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The clinical use of HMG CoA-reductase inhibitors (statins) and the associated depletion of the essential co-factor coenzyme a review of pertinent human and animal data. Peter H. Langsjoen, M.D., HMG CoA-reductase inhibitors or statins are clearly the most effective class of drugs for lowering LDL cholesterol. Those drugs have been associated with a beneficial impact on cardiovascular


Deutsche Ausgabe Das offizielle Magazin von Lions Clubs International – We Serve Haltestelle Alzheimer:Wo nie ein Bus hält Wie Lions helfen können – Erkennung – Vorbeugung Anmerkungen zum LION Sonderdruck Von Wolfgang P. Peters Lions Club Ludwigsburg-Favorite Alzheimer" ist das Titelthema im LION 9/2012 und 10/2012. Unse-


REVITA HIGH PERFORMANCE HAIR GROWTH STIMULATING SHAMPOO PRODUCT INFORMATION BOOKLET Revita®, the most efficient hair-growth stimulating shampoo on the market, results from DS Laboratories' commitment to cutting-edge research. Revita packs a powerful combination of active ingredients, free of sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate (SLS/SLES). Revita is designed

Op-brai150415 1.15

Brain Advance Access published January 25, 2016 BRAIN 2016: Page 1 of 15 The neural dynamics of reward value and riskcoding in the human orbitofrontal cortex Yansong Li,1,2, Giovanna Vanni-Mercier,1,2 Jean Isnard,2,3 Franc¸ois Mauguie re2,3 andJean-Claude Dreher1,2 See Kringelbach (doi10.1093/awwxxx) for a scientific commentary on this article. The orbitofrontal cortex is known to carry information regarding expected reward, risk and experienced outcome. Yet, due toinherent limitations in lesion and neuroimaging methods, the neural dynamics of these computations has remained elusive inhumans. Here, taking advantage of the high temporal definition of intracranial recordings, we characterize the neurophysiologicalsignatures of the intact orbitofrontal cortex in processing information relevant for risky decisions. Local field potentials were


the loss of smell in a visual culture susana cámara leret the loss of smell in a visual culture susana cámara leret Fig. 1 smell can provide a new understanding of nature I would like to thank the following people for their support and guidance throughout the project: Rodrigo Camara Leret; Maria Luisa Leret Verdu from the Department of Physiology (Animal Physiology II) University Complutense of Madrid, Spain; Jan Frits Veldkamp PhD from the National Herbarium of the Netherlands; Frans Krens PhD and Maarten A. Jongsma PhD from Plant Breeding International, Wageningen University and Research Center, The Netherlands; Yehuda Shoenfeld, Head of Department of Medicine B and Center for Autoimmune Diseases, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel; Professor Fabrizio Benedetti from the Department of Neuroscience, University of Turin Medical School, Italy; Andrea Evers, Investigator Clinical Psychology at the Medisch Centrum Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Dirk Hermans from the Center for the Psychology of Learning and Experimental Psychopathology, University of Leuven, Belgium; Professor Berry M. Spruijt, Ethology and Welfare, Department of Biology, Faculty of Beta Sciences, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Dgim project summary final

DGIM Project Summary Name of Project: "Neurosteroid Metabolism and the Antidepressant Effects of Serotonin Specific Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI's)." Nickname: "BRAIN, BIOLOGY AND MOOD STUDY". CHR Approval # 10-00825, Approval Expires 01/14/2014 PI: Owen Wolkowitz, MD ([email protected]) Co-I: Synthia Mellon, PhD ([email protected])

Density measurement

Halit Eren. "Density Measurement."Copyright 2000 CRC Press LLC. <http://www.engnetbase.com>. Density Measurement 21.1 Solid Density21.2 Fluid Density Pycnometric Densitometers • Buoyancy Type Densitometers • Hydrometers • Hydrostatic Weighing Densitometers • Balance-Type Densitometers • Column-Type Densitometers • Vibrating Element Densitometers • Radioactive Densitometers • Refractometer and Index of Refraction

Vehicular based drug box temperature control study

Vehicular Based Drug Box Temperature Control Study A Research Project Presented to the Department of Occupational and Technical Studies Old Dominion University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Occupational and Technical Education


Ronald: A Domain-Specific Language to study the interactions between malaria infections and drug T. Antao and I. Hastings Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine Department of Computer Science University of Liverpool University of Liverpool Abstract Malaria kills more than 1 million peo- domain, they are more expressive and easier to ple a year, mostly children in sub-Saharan Africa.


