Victory over cancer – part one: making the unthinkable possible
Facts No One Can
Ignore Any Longer



Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
The Sobering Cancer Death Statistics
Cancer Is the Third Largest Cause of Death in
of the World Health Organization (WHO)
The Industrialised World
• At the beginning of the 21st Century, the cancer epidemic
remains one of the largest killers on our planet.
• According to the World Health Organization, 7.5 million peo-
ple worldwide die each year from cancer. This number is only
slightly behind the number of deaths from infectious diseases.
• In the US, Canada and Europe, the numbers are even more
staggering – 5.6 million people die here from cancer each year.
This means that every third man and woman in the communi-
ties across North America and Europe dies from this disease.
A. Worldwide 7.5 million people die each year
from the ongoing cancer epidemic
Most importantly,
every number in these statistics
means a human life lost.
B. In North America and Europe, 5.6 million people
die each year from the ongoing cancer epidemic
Reference: WHO Mortality Statistics for 2008





Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
The Dimension of the Cancer Epidemic
Visualising the Dimension:
At the beginning of the 21st Century, cancer remains one of thelargest epidemics of mankind. It is almost impossible to demon-
strate the entire magnitude of this epidemic. What we can do tovisualise its dimension is to take the number of cancer patientswho die each year – and compare it to the population of theworld's largest cities.
Every year the cancer epidemic takes the lives of 7.5 millionpatients worldwide. In comparison, here are the current popula-
tion numbers for some of the world's largest metropoles: Tokyo 8.9million, Mexico City 8.9 million, New York City 8.4 million, Lagos(Nigeria) 8 million, London 7.8 million, Lima (Peru) 7.6 million,Hong Kong 7 million, Bangkok (Thailand) 7 million, Cairo (Egypt)6.8 million and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 6.3 million.
Imagine you are living in one of these giant cities. You have to dri-ve for hours to get from one end of the city to the other. And allthose people living in every street of this city disappear each yearas the result of this unconquered epidemic. Over the past halfcentury more than 300 million people have died from cancer –this translates to the eradication of the entire population of theUnited States of America.
Besides the unimaginable cost of human life there is a strangulat-
Population above 300 million
ing economic burden associated with this disease for everypatient, community and country. The global costs for oncologydrugs in 2010 alone was 56 billion US dollars. The economicimpact of the cancer epidemic – excluding all medical costs – waseven more staggering: With 895 billion US dollars, cancer had byfar the greatest economic toll among all diseases. We will providemore details in part 2 of this book, chapter IV.
Every year the cancer epidemic takes the lives of cancer patients
in numbers corresponding to the inhabitants of some of the
world's largest cities. Over the past half century – during the age
of ‘chemotherapy' – the number of patients killed from the can-
cer epidemic equals the entire population of the United States of
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
Translating the Global Scope of the
Cancer Epidemic to Your Home Town
Number of worldwide
cancer deaths each year
Compared to cities in the UK
lives can
be saved
er cities of this size
cancer is
y + 21 other cities of this size
erhampton + 29 other cities of this size
ymouth + 28 other cities of this size
hester + Bristol + 15 other cities of this size
wcastle upon
+ Sheffield + 12 other cities of this size
d + Edinburgh + 14 other cities of this size
verpool + Manc
akefield + Car
• London
• Birmingham + 7 other cities of this size
• Leeds + 9 other cities of this size
• Glasgo
• Nottingham + Leicester + Sunderland + 24 other cities of this size
• Belfast + Ne
• Brighton + Hull + Pl
On the previous pages we compared the scope of the global
ing your hometown. In the above graph every column totals to
cancer epidemic to large cities. But cancer happens where you
the approximate number of people who die each year from can-
live – in every community in the country. On this page, we there-
cer. We created this chart not only to emphasise the dimension
fore compare the number of people dying each year from cancer
of this disease but – above all – to underscore the urgency to find
globally to the population of major UK cities – possibly includ-
a solution to it!
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
Fact # 2:
The Cancer Epidemic Is Still Expanding –
Increase in Cancer Deaths (Mortality)
From 1970 to 2000 in Different Age Groups
Despite All Media Hype About Medical
Cancer Patient Age 70 - 79
What does this mean?
• If a disease still increases, it means that the mechanisms for its
control have not yet been discovered or they are not beingapplied in the medical practice.
• Conventional approaches like chemo therapy and radiation –
that have been used on cancer patients for over half a century –have obviously failed to curb the cancer epidemic.
