Chiaramente, ogni formato ha i propri vantaggi e svantaggi comprare biaxin online in italia per effettuare un acquisto, non è necessario fornire la prescrizione medica.

"A" - No Medical Care:

Airflow uniformity through perforated tiles in a raised-floor data center

Airflow Uniformity through Perforated Tiles in a Raised-Floor Data Center by James W. VanGilder, P.E., APC by Schneider Electric Roger R. Schmidt, Ph.D., P.E., IBM Corporation Executive summary Perforated tiles on a raised floor often deliver sub-stantially more or less airflow than expected, resulting in inefficiencies and even equipment failure due to inadequate cooling. In this paper, the impact of data center design parameters on perforated tile airflow is quantified and methods of improving airflow unifor-mity are discussed. This paper was written jointly by APC and IBM for the ASME InterPACK '05 conference.

Órgano de difusión interno de la AMPF y AMPC Diciembre de 2010 Publicación de distribución gratuita para el asociado Familia - País - Sociedad Sede Central Tte. Gral. Juan D. Perón 1379/83 - CABA - (011) 4124-9910 y rot. - - [email protected] El Correo Solidario Comisión Directiva Sumario Staff Imagen de tapa: Danza de las Cintas (Detalle) Manuel Arce

The American Society of Hypertension, Inc. • MES 24th Annual Scientific Meeting and Exposition • The San Francisco Marriott • May 6 – May 9, 2009 health-care reform offers challenges, opportunities for ash members Economic crisis has long-term implications for research Th e com bi n ed ch a llenges of health-care reform and economic stress

Death by medicine

These statistics contained in this report confirm that American Medicine is the number one cause of death in the United States. Death by Medicine by Gary Null, PhD;, ND; Martin Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD; Dorothy Smith, PhD, Carolyn Dean Conventional Medicine's Lethal Dark Side Something is drastically wrong when regulatory agencies pretend that natural hormones and nutritional supplements are dangerous, yet ignore published statistics showing that government-sanctioned medicine is the real hazard. The statistics in this report show American medicine is the number one cause of death in the United States.

Disorders and treatments

3.02 Understand the functions and disorders of the nervous 3.02 Understand the functions and disorders of the nervous system 3.02 Essential Questions  What are the functions of the nervous  What are some disorders of the nervous  How are nervous system disorders treated?  How does the nervous system relate to the body's communication systems?

Redalyc. patrones de autoatención y automedicación entre la población estudiantil universitaria de la ciudad de puebla . elementos: ciencia y cultura

Elementos: ciencia y culturaBenemérita Universidad Autónoma de PueblaISSN: 0187-9073 MÉXICO Enrique Soto Pérez de Celis / Yolanda Roa Nava PATRONES DE AUTOATENCIÓN Y AUTOMEDICACIÓN ENTRE LA POBLACIÓN ESTUDIANTIL UNIVERSITARIA DE LA CIUDAD DE PUEBLA Elementos: ciencia y cultura, octubre-diciembre, año/vol. 11, número 055-056 Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

CrowdTruth Measures for Language Ambiguity The Case of Medical Relation Extraction Anca Dumitrache1,2, Lora Aroyo1, and Chris Welty3 1 VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands 2 IBM CAS, Amsterdam, Netherlands 3 Google Research, New York, USA Abstract. A widespread use of linked data for information extraction isdistant supervision, in which relation tuples from a data source are foundin sentences in a text corpus, and those sentences are treated as trainingdata for relation extraction systems. Distant supervision is a cheap wayto acquire training data, but that data can be quite noisy, which limitsthe performance of a system trained with it. Human annotators can beused to clean the data, but in some domains, such as medical NLP, it iswidely believed that only medical experts can do this reliably. We havebeen investigating the use of crowdsourcing as an affordable alternativeto using experts to clean noisy data, and have found that with the properanalysis, crowds can rival and even out-perform the precision and recallof experts, at a much lower cost. We have further found that the crowd,by virtue of its diversity, can help us find evidence of ambiguous sen-tences that are difficult to classify, and we have hypothesized that suchsentences are likely just as difficult for machines to classify. In this pa-per we outline CrowdTruth, a previously presented method for scoringambiguous sentences that suggests that existing modes of truth are in-adequate, and we present for the first time a set of weighted metrics forevaluating the performance of experts, the crowd, and a trained classifierin light of ambiguity. We show that our theory of truth and our metricsare a more powerful way to evaluate NLP performance over traditionalunweighted metrics like precision and recall, because they allow us to ac-count for the rather obvious fact that some sentences express the targetrelations more clearly than others.

