
Academic Licensing Agreements
Using Academic License Agreements To Promote
Global Social Responsibility
By Ashley J. Stevens D.Phil (Oxon) and April E. Effort
I. Abstract
Anderson, Anderson and Company; Alan Bennett,
he impetus to use academic innovations to
University of California Davis; Ian Bell and Angus Liv-
enhance peoples' lives in the developing
ingstone, University of British Columbia; Seema Shah
Tworld, which we term promoting Global Basu and Frances Toneguzzo, Massachusetts General
Social Responsibility or "GSR," got its start with
Hospital; Steve Ferguson and Mark Rohrbaugh, Na-
healthcare and the need to ensure affordable access
tional Institutes of Health; Lauren Foster and Lita
to life saving medicines even during their period of
Nelsen, Massachusetts
patent protection in the developed world. However,
Institute of Technology; ■ Ashley J. Stevens, Technology
academic innovation has the potential to advance
Tony Hickson, Impe-
Transfer, Office of Technology
living standards in the developing world in other
rial Innovations Group
ways in addition to healthcare, and it is equally
plc; Sarah Sorscher and Development of Boston
important that academic institutions commit them-
Michael Steffen, Uni-
University, Executive Director,
selves to realizing this broader potential and adopt
versities Allied for Es-
licensing approaches that anticipate these broader
sential Medicines and, Boston, MA, USA
respectively Harvard and E-mail: [email protected]
The purpose of this article is to present (a) a busi-
Yale Law Schools; Todd ■ April E. Effort, Technology
ness and licensing paradigm; and (b) a number of
Keiller, University of Ver-
Transfer Office of Technology
sets of simple, readily implementable language that
mont; Warren Kaplan,
academic institutions can choose from if they wish to
Gerr y Keusch, Kevin Development of Boston
ensure that inventions emanating from their research
Outterson and Christy University, Licensing Associate,
programs are used to improve the human condition
Talley, Boston Univer-
in developing countries.
sity; and Carol Mimura,
University of California,
We show how current academic licensing best
E-mail: [email protected]
Berkeley;. Finally we
practices leave academic institutions vulnerable to
thank our col eague Janine Anderson, without whose
a repetition of the Zerit® story that attracted such
meticulous proofreading no important document
negative publicity for Yale and Bristol-Myers Squibb
leaves our office.
We show that it is possible to achieve socially
Starting in 2001 and driven by the controversy
positive licensing outcomes without detracting
(discussed in detail below) surrounding the licensing
from academic institutions' ability to license their
by Yale to Bristol-Myers Squibb of what became the
innovations and get them developed. Our research
very important antiretroviral drug Zerit®, academic
has shown that the academic community is at the
institutions identified the need to address the issue
very earliest stages of including social responsibility
of affordable access to their innovations in develop-
in its licensing practices, and we identify the leading
ing countries in their licensing agreements.
institutions and the approaches they are following to
The issue received new impetus in 2003 when
achieve these ends. We also show that the pharma-
the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation launched its
ceutical industry is starting to move in the direction
Grand Challenges in Global Health, and included a
we advocate of its own volition.
requirement for a Fair Access Policy as part of the
Finally, we identify the risks from inaction—the
proposal, to ensure that the resultant products would
potential for congressionally mandated amendments
indeed benefit the world's poor.
to the Bayh-Dole Act that we believe will make it
More recently, this principle was enunciated as
significantly harder to license academic inventions
Point 9 in the Stanford University "Nine Points to
in the first place.
Consider" document;1 the document included model
We wish to thank the following for helpful dis-
cussions and contributing license language: Mark
Academic Licensing Agreements
language for a number of the points, but did not in-
guage that academic institutions can incorporate in
clude model language for global health; and the need their form term sheets and license agreements. We
to address global health issues was incorporated into also discovered that many of these options have been
the Massachusetts Association of Technology Transfer contributed by academic institutions that have already
Offices ("MATTO") Joint Invention Agreement.2
implemented them and are testing their acceptability
Two groups that have devoted considerable effort in the marketplace.
to raising awareness of this issue are the Technology IV. Yale, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Zerit®
Managers for Global Health ("TMGH") group within
The events that first thrust the issue of universities'
the Association of University Technology Managers intellectual licensing practices and their ability to
("AUTM") and the Center for the Management of impact global health onto center stage actual y started
Intellectual Property for Health Research ("MIHR") in the early 1960's at the Detroit Institute of Cancer
in Oxford, UK. Both groups received support from Research (now the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer
the Rockefeller Foundation, and in addition TMGH Institute) where Dr. Jerome Horowitz, working on
leveraged a considerable amount of volunteer effort the then prevalent theory that cancer was caused by
both from within and from outside AUTM. MIHR viruses, synthesized a number of compounds that
produced a more than 2,000 page handbook3 which would inhibit DNA replication in the expectation that
comprehensively addressed all aspects of global they would cure cancer. The compounds included:
health. The handbook included a section with form
license agreements.
However, the only licensing language to achieve
social responsibility objectives in the handbook was
developed by an independent working group based
at Yale University and convened by Universities Al-
The theory was of course incorrect for the over-
lied for Essential Medicines ("UAEM"), a student whelming majority of types of cancer and so the
organization discussed in more detail in Section XII compounds were ineffective against cancer and
below. UAEM has done an effective job of disseminat-
ing this language. In general, the members of UAEM
When the HIV epidemic emerged in the early
are students, and while many are in law schools, they 1980's, Horowitz' work was dusted off and several
are not experienced licensing professionals. Their of his compounds were evaluated against HIV and
proposed license structure, also discussed in more found to be effective. AZT (Burroughs Wellcome),
detail in Section XII, appears likely to make it more ddC and ddI (NIH) were all discovered by following
difficult to license academic inventions in the first this line of enquiry.
place, which would be counter-productive.
Drs. Tai-Shun Lin and William Prusoff of Yale Uni-
A thoughtful analysis of the issue of global health versity worked with another Horowitz compound,
in academic licensing and one licensing approach was d4T (stavudine), with funding from the NIH and
recently proposed in the UK.4
Bristol-Myers Squibb, and evaluated d4T's activity
We therefore set out to analyze the issue and to against HIV.
identify the underlying business and licensing para-
Prusoff and Lin found d4T to be effective and Yale
digms needed to achieve affordable access to essen-
filed for a method of treating patent on December
tial medicines and other innovations in developing 17, 1986 and U.S. patent 4,978,655 issued on
countries. We wanted to identify a range of options December 18, 1990. Bristol-Myers had received an
of simple, readily adoptable and implementable lan-
exclusive option to an exclusive license to any patents
that emerged from the work as part of the sponsored
research agreement and exercised their option and
signed a license on January 12, 1988. As is normal in
3. "Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricul-
academic licenses, Yale gave Bristol-Myers the right
tural Innovation: A Handbook of Best Practices" (eds. A Krattiger,
to file in foreign countries in Yale's name and Bristol-
RT Mahoney, L Nelsen, et al.). MIHR: Oxford, U.K., and PIPRA:
Davis, California, U.S.A. Available online at www.ipHandbook.
Myers duly filed corresponding applications in major
org. Vol. 1, 89, (2007).
western countries such as Europe, Japan, Canada, etc.
4. "Making Drugs Available at Affordable Prices: How Uni-
Critically, they decided to include S. Africa, Mexico
versities' Technology Transfer Offices Can Help Developing
and Egypt in their filings.
Countries," Mark Anderson, Journal of Intel ectual Property Law
and Practice, 2007, Vol 2 # 3, 145-152.