Practice Management and Human Relations Ethical decision-making for multiple prescription dentistryKevin Huff, DDS, MAGD  n  Marlene Huff, PhD, RN  n  Constantin Farah, DDS, MSD Technology provides a selection of treatment choices for dental This article presents four case studies that illustrate the process of problems. Dental ethics must be applied to the development of a

Reviewing the drivers and challenges in rfid implementation in the pharmaceutical supply chain

Reviewing the Drivers and Challenges in RFID Implementation in the Pharmaceutical Supply ChainMazen S. Matalka John K. VisichBryant University Suhong LiBryant University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended CitationMatalka, Mazen S.; Visich, John K.; and Li, Suhong, "Reviewing the Drivers and Challenges in RFIDImplementation in the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain" (2009). Management Department JournalArticles. Paper 43.http://digitalcommons.bryant.edu/manjou/43


Clinical & Attachment-retained restorationsASTRA TECH Implant System™ EV The ASTRA TECH Implant System EV is designed for ease of use and versatility in providing treatment solutions for your implant patients. The foundation of this evolutionary system remains the unique ASTRA TECH Implant System BioManagement Complex, which has been proven to predictably provide long-term marginal bone maintenance and esthetic results.

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UNIVERSITÉ PARIS DESCARTES FACULTÉ DE MÉDECINE Année 2014/2015 DIU REGULATION DES NAISSANCES : socio-épidémiologie, contraception, IVG, prévention des risques liés à la sexualité Lori SAVIGNAC-KRIKORIAN Docteur en médecine générale METHODE DE POSE DIRECTE DES


titolo breve: CONSENSUS ON THE USE OF CYCLOSPORINE IN DERMATOLOGICAL PRACTICE primo autore: ALTOMARE Rivista: GIORNALE ITALIANO DI DERMATOLOGIA E VENEREOLOGIACod Rivista: G ITAL DERMATOL VENEREOL e additional copies G ITAL DERMATOL VENEREOL 2014;149:607-25 or personal or commercial use is , electronic mailing or an It is not per. aming techniques to enclose an Consensus on the use of cyclosporine

Powerpoint presentation

Jefferies Global Healthcare Conference June 2013 COPYRIGHT 2013 by TherapeuticsMD Forward-Looking Statements This presentation includes forward-looking statements covered by the safe harbor provision of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including predictions, estimates, and other information that might be considered forward-looking. While these forward-looking statements represent TherapeuticsMD, Inc.'s ("TherapeuticsMD," "we," "us," and "our") current judgment on what the future holds, they are subject to risks and uncertainties, many of which are outside our control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements.

Effects of the prebiotics immunoster and immunowall on growth performance of juvenile beluga (huso huso)

Journal ofApplied Ichthyology J. Appl. Ichthyol. 27 (2011), 796–798 Received: March 28, 2010  2011 Blackwell Verlag, Berlin Accepted: December 18, 2010 Effects of the prebiotics Immunoster and Immunowall on growth performance ofjuvenile beluga (Huso huso) By R. TaÕati1, M. Soltani2, M. Bahmani3 and A. A. Zamini4 1Department of Fisheries, Islamic Azad University, Talesh Branch, Talesh, Iran; 2Department of Aquatic Animal Health, Faculty ofVeterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran; 3International Sturgeon Research Institute, Rasht, Iran; 4Department ofFisheries, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan Branch, Lahijan, Iran

Salmeterol/fluticasone combination instead of indacaterol or vice-versa?

