

Volume 26 Etz Chaim
Pictures from Purim
Report from Board of
World Holocaust Day
and much much more!
Kosher l'Pesach food is now instore at the Broadstairs/Westwood
branch of Sainsbury's and includes some items not previously in
Rabbi Sonny Herman
Community Rabbi:
Rabbi Cliff Cohen
Vice Chairman/Treasurer:
Honorary Secretary:
Council Members: Brian Abraham, Hélène Cohen, Esther Solomon, David
Fox, Simon Wolfe, Janine Chilley
Thanet & District Reform Synagogue, 293A Margate Rd, Ramsgate, CT12 6TE
TEL: 01843 851164 - A constituent member of the Movement for Reform Judaism
Shabbat services and Festivals Calendar
Saturday 19th April – Saturday 21 June 2008 / Nisan 14 – Sivan 18, 5768
Kabbalat Shabbat services are held every Friday at 7.30pm (except the Shab-
bat Suppers – 6.45pm.)
Saturday services are on the first and third Saturday of each month at
Torah breakfasts start at 9.15am, followed by a shorter service at 10.30am.
(NB Festival times vary – see below)
As the calendar is prepared in advance, details shown may be subject to
amendment. Call 01843 851164 to check.
PARTY for the 60th
Sat 19 Apr, 1030am
Sat 17 May, 1030am
Communal Seder 6:45pm
Sat 7 Jun, 1030am
Sun 20 Apr, 10am
Pesach, first day
Sun 8 Jun, 7pm
Sat 3 May, 1030am
Blessing for Iyar
Tikkun leyl Shavuot
Mon 9 Jun, 10am
Wed 7 May, 7pm
Sat 21 Jun, 1030am
Erev Yom Ha'atzmaut
Israel Remembrance Day
Shelach Lecha
Coming Soon from Jewish Kent:
On Sunday 27th July, at Margate Hebrew Congregation Synagogue,
the second part of The Value of Prayer with Rev Malcolm Weissman,
United Synagogue's Minister to Small Communities. Please contact
Ian Smiler for further details.
Shalom and Welcome to Etz
ever we have had lots of positive
It has been a busy few months
feedback and constructive criti-
since the last issue, with many
cism following our first attempt.
events at the synagogue along-
It has all been gratefully received.
side other events in the wider
We would also like to thank you
community at which our mem-
for all the contributions we have
bers were represented. We hope
received for this newletter. Please
that this issue reflects how busy
don't lose heart if we haven't
we have all been! As a family we
found a place for them in this
were lucky enough to go to the
edition - they are the life blood
Chanukah party, the Purim party of this newsletter and are always
and Benjy Cohen's Bar Mitzvah.
These events were great fun and
were all a good showcase for the
For this issue we are trying a new
work that Hélène Cohen has
layout style and we probably will
done with the Havdalah Club.
keep changing for a few issues
until we settle into our new role,
It is a daunting task to take
and find the ideal style
over editing a newsletter like Etz
Chaim that is both well estab-
Eleanor and Graham Miller
lished and well received. How-
The Editors reserve the right to edit any material accepted for publication.
The deadline for the next issue is 14 June 2008.
All correspondence or articles to:
Etz Chaim News, 1 Wenderton Cottages, Wenderton Lane,
Wingham, CT3 1EL or email [email protected].
Tel: 01227 722182
The articles, letters, advertising and content in this newsletter do not nec-essarily reflect the views of the Thanet and District Reform Synagogue or of the Movement for Reform Judaism.
• consult with Government on
proposed legislation
• respond to racist activities
In the Jewish and wider commu-
• promote Jewish schooling and
The Board of Deputies of British
education and run the ‘Pikuach'
Jews exists to protect and defend
inspection service for Jewish
the rights and freedoms of Brit-
ish Jewry. These same rights and • create long-term policy strate-
freedoms have evolved over many
gies through the work of our
years and are enjoyed by Jews in
Community Policy Research
Great Britain today. But events
Group think-tank;
are seldom static. Changes to
• engage in interfaith and envi-
legislation, campaigns by special
ronmental initiatives; and
interest groups, outright attacks
• display the pioneering Jewish
on Jews and Israel–all require a
Way of Life Exhibition to non-
concerted response.
Jewish children.