Bristol-Myers commenced clinical development
les Nouvelles
Academic Licensing Agreements
of stavudine and received FDA approval on June its close ties to BMS—the company had donated
24, 1994. The product was trademarked Zerit®. It $250,000 to Yale in 1999.
became a critical component of the "triple cocktail"
On March 9, MSF responded to Yale pointing out
that turned HIV infection from a death sentence to that Yale's own policy stated that a key objective of
a manageable, chronic condition. In 1998 it became their technology transfer program was intended to be
the most frequently prescribed anti-retroviral in for "the benefit of society in general" and that d4T
was not reaching those who need it in South Africa,
In 2000, Zerit® was on the list of essential and suggesting that Yale had the ultimate power over
medicines that the world's poor needed access to their patent and could breach their contract with
compiled by Toby Kasper, the head of the Access BMS if need be.
to Essential Medicines Program for Medécins Sans
On March 12, the New York Times ran a story
Frontiéres. Kasper had met Amy Kapczynski, then a "Yale Pressed to Help Cut Drug Costs in Africa" on
first year Law School student at Yale (and currently the front page of its Technology section.
an Assistant Professor at the University of Califor-
The impact was immediate. On March 14, Bristol-
nia, Berkeley Boalt Hall School of Law) at an AIDS Myers issued a statement saying:
conference in Durban in July 2000, and immediately
The Company will ensure that its patents do not
realized that Amy could help put pressure on Yale
prevent inexpensive HIV/AIDS therapy in Africa.
from within.6 Her first recruit to the cause was Dr.
The patent for Zerit, rights to which are owned by
Prusoff, the inventor of Zerit®. Then she obtained
Yale University and Bristol-Myers Squibb, will be
the support of Dr. Michael Merson, Dean of Yale's
made available at no cost to treat AIDS in South
School of Public Health, and former head of the
Africa under an agreement the Company has re-
World Health Organization's HIV/AIDS program.
cently concluded with Yale.
On February 14, 2001, MSF wrote to Yale and
In June 2001, Bristol-Myers signed an "agreement
not to sue" with Aspen Pharmacare, South Africa's
…would consider the importation of generic ver-
leading generic manufacturer.
sions of stavudine for use in providing treatment
The high visibility of the Zerit® story gave consider-
free of charge to people with HIV/AIDS unable to able momentum to an evolving change in the world
afford treatment an infringement of your intel-
pharmaceutical paradigm whereby the concept of
lectual property rights,
tiered pricing for patent protected drugs started to
and if so, if Yale would
be established, under which drugs could be sold at
…issue a voluntary license to al ow the importation generic prices in developing countries during their
and use of generic stavudine in South Africa.
period of patent protected exclusivity and at high
prices in developed countries.
On February 28, 2001, Yale replied saying they
were unable to agree to the request because they V. The Extent of Academic Innovation's Abil-
had granted an exclusive license to Bristol-Myers ity to Contribute to Enhancing Conditions
Squibb (BMS), under the terms of which, only BMS in the Developing World
could respond to the request.
The ability of academic licensing practices to influ-
Kapczynski alerted reporters at the Yale Daily ence the quality of life in developing countries was
News to the story, which published its first story first identified with the Zerit® case discussed above.
on the subject on March 2, which served to mo-
The full extent of academic research's ability to lead
bilize opinion on campus. A group of students in to new drugs has only recently begun to be quanti-
the Graduate Student Union—which had already fied. A study currently underway at Boston University
been campaigning against Yale's relationship with has identified 131 vaccines, small molecule drugs,
corporate sponsors—circulated a petition calling on biologic drugs and in vivo diagnostics that have been
discovered in whole or in part at academic institu-
the school to "ease its patent" and collected 600 tions, patented, licensed and have reached the public
signatures from students, professors and research-
since 19807; so clearly the licensing approaches that
ers on campus. The students also criticized Yale for
7. For a preliminary report on this study, see: "The Role of
Public Sector Research in the Discovery of New Drugs," Jonathan
J. Jensen, Katrine Wyller, Eric R. London, Sabarni K. Chatterjee,
Fiona E. Murray, Mark L. Rohrbaugh, and Ashley J. Stevens,
print.html; accessed 1/2/07, on which much of this account
Poster at Annual Meeting, Association of University Technology
Managers, San Francisco, CA, March 2007.
Academic Licensing Agreements
were fol owed for these drugs are of enormous impor-
from them are ready for the marketplace.
tance. Unfortunately, all were licensed years before
VII. Business and Licensing Paradigm
global social responsibility issues were identified,
An examination of the different segments of
and, by and large, these genies are out of the bottle.
the pharmaceutical industry clearly identifies the
Universities cannot unilaterally change the terms of
importance of competition on drug pricing. The
exclusive licenses, and any changes will have to be
pharmaceutical industry in fact consists of two quite
made voluntarily by the drug companies. Outterson
distinct segments:9
and Kesselheim have described this as a "Generic
Open" or GO license.8 As we discuss in more detail
• The research based pharmaceutical industry,
in Section XII below, a number of companies are
which develops new medications, obtains exten-
starting to do precisely this.
sive patent protection and exclusivity, and markets
the drugs for the duration of their patent lifetime
Although healthcare was the first area where it
at monopoly, premium prices that reflect the medi-
was realized that academic innovation could make
cal value they deliver;
an impact on living standards, there are other areas
of academic innovation with similar potential:
• The generic pharmaceutical industry, which
develops equivalents of the patent protected prod-
• Nutritional products;
ucts and launches them as their patents expire.
• Agricultural innovations, e.g., those providing
The Hatch-Waxman Act10 supplied the regulatory
resistance to diseases prevalent in Developing
framework for the generic industry, including
Countries or which enhance efficiency of produc-
creating the Abbreviated New Drug Application
tion, preservation or nutritional value of crops
("ANDA"), in which generic companies only have to
commonly grown in Developing Countries;
show that their product is bioequivalent to the ap-
• Sustainable high technology innovations such
proved product. In the first six months after patent
as inexpensive computers, cell phone networks,
expiration only the first generic competitor to file
solar power devices, irrigation technology, water
an ANDA is allowed to enter the market and prices
purification and so forth.
fall somewhat. After expiration of this 6 month pe-
VI. The Problem with Current Academic
riod of semi-exclusivity, additional ANDA's can be
Licensing Best Practices
approved, allowing additional companies to enter
The issue that the Yale/Bristol-Myers Squibb/Zerit®
the market and prices rapidly fall to one based on
case highlighted is that academic license agreements
cost of production plus a reasonable profit margin
generally allow the licensee to determine in which
("cost+") basis, which frequently results in price
foreign countries to file for patent protection. What
reductions of 70 to 85 percent.
caused the problem with Zerit® was that Bristol-My-
It appears therefore that an effective business
ers Squibb elected to file for patent protection in
paradigm for universities to utilize to ensure afford-
South Africa and then asserted that patent.
able access to medicines in developing countries is
Seven years after the Zerit® case first highlighted
for them to license the underlying patents in a way
this problem, most academic license agreements still
that establishes generic competition (or at least the
give the licensee complete discretion as to where
potential for generic competititon) in developing
to file patents. Indeed, most academic institutions
countries so that products are sold at cost+ pric-
will only file for foreign patent protection if there
ing during their period of patent protection in the
is a licensee in place to reimburse the costs of the
developed world.
filings and welcome a licensee filing foreign patent
Some would argue that this was the way the
applications because these filings increase the size of
pharmaceutical industry operated before the Trade-
the sales base on which royalties will be paid.
Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
It is therefore imperative that institutions start to
include a safeguard in their license agreements so
9. For a more extensive discussion of this issue, see "Valuation
that licensee agreements signed today do not cause
in Global Health Licenses," Ashley J. Stevens in "Intellectual
problems in the future when the products that result
Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation:
A Handbook of Best Practices" (eds. A Krattiger, RT Mahoney,
L Nelsen, et al.). MIHR: Oxford, U.K., and PIPRA: Davis, Cali-
fornia, U.S.A. Available online at Vol. 1,
8. "Market-Based Licensing For HPV Vaccines In Developing
Countries" K. Outterson and A. S. Kesselheim," Health Affairs,
10. PL98-417 "Drug Price Competition and Patent Term
27, 130-144, January 2008.
