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Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board
Friday 19 February 2016
Boardroom, Beckenham Service Centre,
66 Colombo Street, Beckenham

Deputy Chairperson Phil Clearwater Melanie Coker Helene Mautner Tim Scandrett Rik Tindall 17 February 2016
Community Board Advisor To view copies of Agendas and Minutes, visit:

Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board
19 February 2016

Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Reports for Information
Decisions Under Delegation
The agenda was dealt with in the following order. 1. Apologies
Part C
An apology was received from Paul McMahon.
Community Board Resolved SHCB/2016/00004
It was resolved on the motion of Member Clearwater, seconded by Member Coker that the apology from Paul McMahon be accepted. Member Clearwater/Member Coker 2. Declarations of Interest
Part B
There were no declarations of interest recorded.
3. Confirmation of Previous Minutes
Part C
Community Board Resolved SHCB/2016/00005
That the minutes of the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board meeting held on Tuesday, 2 February 2016 be confirmed. Member Coker/Member Mautner 4. Deputations by Appointment
4.1 Sydenham Community Centre
Brian Roberts and Janet Alderton of the Sydenham Community Centre Committee spoke to the Board about the maintenance and repairs that the Committee have carried out over the past five years to refurbish the facility. The Board noted the work accomplished and requested that staff liaise with the Committee regarding options for possible funding of future projects. It was suggested that issues of car parking in the vicinity of the Sydenham Community Centre may be the subject of a future deputation on behalf of the Committee to the Board. The Chairperson thanked Mr Roberts and Ms Alderton for their deputation.

Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board
19 February 2016

Note: A question was raised as to whether Member Tindall was also a member of the committee administering the Sydenham Community Centre. Member Tindall did not clarify whether or not he is a committee member. 4.2 Lighting for the Basketball Court Hoop and Court in Hoon Hay Park
Roy Kenneally, Facilitator of a group of young community members who regularly use the basketball facility at Hoon Hay Park, accompanied by members of the group spoke to the Board regarding their wish to see a light or lights installed to illuminate the popular basketball hoop and half court. The group consists of Michael Pule Crusader Gali, AntonioNu'u, Calan sio, Shaquille Ausage - Bailey, Julander Malo, Pati Ausage - Bailey and Christian Sio. Group members have demonstrated their commitment to the project by fundraising to help with the expected cost. The Chairperson thanked Roy Kenneally, and the group for their deputation. The Board indicated that it was impressed by the initiative shown by these young men and their community spirit. It noted that staff intended to liaise with the group to investigate the proposal. 4.3 Traffic Safety Measures

Mr Peter Reid spoke to the Board seeking the reinstallation of a traffic safety measure (mirror) that enabled those leaving his property on Centaurus Road to check for traffic before exiting. Visibility is severely restricted due to the local geography and contour of the road. Mr Reid said that he and his family depended on the mirror for safety when exiting their property. The Chairperson thanked Mr Reid for his deputation. In response to questions from the Board, the Traffic Engineer who was in attendance commented that current opinion was against the use of mirrors as a safety measure due to their distortion of distance. He considered that there could be different and more effective safety measures put in place. The Board noted that Councillor Scandrett had, in prior similar circumstances, identified that the removal of a safety traffic device (in that instance a mirror on the road) had had to be justified in terms of safety and if not, the device had to be replaced for safety to be maintained. Community Board Resolved SHCB/2016/00006
The Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board decided to request that staff investigate and advise on the replacement of a mirror opposite 339 Centaurus Road as a safety measure including reference to any relevant Council Policy. Member Tindall/Member Coker Carried Unanimously
5. Presentation of Petitions
Part B
There were no petitions for presentation.

Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board
19 February 2016

6. Correspondence

6.1 Friends of Ernle Clark Reserve

The Board received correspondence from the Friends of Ernle regarding the swans in the lake adjacent to the reserve. Community Board Resolved SHCB/2016/00007
The Board decided to request that staff investigate the possibility of an information panel informing the public about the swans in the reserve. Member Mautner/Member Coker 6.2 Lower Cashmere Residents' Association

The Board received tabled correspondence from the Lower Cashmere Residents' Association. Community Board Resolved SHCB/2016/00008
Part B

The Board decided to request that staff meet with Lower Cashmere Residents' Association
representatives and interested Board members to consider the Lower Cashmere Residents'
Association request that no parking lines be installed along Rose Street and at Hoon Hay Road/Rose
Street and Cashmere View/Ashgrove Terrace corners.
Member Scandrett/Member Tindall 6.3 Somerfield Residents' Association

Correspondence was tabled from the Somerfield Residents' Association outlining requests that had arisen from Association meetings. Community Board Resolved SHCB/2016/00009
Part B

The Board received the information and in line with the requests from the Chairperson of the
Somerfield Residents' Association, the Board decided to request that staff investigate:
1. the installation of further yellow no stopping lines on the south eastern side of Somerfield Street near the school crossing to improve visibility, and; 2. the installation of yellow no stopping lines outside the Somerfield Dairy and Hairdresser to improve visibility for turning traffic. Member Mautner/Member Scandrett

Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board
19 February 2016

6.4 Testing Storm Water Drains for Contaminants
Community Board Resolved SHCB/2016/00010
The Board decided to request that staff provide advice on testing stormwater drains (for example on Leitch Street) for contaminants that may be reducing water quality in the Heathcote River, and any schedule of maintenance of open drains. Member Mautner/Member Scandrett Community Board Resolved SHCB/2016/00011
The Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board rreceived the information in the correspondence report dated 19 February 2016. Member Mautner/Member Coker 7. Staff Briefings

7.1 Suburban Parking Policy Project

Nick Lovett, Policy Planner and David Falconer, Senior Policy Planner, Planning and Strategic Transport briefed the Board on the Suburban Parking Policy Project. 7.2 Addington Park Update - Freedom Camping

Fiona Proudfoot, Licensing and Compliance Manager, Regulatory Compliance, and Ian Jackson, Parks Adviser South, briefed the Board on issues with Freedom Camping in Addington Park. Community Board Resolved SHCB/2016/00012
The Board discussed the numerous issues and concerns raised by residents about freedom camping in Addington Park. The Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board decided to ask that there be a temporary closure of Addington Park to Freedom Camping as provided under (Part 10) of the Christchurch City Council Freedom Camping Bylaw. Member Clearwater/Member Scandrett Member Tindall requested that his vote against the motion be recorded

Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board
19 February 2016

The meeting adjourned at 10.04am and resumed at 10.14am. 8. Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board Area Report

8.1 Spreydon/Heathcote Community Plan

The Board decided to hold a Workshop to consider feedback on the draft Community Plan on Tuesday 23 February at 8am. 8.2 Sydenham Cemetery and Somerfield Park

The Board noted the staff responses to questions raised by the Board about trees and drainage issues in and around Sydenham Cemetery and Somerfield Park. Member Clearwater and Member Scandrett left the meeting at 10.41am. 8.3 Edible Canterbury Food Resilience Charter

The Board discussed the invitation to become a signatory to the Edible Canterbury Food Resilience Charter and the staff advice provided on this. Community Board Resolved SHCB/2016/00013
The Spreydon/Healthcote Community Board decided to become a signatory to the Edible Canterbury Food Resilience Charter and approved guidelines for establishing new community gardens. Member Coker/Member Mautner 9. Elected Member Information Exchange
9.1 River Contamination
Helene Mautner advised that a sign indicating that an area of the Heathcote River along Ashgrove Terrace was contaminated was put in place on Sunday 14 February 2016. The Board noted that a recent overflow had elevated the level of contaminants in the Heathcote River and necessitated the erection of public warning notices. The Board further noted that there is a process available for members to be provided with early advice of such situations in the future.

Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board
19 February 2016

9.2 Residents' Associations

The Board noted that a review of the Council's Policy on Residents' Associations is pending. Community Board Resolved SHCB/2016/00014
The Board requested that staff provide an update on the ongoing review of the Council's Residents' Association Policy. Member Potter/Member Coker 9.3 Youth Board

A proposal to establish a Youth Board to provide for the voice of young people on local issues is currently being worked on. 10. Questions Under Standing Orders
Part B
There were no questions under Standing Orders at this meeting.

Meeting concluded at 10.51 am.


Source: http://christchurch.infocouncil.biz/RedirectToDoc.aspx?URL=Open/2016/02/SHCB_20160219_MIN_718.PDF


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