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Nota: debido a la no celebracion, por falta de asistencia de sus miembros, de junta de gobierno el viernes dia 20, se procede

ACTA Nº 2 /2015 ACTA DE LA SESION ORDINARIA CELEBRADA POR LA JUNTA DE GOBIERNO LOCAL EL DIA 16 DE ENERO DE 2.015 SR. ALCALDE D. Saulo Nebreda Trebejo (EAJ-PNV) SRS. TENIENTES DE ALCALDE D. Borja Kristobal Peña (EAJ-PNV) Dª. Ainara san Roman (EAJ-PNV) SECRETARIO D. Alberto Gabanes Rivero INTERVENTOR D. Alayn Arrate Ugidos En el Salón de Sesiones de la Casa Consistorial del Ayuntamiento de

Radial extracorporeal shock wave therapy (reswt) induces new bone formation in vivo: results of an animal study in rabbits


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� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Gillian Hosie, MB, ChB, FRCP(Glas), DAGeneral Practitioner, GlasgowPast President of the Primary Care Rheumatology Society September 2003 No 1 The presence of any 3 of these criteria gives a sensitivity of 92% and a specificity of 80% for the diagnosis of PMR.2 If

Pii: s0277-9536(01)00277-5

Social Science & Medicine 55 (2002) 1325–1336 Researching sexual and reproductive behaviour: a peer ethnographic approach Neil Price*, Kirstan Hawkins1 Centre for Development Studies, University of Wales, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK In recent years, ethnographic research has challenged the notion within demography that fertility-related behaviour is the outcome of individualistic calculations of the costs and benefits of having children. Anthropology has furthercriticised the abstraction in demographic analysis of sexual behaviour and fertility decision-making from the socio-cultural and political context in which the individual or couple is located. Within demography itself, institutional andpolitical-economic analyses have argued strongly that sexual and reproductive behaviour must be understood withinlocally specific social, cultural, economic and political contexts. Positivist and empiricist research methods, such as thesample survey and focus groups, which continue to dominate demographic inquiry and applied research into sexual andreproductive behaviour, have been shown to be limited in their ability to inform about the process of behaviour changeand contexts within which different behaviours occur. The article introduces a new methodology for researching sexualand reproductive behaviour, called the peer ethnographic approach, which the authors have developed in an attempt toaddress some of the limitations of the methods which currently dominate research into sexual and reproductivebehaviour. The peer ethnographic methodology is discussed in detail and the results of recent field-testing are reported,which show that, although the approach has limitations, it also has the potential to make a significant contribution toour understanding of sexual and reproductive behaviour. r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Management of Addiction Disorders in Pregnancy Gary D. Helmbrecht, MD, FACOG, and Siva Thiagarajah, MD, FACOG sion lead to fetal growth deficiencies, preterm labor, fetal Abstract: In this article, we will review the prevalence of addiction death in utero, and other pregnancy complications. disorders in pregnancy and the impact that it has on perinatalmorbidity and mortality. We will then review effective screeningtechniques and propose a management scheme for achieving short-

Ochs-13-03-29 367.374

The Ochsner Journal 13:367–374, 2013Ó Academic Division of Ochsner Clinic Foundation Patient Tobacco Use, Quit Attempts, and Perceptions of Healthcare Provider Practices in a Safety-Net Healthcare System Sarah Moody-Thomas, PhD,*  Michael D. Celestin, Jr., MA, CHES, CTTS,* Tung-Sung Tseng, DrPH, MS, CHES/MCHES,* Ronald Horswell, PhDà *School of Public Health and

Submitted By: Parish Disaster Committees Date of Event: August 28, 2008 St. James Type: Tropical Storm Gustav INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Summary:Tangle River - (break away of a section of the road to the bottom end and upper middle a long crack in the surface. Johnson - huge landslide blocking more than half the roadway bringing traffic to a snarl. Further into Johnson before reaching the Church there was another huge breakaway in the road. Heading to Niagra/Arcadia were flooded waters across the main roads.