Restoration Act of 1984."
les Nouvelles
Academic Licensing Agreements
("TRIPS") agreement of 1994, which forced India,
a Social Responsibility Program since 200313 and
traditionally the "pharmacy of the developing world"
the University of British Columbia has drafted
to recognize composition of matter patents on Principles for Global Access.14 Imperial Innovations
pharmaceuticals. Irrespective of the accuracy of this
PLC has made global access a licensing policy.15
view, certainly it is not the way the pharmaceutical
The University of Vermont has adopted a Global
industry has operated post-TRIPS, and it represents
Social Responsibility Policy that anticipates going
a dramatic change in the pharmaceutical industry's
beyond healthcare to encompass other sustainable
business model.
Such pricing is not going to be able to justify the
IX. General Issues and Concerns
private sector investment of $200 million to $1 bil-
There are several issues that the licensee will have
lion needed over 10 to 15 years to show that a new
irrespective of the specific licensing approach that
drug is both safe and effective. While a philanthropi-
is being used.
cally-funded business model is starting to emerge
A. Which IP Should be Covered by Social
to fund development of medicines which treat dis-
eases which only afflict the developing world,11 the
licensing challenge for drugs which treat diseases
It is frequently the case that the licensee of a
that afflict both the developed and the developing
drug whose basic patents are owned by an academic
world is how to achieve competition in developing
institution makes further inventions in the course of
countries while preserving their patent monopoly in
developing the drug. Research carried out by Profes-
sor Bhaven Sampat at Columbia17 in collaboration
VIII. Make Social Responsibility
with UAEM suggests that about half of the NDAs
in the FDA Orange Book which list a public sector
a University Policy
patent also list at least one private sector patent
We recommend that academic institutions make
that also covers the drug, and UAEM and Professor
Social y Responsible Licensing a formal, stated institu-
Sampat feel there are a variety of reasons why this
tional policy. Several benefits wil fol ow from this.
may be even be an underestimate.
First and foremost, it is the right thing to do and
A number of the licensing frameworks proposed
it is important for academic institutions to be seen
below achieve their objectives through the terms
by their stakeholders to be out in front on such a
of access to the university's patents. If the licensee
major issue of public policy.
develops their own IP that is an additive to but inde-
Second, it will strengthen the licensing officers'
pendent of the university's IP (i.e., the licensee's pat-
hands in negotiations if they can point to an insti-
ents are not continuations-in-part of the university's
tutional requirement to include socially responsible
patents), these mechanisms may not be effective.
licensing terms in the agreement.
The licensee will indeed be incented to develop pat-
Finally, it can be a positive in philanthropic ac-
ents that are independent of the university's patents
tivities, helping form the basis for public health
because they will have their own, independent 20
initiatives in developing countries. For example, year term, thereby extending the effective patent
the University of California Berkeley has recently re-
life of the drug.
ceived three substantial donations for this purpose12
Using the university's patents to "reach through"
that it attributes in part to its strong leadership in
and impose terms on the licensee's independently
socially responsible licensing. Interestingly, the most
developed patents will likely be strongly resisted by
recent, a $1.8 mil ion gift, was from Gilead Sciences,
the licensee. For instance, licensing university–pat-
a pharmaceutical company which, as noted above,
ented drug targets under terms that paid royalties
has implemented one of the most reaching global
on drugs discovered using the target was highly
health initiatives of any pharmaceutical company.
controversial in the 1990's.
The University of California at Berkeley has had
11. See for example, the Institute for OneWorld Health at
15. Tony Hickson, Personal Communication.
16. Todd Keiller, Personal Communication.
17. B. Sampat, Unpublished Working Paper, Columbia Uni-
versity (2007).
Academic Licensing Agreements
One possible approach to this problem would be
• Those countries eligible for support from the
to explicitly limit the reach through to the licensee's
Global Fund for Children's Vaccines (GAVI) or
patents for purposes of implementing the social re-
successor organization, which at the effective
sponsibility protections. One contractual approach to
date of this Agreement are those countries with a
implement this might be to include in the definition
Gross National Product of less than U.S. $1,000
of Patent Rights the following:
per capita per year, and at the effective date of
Solely for purposes of implementing the Social
this Agreement include the countries listed in
Responsibility Purpose, (and, for avoidance of
Appendix XX.
doubt, not for purposes of determining royalties
However, many of these lists exclude South Africa,
payable to University) Patent Rights shal include all
which is generally included in humanitarian terms
patents owned or controlled by Licensee that are
(and is even included within the list of countries
co-listed with Patent Rights solely or jointly owned
eligible for aid under the President's Emergency Plan
by University in the Orange Book maintained by
for AIDS Relief ("PEPFAR").19
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Another approach is to allow competition only for
B. What is a Developing Country?
supply to the Public Sector, broadly defined:
This question is not as simple as it may seem
"Public Sector" means the government of a De-
at first blush. While there are countries that are
veloping Country, or any entity empowered by
unequivocally "developed"—the U.S., Canada, the
the government of a Developing Country, to act
European Union, New Zealand, Australia, the mem-
for said government in matters applicable to this
bers of the OECD, many oil producing Arab coun-
Agreement, organizations within the United Na-
tries for example—and there are countries that are
tions system including the World Health Global
equally unequivocally "developing"—say Botswana
Organization and UNICEF, and other nonprofit
or Myanma—there is a vast grey area in between.
agencies which may purchase drugs or vaccines
Countries such as Brazil, India, China and South
for delivery, manufacture and/or sale in Developing
Africa today, and doubtless numerous others over
Countries, including but not limited to:
the ten to fifteen years before a compound licensed
a. Organizations which are members of the
today will reach the market, have prosperous middle
International Committee of the Red Cross and
and upper classes which can and should afford to
pay market rates for drugs, but also have large poor
populations who cannot.
b. International charitable agencies (also known
as Non-Governmental Organizations or NGO's)
Therefore, an approach which defines "Developed
including but not limited to Oxfam, Médecins
Countries" and defines developing countries as ev-
Sans Frontières, and so forth;
ery country except Developed Countries would be
problematic and would probably be the subject of
c. Organizations substantially supported by phil-
anthropic organizations including but not limited
to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the
There are lists of countries produced by interna-
Rockefeller Foundation and so forth, specifically
tional agencies that can be used to define where
including global product development and dis-
competition is to be encouraged, and the license
tribution public-private partnerships including
can be written to allow later, updated versions of
but not limited to Global Fund for Children's
these lists to govern. Suitable license agreement
Vaccines, Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation,
languages include:
International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, Global Al-
• Those countries listed on the United Nations
liance for TB Drug Development, etc.
Conference on Trade and Development list of
One of the situations that may prove problematic
"Least Developed Countries," as such list may
is if the country has a national health service that
change from time to time or any subsequent
covers both rich and poor and procures the country's
list that may be agreed to by the University
entire supply of drugs.
Relatively few developing countries have robust
• Those countries listed by the World Bank as Low-
generic drug manufacturing capacity, and those
Income and Lower-Middle-Income Countries, as
countries which are such as India, China and Brazil,
such list may change from time to time.18
18. This is probably the most inclusive list.
les Nouvelles
Academic Licensing Agreements
are important suppliers to the developing world. It
3. Specifying desired outcomes of availability and
is critically important therefore that the mechanisms
affordability in developing countries and including
used address not only the countries of sale, but also
an enforcement mechanism to achieve competition
the countries of manufacture.
if the specified outcomes do not occur.
