Until the chemist opens
Pal iation from the doctor's bag
MBBS, is a registrar, Southern
Adelaide Palliative Services,
Repatriation General Hospital,
South Australia.
People with a life limiting il ness may have unpredictable exacerbations of their symptoms requiring after hours care by
a Research Fellow, Southern
general practitioners using medications that are readily accessible. Al doctors are provided with injectable ‘doctor's
Adelaide Palliative Services,
bag' emergency drugs for use in such a crisis.
Repatriation General Hospital,
South Australia.
This article aims to: identify which medications from the doctor's bag can be used in the pal iative care crises that are
most frequently encountered, present the best possible evidence for these indications, and to provide GPs caring for
PhD, FRACGP, is Associate
Professor, Centre for General
pal iative care patients after hours with management strategies so, whenever appropriate, they can continue to be
Practice, University of
managed at home.
David C Currow
The clinical context, including disease trajectory and patient and caregivers' wishes, must be assessed in pal iative care
MPH, FRACP, is Professor,
crises. Having excluded reversible problems, symptoms can be treated using doctor's bag medications. Attention must
Department of Palliative and
be given to route of administration, duration of effect, and appropriate doses for effective pal iation.
Supportive Services, Flinders
University, and Director,
Southern Adelaide Palliative
Services, Repatriation General
Hospital, South Australia.
Australian general practitioners treat a median of
The doctor's bag contains injectable emergency
5–7 palliative patients each year1 – a small part of
medications, some of which have off-license but wel
their total clinical practice. However, it is care that
accepted indications for pal iative care, that can provide
patients and their families value greatly and, if
excel ent symptom control (
Table 1, 2). Appropriate use
done well, stands out in people's minds as a very
of these medications for pal iation in a crisis requires
special encounter. Patients with end stage disease
consideration of route of administration, appropriate
may have unpredictable crises requiring emergency
doses, knowledge of the duration of effect, and of
assessment and treatment after hours. Frequently
adverse effects relevant in the emergency setting. The
encountered acute problems may include nausea,
preferred parenteral route of administration for pal iative
vomiting, dyspnoea, delirium and pain, which occur
medications is subcutaneous. It is worthwhile to carry
in many life limiting illnesses including cancer, HIV/
subcutaneous butterfly needles in the emergency bag
AIDS, end stage organ failure and neurodegenerative
as inserting a butterfly for repeated doses is less
diseases such as multiple sclerosis or motor
traumatic for the patient. Suggested dosages are taken,
wherever possible, from the
Therapeutic guidelines for
pal iative care.2
Decision making as the end of life approaches can
Nausea and vomiting
be chal enging. Patients may no longer want active investigation and management, or may be unrealistic
Nausea and vomiting are common, unpleasant
about what is still achievable, especially at home.
symptoms in patients with cancer and other end
Assessment of the patient's disease trajectory and
stage diseases. Assessment aims to identify an
potential y reversible pathologies may be difficult in the
underlying cause. Causes may relate to the disease
after hours setting. Nonetheless, the clinical imperative
process (eg. cerebral metastases), to treatment (eg.
is to relieve acute, distressing symptoms, and offer the
chemotherapy), or be unrelated (eg. gastroenteritis).3
possibility of appropriate management at home if the
It is often multifactorial. Assessment should focus
patient and caregiver wish, and when appropriate.
on distinguishing potential y reversible presentations
Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 35, No. 4, April 2006 225
CLINICAL PRACTICE Until the chemist opens – palliation from the doctor's bag
requiring more urgent attention (eg. bowel
The doctor's bag carries several drugs
death approaches, and in some patients no
obstruction, raised intracranial pressure) from
with antiemetic activity: metoclopramide,
reversible causes wil be identifiable (
Table 4).
