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A.G. Reznikov, N.D. Nosenko, L.V. Tarasenko, P.V. Sinitsyn, A.A. Lymareva
Prenatal dexamethasone prevents early
and long-lasting neuroendocrine and behavioral effects
of maternal stress on male offspring
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tion and might contribute to sexual behavioral
and reproductive disorders in adulthood [20,
A lot of early environmental influences on the
22, 23, 29]. In human offspring, the adverse
developing mammalian brain like prenatal
behavioral and cognitive consequences of
stress, exposure to excessive amount of glu-
stress experienced by the woman during natu-
cocorticoids, sex steroids, nutrient restriction,
ral environmental disaster have been de-
maternal deprivation etc. were shown to be
scribed in ice-storm study [14].
capable of modifying neuroendocrine func-
Maternal stress during the last week of
tions and behavior in adulthood. Obviously,
pregnancy generates numerous endocrine,
altered programming of the hypothalamic-pi-
neurotransmitter, cardiovascular and other
tuitary-adrenal (HPA) axis that has resulted
homeostatic turbulences in the mother and
from maternal stress or glucocorticoid treat-
fetus. Although HPA axis responses to stres-
ment in humans and animals might be associ-
sors in late pregnancy seem to be attenuated
ated with an impairment of HPA function,
[5], many studies focused at the possible key
anxiety and depression-like behavior, high risk
role of the HPA activation in the pathogene-
of hypertension, glucose intolerance, obesity
sis of long-term consequences of prenatal
and other metabolic disorders in adult offspring
stress in primates, guinea pigs, rats, sheep,
both in males and females [12, 26, 34]. Pre-
pigs and other species (for review see Kapoor
natal stress or glucocorticoid treatment of rats
et al., 2006). In rats, maternal stress leads to
during the third week of pregnancy modifies
significant elevation of corticosterone levels
the basic neurochemical and neurophysiologi-
in maternal and fetal plasma [10, 15, 31], and
cal mechanisms of sexual brain differentia-
presumably to increased access of maternal
A.G. Reznikov, N.D. Nosenko, L.V. Tarasenko, P.V. Sinitsyn, A.A. Lymareva
ISSN 0201-8489 Ô³ç³îë. æóðí., 2008, Ò. 54, ¹ 5
A.G. Reznikov, N.D. Nosenko, L.V. Tarasenko, P.V. Sinitsyn, A.A. Lymareva
endogenous glucocorticoid to the fetus due to
protocols approved by the Animal Care Com-
stress-induced reduction in placental 11β-
mission at the Institute, in accordance with
hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β-HSD-
European Convention for the Protection of
2) activity (for review see Seckl et al., 2004).
Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and
However, there are a lot of controversies with
other Scientific Purposes (Strasbourg, 1986).
regard to mediating role of HPA hormones and
Virgin Wistar female rats (200±10 g) were
mechanisms by which fetus exposure to stress
mated overnight and pregnancy was confirmed
in utero modifies the brain development
by presence of spermatozoa in vaginal smears
on following morning, which was considered
It is still not clear whether stress-induced
gestational day 1. Time-mated dams (n=40)
HPA activation generates multiple neuro-
were subjected to 1 h strict immobilization in
endocrine and behavioral changes in prenatally
supine position during days 15 to 21 of gesta-
stressed animals. Some prenatal stress effects,
tion. Some of them (n=20) were injected i.m.
for example, changes in the hypothalamic
with Dex (KRKA, Slovenia) in a dose of 0.1
noradrenaline content or sex-related HPA
mg/kg b.w. 30 min prior to each stress ses-
responses to noradrenergic stimulation in rats,
sion. Control mothers (n=35) were injected
could not be mimicked by fetal exposure to glu-
with physiological saline according to the
cocorticoids [23, 30]. In the experiments with
above protocol and housed in the vivarium with
maternal bilateral adrenalectomy it was shown
no handling.
that maternal adrenal hormone mediates the HPA
Litter size averaged 6 pups. A total of 75
dysregulation and the alterations of anxiogenic
litters with 403 males were allocated into
and spatial learning behaviors in rat offspring ex-
groups. 47 intact females were taken for
perienced prenatal stress [36]. However, accord-
comparison with control males. 5- and 10-day-
ing to some research, prenatal ACTH or
old pups and mature descendants aged 3
corticosterone treatments do not impair sexual
months (weight range 140-160 g), 6 months
behavior in male rats [10].
