Hong Kong Results Review
FY15: beat consensus but missed ours
Industrial Misc. Manufacturer
Neutral (Maintained)
Tianneng Power
Decent Outlook Priced In
Bloomberg Ticker:
In the post results meeting, management highlighted the aggressive Share Data
lithium batteries capacity expansion plan and the auto industry's Avg Daily Turnover (HKD/USD)
electrification trend. Many large automakers in China/overseas are liaising 52-wk Price low/high (HKD)
with Tianneng for potential battery supply. We tweak our FY15 earnings
for missing our estimates and maintain NEUTRAL, with a HKD5.72 TP Free Float (%)
(from HKD5.20, 9% downside) based on 1.25x FY16F P/BV. We believe the Shares outstanding (m)
recent rally already priced in the strong lithium growth story, the Estimated Return
continuous cost reductions and one-off higher dividend payout for FY15.
Shareholders (%)
The future growth driver. Tianneng Power (Tianneng) plans to add 80% Zhang Tianren
more lithium battery capacity pa in FY16-17F (end-FY15: 1,250 megawatt hour UBS AG
or MWh). It has a top research & development (R&D) team and can produce
high-quality batteries that have high consistency and power competiveness, and fast recharging. Many automakers are planning to enter the electric vehicle
Share Performance (%)
(EV) market and are likely to outsource their battery production to makers like
Tianneng. Lithium batteries accounted for 3% of FY15 revenue and its
contribution is likely to rise to 4%/6% in FY16-17F respectively, in our view.
E-bike battery prices stable. Tianneng slightly lowered ASP in 2H15 to
Source: Bloomberg
stimulate sales and expand market share. Thus, 2H15 gross margins fell HoH.
Looking ahead, the ASP is likely to be stable, given that Tianneng is satisfied with its market share. ASP hiked YoY in Jan-Feb 2016, according to the firm.
Tianneng Power (819 HK)
Relative to Hang Seng Index (RHS)
Cost controls to continue in FY16. FY16 capex is CNY600m-800m, of which
70% is to be allocated for lithium batteries. Tianneng also said that the
administrative expenses/revenue ratio is likely to fall this year on better
management and larger operating scale.
Risk: The resumption of an e-bike lead acid battery price war.
FY15 Results: beat consensus but miss our estimates
Lead-acid battery growth
Higher market share on
Slightly lower prices
Source: Bloomberg
Operating profit
SG&A well managed
Core rolling P/E (x)
Recurring earnings
Source: Company data, RHB
Maintain NEUTRAL with a higher HKD5.72 TP (from HKD5.20). We raise our
TP by 10% to HKD5.72 by raising target P/BV to 1.25x from 1.10x, which is its
+0.5SD of the past 5-year P/BV. This is given the firm's improving outlook. As
our new TP is 8% below the current share price, we believe its strong recovery
is priced in. We stick with P/BV as our valuation methodology (as opposed to
Source: Bloomberg
P/E), given Tianneng's highly volatile earnings history including losses.