those that can be managed symptomatical y
prochlorperazine, chlorpromazine, haloperidol,
Several randomised control ed trials using oral
pending further review. It also guides
dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, and
or parenteral opioids for dyspnoea in people
medication choice. For example, prokinetic
promethazine. Parenteral forms can be
with a range of life limiting il nesses have
effects of metoclopromide are helpful in
administered subcutaneously rather than
shown beneficial effect.7,8 Pain and dyspnoea
gastric stasis but are likely to worsen vomiting
intramuscularly except prochlorperazine and
are potent stimulants of respiratory drive; by
and colicky pain in complete gastrointestinal
chlorpromazine, which may only be given
modulating the respiratory drive, morphine
obstruction.4 Unheralded vomiting suggests
intravenously or intramuscularly.
lessens distress associated with severe
the possibility of cerebral metastases or very
dyspnoea, reducing respiratory effort without
high bowel obstruction, and steroids may be
changing respiratory rate.9 Benzodiazepines
appropriately used5,6 (
Table 3).
Dyspnoea may be insidious, often worsens as
are sometimes recommended to treat
Table 1. Doctor's bag medications and their indications for palliation
Medication and form
Pal iative care indication
Mode of action
Malignant bleeding
Can be used topical y (ie. adrenaline soaked gauze) for smal volume
Injection 1 mg/mL (1 in 1000)
bleeding at superficial sites otherwise difficult to control (eg. fungating wounds)
Noisy breathing/terminal secretions (‘death rattle')
Anticholinergic – may reduce bronchial secretions
Side effects of atropine can be distressing for conscious or semiconscious patients.
Injection 600 µg in 1 mL
Terminal secretions do not always require treatment. Treatment is often ineffective
once secretions are wel established. Repositioning may reduce breathing noises
Antipsychotic with antiemetic action via dopamine
Haloperidol preferred as it can be given subcutaneously and is less sedating than
Injection 50 mg in 2 mL
Delirium/acute confusional state
antagonism at the chemoreceptor trigger zone
chlorpromazine, and (unlike metoclopromide) has no prokinetic effect
Injection 5 mg in 1 mL
Central causes of nausea and vomiting, raised intracranial
Corticosteroids – act to reduce malignant
Dexamethasone is the more commonly used drug for these indications, but
Injection 4 mg in 1 mL
pressure, malignant spinal cord compression, neuropathic
inflammation and cytokine production, reduce
equipotent dose of hydrocortisone is a reasonable alternative.
pain or other poorly control ed pain, superior vena cava
perineural oedema, mechanism of antiemetic
High dose dexamethasone (16 mg daily) may prevent long term neurological
obstruction, dyspnoea caused by lymphangitis
effect not known
consequences of some spinal cord compressions if started immediately. If
Injection 100 mg in 2 mL
active treatment of cord compression or raised intracranial pressure is appropriate,
it should be instituted without delay and further investigations urgently arranged
Agitation and restlessness, myoclonus, seizures, muscle spasm
Benzodiazepine – GABA agonist, effective as
Benzodiazepines can worsen delirium. If delirium is suspected an antipsychotic
Injection 10 mg in 2 mL
anxiety from dyspnoea or other difficult symptoms
anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant and anxiolytic
should be used in preference to a benzodiazepine initial y. Myoclonus suggests
renal or hepatic encephalopathy or neuroexcitatory effects of medications including
accumulating opioid metabolites. Further investigation may be appropriate
depending on the stage of the patient's disease. Benzodiazepines may precipitate or
worsen hepatic encephalopathy due to cirrhotic liver disease
Antiemetics which act by dopamine antagonism
Metoclopramide is preferred as it can be given subcutaneously; contraindicated in
Injection 10 mg in 2 mL
at the chemoreceptor trigger zone; metoclopramide
suspected high bowel obstruction
is also prokinetic and increases tone in the
gastro-oesophageal sphincter
Opioid agonist – mode of action in relieving dyspnoea Morphine has been shown to relieve dyspnoea in end stage respiratory disease and
Injection 15 mg in 1 mL
Dyspnoea, acute pulmonary oedema
not known, may act by modulating ventilatory
should not be withheld from distressed patients because of underlying lung
disease. Nebulised morphine has not been shown to be effective18 – the parenteral
route is most appropriate in an emergency
Nausea (vestibular type in particular)
Antihistamine – acts on vestibular apparatus and
Sedating effects of promethazine can also be beneficial in contributing to symptom
Injection 50 mg in 2 mL
vomiting centre by H1 receptor antagonism
control for selected patients. Considerable patient variability in response
226 Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 35, No. 4, April 2006
Until the chemist opens – palliation from the doctor's bag CLINICAL PRACTICE
anxiety associated with refractory dyspnoea
person. Anticholinergic medications are
the end stage of life limiting illnesses, is
in the terminal y il .10 Their use can only be
traditional y used, as an extension of their
underdiagnosed, and is associated with poor
extrapolated from their anxiolytic role and
use in anaesthesia for managing airway
prognosis.12 A simple tool for the detection of
have not been formal y studied in this setting.