(weight range 180 200 g) or 8 months
Bilateral adrenalectomy eliminates an in-
(weight range 220 250 g) were taken to the
crease in adrenal hormone release during
study. The difference in the descendant body
stress. In the meantime, stressful stimuli pro-
mass values within each animal group did not
voke a wide range of homeostatic distur-
exceed 15 %.
bances. Within HPA system, they involve
Brain protein profile
surges of CRH, ACTH, vasopressin, β-endor-
Soluble cytosolic proteins isolated from the
phin secretion, hypothalamic noradrenaline
preoptic area (POA) and medial basal hypo-
depletion, glutamate excitation and many other
thalamus (MBH) were studied in 5-day-old
events in neuroendocrine machinery.
offspring (n=140). The male pups from all
In order to clarify the role of HPA function
experimental groups and both male and fe-
in pathogenesis of adverse neuroendocrine and
male control pups were quickly decapitated.
behavioral consequences of prenatal stress in
POA and MBH were isolated by brain dis-
rats, dexamethasone (Dex) blockade of the HPA
section, then combined by 5 - 7 tissue sam-
axis was used in this study followed by evalua-
ples and frozen at 20 oC until being assayed.
tion of the brain physiology and chemistry in pre-
The spectrum of soluble proteins from discrete
pubertal and mature male offspring.
brain structures was determined by modified
Laemmli method [16].
The tissues were homogenized in 10 vol-
umes of ice-cold buffer, containing 0.25 M of
Animals and experimental protocol
sucrose, 0.025 M potassium chloride, 0.005
Experiments were performed according to
Ì magnesium chloride and 0.05 M tris-HCl,
ISSN 0201-8489 Ô³ç³îë. æóðí., 2008, Ò. 54, ¹ 5
Prenatal dexamethasone prevents
pH 7.4, and centrifuged during 60 min at
generating system (2 mM NADP, 10 mM glu-
100,000 g. Supernatant was taken for the
cose-6-phosphate and 2 IU/ml glucose-6-
elctrophoretic analysis. Protein concentration
phosphate dehydrogenase) [18]. [4-14C]Estra-
was measured by Lowry method [17].
diol was used as an internal standard. Tritiat-
Samples of soluble proteins containing 5 %
ed estradiol and 5α-reduced androgen metab-
SDS, 10 % mercaptoethanol and 40 % sucrose
olites which have been derived from testoste-
were heated at 100 oC for 5 min. Protein frac-
rone were isolated by two-dimensional thin
tionation was carried out by plate disc-elec-
layer chromatography on Silica gel 60/Kiesel-
trophoresis using 5 % polyacrylamide gel
guhr F plates (Merck, Germany). Radio-
(PAAG) as concentrating and 10 % PAAG
activity of isolated steroids was recorded in a
as dividing ones. Running buffer, ðÍ 8.4, con-
two-channel β-spectrometer (Beckman LS
tained 0.025 Ì Tris-HCl, 0.1 % sodium
500TA, USA). Aromatase activity was cal-
dodecyl sulfate and 0.193 Ì glycine. Elec-
culated as an amount of estradiol, and 5α-re-
trophoresis was carried out consecutively at
ductase activity as a sum of 5α-dihydrotesto-
20 mA (in concentrating gel) and 30 mA (in
sterone and 3α-androstandiol produced for 1 h
dividing gel) for 40 60 min. Gels were
per 1 g tissue.
stained overnight at room temperature in the
Sexual behavior evaluation
mixture containing 9.0 % acetic acid, 45 %
Male sexual behavior tests were run in two
methanol and 0.025 % Coomassie Brilliant
trials. The male rats (n=19) were 87-90 days
Blue R250, and then destained in several
old in the first trial and 93-96 days old in the
changes of 7.5 % acetic acid. LKB MW70
second one. The control, prenatally stressed
kit was used as molecular weight protein
and Dex-pretreated prenatally stressed males,
markers. Slab gels were scanned using Epson
were tested during the second half of the dark
perfection 1670 scanner. Densitometry was
cycle with ovariectomized female rats made
carried out by Scion Image computer program.
receptive by hormonal injection (0.1 mg of
The results were expressed as relative den-
estradiol benzoate per rat, i.m. in oil, 48 h pri-
sity value under curve for each protein frac-
or to the test day followed by 0.5 mg of
tion with regard to total density.
progesterone in oil i.m., 4 h prior to the test).