• Thus, chemotherapy and radiation can no longer be considered
Cancer Patient Age 60 - 69
a credible answer to the cancer epidemic.
• Therefore, there is an urgent need for new, effective approaches
to control the cancer epidemic!
Cancer Patient Age 50 - 59
6 September, 2008
Statistics for USA; data for developed countries are comparable.
Source: Journal of the American Medical Association, 2005.
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
Fact # 3:
The Therapeutic Goal of Chemotherapy And
Deadlocks of Conventional Cancer Therapies
Radiation Is to Kill Cancer Cells by Intoxicat-
ing the Entire Body
Radiation and chemotherapy – which have been used by conven-tional medicine for more than half a century to fight cancer, haveone common ‘therapeutic' effect: they kill cancer cells and bil-lions of healthy cells alike. These highly toxic procedures indis-criminately damage all cells in the body of patients and have,therefore, been compared to a ‘shotgun' approach.
To make things worse, chemotherapy affects particularly thosehealthy cells in our body that are multiplying rapidly, such as the
white blood cells of the immune system. Thus, when the body of acancer patient has the greatest need for effective defence, theimmune cells are being systematically destroyed by highly toxicprocedures.
Even a lay person can understand that if medicine has to resort to‘shotgun' approaches, this means only one thing: the causes andpathways of the disease are not properly understood so that effec-tive therapies could not be developed that specifically target
abnormal cells, e.g., cancer cells.
Any ‘shotgun' approach to a disease reflects the desperation onthe part of medicine itself. To deceive the patients and providefalse hope, conventional medicine uses the terms chemo-'therapy'and radio-'therapy' – when actually no effective ‘therapy' is avail-able. The past half century of conventional cancer therapy canonly be described as a failure.
Both radiation and chemotherapy kill cancer cells and – at
the same time – healthy cells in the body of cancer
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
The Horrific Toxicity of Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy Is Extremely Toxic
A whole array of highly toxic chemicals are being applied to mil-lions of cancer patients around the world with the alleged promiseto cure cancer, hence the term ‘Chemo-Therapy'. Among thesesubstances are some of the most toxic chemicals known to man.
The first chemotherapy drug was directly derived from ‘mustardgas', a chemical warfare agent used in World War I as a weapon!Derivatives of this deadly gas are still being used today in cancer
Mustard gas molecule. About one third of the soldiers exposed to
chlor ethamine, cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil
it in WWI died.
Besides these derivatives of mustard gas, there are several othergroups of highly toxic chemicals applied to cancer patients. Thecommon denominator of all these chemicals is that they damagethe molecules of inheritance (DNA) in the cell core and interruptother essential biological processes in every cell of the body.
The toxicity of chemotherapy is also reflected in the ‘safety pre-
Health professionals handling chemotherapy must wear extremely
cautions' for cancer patients published by the ‘American Cancer
thick gloves to protect themselves from toxic damage (left). The
Society'. Even health professionals are being reminded about the
picture on the right shows damage caused by chemotherapy sub-
health risks they are exposed to while handling chemotherapy
stance spilled on an unprotected hand.
drugs. These risks include damage to their DNA, birth defects,development of new cancers and organ damage. Thus, health pro-fessionals have to "wear special gloves, goggles, and gowns whenpreparing and giving chemotherapy" (
These chemicals are toxic and dangerous to others even after theyare excreted through the skin, urine, stool, even tears, semen andvaginal fluid. The people at particular risk include family mem-bers, caregivers and literally anyone touching a chemotherapypatient.
Entire companies flourish on the sales of protective gear andwaste disposal devices for the chemotherapy business.
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
Damaging Side Effects of Chemotherapy
Introducing the ‘Hickman'-Catheter
Most other infusion drugs are being applied to the patient via thearm veins. However, this application mode is not possible for mostchemotherapy drugs because the chemicals would instantly ‘burn'the blood vessel walls, leading to severe tissue damage andinflammation.
To apply these substances to the cancer patient, nevertheless, aspecial infusion device has to be used, the ‘Hickman Catheter.'This special catheter is inserted directly into the superior venacava, one of the largest veins of the body, that is located close tothe right heart atrium. Because of the large diameter of this vein(about 1 inch), the highly concentrated chemical substance doesnot get into direct contact with the blood vessel wall and is beingdiluted with the blood stream directly into the right heart ventricle.