Salmeterol/fluticasone combinationinstead of indacaterol or vice-versa? The Indacaterol: Switching Non-exacerbating Patients with Moderate COPD From Salmeterol/Fluticasoneto Indacaterol (INSTEAD) study, published in the December edition of the European Respiratory Journal,concluded that that "patients with moderate COPD and no exacerbations in the previous year can beswitched from salmeterol/fluticasone (SFC) to indacaterol with no efficacy loss" We would like torespectfully challenge this conclusion (as suggested also by the acronym "INSTEAD") since, in ouropinion, the data presented do not support it. First, the study was designed and powered to address ashort-term (12 weeks), physiological question (the primary outcome was non-inferiority of lung functionchanges (through forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1)). This study design does not allow any inferenceabout the relative clinical positioning of these two therapeutic alternatives at longer term (daily control orfuture risk, e.g. exacerbation, progression of disease, or mortality). Secondly, authors included in the study"patients receiving SFC 50/500 mg for ⩾3 months, with no chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)exacerbations for >1 year before the study ( patients for whom inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) is notrecommended)". In our opinion, their interpretation that ICS are not recommended in these patients isboth arguable and relevant. Arguable, because authors cannot disregard the possibility that patients didnot have exacerbations in the previous year precisely because they were treated with ICS. Relevant becauseif these patients did not really need ICS, then it should not surprise that ICS withdrawal was"non-inferior" to bronchodilator treatment. Finally, based on the INSTEAD results, the exact oppositeconclusions might be reached. This is, given that: 1) treatment with indacaterol is not inferior to treatmentwith SFC in terms of lung function ( primary outcome), and/or daily control (symptoms, quality of life);and, 2) there is no information on the long-term effects of indacaterol on the rate of exacerbations,whereas this is well established for the SFC combination in a properly designed and longer-term study the latter might be favoured over indacaterol. It goes without saying that both conclusions (this oneand that of the INSTEAD study) are speculative, and thus properly designed and powered studies arerequired before any evidence based recommendation on the use of ICS in COPD can be reliably made In any case, we congratulate the authors of the INSTEAD study for their interesting work thatcontribute to another piece of evidence on the debate of when to use ICS in COPD. However, we honestlybelieve that the clinical over-interpretation of their results may not be in the best interest of patients, sincethere is a group of patients with COPD who can clearly benefit from ICS in combination with long-actingbronchodilators, including those with repeated exacerbations (despite adequate bronchodilator treatment)and the asthma-COPD overlap syndrome

Microsoft word - leitlinie 29-09-2008_final3.doc

Leitlinie (Entwurf) "Management von Handekzemen" (Stand: 29.09.2008) Autoren: T.L. Diepgen, P. Elsner, M. Fartasch, S.M. John, A. Köllner, S. Schliemann, C. Skudlik, M. Worm 1. Präambel Handekzeme (HE) zählen zu den häufigsten Hauterkrankungen, wobei sie jedoch keine homogene Krankheitsentität darstellen. Der Schweregrad kann von sehr leichten


Carcinogenesis vol.35 no.1 pp.201–207, 2014 Advance Access publication August 12, 2013 Assessing compound carcinogenicity in vitro using connectivity mapping Florian Caiment, Maria Tsamou, Danyel Jennen and a classifying in vitro model for the human situation in vivo remains a challenge, due to the high heterogeneity of human cancers and the

Costs of smoking and mental illness - final 19 nov

14 November 2007 Smoking and Mental Illness: Costs Report by Access Economics Pty Limited for Smoking and Mental Illness: Costs CONTENTS Executive summary.i Background .1 1.1 Efforts to combat smoking .9 Smoking epidemiology .11 Smoking aetiology .13 Smoking mortality .14 Mental illness .16 Mental illness and suicide .19


ANIMAL HEALTH UPDATES NATIONAL DAIRY DEVELOPMENT Animal Health Group BOARD ANAND GUJARAT VOLUME III ISSUE III (For Private circulation only) Oct'14 - Dec'14 In this issue : Disease - Anaplasmosis and its control  Anaplasmosis and its control

Abstract proceedings dwrp10 - final.doc

4th Annual Meeting of DANISH WATER RESEARCH PLATFORM DWRP ER IDENTISK MED FORSKNINGSPLATFORMEN VAND         Abstracts proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting of The Danish Water Research Platform (DWRP) – Forskningsplatformen Vand Date: 28 – 29 January, 2010 Venue: The geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 Copenhagen K. Contents


HOUSING POLICIES IN THE EUROPEAN UNION Christian Donner / Vienna 2000 Financing of housing (section A 5) is one of the most important areas in housing policy. Long-term fi- nancing for developers and investors or for buyers The present study consists of four parts. Part A of (owner-occupied) housing is dominated by contains a compact theory of housing markets and