Brain enzyme activities
The test consisted of placing each male to
Aromatase (estrogen sythetase, EC
mating chamber 5 min before a receptive fe-
and 5α-reductase (3-oxo-5a-steroid: NADP+4-
male was introduced. Mating chambers were
ene oxydoreductase, EC activities
illuminated with dim red lights. Each test last-
were determined in POA and MBH of 10-day-
ed for 30 min. The frequency of mounts, in-
old offspring (n=50). The male pups from all
tromissions and ejaculations, and the timing
animal experimental groups and both male and
of each response as well as time to first
female control pups were quickly decapitat-
mount after the first ejaculation (postejacula-
ed. POA and MBH were isolated by brain dis-
tory interval) were recorded. This procedure
section, then combined by 2 - 3 tissue sam-
was repeated in one week. Results were as-
ples and frozen at 20 îC until being assayed.
sessed separately for the first and the second
For aromatase and 5α-reductase activities
determination, the aliquots of 1000 g super-
Stress-test procedure
natant of the 10 % tissue homogenates were
6-Month-old male offspring (groups of con-
incubated during 1 h in Tris-HCl buffer (pH
trol, prenatally stressed and Dex-pretreated
7.4) containing [1,2,6,7-3H]testosterone (s.a.
prenatally stressed males, each consisted of
3.74 TBq/mmol, Amersham, UK) as the
5-6 animals) was subjected to 1 h strict re-
enzyme substrate in the presence of NADP.H
straining. The rats were immobilized in supine
ISSN 0201-8489 Ô³ç³îë. æóðí., 2008, Ò. 54, ¹ 5
A.G. Reznikov, N.D. Nosenko, L.V. Tarasenko, P.V. Sinitsyn, A.A. Lymareva
position with the extremities being attached to
jugular vein before and then 30 and 60 min
a small animal desk. Non-stressed animals
after noradrenaline infusion. Every sample
were used as controls. The animals were
was substituted immediately by an equal vol-
quickly decapitated immediately after 1 h re-
ume of saline containing 50 IU/ml heparin.
striction. Taking into consideration possible
Plasma was separated and the aliquots were
impact of general anaesthesia on the cate-
stored at -20 oC until measurement of corti-
cholamine content in the brain tissues eutha-
costerone concentrations. As it was revealed
nasia was performed without anaesthetic
in the previous studies, intracerebroventricu-
drugs. The hypothalamus was isolated by brain
lar infusions of 2 µl saline do not affect plas-
tissue dissection at +4 oC. Only fresh brain
ma corticosterone levels.
tissues were used for catecholamine assay.
Catecholamine assay
Trunk heparinized blood samples were taken,
Noradrenaline and dopamine (3-hydroxy-
and the plasma was separated and stored at
tyramine) contents were determined in the
20 oC until measurement of corticosterone
hypothalamus of 6-month-old male offspring.
Immediately after decapitation, hypothalamus
Study of baclofen effects on the HPA stress
was excised as rapidly as possible, then
weighed and frozen on dry ice. Hypothalamic
The experiments were carried out in 6-month-
tissue samples were homogenized on ice in
old male offspring (n=48). Baclofen, GABA -
0.01 N HCl (1:50 w/v). Catecholamines were
receptors agonist (Sigma, USA), dissolved
extracted with 5 ml of n-butanol. After cen-
in apyrogenic isotonic NaCl solution was in-
trifugation at 1500 g for 10 min, the superna-
jected i.p. in a dose of 10 mg/kg b.w. 30 min
tants were placed to the tubes containing pH
prior to an acute stress (1 h restriction). The
6.5 phosphate buffer in order to transfer cate-
animals were decapitated immediately after
cholamines to aqueous phase. All of these
1 h restriction. Trunk heparinized blood sam-
procedures were performed at 4 oC. Norad-
ples were taken, and the plasma was sepa-
renaline and dopamine contents were deter-
rated and stored at -20 oC until measurement
mined by spectrofluorimetric assay [11] in 0.5
of corticosterone concentrations.
ml aliquotes of supernatant after centrifuga-
Study of the HPA responses to noradrener-
tion at 3000 g. Catecholamine fluorophores
were produced by oxidation of noradrenaline
The experiments were carried out in 8-month-
and dopamine by adding 125 µl of Versen so-
old male offspring (groups of control, prena-
lution, 100 µl 0.3 M KI and 125 µl 0.5 M
tally stressed and Dex-pretreated prenatally
Na SO in 2 min intervals. The reaction was
stressed males, each consisted of 6 animals).
stopped by adding 150 µl 5 N acetic acid. The
Noradrenergic reactivity of the HPA axis was
test tubes were placed into boiling water for
tested in conscious unrestrained animals.
