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European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 27, pp. 2466–2472, 2008 Augmented brain 5-HT crosses the blood–brain barrierthrough the 5-HT transporter in rat Yasushi Nakatani, Ikuko Sato-Suzuki, Naohisa Tsujino, Akane Nakasato, Yoshinari Seki, Masaki Fumotoand Hideho AritaDepartment of Physiology, Toho University School of Medicine, 5-21-16, Omori-nishi, Ota-ku, Tokyo 143–8540, Japan

11402 • The Journal of Neuroscience, December 10, 2003 • 23(36):11402–11410 Imaging Reveals Synaptic Targets of a Swim-TerminatingNeuron in the Leech CNS Adam L. Taylor,1,2 Garrison W. Cottrell,1 David Kleinfeld,3 and William B. Kristan Jr21Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 2Neurobiology Section, Division of Biological Sciences, and 3Department of Physics, University ofCalifornia, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093

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The broad-host-range plasmid psfa231 isolated from petroleum-contaminated sediment represents a new member of the proma plasmid family

1,2, 3, Yafei Wang 1, , 1,2, Shan Yang 1, 1 and1* 1 State Key Laboratory of Forest and Soil Ecology, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China2 College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China3 Department of Biological Sciences, Institute for Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Studies, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, USA

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Ima (health guidelines - haj)

avoid fluids to prevent you from using the toilets. This can Islamic Medical Association have disastrous consequences (heat exhaustion and It is preferable to adjust your periods 3-4 months before Hajj dehydration). Do not rush to stone the Jamarat. Wait for a using hormones so that no adjustment is needed during the suitable opportunity and enjoy rejecting Shaitan. Wear

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YEAR REPORT 2008 DEPARTMENT OF ENDOCRINOLOGY INTERNAL MEDICINE University Medical Center Groningen Postal address Visitors address 9700 RB Groningen 9713 GZ Groningen Year Report 2008 – Dept. of Endocrinology, UMCG & University of Groningen, The Netherlands  1. Personnel . 3 

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Illinois Institute Institute Addiction at Proctor Hospital Young Adolescents Journey to Recovery Leave Well Enough Alone Helping People Change: Make or Break Denial Humility — The Key NON PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PERMIT NO. 135 MIDLAND, MI 48640 Table of Contents Winter 2005 Rick Zehr, M.S., C.S.A.D.C., P.C.G.C., MISA IIMedical Directors:

Scales, quantity & degree [2ex] lecture 1: quantifiers

Scales, quantity & degree Lecture 1: Quantifiers Rick Nouwen (Utrecht) Scales, quantity and degree S = hX, >i or S = hX, =i 2 Modified numerals What is a quantifier? Natural language determiners Determiner phrases Several parts that move Predicate logical syncategorema Generalised quantifiers What is a quantifier? articles: a, the, . .determiners: every, most, . .number words: one, two, three, . .comparatives: fewer than five hundred, more than just a few, . .superlatives: at most five, at least twelve, . .PPs: between sixty and seventy, up to two hundred, . .adjectives: (very) many, (too) few, . .modifications: almost every, exactly five, . .coordinations: most but not all, two or three, . .

Eef programm1.cdr

th Biannual Meeting of the Hellenic (Greek) Society for Basic & Clinical Pharmacology Professor Arthur Christopoulos, B.Pharm., Ph.D., Drug Discovery, Monash University, Australia Today's science, tomorrow's medicines Athens 23-24 RegistrationYoung Investigators ForumChairs: Dr. E. Papadimitriou

Picture Storybooks Go Digital: Pros and ConsDaisy Smeets & Adriana Bus an increasing number of picture storybooks for young children have become available electronically, and there has been an explosion in children's storybook apps, especially since tablet computers such as iPads have become popular. Today's e-books have evolved significantly from platforms that once only displayed simple digitized versions of print books to tools that can now support highly interactive, multimedia experiences. At a minimum, multimedia additions to electronic picture storybooks include at least an oral reading of the story text. In addition, they may involve symbolic elements typically not used with print books: live-action video, digital graphics, animations, music, sound effects, and interactivity of text (e.g., highlighting of text while it is narrated). Some educators are of the opinion that the multimedia additions are unnecessary and may even work counterproductively. Interaction with adults is still considered to be the optimal way to familiarize children with stories and the varied and rich vocabulary in picture storybooks. On the other hand, additional features may provide new opportunities for text comprehension.

Microsoft word - 15-+plafonds suspendus

Hôpital local d'Is-sur-Til e LOT N° 15 - PLAFONDS SUSPENDUS : 15-01-00 DEFINITION DES TRAVAUX - REGLEMENTATION – NORMES : 15-01-01 Définition des travaux : Les travaux du présent lot comprennent : - les travaux préparatoires, - les plafonds suspendus en matériau minéral aggloméré, - les ouvrages divers, - toutes les finitions nécessaires au parfait achèvement des ouvrages ci-dessus.

354-312 work

Three-prong American ginseng plant. Producing and Marketing Wild Simulated Ginseng in Forest and Agroforestry Systems Andy Hankins* other hand, wild ginseng sells for over $300 a pound andthe market demand in Asia for wild roots is practically American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium, Araliaceaefamily) is a familiar plant to many people in the Southern

INTERNET GOVERNANCE PAPERS PAPER NO. 1 — JULY 2013 Reimaging the Internet: The Need for a High-level Strategic Vision for Internet Governance Mark Raymond and Gordon Smith INTERNET GOVERNANCE PAPERS PAPER NO. 1 — JULY 2013Reimaging the Internet: The Need for a High-level Strategic

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