With these toxic substances circulating in the body for many hours,even days, with the destruction of cells being the desired therapeu-tic target of these chemicals, it is no wonder that ‘chemotherapy'causes severe side effects in the patients, including:
• Destruction of the bone
- Vision and hearing impairment
marrow, the site of blood cell for-
- Damage to the entire digestive
mation, resulting in
system, ulcers in mouth, vomit-
- Impaired immune system
- Increased rate of infections
- Weight loss, anorexia
- Excessive bleeding
• Triggering the growth of new can-
- Heart damage, shortness of
cers anywhere in the body
drugs are so toxic that
breath, edema, arrhythmia
they need this special
- Lung damage, breathing
device to be delivered
into the patient's body.
- Liver damage and failure- Kidney damage and failure- Damage to brain, memory loss,
decreased mental function, depression
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
Why Cancer Patients Voluntarily Subject
The Psychological War
Themselves to Such Toxic Procedures
With the Cancer Epidemic
While reading the previous pages, you, our readers, may haveasked yourself the question: how is it possible that
1. The fear of death from cancer is a
anyone would voluntarily allow such toxic chemicals to be inject-
precondition for the acceptance of
ed or infused into the body?
poten tially deadly treatments like
Even more, how can it be that mankind as a whole could allowthe intoxication of the human body to become the universal stan-
2. As long as cancer remains essentially a
dard ‘therapy' for cancer for more than half a century.
‘death sentence' the investment business
with toxic chemotherapies will continue.
The answer to this question is sobering: A patient who associatesthe diagnosis ‘cancer' with the worst outcome – death – is instant-ly put into a psychological state of fear and despair. This, in turn,
3. Any medical breakthrough that will turn
renders this patient susceptible to accept any ‘therapy' – even if
cancer into a manageable disease will,
that treatment itself is potentially deadly – as long as the threat of
inevitably, remove the ‘death sentence'
certain death is being delayed for only a short time.
associated with this disease – and thereby
destroy the fatal dependency of millions of
What makes things worse is the fact that for many types of cancer
patients on toxic chemotherapy.
it is already established that chemotherapy does not prolong thelife of cancer patients at all. This includes prostate cancer, skin
4. Considering the fact that cancer has
cancer (melanoma), bladder cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic
remained a ‘death sentence' for more than
cancer and others. Patients with these types of cancer who
half a century, there exists an objective and
received chemotherapy have the same limited life expectancy asthose who don't.*
immediate need for new scientific direc-
tions that will also end the ‘psychological
war' with the cancer epidemic.
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
New Cancer Drug Markets for a
Toxic Chemotherapy Drugs Boost
Multitude of ‘Side Effect Diseases'
Multi-Billion Dollar Sales of Other Drugs
The toxicity of chemotherapy agents damages not only a feworgans in our body, but all organs and cell systems. For most
patients, every cycle of chemotherapy is associated not only withsevere pain, but with a multitude of new health problems. Some
of these ‘side effect diseases' continue for their entire lives – e.g.,
The Toxicity of
• Other Anti-Inflam-
irreversible organ damage.
matory Drugs
To cope with these side effects of chemotherapy, a series of drugs
Creates the
are being prescribed in order to alleviate the symptoms of these
Need for Even
‘side-effect diseases.' The most frequent categories of prescription
• Blood Transfusions
drugs applied to cancer patients during and after chemotherapy
More Drugs
• Different types of antibiotics prescribed against frequent infec-
• Many Other Drugs
tions resulting from the damaged immune system.
• Painkillers, including morphine, to alleviate the unbearable
pain often associated with the chemical intoxication of thehuman body.
• Steroids and all other inflammatory drugs to alleviate systemat-
The toxicity of chemotherapy
ic inflammation of joints and other organs from toxic
triggers a myriad of ‘side effect
diseases' which are treated with
• Antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs prescribed to help
a multitude of prescription
patients cope with the traumatic physical and psychological
drugs and intensive medical
consequences of chemotherapy.
Right: Over the past decades,
Moreover, countless medical procedures are being performed on
several handbooks were
cancer patients in an attempt to repair the severe damage caused
published for patients and
by chemotherapy drugs. Among them are transplants of bone mar-
nurses about managing the
row, liver, kidneys and other organs.
side effects of chemotherapy
and radiation therapy.
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
Many Widely Used Prescription
Many Pharmaceutical Prescription Drugs
Drugs Can Cause Cancer
Can Cause Cancer
US Government Report:
We have just learned that the toxic side effects of chemotherapyrequire even more prescription drugs to alleviate the so-called
A multitude of widely used prescription drugs account for
‘side effect diseases'. What you should also know is that almost
more than 40% of all chemical substances that can cause
half of all the substances listed by the US government as ‘carcino-
cancer in humans.
genic' – i.e., cancer causing – are pharmaceutical drugs pre-scribed for various diseases.