Parent toolkit

NEDA TOOLKIT for Parents Table of Contents Common myths about eating disorders………………………………………………………………………….6 Eating disorder signs, symptoms and behaviors………………………………………………………….9 Ways to start a discussion with a loved one…………………….………………….………………………13

Premium template - 11.qxd

THE 2010 GUIDE TO EMERGING MARKETS AND TECHNOLOGY From the publishers of BioWorld® Today BIOWORLD'S FUTURE OF BIOTECH: THE 2010 GUIDE The Future of Biotech: The 2010 Guide to Emerging Markets and Technology Copyright © 2009BioWorld®AHC Media LLC3525 Piedmont RoadBuilding Six, Suite 400Atlanta, GA 30305 U.S.A. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United StatesCopyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by anymeans, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Altered processing of sensory stimuli in patients with migraine

Altered processing of sensory stimuli in patients with migraineMarina de Tommaso, Anna Ambrosini, Filippo Brighina, Gianluca Coppola, Armando Perrotta, Francesco Pierelli, Giorgio Sandrini, Massimiliano Valeriani, Daniele Marinazzo, Sebastiano Stramaglia and Jean Schoenen Abstract Migraine is a cyclic disorder, in which functional and morphological brain changes fluctuate over time, culminating periodically in an attack. In the migrainous brain, temporal processing of external stimuli and sequential recruitment of neuronal networks are often dysfunctional. These changes reflect complex CNS dysfunction patterns. Assessment of multimodal evoked potentials and nociceptive reflex responses can reveal altered patterns of the brain's electrophysiological activity, thereby aiding our understanding of the pathophysiology of migraine. In this Review, we summarize the most important findings on temporal processing of evoked and reflex responses in migraine. Considering these data, we propose that thalamocortical dysrhythmia may be responsible for the altered synchronicity in migraine. To test this hypothesis in future research, electrophysiological recordings should be combined with neuroimaging studies so that the temporal patterns of sensory processing in patients with migraine can be correlated with the accompanying anatomical and functional changes.

Making Education Easy Issue 7 - 2014 Welcome to the 7th issue of Fertility Research Review. This issue begins with the miracle of 2014 – a live birth after uterus transplantation from a postmenopausal donor. This is the culmination of a 20-year research programme and an extraordinary achievement. Live birth after uterus

Helping smokers quit — opportunities created by the affordable care act

The NEW ENGL A ND JOUR NA L of MEDICI NE Helping Smokers Quit — Opportunities Created by the Affordable Care ActTim McAfee, M.D., M.P.H., Stephen Babb, M.P.H., Simon McNabb, B.A., and Michael C. Fiore, M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A. In its review of tobacco-dependence treatments, thereby increase rates of cessa- the 2008 clinical practice guideline of the U.S.

See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Article · January 2016DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2016.01.012 6 authors, including: 25 PUBLICATIONS 296 CITATIONS 99 PUBLICATIONS 1,052 CITATIONS 325 PUBLICATIONS 5,230 CITATIONS 318 PUBLICATIONS 4,389 CITATIONS

August 2009 Australian Treatment Guide for Consumers and Carers © The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Key points about schizophrenia Compiled by The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP), this information and advice is based on current medical knowledge and practice as at Diagnosis and beginning treatment

Anaesthesia and psychiatric drugs (2)

Sign up to receive ATOTW weekly - email ANAESTHESIA AND PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS – PART 2MOOD STABILISERS AND ANTIPSYCHOTICSANAESTHESIA TUTORIAL OF THE WEEK 175 Dr Helen Bromhead, Consultant AnaesthetistRoyal Hampshire County Hospital, Winchester, UK Dr Adrian Feeney, Consultant Forensic PsychiatristHampshire Partnership Foundation Trust, UK Correspondence to [email protected]

Racemic drugs

RACEMIC DRUGS AND ENANTIOMERS Identifying the really useful innovations Many drugs are available as racemic mixtures or 50:50 mixtures of two molecules (enantiomers) that are different merely by one being the non- superimposable mirror image of the other. There are normally two classifications used for en- antiomers: the first one distinguishes the two


FOCUS ON CLINICAL ELECTROPHORESIS: Progress Report as of October 2005 THERAPEUTIC UP-DATING ON BLOOD DISEASES MANAGEMENT OF MONOCLONAL GAMMAPATHIES Assessment of Monoclonal Gammapathies COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC COSTS CELLOGEL: what is it and how is it used? The use of Cellogel EQUIPMENT FOR ELECTROPHORESIS ON CELLOGEL Electrophoretic tank for Cellogel Bridges for Cellogel tank

vos oreil es. Musique dans la Ruedu samedi 20 au samedi 27 Conservatoire Darius Milhaud . 2D'une rive à l'autre. 3Sudden . 4Didier Lockwood & The Jazz Angels . 5Fête de la Musique . 6Et Vian dans les dents ! . 7Orchestre Philharmonique du Pays d'Aix . 8Operatella . 9Tang'Hêlios Quartet . 10Microfolies . 11 à 13La Voix Humaine . 14Gérard Abiton . 15 et 17Yom, New King of Klezmer Clarinet . 16Flamenco/Tzigane . 17Picasso et la Musique. 18Grand Bal de Musique dans la Rue. 19

Kosmetik für Körper, Geist und Seele Maniküre Maniküre brasilianische Technik Leila Accioly-Macek Die natürlíche Energie Brasiliens im Herzen von Wien Lackieren (je nach Farbe) Dipl. Fachkosmetikerin Basis Maniküre +Handpeeling, Aroma-Ölpackung, Handmassage In meiner Heimat Brasilien, im wunder- schönen Salvador da Bahia , habe ich seit den 90er Jahren als Modedesignerin

NDF WORKSHOP CASE STUDIES WG 2 – Perennials CASE STUDY 5 Country – CANADA Original language – English PANAX QUINQUEFOLIUS (AMERICAN GINSENG) INCANADA: A CASE STUDY A U T H O R :Adrianne Sinclair * Canadian Wildlife Service Environment Canada I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON THE TAXA