secretions. The side effect profile of atropine
delirium is the Confusion Assessment method
Patients with lymphangitis carcinomatosis
can be distressing to a conscious patient (dry
Table 5). Delirium is often multifactorial and
present with severe dyspnoea which may
mouth, tachycardia, urinary retention). It may
less than half of cases occurring at the end
progress rapidly, often unrelieved by oxygen
worsen confusion and delirium, because it
of life are reversible.13 Delirium is distressing
or morphine. It is most often seen in breast,
crosses the blood-brain barrier. Repositioning
for patients, families and caregivers. It may
lung and gastric cancers. Steroids may be
the patient may be almost as beneficial.11
be hyperactive (two-thirds), hypoactive, or
tried in this situation.6
Delirium/acute confusional states
both, and is characterised by fluctuating
Noisy respirations at the end of life (‘death
poor concentration, confusion, and easy
rattle') may upset the caregivers of a dying
Delirium is common in patients approaching
distractibility, making assessment of other
Table 1. Doctor's bag medications and their indications for palliation
Medication and form
Pal iative care indication
Mode of action
Malignant bleeding
Can be used topical y (ie. adrenaline soaked gauze) for smal volume
Injection 1 mg/mL (1 in 1000)
bleeding at superficial sites otherwise difficult to control (eg. fungating wounds)
Noisy breathing/terminal secretions (‘death rattle')
Anticholinergic – may reduce bronchial secretions
Side effects of atropine can be distressing for conscious or semiconscious patients.
Injection 600 µg in 1 mL
Terminal secretions do not always require treatment. Treatment is often ineffective
once secretions are wel established. Repositioning may reduce breathing noises
Antipsychotic with antiemetic action via dopamine
Haloperidol preferred as it can be given subcutaneously and is less sedating than
Injection 50 mg in 2 mL
Delirium/acute confusional state
antagonism at the chemoreceptor trigger zone
chlorpromazine, and (unlike metoclopromide) has no prokinetic effect
Injection 5 mg in 1 mL
Central causes of nausea and vomiting, raised intracranial
Corticosteroids – act to reduce malignant
Dexamethasone is the more commonly used drug for these indications, but
Injection 4 mg in 1 mL
pressure, malignant spinal cord compression, neuropathic
inflammation and cytokine production, reduce
equipotent dose of hydrocortisone is a reasonable alternative.