As the community's representa-
On the international stage we:
tive organisation, the Board of
Deputies is able to engage with
• represent the interests of British
government, the media and
Jewry in Europe and around the
wider society, providing a vehicle
through which British Jews have
• consult on areas affecting
Diaspora Jewry with the British
government and foreign embas-
It is with pride that the Board of
Deputies represents the rights
• monitor European legislation;
and interests of British Jews in
every walk of life. Below are some • work to enhance the under-
of the core things we do every
standing of Israel and its pursuit
of peace and security;
In the area of defence and group
It is important to remember that
the Board of Deputies does these
• combat antisemitism
things by protecting the freedoms
• foster relations with faith groups of British Jewry everyday. In the
and wider society
last 18 months, for example we
• monitor moves affecting shechi-
ta and brit milah
• headed off government propos-
als to bring in quotas to Jewish
schools, and leading the way on
the country, as well as in London for
a national faith schools linking
the Greater London Authority and
other elected offices, including that
• launched the Big Green Jewish
of Mayor. The threshold for them
Website, merging Jewish tradition to gain a seat on the GLA, together
and environmental concerns;
with the public funds that then be-
• protested against the mass
come available, is a mere 5 per cent
murder in Darfur, drawing on the of the vote.
lessons of the Holocaust;
• organised demonstrations and
The good news is that extremist and
lobbied to free captured Israeli
racist candidates can be stopped from
securing elected office if the turnout
• combating anti-Israel cam-
is sufficiently high, and so every vote
paigns wherever they emerge,
cast on the day counts.
most recently in the Church and
This is why the Board of Deputies
• are directing a voter registration has launched an awareness and voter
drive against extremism in the
registration drive in the lead-up to
run up to the local London elec-
the May elections. Register, vote, and
tions in May; and
if necessary, obtain a postal vote.
• are spearheading with the CST
the Jewish Human Rights Coali-
For information and to support the
tion UK, a U.N. Durban Review
cross-communal response to the local
and London elections in May, see or contact
But most importantly, we're your
Board of Deputies – protecting
and defending the rights and
A core text of the Passover Hagadah
interests of British Jews since
is the reminder, "In every generation
1760. With your help we'll be do-
they rise up against us…" It is
ing so for the next 248 years as
a cautionary adage that should
awaken our responsibility to fight complacency and to work with people of all faiths to ensure that we live in a peaceful and tolerant society.
Local Elections on 1 May: An
Each vote for a mainstream party is
Important Message
a vote against extremism. Vote and you help guarantee that our voice will be heard. Stay at home and you risk
Extremist parties, most notably the
that their voice will. It's your voice or
British National Party, are prepar-
theirs. It's really that simple.
ing local election campaigns in a number of local authorities across
Jewish Music in Thanet
Thanks to your contribution, the
target of 500,000 donors on the
On Sunday 7 Sep this year we
largest Jewish Bone Marrow registry
will again be holding open house
keeps getting closer, enabling the
in the synagogue as part of the
facilitation of literally hundreds of
annual European Day of Jewish
extra lifesaving procedures every
Culture and Heritage This year's year and for years to come. To-
theme is JEWISH MUSIC,
gether we can make a difference, literally between life and death for
There is a wide potential for
those around the world, now and in
events on the day, celebrating the the future, desperately waiting for a
huge Jewish contribution to the
life saving match.
world of music. We can celebrate
the music of our liturgy; Jewish
music reflecting different tradi-
tions of the countries Jews have
settled; works of Jewish compos-
Community Campaign
ers, both classical and modern,
British Friends of Ezer Mizion
and evergreen songs composed
for Broadway and films.
(We raised £195.50 for Ezer Mizion Kol Nidre Appeal. If you would like
We plan to have short perform-
to see more of their work – www.
ances during the day. Do you
have any suggestions? Are you a
musician or singer? Do you know JCD – Jewish Child's Day
anyone who would like to take
part? Have you any thoughts
Thank you for supporting JCD's
and ideas for this exciting event?
Chanukah appeal.
Would you like to be part of the
co-ordinating team?
As you know, JCD is celebrating its 60th anniversary this Chanukah and
Any suggestions – give Godfrey
our help is needed more than ever
Fischer a call on the synagogue
Your valued contribution will go
Charity thank you:
towards continuing the vital work JCD undertakes all year round
Ezer Mizion
in helping thousands of abused, neglected, handicapped and
Please accept this expression of our
underprivileged Jewish children to
heartfelt appreciation for your sup-
make a better life for themselves.
port of the Ezer Mizion Bone Mar-row Donor Registry.
Thanking you once again.

With kind regards,
Havdalah Club Leads
The Way In Tu B' Shevat
Executive Director
(This money was raised by those who came to our Chanukah party by
To celebrate Tu B' Shevat a special
putting their loose change (and a few
service was held at the synagogue by
notes as well) in the JCD money box)
Havdalah club members. Following preparation work at previous club
Is It Kosher?
meetings, prayers and readings where said by members of the club. The
At Thanet's local kosher grocers
children were all great and their
(AKA Sainsbury's) there is a new
contribution made the occasion extra
label on the shelf underneath the
special. Recent Bar Mitzvah Benjy
semi-perishable kosher range –
Cohen showed fantastic knowledge
Annabel Karmel. Amongst other
and maturity in planning the service
things, Annabel has created a
together with his compilation and
range of meals for youngsters
production of the service booklet.
who hate vegetables. There are
three versions – vegetarian,
As parents of children attending the
chicken and beef. Is it kosher?