Retrospective study of antimicrobial residues and resistance in swine in aba abia state nigeria. online j. anim. feed res., 4(3): 42-45

Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research Volume 4, Issue 3: 42-45 (2014) ISSN 2228-7701 RETROSPECTIVE STUDY OF ANTIMICROBIAL RESIDUES AND RESISTANCE IN SWINE IN ABA ABIA STATE, NIGERIA P. NWIYI Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology, College of Veterinary Medicine Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike Abia State, Nigeria *E-mail: [email protected]

Quintessenz journals

Alle R Copyright Evaluation of Tobacco Use Cessation (TUC) Counselling in the Dental Office Ian Needlemana/Saman Warnakulasuriyab/Gay Sutherlandc/ Michael M. Bornsteind/Elias Casalse/Thomas Dietrichf/Jean Suvana Abstract: Tobacco use cessation (TUC) in dentistry is critical to reducing the effect of a major risk factor for both oral andsystematic diseases. The effect of TUC interventions has been widely reported. The data show that the success of TUC with-out professional support is negligible but that behavioural and pharmacological interventions are effective. Furthermore,the greater the intensity of support, the greater the quit rate and success rates are similar comparing different health careprofessionals including dental professionals. Although few studies have been performed in dental practice, it is clear thatTUC should be embedded in routine oral health care. In addition to evaluating the effect of TUC, several studies have inves-tigated barriers to implementing TUC in dental settings. A large number of barriers have been reported. These studies high-light the importance of further training for dental professionals but also identify the need for major cultural and policychanges to facilitate the provision of TUC. Research on barriers to TUC in dental care could be facilitated by employing quali-tative or mixed methods designs and studies that evaluate the impact of changing such barriers on TUC provision. Such anapproach will help to close the gap between research findings and implementation. Regarding the measurement of out-comes from TUC, no gold standards exist currently. Therefore both self-reported and biochemical measures of tobacco useshould be reported in evaluation studies. It is also clear that feedback from biochemical testing of tobacco use can increasesuccess rates in tobacco use cessation.

GUÍA DE PROCEDIMIENTOS LABORALES: PROCEDIMIENTOS ADMINISTRATIVOS, JUDICIALES E INTERNACIONALES DE PROTECCIÓN DE LOS DERECHOS LABORALES Dr. Max PuigMinistro de Trabajo Equipo de coordinación Sandra Dueñas-PaschalGerente RegionalPact Andrés Valentín Herrera GonzálezDirector general de TrabajoMinisterio de Trabajo Rafael Arturo Mariano OviedoDirector de Asistencia JudicialMinisterio de Trabajo

pLenti Destination Vectors Application Guide Table of Contents Package Contents and Related Products The following components are included: • One (1) vial containing the cDNA clone as 10 μg lyophilized plasmid DNA*. Reconstitute the DNA in 100 μl of dH20; concentration is 100ng/μl. • 100 picomoles of forward (V2) and reverse (LR50) DNA vector sequencing

Intercept® i2he™ Amphetamine Oral Fluid Assay FOR FORENSIC USE ONLY For Use with Intercept® i2he™ Oral Fluid Collection Device 1001-0385 (65 mL Kit) INTENDED USEThe Intercept® i2he™ Amphetamine Oral Fluid Assay is intended for use in the qualitative determination of amphetamine in human oral fluid at a cutoff

Microsoft word - 2010-09-07-themississippipress.doc

The Mississippi Press Meth arrests and lab seizures declining in Jackson County Tuesday, September 07, 2010 By CHERIE WARD, The Mississippi Press PASCAGOULA, Mississippi -- A law that took effect in July treating pseudoephedrine as a Schedule III controlled substance - which makes the drug illegal to possess without a prescription - seems to be making a difference in Mississippi and Jackson County.