pain or other poorly control ed pain, superior vena cava
perineural oedema, mechanism of antiemetic
High dose dexamethasone (16 mg daily) may prevent long term neurological
obstruction, dyspnoea caused by lymphangitis
effect not known
consequences of some spinal cord compressions if started immediately. If
Injection 100 mg in 2 mL
active treatment of cord compression or raised intracranial pressure is appropriate,
it should be instituted without delay and further investigations urgently arranged
Agitation and restlessness, myoclonus, seizures, muscle spasm
Benzodiazepine – GABA agonist, effective as
Benzodiazepines can worsen delirium. If delirium is suspected an antipsychotic
Injection 10 mg in 2 mL
anxiety from dyspnoea or other difficult symptoms
anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant and anxiolytic
should be used in preference to a benzodiazepine initial y. Myoclonus suggests
renal or hepatic encephalopathy or neuroexcitatory effects of medications including
accumulating opioid metabolites. Further investigation may be appropriate
depending on the stage of the patient's disease. Benzodiazepines may precipitate or
worsen hepatic encephalopathy due to cirrhotic liver disease
Antiemetics which act by dopamine antagonism
Metoclopramide is preferred as it can be given subcutaneously; contraindicated in
Injection 10 mg in 2 mL
at the chemoreceptor trigger zone; metoclopramide
suspected high bowel obstruction
is also prokinetic and increases tone in the
gastro-oesophageal sphincter
Opioid agonist – mode of action in relieving dyspnoea Morphine has been shown to relieve dyspnoea in end stage respiratory disease and
Injection 15 mg in 1 mL
Dyspnoea, acute pulmonary oedema
not known, may act by modulating ventilatory
should not be withheld from distressed patients because of underlying lung
disease. Nebulised morphine has not been shown to be effective18 – the parenteral
route is most appropriate in an emergency
Nausea (vestibular type in particular)
Antihistamine – acts on vestibular apparatus and
Sedating effects of promethazine can also be beneficial in contributing to symptom
Injection 50 mg in 2 mL
vomiting centre by H1 receptor antagonism
control for selected patients. Considerable patient variability in response
Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 35, No. 4, April 2006 227
Until the chemist opens – palliation from the doctor's bag CLINICAL PRACTICE
Table 2. Suggested emergency management strategies for acute symptom control and palliation from the doctor's bag
Nausea and vomiting
• Metoclopromide 10–20 mg subcutaneously, dose may be repeated if necessary, up to 120 mg over 24 hours OR
• Haloperidol* 0.5–2.5 mg subcutaneously, up to 5 mg over 24 hours OR
• Promethazine 10–25 mg subcutaneously, up to 100 mg over 24 hours
• Suspected central causes of vomiting: dexamethasone 8–16 mg subcutaneously as a single dose
• Opioid naïve patient: morphine 1–2 mg subcutaneously, repeat half hourly if needed
• Patients on regular opioids: morphine, statim dose should be calculated based on 30–50% increase on the fourth hourly dose of opioid1
• Persistent distress unrelieved by morphine: diazepam 2–5 mg intravenously, repeated half hourly if needed until agitation settles
• Haloperidol 2.5–5.0 mg subcutaneously,2 titrate at half hourly intervals up to 15 mg in 24 hours OR
• Chlorpromazine 10–25 mg intravenously, titrate at half hourly intervals, up to 100 mg in 24 hours is a more sedating option
• If the patient is agitated, distressed, and/or a risk to themselves or their caregivers, sedation may be required in addition to
antipsychotic medication
• Diazepam 2.5–10.0 mg intravenously,2 repeated in half an hour if needed, until sedation is achieved
• Opioid naïve: morphine 1.0–2.5 mg subcutaneously (frail, elderly) or 2.5–5.0 mg subcutaneously as an initial dose. In a crisis, the
patient should be frequently reviewed and the dose titrated up or down by 30–50% according to effect
• On opioids already, experiencing an acute exacerbation that is likely to be opioid sensitive: increase background and breakthrough
doses of opioid by 30–50% and convert to parenteral morphine3
1. On opioids already, with an acute change less likely to be opioid sensitive (eg. visceral or neuropathic pain): a single dose of dexamethasone 4–16 mg
subcutaneously can be added to opioid
2. Use lower end of dose range initial y in those who are medication naïve, the frail and elderly to minimise side effects3. Breakthrough doses are one-sixth to one-twelfth of total daily dose. Conversion from oral to parenteral morphine is based on oral bioavailability of
30–50%. Parenteral doses must therefore be calculated as half to one-third of the oral morphine dose
symptoms with a subjective component
morphine use, and treatment of acute pain in
pain, especial y in calculating an appropriate
difficult (eg. pain or dyspnoea). Confusional
the opioid naïve patient. Difficulties arise with
crisis dose when the usual medication is
states most likely to be reversible at the
assessing opioid needs in patients already
different, or is taken by a different route (eg.