Dafinet poster november 2010

NOVEMBER 9 & 10, 2010 IMMUNE RESPONSES IN FISH: FROM GENE TO FUNCTION Invited speakers:Dr. Barbara Nowak, Australia University of Copenhagen Dr. Bertrand Collet, Scotland Faculty of Life Sciences Dr. Simon Jones, Canada Book of abstracts DAFINET November 9 and 10, 2010 University of Copenhagen, Denmark DAFINET is supported by the Danish Council for Strategic Research The book of abstracts is edited by Kurt Buchmann, Per W. Kania and Lars Holten-Andersen Printed by Frederiksberg Bogtrykkeri 2010

Microsoft word - angstpsyhophamakaabsetzenjosefzehentbauer.doc

Dr.med. Josef Zehentbauer (b.1945) - www.josef-zehentbauer.de/ - Arzt und Psychotherapeut in München Wer hat Angst vor dem Psychopharmaka Absetzen? Ä r z t l i c he B er at ung und p sy c hot her ape ut i sc he G espr äc he bei m A bset z en v on Däm pf ungs - und B er u hi gun g sm i tt el n Neuroleptika / Antidepressiva / Phasenprophylaktika: Carbamazepin, Lithium / Tranquilizer

Rime e ritmi

di Giosue Carducci Letteratura italiana Einaudi Edizione di riferimento:a cura di Luigi Banfi, Mursia, Milano 1987 Letteratura italiana Einaudi Alla signorina Maria A. 1Nel chiostro del Santo 2Jaufré Rudel 3In una villa 4Piemonte 6Ad Annie 12A C. C. 13Bicocca di San Giacomo 14La guerra 20Nicola Pisano 23Cadore 26Carlo Goldoni 33A Scandiano 36Alla figlia di Francesco Crispi 37Alla città di Ferrara 39Mezzogiorno alpino 46L'ostessa di Gaby 47Esequie della guida E. R. 48La moglie del Gigante 50Per il monumento di Dante a Trento 52La mietitura del Turco 54La chiesa di Polenta 55Sabato Santo 60In riva al Lys 61Elegia del Monte Spluga 62Sant'Abbondio 64Alle Valchirie 65Presso una Certosa 67Congedo 68

Lithium, a strategic element for energy in the world market

LITHIUM, A STRATEGIC ELEMENT FOR ENERGY IN THE WORLD MARKET Robert Bruce Wallace∗ RESERVES AND RESOURCES STRUCTURE OF THE LITHIUM INDUSTRY VIII. MEXICO'S LITHIUM/POTASSIUM SALAR IX. I. INTRODUCTION This paper does not seek to be ground breaking originality, since numerous commentators and researchers, ranging from reporters, geologists, mining engineers, scientists of different fields and organizations, some economists, and official government institutions such as the United States Geologic Survey (USGS), have delved into the intricacies of the sources, production, demand, prices, competitive industrial structure, and even the geopolitics of lithium, its compounds, and its minerals for a good many years. What the paper does seek is to gather together different dispersed sources of information, both technical and economic, and present a coherent, critical general analysis. Furthermore, though there is unfortunately a lack of sufficient hard data regarding a pending development of what appears to be a huge lithium-potassium deposit in Mexico straddling the limits of Zacatecas and San Luis Potosí, I shall include an analysis of what has been divulged publicly via the internet, most of which is hopeful expectation.


PATHOLOGY ONCOLOGY RESEARCH Vol 7, No 1, 2001 10.1053.paor.2001.0308 available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on The Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Tumor Angiogenesis and Tumor Metastasis Anitha JOHN,1 George TUSZYNSKI1,2 Medical College of Pennsylvania and Hahnemann University School of Medicine Department of Pathology1 and Surgery2, Philadelphia, USA

Nep001 1.8

eCAM Advance Access published February 2, 2009 eCAM 2009;Page 1 of 8 Acupuncture and Auricular Acupressure in RelievingMenopausal Hot Flashes of Bilaterally OvariectomizedChinese Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial Jue Zhou1,*, Fan Qu2,*, Xisheng Sang3, Xiaotong Wang4 and Rui Nan5 1Sino-Britain Joint Laboratory, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang310058, 2Women's Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310006, 3HeilongjiangUniversity of Chinese Medicine, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150040, 4The First Affiliated Hospital, Liaoning University ofChinese Medicine, Shenyang, Liaoning, 110032, P. R. China and 5Colorado School of Traditional ChineseMedicine, 1441, York Street, Denver, CO 80206, USA