Microsoft word - 3295.doc

LIGHT DIAGNOSTICS™ Cat. No. 3295 FOR IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC USE  Authorised. Representative: Millipore (UK) Ltd. Fleming Road, Kirkton Campus Livingston EH54 7BN UK. Tel +44 1506 404000 Fax +44 1506 404073 28820 Single Oak Drive Temecula, CA 92590 • USA & Canada Phone: +1(800) 437-7500 • Fax: +1 (951) 676-9209 • ISO Registered Worldwide • [email protected][email protected]

The Intolerance Testing Group TITLE FIRST NAME LAST NAME POST/ZIP CODE COUNTY Please find attached your intolerance test results. You will find two headings within this report, the first section which lists all the food intolerances and the second section which lists all the non-food intolerances. Some of the items will have a further explanation next to them to further detail the intolerances. Everything on here has an intolerance level of over 85% as you will see from the percentage levels on the right hand side. This means they are all high intolerances. We only report these as they are the ones likely to be causing you the most symptoms. However, your hair sample has been tested against all 600 items in our system and this is why there may be items on there you don't recognise or haven't eaten. This is because you have been tested against them regardless.

Apr08th – Apr 13th, 2013 Key developments during the week 05-Apr-13 28-Mar-13 Govt likely to finalise details of inflation-indexed bonds this HC refuses to restrain Glenmark from mfg, sale of Januvia  Power secy says state cos' loan recast deadline extended to  Bharti moves SC against DoT order banning co's 3G roaming BSE 200

The Power of NaTure aquaPresÉN® The Power of NaTure There are two main ingredients that define our AQUAPRESÉN products. The power of activated water and whey give our products the effects that make them so WHAT IS ACTIVATED WATER? Activated water is water that has been The AQUAPRESÉN SWISS product line with electrochemically altered and has the ability to activated water as its main ingredient is one of destroy microbiological creatures like bacteria, the most innovative developments in the field virus and fungus. Because this effect is achieved of natural cosmetic of the last years. Activated through an electrochemical process activated water has a broad application field: Through water is 100% natural and lacks any chemicals. the use of this highly effective ingredient our This has been scientifically proven.

GUIDELINES FOR MANAGEMENT OF DECEASED WITH SUSPECTED EBOLA CASES ABOUT EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE Ebola virus disease (Ebola; formerly known as Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever) is a severe, often fatal illness with a death rate of up to 90%. The illness affects humans and non-human primates: monkeys, gorillas and chimpanzees (WHO, July 8, 2014). Ebola viruses are part of the family of Filoviridae which also includes Marburg virus. Five species of Ebola virus have been identified: Zaire, Sudan, Reston, Tai Forest and Bundibugyo (Commonwealth of Australia Department of Health, 2014). The origin of the virus is unknown but fruit bats (Pteropodidae) are considered the likely host of the Ebola virus, based on available evidence (WHO, July 8, 2014).

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH VOL. 11, NOS. 3 & 4 (2012-13) SAR and Pharmacophore Based Designing of Some Antimalarial and Antiretroviral Agents: An INTERNET Based Drug Design Approach Soumendranath Bhakat* Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi-835215 INDIA

Direct Numerical Simulationof Turbulent Heat Transfer Acrossa Mobile, Sheared Gas-LiquidInterface The impact of interfacial dynamics on turbulent heat transfer at a deformable, shearedgas-liquid interface is studied using Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS). The flow system comprises a gas and a liquid phase flowing in opposite directions. The governing equa-tions for the two fluids are alternately solved in separate domains and then coupled at the


SOMMARIO - 2008.1-2 STEFANO MERLI, Il laboratorio socialista de L'Av -venire dei Lavoratori FILIPPO TURATI, Compagni amici, e compagniav ver sari; non voglio, non debbo dire nemici FILIPPO TURATI, Una convergenza dovrà ricon -giun gerci tutti quanti in una azione comune POLITICA, ECONOMIA E CULTURA PAOLO BAGNOLI, I socialisti e la sinistra italiana

Alzheimer's Disease Information Network ADIN Monthly E-News For more informa- tion on clinical trials, visit the ADEAR Clinical Trials Website Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study March 2016 _ Can Common Heartburn Drugs Raise Dementia Risk?

Pe7 - andré de mello e souza

1º Encontro Nacional da ABRI Política Externa Global Governance, Developing Countries and Advocacy Networks: The Struggle over Pharmaceutical Patent Rights1 André de Mello e Souza 1) Introduction This article discusses the efforts of transnational advocacy networks to change institutions of global governance that relate to intellectual property so as to increase

Revista el dolor 46_h.fh10

Revista de Revistas Boletín El Dolor 46 (16): 52 - 54, 2007 Dr. Rodrigo Fernández R.* Efecto analgésico de vitamina E en el dolor dosis que está dentro del rango terapéutico usado en neuropático se produce por una disminución en humanos (2000-5000 U.I. = 2-5 gramos). la sensibilización a nivel central

Behavioral cardiology

REVIEW TOPIC OF THE WEEK Behavioral Cardiology Current Advances and Future Directions Alan Rozanski, MD Growing epidemiological evidence identifies key domains relevant to behavioral cardiology, including health behaviors,emotions, mental mindsets, stress management, social connectedness, and a sense of purpose. Each of these domains exists along a continuum, ranging from positive factors that promote health, to negative factors, which are