5 min followed by 1 min cooling in ice-bath.
Noradrenaline bitartrate in a dose of 10 µg
Fluorescence of noradrenaline and dopamine
dissolved in 2 µl of apyrogenic isotonic NaCl
was measured immediately using 385/485 nm
solution (saline) was infused into the 3rd brain
and 320/385 nm optical filters, corresponding-
ventricle via a needle inserted into a stainless
ly. Noradrenaline bitartrate and 3-hydroxy-
steel guide cannula that had been implanted 8
tyramine hydrochloride (Sigma, USA) were
to 9 days before the experiment using stereo-
used as standards. The concentrations of the
taxic coordinates [2]. Twenty four hours pri-
monoamines were expressed as nmol/g of tissue.
or to the experiment, a Silastic catheter was
Plasma corticosterone assay
inserted into the right external jugular vein [9].
Blood plasma corticosterone concentrations
Surgery was performed under ether anesthe-
were measured by spectrofluorimetric mi-
sia. Blood samples (0.5 ml) were taken from
croassay [3]. 100 µl blood plasma samples
ISSN 0201-8489 Ô³ç³îë. æóðí., 2008, Ò. 54, ¹ 5
Prenatal dexamethasone prevents
were extracted with 1.5 ml methylene chlo-
denser in females (respectively, 10 % and 15 %,
ride for 3 min. Aqueous phase containing cho-
p<0.05) while the proteins with 34.7 and 66.0
lesterol and other lipids was frozen at 40 oC.
kDa molecular weight in males (respectively,
Organic extracts were poured into the test
30 % and 10 %, P<0.05). There were no gen-
tubes, and 0.5 ml of fluorescent reagent con-
der-related differences in the electrophoretic
taining research grade H SO and dehydrated
profiles of proteins studied in the MBH.
ethanol (7 : 3, v/v) was added. The content of
As a result of maternal stress, diminution
the tubes was mixed and the upper methylene
of the density of 66.0 kDa protein was found
chloride layer was discarded. Corticosterone
in the POA of males (Fig. 1). This modifying
fluorescence was measured in 1.5 h using 470/
effect of prenatal stress on the protein was
524 nm optical filters.
prevented by Dex. Prenatal stress alone or
Statistical analysis
combined with Dex pretreatment did not
All data are presented as mean ± SEM. Stu-
change the densities of any soluble proteins
dents t criterion or Wilcoxons U test were
in the MBH of male pups.
used for evaluation of the differences between
Brain enzyme activities
experimental groups. P < 0.05 was considered
In the POA of prenatally stressed 10-day-old
as the borderline of statistic significance.
pups, aromatase activity declined on average
by 41.1 % (Fig. 2) and reached the normal
female level (for comparison, 0.352 ± 0.072
nmol estradiol.h-1.g tissue-1 in females vs.
Brain protein profile
0.598 ± 0.082 nmol estradiol.h-1.g tissue-1 in
In the POA of 5-day-old normal control pups,
males, P<0.05). Dex pretreatment completely
a significant sexual dimorphism in the density
restored the enzyme activity to normal level in
of soluble proteins with molecular weights of
prenatally stressed males.