end of life are those related to medications,
using regular opioids who have escalating
transdermal fentanyl patch, methadone, or oral
sepsis, dehydration, and treatable metabolic abnormalities such as hypoxaemia.13
Table 3. Bowel obstruction – an emergency management strategy from the doctor's bag
Haloperidol is the first line medication
for treating delirium and can be given
Often partial/subacute rather than complete. Symptoms vary depending on level and
subcutaneously.14 Benzodiazepines have no
completeness of obstruction. Gastric splash suggests high level of obstruction. Bulky
primary role in treating delirium and may
hepatomegaly can sometimes cause gastric outlet obstruction
worsen it.15 However, severe agitated delirium
occurring in the last hours to days of life
Aim is to reduce gastric secretions, pain, nausea and vomiting, and inflammation
sometimes requires a sedating antipsychotic
at site of obstruction, using parenteral medications. A combination of medications
and the addition of a benzodiazepine, which
usually needed for optimal comfort. Overhydration (>1 L/day) should be avoided as
may act synergistical y.
it increases volume of gastrointestinal secretions. Effective medical management is usually possible without use of nasogastric drainage in end stage disease
Pal iative care patients with significant pain
Haloperidol 0.5–5.0 mg subcutaneously is the most appropriate antiemetic as it will not worsen colicky pain (0.5–2.5 mg in the frail elderly)
will require a strong opioid for adequate
Dexamethasone 8–16 mg subcutaneously reduces peritumour oedema and nausea,
symptom relief. The doctor's bag contains
has been shown to speed resolution of malignant bowel obstruction
injectable morphine and tramadol. Morphine
Parenteral opioid should be titrated for analgesia
is the preferred medication for palliation (
Table 6).16 Most doctors are familiar with
Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 35, No. 4, April 2006 229
CLINICAL PRACTICE Until the chemist opens – palliation from the doctor's bag
sustained release preparations of oxycodone,
30–50% increase in the total daily dose and
conversion table can be consulted for the
morphine or tramadol). These patients are
also in the breakthrough dose of a patient
conversion to parenteral morphine.2
often undertreated in an acute pain crisis. A
on regular opioids is general y safe, and a
Corticosteroids can be helpful in patients with pain due to acute nerve compression,
Table 4. Possible causes of dyspnoea in terminally ill patients
visceral distension, raised intracranial pressure and soft tissue infiltration.6,17
Related to the disease
Dexamethasone can be given subcutaneously.
• Lung tumour or metastases
In a crisis an immediate dose is appropriate,
• Lymphangitis carcinomatosis
however ongoing steroids should not be given
• Pleural or pericardial effusion
after midday as they have the potential for
• Cardiac tamponade
significant sleep disturbance.
• Superior vena cava obstruction• Pulmonary embolism
• Muscle weakness
Patients with end stage disease may progress
into organ failure, and be frail and cachexic.
• Psychological distress
Many are also elderly. Dose selection should
Related to treatment of the disease
take these factors into account, often starting
• Chemotherapy induced lung injury (eg. bleomycin, taxanes)
at the lower end of the dose range. Arranging
• Radiation pneumonitis (a late effect – months to years)
to review the effect of the initial dose and
Comorbid or intercurrent problems
titrate medications is the safest way to assure
• Congestive cardiac failure
good symptom control.
• Exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease • Pneumonia
• Multifactorial
Some exacerbations may be intermittent or self limiting, but new symptoms can also herald progression of disease and sometimes
Table 5. The Confusion Assessment method19
the onset of the terminal phase. Patients
and their families often have clear ideas
1. Acute onset and
Usually obtained from a family member or nurse
about where they wish care to be provided
fluctuating course
and shown by positive responses to the following
at this time. For some people with a good
questions: ‘Is there evidence of an acute change in
level of function and an acute, unexpected
mental status from the patient's baseline?' ‘Did the
deterioration, transfer to a hospital for
abnormal behaviour fluctuate during the day, ie. tend to come and go, or increase and decrease in severity?'
investigation and management may be
Shown by a positive response to the following: ‘Did the
appropriate. For others, it may result in
patient have difficulty in focusing attention, eg. being
needless hospitalisation for a problem that
easily distracted or having difficulty keeping track of
could have been effectively managed in the
what was being said?'
community setting. The option of care at
3. Disorganised thinking
Shown by a positive response to the following: ‘Was
home is often grateful y received, and good
the patient's thinking disorganised or incoherent such as
emergency symptom control contributes to
rambling or irrelevant conversation, unclear or illogical
this being a possibility. The chal enging aspect
ideas, or unpredictable switching from subject to subject?'
of patient assessment as death approaches
4. Altered level of
Shown by any other than ‘alert' to the following:
however is in judging the disease trajectory,
‘Overall, how would you rate this patient's level of
and helping people weigh up the benefits and
burdens of medical interventions that might
be offered for potential y reversible symptoms,
Hyperalert = vigilant
so they can make their own choices.