Havdalah club, we say special thanks
Well, no. Don't be fooled by the
to Hélène and to all those involved.
name – it's not an alternative
Keep up the good work!
mountain transliteration! How-
ever, for readers whose interest is Golda and Paul Valek
specifically vegetarian food, look
Godfrey, you may know, has an
interest in Jewish heritage tours
and kosher food abroad, received
an email from a Spanish whole-
saler of kosher wines whose
name is María Jesús Íñiguez!
Is the wine really kosher? Well,
yes. Certified by the Rabbinate
of Paris. Unfortunately, it's not
available in the Costa del Thanet.
From the Bulletin of Hendon
ing we saw what are virtually pages
Reform Synagogue - by Larry
from the book itself, as it will look.
We saw one or two of the stunning il-lustrations, some of the dedications,
Who on Earth would call a meeting
were able to see the actual typeface
on a Monday morning in December
and the font and the colour. it was
at 8:15am? Is that a time that you
both exciting and emotional with a
would think of calling a meeting?
touch of nostalgic regret that these
Whoever do you imagine would
meetings are nearly over, because
turn up? You are probably saying
they have been spiritually uplifting
"no-one" and you'd be right. that is and (for me anyway) an insight into unless you were Rabbi Elaina Roth-
a world I had never known.
man, and the end of SEVEN LONG YEARS of being in charge of the Sid-
If you think, as well you might, that
dur Steering Committee, that is. The
the new Siddur is just the finished
usual time for these meetings was
version of the draft we have been
8:15 on a Monday.
using for months, it is understand-able. but you would be WRONG.
On Monday morning December 3rd
There are 756 pages in the Siddur. It
her penultimate meeting was FULL.
will take a lot of reading. The Study
Every single member was on time.
Anthology alone could be a book in
So who are they? Well, two Rabbis,
itself. As soon as we know the date,
and one Rabbi Professor, three im-
there will be a special introduc-
portant members of the Movement
tory Shabbat for it here at Dane-
for Reform Judaism staff, one Move-
scroft when Rabbi Katz will guide
ment Board member, a well-known
us through our first service using
and knowledgeable Christian
it. Our books will all be embossed
author and expert on prayer books,
on the back with the name of the
the person in charge of music for
synagogue (except those you have
the new siddur, who is a member of
ordered for yourselves) and the de-
Finchley Reform, the recent Chair-
luxe version will also be delivered
man of the Services Committee at
at the same time or shortly after.
Alyth and now Chair of the Gover-
Rabbi Amanda Golby has been
nors of Akiva School and a JCoss
responsible for the twenty page
Trustee. Oh and one other, who is
glossary that will be at the back,
writing this. Eleven people, bright
and the illustrators come from all
and early, eager to go. at the 60th
over. especially from other Euro-
meeting of the Siddur Steering
pean countries, some even from the
Former Soviet Union, so as Rabbi Professor Jonathan Magonet said
Not only is it the sixtieth meeting af-
"this is truly a European Siddur".
ter seven long years, but at last, the
As a nostalgic look back, there will
end is in sight. At this special meet-
also be an attractive collage of some of the synagogues featured in the

last Siddur, a link with the past, but
Jewish Women's Week
with forward looking new stunning illustrations as well. There has been interest in the Siddur from South
The appeal for this year's Jewish
Africa and from Australia, and it is
Women's Week is helping WIZO
hoped that eventually, it will reach
to work towards building a society
a worldwide Progressive Jewish
where today's vulnerable youngsters
will become tomorrow's successful adults. With their and your support, young people in Israel can and will reach their full potential.
Last year's campaign raised over £270,000 – a wonderful way to
Don't forget the Tzadekah
celebrate 60 years of caring.
box. It's been a great
WIZO opens the doors of opportunity
success so far, and we wish
to everyone in need regardless of race
to give a full content to our
or religion. They do this through the
next adopted charity in the
many centres all over Israel and their
highly trained staff works to change the lives of disadvantaged young people. As much help is needed as possible in raising funds to help maintain their crucial work which will enable today's dependent youth play a valuable role in Israel's future.
To donate you may send your donation by post to JWW Campaign, 107 Gloucester Place, London, W1U 6BY, or telephone 020 7486 2691. You may also donate online at www. If you sign the gift aid form WIZO can claim 25p for every £1 donated.
Jewish Women's Week is
4th to 11th May 2008.
A Word or Two…
I still have the archive copies if anyone would like to seem them.