14.3 66.0 kDa was observed. The 14.3 kDa
Prenatal stress did not affect aromatase
and 24.0 kDa molecular weight proteins were
activity in the MBH tissue samples in males,
% of total area under protein density curve
Aromatase activity (pmol estradiol/h/g tissue
Figure 2. Aromatase activity in the brain preoptic area
Figure 1. Changes in 66.0 kDa protein profile in the brain
(POA) and medial basal hypothalamus (MBH) in control
preoptic area (POA) in prenatally stressed (dark bar), Dex-
(light bars), prenatally stressed (dark bars) and Dex-pre-
pretreated prenatally stressed (gray bar) 5-day-old males
treated prenatally stressed (gray bars) 10-day-old males.
and control 5-day-old females (light bar) related to control
Data are means ± SEM. *P<0.05 compared to control
5-day-old males (accepted as 100 %). *P<0.05 compared
group; #P<0.05 compared to prenatally stressed males
to control 5-day-old males (Wilcoxons U-test)
(Students t-test)
ISSN 0201-8489 Ô³ç³îë. æóðí., 2008, Ò. 54, ¹ 5
A.G. Reznikov, N.D. Nosenko, L.V. Tarasenko, P.V. Sinitsyn, A.A. Lymareva
Table 1. Effects of prenatal exposure to Dex on brain 5α-reductase activity in prenatally stressed 10-day-old male rats
5α-reductase activity,
pmol 5α-reduced metabolites.h-1.g tissue-1
Prenatally stressed (n=5)
Dex-pretreated prenatally stressed (n=6)
* P<0.05 compared to controls
while in Dex-pretreated ones significant in-
the POA. As for 5α-reductase activity, Dex-
crease of enzyme activity compared to pre-
pretreated prenatally stressed males did not
natally stressed males without Dex premedi-
significantly differ either from control or from
cation was observed.
prenatally stressed pups.
The data of measuring 5α-reductase ac-
tivities are presented in Table 1. In the POA
When male offsprings were tested for sexual
of control males it was twice lower, and in
performance in adulthood, some variables of
the MBH it was almost 3.5 times less than in
male sexual behavior improved over 2 weeks
female pups (POA: 11.61 ± 2.06 pmol 5α-re-
of testing due to sexual experience acquisi-
duced metabolites.h-1.g tissue-1, P<0.05;
tion and development of stereotype reactions.
MBH: 20.37 ± 2.30 pmol 5α-reduced metabo-
Therefore, the results are presented separate-
lites.h-1.g tissue-1, P<0.001). Prenatal stress
ly for the first and the second week (Table 2).
resulted in significant rise of testosterone
Actually, latencies to first mount and ejacu-
reduction in the male MBH up to values which
lation in all animal groups, as well as ejacula-
did not statistically differ from those in nor-
tion frequency, in contol males significantly
mal females, while there were no changes in
improved in time course. Prenatal stress re-
Table 2. Effects of prenatal exposure to Dex on male sexual behavior in prenatally stressed 3-month-old male rats
Prenatally stressed
prenatally stressed
to first intromission
to first ejaculation
Postejaculatory interval (sec)
Number of ejaculations
to first intromission
to first ejaculation
Postejaculatory interval (sec)
Number of ejaculations
* P<0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P<0.001 compared to controls; # P<0.05, ## P<0.01 compared to the 1st trial;
P<0.05 compared to the prenatally stressed males
ISSN 0201-8489 Ô³ç³îë. æóðí., 2008, Ò. 54, ¹ 5
Prenatal dexamethasone prevents
sulted in significant prolongation of the first
Prenatal Dex treatment rendered protective
mount latency period and decrease in ejacu-
effect with regard to diminishing adrenocorti-
lation frequency both in the 1st and the 2nd
cal and hypothalamic noradrenaline responses
trials. Furthermore, in the 2nd trial the time
to an acute stress in those animals. Dex-pre-
prior to the first intromission was significant-
treated prenatally stressed males showed de-
ly longer than that of control males. Prenatal
creased basal plasma corticosterone level (31,6
exposure to Dex has led to male sexual be-
%, P<0.05) but corticosterone response to an
havior normalization in the 2nd trial on the
acute stress was similar to that of control rats
whole. The only exception was the number of
(Fig. 3). There were no significant differences
ejaculations during the 2nd mating session that
in stress-induced declines of hypothalamic
was still significantly fewer versus control
noradrenaline contents between the control (24.2
indices but greater compared to that of pre-
%, P<0.01) and Dex-pretreated prenatally stressed
natally stressed rats.
males (20 %, P<0.05) (Table 3, experiment 2).