Drowsy, easily aroused = lethargic
Most palliative care services provide
Difficult to arouse = stupor
advice around the clock and can assist general
Unarousable = coma
practitioners. Referral for acutely uncontrol ed symptoms allows urgent follow up from
The diagnosis of delirium requires the presence of 1 and 2 plus either 3 or 4
the local palliative care team for ongoing
230 Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 35, No. 4, April 2006
Until the chemist opens – palliation from the doctor's bag CLINICAL PRACTICE
Table 6. Choice of parenteral opioid from the doctor's bag for palliation in a crisis
May be given subcutaneously
If there is a history of intolerance, give with an antiemetic. Avoid if possibility of hypersensitivity
Is also effective for dyspnoea
Renally cleared – dose reduce in renal failure
Clinical effect lasts 3–4 hours
Upper dose only limited by side effects, and considered titration minimises these effects
Can be used to initiate continuing analgesia with regular
oral or ongoing subcutaneous morphine (regularly or by
continuous infusion)
Can be used if morphine sensitivity or intolerance
Has an upper ceiling on dose, therefore not
Acts via serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake, therefore
the ideal agent for palliation
may have a role in complex and neuropathic pain
Dose reduce in renal failure, hepatic failure,
Duration of effect 6–9 hours
and in the elderly
Potential interaction with other analgesics, antidepressants and serotonergic agents – may precipitate seizures or serotonergic syndrome
management, and additional support for those
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Conflict of interest: none.
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As well as being president of the Conditional Immortality Association I also pastorThe Church of Christ (L&A) in Takanini and as part of my work with the AdventChristian Conference of New Zealand, the Randwick Park Christian Life Church.The Randwick Park Christian Life church meets in a Council run Community house.But we are not the only "spiritual" group that uses the building. There is our smallgroup of Bible believing Christians who meet there. There are three other groups ofspiritualists and mediums that meet there. These people are convinced that thereexist invisible, superhuman "spirit guides" wanting to make contact with people hereon earth. These people are convinced that it is possible and even desirable to makecontact with the spirits of human beings that have lived and died here on earth.
WWP – Work with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence in Europe – Daphne II Project 2006 - 2008 Directrices para el desarrollo de unas normas para los programas dirigidos a los hombres perpetradores de la violencia doméstica Version 1.1 Introducción La violencia ejercida contra las mujeres ocurre en todos los países de Europa, siendo un problema serio y generalizado. Este tipo de violencia es una manifestación de la desigualdad en las relaciones de poder entre los hombres y las mujeres, que ha llevado a la dominación sobre y discriminación contra las mujeres por parte de los primeros, al impedimento de su desarrollo íntegro, representando una violación omnipresente de los derechos humanos y obstáculo importante a la igualdad de género1. Los estados miembros de los organismos internacionales, como las NN.UU. y el Consejo Europeo, y también los países de la UE, están vinculados por leyes internacionales y nacionales a ejercitar la diligencia debida para prevenir, investigar y castigar los actos de violencia, sean perpetrados por el estado o por personas físicas, y de proveer de ayuda a las víctimas2. La violencia doméstica contra las mujeres supone un patrón de comportamiento controlador por parte de la (ex) pareja íntima, que incluye, sin ser excluyente, la violencia física y sexual, el maltrato emocional, el aislamiento, la violencia económica, las amenazas, la intimidación, y el acoso3. La violencia contra las mujeres en la familia también afecta a sus hijos/as, que, a su vez, tienen el derecho a ser protegidos y recibir apoyo.