I have to admit that when I received
Incidentally, for the 20th anniversary
my copy of the last Etz Chaim News I special edition of Etz Chaim News had a touch of déja vu. And why, you
I produced a potted history based
may ask? Well, I had the privilege
on articles in the newsletters. If you
and pleasure of producing the first
haven't seen it, just let me know.
issue in 1985 and, you guessed it, the same A5 size! However, there are Well, that's enough reminiscing. some very basic differences. Never
Since the last issue we have enjoyed
mind Life on Mars and the seven-
happy family events. The Barmitzvah
ties. As I write this, BBC TV has just
of Benjy Cohen was truly a simcha
launched the eighties sequel, Ashes
to be remembered. A look at the
to Ashes. Look at the newly intro-
children in the Havdalah Club shows
duced computers with green print
how we can be looking forward to
on grey screens. Few of us had such
more B'nei mitzvot in the future.
luxuries in those days. From 1985 to
And the month after we had another
1987 the newsletter was typed on a
blessing, literally - Zach and Gabri-
portable typewriter and, because
ella Rothman were given a special
we couldn't fit everything on the
blessing as part of their naming cer-
page, we used the technology of the
emony during the Shabbat service.
day in the form of a photocopier and So when's the next chupah?reduced the master A4 page to A5. Some readers had trouble read-
On a more serious note, the sup-
ing the smaller print. 23 years later
port by the local Jewish community
and I now understand that problem
of the National Holocaust Memo-
better. However, the solution of the
rial Day service in Albion Gardens,
day was to buy a magnifying glass.
Ramsgate, on Sunday 27 January
Early technology it may have been;
was much appreciated. There were
but beloved written medium of the
about 20 members and friends of
newly emergent Thanet Reform
both synagogues in an overall at-
Community it certainly was. In 1987
tendance of around 50.
we moved to an early version of desktop publishing (and laborious
A successful AGM has been held
it was, too). The big change, literally, and I welcome Janine Chilley, who was to go to a larger A4 page.
comes to Council for the first time, and a special welcome to Esther
So it has been for the years after-
Solomon who is able to rejoin after
wards until December 2007. It's
a year's absence. May I take this
always a good idea to relaunch and
opportunity to applaud the support
this was a relaunch which resulted in I have been given by all the Coun-many a compliment to the new edi-
cil members, as well as that given,
tors. The comparison to the original
with much understanding, from their
A5 version; well, chalk and cheese.
spouses. Along with the sterling
input from Rabbi Cohen I hope you
and donate the refreshments,
feel we have attained a vibrant Jew-
pastries and other victuals.
ish Community for East Kent. Not all of last years colleagues, however,
HOWEVER, the current break-
can return to Council. I will miss
down of membership shows that
Sally Bass' input, but Melbourne is
whilst we see a gradual increase
a bit too far to come for the meet-
of numbers, the availability of
ings. I hope that her chosen local
locations has reduced. Although
Reform synagogue will be sensible
the coffee mornings will continue
and take advantage of her skills and
to be a must on our social cal-
experience. And Sam Cohen will be
endar, it is unfair to place the
leaving the ‘shores' of Thanet to go
burden on the same few people
to university. He may not be back to
all the time. So, with your sup-
Thanet to rejoin our Council but I am port, we can have a new kid on sure many a Jewish organisation will
the block – the personalised coffee
appreciate his support in the future.
morning, or mini-coffee morning.
Perhaps someone could come up
Hazel and I wish you a very happy
with a catchier name!
HERE'S the idea. Invite a few
people around for coffee and
cakes – members living in your
locale or your friends in the com-
munity and anyone else you care
to ask. Charge everyone £2 for
coffee and goodies and donate
the proceeds to the synagogue.
For the price of a coffee in a local
café you get cakes, biscuits, etc.,
the bonhomie and the feel-good
Coffee mornings – a new di-
factor of everyone doing their bit
to support the synagogue. Over to
you! All you need is the date and
AS a means of raising money in
a reasonably painless way, the
synagogue's coffee mornings have
always been popular. These usu-
ally take place in the home of a
kind host and or hostess. How-
ever, times change, as does the
makeup of the membership, and
we need to keep abreast of these
changes. We rely on the kindness
of members to open their houses 11
Foster Carer's Fun Day
out and there are no plans for future events.
Our team at last year's World Food Day were asked if the synagogue
would be willing to do the same at the Foster Carer's Fun Day. And
Bursaries for Abrahamic De-
that's how Jacqui Rose with Hazel
and Godfrey Fischer found them-selves at Pfizer's Social Club in
Heythrop College, a specialist col-
February. The day was organised by
lege of the University of London,
Social Services to give foster carers
has launched a new BA degree
and their charges a pleasant day out
in Abrahamic faiths, which is the
with all kinds of activities. Maypole
first of its kind in this country. It
dancing, steel band workshop,
offers the opportunity for Jews,
tai-kwondo display, cheer-leaders,
Christians and Muslims to study
Egyptology, face painting, lots of
together in a unique venture that
games, and more, something to suit
will make considerable contribu-
tion to interfaith relations. The
courses are taught by lecturers
The Faith Zone had as its backdrop
from each of the three traditions
a sari and a prayer mat. On the table
and substantial bursaries are
were various items from our Judaica
available for students.
Shop as well as leaflets about our community and the interfaith talks.