TherapeuTics for The clinician A Multicenter, Double-blind Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of 2 Treatments in Participants With Mild to Moderate Acne VulgarisZoe Diana Draelos, MD; Alan R. Shalita, MD; Diane Thiboutot, MD; Christian Oresajo, PhD; Margarita Yatskayer; Susanna Raab Acne treatment regimens have changed due to the peroxide (BPO) generally are regarded as safe and


For girls & boys aged 6 to 12 My name is Antoinette Ant. I live in a large colony of ants. I think we have a big problem in our colony. Guess what! I'm the I can get the ants problem! I'm Lonnie, the to do just what I Lomechusa beetle. I moved into the ant colony. Yeah, I think Lonnie is just I lay my eggs all over the great. She gives me a sweet


OSMOPREP COLON PREPARATION Date your procedure is scheduled . Please check in at (time) _ am/pm. Your procedure is schedule for (time) _ am/pm at: _ Tallahassee Endoscopy Center (DDC building 2nd floor) _ Tallahassee Memorial Hospital (Outpatient Registration) _ Capital Regional Medical Center (Admitting Office) A Few Days Before Your Examination:A few days before your procedure, have the prescription filled for OsmoPrep at your pharmacy. Do NOT begin taking the medication until theday before your procedure.

Microsoft word - gba-stn 07.11.2009.doc

zur Prüfung der Richtlinienverfahren gemäß §§ 13 – 15 der Psychotherapie-Richtlinie für die psychoanalytisch begründeten Verfahren Diese Stellungnahme wurde als fachliche Einschätzung zum Fragenkatalog des Gemeinsamen Bundessausschusses zur Prüfung der Richtlinienverfahren gem. §§ 13 – 15 der Psychotherapierichtlinie – Psychoanalytisch begründete Verfahren – von folgenden Verbänden und wissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften gemeinsam mit der DGPT erarbeitet: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychosomatische Medizin und


3. Pour la candidose oropharyngée, la dose habituelle est de 50 à 100 mg une fois par jour pendant 7 à 14 jours. Le traitement peut être poursuiviplus longtemps si nécessaire chez les patients dont la fonction immuni- taire est gravement compromise. Pour prévenir une rechute de la candidose oropharyngée chez lespatients atteints du SIDA, le fluconazole peut être administré à raison de


DSTS Summer on The Scene Adv 300dpi.pdf 1 25/5/2016 10:50 AM Summer on the Scene Dim Sum & TheN Some'S 6Th ANNuAl All-ACCeSS guiDe To The beST oFhoNg KoNg'S SummeR hoTSPoTS, hiDeAwAyS AND ADveNTuReS. Top Places To See & be Scene enchanting outdoor Dining Spots best bars under the Stars i SCReAm, you SCReAm! The best icy Treats in Town Summer's hottest Spa Treatments


Maryland Commission Medication August 1, 2015 Maryland Racing Medication Guidelines The Mid Atlantic racing states have joined together to implement a uniform medication and drug testing program. The following Maryland Racing Commission rules and procedures are in place in the state of Maryland as of August 1, 2015:


Discovering New Drug-Drug Interactions by Text-Mining the Biomedical Literature Americans are living longer than ever before, and with A. Existing Code Base that increased age comes a greater reliance on pharmaceu-ticals. For example, recent estimates by Kaiser Perma- Most of the code base that allowed me to extract se- nente indicate that the average 70-year-old American fills


Picture Storybooks Go Digital: Pros and ConsDaisy Smeets & Adriana Bus an increasing number of picture storybooks for young children have become available electronically, and there has been an explosion in children's storybook apps, especially since tablet computers such as iPads have become popular. Today's e-books have evolved significantly from platforms that once only displayed simple digitized versions of print books to tools that can now support highly interactive, multimedia experiences. At a minimum, multimedia additions to electronic picture storybooks include at least an oral reading of the story text. In addition, they may involve symbolic elements typically not used with print books: live-action video, digital graphics, animations, music, sound effects, and interactivity of text (e.g., highlighting of text while it is narrated). Some educators are of the opinion that the multimedia additions are unnecessary and may even work counterproductively. Interaction with adults is still considered to be the optimal way to familiarize children with stories and the varied and rich vocabulary in picture storybooks. On the other hand, additional features may provide new opportunities for text comprehension.

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