
RAMCO Catalogue 2014
RAMCO . DK-8920 Randers NV . Denmark . Tlf +45 86 401 789 . www.RAMCO.dk . E-MAil [email protected]
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen anddear friends of RAMCO.
We are pleased to present our latest RAMCO-Catalogue "March 2014".
Diagnostica ( kits, reagents & Point Of Care ) . 3 - 10
Please note, that the articles shown in this catalogue is only part of our range. We got more than 10,000 articles numbers in our range.
Disposables . 11 - 20
All deliveries, packaging and clearance from our warehouse is under
Equipment . 21 - 24
control and supervision by our in-house QualityManagement.
Wound Care Products . 25 - 28
Please direct enquiries, claims and suggestions directly to:QM department
Instruments . 29 - 32
ms. Annemette RasmussenPhone: +45 2396 3999
First-Aid Products . 33 - 36
Telefax: +45 86 401 789email: [email protected]
Medical kits and Tailor-Made kits ("Kitting Services") . 37 - 38
Dental products . 39 - 40
All products is CE-Marked and ALL our suppliers / manufactures is ISO 9001:2008 and / or ISO 13485:2003 certified.
Company profile . 41
No liability for errors or misprints.
March 2014

SECTION: Diagnostica

HBV (Hepatitis B) Test
One Step Malaria P. F. Test is a simple, rapid test for the diagnosis of malaria
One Step HBV (5 in 1) Test is a rapid, qualitative immunoassay for the determi-
using serum/plasma samples. One Step malaria P. F. Test detects of malaria
nation of hepatitis B markers (HBsAg, HBsAb, HBeAg, HBeAb, HBcAb) in human
parasites and for differentiation of Plasmodium Falciparum (P. F.) from other less
serum/plasma/whole blood as an aid in the clinical assessment of hepatitis B
virulent malaria species.
One Step Malaria Pf/Pv Test is a lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay for
the detection of Malaria histidine-rich protein II (Pf HRP-II) and plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH) in vitro assay. It is used for detection of Malaria Plasmo-
RAMCO Art.No. 46005
dium falciparum and Plasmodium Vivax in human blood. This device is intended to be used as a screening test and as an aid in the diagnosis of infection with Plas-modium.
Registration: CE / WHO
RAMCO Art.No. 46000
HCV (Hepatitis C) Test
One Step Anti-HCV Test is a rapid direct binding test for the qualitative detection of anti hepatitis C antibodies in human serum/plasma/whole blood as an aid in the clinical assessment of hepatitis C infection. Test results are read visually without any instrument.
Available in Box with 25, 50 or 100 pcs
Specimen Product
Sensitivity Specificity Reaction
RAMCO Art.No. 46008
Malaria pf Serum,
Plasma, or cassette
µL (WHO Standard)
µL (WHO Standard)
RAMCO . DK-8920 Randers NV . Denmark . Tlf +45 86 401 789 . www.RAMCO.dk . E-MAil [email protected]

HIV 1+2 Test is a rapid direct binding test for the qualitative detection of anti-bodies to Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 and Type2 (HIV) in human
A rapid test for the qualitative detection of group a streptococcal anti-
serum/plasma or whole blood as an aid in the clinical assessment of HIV
genes in throat swabs.
The results are easy to read:
This one step test is very sensitive and only takes about 10-15 minutes. Test
2 stripes show a positive result,
results are read visually without any instrument.
1 stripe means negative.
Test is available is both Strip and Cassette format.
The control stripe indicates that the test has been performed correctly.
Packed witn 25 pcs / box.
Results appear within 5 minutes.
Kit complete - ready to use incl. sample swabs.
RAMCO Art.No. 46010 (Cassette) og 48012 (Strip)
Available in both Strip and Cassette format.
Storage: 2 - 30 °c.
RAMCO Art.No. 48120 (Cassette) og 48121 (Strip)
Syphilis Rapid test
Influenza A+B Test
Syphilis is a test to qualitatively detect Treponema pallidum antibodies in hu-man whole blood, serum or plasma.
Influenza Antigen Type A and Type B.
Application: apply sample, result can be read after 10 minutes.
Quick Chromatographic immunoassay to qualitatively detect influenza
Relative Sensitivity: 99,7 %
A- and B-antigenes from nasal swaps.
Relative Specificity: 99,6 %
Result after 10 minutes.
Storage: 2 - 30 °C
Storage: 2 - 30 °c.
Available in 5, 10 or 25 test / box.
Shelf life: 24 months
RAMCO Art.No. 46118
RAMCO Art.No. 46013
RAMCO . DK-8920 Randers NV . Denmark . Tlf +45 86 401 789 . www.RAMCO.dk . E-MAil [email protected]
Tuberculosis test
Gonorrhoeae (NGH) Test
This rapid, qualitative chromatographic immunoassay test detects human
One Step Neisseria Gonorrhoeae (NGH) Test is a rapid and convenient
Anti-TB (Myobacterium tuberculosis) antibodies in serum or plasma.
immunochromatographic in vitro assay. It is used for detection of gonor-rhea antigen in urine and the secretory products from urinary system, as
Conducting the test is simple:
an aid in the diagnosis of gonococcus infection. The test provides a visual,
Place the sample onto the test cartridge.
qualitative result, and all positive specimens are advised to be confirmed
Results in 15 minutes.
with other qualified assays.