The range of the course covers the
It gave the opportunity for visitors
questions of what are the Abra-
to meet and ask questions of repre-
hamic religions? Why are they
sentatives from different faiths, or to
important?; and how do they see
pick up relevant leaflets about the
religions. "That" said Godfrey, "was
The degree offers a chance to
the theory. We were the only rep-
study the three monotheistic reli-
resentatives in the Faith Zone and
gions with a high level of teaching
the leaflets looked as if they came
from Jewish, Christian and Mus-
from the Social Services manual of
lim teachers. The U of L degree
how to conduct oneself when meet-
is recognised worldwide and also
ing persons from other religions.
gives students the opportunity of
However, this was a very minor point a living contacts with the life of
when you looked at the faces of the
the three communities.
children enjoying themselves. And we did have quite a number of peo-
Heythrop College is situated in
ple come to chat to us, which is all
Kensington, London, within pri-
we ask for". Future Fun Days could
vate gardens. To see for yourself,
well benefit from the expertise
there is an open days this month
of the proposed Thanet interfaith
- Monday 28 April. To attend,
group. However, the funding has run 12

contact the Principal's PA on 020
Our first Shabbaton Supper of the
year was held on February 22nd, attended by approximately 26 of our
community, family and friends. The meal consisted of melon followed by
For details of the course, contact
fish, chips and green salad, prepared
Jonathan Gorsky, Lecturer in
by Lorna with the able assistance of
Jewish Studies, 020 7795 4219
Kay. The dessert was Hazel's special
chocolate cake (a great surprise for Martin on his birthday). The meal
ended with tea and coffee. WE would like to thank Lorna, Kay,
Heythrop University of London,
Hazel and, of course, our Chairman,
Kensington Square,
Godfrey - together with the ‘waiting' staff who served us all so briskly and
efficiently. It was a delightful evening of eating,
T: 020 7795 6600
chatting, Sabbath songs and laughter.
F: 020 7795 4200; enquiries@
Tom & Rivka Dodds.
Pictures below from Purim
2008, and one from the
Foster Carer's Fun Day (spot
the odd one out!)



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persons. Many people who need
Caring help at
some assistance with daily living
tasks would rather stay in their own homes and direct their own lives.
THE NATIONAL Health Service is the Bluebird Care makes that possible subject of much contentious discus-
by providing a range of care serv-
sions these days. Whether you love
ices, which gives customers the
it or hate it, you can't do without it. If
freedom to carry on their lives as
money is no object you can go pri-
normally as possible. Care visits
vate. Some subscribe to one of the
can range from 15 minutes to a full
various medical insurances, which
live-in service."
can be most reassuring. But most people, even today, take comfort
AN EXAMPLE of the services of-
in a health service that may not be
fered are, help getting up or going
perfect but is there when you need it to bed, preparing meals, shopping, in an emergency. Many in our com-
cleaning and laundry, personal
munity have been in the emergency
hygiene including bathing or help
situation and, for the most part, our
with outings.
local hospital services come up trumps.
ALL STAFF are carefully chosen and then checked by the Criminal
IT'S IN the aftercare that worries
Records Bureau. Care workers
begin. What happens when you
are trained to provide the highest
get home and you still need help?
standards of customer care as well
Not everyone has a family nearby
as how to meet individual needs
to continue the caring. Also, when
and preferences. Bluebird Care is
home care is provided by the social
registered with the Commission
services, there may still be a charge
for Social Care Inspection (the
– depending on one's benefits
government body which regulates
care provision in the UK) and will be regularly inspected to ensure
THERE IS now an alternative in East
Kent with the opening of Bluebird Care, a national company with the
CHRISTINE is a qualified social
local franchise set up by mother and worker and manager and Saffron daughter team, Christine and Saf-
has worked in residential, day care
fron Hudson, working from a newly
and community settings providing
appointed office 161 King Street,
care to those with mental health
CHRISTINE says, " Bluebird Care of-
If you happen to be shopping in Ram-
fers a real alternative to residential
sgate, call in for a chat and a friendly Yorkshire welcome. Or telephone them
care for older adults and disabled
on 01843 570638
An online Judaica shop based in the UK.
Kippot, Tallits and accessories,
Chanukiahs and Dreidls,
Magen Davids and Chais, in silver, gold and
Mezuzot and Mezuzah Scrolls
Shabbat candles and candlesticks,
Havdallah sets and other regalia for the home,
Gifts, toys, and Hebrew and Yiddish novelties,
And much, much more.
We are always open to suggestions – whatever it is, if
you want it, we'll do our very best to find it for you.
We offer shopping online, by mail order, or by party
plan – host a BuyJewishStuff Judaica coffee morning
and raise money for the Shul or for the charity of your
For more details, or to see our stock, visit our website
on, where you can fol-
low the link to our eBay shop, or contact us on email
- [email protected] or by phone - 01227
Advertising in Etz Chaim
A great way to raise awareness in the community of local serv-
Quarterly newsletter for Thanet and District Reform Synagogue
Publication for the local Jewish community including events,
reports and items of general interest.
Reaches over 75 households in the Thanet/East Kent region.