Forecasts and Valuations
Total turnover (CNYm)
Reported net profit (CNYm)
Recurring net profit (CNYm)
Recurring net profit growth (%)
Recurring EPS (CNY)
Recurring P/E (x)
Dividend Yield (%)
Return on average equity (%)
Net debt to equity (%)
Our vs consensus EPS (adjusted) (%)
Source: Company data, RHB
See important disclosures at the end of this report
Hong Kong Results Review
Industrial Misc. Manufacturer
Financial Exhibits
Profit & Loss (CNYm)
Cash flow (CNYm)
( 268) 789
( 12,780) ( 15,376) ( 16,325) ( 17,811) ( 18,965)
Depreciation & amortisation
Gross profit
Change in working capital
Gen & admin expenses
( 652) ( 598) ( 648) ( 708) ( 755)
Other operating cash flow
( 870) ( 301) 69
( 123) ( 151) ( 164) ( 179) ( 191)
Operating cash flow
Other operating costs
( 756) ( 890) ( 941) ( 1,028) ( 1,096)
( 196) ( 182) ( 159) ( 135) ( 125)
( 268) 789
Cash flow from operations
Depreciation of fixed assets
( 188) ( 220) ( 311) ( 270) ( 302)
( 729) ( 751) ( 422) ( 700) ( 700)
Amortisation of intangible assets
Other investing cash flow
( 268) 789
Cash flow from investing activities
( 487) ( 829) ( 895) ( 741) ( 741)
Other recurring income
( 206) ( 163) ( 135) ( 125) ( 125)
Other non-recurring income
Other financing cash flow
( 407) 746
Cash flow from financing activities
( 320) 735
( 1,416) ( 602) ( 298)
( 118) ( 225) ( 251) ( 301)
Cash at beginning of period
Minority interests
Total cash generated
( 302) ( 545) ( 53)
Reported net profit
( 305) 611
Implied cash at end of period
Recurring net profit
( 250) 649
,167 Source: Company data, RHB
Source: Company data, RHB
Balance Sheet (CNYm)
Key Ratios
Total cash and equivalents
Revenue growth (%)
Operating profit growth (%)
Accounts receivable
Recurring net profit growth (%)
Other current assets
Recurrent EPS growth (%)
Total current assets
Tangible fixed assets
Operating EBITDA margin (%)
Intangible assets
Operating margin (%)
Total other assets
Recurring net profit margin (%)
Total non-current assets
Return on average assets (%)
Total assets
Return on average equity (%)
Net debt to equity (%)
Interest cover (x)
Other current liabilities
Capex/Free cash flow (%)
Total current liabilities
Total long-term debt
Other liabilities
Dividend payout ratio (%)
Total non-current liabilities
Free cash flow per share (CNY)
Total liabilities
Source: Company data, RHB
Retained earnings reserve
Minority interests
Total equity
Total liabilities & equity
Source: Company data, RHB
Revenue growth vs Recurring net profit growth
EBITDA margin vs Net profit margin
Recurring net profit growth
Operating EBITDA margin
Net profit margin
Source: Company data, RHB
Source: Company data, RHB
See important disclosures at the end of this report
Hong Kong Results Review
Industrial Misc. Manufacturer
FY15 Results Review
FY15 results beat consensus but missed ours. Tianneng's FY15 recurring net profit
turned around from a loss to CNY649m, below our estimates by 11% but better than
Bloomberg consensus by 15%. 2H15 recurring earnings turned around YoY to CNY375m.
FY15 revenue rose 27%YoY, ie above our and consensus estimates by 8% and 6%
respectively. 2H15 topline rose 38%YoY. Lead-acid battery revenue increased 32%YoY in
2H15, ie higher than had been expected, while lithium battery sales surged 288%YoY.
This was slightly below expectations.
Gross margins squeezed in 2H15. Tianneng booked gross margins of 13.6% in FY15,
significantly better than FY14's 9%. However, it fell to 13% in 2H15 vs 14.5% in 1H15.
Sales, general & administrative (SG&A) expenses well managed. Opex/revenue ratio
fell to 9.2% in FY15. By comparison, this stood at 10.9% in FY14, 9.7% in 1H15 and 8.9%
in 2H15. In particular, SG&A expenses declined despite the higher revenue. Meanwhile,
R&D expenses surged 40%YoY, mainly on the lithium battery segment.
Finance costs declined. Finance costs declined by as much as 20%YoY, mainly due to a
debt repayment of CNY1.4bn made in FY15. Tianneng's total debt fell by 40%YoY to
CNY2.2bn in FY15, while gearing fell to only 1%. By comparison, it was 65% as at end-
FY14 and 30% at end-1H15.).
Effective tax rate also fell. Tianneng's effective tax rate lowered to 15.8% in FY15 vs
28% in FY14. This was because some of its subsidiaries were recognised as high-tech
companies, which enjoy a lower tax rate for a certain period.
Final dividend of 31.8 cents per share (nil in 2014). Implied dividend yield is 5.6%.