Effects of cannabis on pulmonary structure, function and symptomsSarah Aldington, Mathew Williams, Mike Nowitz, Mark Weatherall, Alison Pritchard, AmandaMcNaughton, Geoffrey Robinson, Richard Beasley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thorax 2007;0:1–7. doi: 10.1136/thx.2006.077081

Microsoft word - estudio cooperativas en chile red.doc


S3-leitlinie vte_prophylaxe

Chirurgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Adipositastherapie (CA-ADIP) In Zusammenarbeit mit Deutsche Adipositas-Gesellschaft (DAG) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin S3-Leitlinie: Chirurgie der Adipositas

B I O D I V E RS I T Y H U M A N H E A LT H populations ofdisease-causingorganisms in check • assures sufficient food and water supplies warnings oftoxins and otherenvironmentalhealth hazards • provides source materials fordrugs • provides models for medicaldiscoveries Center for Biodiversity and Conservation American Museum of Natural History

Ews-fli1-mediated suppression of the ras-antagonist sprouty 1 (spry1) confers aggressiveness to ewing sarcoma

Oncogene (2016), 1–11© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0950-9232/16 ORIGINAL ARTICLEEWS-FLI1-mediated suppression of the RAS-antagonistSprouty 1 (SPRY1) confers aggressiveness to Ewing sarcoma F Cidre-Aranaz1, TGP Grünewald2,3, D Surdez2, L García-García1, J Carlos Lázaro1, T Kirchner3, L González-González1, A Sastre4,P García-Miguel4, SE López-Pérez1, S Monzón1,5, O Delattre2 and J Alonso1

Guia 5

Con la colaboración de Amalia García-DelgadoMiguel Ángel Gastelurrutia Garralda Editora:María José Faus DáderGrupo de Investigación en Atención FarmacéuticaUniversidad de Granada GUÍA DE SEGUIMIENTO Amalia García – Delgado MorenteLicenciada en FarmaciaFarmacéutica Comunitaria. SevillaMiembro del Grupo de Investigación en Farmacología Experimental y Farmacoterapia (CTS-259). Universidad de Sevilla

Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science Tribhuwan University An Assignment on Medicinal Plants Dr. Krishna Kumar Pant Associate Professor Department of Environment Science B.Sc. Ag. 5th semester Introduction to Medicinal Plants Medicinal Plants Medicinal plants have been identified and used throughout human history. Before the introduction of chemical medicines, man relied on the healing properties of medicinal plants. Some people value these plants due to the ancient belief which says plants are created to supply man with food, medical treatment, and other effects. There are nearly 2000 ethnic groups in the world, and almost every group has its own traditional medical knowledge and experiences. Plants have the ability to synthesize a wide variety of chemical compounds that are used to perform important biological functions, and to defend against attack from predators such as insects, fungi and herbivorous mammals. At least 12,000 such compounds have been isolated so far; a number estimated to be less than 10% of the total. Chemical compounds in plants mediate their effects on the human body through processes identical to those already well understood for the chemical compounds in conventional drugs; thus herbal medicines do not differ greatly from conventional drugs in terms of how they work. The use of herbs to treat disease is almost universal among non-industrialized societies, and is often more affordable than purchasing expensive modern pharmaceuticals. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 80% of the population of some Asian and African countries presently use herbal medicine for some aspect of primary health care. Their use is less common in clinical settings, but has become increasingly more in recent years as scientific evidence about the effectiveness of herbal medicine has become more widely available. Medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) are an important part of the Nepalese economy, with exports to India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, as well as France, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the USA, and Canada. These plants have a potential for contributing to the local economy, subsistence health needs, and improved natural resource management, leading to the conservation of ecosystem and biodiversity of an area. Nepal's ethnic diversity is also remarkable, so are the traditional medical practices. About 85% of total population inhabit in rural areas, and many of them rely on traditional medicines, mostly prepared from plants for health care. The majority of Nepal's population, especially the poor, tribal and ethnic groups, and mountain people, relies on traditional medical practices. A large number of products for such medical practices are derived from plants. The knowledge of such medical practices has been developed and tested through generations. In many cases this knowledge is transmitted orally from generation to generation and confined to certain people. In this paper, we will discuss about two particular medicinal plants, Aloe and Datura. Aloe vera is frequently cited as being used in herbal medicine since the beginning of the first century AD. Extracts from A. vera are widely used in the cosmetics and alternative medicine industries, being marketed as variously having rejuvenating, healing, or soothing properties. Datura, although widely known as weed, has be used significantly along the history owing to its deliric effects. It has been known to have been used in witchcraft, religious processions and more. Medically, it is used as anti-inflammatory drug. Because of its toxic property, it's used has be controversial among physicians for a long time. Let's explore these plants along with their cultivation practice, phytochemical properties and medical use in detail.

Experimental treatments for spinal cord injury: What you should know (Version 2) A guide for people living with spinal cord injury, their family, friends and health care professionals John D Steevesa, James W Fawcettb, Mark H Tuszynskic, Daniel P Lammertsed, Armin Curte, Michael G Fehlingsf, James D Guestg, Naomi Kleitmanh, Andrew R Blighti, Douglas J Brownj, Michael Haakk, Harvinder S Chhabral, Hideyuki Okanom, Li Jianjun. a.