Storage at 2 - 30 °C.
Pack available in 3 sizes ( 5, 10 or 25 test).
Sensitivity: >96%Specificity: >99%
Shelf life: 24 months.
Test cartridges, disposable pipettes
RAMCO Art.No. 46128
RAMCO Art.No. 46124
Fecal Occult Blood (FOB)
One Step Fecal Occult Blood (FOB) Test is an immunochemical assay with
Quick Response hCG One-step chromatographic color-label immunoassay for
much higher sensitivity and is designed to be more specific in detecting
the qualitative detection of hCG in urine or serum. Results in 5 minutes. Sen-
low levels of human fecal occult blood. It does not require special dietary
sitivity 25 mIU/ml. Sample size of 4 drops. Room Temp. storage. Long Shelf
restriction on patients. One Step Fecal Occult Blood Test is a rapid test
Life: 18 months. Easy to Use: No special training needed. Ability to detect
that can be performed without the use of an instrument. Test yields a po-
low hCG levels as early as 2 days before expected menses.
sitive result when the concentration of hHb in test specimen is at or above
Sample = Serum or Urine.
100ng/ml in Sensitivity and the test has a Specificity >99%.
Folio pouch contains one test and one pipette.
Shelf life: 24 months.
Test available as Strip or Cassette format.
Box with 10, 25 or 50 test.
RAMCO Art.No. 46130
Shelf life: 36 months
RAMCO Art.No. 48006
RAMCO . DK-8920 Randers NV . Denmark . Tlf +45 86 401 789 . www.RAMCO.dk . E-MAil [email protected]
Point-of-care medical devices from HemoCue® deliver laboratory
Quick Response CRP - C.Reactive Protein.
accurate results within minutes, enabling faster diagnosis and treat-
The C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is an acute-phase protein, the concentra-
ment. HemoCue® solutions are used in numerous healthcare settings,
tion of which increases at the presence of bacterial or viral infection.
meeting various customer needs, including connectivity, mobility and
Its detection can give information to help evaluate the type of infection
present, for example a streptococcus a infection.
Elevated CrP levels in inflammation-free patients indicate an increased
risk of infarction.
Hemoglobin Cuvettes
Concentrations up to 10 mg/l are regarded as normal in an adult.
Hemoglobin 201 Cuvettes
Storage: 2 – 30 ºc.
Box with 20 test.
Glucose 201 Cuvettes
RAMCO Art.No. 48920
HemoCue Hb 201 instrument
HemoCue Glucose 201 instrument
Did you find, what you were looking for??
Immunological rapid test to qualitatively detect the chlamydia antigen in the female cervical swab and the male urethal swab or urine sample.
After 10 minutes a clear colouration denotes a positive or negative result.
Cartridge test, sealed singly.
Storage: 2 – 30 ºc.
Sensitivity: >97%Specificity: >99%
RAMCO Art.No. 46133
Please call us for any inquiries at
+45 86 401 789 or e-mail us at [email protected]
& we will find the products for you at very competi-
RAMCO . DK-8920 Randers NV . Denmark . Tlf +45 86 401 789 . www.RAMCO.dk . E-MAil [email protected]
Test Strips Urine
Test Strips Blood
We provide high quality strips for the most important tests, with long expiry dates and a clear colour chart.
Test strips for determination of glucose in blood .
For economical and immediate diagnosis.
We stock several brands.
Test strips made in Germany by Meditest.
Long Shelf Life time: 24 months.
Example - Ramco art no 41302 Glucose meter set -
Alphacheck Professional:
Automatic encoding, result available in just 5 seconds, only a small amount of blood needed (0.5 μl), blood sampling possible at different body
locations, Bio-Sensor Technology, 500 memory locations, test
strip ejector. Contents: 1 Glucose meter, 10 strips, 10 lancets,
Glucose. Ketone.Ascorbic acid
1 lancing device, 2 batteries, etui
Glucose. Ascor. Protein. pH
Gluc. Ascor. Blood. Prot. pH.
Gluc. Ascor. Blood. Prot. pH. Nitrite.
Gluc. Ascor.Ketone. Blood. Nitrite. pH. Protein
Gluc. Ascor. Ketone. Blood. Protein.
Nitrite. pH. Bilirubin. Urobilinogen
Gluc. Ascor. Ketone. Blood. Protein.
Nitrite. pH. Bilirubin. Urobilinogen Leukocyte
RAMCO . DK-8920 Randers NV . Denmark . Tlf +45 86 401 789 . www.RAMCO.dk . E-MAil [email protected]
Insuline pen & Needle
We got several different bloodlancets.
Needles and Pens for injecting Insuline.
Blood lancets for capillary blood collection, Sterile.
We got several different brands.