C. Product Diversion ("Black Market
• Reserving a march-in right to grant additional
licenses to be exercised if the product is not
Licensees may have a concern that their sales in
made available in developing countries in a
developed country markets may be undermined by
timely manner or if prices in developing coun-
low priced products from developing countries being
tries are too high.
diverted back into those developed countries.
4. Specifying mechanisms to achieve competition.
This concern is legitimate and needs to be ad-
• Excluding developing countries from the
dressed. One solution is to require that products
license and issuing non-exclusive licensee in
subject to competition be produced in a trade dress
developing countries separately.
(dosage size, shape, color, flavor, trade name, trade-
mark, service mark, etc.) different from that used
• Granting only non-exclusive rights in developing
by the primary licensee. This principle was incor-
porated in the 1994 TRIPS Agreement. The EU has
• Requiring the licensee not to patent in devel-
established an Anti-Diversion Regulation to protect
oping countries.
against this problem.
• Requiring the licensee to grant sublicenses in
While research by Outterson20 has shown that
developing countries at low or zero royalty rates.
there is little evidence of product diversion having
• Requiring the licensee to commit to not assert
occurred with products made available at No Profit
the licensed IP in developing countries.
Prices, Glaxo has used a distinctive trade dress ap-
Next we show with specific examples that the
porach to protect some of its AIDS drugs, and has
mechanisms to include global social responsibility
received regulatory approval for red versions of
safeguards can be implemented with relatively simple
Epivi®r and Combivi®r tablets in over 25 countries.21
additions to standard forms of license agreements.
Through 2005, over 200 million doses of Epivi®r and
Combivi®r have been shipped under this program in
This learning allows licensing officers to focus on
special tri-lingual packs. Glaxo has nine ARVs regis-
the business negotiation of agreeing a license; social
tered under the EU's Anti-Diversion Regulation.
responsibility protections become just another busi-
X. Licensing Frameworks
ness term and element of the overall negotiation.
We have identified four licensing frameworks that
We do not in this article discuss the merits of
will facilitate availability and/or affordability in devel-
one approach relative to another. Only time and
oping countries. One of these can be implemented
experience will tell which approach or approaches
through a number of different approaches:
are (a) most acceptable to prospective licensees and
(b) most effective in promoting affordable access
1. Contractual y requiring availability in developing
in developing countries. What is important is that
institutions start including these approaches in their
• Requiring the licensee to include developmen-
license negotiations and experimenting to see what
tal milestones.
works. The lessons from these "early adopters" will
2. Contractually requiring availability and afford-
be shared at academic licensing conferences over
ability in developing countries without specifying
the next few years.
the way this will be obtained.
The licensing frameworks and approaches listed
• Require the licensee to develop the product
above were developed by us in the process of de-
in developing countries and to sell it using veloping global socially responsible protections to
cost+ pricing.
include in Boston University's licenses. We then
tested our hypotheses by determining what other
20. "Counterfeit Drugs: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly"
institutions were doing. We contacted institutions
Kevin Outterson and Ryan Smith, Albany Law Journal of Science
which we knew were already incorporating global
and Technology, 16, 526-543 (2007).
social responsibility principles in their license agree-
ments and asked them to share their language with
Academic Licensing Agreements
us. We also posted an enquiry on the techno-l listserv
patient populations or geographic areas], and Li-
on Wednesday, January 16, 2008.
censee acknowledges and agrees to carry out its
Our conclusions were three-fold:
activities under this Agreement in a manner de-
signed to fulfill such needs, as set forth below;
1. We found examples of almost all of the licens-
ing approaches listed above being used by at least
one institution.
WHEREAS, University and Licensee understand
2. The relatively small number of replies we re-
and accept that it may serve the public good
ceived in response to the techno-l posting plus dis-
for there to be competitive sources of Licensed
cussions in various academic licensing conferences
Product in certain markets, with appropriate safe-
leads us to believe that relatively few institutions
guards to Licensee's economic interests in other
have yet incorporated global social responsibility
markets as more fully specified herein, and that
into their day-to-day licensing practices.
the result of this will be the availability of drugs at
affordable prices to poor segments of the world's
3. Based on the relatively small number of institu-
tions we have identified, the most common ap-
proach utilized to date seems to be a continuation
C. Specific Licensing Approaches
of exclusive licensing coupled with the reservation
Framework 1: Require Developing Country De-
of a "march in" right—the right of the institution
to grant additional licenses in developing coun-
This approach requires the licensee to develop
tries, either at the institution's sole discretion or,
the product for developing countries. Failure to do
if defined objectives have not been met, by the
so would be a material breach of the license, which
primary licensee.
would at a minimum reopen discussion of license
XI. Contractual Approaches
terms and in the extreme could lead to termination.
The approaches below combine examples that
The National Institutes of Health is using this ap-
have either been provided to us by other academic
proach through its "White Knight" mechanism.
institutions with whom we have spoken or were
developed by us to implement the licensing options
• Include in Milestones:
we identified from theoretical considerations. All
Within six (6) months of New Drug Application/Bi-
of the institutions cited gave permission for their
ologic License Application approval in the United
names to be used.
States or its equivalent in Europe, Licensee shall
A. Term Sheet
send a written report to the Public Health Ser-
It is imperative that the concept of Social Respon-
vice detailing the potential Public Sector market
sibility be introduced into the negotiations from the
to fulfill the public health need for the approved
outset. We therefore recommend that the concept
drug or vaccine in Developing Countries, includ-
be referenced (though, for simplicity, the precise
ing the impact of any approved competing drug or
mechanism not be spelled out) in the institution's
vaccine. The report shall also include Licensee's
standard Term Sheet.
proposed amendment to the Commercial Develop-
ment Plan, Appendix XX, and the Benchmarks and
Performance, Appendix YY, to address the needs
• Include in "Exclusivity":
for Licensed Products in Developing Countries.
Non-commercial rights, Government Rights and
Licensee will diligently consider if it is possible
Humanitarian Rights reserved.
from a commercial and technical point of view, to
B. License Agreement Preamble
satisfy said potential Public Sector market either
No matter which licensing approach is being used,
directly with Licensee's own resources and/or
as a general proposition it is probably helpful to in-
through joint ventures with third parties. Accep-
clude in the "WHEREAS" clauses a general statement
tance of this report and amendment is required
of purpose, such as:
by PHS in writing; such acceptance will not be
WHEREAS, It is the policy of the University that
its activities in licensing University intellectual
Framework 2: Require Developing Country Develop-
property take into consideration Global Social
ment and Specify Pricing Structure.
Responsibility Objectives to fulfill unmet needs in
This approach requires developing country de-
Developing Countries, [such as those of neglected
velopment and specifies the pricing structure to
les Nouvelles
Academic Licensing Agreements
be followed. Imperial Innovations Ltd. in the UK
ket from Licensed Products sold in other markets
is experimenting with this approach. The fact that
and to prohibit their export into other markets
Imperial Innovations incorporates this into their li-
and territories, provided that such conditions or
censing approach is particularly noteworthy because
their implementation do not act as an unreason-
they are a publicly traded company on London's
able barrier to the prompt and efficient supply of
Alternative Investment Market stock exchange. The
Licensed Product in the At-Cost market.
model adheres closely to the Bill and Melinda Gates
• Include a Section "Supply to Developing
Foundation's Global Access Strategy guidelines.
a. Supply by Licensee. The Licensee shal use Dili-
• Include in Definitions:
gent and Reasonable Efforts to supply Licensed
"At-Cost" markets means those markets in De-
Products to customers in At-Cost markets at a
veloping Countries where individual poverty
Cost-Based Price and meet market demand.
and insufficient public funding prevent access to
b. Sub-licensing in Developing Country markets.
healthcare at developed country prices.