B/W: Full Page £50, Half page £30, Quarter page £20
Colour: Full Page £75, Half Page £75
If you would like to submit an advert for inclusion in Etz Chaim,
please contact David Fox by email: [email protected] or by
c/o Thanet and District Reform Synagogue
293A Margate Road
Headlines of the Board of Dep-
share concerns over the impact on
uties' activities. Unabridged
community relations and the welfare
news items can be found at
of the community on the subject of
granting visitor visas to those ex-pressing extremist and anti-Jewish
Board of Deputies Brussels
views. "We need to understand the mechanics of the process by which
delegation meets EU parlia-
these decisions are made, and Gov-
mentarians. A delegation from the ernment needs to appreciate our
International Division of the Board
concerns. This dialogue has served
recently met high-ranking MEPs at
both those purposes," said Chief
the European Parliament in Brussels. Executive, Jon Benjamin. The Board
Discussions focussed on European
also joined the latest meeting of the
Union and European Parliamentary
Government's cross-department
efforts and directives to counter
taskforce on anti-Semitism. The
racism and anti-Semitism in mem-
task force was formed to implement
ber states and also a consideration
recommendations of the All-Parlia-
of the relevant committees and
mentary Inquiry into Anti-Semitism
structures that are in place to imple-
ment these policies. Flo Kaufmann,
Chairman of the Board of Governors Lunch for London Olympics
of the European Jewish Congress,
2012 organiser, Richard Sum-
was joined by International Divi-
ray MBE. The Finance & Organi-
sion members Prof Eric Moonman,
sation Division of the Board hosted
Alex Faiman and Sidney Assor and
a lunch for Richard Sumray MBE,
by Public Affairs Director Elizabeth
chairman of the London 2012 Fo-
Harris. Of particular interest to the
rum supporting London's Olympic
MEPs were the recent findings of
Games, during which he recounted
the UK's All-Party Parliamentary
the dramatic sequence of events that
Inquiry into Anti-Semitism as well
led up to London's successful bid
as the structure, mechanism and
to host the Olympics. Mr Sumray, a
advantages of establishing a neutral
member of the Mayor of London's
parliamentary body to explore these Cultural Strategy Group and chair
issues. Flo Kaufmann noted that the
of Haringey Teaching Primary Care
"MEPs thanked the Board for keep-
Trust, said that since London won
ing them informed of our work and
the bid in July 2005, the focus has
of our connections in Britain, Eu-
been to make sure that the Olym-
rope, Israel and on the international
pics capitalises on London's key
assets as the youngest, most cultur-
Board expresses concerns to
ally diverse communities in Europe by "creating an infrastructure that
Home Office over visas for
is sustainable and leaving behind
extremists. Board officials met
permanent improvements for our
with Home Office counterparts to
city." Fielding questions on issues
Totally Outdoors, Totally Ad-
such as security, traffic, regenera-
venturous, The Netzer Venture
tion, tourism, volunteering oppor-
Day is Totally Fun!
tunities and plans to accommodate London's faith communities, Sumner
This spring, how would you like to
explained that space will be created
spend a day with friends trampling
to accommodate all five major faith
through the undergrowth, climbing,
groups on an egalitarian basis. "My
and even shooting air-rifles?
commitment is to make this an event to remember for all generations
If this sounds like your idea of fun,
and for everyone who participates
or your kids idea of fun, then come
in this event", he said. He also said
to the Netzer Venture Day on
that a commemoration of the 40th
Sunday 18th May 2008. This is an
anniversary of the Munich Olympics
inter-community event based in the
massacre would receive proper
outdoors, running from 1.30pm -
6pm at Tolmers Scout campsite near Potters Bar. We have run three of
Board publishes latest com-
these outdoor adventure days and
munity statistics report; shows
they are great fun and very exciting.
potential patterns of Jewish
Run by experienced Madrichim
demographic growth in the UK
(leaders) from RSY-Netzer, the Re-
Co-authored by senior researchers
form Movements youth movement,
David Graham and Daniel Vulkan,
the 8 - 15 year olds will be rambling,
the report summarises data col-
playing wide games in ancient
lected on such key statistics as
woodlands, climbing, building shel-
births, marriages, and deaths during
ters and shooting air-rifles, all in the
2006. It reveals that more than 3,300
safety of this beautiful scout camp-
Jewish babies were born, a third of
site. If you are coming on Shemesh
which were to the Charedi or strictly
Summer camp this will be a great
Orthodox community. Over recent
time to meet other campers. Also if
years the total number of Jewish
you are not sure, then come and try
births has been slowly climbing.
it out and see what we have on offer.
Significantly, the report found that, contrary to demographic patterns in
Its Totally Outdoors, Totally Adven-
most Diaspora communities, Brit-
turous and Totally Fun. For more
ain's Jewish population may be on
information and an application
the path to growth after a genera-
form speak to your youth worker or
tion of contraction. This conclusion
contact Jon Littman, Youth and Com-
emerges from an analysis of several
munity Worker for the Movement
sets of indicators relating particular-
for Reform Judaism: jon.littman@re-
ly to demographic trends in Britain's, 020 8349 5670
Charedi community.