Different classes of prescription drugs can cause new cancers to a varying degree:
The reason for this is that pharmaceutical drugs are synthetic –i.e., artificial – compounds, not natural substances. Thus, thehuman body cannot recognise them and they cannot easily be
• 87% of anti-cancer drugs can cause new cancers
neutralised and eliminated. Most of these drugs cause damage to
• 50% of all antibiotics can cause cancer
the DNA of cells, thereby inducing the cancer process.
• 60% of drugs prescribed against depression and mental
The reason why most prescription drugs are not natural com-
disorders are potentially carcinogenic
pounds but synthetic in nature is their patentability. The pharma-
• Almost all immunosuppressants facilitate the develop-
ceutical business is based on profiting from the huge patent fees of
newly synthesised chemical compounds. Thus, the ongoing can-
• Many other drugs are listed as cancerogenic, including
cer epidemic is also the result of this business principle. We will
anti-ulcer drugs, anti-allergy drugs and others
talk more about that in chapter V.
The fact that many prescription drugs can cause cancer is widely
known and is documented in many clinical studies and even gov-
• National Institutes of Health, 9th
ernment reports. On the facing page is a list of some of the pre-
Report on Carcinogens, 2001
scription drug classes that are known to pose the highest risk for
• National Institutes of Health, NIH
12th Report on Carcinogens, 2011
developing cancer. Other powerful carcinogenic substances
• US Department of Health and
include hormones such as estrogen, present in anti-contraceptive
Human Services, 7th Annual
pills and prescribed to millions of menopausal women as ‘hor-
Report on Carcinogens, 1995
mone replacement therapy.'
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
Biological Regulation Instead of
The Indiscriminate Killing of Cells as
Chemical and Radioactive Intoxication
Failed ‘Therapy' for Cancer Will Be
Replaced by the Modern Approach of
‘Cellular Regulation'
The 20th Century will go into history as a deadlock in the‘war against cancer'. Despite countless media reports aboutalleged breakthroughs of cancer ‘cures', the Cancer epi-
Radioactive Agents
demic is still spreading on a global level.
The prevailing therapeutic approaches to this disease byconventional medicine – chemotherapy and radiation –were based on the indiscriminate damaging and killing ofbillions of body cells in the hope to eliminate cancer.
The statistics prove that this approach of ‘intoxication' was afailure. For many types of cancer, chemotherapy and radia-
Natural Regulation of
tion therapy had no advantage at all, for other types the
• Inhibition of
effects were minimal, short-term – and they were achieved
at the expense of suffering and a dramatic decline in the
• Inhibition of
quality of life for the patient.
• Encapsulation of
Thus, there exists an objective need for a completely new
direction in cancer therapy. This new approach has to be
• Selective Elimination
based on a new understanding about the natural regulation
of Cancer Cells
of cancer cells. The keys to the effective control of cancerare natural therapeutics that can interfere with and regulatethe malfunction of the biological software of cancer cells –without affecting healthy cells.
Once that is accomplished, cancer can largely be eliminat-
ed as a cause of death and disability among humans.
Key to Victory Over Cancer:
Regulation Instead of Intoxication
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
"Doctor, how long?"
At the beginning of the 21st Century, the same bizarre ritual con-
The hand of a doctor pats the patient's leg in a mixture of conso-
tinues in doctors' offices and hospitals around the world: Patients
lation, reassurance and offering hope. Of course, there is no basis
are being diagnosed with ‘cancer'. Their wrenching hands
for any of these delusive messages communicated by the doctor's
express their minds that switch between helplessness and desper-
hand – cancer is still largely what it was a century ago: a death
ation. In parallel, a second ghostly ritual takes place.
verdict. It's time for change!
Victory Over Cancer – Part One:
Making the Unthinkable Possible
Chapter I − Facts No One Can Ignore Any Longer
In the next chapters
we will take you on
a remarkable health journey.
You will realise that
the biological tools to achieve
‘Victory Over Cancer'
are available right now!
Purple Coast ‘Science as Art' is an idea by August Kowalczyk.
‘Purple Coast' is a microscopic picture of kidney tissue
with the collagen stained pink.
The picture was taken at the Dr. Rath Research Institute.
Visit the entire art gallery at
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