limit,
internal and external erosion, tube scale, tube crack or
a measurable effect on thermal performance, and tube
tube defection, inlet nozzle condition of shell, shell wall
experiencing a failure mechanism.
thinning using ECT, PT, UT, and VT. Lastly, operator's
- Require the use of FAC and erosion resistant material
round include activities like connection, external
of shell and tube.
leakage sense, operating parameters, level, and drain
- Develop monitoring the condition of the heater such
flow rate surveillance. Also, tube damage and internal
as NDE inspection using PM Template.
leakage are inspected for prohibiting decreasing of heat
transfer area caused by dust, corrosion, and damage.
2.5 LTAM Strategy
[1] EPRI, Feedwater Heater Maintenance Guide, 1003470,
Major failure mechanisms of FW Heater are tube
[2] EPRI, Life Cycle Management Sourcebook – Volume 10 : Feedwaters, 1009073, December 2003.
erosion, shell thinning, and impingement plate damage
[3] EPRI, Life Cycle Management Planning Sourcebook –
by tube-and-tube collision, fretting, support plate fault
Overview Report, 1003058, December 2001.
분과별 논제 및 발표자
Source: http://www.kns.org/kns_files/kns/file/68%BF%F8%BC%BC%BF%AD.pdf
Waste management policy Document Reference No. Version Number Replacing/Superseded policy or Waste Management Policy v3.0 documents Number of Pages Target audience/applicable to Waste and Environment Manager, Kent and Medway NHS Facilities Kent and Medway NHS Facilities Waste and Environment Manager, Kent and Medway NHS Facilities
Zero Tolerance Both Problematic, ‘Ever-Moving' are not as effective. In the Netherlands, a number of registered pharmaceuti- cal products incorporate chlorampheni- col, mainly in formulations used to treat eye infections. Chloramphenicol is also used intravenously against in- fections like meningitis. With regards to the presence of chlo- ramphenicol in the aquatic environ-