Microsoft word - carstens.doc

Net feed intake: Potential selection tool to improve feed efficiency in beef cattle Gordon E. Carstens Department of Animal Science Texas A&M University Introduction: Recent economic analysis of standardized performance assessment (SPA) data from Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma cow-calf operations (McGrann, 2002) revealed that grazing and feed costs per cow had a greater impact on determining net income per cow than weaning rates, calf weaning weights or pounds of calf weaned per cow exposed. Likewise, analysis of Iowa and Illinois SPA data found that total feed costs accounted for over 50% of the herd-to-herd variation in net income per cow. Results from these SPA databases illustrate that improvements in feed efficiency would significantly impact unit costs of production and improve profitability of cow-calf enterprises, thereby improving the competitiveness and long-term sustainability of the beef industry.

Insurance and accident clauses - english version

LIABILITY AND ACCIDENTS INSURANCE 1. INSURED This contract of insurance guarantees the payment of compensation for which theinsured user of the bike is legallyliable, to the limits per claim and year, for damages caused to third parties as a direct result of the use of bicycle, of injury (in people) and / or material damage (in goods). It will be indispensable to be previously registered as subscribers of the bike rentalsystem, in whatever form of payment, fulfilling the requirements specified in the Special Conditions. 2. LIABILITY LIABILITY LIMITS Limitfor insurance annuity: 1.200.000,00 € Limitfor accident-injury: 300.000,00 € Limit foraccident- material damage: 50.000,00 € The sub-limits of the sum insured specified in thisClauseare "part of" and not "in addition to" the maximum insured amount to compensate for insuranceannuity. Attached General and Specific Terms. 3. ACCIDENTS COVERAGE AND DEFINITIONS DEATH BY ACCIDENT- death means the loss of life of the Insured during the term of the insurance policy directly caused by an accident, which happened to occur the same time or subsequently supervening in evolution of lesions caused by the same accident within two years. PARTIAL PERMANENT DISABILITY BY ACCIDENT - permanent disability directly caused by an accident, that will produce permanent and irreversible anatomical or functional loss which reduces their capacity Permanent Total and Absolute. Attached General and Specific Terms.

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D.M. Burger PharmD, PhD 864, Department of Clinical Pharmacy Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Tel: +31-24-3616408 Sabrina Bakeera-Kitakaa a , Eva Natukundab a , Lindsay Kendallc l , Quirine Fillekesd s , Addy Kekitiinwaa a , Constance Tumusiimeb e , Peter Mugyenyib i , Ann Sarah Walkerc b , David Burgerd Fax: +31-24-3668755 POSTER NO. 878 Paediatric Infectious Diseases Centre, Mulago, Uganda; b

Whistleblower policy

AMWAY (MALAYSIA) HOLDINGS BERHAD WHISTLEBLOWER POLICY Whistle blowing is a form of disclosure. It involves a Person, i.e. the whistleblower raising serious concerns at an early stage about risks of wrongful activities or reporting a wrongdoing. Amway (Malaysia) Holdings Berhad ("Amway" or the "Company") and its subsidiaries ("AMHB" or the "Group") are committed to the values of transparency, integrity, impartiality and accountability in the conduct of its business and affairs. It expects wrongdoings such as fraud, corruption, serious financial impropriety and gross mismanagement to be reported and facilitates this through internal mechanisms. AMHB expects wrongdoings such as fraud, corruption, serious financial impropriety and gross mismanagement to be reported, and it facilitates this through internal mechanisms.

Urcam du limousin

LES MEDICAMENTS PSYCHOTROPES EN LIMOUSIN 2ème partie Analyse du questionnaire médicalisé relatif au contexte de prescription des médicaments psychotropes en limousin (anxiolytiques – hypnotiques – antidépresseurs) 86/88, avenue Baudin – 87036 Limoges cedex Tél. 05 55 32 98 05 – Fax 05 55 32 96 91 [email protected]

Semantic wikipedia search

Master Thesis - Applied Computer Science Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau SUSI: Wikipedia Search Using Semantic Index Annotations Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau Faculty of Engineering Supervisor Prof. Dr. Hannah Bast Prof. Dr. Hannah Bast Prof. Dr. Hannah Bast Prof. Dr. Georg Lausen We present Susi, a system for efficient semantic search on the English Wikipedia.Susi combines full-text and ontology search. For example, for the query penicillinscientist, Susi recognizes that scientist is a type of person, and returns a list ofnames of scientists that are mentioned along with the word penicillin. We arguethat neither full-text search alone nor ontology-search alone is able to answer thesekinds of queries satisfactorily. Along with the list of entities matching the query(the name of the scientists in the example), Susi also provides excerpts from thetext as evidence.