We send our condolences to
Syb Stubbs and family
following the sad loss of Rod beloved husband, father and grandfather
Roberta and Jennifer Byrne, past members of the community
on the sad loss of husband and father, Roy
to the family of Hetty Barrs, one time member of this community
our prayers go to all their families
May their memory be for a blessing
Syb Stubbs wishes to thank the community for all the help and support
she has received at this time of the sad loss of her husband Rod.
Aid scheme that continues to op-
erate in the normal way.
I thought you would be interested
in some painless ways to give to
charity, especially if your chosen
charity is the Thanet & District
Reform Synagogue!
Special message for members who
have signed Gift Aid Declarations
Giving through the Self As-
sessment Return - Nominat-
With the forthcoming change in
ing a Charity to Receive a
the level of income tax, make sure
your payment was received by 5th
April so that I may make a Gift
Self Assessment taxpayers are
Aid claim based on the old, higher
able use their tax returns to
donate tax repayments to char-
ity. H M Revenue & Customs has
Payment of Membership
given this Synagogue the follow-
ing unique code reference number
to be quoted on the return. This
Membership fees are payable on
scheme is open to members and
presentation. If you have not yet
non-members alike.
done so please send your cheque
to the Synagogue office as soon as
The Reference is ‘RAM69AG'
possible. If you wish to pay by in-
ternet banking or standing order
There is also a ‘carry back' facility let me know so I can give you the
back scheme so that a taxpayer
Synagogue's Bank Sort Code and
who makes a gift to charity using
Gift Aid can elect to have his/her
higher rate tax relief carried back
Remember Us in Your Will
to the previous year of assess-
ment. More information is avail-
It is through the kind generos-
able from the web site address
ity of previous members that we
enjoy the use of our Synagogue
building today. If you have occa-
For further information please
sion to be writing or amending
contact your professional tax ad-
your will please do consider re-
visors, look at the HMRC website
membering this community with
on the link below, or contact me
at the Synagogue. I understand
donations may be made anony-
Ian Smiler
mously if desired! Note this does
not replace for the existing Gift
Did You Know.
That according to the Haggadah,
it was actually Hillel who created
the first sandwich (and not the
Earl of Sandwich who is usually
credited with the invention).
And that Wikipedia, the popular
free internet encyclopedia cor-
rectly says that Hillel created the
first ever sandwich.
That the word Moshe (Moses) only
occurs once in the Haggadah.
And that Yochabed, Moshe's
mother, was 130 years old when
Thanks to Ian and Barbara Smil-
she gave birth to him? (Brings a
er for advising us of the following:
whole new meaning to the phrase
‘Geriatric mother', now given to
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream is now
any pregnant woman over the age available in Israel in the following
And for all of you Trekkies out
there - the character Spock,
in the television program Star
Trek, would greet people with the
Vulcan ritual of greeting. Leon-
ard Nimoy, the Jewish actor who
played Spock, copied this ritual
from the handsign used by the
kohanim when they blessed the
Bernard Malamint
Berry Pr'i Hagafen
And finally a thought from
Golda Meir:
Let me tell you the one thing I
have against Moses. He took us
forty years into the desert in order
It should be noted that all of
to bring us to the one place in the these flavors come in either a cup
Middle East that has no oil!
From the Reform Judaism
the Charter as the foundation for a
peaceful, just and sustainable global
society will be sought.
Proof that Jews can change the Rabbi Amswych commented: "For
real change to take root, this must
be seen as the beginning of a ‘slow-burn' process which must be kin-
Bournemouth Borough Council has
dled over several years rather than
become the first UK district council
a firework which burns itself out in a
to adopt the Earth Charter - which
few seconds".
offers a foundation for a peaceful, just and sustainable global soci-
Rabbi Newman added: "the Bourne-
ety – thanks to the efforts of Reform
mouth decision is a major milestone
rabbis, Neil Amswych and Jeffrey
in the fight against climate change
and for a just society. It shows that, if they follow the prophetic vision
The deputation at which the deci-
offered by their tradition, Jews really
sion was made took place last month and was the culmination of a proc-
can be a light unto the world."
ess which began almost a year ago when Rabbi Amswych invited the Director of the Earth Charter in the
UK, Rabbi Jeffrey Newman, to an Inter-faith meeting attended by 70
Mazel Tov to Benna Jane and
local clergy and lay leaders, repre-
Daniel Goldman on their recent
sentatives of most of the religious
groups in the local area. Their enthu-siastic interest in the Earth Charter and its inspiring vision and ethical framework encouraged Rabbi Am-swych to take it to the Council.