In respect of each Licensed Product and At-Cost
"Cost-Based Price" means, in respect of each Li-
market, if the Licensee is unable to supply the
censed Product, a price not exceeding that which
Licensed Product at a Cost-Based Price to that
fairly reflects the direct cost of manufacture of
At-Cost market and meet market demand, it shall
the Licensed Product plus a typical margin for a
use diligent and reasonable efforts to license
generic pharmaceutical product for the respective
one or more Developing Country Manufactur-
ers on Reasonable Developing Country License
"Developing Country Manufacturer" means a
Terms to manufacture, distribute and sell the
manufacturer of pharmaceutical products that
Licensed Product at a Cost-Based Price to that
is able efficiently to manufacture (either within
At-Cost Market.
or outside the Developing Country in which the
c. Pass on terms to sub-licensees. The Licensee
At-Cost market exists), distribute and supply
shall ensure that the provisions of this Clause
Licensed Product in an At-Cost market at a Cost-
XXX form part of any sub-license agreement(s)
Based Price.
with any sub-licensee (direct or indirect) of the
"Reasonable Developing Country License Terms"
means terms that meet the requirements of Clause
Framework 3: Specifying Desired Outcomes And
XXX and shall include terms based on the follow-
Including A "March In" Right As An Enforcement
Mechanism To Achieve Competition If The Specified
i. The Licensee shall promptly transfer all re-
Outcomes Do Not Occur.
quired technology to the Developing Country
This approach sets the institution's expectations
Manufacturer to enable it to manufacture and
for global social y responsible access and reserves the
supply the Licensed Product(s).
right of the institution to grant additional licenses
ii. The Developing Country License Terms shall
("March In") if they are not met. The University of
not include any payments to be made to the
British Columbia and the Massachusetts General
Licensee in respect of the grant of the license in
Hospital are experimenting with this approach.
the At-Cost market other than a fee that shal not
exceed the direct cost of transfer of technology
• Include in Definitions:
to the Developing Country Manufacturer.
"Global Access Policy" means the commercializa-
iii. If the Developing Country Manufacturer
tion of the Technology, Improvements and any
is granted any exclusive rights, the continued
Products in a manner that enables availability and
grant of those rights shall be conditional upon
the Developing Country Manufacturer supply-
accessibility at reasonable cost to the people in
ing At-Cost markets at a Cost-Based Price and
the Developing World.
meeting market demand in that market.
• Include in Grant:
iv. The Licensee may impose reasonable condi-
The Licensee agrees to commercialize the Tech-
tions, including as to use of trademarks, trade
nology and any Products in a manner consistent
dress, format and pack size, to differentiate the
with the Global Access Policy. Without limiting
Licensed Product when sold in the At-Cost mar-
the generality of the foregoing, the Licensee
Academic Licensing Agreements
agrees to require all sublicensees and other parties
the Licensee will be required to give away the
involved in any aspect of the commercialization
Compound Products for free or at cost.
of the Technology and any Products to execute
Notwithstanding other provision of rights granted
agreements that bind such sublicensees or other
under this Agreement, the University hereby re-
parties (to the extent that they by agreement or
serves the right to license the Compound Patent
operation of law obtain any rights in or to the
Rights to any third parties solely for Humanitarian
Technology and any Products) to comply with the
Purposes. Such licenses for Humanitarian Pur-
Global Access Policy.
poses will expressly exclude the right of the third
The Licensee acknowledges and agrees that: the
party licensee to export or sell the Compound
rights granted to the Licensee under this Agree-
Products from an EDC into a market outside of
ment shall at all times be subject to a reservation
the EDC where Licensee has introduced or will
by University of a transferable, irrevocable, per-
introduce a Compound Product and where Patent
petual, non-exclusive, royalty-free right to use and
Rights exist. In any such license, the third party
sublicense the Technology and to manufacture,
licensee's commercial use of the Compound Patent
have made, distribute, and sell the Products for
Rights to make, use, sell, offer for sale and import
the benefit of the Developing World. Exercise of
Compound Products in EDCs will be royalty-free
this right will be at University's sole discretion,
and the third party licensee will be required to
which University does not intend to exercise unless
give away the Compound Products at no charge
University determines that the Licensee is taking
or at cost. For avoidance of doubt, the third party
inadequate steps toward making the Technology or
licensee may be permitted to export Compound
any Products available to the Developing World in a
Products from the EDC of origin to other EDCs
manner consistent with the Global Access Policy.
and all other countries mutually agreed to by the
University and Licensee.
The University of California Davis is also experi-
menting with this approach and goes further by re-
Framework 4: Create Competitive Sources in Devel-
quiring the primary licensee to give away or sell the oping Countries
product at their cost of production. They would also
Approach 4.1: Separate Licenses
require any licensee granted a "march-in" license not
This approach excludes developing countries
to sell products in developed countries.
from the license, allowing the University to license
the technology non-exclusively in Developing
• Include in "Definitions" section:
Countries. The National Institutes of Health is
using this approach.22
"Humanitarian Purposes" means (a) the use of
Licensed Products covered under Compound Pat-
ent Rights ("Compound Products") for research
• Include in Definitions:
and development purposes by any organization or
Territory shall exclude Developing Countries.
other third party, anywhere in the world, that has
Approach 4.2: Grant only Non-Exclusive Rights in
the express purpose of developing the Compound Developing Countries
Products for use in an Economically Disadvantaged
This approach reserves a non-exclusive right in
Country, and (b) the use of the Compound Prod-
the invention for use to develop products for de-
ucts by any organization or other third party for veloping countries, allowing the University to issue
Commercial Purposes in an Economically Disad-
additional licenses in those countries. Public Intel-
vantaged Country.
lectual Property Resource for Agriculture (PIPRA)
"Commercial Purposes" means to make, have is experimenting with this approach in licensing
made, use, have used, import, or export a product, agricultural inventions and germplasm.
good, method, or service for the purpose of selling
or offering to sell such product, good, method, or
• Include in "Definitions" section:
• Include in "Grant" section:
"Humanitarian Purposes" means (a) the use of
Invention/Germplasm for research and develop-
In any license to the Licensee, Licensee's com-
ment purposes by any not-for-profit organization
mercial use of the Compound Patent Rights to
make, use, sell, offer for sale and import Com-
pound Products in EDCs will be royalty free and
22. Mark Rohrbaugh, Personal communication.
les Nouvelles
Academic Licensing Agreements
anywhere in the World that has the express pur-
California, Berkeley which first developed the ap-
pose of developing plant materials and varieties for
proach in 1998 in response to the report of a working
use in a Developing Country, and (b) the use of
group on the licensing of research tools convened
Invention/Germplasm for Commercial Purposes,
by Harold Varmus, the then Director of the National
including the use and production of Germplasm,
Institutes of Health, which encouraged universities
seed, propagation materials and crops for human or
generally to reduce their use of exclusive licensing.
animal consumption, in a Developing Country.
Berkeley adopted the following as a balance between
"Commercial Purposes" means to make, have
their need to grant exclusivity to allow licensees to
made, propagate, have propagated, use, have used,
justify investing in developing early stage technolo-
import, or export a product, good or service for the
gies and the need to ensure that technologies that
purpose of selling or offering to sell such product,
were exclusively licensed are fully developed:23
good or service.