Effects of caloric restriction and low glycemic index diets associated with metformin on glucose metabolism and cortisol response in overweight/obese subjects: a case series study

Casulari et al. Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome (2015) 7:65 DIABETOLOGY & Effects of caloric restriction and low glycemicindex diets associated with metformin on glucosemetabolism and cortisol response in overweight/obese subjects: a case series study Luiz Augusto Casulari1,5*, Donatella Dondi2, Fabio Celotti2, Fábio Vinicius Pires da Silva3,Caio Eduardo Gonçalves Reis3 and Teresa Helena Macedo da Costa4

The Alzheimer's & Dementia For more information Side effects Alliance of Wisconsin is a nonprofit organization that is specifically designed to provide a link to resources for These medications are generally well- people with Alzheimer's disease and tolerated; however, some people may have related dementias. We are also deeply

American Quarterly, Volume 64, Number 4, December 2012, pp. 845-849(Article) Published by The Johns Hopkins University PressDOI: 10.1353/aq.2012.0061 For additional information about this article Access provided by Project Muse/Jhup (9 Oct 2014 08:08 GMT) "Reinvigorating the Queer Political Imagination" 845 "Reinvigorating the Queer Political

Q&a parkinson's disease

La enfermedad de Parkinson Preguntas y Respuestas sobre la enfermedad de Parkinson Las personas que sufren la enfermedad deParkinson a menudo están buscando respuestasa sus preguntas acerca de cómo vivir mejor conla enfermedad. Este folleto es una recopilaciónde las preguntas más frecuentes que recibimos através de nuestro Servicio de Información sobrela enfermedad de Parkinson (PINS, por sussiglas en inglés) de parte de personas enfermasde Parkinson, sus familiares, y sus cuidadores.

National health statistics reports number 18, july 30, 2009

Number 18 n July 30, 2009 Costs of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and Frequency of Visits to CAM Practitioners: United States, 2007 by Richard L. Nahin, Ph.D., M.P.H., National Institutes of Health; Patricia M. Barnes, M.A.;


A&A 447, 97–112 (2006) The host galaxy/AGN connection in nearby early-type galaxies, Is there a miniature radio-galaxy in every "core" galaxy? B. Balmaverde1 and A. Capetti2 1 Universitá di Torino, Via Giuria 1, 10125, Torino, Italy 2 INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino, Strada Osservatorio 20, 10025 Pino Torinese, Italy

Microsoft powerpoint - aspca poison list.ppt

ASPCA Poison List Animal Medical Centre – Home Care Notes Are there certain potentially harmful substances that pets get into more than others? In 2007, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center managed more than 130,000 cases. The top calls of 2007 involved the following common household goods and products: Prescription and over-the-counter drugs, both of the human and pet variety, including painkillers, cold and flu preparations and antidepressants. The ASPCA cautions pet owners to never give their four-legged family members any type of medication without first talking with a veterinarian. All drugs should be kept out of reach, preferably in closed cabinets above countertops.

Votre parcours en fiv et en icsi chez nous

LIVRET FIV VERSION DECEMBRE 2013 CENTRE D'AMP DE LA POLYCLINIQUE DU BOIS 59000 LILLE SOMMAIRE La fécondation naturelle La fécondation in vitro Le déroulement de la tentative Les étapes du laboratoire Le transfert Les risques et complications

Lettre n 4 cm (psp) pour site public jpc 27.12.2012

ACADÉMIE NATIONALE DE PHARMACIE SANTÉ PUBLIQUE - MÉDICAMENT - PRODUITS DE SANTÉ - BIOLOGIE - SANTÉ ET ENVIRONNEMENT Fondée le 3 août 1803 sous le nom de Société de Pharmacie de Paris Reconnue d'utilité publique le 5 octobre 1877 VEILLE SCIENTIFIQUE LETTRE n° 4 éditée sous l'égide de la Commission Prospective scientifique et Programmation


Servicio de atención personalizada (de lunes a viernes, de 8 a 20 h) SegurCaixa Negocio Condiciones Generales Mod. S.RE.442/01 (Ed. 11-2012) Port_Cond Negocio es.indd 1 Port_Cond Negocio es.indd 1 Cian de cuatricromía Cian de cuatricromíaMagenta de cuatricromía Magenta de cuatricromía Negro de cuatricromía Negro de cuatricromía Mod. S.RE. 442/01 Este contrato se rige por lo dispuesto en la Ley 50/1980, de 8 de octubre, de Contrato de Seguro, así como por el Real Decreto Legislativo 6/2004, de 29 de octubre, por el que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley de Ordenación y Supervisión de los Seguros Privados, y por las demás normas españolas reguladoras de los seguros privados. Asimismo, se rige por lo convenido en las Condiciones Generales y Particulares de este mismo contrato.

JANUARY 2003 A Reprint from Tierra Grande What do these things have in common: wine, penicillin, cheese, beer and mushrooms? Stumped? Here's a big hint: it's also the latest health scare, costing Texas consumers millions of dollars in higher insurance premiums and needless home "health" testing, and it's being used as a get-rich-quick scheme by some personal injury lawyers. Right. It's mold.