HPA responses to an acute stress
As well no changes were found in resting hypo-
Prenatally stressed mature males exhibited
thalamic catecholamine contents in the Dex-pre-
decreased corticosterone responses to 1 h
treated prenatally stressed males compared to
restraint with no changes in basal corticos-
normal control.
terone levels (Fig. 3). Basal dopamine concen-
Baclofen effects on the HPA stress responses
tration in the hypothalamus was 15.7 % higher
Pretreatment with baclofen diminished stress-
than those of normal control (P<0.05), while
stimulated secretion of corticosterone in con-
noradrenaline maintained at normal levels. HPA
trol males but failed to alter this parameter in
stress-activation was not followed by a decrease
prenatally stressed rats (Fig. 3). Dex-pretreat-
in hypothalamic noradrenaline content, although
ed prenatally stressed males, as well as con-
control males exhibited its depletion (24.2 %,
trol ones, showed significant reduction in the
P<0.001) (Table 3, experiment 1).
adrenocortical response to an acute stress
following treatment with baclofen but the
amplitude of blood plasma corticosterone level
drop was less than that of control.
Cortocosterone (nmol/L) 500
Cortocosterone (nmol/L)
Figure 3. Effects of baclofen pretreatment on blood plasma
corticosterone response to 1h restriction in control (Ñ),
prenatally stressed (PS) and Dex-pretreated prenatally
stressed (Dex + PS) 6-month-old male offspring. Values
are means ± SEM of 5-6 animals per group. Light bars -
Figure 4. HPA response to intracerebroventricular
basal levels; dark bars - after 1 h restriction; gray bars -
noradrenaline (NA) infusion in control (continuous line),
after 1 h restriction with baclofen pretreatment. *P<0.01
prenatally stressed (dotted line) and Dex-pretreated pre-
compared to basal level; # P<0.05 compared to level after
natally stressed (pointed line) 8-month-old males. Data
1 h restriction; P<0.05 compared to resting level in control
are means ± SEM. *P<0.05 compared to basal level,
group (Students t-test).
#P<0.05 compared to control group (Students t-test).
ISSN 0201-8489 Ô³ç³îë. æóðí., 2008, Ò. 54, ¹ 5
A.G. Reznikov, N.D. Nosenko, L.V. Tarasenko, P.V. Sinitsyn, A.A. Lymareva
Table 3. Hypothalamic catecholamine response to 1 h restriction in control, prenatally stressed and Dex-pretreated
prenatally stressed 6-month-old males
Catecholamine (nmol/g tissue)Noradrenaline
After 1 h restriction
Prenatally stressed:
After 1 h restriction
After 1 h restriction
Dexamethasone-pretreated prenatally stressed:
After 1 h restriction
Data are means + SEM of 5-6 animals per group. *P<0.05; ** P<0.01; ***P<0.001 compared to resting levels;
# P<0.05 compared to resting level in control group (Students t test).
HPA responses to noradrenergic stimuation
monly used for suppressing the HPA axis in
Noradrenaline infusion into the 3rd brain ven-
the rat [1]. High glucocorticoid activity of Dex
tricle resulted in almost 3-fold blood plasma
is connected with its high affinity to tissue
corticosterone rise in control males at the 30th
glucocorticoid receptors, as well as low bind-
min (Fig. 4). In the sequel, it lowered by the
ing to plasma proteins [7]. Due to binding to
60th min but was still significantly higher as
hippocampal glucocorticoid and, to less extent,
compared to basal level. Prenatal stress
to mineralocorticoid receptors [12], which
evoked hyperactivation of the HPA axis fol-
mediate corticosteroid feedback control of
lowing noradrenaline application in male off-
basal and stress-activated adrenal hormone
spring: blood plasma corticosterone continued
secretion, Dex attenuates the HPA axis re-
to elevate by the 60th min. Though the extent
sponse to stress.
of response in those animals was less pro-
In this study Dex was used for suppres-
nounced than in controls (rise above basal lev-
sion of stress-stimulated HPA hormone secre-
el by 77 and 175 %, respectively, P<0.05).
tion in order to examine whether the hormones
The pattern of adrenocortical response to
of the HPA axis mediate early and long-term
noradrenaline central stimulation in Dex-pre-
neurochemical, neuroendocrine and behavioral
treated prenatally stressed males was similar
effects of prenatal stress in male rats. Dex is
to normal one with the only exception of
a poor substrate for 11β-HSD-2, which pre-
reaction amplitude, which was somewhat
vents the fetus from excess of maternal glu-
lower at the 30th min in comparison with con-
cocorticoids, and therefore it readily passes
trol male rats (rise by 147 vs. 175 % in
the placenta [29]. For this reason it should
attenuate stress-stimulated HPA function both
in pregnant mother and the fetus.