"If REGENTS or a third party discovers that the
• Include in "Grant" section:
INVENTION is useful for an application covered
Reservation of rights. Notwithstanding any other
by the LICENSED FIELD OF USE but for which
provision of rights granted under this agreement,
LICENSED PRODUCTS have not been devel-
University hereby reserves an irrevocable, non-
oped or are not currently under development by
exclusive right in the Invention/Germplasm for
LICENSEE, then the REGENTS, as represented
Humanitarian Purposes. Such Humanitarian
by the Office of Technology Licensing, shall give
Purposes shall expressly exclude the right for the
written notice to the LICENSEE.
not-for-profit organization and/or the Developing
Within ninety (90) days following LICENSEE's
Country, or any individual or organization therein,
receipt of REGENTS' notification LICENSEE shall
to export or sel the Germplasm, seed, propagation
give REGENTS written notice stating whether LI-
materials or crops from the Developing Country
into a market outside of the Developing Country
for the application.
where a commercial licensee has introduced or
If LICENSEE elects to develop and commercialize
will introduce a product embodying the Invention/
the proposed LICENSED PRODUCTS for the new
Germplasm. For avoidance of doubt, not-for-profit
organization and/or the Developing Country, or
application, LICENSEE shall submit a progress
any individual or organization therein, may export
report describing LICENSEE's commercialization
the Germplasm, seed, propagation materials or
efforts in developing the new application every
crops from the Developing Country of origin to
six months to REGENTS pursuant to Article xx
other Developing Countries and al other countries
mutually agreed to by Licensor and Licensee.
If LICENSEE elects not to develop and commer-
Approach 4.3: Don't Allow Licensee to Patent in
cialize the proposed LICENSED PRODUCTS for
use in the new application, REGENTS may seek
(a) third party(ies) to develop and commercialize
This approach requires the Licensee not to patent
the proposed LICENSED PRODUCTS for the new
in developing countries, therefore permitting ge-
application. If REGENTS identifies a third party,
neric manufacturers and not-for-profit organizations
it shall refer such third party to LICENSEE. If the
freedom to operate in those developing countries.
third party requests a sublicense under this Agree-
We did not identify examples of this approach be-
ment, then the LICENSEE shall report the request
to REGENTS within thirty (30) days from the date
of such written request.
• Include in Patent Rights
If the LICENSEE refuses to grant a sublicense to
The University and Licensee on behalf of them-
the third party, then within thirty (30) days after
selves and any successors-in-interest to the In-
such refusal the LICENSEE shall submit to RE-
tellectual Property covenant that they have not
GENTS a report specifying the license terms pro-
previously, are not currently and will not after
posed by the third party and a written justification
the date of this agreement, obtain Patent Rights
for the LICENSEE's refusal to grant the proposed
in Developing Countries. Approach 4.4: Mandatory Sublicensing with Res-
ervation of a March-In Right
This approach is being used by the University of
23. Carol Mimura, Personal communication.
Academic Licensing Agreements
sublicense. If REGENTS, at its sole discretion, de-
developing countries, with the University reserving
termines that the terms of the sublicense proposed
the right to issue a license itself directly if the li-
by the third party are reasonable under the totality
censee does not respond to the request promptly.
of the circumstances, taking into account LICENS-
EE's LICENSED PRODUCTS in development, then
• Include in "Definitions":
REGENTS shall have the right to grant to the third
party a license to make, have made, use, sell, offer
"Charitable Objective" shall mean the availability
of the Licensed Products in developing countries
for sale and import LICENSED PRODUCTS for use
at affordable prices.
in the LICENSED FIELD-OF-USE at substantially
the same terms last proposed to LICENSEE by the
• Include in "Grant" section:
third party providing royalty rates are at least equal
If Licensee elects not to develop and commer-
to those paid by LICENSEE.
cialize the proposed Licensed Products for the
This approach is included in the "Nine Points to
Charitable Objective, University may seek one or
Consider" document referenced above.
more third parties to develop and commercialize
the proposed Licensed Products for the Chari-
Berkeley has included the provision in most of its
table Objective. If University identifies a third
exclusive licenses and option agreements starting in
party, it shall refer such third party to Licensee.
1997, and has executed over 25 licenses containing
If the third party requests a sublicense under this
it, including four with large companies (one negoti-
Agreement, then the Licensee shall report the
ated directly, one due to a large company acquisition
request to University within thirty (30) days from
of a startup and assignment of the license to the
the date of such written request. If the request
acquirer, while another was due to a sublicense by a
results in a sublicense, then Licensee shall report
licensee to a large entity).24 Berkeley's experience has
it to University.
been that companies find the provision acceptable,
rather than being punitive, because it is tantamount
If the Licensee refuses to grant a sublicense to the
to free market research, since they get first shot at
third party, then within thirty (30) days after such
fulfilling the newly identified opportunity. That said,
refusal the Licensee shall submit to University a
the details frequently change during the course of
report specifying the license terms proposed by
negotiations. The provision has been invoked at least
the third party and a written justification for the
twice. The resolution in each case was that, rather
Licensee's refusal to grant the proposed subli-
than the licensee issuing a sublicense, they elected to
cense. If University, at its sole discretion, deter-
renegotiate the license to a narrower field of use. In
mines that the terms of the sublicense proposed by
one of the two cases, Berkeley issued a new license
the third party are reasonable under the totality of
to the second company, so clearly, the mechanism is
the circumstances, taking into account Licensee's
both acceptable to licensees and effective.25
Licensed Products in development, then Univer-
sity shall have the right to grant to the third party
MIT has also used this approach, particularly in
a license to make, have made, use, sell, offer for
exclusive licenses to start-ups, for a number of years.
sale and import Licensed Products for use in the
MIT reports that licensees have found the measure
Licensed Field-of-Use at substantially the same
acceptable because they get the first opportunity
terms last proposed to Licensee by the third party
to develop the newly identified opportunity. Like
providing royalty rates are at least equal to those
Berkeley, MIT has had to implement the process on
paid by Licensee.
more than one occasion and the outcome has typi-
cally been a narrowing of the field of use.
Approach 4.5: Non-Assert Approach
Berkeley as well as MIT and the University of
This approach requires the primary licensee to
Vermont apply the approach to socially responsible
agree not to assert the licensed patents against
licensing, defining a "Charitable Objective" as being third party manufacturers and sellers in developing
the availability of the product in developing countries
countries. It therefore al ows for generic competition
at low cost and requires the licensee to issue subli-
in developing countries.
censes to additional parties that request licenses for
The approach protects against parallel imports by
requiring a distinctive trade dress for products for
which the non-assert is invoked, and it allows for
commercial markets within developing countries by
limiting the non-assert to sales to public agencies,
broadly defined.
les Nouvelles
Academic Licensing Agreements
Boston University is experimenting with this
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) program.
Gilead, the world's second or third largest bio-
technology company by market capitalization, has
• Include in "Grant" section:
also voluntarily adopted this strategy. Gilead sells
Non-suit: University and Licensee on behalf of
four HIV/AIDS drugs—Viread® as well as Emtriva®,
themselves and any successors-in-interest to the
together with Truvada® and Atripla® which are com-
Intellectual Property covenant that they will not,
binations of these drugs—and so has been on the
before or after the date of this Agreement, as-
front line of the debate over global access. In a talk
sert any claim of patent infringement (including
at the Infectious Diseases Society of America meet-
direct infringement, contributory infringement,
ing in October 2007 and an interview afterwards,
and inducing infringement) under the Intellec-
Gilead's CEO, John Martin talked about Gilead's
tual Property for manufacture, use, sale, offer
strategy in the developing world.27 Martin said:
for sale or importation of Product against any
"Gilead's access programs provide HIV drugs
third party engaged in the manufacture, use,
free of charge to poor patients or those without
sale offer for sale, or importation of Licensed
insurance in the United States and have tradition-
Product, in, or into, Non-Suit countries for sale
ally offered no-profit pricing in under-developed
to Public Sector Entities.
countries. It has done so at a loss.
This non-suit provision shall only apply to Products
It's not something we've debated. It just is some-
which are in a physical form when offered for
thing we had to do.
sale to end users in a Trade Dress that is different
We are disappointed that dominant Gilead HIV
from Licensee's Trade Dress in every respect and
products in the United States and Europe don't
which Products have gained regulatory approval
have greater market share in the no-profit market.
from either the U.S. Food and Drug Administra-
So Gilead has tweaked its global access program
tion (FDA), the European Agency for the Evalua-
over the past year, allowing several drug makers in
tion of Medicinal Products (EMEA) or have been
India to produce generic versions of Gilead drugs
pre-qualified by the World Health Organization
and market them in 95 countries.