Models of care for alcohol misusers (mocam)

Models of care for alcohol misusers Models of care for alcohol misusers DH INFORMATION READER BOX Partnership Working Best Practice Guidance ROCR Ref: Gateway Ref: Models of care for alcohol misusers DH/National Treatment Agency forSubstance Misuse PCT CEs, NHS Trust CEs, SHA CEs, Directorsof PH, Alcohol Treatment Providers, LocalAuthority CEs, GOR RDsPH

The systemic exposure to inhaled beclometasone/formoterol pmdi with valved holding chamber is independent of age and body size

YPUPT1369_proof ■ 18 April 2014 ■ 1/8 Contents lists available at Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics The systemic exposure to inhaled beclometasone/formoterol pMDI with valved holding chamber is independent of age and body size Mirco Govoni ,, Annalisa Piccinno Germano Lucci , Gianluigi Poli Daniela Acerbi , Roberta Baronio , Dave Singh Piotr Kuna Bo L.K. Chawes Hans Bisgaard

5.verbale cf aven 24maggio1

Commissione del Farmaco dell'Area Vasta Emilia Nord Modena 20 giugno 2011 Alla c.a. Componenti della Commissione del farmaco dell'Area Vasta Emilia Nord Loro Sedi OGGETTO: Verbale riunione 24/05/2011 della Commissione del Farmaco dell'Area Vasta Emilia Nord Presenti: Claudio Andreoli, Angelo Benedetti, Lina Bianconi, Giovanni Bologna, Corrado Busani, Giovanni Maria Centenaro, Giorgio Cioni, Carlo Coscelli, Mauro De Rosa, Roberto Esposito, Anna Maria Gazzola, Sergio Maccari, Anna Maria Marata, Mauro Miselli, Carlo Missorini, Enrico Montanari, Alessandro Navazio, Giovanni Pinelli, Italo Portioli, Daniela Riccò, Nilla Viani. Assenti: Diego Ardissino, Maria Barbagallo, Carlo Cagnoni, Fabio Caliumi, Marilena Castellana, Luigi Cavanna, Silvia Chiesa, Giuseppe Longo, Nicola Magrini, Giovanni Pedretti, Nilla Poncemmi, Saverio Santachiara.

Spezial-Tees zum Genießen und Kurieren An g u rat é -Tee - Magentee aus Peru Traditionell angewendet unterstützt Anguraté wirksam die Magen-Darm-Funktion. Anguraté (lat. Mentzelis cordifolia) stammt aus Peru und wird dort in den peruanischen Anden in Höhenlagen 70 g 09100 von 1500-2300 m unter beschwerlichen Bedingungen aus Wild wuchs geerntet. Anguraté hat

Ahpa 01 field guide to herbal dietary supplements c

A Field Guide to Herbal DietarySupplements A publication of the AHPA Foundation for Education & Research onBotanicals (AHPA-ERB Foundation) A Field Guide toHerbal DietarySupplements A publication of the AHPA Foundation for Education & Research onBotanicals (AHPA-ERB Foundation) A Field Guide to Herbal Dietary Supplements A publication of the AHPA Foundation for Education & Research on Botanicals

Focus area Efficient management of Electricity consumption on a 100% Electricity consumption (100% basis) (MWh) resources including water basis increased 4% to 2 658 megawatt hours (MWh) (F2011: 2 550 MWh). Water withdrawal on a 100% basis Water use (100% basis) (million m3) increased 19% to 18.0 million m3 in F2012 (F2011: 15.1 million m3). However, a substantial quantity of

Laboratory testing of cyp2d6 alleles in relation to tamoxifen therapy

ACMG STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES ©American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics laboratory testing of CYP2D6 alleles in relation to tamoxifen therapy Elaine Lyon, PhD, FACMG1, Julie Gastier Foster, PhD, FACMG2,3, Glenn E. Palomaki, PhD4, Victoria M. Pratt, PhD, FACMG5, Kristen Reynolds, PhD6, M. Fernanda Sábato, MS7,

Bulletin 138 - anori

Association Nationale des Réservistes de l'Infanterie Bulletin de liaison n°138 2ème Trimestre 2010 Des statuts plus ouverts pour encore mieux servir l'Infanterie et la Défense Lors de l'assemblée générale 2010, l'Association Nationale des Réservistes de l'Infanterie a modifié ses statuts pour s'adapter aux réalités de la vie associative actuelle et en particulier dans le domaine de la défense. Tout en conservant les buts indissociables de l'ANORI tout au long de son histoire, l'Association accentue ses fonctions d'intérêt général, notamment en ce qui concerne la promotion de l'esprit de défense, l'entretien du lien Armée-Nation et l'information des citoyens et des réservistes. Son rôle dans les relations entre les associations de l'Infanterie et dans les actions de Mémoire, de Traditions, de soutien au Musée de l'Infanterie et aux salles d'honneur est spécifiquement affirmé. L'ANORI ouvre désormais ses rangs, dans la catégorie des membres associés, à des non fantassins qui s'intéressent à l'Infanterie et désirent soutenir et participer aux actions de l'Association. Les Fantassins auront à guider et à montrer l'exemple à ces futurs nouveaux membres associés, ces Amis de l'Infanterie, qu'ils doivent d'ores et déjà s'attacher à recruter. L'ANORI était déjà bien plus qu'une association de réservistes. Avec ces nouveaux statuts, elle accroît son champ d'action et va prendre un nouvel essor au service de la Défense, de l'Infanterie et des Réserves. Nous sommes tous concernés par ce nouveau développement de notre Association, qui répond à un besoin national dans un but d'intérêt général. C'est une mission qui correspond parfaitement aux qualités et aux aptitudes des Fantassins que nous sommes. C'est ainsi que nous pourrons toujours mieux servir. De tout temps, l'Infanterie a personnifié la volonté de défense de la France, son refus de subir. Elle a toujours été un exemple de dévouement, d'abnégation et d'héroïsme. C'est à nous de nous montrer dignes de nos Anciens qui ont tracé le sillon et en mémoire desquels nous ne devons pas faillir. Comme toujours, il faut progresser, aller de l'avant, innover. C'est ainsi que se prépare et se construit l'avenir. Nous savons répondre « présent ! » et nous serons au premier rang pour servir, fidèles à notre devise : Page 461 Wednesday, Apr Page il 18, 2007 11:07 AM Prediabetes: a position statement from the Australian Diabetes Society and Australian Diabetes Educators Association Stephen M Twigg, Maarten C Kamp, Timothy M Davis, Elizabeth K Neylon and Jeffrey R Flack onditions in which blood glucose levels are elevated but not in the range of diabetes mellitus occur commonly. The term