Advantages: Practically pain-free, ready for use, also usable at
Fx Pen Needles - Droplet®
the earlobe, single packed sterile, safe.
sterile, compatible with type A insulin pens.
BD Micro-Fine Needle 0,33 x 12,7 mm
BD Micro-Fine Needle 0,25 x 8 mm
BD Micro-Fine Needle 0,25 x 5 mm
Penfine Needle 31G x 6 mm
Penfine Needle 31G x 8 mm
Penfine Needle 29G x 10 mm
NovoPen Insulinesystem
Article no. Description
NovoFine Needle 28G x 12 mm 100 pcs
NovoFine Needle 30G x 8 mm 100 pcs
NovoFine Needle 31G x 6 mm 100 pcs
NovoPen Insulinepen Blue
NovoPen Insulinepen Silver
RAMCO . DK-8920 Randers NV . Denmark . Tlf +45 86 401 789 . www.RAMCO.dk . E-MAil [email protected]
Resistance testing
Disk (tablet) approximation tests detecting synergy (or antagonism) are
Prefilled Specimen Container used for safe transport and storage of
useful to screen and detect the mentioned beta-lactamases.
Storage and use at room temperature, means - Ready for instant use,
Designed and manufactured to make the lives of your laboratory per-
no need for acclimatization to room temperature - No need for special
sonnel safer and easier by supplying the CellStor Pot partially filled
storage or refrigerator facilities - Long shelf life - generally 4 years.
with buffered formalin. The CellStor pots contain an innovative sealing mechanism, which ensures a reliable leak proof seal. These features
Neo-Sensitabs range of antibacterials includes the following drug class:
ensure that the chance of a specimen pot leaking during transport will
be dramatically reduced, so you have peace of mind that a sample wil
reach its destination safely and correctly fixed.
Cephamycins & Oxacephems
With it is prefilled with buffered Formalin it also reduces your or your
Penems and Carbapenems
personell exposure to Formalin fumes.
Chloramphenicol & derivatesMacrolides, Lincosamides & Streptogramines
RAMCO . DK-8920 Randers NV . Denmark . Tlf +45 86 401 789 . www.RAMCO.dk . E-MAil [email protected]
RAMCO is an international supplier of medical- and laboratory dispo-
sables and medical- and laboratory equipment and diagnostics kits.
Being honest, reliable, flexible and understanding are some of our core
RAMCO deliver medical relief materials for use in emergency situati-
ons, as well as for various kinds of humanitarian assistance.
RAMCO are pride to say, that we provide the best possible service to our
clients. We are able to respond to our clients needs at a very short notice.
What RAMCO do:
RAMCO care about the local people and environment in which our pro-
ducts will be used, as well as the people and environment we live in.
RAMCO work with the best international manufactures there manufactu-
re products there conform to internationally Quality Management System
RAMCO follow our Quality- and Environmental Policy strictly.
(QMS) e.g. CE-marking, ISO 13485, United States QS etc.
We work according to ISO 9001:2008 guidelines.
RAMCO supply products directly to you, priding ourselves on being ho-
nest, reliable and flexible.
The RAMCO team:
The RAMCO team is a team of well educated professionals and have
more than 25 years experience.
RAMCO employ both nurses and freelance doctors.
The RAMCO team would like to share our knowledge with our clients
and assist in effective and efficient solutions for every medical project.
The RAMCO team deal with everything from locating your needs to
dealing with the paperwork and delivering the goods, where ever they
Providing Healthcare to Upcomming Economies
RAMCO . DK-8920 Randers NV . Denmark . Tlf +45 86 401 789 . www.RAMCO.dk . E-MAil [email protected]
DK-8920 Randers NV
Tlf +45 86 401 789
E-mail [email protected]
Source: http://ramco.dk/Cat/Ramco%20katalog%202014_diagnostics.pdf
Corso di Perfezionamento Tecnologie per l'autonomia e l'integrazione sociale delle persone disabili Anno Accademico 1999/2000 Storia di ordinaria sclerosi multipla CANDIDATO: Bianca Tovo Abstract. Il caso di studio riguarda Roberta, 61 anni, che ha presentato i primi disturbi motori e sensitivi a 31anni e che dall'età di 43 anni si sposta esclusivamente in carrozzina. Ha conservato un discreto utilizzofunzionale dell'arto superiore sinistro.Ha uno spirito vivace e sensibile e ha affrontato la sua disabilità con coraggio e buon senso.Negli ultimi anni, anche in seguito ad una malattia del marito oltre che al proprio aggravamento motorio, haperso entusiasmo e ha rinunciato poco per volta alle attività che comportano fatica per lei e per chi l'assiste.Il progetto si propone di:• migliorare la stazione seduta in carrozzina
CURRICULUM VITAE Valmore José Bermúdez Pirela, MD, MPH, MgS, PhD DATOS PERSONALES Apellidos Bermúdez Pirela Cédula de Identidad Lugar de Nacimiento Maracaibo, Estado Zulia Fecha de Nacimiento Dirección de Habitación Urb. Monte Bello, Avenida 11, con calle M-N