Those companies can charge more than Gilead
XII. The Pharmaceutical Industry is Start-
was charging for the drugs, but the profit motive
ing to Move in this Direction by Itself
actually could drive greater access.
It is not the purpose of this article to document the
Gilead wil receive a royalty on those drug sales."
humanitarian activities of the pharmaceutical indus-
Eli Lilly which, as part of a $70 million worldwide
try. However, in proposing this model to universities,
partnership to treat multi-drug resistant tuberculosis
we are encouraged by signs that the pharmaceutical
("MDR-TB"), is transferring manufacturing technol-
and biotechnology industries are already moving in
ogy and expertise for both of its antibiotics that are
this direction.
effective against MDR-TB:
Glaxo has implemented a Voluntary Licensing pro-
• cycloserine and
gram which enables local manufacturers to produce
and sell generic versions of some of its products.
Since October 2001, Glaxo has signed seven licens-
to four pharmaceutical companies in countries with
ing agreements for antiretrovirals in Kenya and South
the highest MDR-TB burdens:
Africa, the first of which was granted to Aspen Phar-
• Aspen Pharmacare in South Africa,
macare in October 2001. Some cover just parts of
• Hisun Pharmaceutical in China,
Africa and others all of sub-Saharan Africa.26
• Shasun Chemicals and Drugs in India, and
Voluntary Licenses allow the holder to produce
• SIA International in Russia.
fixed dose combinations and to use the U.S. Food
The final example of dual markets in action we
and Drug Administration's fast track approval process
will cite was described by Bill Gates in his talk on
for anti-retrovirals to accelerate the availability of
"Creative Capitalism" at the 2008 Davos World
generic anti-retrovirals for PEPFAR (U.S. President's
27. "Gilead taking a global view," San Francisco Business
Times, Ron Leuty Friday, October 19, 2007.
Academic Licensing Agreements
"In another case, a Dutch company, which
sufficiently well funded that two of its members
holds the rights to a cholera vaccine, retains
take a year off from their studies to devote their
the rights in the developed world, but shares
full time efforts to the organization's objectives.
those rights with manufacturers in developing
UAEM organized a conference in November 2006 in
countries. The result is a cholera vaccine made
Philadelphia to address global health issues and cre-
in Vietnam that costs less than $1 a dose—and
ated a statement called the Philadelphia Consensus
that includes delivery and the costs of an im-
Statement32 addressing the issue of universities and
munization campaign. There are a number of
the contributions they can make to global health.
industries that can take advantage of this kind
A substantial number of distinguished academics,
of tiered pricing to offer valuable medicine and
including a number of Nobel Prize winners have
technology to low-income people."
Gates was referencing the cholera vaccine Du-
An independent working group based at Yale
koral® developed at the University of Gothenberg
University convened by UAEM developed a form
by Professor Jan Holmgren. In Sweden, professors
of license agreement, Equitable Access License
own their own inventions and Holmgren assigned
("EAL"),34 as a mechanism to implement global health
the patents to the cholera toxin subunit B technology
safeguards. The full text of the EAL forms Appendix
which underlies Dukoral® to Vitech AB,28 a company
1 to this article.
he wholly owned. Vitec licensed the technology to
The licensing paradigm for the EAL is a (a) a res-
a Swedish vaccine start-up called SBL Vaccin, which
ervation of humanitarian rights in the intellectual
developed it for developed countries and sells it for
property included in the license and (b) a mandatory
around $10/dose. SBL was acquired by another Swed-
grantback of all improvements made by the primary
ish company, Active Biotech, and was later acquired
licensee to the academic institution, which can then
by Powderject and finally by Crucell in Holland in
license the complete package of intel ectual property
non-exclusively to third parties who wished to make
The University of Gothenberg licensed the tech-
and sell the products in developing countries. The
nology to a Vietnamese company in the 1980's,29,30
university would charge a 2 percent royalty for sales
which developed a formulation suited to developing
in Low Income Countries or 5 percent for sales in
country needs. The cost of production was 20¢/dose.
Middle Income Countries (using the World Bank's
The International Vaccine Initiative has worked
definitions), which would be split with the primary
with Vietnam on quality control and on transfer-
ring the technology to other producers in India and
The major advantage of the EAL is that it explic-
itly addresses and solves the problem of follow-on
XIII. Universities Allied for Essential Medi-
Licensee-developed patents discussed in Section
cines and the Equitable Access License
Universities Allied for Essential Medicines
The drawback of the EAL is that pharmaceutical
("UAEM") is a student organization that evolved from companies with whom we have discussed this ap-
the work of Amy Kapczynski at Yale.31 It has chapters
proach have told us they would not license academic
at an increasing number of institutions and tends to
inventions if the license agreement contained these
bridge law schools, medical schools and schools of
provisions. This reaction is not surprising—it is a
public health.
universal experience of academic licensing nego-
UAEM is a highly effective organization. It is
tiations that licensees strongly resist grantbacks of
the developments they make to the licensed intel-
lectual property even for non-commercial research
purposes, so they are even less likely to be receptive
28. Press Release 06/29/98, "Active Biotech steps up efforts
to it for commercial purposes. We have suggested
in ETEC and cholera vaccine through acquisition of VITEC,"
accessed through 2/24/08.
an approach in Section IX.A above that may address
this use in a more acceptable manner.
b021bc8e68f8b805bf7f3d6cf, accessed 2/24/08.
cessed 2/24/08.
les Nouvelles
Academic Licensing Agreements
It is also extremely burdensome on academic
our concerns are similar.
licensing offices, who are not equipped to manage
While Vermont does not provide substantial fund-
the flow of information that would result from the
ing for scientific research, states such as California,
Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Texas
UAEM has frequently reiterated that it is not wed-
have announced initiatives to invest almost $8 bil-
ded to the EAL as a mechanism for implementing
lion in life sciences research over the next ten years.
generic competition,35 but offers it as one model.
It would have a significant impact if these license
In the absence of other models, such as we have
provisions were required to be attached to licenses
presented herein, it is certainly the most widely
to any resulting intellectual property.
XV. Will Incorporating Global Social Respon-
XIV. The Risks of Inaction—Legislation
sibility in License Agreements Diminish the
A. The Federal Level—S.4040
Value of Academic Technologies?
On September 29, 2006, the "Public Research in
The ultimate question that could slow adoption of
the Public Interest Act" (S.4040) was referred to
global social responsibility safeguards in academic
the Senate Judiciary Committee by its Chairman,
licenses is whether it will diminish their value.
Senator Patrick Leahy (D., VT). The bil proposed that
We believe not, because the developing world
life-saving medications resulting from publicly-fund
will not be a significant market for newly developed
research be made available in certain developing
drugs at Western prices; but only time can answer
countries at the lowest possible cost.
this question. However, a clue may be provided by
The bill would amount to a substantial amend-
looking at the experiences of Gilead
ment of Bayh-Dole. Additional obligations would be
As we discuss in Section XII above, Gilead chose
attached to "Subject Inventions," which are defined
to do voluntarily what the licensing paradigms de-
in the same way as in Bayh-Dole. The Bill includes,
scribed in this paper will enable generally. During
verbatim, the licensing construct of the Equitable
this time, Gilead's stock price continued to climb
Access License, so this construct would be imposed
(see Figure 1), indicating that any loss of market
on academic institutions as a matter of law. As we
share in the developing world didn't diminish the
noted above, this would make it harder, if not impos-
company's value.
sible, to license academic healthcare inventions in
We believe that academic institutions, which are
the first place, and so we believe would be counter-
charitable organizations with a public service mis-
sion, should give even less weight to hypothetical
B. The State Level
financial concerns than publicly traded companies
On January 28, 2008, at the
request of a University of Ver-
Figure 1: Gilead Five Year Stock Price History
mont Medical School student,
Representative Ann Pugh, of 5 Year
S. Burlington, VT introduced
a bill into the Vermont House
of Representatives titled: "The
Vermont Public Research in the
Public Interest Act of 2008."