Report of the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Agency for Consumer Affairs, Food Safety and Nutrition (AECOSAN) on the risk of using Tribulus terrestris in food supplements Section of Food Safety and Nutrition Reference number: AECOSAN-2015-003 Elena Alonso Lebrero, José Manuel Barat Baviera, María Report approved by the Section of Food Safety and

Microsoft word - tennis elbow november 2014.docx

ACUPUNCTURE AND TENNIS ELBOW About tennis elbow Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) is characterised by pain and tenderness over the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. In the UK, the annual incidence of lateral elbow pain in general practice is around 4/1000 to 7/1000 people.(Hamilton 1986) It is most common in people aged between 40 and 50 years (Allander 1974); for example, the incidence is as much as 10% in women aged 42 to 46 years.(Chard 1989; Verhaar 1994)


¿Qué sabe acerca de? Alcohol El alcohol etílico es un alcohol alifático que se obtiene de la fermentación de diversos granos, frutos y plantas, y se encuentra contenido en diferentes proporciones en las bebidas alcohólicas. Clasificación legal Es un fármaco de consumo legal. Para el uso médico el etanol es utilizado como antiséptico externo


As well as being president of the Conditional Immortality Association I also pastorThe Church of Christ (L&A) in Takanini and as part of my work with the AdventChristian Conference of New Zealand, the Randwick Park Christian Life Church.The Randwick Park Christian Life church meets in a Council run Community house.But we are not the only "spiritual" group that uses the building. There is our smallgroup of Bible believing Christians who meet there. There are three other groups ofspiritualists and mediums that meet there. These people are convinced that thereexist invisible, superhuman "spirit guides" wanting to make contact with people hereon earth. These people are convinced that it is possible and even desirable to makecontact with the spirits of human beings that have lived and died here on earth.


Resuscitation Council (UK) Adult Advanced Life Support Introduction This section on adult advanced life support (ALS) adheres to the same general principles as in Guidelines 2000, but incorporates some important changes. The guidelines in this section apply to healthcare professionals trained in ALS techniques. Laypeople, first responders, and automated external defibrillator (AED) users are referred to the basic life support (BLS) and AED sections. Guideline changes

PLAN FOR COMBATING ANTIBIOTIC-R ESISTANT Table of Contents Slow the Emergence of Resistant Bacteria and Prevent the Spread of Resistant Strengthen National One-Health Surveillance Efforts to Combat Resistance . . .24 Advance Development and Use of Rapid and Innovative Diagnostic Tests for Identification and Characterization of Resistant Bacteria . . . . . . .36

Microsoft word - south mackay_final_recommendation.doc

Regulatory Test – Final recommendation report Proposed establishment of a new 66/11kV substation at Ooralea 19 March 2014 Ergon Energy Corporation Limited DisclaimerWhile care was taken in preparation of the information in this discussion paper, and it is provided in good faith, Ergon Energy Corporation Limited accepts no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage that may be incurred by any person acting in reliance on this information or assumptions drawn from it. This discussion paper has been prepared for the purpose of inviting information, comment and discussion from interested parties. The document has been prepared using information provided by a number of third parties. It contains assumptions regarding, among other things, economic growth and load forecasts which may or may not prove to be correct. All information should be independently verified to the extent possible before assessing any investment proposals.

11402 • The Journal of Neuroscience, December 10, 2003 • 23(36):11402–11410 Imaging Reveals Synaptic Targets of a Swim-TerminatingNeuron in the Leech CNS Adam L. Taylor,1,2 Garrison W. Cottrell,1 David Kleinfeld,3 and William B. Kristan Jr21Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 2Neurobiology Section, Division of Biological Sciences, and 3Department of Physics, University ofCalifornia, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093

Paradigm w05

Illinois Institute Institute Addiction at Proctor Hospital Young Adolescents Journey to Recovery Leave Well Enough Alone Helping People Change: Make or Break Denial Humility — The Key NON PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PERMIT NO. 135 MIDLAND, MI 48640 Table of Contents Winter 2005 Rick Zehr, M.S., C.S.A.D.C., P.C.G.C., MISA IIMedical Directors:

Microsoft word - 15-+plafonds suspendus

Hôpital local d'Is-sur-Til e LOT N° 15 - PLAFONDS SUSPENDUS : 15-01-00 DEFINITION DES TRAVAUX - REGLEMENTATION – NORMES : 15-01-01 Définition des travaux : Les travaux du présent lot comprennent : - les travaux préparatoires, - les plafonds suspendus en matériau minéral aggloméré, - les ouvrages divers, - toutes les finitions nécessaires au parfait achèvement des ouvrages ci-dessus.

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