It is hoped now that in a series of meetings over the next year spe-cific issues of waste and recycling, energy reduction and conservation, transport, biodiversity and eco-tourism - all issues of interest to the Council and covered by the Earth Charter principles - may be dis-cussed and objectives agreed. Most of all, the involvement of local peo-ple and organisations in the work of
Holocaust Memorial Day Janu-
was a short service, conducted by
The Reverend Luke Dean, who is the Assistant Curate at St Laurence Team
This year the National Holocaust
Ministry. Prayers were also read
Memorial Day fell on Sunday the
by Rabbi Cliff Cohen and David
27th of January. In the UK this day
Gradus, and Godfrey Fischer sung ‘
commemorates victims of past and
Shema Kolenu'. After the service we
more recent atrocities from around
all retired to the Council Chambers
the world. To us as Jews there is the
for a reception hosted by the Mayor.
special significance of the Nazi mur-dering of six million of our brethren.
In the afternoon Barbara & I went to
Many of us can establish a direct
an event in Deal, I estimate approxi-
family connection to relatives who
mately 20 – 30 persons attended this
perished, and even for those who
event, including Elizabeth, part-
cannot, there is the probability that
ner of our John Ullmann who sadly
relatives from a previous generation
passed away last year. We three
or two with whom family connection
were the only attendees from either
have been lost were unfortunate vic-
of the Thanet Communities. Also
tims. My father's family comes from
in attendance was Gwyn Prosser,
Poland, and I know of cousins, aunts
the MP for Dover & Deal. This event
& uncles who were in Warsaw when
commenced with a short service
the Germans invaded. I am a twin
held next to a Commemorative Tree
and I know there were others in the
in the garden of St George's Church,
family left behind in Eastern Europe
lead by Canon Robert Lunnon.
Wreaths were laid by the Chairman of Dover District Council, Councillor
In the UK there was a programme of
Bernard Butcher, the Mayor of Deal
events spread throughout the coun-
Councillor Jim Cronk, and Elizabeth
try. In our little corner of Kent there
in memory of John, who was sent
were two – in Ramsgate and in Deal.
away to England by his parents as a
My wife Barbara and I attended
result of the Kindertransport pro-
gramme. After this we retired to the Council Chambers for presentations
The day started in Ramsgate, at a
and a reception. Two sixth form stu-
service hosted by the Mayor, Coun-
dents from Castle Community Col-
cillor Steve Ward, and held in Al-
lege gave a talk with photographs
bion Gardens. For January we were
about their visit to Auschwitz, which
fortunate, warm winter sunshine. I
was very moving. There was also a
estimate approximately 50 - 60 peo-
presentation about recent atroci-
ple attended the event, members
ties in Rwanda. Last year John spoke
of our community, Margate Hebrew
at this event and we remembered
Congregation and friends from the
him. We concluded with fair trade
wider world. Also in attendance was
tea, and a display of photographs of
Ramsgate's MP, Dr Ladyman. There
Jewish victims showing the depriva-
tion of life in the ghettos and camps. It is nearly 20 years after my visit Ordinary people, put into extraordi-
and with the passage of time the city
nary circumstances.
has been united, and many physi-cal reminders have gone. What is
These terrible events happened
certain to me is that in another time,
only a lifetime ago, in what might
another place, similar events could
have considered a cultured civilized happen again, and for this reason
society, just like our own. I have not
it is important to educate all gen-
visited any of the camps, perhaps
erations with this simple message.
one day I will. However, I did visit
NEVER AGAIN. Sadly, it seems not
Berlin in December 1989, just at
everyone is listening.
the time the wall crumbled. It was a place of living history, and this
Ian Smiler
visit provided me with a real, almost tangible link between the past and present. Berlin was still a divided city, and to get there the aircraft had to descend to 10,000 feet and fly through a military corridor across
East German airspace. Many of the trappings emphasising that this
place was still under military control were still in place. I visited the Rus-
Please take care not to park in front
sian Sector of the city, and saw the
of our neighbours' driveways. Some
wall. I also went to what is now the
entrances do not have drop-down
Jewish Community Centre, built on
kerbs but are, nevertheless, access
the site, and incorporating ruins of
entrances, especially 264 Margate
a former Synagogue. There were
Road (diagonally opposite) and 297,
times when I felt shivers run down
my spine, thinking of what may well have happened in my current loca-tion as I travelled on the railway, or
visited former Jewish owned shops. From this city orders were issued to wipe out all members of a specific
The Imam of the Margate Mosque,
religion, wherever they were, includ-
Union Crescent, Margate, invites you
ing all the children, irrespective of
to see what happens in the Mosque;
whether pure or mixed parentage.
to experience how Muslims pray; to
This in my view differentiates the
ask questions and learn about Islam.
Holocaust from all other atrocities, however heinous they are.
Open afternoons are on the first Saturday afternoon of each month from 1pm to 4pm
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International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 23S1 (2004) S67–S74 Bacterial biofilm formation on urologic devices and heparin coating as preventive strategy Peter Tenke , Claus R. Riedl , Gwennan Ll. Jones , Gareth J. Williams , David Stickler , Elisabeth Nagy a Department of Urology, Jahn Ferenc South-Pest Hospital, H-1204 Budapest, Köves u. 2-4, Hungary b Department of Urology, Thermenklinikum Baden, Baden, Austria