The licensing paradigms and
structure of the bill are very
similar to those of S.4040, and
35. See, for example, "Universities
Have a Key Role in Global Access to
Medicines," by Rajesh Panjabi, Rahul
Rajkumar, and Jim Yong Kim, Point Of
View, Chronicle of Higher Education,
February 22, 2008, http://chronicle.
Academic Licensing Agreements
who have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize
e. "End Product" means any product whose
shareholder value.
manufacture or use relies upon or is covered by the
Licensed Technology.
We believe the conclusions are clear—Universi-
f. "Fair Royalty" means:
ties should act and should be seen to be acting to
i. For countries classified by the World Bank as
ensure that their innovations reach the developing
"Low-income" at the time of the sales on which
world affordable and expeditiously before either
royalties are due, 2 percent of Notifier's Net
the federal government or state legislatures act for
Sales of End Products in the Notified Country
them. We hope that this article has shown that it
is straightforward contractually to do so, so that
ii. For countries classified by the World Bank
the issue will devolve to a business negotiation.
as "Middle-income" at the time of the sales on
Academic licensing officers have consistently shown
which royalties are due, 5 percent of Notifier's
ingenuity, resiliency and creativity in their business
the Net Sales of the End Products by the Noti-
negotiations, and we are confident that academic
fier in the Notified Country in question.
institutions will increasingly not only incorporate
g. "Licensed Technology" means the rights li-
one of these licensing approaches into their standard
censed by University to the Licensee pursuant to
license agreements, but will make it a formal policy
[Main Agreement].
of their institution to use licensing to promote global
social responsibility.
h. "Neglected Disease" means any disease, con-
dition, or affliction that, at the time Notification
Appendix 1
under Section 3.a. is made, either affects less than
Model Provisions For An "Equitable Access And 200,000 persons in the United States or for which
Neglected Disease License"
there is no reasonable expectation that the cost of
1. Definitions
developing and making available in the United States
a. "Licensed Technology" means the rights licensed
a treatment, prophylaxis, or device for such disease,
by the University to the Licensee pursuant to [Main
condition, or affliction can be recovered from sales
in the United States of such treatment, prophylaxis,
b. "Associated Licensee Rights" means all rights in
data, information, know-how, methods, procedures
i. "Neglected Research" means any use of the
and processes, including patent and marketing rights,
Licensed Technology or Associated Licensee Rights
possessed by Licensee during the term of this Agree-
in an effort to develop treatments, prophylaxis, or
ment that are necessary to make, use, sell, offer to
devices for a Neglected Disease.
sell, import or export an End Product or to perform
j. "Notification" means a writing that announces
Neglected Research, including but not limited to
the intention of a party to receive an Open Li-
biological, chemical, biochemical, toxicological,
pharmacological, metabolic, formulation, clinical,
k. "Notification Fee" means:
analytical and stability information and data.
i. For Notification to receive an Open License
c. "Associated Notifier Rights" means all rights in
to supply End Products to an Eligible Country
data, information, know-how, methods, procedures
that is classified by the World Bank as "Low-
and processes, including patent and marketing rights,
income" at the time of Notification, $5,000;
possessed by a Notifier during the term of the Open
ii. For Notification to receive an Open License
License granted to such Notifier that are necessary
to supply End Products to an Eligible Coun-
to make, use, sell, offer to sell, import or export
try that is classified by the World Bank as
an End Product or to perform Neglected Research,
"Middle-income" at the time of Notification,
including but not limited to biological, chemical,
biochemical, toxicological, pharmacological, meta-
iii. For Notification to receive an Open License
bolic, formulation, clinical, analytical and stability
to perform Neglected Research, $500.
information and data.
l. "Notified Country" means an Eligible Country
d. "Eligible Country" means any country classified
indicated by a Notifier in a Notification.
by the World Bank as "Low-income" or "Middle-in-
m. "Notifier" means a party that has submitted
come" at the time a Notification is made.
a Notification to the University and Licensee[along
with an appropriate Notification Fee]. [University or
les Nouvelles
Academic Licensing Agreements
Licensee acceptance of the Notification and Notifica-
and Licensee payment of a Fair Royalty on sales of
tion Fee are not required for a party to be a Notifier
End Products covered by the Licensed Technology
or for a Notifier to receive an Open License.]
or Associated Licensee Rights within 90 days of
n. "Open License" means a non-exclusive license
such sales, such Fair Royalty to be divided equally
to the Licensed Technology, Associated Licensee
between University and Licensee. [Failure or re-
Rights, and Associated Notifier Rights granted by
fusal of University or Licensee to accept the Fair
the University to a Notifier from University upon
Royalty shall not terminate or affect in any way
Notification. There are no limitations on the number
the Open License.]
of Open Licenses that may be received or the parties
c. Notifier Grant: In exchange for receipt of an
whom may receive an Open License.
Open License to Supply, Notifier grants University a
2. Licensee Grant
license to its Associated Notifier Rights for the sole
Licensee hereby grants University a license to the
purpose of granting Open Licenses either to Supply
Associated Licensee Rights for the sole purpose of
in accordance with Section 3.a. or for Neglected
granting Open Licenses either to Supply in accor-
Research in accordance with Section 4.a.
dance with Section 3.a. or for Neglected Research
4. Notification for Neglected Research
in accordance with Section 4.a. [The licensee also
a. Grant of Open License for Neglected Research:
agrees to include, in any patent application for a
Upon providing to University and Licensee Notifica-
Licensee Improvement, a sentence reading: "This
tion to receive an Open License to perform Neglected
patent is subject to the provisions of the Equitable
Research, a Notifier automatical y receives a world-
Access and Neglected Disease License."]
wide, irrevocable, and perpetual Open License from
3. Notification to Supply
the University to perform Neglected Research.
a. Grant of Open License to Supply: Upon pro-
b. No Royalty: No royalty shall be payable to either
viding to University and Licensee Notification to
the University or the Licensee for the Open License
receive an Open License to supply End Products to
for Neglected Research.
an Eligible Country, a Notifier automatically receives
c. Notifier Grant: In exchange for receipt of an
an Open License from the University permitting the
Open License for Neglected Research, Notifier grants
making, using, sel ing, offering to sel , importing, and
University a license to its Associated Notifier Rights
exporting of End Products in the Notified Country
for the sole purpose of granting Open Licenses either
and the making and exporting of End Products in any
to Supply in accordance with Section 3.a. or for Ne-
country other than the Notified Country for the sole
glected Research in accordance with Section 4.a.
purpose of supplying End Products to the Notified
Country. If Notifier exercises its right to make and
5. Assurance of Freedom to Operate
export an End Product in any country other than a
No license or other transfer of the Licensed Tech-
Notified Country for the sole purpose of export to
nology or Associated Licensee Rights by the Univer-
a Notified Country, then Notifier shall use reason-
sity or Licensee shal be valid unless the terms of this
able efforts to visibly distinguish the End Product it
Equitable Access and Neglected Disease License are
manufactures from the End Product sold distributed
incorporated therein.
by the Licensee in the country of manufacture, but
6. Transparency
such reasonable efforts do not require Notifier to
Notwithstanding any other agreement or provision
expend significant expense.
between the parties, either party may publicize the
b. Fair Royalties: The Open License to supply End
fact that the Licensed Technology and Associated
Products received by Notifier shal be irrevocable and
Licensee Rights are subject to a license that includes
perpetual so long as Notifier submits to University
this Equitable Access License. ■
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