Payout ratio was 50%, which was above the historical payout of about 30% since
Tianneng's IPO in 2007 (excluding FY14). The higher payout this year was to celebrate
the company's 30th anniversary, according to our discussion with management. Future
payouts, it guided, would be consistent with historical levels.
Decent working capital controls. Inventory days fell to 35 (FY14: 49) and payable days
surged to 85 (FY14: 61). Accounts receivables (AR) days uplifted to normal levels of 42
(FY14: 38). As a result, Tianneng enjoyed operating inflow of as much as CNY2bn, ie
capable of repaying its CNY1.4bn debt to reduce finance expenses and boost earnings.
See important disclosures at the end of this report
Hong Kong Results Review
Industrial Misc. Manufacturer
Figure 1: Tianneng's FY15 results (CNYm)
Pure electric car
Lead-acid battery
( 12,780) ( 15,376) ( 13,812) 1
( 6,440) ( 8,936) ( 7,372) 2
Gross profit
Selling & distribution expenses
( 652) ( 598) ( 611) ( 2.0)
( 273) ( 325) ( 337) ( 3.7)
Administrative expenses
( 352) ( 324) ( 347) ( 6.5)
( 151) ( 173) ( 196) ( 11.6)
Other operating expenses
( 1,531) ( 1,639) ( 1,630) 0
( 727) ( 912) ( 903) 1
Opex as % of revenue
( 201) 909
( 206) ( 163) ( 211) ( 22.5)
( 86) ( 77) ( 124) ( 38.2)
( 407) 746
( 118) ( 200) ( 41.1)
( 68) ( 50) ( 132) ( 62.2)
Effective tax rate
Net profit - reported
( 305) 611
Net profit - recurring
( 250) 649
Source: RHB
See important disclosures at the end of this report
Hong Kong Results Review
Industrial Misc. Manufacturer
Figure 2: Changes to our forecasts (CNYm)
Pure electric car
Lead-acid battery
( 16,325) ( 15,171) 7
( 17,811) ( 16,820) 5
Gross profit
Selling & distribution expenses
( 648) ( 691) ( 6.2) ( 708) ( 767) ( 7.7) ( 755)
Administrative expenses
( 328) ( 392) ( 16.4) ( 358) ( 436) ( 17.7) ( 382)
Other operating expenses
( 179) ( 182) ( 1.5) ( 191)
( 1,754) ( 1,846) ( 5.0)
( 1,916) ( 2,049) ( 6.5)
( 2,042)
Opex as % of revenue
( 135) ( 189) ( 28.6) ( 125) ( 189) ( 33.9) ( 125)
( 225) ( 397) ( 43.4) ( 251) ( 448) ( 44.1) ( 301)
Effective tax rate
Net profit - reported
Net profit - recurring
Source: RHB
Figure 3: Key assumptions
E-bike battery sales volume growth
Tricycle battery sales volume growth
Pure eletronic car battery sales volume growth
E-bike battery ASP change
Lithium battery revenue growth
Source: RHB
See important disclosures at the end of this report
Hong Kong Results Review
Industrial Misc. Manufacturer
Figure 4: Tianneng's detailed P&L statement (CNYm)
Pure electric car
Lead-acid battery
( 12,231) ( 12,780) ( 15,376) ( 16,325) ( 17,811) ( 18,965)
Gross profit
Other operating expenses
( 105) ( 123) ( 151) ( 164) ( 179) ( 191)
Selling & distribution expenses
( 413) ( 652) ( 598) ( 648) ( 708) ( 755)
Administrative expenses
( 367) ( 352) ( 324) ( 328) ( 358) ( 382)
( 355) ( 405) ( 566) ( 613) ( 670) ( 714)
( 1,240) ( 1,531) ( 1,639) ( 1,754) ( 1,916) ( 2,042)
Opex as % of revenue
( 201) 909
( 144) ( 206) ( 163) ( 135) ( 125) ( 125)
Share of associates' profits
( 407) 746
( 118) ( 225) ( 251) ( 301)
Effective tax rate
Net profit - reported
( 305) 611
Net profit - recurring
( 250) 649
Source: RHB
See important disclosures at the end of this report
Hong Kong Results Review
Industrial Misc. Manufacturer
Figure 5: Tianneng's 5-year forward P/BV band
Source: Bloomberg, RHB
Figure 6: Peers comparison I
Price (USDm) (USDm) 2014 (x) FY15 (x) FY16 (x)
YoY% Cagr (%) PEG (x) FY14 (%) FY15 (%) FY15 (x)
HK-listed battery makers
Overseas listed battery makers
China BAK Battery
Note: Prices as at 21 Mar 2016
Source: Bloomberg, RHB