Here it has been shown for the first time
that supression of HPA hormone secretion
Dex, synthetic glucocorticoid, administered in
with Dex during restraining rats in late gesta-
this study in a dose of 0.1 mg/kg b.w, is com-
tion prevents numerous early and long-term
ISSN 0201-8489 Ô³ç³îë. æóðí., 2008, Ò. 54, ¹ 5
Prenatal dexamethasone prevents
alterations including brain tissue protein pat-
treatment with baclofen were observed both
tern, brain testosterone metabolism, male
in normal and Dex-pretreated prenatally
sexual behavior, hippocampal GABA recep-
stressed male rats, which suggests the ability
tor, hypothalamic noradrenaline and plasma
of GABA receptor to additional activation.
corticosterone responses to an acute stressor
Taken together, these findings reflect media-
or noradrenergic stimulation of HPA function.
ting role of stimulated HPA hormone secre-
Our findings on maintenance of normal
tion in maternal stress-induced alteration of
hypothalamic noradrenaline and adrenocorti-
GABA receptor function in male offspring.
cal responses to an acute stress in adult rats
Maternal stress during the last week of
exposed in utero to stress with Dex pretreat-
gestation leads to demasculinization and/or
ment support the concept on the mediating
feminization of sexual behavior in adult male
role of adrenal glucocorticoid excess in modu-
offspring resulted from disorder of androgen-
lating effect of prenatal stress on developmen-
dependent sexual brain differentiation. This
tal programming of HPA hormone activity [12,
generally recognized phenomenon (prenatal
stress syndrome) has been partially repro-
Previously we revealed that adult male rats
duced in this study by appearance of insuffi-
exposed prenatally to exogenous glucocorti-
cient male copulatory behavior.
coid demonstrate a diminution in plasma
In male rodents, the POA is known to play
corticosterone response to noradrenaline
a key role in neuroendocrine regulation of male
infused into the 3rd brain ventricle [30],
sexual behavior. Decrease in male sex-asso-
meanwhile, in prenatally stressed males a hy-
ciated 66.0 kDa protein density in the POA
persensitivity of the HPA axis to noradrenergic
of prenatally stressed 5-day-old animals can
stimulation was found [25]. This unexpected
be considered as an early sign of impaired
effect of prenatal glucocorticoid treatment
sexual brain differentiation, though we cannot
could appear for its direct influence on de-
identify its function. As far as steroid
veloping neurotransmitter systems, in particu-
aromatase activity in the POA of 10-day-old
lar on tyrosine hydroxylase gene expression
pups is concerned, it must be taken into ac-
[6]. Given preservation of noradrenergic sen-
count, that this enzyme is one of the main
sitivity of the hypothalamus, the main trigger
determinants of androgen-dependent brain dif-
of the HPA axis, in Dex-pretreated and pre-
ferentiation [18, 23] and it plays crucial role
natally stressed male offspring, we hypoth-
in maintaining all aspects of sexual behavior
esize that neurotransmitter disturbances in the
in male rats [28]. Therefore, decrease in the
stressed fetal brain could contribute to alter-
enzyme activity resulted from prenatal stress
ation of programming of noradrenergic control
reflects the process of demasculinization of
of HPA function resulted from prenatal stress.
male sexual behavior, which was confirmed
Neuroendocrine control of HPA hormone
by its testing in adult offsprings.
secretion under stress condition involves
We have not investigated the lordosis
GABA-ergic limitation mechanism mediated
reaction in males in this study. Given location
by GABA and GABA receptors. This
of neuroendocrine regulation of female sexual
mechanism tested with baclofen, GABA
behavior which in rodents is associated with
receptor agonist, was found to be impaired in
the MBH, one can suggest that 5β-reductase
male rats following prenatal stress. Prenatal
activity elevation in this brain structure in pre-
exposure of males to exogenous cortisol (hy-
pubertal prenatally stressed males might result
drocortisone acetate) exerts similar effect
not only in demasculinization but presumably
[19]. On the contrary, decreased adreno-
in feminization of their sexual behavior in
cortical responses to an acute stress after pre-
ISSN 0201-8489 Ô³ç³îë. æóðí., 2008, Ò. 54, ¹ 5
A.G. Reznikov, N.D. Nosenko, L.V. Tarasenko, P.V. Sinitsyn, A.A. Lymareva
Since steroid aromatase in the POA of male
mediates alterations of programming of brain
rats is induced by testosterone [27], the de-
development induced by prenatal stress.