Day surgery discharge instructions For medications containing acetaminophen in adults weighing ≥ 50 kg During your procedure, you were given OFIRMEV® (acetaminophen) injection 1000 mg (1 g) for pain control at AM/PM. If you need additional pain medication at home, take as directed by your physican. (checked below) no sooner than It is important that you do not exceed the maximum amount of acetaminophen, 4000 mg (4 g), in the remaining 24 hours.

A randomised trial of nicotine assisted reduction to stop in pharmacies - the redpharm study

Taskila et al. BMC Public Health 2012, 12:182 A Randomised trial of nicotine assisted reductionto stop in pharmacies - The RedPharm Study Taina Taskila1*, Susan MacAskill2, Tim Coleman3, Jean-Francois Etter4, Mahendra Patel5, Sarah Clarke1,Rachel Bridson1 and Paul Aveyard1 Background: Public policy and clinical treatment in tobacco addiction in the UK has focused on cessation: anabrupt attempt to stop all cigarettes. However, recent evidence suggests that allowing more gradual withdrawalfrom tobacco or even permanent partial substitution by nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) could lead to netbenefits to public health. No jurisdiction has introduced smoking reduction programmes in normal clinical careand the best methods for their implementation is uncertain. Community pharmacists offering smoking cessationservices in the UK are ideally placed to implement reduction programmes.This pilot study aims therefore to examine the feasibility of implementing smoking reduction programme inpharmacies, and also to see if behavioural support and a longer treatment affect the success rate for cessation.

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PRODUCT MONOGRAPH PrOTEZLA® 10 mg, 20 mg, and 30 mg tablets Selective Immunosuppressant Date of Preparation: 6755 Mississauga Road November 12, 2014 Submission Control No: 169862 © 2014 Celgene Corporation. ® OTEZLA is a registered trademark of Celgene Corporation. Page 1 of 28 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2 of 28 OTEZLA®


Hot Beverages Re-inventing the world of beverage dispensers Le bevande calde che rendono perfetta la colazione! The hot beverages for a perfect breakfast! Gusto senza limiti e design moderno per la nuova Breakfast! Proponete ai vostri ospiti un'ampia gamma di bevande cal- de per la prima colazione o per un momento di pausa, grazie alla possibilità di utilizzare 4 diversi solubili, per ben 6 gusti

Microsoft word - bypass consent.doc

Obesity Care 8800 ROESELARE (Belgium) Phone: +32 51 23.70.08 Fax: +32 51 23.79.41 email: [email protected] website: Informed Consent for Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Please read this form carefully and ask about anything you may not understand. I am giving P. Pattyn and B. Smet (my doctors) and the whole ObesityCare team permission to perform a

C: documents and settings cba.t_eng_final_20_sept_08[1].pdf

The World Anti-Doping Code PROHIBITED LIST The official text of the Prohibited List shall be maintained by WADA and shall be published in English and French. In the event of any conflict between the English and French versions, the English version shall prevail. This List shall come into effect on 1 January 2009 The Prohibited List 2009 20 September 2008

Homosexuality anxiety: a misunderstood symptom of ocd

In: Leading-Edge Health Education Issues ISBN 978-1-60021-874-3 Editor: Lennard V. Sebeki, pp. 195-205 © 2008 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Chapter VII Homosexuality Anxiety: A Misunderstood Form of OCD Monnica Williams University of Virginia, Department of Psychology Abstract Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) involves unwanted thoughts and repetitive

Comparison of the efficacy and safety of 10 mg amlodipine versus 12.5 mg captopril and combination 5 mg amlodipine with 6.25 mg captopril in treating hypertensive urgency Praew Kotruchin MD Cardiovascular unit, Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine, KhonKaen University Corresponding author

Additional services for Medical History: Making Sense of the ‘Chemical Revolution'. Patients' Voices on the Introduction ofNeuroleptics in the 1950s Medical History / Volume 60 / Issue 01 / January 2016, pp 54 - 66DOI: 10.1017/mdh.2015.68, Published online: 10 December 2015 Link to this article: How to cite this article:Benoît Majerus (2016). Making Sense of the ‘Chemical Revolution'. Patients' Voices on theIntroduction of Neuroleptics in the 1950s. Medical History, 60, pp 54-66 doi:10.1017/mdh.2015.68


Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 57 (2005) 1109 – 1143 Near-infrared spectroscopy and imaging: Basic principles and pharmaceutical applications Institute for Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacology, University of Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 366, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany Received 17 December 2003; accepted 19 January 2005

Retroviral and transposon-based tet-regulated all-in-one vectors with reduced background expression and improved dynamic range

HUMAN GENE THERAPY 22:166–176 (February 2011)ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.DOI: 10.1089/hum.2010.099 Retroviral and Transposon-Based Tet-Regulated All-In-One Vectors with Reduced Background Expression and Improved Dynamic Range Niels Heinz,1 Axel Schambach,1 Melanie Galla,1 Tobias Maetzig,1 Christopher Baum,1 Rainer Loew,2 and Bernhard Schiedlmeier1 The regulated expression of therapeutic genes may become crucial in gene therapy when their constitutiveexpression interferes with cell fate in vivo. The efficient regulation of transgene expression requires tightly con-trolled inducible promoters, as shown for the tetracycline regulatory system (tet-system). However, its applicationrequires the introduction of two components into the target cell genome: the tet-responsive transactivator and theregulated expression cassette. In order to facilitate the usage of the tet-system for approaches in gene therapy, bothcomponents have to be transferred by a single vector, thus eliminating the preselection of transactivator positivecells. Published ‘‘all-in-one'' vectors for regulated transgene expression display a relatively low signal-to-noiseratio, resulting in regulatory windows of around 500-fold even in selected clones. In this study, we show that amodified vector architecture combined with the introduction of new tet-responsive promoters, Ptet, improved thedynamic range of such all-in-one vectors to levels up to 14,000-fold for viral and 25,000-fold for nonviral transfervectors in nonclonal human cell lines, and up to 2,800-fold in murine hematopoietic cell lines. This improvedregulation was the result of a strong reduction of background expression in the off-state, even if cells weretransduced at high multiplicity of infection, while induction remained at high levels. In addition, the resultsindicated that successful regulation of gene expression in different target cells depended on vector architecture aswell as the choice of the Ptet-promoter.

Upright face-preferential high-gamma responses in lower-order visual areas: evidence from intracranial recordings in children

Contents lists available at Upright face-preferential high-gamma responses in lower-order visualareas: Evidence from intracranial recordings in children Naoyuki Matsuzaki Rebecca F. Schwarzlose , Masaaki Nishida Noa Ofen Eishi Asano a Department of Pediatrics, Children's Hospital of Michigan, Wayne State University, Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, MI 48201, USAb Department of Neurology, Children's Hospital of Michigan, Wayne State University, Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, MI 48201, USAc Institute of Gerontology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USAd Department of Anesthesiology, Hanyu General Hospital, Hanyu City, Saitama 348-8505, Japane Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Cell Press, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

The value of serum procalcitonin level for differentiation of infectious from noninfectious causes of fever after orthopaedic surgery

COPYRIGHT  2010 BY THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY, INCORPORATED The Value of Serum Procalcitonin Level for Differentiation of Infectious from Noninfectious Causes of Fever After Orthopaedic Surgery By Sabina Hunziker, MD, Thomas H¨ugle, MD, Katrin Schuchardt, MD, Isabelle Groeschl, MD, Philipp Schuetz, MD, Beat Mueller, MD, Walter Dick, MD, Urs Eriksson, MD, and Andrej Trampuz, MD

(ZUSAMMENFASSUNG DER MERKMALE DES ARZNEIMITTELS) BEZEICHNUNG DES ARZNEIMITTELS Oraqix Parodontal-Gel 2. QUALITATIVE UND QUANTITATIVE ZUSAMMENSETZUNG Ein Gramm enthält 25 mg Lidocain und 25 mg Prilocain. Sonstige Bestandteile siehe unter Abschnitt 6.1 3. Gel zur parodontalen Anwendung Klares, farbloses Gel. 4

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