See important disclosures at the end of this report
Hong Kong Results Review
Industrial Misc. Manufacturer
Figure 7: Peers comparison II
Rev Hist Rev FY1 NP Hist NP FY1 margin
Beta (USDm) (USDm) (USDm) (USDm) FY14 (%) FY14 (%) FY15 (%) FY14 (%) FY15 (%) FY16 (%) FY14 (%) FY15 (%)
HK-listed battery makers
Overseas listed battery makers
China BAK Battery
Note: Prices as at 21 Mar 2016
Source: Bloomberg, RHB
See important disclosures at the end of this report
Hong Kong Results Review
Industrial Misc. Manufacturer
SWOT Analysis
A key player in the lead acid battery industry, with an
estimated 35% share of the electric bike market in
from Chaowei Power
E-bike market
has been developing for
long time and is entering its mature stage
Lithium battery
is a new growth driver
Government's concerns on air pollution have resulted in more favourable policies on the electric vehicles segment
More stringent
environmental protection
High original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
proportion increases production costs
lead acid batteries squeezing out smaller players
Recommendation Chart
Target Price
Recommendations & Tar get Pri ce
Source: RHB, Bloomberg
Source: RHB, Bloomberg
See important disclosures at the end of this report
Hong Kong Results Review
Industrial Misc. Manufacturer
RHB Guide to Investment Ratings
Buy: Share price may exceed 10% over the next 12 months
Trading Buy: Share price may exceed 15% over the next 3 months, however longer-term outlook remains uncertain
Neutral: Share price may fall within the range of +/- 10% over the next 12 months
Take Profit: Target price has been attained. Look to accumulate at lower levels
Sell: Share price may fall by more than 10% over the next 12 months
Not Rated: Stock is not within regular research coverage
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Hong Kong Results Review
Industrial Misc. Manufacturer
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Industrial Misc. Manufacturer
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Hong Kong Results Review
Industrial Misc. Manufacturer
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Hong Kong Results Review
Industrial Misc. Manufacturer
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Source: https://www.rhbinvest.com.hk/CMSPages/GetFile.aspx?guid=14c3ae3e-9cff-4e36-805a-4e6ce2d28e44
Institut für Baubiologie Rosenheim GmbH aufgrund des Prüfsiegels „Geprüft und Empfohlen vom IBR" für die Produkte Schöck ComBAR® Antragsteller: Schöck Bauteile GmbH Vimbucher www.schoeck.de Proben: am 02.03.2011 beim Auftraggeber durch das IBR entnommen. Mitarbeiter des IBR Dieses Gutachten darf nur ungekürzt und unverändert vervielfältigt und veröffentlicht werden.
ARCH-Vet 2013 Published by Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office FSVO Schwarzenburgstrasse 155 3003 Bern, Switzerland Authors Sabina Büttner Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office Veterinary Medicinal Products and Antibiotics [email protected] Marion Mehmann Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office Veterinary Medicinal Products and Antibiotics [email protected] Cedric Müntener Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology University of Zurich [email protected] Kay Torriani Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office Veterinary Medicinal Products and Antibiotics [email protected]: Gudrun Overesch Centre for Zoonoses, Bacterial Animal Diseases and Antibiotic Resistance (ZOBA) University of Bern Institute of Veterinary Bacteriology [email protected]