cline of the enzyme activity in the critical pe-
riod of sexual brain differentiation presumably
A.G. Reznikov, N.D. Nosenko, L.V. Tarasenko,
results from androgen insufficiency in the fe-
P.V. Sinitsyn, A.A. Lymareva
tus under stress condition. It is generally be-
lieved that prenatal stress syndrome is gene-
rated by an increase of maternal adrenal gluco-
corticoids in blood circulation with concomitant
transitory testicular androgen deficit in male fe-
tuses. Our recent manipulations with testoster-
The hypothesis on the mediating role of hypothalamic-pitu-
one replacement or naltrexone, opioid receptor
itary-adrenocortical (HPA) hormone secretion in neuroendo-
crine, neurochemical and behavioral alterations generated by
antagonist, treatment of stressed pregnant rats
prenatal stress in male rat offspring was tested in this study
have demonstrated the essential role of andro-
with dexamethasone (Dex) used for suppression of HPA stress
gen shortage and endogenic opioids in early
responses. Pregnant dams were being restrained daily for 1 h
neurochemical feminization of the brain in pre-
over the last week of gestation. In male offspring this resulted
natally stressed male rats [21, 24] which is in
in attenuation of sex-specific pattern of the protein fractions
(on the 5th postnatal day), steroid aromatase activity (on the
line with the results of studying of adult male
10th postnatal day) in the brain preoptic area, and in a decrease
sexual behavior in similar experiments [4, 13, 33].
of male copulatory behavior, hypothalamic noradrenaline and
Catecholamines (both noradrenaline and
plasma corticosterone responses to an acute stress, an increase
dopamine) are known to play primarily stimu-
in HPA responses to noradrenergic stimulation and other ef-
latory or permissive role in sexual behavioral
fects in adulthood. All those changes were prevented with
prenatal Dex in a dose of 0.1 mg/kg b.w. injected 30 min prior
reactions [32]. Our findings on dopamine in-
to restraining pregnant dams. As such, HPA hormone secre-
crease in the MBH of prenatally stressed adult
tion mediates alterations of programming of brain develop-
male rats are quite matched with the disor-
ment induced by prenatal stress.
ders in male sexual behavior. Moreover, these
V.P.Komisarenko Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism,
observations are in concordance with the re-
sults reported by Gerardin et al. [8]. Dex pre-
treatment of prenatally stressed males was
shown to restore both normal dopamine level
in the MBH and consequently normal mani-
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ISSN 0201-8489 Ô³ç³îë. æóðí., 2008, Ò. 54, ¹ 5
Case report A finding of live Fasciolopsis buski in an ileostomy opening Rakesh K. Mahajan1, Shalini Duggal2, Niraj K. Biswas3, Nandini Duggal1, Charoo Hans1 1Department of Microbiology, Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi, India 2Department of Microbiology, Dr B. L. Kapur Memorial Hospital, Delhi, India 3Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar, Rajasthan, India Abstract A pair of live Fasciolopsis buski wriggled their way out through the ileostomy opening in a young adult male who had recently migrated to Delhi and had met with a road traffic accident. Finding this parasite in the national capital, a non endemic area for Fasciolopsiasis, prompted us to emphasize the importance of changes in the ecology, human demography, and human behaviour that may provide an environment conducive to their adaptability to the new geographical requirements. Awareness of Fasciolopsiasis, which is endemic in some regions of India, especially in rural settings, is an important issue because early diagnosis is essential. Hence, a surveillance mechanism among the migratory population to institute preventive interventions is necessary. Key words: endemic, intestinal trematode, plant-borne, migratory population J Infect Dev Ctries 2010; 4(6):401-403.
Med Health Care and Philos (2009) 12:169–178DOI 10.1007/s11019-009-9190-2 The ethics of self-change: becoming oneself by wayof antidepressants or psychotherapy? Published online: 25 February 2009 ! Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009 This paper explores the differences between character of the person in question, and this is important bringing about self-change by way of antidepressants versus